"J. The Villas Lad at Play. AVliat matter that liis trtiier Ix-tr A pntoh on either knw, Wiit rwii in Lis rjun-l checks glow, Whilo sparkling k'"i ' I'ghl l.tuyh almar A spirit iiliilio mi nl free? Willi K'iiuy laml I e kimi klus iluti To ll a marble tly, latently mans Hie. riiliere'a sw ift II m M Ad1 cbikklfi in his ileO delight When luck approves his eye. No nitrue'iary Biimecter he I li Hi craves a rival's blood ; As mill k to shsro 1m Fortune's smiles As e'er he is to court her ilee A gentlemen in huil. lie has uot heard ihc city's (ar, Insistent voices call ; Yet uot a bird in ikmI or tichl Nests long trout his keeu gaze concealed lis knows ami loves tbciu all. No cares oppress nor sorrows dim The joys his projects brine ; t For alt life Ioor or for a day I'd rather be a boy at play Tban president or a Ling. Frank Tillman, in Chicago Times- Herald. Painful Revelation. There are painful revelatioua in the senate debate upon the Cubau iucs:ioo, -which place Ibis govern men t in a tui tion singularly humiliating. Il aiears that the reports of consuls to the depart Uientof state discover a state uf things in Cuba, resulting from the barbarous policy of Spain, enforced with unfeeling brutality by General Weyler, which calls for instant action by this governuieut to sive American citizens, who have been tripped of their property and driven from their homes, without in any way meriting punishmeut by participating in the rebellion, from death by starvation. Moreover, it appears that this action mast be taken in some timid, secret and indirect msnner, tbat shall give no of fense to the majesty of paiu. The re ports of tbo couosuls mast not be pub lished or, if some 'softened version is given to the puMic, the names of the conenls, and even the places- from which the reports come, must be concealed lest the enraged Spaniards should take revenge for exposure of their barbarous brutality by raobl iug oar consuls. These statements are uot the rabid frotbings of cenators like Morgan and Chandler, but the sober, official report of , acommiiteo of senators lately in coni muoication with the date department. It will amaxe most American citizeub to know tbat there is noway to protect American consols wilbin -MJ miles of our own shores from mobbiog and assassina tion, but to hugger-mugger their reports and conceal their names from tbe wrath of foreigners. In the nauiq of Mara and Neptune, why do we tax oareelrej mill ions ol dollars every year to build pre tentious battle-ships an I maintain gold laced German-leaders in New York, Washington and Newport drawiogrooms, if we are to tremble for the wrath of Spanish mobs when our consuls do their doty, and bide the evidence of their of fense in the archives of tbe stale depart meot, as if they were peccant echoolboys fleeing tbe birch? II American citizens without lauit are oppressed and driven to destitution in Cuba., we should, if we do anything, do what we did when American commerce was obstructed io Rio harbor. We should send our fleets to tneir relief, Are we atraia ot war; lae learot war breeds war, or worse humiliation. We bowed no fear of war in Kio harbor, and war did not come It is a shameful thing tbat we pack .South American har bors with warships to bully feeble re publics at tbe first bint of revolntiooary disturbance, bat dared uot offend tbe decayed msjesty of hpain with a single gunboat when Spanish brutality is starv ing American citisens, and Spanish in solence is threatening American coosuls with riot and aaiateination. It is our shriokiog before tbe threat of war that will lead us into a position where war is inevitable, when a bolder attitude would avert the danger by removiog tbe came. If we have not the resolution to relieve American citizens and protect American consuls in Cuba wiln tbe strong arm, we should do just nothing at all. Craven silence is better than idle boasting, and inaction is better tbau weak futilities. Tbe plan proposed by the president is humanely conceived, but it is deliberate and material aid 4or the Spanish