The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 24, 1897, Image 2

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Publkbcd Monday and Tlmrmlaj a.
ft V Tlta 1't.tlNHKAI.KR rCBMMIINU d.
V. Ill .NJANI,... ..
K.I I lor.
lino Veat
till Hotilhi
Thra Month
..?'.' IW
.. 1 00
MAY 24. 1817
Tha official call is issued for the meet
log of tbe trans-Mississippi Commercial
Congress at bait lke in July next.
Tbis will be tbe uinth session of tbe
coogreM. Once before it was belJ at
Salt Lake aod once at San Frauritco.
It baa been the writer's privilege t0 l"
lend a couple of tbese conventions.
Thsy aro beld for tbe purpose cf consid
ering and discussion questions of inter
est to tbo region west of tbe Mississippi
river, but hitherto the silver cpiesiiou
has raonopolued tbe lion's than, of tbe
attention of tbe congress. At San Fran
cisco three years ago a resolution taking
ground in opposition to tbe free coinage
idea was not even permitted to occupy
tbe attention of tbe assemblage scarcely
long enough to be read. It was prompt
ly Ubled, sjt down upon, ye. spat on.
Last year the convention was held at
Omaba, and the slates between the
Mississippi and tbe Rocky Mountain's
were well represented, consequently
there was a strong auti-froe silver con
tingent. Still it seemed that the ooe ob
ject of tbe gathering was for the purpose
of inducing congress to enact a free coin
age law. That question has since been
fought out before the people, and the
president of tbe congress was tbe candi
date of the silver forces for .the presi
dency. The result is fresh in tbe minds
of the people. In the call for tbe com
ing session the committee states tbat
local or political -questions are not to be
discussed. A list; of subjects is given
aud "UnwUlism'' is not of the number.
This is taking a. mean advantage of tbe
presiding officer, who is quite a talker,
but who persistently refuses to talk on
any other, subject than "bimetalism."
Tbe congress is . usually attended by
wide-awake business men, and if it can
once get its attention centered on sub
jects other than tbe free coinage of sil
ver, the national congress may pay seme
attention to its resolutions. The Nica
ragaa canal, irrigation, immigration,
Japanese competition, public lands, beet
culture, forfet preservation, improve
ment of waterways and kindred sub
jects, are of more pressing and lasting
consequence than a discussion of tbe
Bryan idea of bimetalism.
Our secretary of eta'e bevJs a com
mittee of Eugene citiicans who are to
welcome Hon. W. J. Bryan to tbe state
and get, if possible, a speech at Eugene,
Mr. Bryan is a private citizen, going
about tbe country pleaching doctrines
directly opposed to those advocated by
tbe republican j arty, of which Mr. Kin
caid professes to be a member. By aid
ing and abetting tbe advocates of repudi
ation and fiatism, be is contributing to
tbe orertbrow of the party that made
him wbat he is, aud is tbe only party
today tbat stands for good government,
for tbe best interests of all tbe people.
Mr. Kincaid is evidently boding bis
level aod will soon be, in act as well as
in sympathy, with the Holers aud the
Coopers, in the camp of the malcon
tents. Tbe annexation of tho Hawaiian
Islands may be brought about in an un
expected way. Japan will demand dam
ages from Hawaii for tbo refusal of the
latter to permit the lauding of certain
Japanese immigrants, aud Japan, it is
said, will not submit to arbitration in tbe
premises. If tbe Japs declare war we
ebalt have to take up tbo cause of tbe
Kanakas and take the islands as our pay.
uoou crops ana goou prices tins year
will knock populism higher than Uilde
roy s iiie. itiai conglomeration can
only thrive on calamity aud disaster
Its existence will he ephemeral, aod be
fore long things political will settle down
to tbe old contest between the democrats
and republicans aud protection and
tariff for revenue, alias free trade, will
be tbe issues.
Tbe roving commission of bimetalist
have arrived in Paris. Ths dispatches
etate that Franco will not taka tho in
itiative in tbe calling of an international
bimetallic convention but may follow the
lead of any other natiou, It is difficult
tote where that other nation is to be
found, U it Is to be a couutry of count
quoooe ouUiide of tbe I'uited Stales.
Tbe poraibilitiea of tbe Chinese empire
are atupendouf, and once tbe resources
of tbat vast region are opened up to tbe
influences of modern civilisation, irreat
results may bo eiected. Tbe locomo
tive builders and skilled artisans of tbe
I'ulttJ Wales bad better deep au eye uu
tiiat field.
The elate normal school at Weston
and H. Mary's Home near Hcaverton
each during the past tew days have pre
sented claims for filing to the secretary
of state. That official refuse" to reog
nie them or even file Ihoir claims. Tho
Mat schools ate managed by
boards of rcgeuls provide ! for by law
and it is a question whether or not the
Statu is not responsible . for debts cou
trai ld by these boards, even if there is
no secitic appropriation. The St.
