tt ...w I MM ! Tlio Plaindoalor J Tlio riaindoalor DEBT ADVERTISING MEDIUM I'liMlhlml Ktrry M Iy ami Hiurhdsy Alf'ak hihI Mnlu hlteol, HONI.III Hl, OHI dON - UV I II K PlAlNDHUR PUBLISHING COMPANY. MM fff MM'"" LETTEK UEADtf, BILL HEADS, ETC.. ETC., ETC. Eieculod Neatly ami t Living lUtti. Vol. XXVIII. ROSKMJRG, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1897. No. 26. 11 n' Wrftr rr I ihk mm 3 GENERAL DIRECTORY Nl ATK HC Oh KHUN. !il.w. ii. II il. Mt:Urll I'. H.rli-naUirs.. 1 1 hoi. II. lOllglie UungruMUlull. W.K, KUl, lliivurinir. ".'." ,, uUua,j htato Treaaurer 1 , u i,win riiii. iii.trimniii., ! f'i htaio iTlnU r .. v.", i,iuula0 h:Krrl0M !A. II. iiorapaoo I.' a.' Upturn UlPtH ol Hallroad eommlsalon l.ydell Hakal SSI'OrD JUDII'Uk lHTHT. ,,, J.'. ruiiMioD I'KIMM'UlUll Attorney W- K ' ,lC u. Lino orms, soaetio. Hocr.v.r VrfvlSISS ilral.tor vclcn V. I. WgATHSS snaeau. UtMurrct.. ..Thoa. u ni)0 , totnur. rHmaur U"'l .vIlUlKi llvr A W. nfi I. T, Itrlditi. A. M. tlrawtoid (i. W, Piddle i 1l.hliu I12r ;:;:;;::::::::::.;.v.w. . rr.w. &iH.miuu,..r.::::::::: Am-m,t V ' iw: ?; Viuo. 'iiuniUrliiict( m. I. I li"i"r,n ,..r.,ur ....Will I". Iledoo u! r,::r:::r::::v i. k. i. ring Itiwp raauHir t)rrit- J u.tlita HlUalablL'S.. Joint llamlln 11.(1. btocuB MM f auasmao. H)U, A. C. MarsUira tUlKIILMH". il W. DlUard lit Waid . c, w. I'aika III. I'. CtaUlOII Su.l Wai'l jt. Moore I J M.rirlrlit-r srd Ward I win. ivrry ill. i'. Him u in Hh Ward 1 j. c Alain ferut; tv::::::::::::.:::;;:::::v::: - I'Ut'kT ltSll. Ihu I limit ..urtfi.r Douglas :ouut iiimiU ii.i.i, iimt-a a r.f unions: mi ( ounlf I onrv mcrui iu " " 'f'Vr"-' T..i lli lit Monilny "I Juurr. Mrch, Mr. Ju'Ti rv,,..-......! Novrnibcr. A. Oaklmnl. iii-Um i. Eimoo ml W. U hlliuutol Kl.ldl. commiMiii. I ioImui lwl 1 lu ivutuu cviium"""""! nuiiiu. iu.Iki'. V ii I LM. Ililt KUrilU I.DIM.K. s., Iml't Hit ir riRiilnt i uininUuliMou tl IU I ii. y. Imll on Mt'oml bu"! loiirin inuraj l i li iiionili. All mi'iiiiMT rvi-'l l rvKulil , mi'l nil bUiim IiioUhh tw .,,.,. ,,.u.c.f.o;l;.o;!.i,A(Kn.iI,K lll.UMAN MAUK.t, Btvnli). DUl lil.Ai I tll'NCII., NV Jl JK I'- A- M.. Vlo.k III Ilia DM M.nlo Hull. Ulllug LrtillitHMCcoiilull)' iumu J loiilU-iil; UJ. W. rBRV, louucnor. IKM. W. I'UHKV, kvcoriliutl Swivlary. T AUKKI. U)1KI, A. K. A A. JT. HBOULA" 1 mun the -M nu.l tin WoduvwU! la ,.ch muuib. ( R1 K J0JlsuN w. . N. 1 . Jr.wkTI, B'vty. pllll.KTAHlAN LOUOK NO. , I. O. O. P. Ih. lr 1.I1 lu Dil i f ellow lii..l l Umibur. MrolH-r ol h onUr In gmrf un.llii rr liiTll. eatolliiJ. r. W. VANilU-.N.O. V. 0. MliU.I.Hix y. ROHKIIURK l.OIM.K, NO. I, A O. IT. W. mot'U Iho trrnnil ml fourth Mouilayi ol h month m; ..Dp. in. t I1 Tpllowi blL Muinlniolthoortlor In good itauilluf at lu Mlwl to UcuJ. R fcNOI'OST, NO. W. 0. A. H.. MKETS Till Oll Klld HUM IIIUIKIDI Ol l-WH " rOMKS'8 UKUKK OKI'rl NO. 10, UKKIV Brail nl imiu iiiumii iu uioulh. T.oAKMir Al l.lANl K-UckuIm yurUirlf i' Mi:illiii will Im lir Id t Wruo IUU. Kowlnir. Ilio flml Krl.Uy III Dmjmbur, Mrb mid Jiiiu', ul lliu Uilrd KtMy In rkptmnbcf. ROHKHUUO I IIAl'l KK, NO. . O. K. B.,llltT the xioiid ud loiirlU 1 huradayi ol eo mtalh- UEU1.SA HAST, W. l. Ajr-t., Utiowf, bvo y. ROHKDUKU UIV1HION NO 4Tf., 11. Ot U Dii'vla vvury teooiid (lid lourtb btiudaj. ROSKUUUU It. V. 1.0UUK, NO. 41, I. O A). F UK'cUon Tui'mUt uvi-nliiR ol i'h jk l ll,o O.M Kcllow IirII. VUltlug lUtori ud urglhica ro luvllvd to ntUiud. MKP.IT WKi-T, N. 0. AM ATA b.Ul I