pio gramme of conquest and subjection of Cuba. Io his policy of starving out the insurrection by reducing the island to a desert, General Weyler has diiven all the inhabitants from liioir plantations and small farms into the gatrisoued vil lages, where they have no meaus to sup port life. In common humanity ho is bound to keep them from etarving, or abandon the policy, Fur the United States to relieve him of tbis obligation as to American citizens is to furnish Hpain means to carry uu tlio war and to aid in tbo subjection of the inland. We might as well appropriate 00 ,000 to put down the Cuban rebellion and Bend the money to Uencrsl Wejler. It is no wonder the b'panish minister accepts and approves the president's plan. Ore goniau. NOTES OP INTtlRCST. Ex-President Harrison is now the only survivor of the remarkable group of statesman and political leaders promiu ' nentin Indiana aud national politics since the war. The others were Senator Oliver P, Morton, Governor Vortcr, (Sec retary of State Urcsham, iovcrnor Gray, Senator McDowell, Senator Voorbec end Vice-President Hendricks. If you have ever scuu a child iu the agony of croup, you cau appreciate the gratitude of the mothers who know that Due Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as tjuickly as it is admin istered. ' Many homos in this city are eew without It. ; Marnier' lrug Ntorr, f)tUlrr! Polseu Ml Mttrater'f. A Haltman. Ih reliable jo Hit. ftjlid silver novelties at SaUmau'e. J.T. Uryan, the Dusy Watchmaker. io to the Koeeleaf for the I test cigars. For a good 5-vent cigar call on Mrs.N. Iloyd. County claims and warrants Kughl by D. S. West. For tifot-claiw deutislry go to IT. Little of Oakland. H. W. Ik'ojauiin, dentiot, room 1, Mnretcrs' block. , Key West, imported and domestic cigars at the Koeeleaf. 1. S. West dure insnimire. OHW op posite the post office. lioods below cot nl CaroV Now Is the time for bargain. Nobby suite and latest styles at. Little Jack's. Prices very low. All styles and qualities of hats at Abra ham's Bedrock price. Nothing but the beet uiateii.il used by It. W. Benjamin, dentist. Koow 1 Marsters' block. Have your dental work dune by K. W, lenjamin, dentist. All Work guaran teed nrst-class. At Oakland, T. 1.. Graves is authorised to receive and receipt for subscriptions to tbe Plain dkalkr. Do yon want a tKxl strawberry plant? Call around to this oUice and tind out where to get some. For a good hat, s'ylUh ind cheap, call on Wolleutcrg A- Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades of bead gear. Now is the tiiuo to spray your trees. Buy the Combioalioiiprayer and save time and money. W. li. Gordon, agent. Bring your job work to the Plaimkal kK otbee. We are prepared to do the cheapest aud Ut work south of Port laud. Wolleuberg A Abraham of the Square Deal More are now receiving a nice lot of spring goods. Latest styles and low est prices. Parties desiring family rewiog done would do well to call ou Miss Fannie McKean, 4-1 Main street. Will sew for 7i ceuts per day. The Square Deal store has just opened up a Leantilul hue of . 1.. Douglas shoes, which prove toie the best' eboe uiaile. Come and mspect them. To Kt.sr A. ti to room cottaiw. rent cli?ap. near Washington street, west side of railroad track. Eouurre at tOi Washington street. a 15 tf . One minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure doee what its name implies. Marsters' Drug Store. Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup tions, barns and scalds are soothed at once ana promptly uealeU bv DeWitt s Witch Hazel alve, the beet known cure for piles. Marsters' Drug Store. Good pasturage furnished at my pas tures on Roberts creek. Charges reason able. All stock at owner's risk. The beet of enre will be given to all stock en trusted to my charge. J. M. N II MtUi. They arc so small that the most sen- eativc persons take them, they are so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to mem. lbat is why DeWitt s Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. Marsters' Drug