Mary's home is not in any way a slate
institution. An appropriation therefore
is simply a gift aud it lias no claim
agAlusl the Jtate; but it seems that it or
any society or any individual 'should
have tbe right to "tile" a chtim tb:t tbo
legislature might consider it. Tho sim
ple "filing" of a claim would not be
auditing, or allowing, or rnyii'g it- You
might as well deny the people the right
of petition. Our secretary is altogether
too tealous, but bis attention cannot lie
attracted to iSec. 1, article XIII, of tbe
constitution that prohibits tbo princely
emoluments taken from tbo people aud
pocketed by the secretary of stale. His
conscientious scruples do not extend
tbat far.
Tbe Eugene Journal and the Salem
Journal, which seems to be in the you
tickle-me-I-ticklc-you business, are tu
deavoring to create the impression that
should the suits against the secretary to
compel him to issue warrants for state
expensts expressly authorized by law
be successful, theu cu'.is will have to
commenced against tbe state treasurer to
compel payment. Such is not the in
tention or expectation. If the warrants
are issued they will command their face
at the banks and there will be uo need
to mandamus tbe treasurer. All that
holders of warrants will want is their
money, and when that is obtainable fur
ther occasiou for mandamus proceedings
will lease. Let the people know tbe
truth aud all the truth. It is tbeirs
The Marion county populists have d
cided to maintaiu the party organization
but tbe Polk couuty committee was'
little more plain spoken. It opposed
fusion aud refused to send delegates to
CaJ. Cooper's reform convention which
is called to meet at Albany on June
It is beginning to dawn opcu tbe popu
list s miiiU tbat be bai every tbirjL' to
lose and nothing to gain by fusion wi'h
the odds and ends composed for the most
part of wily politicians who have been
turned down by their party or tho pco
pie and through fusion seek a new
of political life.
This is not a good time to declare who
shall "walk the plana" politically speak
ing. hen tbe time comes the "other
fellers" may have possession of tbe
plank and be in position to Ray who
shall do tbe walking. Better bury your
differences and stand together for the
common good. Parties should be greater
than individual members, and its sue
cess snould not be jeopardised by petty
ine recognition of a state of war in
Cuba by the I'nited States senate will
give tbe Cubans courage, if nothin
more- Public eentiment in this country
has long been io favor of "Cuba Libre"
and tbe senate has simply rrade official
record of tbat sentiment:
The Spanish minister at Washington
Dupuy d'Lome, has expressed himself as
satisfied with tbe wording of President
McKinley's message on the Cuban qnes
tion. It is well to be satisfied with
what we yet, e'speciallv when we know
we can't get any better.
.Minister De Lome Las let tbe cat out
of the bag, and shown in a public slate
ment that tlie sympathies of tbe Cleve
land administration was against ttie pa1
tnots of Cuba who were struggling to
throw off the Spanish yoke. It will be
different now.
Because Mr. Huotiog'ou took a trip
over tbe lines of tbe O. C. and E. it will
be io order for rumor to say tbo South
ern 1 acme has acquired or is about to
acquire that property.
n I t . . . m ...
ineeuuoiine urcco-rurkieu war is
in sight. All that remains is the ar
rangemeiit of tbo details. It was the
shortest war in history and as decisive.
lbe two populist papers of Albauy,
like tbe two of like faith io Jackson
county, are having a monkey and parrott
of a time. Well, its their scrap.
The total indebtedness of Eugene City
Oscar Wilde has served his seuteuce in
prison aud is released.
Ihe Cubans have raised a loan of
3,W0,UUd in New York.
The number of Americans in need of
relief in Cuba is said to be I'MO.
General Miles his been ordered to be
in London June 15 to represent the
United States at tbe (Queen's jubilee.
The woolen mill of Oreiron ara said La
have a good run of business just at 'pres
ent and are employed to their full ca
Grasshoppers are making their ap
pearance in vabt numbers in Eastern
WaBiiink-ton. aud fears are entertained
for the- crops.
The increase of iJennv nheaaiiiita will
be large ia tbe Willamette valley coun
ties this year. The conditions have
been very favorable.
General kosturo K rib tog. the chief of
lbe Cretan insurgents, is 100 vears of
age, and is said to have the tire aud en
thusiasm of a youth of .0.
Iteireuenlative Toiil'uo trut a burnt.
from a cable car in Washington the
oiueraayano is laid up lor repairs.
Ilia injuries are not serious.
Kx Kepreseutative Nuiith, editor ol
the Albauy Silver Imprint, says he is
"a biuion puie populist," whereupon
fellow pop editor suggeits that Hmitb
have a tag attached to bis ear as follows:
"17,'iOf $ 1 am a IVpulit. f,M."
It surprise) nobohy to be informed
that Master Mitchell Is strewing broken
slast and inverted tacks in tho path of
Master Corlxlt bicycleTelegram.
The body of W. S. l.add, stolon from
tbe grave at Kivcrrio cemetery last
week, was found near Oregon City, and
the ghouls w ho robbed the tomb are in
A log was sawed in a Taeount mill tho
other Jay tbat scaled over 10,000 feet.
It was o0 feet long, nino feet thick at
one end and six and a half feet at the
Itioling is atfaiu Ihe order ul Mome
nt end. Pa. About M) Idle lueu attacked
the shanties of some Italians who had
lHfn brought in to work on a street
If a woman were to caiouse around
until 3 o'clock in the morning and got
home drunk Ihe whole towu would talk
about it. But b wasu't a woman.