II, R. Hcc. A1 Ll'llA UIU01C, NO. 4V, K. VJF '.. MKKT8 every wcuiuwiiiy cvcuiun llall. vikiiiiik luiiKuin in awu '"" dUlIyli.vl.cdlo.t.cud. IuljShy t.tCi It. M. CONKUNU, K. U. 8. l'roU'MNluutil cardM, A M. CRAWFORD, Attornoy at Law, lloout MKiktcn UulldluK, . KOblllUKU, 0. Mf-Uiibliuniibcloro tli I'.H. l.ud Office ud munug cruv "iHirliiUy. l.ulo Kccclvcr U. B. Und OIBce. pUbult M. UI10WM. i rid. ru Tutrix. IJIVOWN TU8TIN, Attorueys-at-Luw, Koom 7 uJ H 1 A Wllwm Uloj-'k. KOUS11UHU, OU y u. wiLLia. Attonioy and Cuunwulor at Law, Will Ditello In all tlin couiU uf tb( HUU. ()! C IU VU UUUrt UOUMI, UM VV' A. SE1ILBBEDK, Attorney at Law, lloicburil, Orcu oil. Dill on ovui tbt I'uitottlog oa Jckoo itrcnt. w. W. CAHDWELL, Attornuy at Law, KObKBURU, OHttiON o. V. C0SJ10W, Attorucy-at'Law, uptiial intention kivwu to low luirclul i.uvv and tollcitlon. Oltkuoii J ui k so II bt. iiomtc 1.Ioluui' Uluck. jiosKiU'H'i, ojitao.v. In Mann, uio fin nuihit "a -" - "j i.i Monday i D.ciui,r J. i'. ',ucrt. m ol i.r.iwulliiajail.iury. . . ... 1 ..Mil l.ktf J D. STBATFOIir), - Attorney at Law, Hooini and 4 Taylor 4 Wllaon IIIik k. ItOilKBUKU, OB jyjtnA BROWN, M. D. orriUK, tuyJackwiiHtrival tin Mclipoof tin, . IllrriT. UOriKIIL KH, OK. jTJ U D It AD LEV, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. lirBo lloura, from 12 to 3 r.a. faylor A Wll.oU DH k ttOaKUUKU L. MILLER, M. V., Surgeon and Homoeopathic PhyHician, Hmtrhmry, tryn. tWOarunl dlMM a pwUlty, w ILL. P. IIEYDON, County Hiirvoyur, and Motarjr ubllc. Orrica: InCouitUouM. Ordi-n lor HiirToylnif and Field NoUf uliould bo Mldn-Mod to Will 1'. Ilvydon, Couuly Hnr vayor, Kux burg . Or. strictly First-class. HOTEL. .McCLALLEN. MHB. I) I. MUl.ALLKN. I ri. nrAijUABTWs res travelim eii. KATI'.N HI'.AItONAIII.l'.. Larr, Pino aiulv llooinn. Fn c Una to aud Krom Train. MISS M. U. PORTER, MILLINER, Oak Mirccl, one door Wml Poatonicc. FINE LlfJE OF ffllbLINERy GOODS. I.A1K8T BTVI.KH IN I 'A1TEKN 1 1 ATS. JERRY J. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Jackton street, Tnodooriiioulh ol Muviiui a Hall. KOhtllL'HU All Kcpalrluic cutruatcd to ray care will b I'HOMI'TI.V aud carcfullx done. 1'RK'KS Kt ASON ADI.K. WOODWARD -THE- 'STI ROSEBURG Doea Vi ALL COMPETITORS I Wo are alwayt lo tbe Lead, and mean to keop there. Tha Golden Harvest is upon us, aud farm ers are smiling because Woodward looas to their iutrrrst. HIJOGV lIAItNE&S Full Trlmmod TEAM HARNESS Thcoo are all Leather aud Warranted, SADDLES At Reduced Trices. Consult your porss aud be sure and see Woodward beforo buy lug. W. G. WOODWARD CATARRH LOCALDISEASE and It the result ol oaldt and sudden ollmatlo change.. It cao be Cured by a plaanant rvm.dy wblcb. U applied di rectly Into Ui uoalrll. Lo iagnulckly abaorbedlt gUv itlletal uute, Ely's Cream Balm lasckDowladged to ba ths niot thoroucb cure for Natal Catarrh, told lu Head aud Uay Fvvei ot all reiaedJM. It oi u and clranwa tlio naaal ik.mik'Ki JJaTS llu and lulauuuallon. baln tliuioie, no tactaUia uieuiWaus fmiD cold, rr.toriatliettur.ii ot taata au1 smell. Trie "Or. at IiiUKgiataor by null. $17 DMOTUEHH, S Warrtu blmt, Nw York, Sultan haa Fifty Bctle. "Tim Vumtiiander ol Hj faithful' in ol midJIiuK itature, ratlmr under tlmn uvnr the averaga, aaJ of woukly conoll tutlun. llii couiitaoarica liai no wickml cxiireanlon, 11a la of the Circaaaian tyMt from I lie uiotbcr'a aide, but bearing lliu tnarka of degeneration. The eyea are liaKuard, Ibe forebead