istore. lVuM'tALEi! and Planter is a little alliterative, but- sometimes by "apt al literation's artful aid" you cau catch the public eye and engage the public at tention. The Webfoot Planter is clubbed with the I'lalndkalek and tbe two papers will be furnished to all cash subscribers ot the latter without extra charge. Notice is hereby given to the public oy tne nnaersigneu mat I uo not allot dead animals to be hurried on my prem isee, at Roeebnfg, Oregon, or garbage cum pea tnereon or eana or gravel taken therefrom, unless tbe party taking sand or gravel first contract wild me for the right to do so. .tresspassers wilt be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aaku.n Rose, Roseburg, Oregon, March 17ib, 185 The daylight ride along the Columbia cannot be but Interesting at this time of tbe year. Passengers taking the Spo kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at :':wp. m. uaiiy, jjer tois vuw lasting over Live nours. dj mat is not all. The O. K. &, N. give through service to epokane, ana a direct connection with t'te train from Spokane to Kootenai country. Palace sleeper and modern coaches operated daily without change. iraveiers To Spokane, To Rceelaod, To Pa loose Tow ns, To Coeur d'Alene Towns, To all Eastern Washington Points. To all Northern Idaho Points, Take tbe O. it. V N. Spokane Flyer, And Save Time. Leave union uepoi uaiiy at p. m , C. London, Agent, Roeeburg, Oiegou Competition never worries us, because we "ouy right" nence "sell right ine tacts are tnese; every move in our business is only made after the ruost careful consideration, nothing left to chance, hhoes have advanced m price but not with us. We sell you a good oil grain shoe for $1.25 aud upwards, tine shoes in proportion. If you doubt us come and see us, convince yourself that we have what we advertise. We dou't care to do all the business in town, but waut to get a s'are of it. We lirmly believe that a concern that gives its customers exceptionally good values in every instance is bound to go ahead year ny year, in is idea prevails throughout our entire business. F.very dollars worth of goods uiuot give the wearer satisfaction, even tne all wool absolutely last color fs.UO suits. J. A huah.vm'o Clothing House The Retreat from ,1-plrw. Tho correspondent of the London Daily News at Palms describing tho last retreat iu 1 '.pirns, with vepociul retsrouco to the experience of tho Pot car ie column at Preveea says ; Ono commander coiumiltrd tho wis Uke of informing his weary, hungry aud rain-soaked ; troop that they must re trvat. There w as a narrow escape from a pauic. The uieu retreated with fair order to the shore, w lib the eiceptlou ol 1M, who had apparently not been warned, and wore therefore either killed or taken prisoners. At the shore, however, a genuine pauic ensued. The J urka wero slill quiet, but the Greeks, finding uo boats, fell tuto despair and dually started io wade across the arm of the sea dividing them from Greek territory. It was a two and a halt hour job, the ineu flouudortug ' breast high iu the water. Wheu dawn broke the Turks discovered what had hap pened, aud began to shell the group of waders, whose position became most dis tressing. Many of thsiu were drowned, some falliug wouuded or stumbling out ot their depth. The condition of the tone when it finally reached a place of safoty was in the last degree lamentable. The total loss of the Epirui army dur iug the day's fighting was killed, 16M0 wouuded or missing, muuy of the latter of whom must be accounted for. Women arc Seldom Thieves. ."