A man over ou tbo Yaquina thinks he
ia on the trail of some treasure buried
in tbe mud at low lido by pirates years
ats-n. It is reported that he baa found
tbe w itness trees tbat indicate the posi
tion of tbo treasure box.
Judire J. K. Brysou ot Corvallis, who
bad been ill for some tlmo, went East
a short time ago for medical treatment.
A surgical operation was performed aud
he never recovered, the judge was well
and favorably knowu in this district and
in tbe state.
Governor 1-ord has appointed I. P.
Thompson, of Portland, ex-minister to
Turkey, a member of the boa id of re
gents of tbe state university, Io till the
vacancy caused by the death of L. L.
McArtbur. Mr. Tbompsou lias bad a
good deal of experience in school matters
and should make a good regent.
The government supply of sugar-boet
seed is exhausted. As 10,000 pounds
have been distributed to farmers in four
fifths of the states of the I'niou, it may
be assumed that tho supply held out
long enough to form the basis of a test
as to whether this may be developed in
to a beet-sugar country, or not. Oregon
i.m. Tuo memory of John A. Logan, soldier
and statesman, will be honored by
Cbicagoaus July 2'J. This dato has been
selected by tbe commissioners in chame
of the Login monument for tbe unveil
ing of the statue of tbo great soldier.
Tbe site for tbe monuuieul selected by
Mrs. Logan is at tbe foot of Eldredge
court, on tbe lako front, and the master
piece of H. Gaudens, the sculptor, will
be shipped from New York as soon as
the foundation is ready.
New Discovery.
On the first of the present week Geo.
McDougall. Wallie Mahoney, T. G. Iiuth
and .Mark Holmes located each a claim
on a ledge one-fourth mile east of Scott's
Valley saw mill on Elk creek, Douglas
couuty. There are tbree distinct ledges,
running parallel, and covered by the one
location. The main ledge is 10 feet wide,
and the assays ruu from fl.T'J to
per ton iu gold with two ounces in silver.
The discovery was made by Mr. Mo
Dougall. The ledges aro fold-spar tish
uree in diorite and sandstone formation
For convenience in operation there could
be found no belter location. Within
five miles of a railroad station, surround
ed by an abundance of wood, with splen
did water facilities, and on tbe border of
a line agricultural district, and a climate
wnere work could bo carried on tbe year
round. Such evironuieuts are almost
too good yet such are the conditions in
lact. me rooys nave already received a
proposition to bond, which they will ac
cept or push development themselves.
Oakland Gazette.
Yaquina Bay Improvement.
lue uregon delegation is impression
upon the engineering department the
necessity of continuing the improvement
at laqmnabay. Xbo engineers, how
ever, are seemingly opposed to the idea.
(Jongrese has aui bonded, though
it has
not directed, tbe department to let aeon-
tract lor ttie completion ot tlie work at a
cost not exceeding one million dollars,
Tbe entire Oregon delegation is besiee
ing the department to let the coutract.
Uoneressman lonzue baa been partic
ulariy active in this matter, and says:
I can scarcely see wbat ngbt the en inn
eering department has to refuse to car
ry out tde legislation adopted by con
grees and signed by tbe preeident." Tbe
completion of tbe O. C. &. E. K. K.
across ttie state, win depend upon ttie
further improvement of the harbor at
Yaquina. Corvallis Gazette.
A Cure for fluscular Rheumatism.
Mrs. K. L. Lamson, of Fairuiount, Illi
nois, says: "My siBter used fJbauiber
laiu's Pain Balm for muecular rneuma-
tism and it effected a complete cure. I
keep it in Ihe bouse at all times and
have always found it beneficial for aches
and pains. It is the quickest cure lor
rheumatism, pains and lameness I have
ever seen." ror aale by A. C. Marsters
& Co.
rrusscs, u lull line
ul MarHlcrH.'
For every quarter in a man's Docket
mere are a Uo.en uses; and to use eacu
one iu such a way as to derive the great
eat Ijeoeiit is a question everyone must
solve for himself. We believe, however,
tbat no better use could be made of one
ol thoso garters than to exchange jt for
a l...itl . f i'Un,u,i.; T vii.. B4 -ii. .
and Diarrhoea Kemedy, a medicine that
every family should be provided w ith.
rn:i t. .:..i.t-i;r.:r.r . ":l:t"
ror tale by A. (J. Marstors & Co.
1 luc Hue of Hhoulder brace.
Iiupruc-f1 patieruH. at Marater',
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
couuty clerk of iJounlas ct-uuty, Oregon,
until Vi o'clock id. on the Uth day of
Jul.;, 1807, aod then publicly opened, for
Che consideration of a steel laltico jail
ell, to connect with colt now in tho
jail a-. 1 enclosing the entire space within
ou' ' a ol the wall, in accordance with
pla d, drawings and specifications on
file, l'.'ach proosal must be accowpau
ied by a certilied check of 5 per cent, of
the uuiouut of the proposal. A bond
will be required of the succesrful bidder.
Tbo right is rcscrtel to it-ject any or all
bids as the interest of tho county may
Kobtiiiiii., dr., April Oth, lyy7.