InelKiildnant and narrow, tbe ttyebrowa very thick, fortnlnu two ureal area, which coalu:u. Tlio larue noun (JoiiJiDalo the Mhole lliya(2notoy and la ellgbtly Inclined to one Jh at the lower eilreuiiiy. The month ia large, the llpe thick. The aul tan woara hia txtard long, and cara haa eiiflnkled hia hair and bmiril with allvar ithln the laat few yeare. It la a family tradition among tbe beiri rf Oaman to aixiak l a loud voice. Abdul Mamid'e utterance la strident and linerlour. Ii la tha voire of a tnaaler addreating tbuae whom lie ri'Karda ai hia alavea." Kverainco he baa been on the throne Abdul Ilauild baa rarely eoue to bed at night to tie in tha morning iika an or dinary moilal. Heeeldom retirea until dawn, hut riea at M o'clock, having (pent the night hard at work lietoniog to reorlB and oi tending to tbe affaire of Btute. When he haa nothing elae to do, he read l ranch detective aloriea, for he haa an all pervading Idea that conspir acies are being hatcliod against Liin, aod ( his liuia circmuveiiting an Imag inary I'onapiraior. Noliody knowa where ha a ill spend any part of Iho day or uvruiug. Often be entera a building, aud, wbilo the aaotrles at tbo door be lieve that he la insido, be haa gone by a t'ack door and lo eouie other building Moreovi-r, in whatever perl of the pa lac Im may ho, thero ia a permanent survice of surveillance day and nlicht, and be ia constantly accompanied by m gcore of tieraoua, who organl.a a aprcial aervire In tlio building or apartment whuro he hnpiirns to he for the wouieot. Whero the sultan will loji is never known. He ponsrsacs uioro than tifiy ImhIs in the difluroiit parts of tbe palace, aud tbetje bedrooms aro separated from the real nf tho fcdiUce by iron doors and furnlsliud wiib luottt ingenious and com plicated loikn. Two auperb Hi. Per narde alto e!oc outside Ihe door of the apartment in which Hit sultan may be hlreping, for ho knows that four-footed guardians caunot be tampered with, formerly Ihe tnetubera of the Imperial liiirrm ticd to (novo about among the numerous palaces ou tho 15o'loruB, hut Abdul lljiui.l uit u stop to it. The ladloa of tho harem nuvor have the bc-n- lit of a change of air. Their palace is t heir prion, and nowhere does phlbiais claim ao many victims aa ia tbe hsreai ol i ildi -Uotitemporary Hciw. A I'opulUt Financier. Oregon City ICnterprlae: To County Treasuter bhado ia duo the credit tl devif-in a nnw scheme where by the work of hlaolQce ia greatly sim phtled and the danger obviated of getting bis casbjtccouots confused. On coming into, tug; treasurer's olRce-ire found no leas (ban a doan diflerent' funds to ac re unt. for, beriilt'S tbe cash held by him (or the various school districts and incor porated towns within tho county, whose taxes pass through his hands. This multitude of funds was aa a nightmare to our worthy populist treasurer, for with but onn till in tho safe in which to keep his cuhIi, the money belonging to the vntious funds was inextricably mixed and wlipn a person ramo iuto hia oflice to learn as to tho amount of cash there wus in a certain school district, road or town fund, the old gentleman had no end of tro'ihlti and delay in giving an answer, liut Treasurer iSbado was eipial to tho occasion and aurmotibled hia dilli cutties without employing the cumbrous and Intricate methods oi keeping a set of books ae employed by bankers and others who have large sums of money to handle, for he proceeded to procure a