-OHIO one who hs made a careful 6tudy of the matter has decided that wgaicu are much less inclined to com mit theft than are meu. In Europe es pecially this is made evident, for wuineu aro there given positions as cashiers and custodians cf wealth more than tkey are here. The situation, however, in which woiiiin's houesty is put to tbe greatest test is iu domestics. The carelessness with which choice bric-a-brac is en trusted to - their care is everywhere ap parent, aud the universal habit of mis Ireeses leaving their jewelry and dainty articles of personal adornment scattered over the whole house in the mcsl care less manner is oll'ering a terrible temp tation to the maids. Dainty laces aud bits of gold aud jewels appeal to the feminine heart as much as auythiug else in the world, and it is a fine proof of woman's secse of honor that ebe so rarely succumbs to the temptation. In fac', iu thoee iotnoce where maids have been known to appropriate their mistress' possession!, it lias generally been fouud that some man onteideihe house has urged her to make the desper ate attempt. The New Bachelor. Northern Pacific Change. Ihe Northern Pacific railroad will make the following lime card for its train leaving rortiand daily, beginning en Sunday the 25th iust. Leaves Portland at 11 a. in., i acorns 5 p. m., Scattlo 1 p m., Llleusburg lu:10 p. in., Pasco 1:00 a. ui. Arrives at bpokane at 0 :5U a. in Minneapolis i;05 p. m. and St. Paul at 4:10 p. iu. The new card will enable passengers to make close connections at hpokane with the Snokane Falls and Northern for the mines. I'or further particulars see D. S. K. Bui ft. Local Agent No. Mareters buildin. To the Public. Ou aud after this date. 1 wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash w ith the order. I liud it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons aud myself by selling strictly for cash. P. Bsnkdick, Undertaker, Kouebtirg, Ore., April 12, 18U5. Oregon Fire Relief Association. Cheapest and best insurance ou earth, al coat, or 18' ceuts per hundred, iiesi deut property, a specialty. H. L, Marstkks, Agent, Slowly he disrobed, placed bis bloom ers on a convenient chair, did up his whiskers, and prepared to retirs for the night. Tbe final duties accom('isbed, he bent fearfully down, and peered un der the bed. Then, with a sigh of re lief be arose from his uncomfortable po sition. , "inanic heaven tbere is no woman there!" he murmured, as he sat down on the edge of the bod, and daintily scratched the back of bis neck. "Supposing there had been?" he con tinued, suddenly. "Would I have screamed? Would I?" For a moment he paused. "Not on your natural, I wouldn't!" he then exclaimed. "I would have laesoed her and tied her to tbe cheffonier ! But she will never come! Never. Never! Ad throwing Limseti, with a moan on the bed, the new bachelor fell into litful, sobbing slumber. St. Louis Post Dispatch. It is related that Jay Gould, in pinch ing poverty and distress from ant, re cently met George W. Childa walking among the shades in tbat hidden and mysterious realm-frotn which even re porters seldom return, and asked the philanthropist how be was able to bring so much from earth. To the question Childs is said to have responded, "I have brought nothing with me here that I bad not freely given away during my life there." Tho shah of Persia bas a weakness for cucumbers, which are a great luxury in the Last. On one occasion a large dish ful had been placed before him, and the eiectant courtiers were looking torward to a good feast when their master had finished. One by one, however, the vegetables disappeared, und after his majesty had demolished over a dozen he proceeded to place the remainder iu his pockets, and then left the table. A special to tbe St. Louis Republic from New Orleans says: It is thought there will be no further damage done by the overflow. The losses io Louisiana are estimated at 1,760,000; in Mississip pi, 48,5UO,OU0 ; and in Arkansas, atfl. .'30,000, or a total of 14,500,000; uot ai serious a loss as in many previous years of overflow, when tbe river was not nearly as high as it is now. The other day a gcutlemau accosted a young man silting next to him iu a New York street-car, aud asked biui to loan blm a nickel to pay bis fair. The young man scanned the stranger aud then handed him the money. Then the re- recii i "t hauded the young aiau his caul, it bore the name and address of John D. Rockefeller. It is now proposed to authorise past- masters aud deputies to open letters on which no postage stamp has been placed, to learn tbe name of the writer and avoid sending it to the dead letter office. It all who write would have their names and addresses printed on the envelopes, as tequested by the department, no such trouble would result. ros. I'bAUtiii IN AM MAM FA II HI If tr BOOTS AND SHOES. ImiicsI line of goods ever brought to Roschuig. Prices to suit the times. Parrott Building, Jackson Street, ROSl:BURG. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES COUNTRY PRODUCIJ B0C0J1T AND 50LD ft Depot Grocery Give us a call. Goods delivered to suy part of the City In short order. Corner Lauo A Sheridan Streets, KOSKBUKU. OREGON. ZIGLER BROS WANTED : $ i o ,o o o $ 1 8 , o o o WORTH Ol3 riERCHANDISl; Which wo have ic'civetl on consignment from the receiver of one of tho largest houses iu San Francisco. NEW $ PURNIT U RE ! g CARPETS 3 1 us MATTINGS jg r ill 111 P ji S CURTAINS in II AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS 3 Alexander '& Strong s & MOMIvlll'MU, UHI.UUM, V WOLLENBERG & ABRAHAM'S tewtes E. K. Turner of Com t) ton, Mo., writes s thst sfter suffering from piles for seveutoeu years, be completely cured theui by usiuu three boxes of I 'e Witt's Wdich lla.el r-alv. It cures eciouia ud severe sklu diseases. Maiolers' Drug Btore, SttUAKK DKAfr STOKK. SPRING STOCK! Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Cloaks, Capes, Wrups, Curtains, - Iu short, our shelves are filled with au excellent btock suited to all tastes aud to meet all requirements. Our motto is : "A Squark Dkal." Corner Oak aud JackNOU NtrcclM. WOLLEMBERG d ABRAHAM. WHEN SENT TO MRS. BOYD'S !3l WANT YOU TO o ffl 2 m (j()L ligest Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds. l lucst r.lae of TKAH Iu the City. I'iIc . li I t'M..X' p r ini'l. Crockery, Glass and Delfware, Tobacco and Cigars, Toys, Notions and Taney Goods. Real Estate Bought and Sold uw jJAStJajcmai Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE I'OSShBblON GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds aud Miuiuir Properties, Prune and Hop Xand3 of best quality, iu choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable rices and easy terras. Inquire of D. S. K. BXJIOK, These uods have been scnl us to dispose of at 6o c'Cllttt on the dollar, which is less than cost of manufacture, and bciuij sold iu connection with our complete stock at ab solute ocst. Note the PollowinK AstonMiiny: Bargains I All Woolen Dress Goods, 6 inches ( n M . wide, Latest Styles . 5 PCt yntd Ladies' aud Gents' Mackintoshes Por Half Price Z2-Our Loss is Your Gain., eh- Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Reduced to Piiccs to Suit the Times. Our Goods are all of the Latent Styles. No shelf-worn floods on hand. Never has there been such a Slaughter of Prices. Call early and be convinced. CARO BROS. ? THE BOSS STORE. U CJ T S 0 S3 VfV ! V-V Ou r ! 'r t V SJ O CI 5 his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full ami complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Kvcrythiug offered lor sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of eauued goods, including both fruit:, aud vegetables, to which we. invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gheikiu.s, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. J C. VV. PARKS & CO., Grocers. I Leii a"ft" t ClT. J-.dJl i Jt i-i: ,ii,iMitii i: d Itl'M tali ..lii-4 0 V. A. C. MARSTERS & Co "Weill Paper. AChoiceXolletlloii,"atl'rites that Sell. LIME PLASTER AND CEMENT. A FULL LIME OF WINDOW GLASS ALL ORDCRS PROMPTLY f'lLLLD. WYLIE PILKINCTOIN, IHucct'itNor to O. W. NOAH, General Blacksmithing1 IIOHNKNIMirillKil. I ROHTNO AND RUNNING PLATE'S A SPECIALTY, UKI'AIUINU UK ALL KINIM I'UOMITbY UONK. Bbopjuu Comer WiihIiIiikIuii and ILauc HtM., IIoniImiik. ROSEBURC Marble and Granite Works. B .If. ACHISON 4 CO., Projrt l)clorlu all kinds uf Alurbie urn I (Iranlte NoiiiimciitH ami llcatlsfoncN, Portland Cement Curbing fur (Jnn0r.v I.iiIk, istiuiatcs iMitnishcd n all kinds of Centcteiy Woik Ufflcc aud Malearvom. u ok atirrrt.