County Judge,
To tho Ladies of Koseburg and vicinity ;
Lall ou Laro tiros, and uecure greatur
bargains in novelties and all hues of
goods lhau al any olher Iiuuhh in the
Lily, Ihev have the good, aud the
lowest prices.
War Exists In Cuba.
W.XMiiN'vrox, May tO T he long and
exciting dubato on tho joint resolution
recognising a state of war In Cuba and
declaring that strict neutislily shall ho
maintained by the I'nited Stales, was
ended when tho resolution imssod the
senate by the decisive vote of ill to 14 at
a lato hour this afternoon. The an
nouncement of tho vole wn received
with tumultuous applause, which diovt
from llawley au emphatic protest against
'mob demonstration." 'Ihe resolution
as passed ia as follows :
"Kesolved, etc., That u condition el
public war exists betwecu tho govern
ment ol Spain and the government pro
claimed and for some time maintained
by force of arms bv tho people of Cuba,
and that tho I'nited Slates ot America
shall maintain a stri t neiil.allly U
twoen tbe contending arliea, according
to each ami all the rights of belligerency
in ,llio porta and the territory of tho
United Slatee."
The vote on the II mil passage of the
resolution was:
Ak 11.
Berry, .
Harris t Kansas),
Jones (Ark.),
I 'a sco.
NOI.S- 1 I.
A Good Run.
Amouia, May -0. Commeuciug lust
night, there has been a marked improve
ment in the run of salmon, For tbe first
timo this seasou, lbe boats leturued to
tbe several canneries loaded with tish,
many of ihe boats turning iu a tou aud
more a piece. The lish are of excellent
quality, aod it Is now felt tbat more than
an average pack for the season is well
Tbero has been uo lui lhor talk of a re
dui'tion in the price of raw tisli, but it is
generally understood that, if the present
ueavy ruu continues a lew days lunger,
mc price must inevitably couie down.
I. O. O. I .
The Next Session of the Grand Lodge
to be in Koseburg.
Tno i irand Lodge of I. O. . 1 . iu eea
eiou at Portland last week concluded its
labors on Friday. Follow iug are the ol
tkers elected to serve the cut rout year:
Claud Gatcb, grand master; T. it. Wells,
deputy ttraud Master; W. 11. Wehruog,
grand warden ; t,. J .. Sharon, grand sec
retary; aod T. O. Darker, grand trcas
urer;audtha following appointive otli
cers weic filled by Grand Master Gatcb
Friday: M. L. 1'orri. of Indepen
dence, graud marshal; F. A. Ford, of.
Wood burn, graud conductor ; T. K. Ilib-
bard.ol Silvertot). grand guardian; E.
F. Harvey, of Junction, grand herald;
and A. Leltoy, ot LeGraude, grand chap
lain. The invitation from members of tbo or
der in Kotsotiurg to have tbe next session
ol tbo grand lodge in that city was uc
cepted by uuauimous vote, all other
places that were submitted being with
drawn. Ihe three annual vacancies in
the board of trustees for the Odd bellows'
Homo and one vacancy caused by resig
nation, were tilled by election', the fol-
lowing receiviug the hiuhest votes: L.
E. Aharon, of Portland, grand secretary ;
L. t. 1 amer, past grand master; Mar
guerile E. Kellogg, of Portland, past
president oi ttie assnmoiy ; and fda Fos
ter, president of tbe assembly.
Tbe percapita tax was fixed at 'JJ cents,
the same as last year.
Tbe district deputies for this vicinity
are J. II. Dearling, Oakland ; E. Strong,
Myrtle Creek.
'ri i .i.-i . ... . a i. i i
iug icucaaus aioo uumuovi on rriijay
and adjourned to meet here next year.
ine cnair appointed toe following com
mittees: Executive committees: J.
Micelli, Mrs. I. Sehlbrede and Mrs. E.
Brookhart. Auditing committee: Mrs.
I. Sears, Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. M. E.
Kellogg. The committee on foreign cor
respondence was composed of past presi
dents, who are us follows: Mrs. Ella J.
(fates, of Lafayette; Mrs. Elvira V. Fel
lows, of Portland ; and Mrs. Cora Stew
art, of Abtoria.
liuckleii'n Arnica Halve.
The lies. Salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, sores. Ulcers. Salt Kheum.
Fever Sores, Toller. Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, aud all skin Erup
tions, aud positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 'Jo cents per box. For sale at A.
C. Marsters & Co.
It is snrnrieiiii: what a "wee bit of
thing" can accoiti ilieh. Sick headache
T, Zl Z , . ' "l"8'?' "r
Jwmncsi., are .un.kly bauisbod by Ue
i' i-uue i-ariy i
ly Kisers. toull pil
Safe pill. Marsters' Drug Ktore
Hqulrrvl puitiouut Marilcra.
Marvelous Effects
System Broken Down and HopoAl
most Abandoned-Health Re
stored by Hood's - Sarsaparllli.