supply uf canvas bags and placed with in each the cash ot the fund to which he has as igned it, and when a school clerk came in aod deaired to know how much money there w jh lo thacrudit of hia dis tricts account he had but to bring forth Uio eack and emptying lis contents on tho counter, count the cash and tell in a moment just how much there waa com ing to Hie district. As a result of the in voulivo iron I us of our talented populist treasurer, tho expensive Bet of books w hich tho county bus furnished his oflice is a waete of money, and there is little doubt but when Mr. Shade cornea up for ro-election tho taxpayers of Clackamas county will remember him for his "ecou omy" and "ctliclency" when they come lo cast ttieir voles. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con aumptlon This is the bust medicine in the world lor all forms ol Cotigtia and Colds anil for Consumption Lvery bottle Is guar a n trod. It will euro and uot disappoint It has no equal for Whooping Cough Asibrua. Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron' chitia, La tirippe, Cold in the Head and tnr (Vimiimiil inn. ft ia matt fur nil nirna - - . v . HH.V ,vs . n i plensnnt to take, aud, ubove all, it sure cure. 11 ia always well to take I'r. King's New Life Fills ia conuection tt-itli Me Iflm.'fl nilnun.u lliw ruriilot mill thn arjiiimoli find bowels, We guanintee erfect eatia- lacnou or rot urn niouey. rroe trial hollies ut A. ('. Murstera' Drug Store llogulur eio 60 ceutn and fl. Itrccdcrs, Attention, L will eland my jack, a large-boned, woll-iuudo imiuial aud a notably Hue breeder ut tho following terms: t-'&O, $ 00, und 1 oO. Also my well-known Noriuuu Bullion, a black weighing over ItiOO, ut $.',( 1 bO aud Id. Hutcs: Fair (aka, Mouduya and Tuesdays. Mu' Nabb'a ranch, WoilucaJays. Coles Val ley, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays Oakland, tSitttudaye. II. I). Mklvi.n, Oakland, dr. School Chart for Sale. Tlio teachers anatomical aid, a graphic illustration of humau auatoiuy, liuely engraved platua, inauufaclurad aud pub liabed ly Central School Supply House uf Chicago, liood as now. Cont fi0. Koatiou (or nulling, loo high a grade for our school. Will sell cheap. For fur ther paiticularu aud terms, uddrouu F. M, Stew a it i', Clerk S. I). No. 11:'. Cumutock, Uf. soldilrs' iionn Rll.CS. President Orinsby Replica to Reno Post Committee. Aiuiknti, On., May 1W, Kin roit I'LAiNnaALBH: In your issue ol May 17 appear a second manifesto from a "Committee and Ulnars" of licno Foet, (J. A. It. "To the Grand Army ol tho ltcpuhliu and Fellow Citizens of Or egon." The committeo undertake to an swer some statements made by me in a letter addressed to comradoe of the dif ferent Toots in this department, relative fo certain rules adopted by tlin lioard ol Trustees ol the Oregon Soldiers Home; Firat. I referred in that letter to Sec. 4740 of the Kevieed Htatales but tbe printer made a 0 of my 7 and gave tbe number ae 4'J15. My claim waa thai Bectiou 4745 was not violated by any rule uado by the IJoard and my claim is sustained by the 1'eualoo Baresa to whli n tney leve appealed. Second: That Hie pension ai propria- lion law of contains mMeUitf' ( Ing to any rule for the control of any Soldiers Home. Had they looked al the law for l'J2. "M and 'Ut they might have found aomethiog whicU poMiftly ihey might liave thought aid pertain to Ibis matter. The fact la that the act in quest ion and to which they