"For Hftctn years I have suffered with
catarrh inn iiiijinrmloii and my whole
h.VhU'ni uhh irok ii down. I hud rIiiionI.
aliaiiiloncd any lioj i: of recovery. I juir
eliaHcdHix bcittim o HckjJ'h Hiirmi'HrillR
ami its effects Imvo been inarveloua. It
has inado mc feel like a new man. I am
able lu sleep well, have a good appetite,
and I bavo trained several iioiiikIh in
weifht." Jamkh WiLlKtt,OrvviIk-,Waali,
"I bud a rJcrofula swelliuir on oue sldo
of my neck ami ulcerated sores In inv
iioHlrila, I'Hwued by catarrh. I alau had
small, itchiiuf sores on my JliiibM. I
bought three bottlcH of Hood's Haraapa-
rilla and began takiuir It and tbo sore
Sxiu healed. My blood ia nuritlecl. and
the scrofula baa diaspiiearcd." . D.
McManih, MiKHiou, WsBblngtou.
O nnrilln
l"'1' beat-In fuct the Oue True' Hood iurlfler.
Hood's PIII1 '"rt' aiiM-a. Imllgeatioii ,
HIS lilhnn.i,ya. 'jliiit. '
Our SpriiiK Goods ore just beginning to arrive,
inspection niul comparison of
l'W Men, Women uiul Chikltcu.
Latest Styles in eolors ami shapes.
Our Hat Department
Shirts and Neckwear
And Other import at the Koseburg
Cycle Track, June Mb.
l iret race, amutucr, oue mile-First
prue, gold medal, 13 , eccoud prie, silver
medal, ft.
Second race, amateur, ouo-balf mile
and ropvat - I irst pi ke, oue raciug sad
dle, fl; second prize, oue cyclometer,
Third race, novice, halt uiilo reiwat
First priis, one pair ranis' born haudle
bare, woinl or steel; second pti.s, cy
clometer, tl.
I'ouilh, old iuou'h mio, ineu otor 0
years, hall milo-Fnet pri.'o, lamp, tl;
second priie, one pair too clips.
Fifth nice, live mile isce pri.o one
pair I.eagtio tires, fit).
SiMb, boys race, boys under l' years
First pii.e, speed iudicator; second
piie, combination tool bag and pump.
Tbo above races will bo ruu under
(auction aud rules of the E. A. W. En
trance fco Oceuts. Music by K.of P.
T. K. Kiihardfiou, promoter ul races;
L. A. Walker, secretary ; W. M. Hod son,
manager uf tr.u k.
Admission to grounds L' cents.
Till la Your Opportunity.
On rrnij t ' t n ivnts, cntJi or stamp,
a (.'"cr i til R.'in l uiit I n iimilod of tbo
tniwt -ibr :.tir. U nml liny l-Vvrr I'uro
( Kly'a i'm.imi '..lm' miWi-u ni to demon
strate lb" !;' il in' "' ! li-J ii'iui'dy.
l.l.i H;nriiri:s.
,'; '..rr.-:i r-l., Nw Vak City.
l;rv..T(.lm Pi-id, .tr..ef f'tn nt I-"rII? M--nt. .
fecii!nni,,iid,d Fly's ''rf:iiu Itnlm to m. I
cau eiupbnsi' dm siairiuont, "It ii a pi
tive euro for ratiirrli if u-oit ns dirrct'il."
licv. FninciH W. Pi !, Pir tor (Vutrnl Pris.
C'Uiiiob, 11-1 ua, Mont.
Lly'd Cio.iin 1'iilui U tbo ai'VunwIpd'd
cmo for rntarrh and contiiina no im-mny
nor any injurious dni(j. l'rice, 60 cents.
N lltt HKl I IT "IKTCl Illl.MAIKUK
A uiecou, l'ir ImikU.i LViumy
Aiin'i Hiliv. I laiiiliil.i
Jie b -li.i liii ,.r IMi'U'luul.'
I U Jo-H 'b Hint lllli;(.'l, lllC ;ilnH lilt 1 1 ! v I ill-
Ju itie- intmc tlie blutv t Uilkuii. u nt
licnM TViiliol I" ai'i eai an l aitiHer the com
plaint lili-vl it:alii-l vu in lue nbore ciitlllvil
Kiiitliylhe i.itt ' ( tho U"t tenii ( lbe
abaxu i ntitleil etmrl lullnniiir the e.ilrtiuii ol
tlie time reteriln.-l in iliv urtler e( ul'lieiituti
n( tlil miiiimoD", hleh linl ilay "III lie Moll.
ilv i be i h lny uf ,i ii u-, Iff . au'l il oii lull tu
I'liir and hiikm er. I "l ul Hien ul (InllilirT
lllail Io nml vim i ( l 111 i le 1 (-m uul
C'l in ibe eoi iflaiui.
Therellel 'torn .n'l"l i- tin fu cl'uid ( a
ttrtaiu iiiMrtgnue cxccuti J an I 'M Hired by yo l
n iHHiiiun uu in a'xiui iru .1, ivji, io iiun
lbe paynicul ol a ceitaln iiouii-oi note loi I K
payable on it l eime one
year from date. Willi
inten! at tin rate ul lu
nr cent er annum
toLVi yi i nut. i.ltint-
aiel uicn mm mur'Kak'ecul
lit lor that -iirine tb? ("IIuh ihk d- ncribi d
U real
nroiicity in tb' Connly ol iJuuit n, htnto e Ol-
ci"'ii. I I utr. un. l "i'. -' oi'.en, ( i ! u,
' 10) and tltM n Ml ol notion ten, 't'.n to'vuiblp
N i. t tfii'y t io'Jii -outli ol laiijje, No. tm-lve,
Mil et, eou tu in i UK HI.Co ncrt".
And a lurtlicrdetrce, barriiiK and limeln-.iiiu
J'jii, iwid Jueh Shu'liuK' r, ol undlrom auy aud
nil liut, title or lu'Tcit tu and lu aid' rvaJ
ir"'erty and e' iry th' leejf .
1 filr k'imuioub ib fubli-ibtd liv otdir ot H"D.
J, C. lullert'in, J'id.TC ul tbe itb'.ne futltlcd
Cout, uia'le A I - r 1 1 ;i, 1'','.
A. 1. I.EWIB
uiU'i. Atloriivy lot I'laiutiff.
Administrator's Notice to Cred
itors. !
Notlee la hi lel.y gncU I" all ik riont itiletellw !
Ibai tbe iiudi i-ii;ued A. hi. Ireliiud liai lie- n by i
the oiiiity inuit '( 1'iiirIii cuuut, Or koii, I
appoiuled BduiiuiitiiitiT ol tbo eilate ol K. B ;
Ireland, deeeased. aud all iiuiwiun tint in- elaimn
amuu I ini'l e-'.ni j must m v ol tbo aaino wlib
noier vouebeTH duly verill' d to ald ndmluis
lator lit my ri -nleuee In ulalla Precinct,
UiitiKlui eoutity, Oi koii, tn In bia nllnrln y al
Koiuijunr. ure-'o
iiirir. Ore-'ou, withiu-ix umiiiha Ir.nn
dme ol tliia null
I'H'ed A pill I v.i,
Ik B HiiiMk, Adiuiul"liHtur.
Attorney Inr Admiuiiliiitoi. n.-itj.
liUdcr-hMicd haa been bv the Couulv f.'ourl
Ol lou'im (...flinty, Oh koii, iipt'Oiinc'd adinlliia
HKioroitne valine ol ualnel Hll-uii ileceiined
All I'Oianli- liiiinir claiuiK ai'Hinat raid eatale
lire untitled tu pietelit the ame to thu iidiuiula
tratoruttho nlliei ol Uionii .v 'i n-tlu lu Ito-e-burg,
Ur -Ron, with pmper vnin lima iluiy erl
tied Kblll -I x lil'inlliii Iioiii Ihe ilnlu n llli.i
llaled at ltnn bin); On 'nil. Aptll l'.n.
lit". M. Ukoh N.
Aduiiuiltrat"! nl o Ihe Katiitc id I'uiilcl Vt ll
an, Uci caned.
Administrators Notice.
uiideraifciicd Jius bocu by the IJouuty Court
ot OuiiRlan I ouiily, rilaUi nl Oregon, duly up.
point- d adnilul .tratoi ol the e.tato ol narab M.
Wi alherly, deceased. All persona Indebted in
laid otulo up hereby rcuuod to niuku lmiiif.ll
ato piivmerit, and ull jierhniii bnvliiK cliilina
UKaiUal auld eataiu ine ieiiilitd to prc-cnt the
nine, pioierly vcrlliod, to tho uudviaiKUed at
ticoltHbuiK. liiiiiulim County, Oreiiou within aix
uinolua liom thu dulo 01 tlila imlli c.
Patcd tlila loth day ol April, Ikii.
AdlUllllatrillor ol the eitute ill M
W cathcily, ilcctitMil.
Adniiiii.strutor's Notice.
V'OJIi i; rt Jll.lltBY OlVt.V iHAf THE
a UUderMtfllcd hua been miriiiliili'il iuIh.imiu.
Italorol the' entutu ol Marv A l-li.nrii. ,i.
ccatcd. All pernona hav lug cluiina aaltibt kid
calatoure hi rel.y uutilied lo piuacpt thu muu
tl Ihe uinli iislcued at liii lu.i.n in i,.i,k,.,..
lilata product, nuhiu aia uioiitlia fioiu Urn ilni, .
Iiereol uilh proiiei lum ki.,
Oalcd lliix .Hi diiy of M.iy, I-,
I l.UN A I; Ii lllll I I
"I'Hj Adiiiniiiitiiitiir
Notice of Appointment of lixet. utor
NOII' K id Hl.hhllV OIVhN
UU.lerhluln il h.iv l.i-
il,. i
Court of IJihikIub inunty, i.lnli: ii Onf.
oli,dulT uppuiutid r.xeciitnr ul tho i.kiu i
orec IIhuci. Ocee.iueil. All i.i...,,u. ' l..
cluiuia atjuiiiKt dpi ctiate uU heicby iciiuinl
to praaeut tho aauio with pmper (ouchera
UciilUburK, llniiKl.u t ouutv, KUli id Oiuumi.
1I1..IVII.I l'l IIIU lllllllllMUIII'll IIL ill Ll..,.. I..
w ll ii i ii ux rni.iitlia Iruiu thu dute o thla it-..
linun una I, in if, y ul Mae, vn
... Exeeut..r..f the Eataluof
UiMi c'corgc Duucr, deccaocj.
is right in line.
are up to date.