are referred iy the Tension Bureau in answer to their contention, ia not a genoral act but appears in connection with each general pension appropriation Dill as it is passed from year to year. Third. They quote bee. i', ol the law governing National Homes and then ak ; "la this law that now controls the Na tional Homo similar to rules 13 and 11 ol the Oregon Soidier'a Home which takes iroin the pensioner every dollar of hia money and doea not return one cent?" I can give this committee sonie further points ol dilteretico. Den a soldier en tera a National Home he n made lo ' stand aud deliver'' and thereafter ia not permitted to receive oue dollar of hia pension money from the government. Nor ia tbo governor of the borne required to pay him a cent wbilo he ia a member ol the home. The money ia (aid directly to the governor by tbe gov ernment aud ho has absolute control ol it. "Vented rights" do not seem to woirv lljo managers of the national home ii cur as much as they do this com mittee. Should the pensioner d:o while a memiicr of the home leaving no known heirs Ihe balance of peutnou re maining would undoubtedly escheat to lb home. Fourth. The committee triumphantly ask : "Io Ibis board of trustees and the cititens of Oregon Utliere that the pension is a vested property right'" This board of trustees and the citizens of Oregon In' i ir that it id and Ihey also know w bat this committee seem never to have dis covered, that where a petibiuuer vohiu tut illy places his pension under the con tfol of auoltier after receiving it his vested property rights have not been in terfered with ia any manner whatever. Iifth. Tho Otcgon Soldicra Home ia not a National Homo. The general law nrovidina for its establishment and train- ancc, and tbe rales end ronulatioDS gov erning It differ in bo aerential psrtieular from those ot otber bttia ttomea. Wbeo the board of trustees finally determined to take control of the pensions of its members tbey had before them the rales of several State Homes. After a careful consideration of these rules thoe of the Minnesota home seemed to be fair and just to all concerned, aud tue rules adopted are almost an exact copy of the rulea of tht home, liut it la to be noted that ihe rules of all tbe homes considered aider in but one essential particular the amount of pension money retained by the soldier. Ibis amount ranging from one dollar to six dollars per month. liut the two main provisions of the rules are exactly the tame in ail these homes Tbey are. tirst : the remainder ot pension not retained by the soldier ia paid to his dependent relatives, if he has auy ; and second : if he has no dependent relatives it is retained aa and ret apart for the support ol the home. To illustrate: in 1SU1 there w as paic to tbe pensioners in the Massachusetts Soldiers' Home, be tween 11 and 1:' thousand dollars, of which amount foUOO waa relumed by tbe pensioners or sent to their lamilies and the remainder, over foOOO, went to the support of the home uuder rules precisely similar to our own. Now when Ibis com mittee assert that these rulea ure pecu liar to tbe Oregon Homo auu find no place in other homes they willully mis represent or they are so blinded by pas sion and prejudice aa to be unable to see anv similarity in two things exactly alike in every particular. Sixth. Tbe committee emote the nreBidont of the board aa saying: "They were adopt d by the board because they aro just to the soldier. Many