S. K.
-I'g.Vl.tll IN
Amimiiiition and
t uielul MtlaiillnU I"
riutiittluii Mud itrpMlriiiH
lluuKlnt 1'oiiiiI, atii'iioii.
I lio m lrl nl tlieMI -I'rlun i militlll IihIIih'.
Uromliir, rntauiiiui. the lailauiate- ul nu
aud l.liue and t Ii1--iIi .i nl K hU luin, 1 hr ur.-.lnii
aud fiMlutu
line HlHIIlk' inlllnln. 15 mid Hie utlu l iii i I
ataiui ol ; id nmller lo tin isalliiii.
luxated on the N.inlinu I m me l:ii.. I
' blnuta routs Irom Rn I mi' l In IViiimnl
iu Lvugliu uiiuly, On (on.
Attt:r ateil caMs ot KheuiiinliMiii, Sk.miI I a
tmrli, I alairb ol On' btntuaeh, l)v-intiilrt Ina
betva, Neurn'aui, Malailal I'oImiuIui', Ktdiir
Iroutdoi I onnl ipaliiitt, liiAjwa id the Nkiu. i
l.iet and !UmeU. wild alien al tll.t an ba?'
l cu euro-l liy the u id I U ao untei .
Sew batli riM'tni eonneeled null I lie ii.aill !
buiUliui: PiMktofliec and l.xpie on I lie 'ti ul I
lr. 1'aily mall, not tit and xni 111 ;
Tonus f to !i r neck, f- p r day. un Imliul I
batbv I
I be Hot' 1 I iiudet I In luimediale '.l"nli ;
tmiol !
t AI'T. III.N. I. IIOKWI I.i l
in. la. Maimci r. 1
in 1 1 ki 'l'ir oi ia oh uu . i mi.
ol Ou".."li, lor lhiu.: ii I ounb
Mat lie Stanton, i
I '1 .1 1 1 1 i It
i !
HeUM K Mi I'Hiin U nud Aunn !
V. MiUaulel-. In nib I '
Mi Imnl. 1 I. 1.. M. i'.iiil. I i
and Mime P. tiaiuci,
l'eleuilanl- : '
To Henry K Mcllaulnla, AiiiiI" V Mel'miit-: j
and t. McUunii l. ilel' udalila
lu tin- unuiv ol the State ol tHifiui; ynu mi l
cueh ot you an- bcieby reiinrtd I" In and np I
t ea i and iiUMvei Hie i uiiii laiiil (lied nvilii-tj
; mi lu tin- 1 1 1 c entitled court and mw ml or
ti 'loie tho Ii r-.l day ol the net n'RUlar term
ot Ihe ulnne entitled i"lnl In nil
I'n or nrloro M'indu dm ih dv id
June, l-i., that ItIiik the tir-l day id
aid next lepilar t' liu. nud il ynu lull Id appear
oraumier planum ininplulut mutnt you ai
alotmald within naid liine, Inr vvmil IhrriMl,
the plninllll Mill apply tJ tbe emirt lor the le
Uel deiuandtd lu her eviiii'luiul an lollowi:
K'T JmlKUinil uKaiii.t ilefendunt-. Heury K
MeUaulcIa aud Antuc V. MePaulelt Inr the
urn ol l tlimiind aud aHly au and 1
ilii.-ill ilollai-. with Ulteiet thcrenn lumi
M I y ijtb. IV7. ill iu U. f anld eoiu, loi tho uut
id ll e liuudn.d ( .Wi dulluri nttornew
and lot the and li.lmr.einrulu ul thl ilt.
aud Inr luc li.iei Innno ol a eerlniii iiiortr.aKe
oiei-uled by laid lleluy K.
ti.. i....i. ..... 1
Aunifl V. M' Daniel tu A. XV.
h la lit' in uu the
11.1Riiiin Rii'i I
Mth diiyol April, 17I. Inr Ihe aiim ol Ilea lllouv
aud lle hundred (I . .ion ei I dnllara mid Inten -at,
and aaalirtied by the aald A. . fi'aiitmi tn Una
plaiiihll the i-lli da ol Atuil, lh''.", au l lot m h
other rcllelaa la played (nr In aaid roiiiplalut
aud a tbe mnrt limy adliid( , line! nud
BROWN .V I I'hllN,
Alt'Tnevi fur Ptaintlll.
tuuiumna a pnbllahcd lu
at riudaiK
with an order
made by tlie H"lioraldv J. I'.
ludiie ol tbo aluve entitled i ourl and
dated the bill day "I May, IfV.'.
yv iHt i utci'ii covKTut lay. MAiroi
Ori biiu. lu and Inr thp L'nniitt id IiiimuIm.
tlla r. Moi, I'lalntlft
1 1 I tuit tor III: nti e.