of the pensioners are old and feeble and child ish." I no baud mat penned mat quota tion ia the hand oi a moral coward. Why did he not quote the expression en tire instead of garbling it. Tbe trutli is ho ia afraid to state (acts ; ufraid to lei tbe people of this state kuow the (acts and tho necessity lor tue adoption oi these rules. Seventh. The committee bay Ihey do not believe auy encampment of tho A. K. oyer endorsed these rules. It makes no difference whatever what th committee "believe." Their belief doea not change facts, which ere that inrto successive eucamiunonts ol tlio depart ment ol Minnesota endorsed tho rules by varv larire majorities. ElgLth. The committeo dovole a half column of tho I'laindkalkk to telling their "fellow cotiutrymen how many batlletloldd aro rcprcsnntod by I lie mem berg of tho Home, aud whuio they carried tho llug and with whom they cariied i. etc.. etc. What everybody knew be fore they told it, aud what everyone knowa ia truth every word of it. Hut I submit that all this has nothing w liatev er to do with the matter in question Nor does tho kind of service tbe soldier performed have anything to do with it. Whether ho served as u clerk ut corps headquarter, us a driver tl an uuibu lance or urny wagon, as a ui'.aiioruiuste oi totiiinisuary, a company eo k, or in tho I'utika wilu a musket, the law makes no dittiuctiou whatever. Ihe govern meut ouly asks that tho disabilities for which ho is putieioucd wore iuctirred by actual service aud in lino of duty; aud wbou he eulurs u homo it ia uot for Iho management to lU'iuire how ho oh tained his petition or what ucrvice he performed lo sicuio it ; but eololy to uue to its j'i'it uud proper iliuposal, ho being it ward of tho slate and tho blulo being Luiind by the law to adopt such rules and regulation!) aa shall bobt uccuru his comfort aud welfare. This, tho board of trustees ol the rc,:oii Soldiete Home have uuduavorvd lo do; uud il Ibis torn tnittee think differently it would be well for them to cease their miarepresent.v tions, denunciations, gush an4 growls and take their case to the proper tribunal where it can be permanently settled and whatever the decision mar be tbe board of trustees will most cheerfully acqoieace. H. R. OitMHOT. Steady Buslnese Improvement. A good many people are complaining that business is no better thsn it was before tbe election. There baa certainly been no boom, and men of small means find it about aa difficult to get money aa before; but there ia certainly an im provement In financial conditions, and people with good collateral and gilt edged credit can secure money foe legiti mate operations at a lower rata of inter est than ever known befoie in ttls conn try. If people will exercise a little patience they may yet wltneee a marvelous bust nesa recovery, a -tbe mult ol tbe healthier polilitfcsl aod industrial con ditions brought about by tbe inaugura tion of a republican president and tbe paesaga of a protective tariff. Minneap olis Tribune. A Cure for Huscular Rheumatism. Mrs. It. L. Latnson, of Fsirmoont, Illi nois, says. ''My sister used Chamber laiu'a Fain Balm for mnscolar rheuma tism and il effected a complete cure. I keep it in the bouse at alt times aod have always found it beneficial for acbea nd pains. It is the naickeat cure lor rheumatism, pains and lameness I bave ever seen." For sale by A. C. Mirsters &Co. A Mr lloyt. of Chicago, during tbe last campaign received considerable free advertising, owing to tbe fact tbat be had presented to Mr. liryan a house and lot in Lincoln, Nebraska, valued at some thousands of dollars, with a alight mortgage on it. Mr. will be remembered, waa patriotic enough to re fute the gift aa a personal matter, but turned it over to the national demo cratic committee. Tbe bouse has since been sold, and failod to bring the face of the mortgage, leaving a judgment of ab'jut $100 in the way ef deficiency. Under the silver standardrthe nricee of of tho necessary articlea of food in Japan increased per cent froui 1803 to 18m, wlule tbe increase in wages in tbat time was but 33 per cent. It was thia fact which led the commicsion which consid ered the subject to report in favor of the adoption of the .void standard. Tbe working people of the United blatee, who were urted to adopt free silver last fall upon the assnmplion that it would improve tbeir coddition, siuuid remem ber this. Ex. The republican party does not control tbe senate of tbe United States, and if tbe senate does not make a tariff bill just aa the republicans desire it, the pub lic will understand that the republican pary is not responsible, and mat tne remedy lies In electing republican legis latures which will elect more republican senators. Herald. Manv caseaof "Grippe" have lafely been cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapted to the care of this disease. It acta quickly thus preventing- serious complications and bad effects in which this disease often leaves tbe patient. Maraters' Drug Store. Senator Harris, of Kansas, haa intro duced a bill for Ihe regulation of In!er state Commerce, contemplating tbe changing of the commission, aa now formed, into a court wnu power to act to prevent poolings and combinations to the detriment of tbe people. It una Kru'rataa clia matin thn famona answer to the question: If it were wiae to marry, "You will regret whichever fmt .1.. " Tti An.iatinn til thia fiav '.a asked and answered as in tho daya of tbe great socrates. It ! oiirtirininu what a "wee bit of a thing" can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour siomacu, dizziness, are quickly banished by De- Wirt' I.ittlo Earlv Riser. Small PlI- Safe pill. Marstera' Drug Store. tqulrrel Poison at Manner's. A healthy wo man will always find Love. Health aud FeautT are twins that do not have to seek far or long to find Cupid. It is the woman who suf fers from til-health as a result of weak ness and disease of the distinctly feminine organ- . 1NU. TCUU lltU. loveless and child less life. It is in every woman's power to te ntaitny ana consequently at tractive. The tuaiu-apriuir of woman's na ture ia iu ber distinctly womanly -self. Whan she t uffers in tbat cart of her organ ism, she suffers iu every nerve sad fiber of her body, and her suffering is pictured in her face, and reflected in her disposition and temper. It ia easy for a woman to be well and strong in a womanly way. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription acta directly upon the important and delicate organs that const! (nl,. womanhood, it makes them strong and healthy. It allays inflammation, heals Ulceration, sooines pain uo give, m -tured nerves rest and tone. It prepares for wifehood aud motherhood. Taken during tha -xnectant neriod it banishes tbe uaual j;..nm(.rt. m air oh the comina of babl easy aud painless, and insures the health of the newcomer. Thousands of womeu have aaid so. All good druggists sell it. " Please accept my thank.." writes Mr. Maud rearce, of Htoiitsville, mlrfltld Co., Ohio, "lor Die good your nicdicinca have done me. I. truly believe tnat Ur. Pierce h'avorila Prescription aaved niv lilt. II i a ure and certain cor for ' female trouble..' I am having pericct njaiin Knihinar did me anv aood untif I heard ol you My good health please me aud rles mylius haud. Kvery Invalid Udy ahould laka Doctor leree Favorite necnpiioii wu ui' l.I Discovery.' " ... . One line in a good, practical, home med 1-.I hAnlf mill Hnmetimes save a life. Dr. Tieice's Comuiou Sense Medical Adviser is the best book of thai description published. (Iver a million women own copies auu thousands of them have writteu testifying to its great value. A new edition is ready and will be given away free. If you want a paper -covered copy, send t one -cent stamps, to cover the cpt of mailing vny, to World's Pispeiisaiy Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. For cloth binding, jt stamps. A. SALZMAN. , (Hucccuor to . JA8KCLKK.) Practical : Watchaakcr, : Jeweler : and : Optician. DIALIfl llf.. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND FANCY GOODS. Cilouulno Ilrnzlllan Eyo A COMM.BTB STOCK 09 Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Also Proprietor and Manager of Ronebnrg'i Famous Bargain Store. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, LE A LEU IX STAPLE 1 FEY GMIS ID PR0VI8I0HS FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FULL Ull OF TOBACCO Sc OIQARS. OIVK Ua A TRIAL. FREE DELIVERY... Well, the Girl wants a The Boy wants a And the Mother " wants a HI ItfT "All thcJ i x&Jjj World Loves 1 " a Viimer" ' I M Our 'Ninety Seven W V Complete Line of W I Hlomiairclli arc the g" W I Experience jtf MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. $$ W CE.Ca.GO XXWTOKX lOlTDOlf W Jm, ' Send nine two-cent sumps foe a deck ot Monarch Playing- (tfl . Cards. Illustrtilne Lllllaa Rnasell, Tons Monarch Cooper, kl) Lrc Richardson and WaMer Jonca. Kegular 50c cards. F is5 WE KEEP 'EM.. CHURCHILL, V700LLEY & M1KENZIES Roocburg Hardware Co. fit Needbam 1'iauo & Organ Co, established 1810, have won a uatioual reputa tion for puro and sympathetic tone, quality, delicacy of touch aud reliability of con struction. The Needbam l'iano & Organ Co. possess oue of tho largest piano and organ factories iu the world, equipped with modern uud improve! machinery. This, with abundant capital, able management aud the employment of skilled labor and first-class material, euublos them to produco the beat pianos and organs iu the country, at moderate prices. The Needhatn pianos are now represented at the White House at Washington, as the lion, liarrelt A. llobait, vice-president of tha United huies, is a stock holder iu this couoeru. Capacity of the Needbam factory ia about J.oOO pianofortes a year. . The Nuedhsiu piauos, which are sold all over the I'oited btales by reupousiblu dealers, have gaiueJ a strong hold on the public by tboir attractive appearance, eaculleut lone aud reliable workmanship. The comany aro also uuioug the leading makers of orgaus, aud have a branch in Loudou, Loglaud. Commercial aud tiuaucial stawdiug ol the highest. We are represented iu fcioulheru Oiegon by I'. K. lUCIIAKlJtiON, Iloselurg, Or, 01naiaias and Mpootnolca ALL KINDS Of One Door Booth of P. O. ROSEBl'RO, OREGON, THEY Tease, Tease, Tease. WHAT FOR? Crawford Bicycle, FLAME " 1W 8IL