W I' Moaa, Pelcudaul
I n W.p. M", the tljijto rani"! Joleii'laul
In the name ollhc Htalo ul Oregon, tun me
hereby required to apicar and annter tho rom
plHint 01'd k'alnat you ju tho above eutilled
unit, lu Ihe alKiNe tiamrd emnt, on or b-lnrc the
.'nth diiy nl June, I '.17, thnt hciUR the Hint dav ol
the next ri'KUiar term ol kald court, and II yu
lull o In iini r. I lie plMliilill III ajiplv to the
mini Inr the r- l h I piayi d fur iu aiild enuiplaml,
which la a dcrree dinanlvliiR tbo uiiiuliuie ion
tract ciialint; hetweeu youracll mid pliilutltt,
aud thai aald platutlil bv reilnred In In i maldru
uanie, Klla r'. Kn emaii
I I'hnrubera tit Kmpliu Oily, (Jnoa cotiply
by Hull. .1, O. I iilh-rtnu, judge ol an
ivhli.h aald uidvrii tinted, May " lk'r7.
i uia auininona ia pumihlied ly ordi r madi al
anid (.Mini,
I . lll.UHElil .
! mlH,'
Attornet tor I'lmutill.
Notice of Appointment of Admin
istrator TN IHK IUUMV l.ol'l.l Foil' DOlcii An
Counly, ftatcidOreRoii.
Ill the manor ol the citiHc n II, ,y ( m,,. h,
uior, doi cacd. '
Noti cUhere';y Riv. u d,t the tui.eialitu
hae been by the l uunly mirt n loutriua
Uiunly, .uale ol r. ,.n, dul- appnlnted nd,ni.
Iktratorauf the e-I.Hc .. lleuiy I mill, . eiiinr
deicii'ied. All peraoua Iimi iiii i Ilium ih'hiihi'
thu Haul eitate ure In i. i.v ...1 . . .
L . .J" mP' p."f' W"" uu.leraii:,,r,
I at the i.Olio i, J. Vi . Iluiniltmi in tho Minks
I ''ill'llUK lu IW'liu,', Uiiwla-ii iiuiim, ht.ti'o,
; 'reto.i, wjilnu i mini Ilia li.,m the i!mc ' id
Ihli untlce. 1
I llAli'il mt l:..,..!.,,... I, I
lhlMi.dy oi Awll. Ki;;"4'"" ,U""U' U'"!""
UANCIH M i inJiu
l'l IN
Adiiiiuisliiiliiiii nl the l.alaluol lluiiy l oun
bcuior, Lccviui..d. a "ju, '
Ul Oll'lMll. fur I li it I if I a u l'i
llioijiiw a, ItvoiiH, I'luiniiti, I
bulherfiilu,... IMhnerrili;;:',
.,.!."-'!.l,l'.c.,...,.''".u"-! " I'ojci mid ll,,,,.t
ju. i.'.uve n I n ii 11 1 ;
Ju tho iiuuie id IC Mule i, niceiiii, ,uu a.
!l nl f ii',', !ti!!'i l'i' I . !.i " 1 1 1 "'Bl aud ,,u,er lh! c,m
ami on or i.i.l.
ma Hie (In I .1 . i. . . '"II ICM
ii..' ii i. .
, ...',- "" io nei reun
V!.'. t Mati iiieut nl lUilVi, 'I, " 'V ''
iii. tKai. iiieulnlwhlih ia . I.illn u.
Jot a the leal ilc,
t he en.uiilH.nt, the N. K, 1 , ,l Hc(Hl
. ""W-.lil Iwuilua Onuulv.ori.,
rihed lu
linn il 1 1.
.ii iu iim lea ii ciivu l m ll n( llii, ,,,, , ,
lic.cio.or II pnrlllinn ,.., ho J ', ,1
'be':,! .I'.i'M".1;..10 f",.,u ',''''. 'ur Tile .a':, ;;f
..( .I...-.-' '""". "reuuu. nr.
by Inland a' dlVl , I , ' I
tho nai tiea li. iKiM ,.. -.1...' . ' "eni
rhih,,, hKUho'pm'luMn , "jl mim'
the k 1 1 in nl : ii ml i,li iiui .i..ii ji uiiiuiii hi r
Inr l.i I . I, I i ."' .hliu
pr(iceod .l ..I , ri.VV.r' V. "l '
tit ul Uu
61 or ii.iliii.7i i .-.j.;... . ' """"i ii ion iiiiiio-
co.U aud U.aljunimu,U o tM imi liilrl
to the reaiiectbc panic, ,u uu iu , JiJ'oi
plOiorlloii tin rcol, uu J
iiiia.-uniinoiniawm,, ,y pnbili atlon ihcre.
0 tu piiriiaii. e of an older ,, the tlrn, t c, ,ir
01 the atutc .1 Oregon Inr o.,,,, , ,V, , v ,Y, .
iiiudi and euli n d un Uu .i.ih ,iT..i l iV ?
dli duj id Apill, k:i,
biiu mil; 1111, ifjT,
A. M. (,'KAU I'oitlJ,
Attoruc) lor UoluHft.
and we Invite careful
In Spring Dress (lootls we have a
line unexcelled for variety ami price.
Wc have just icccived an elegaul
line of Portieres, Tapestry Curtains
and I,aee Curtains, which comprise
the finest line iu Southern Oregon.
Sporting Goods.
A apwlad llanj
tl uii lultciixl Tea.
la hatvittg k Utgo ulr Uvm miyf
Glass and Delf Ware
at atunlalilit In l 'i r.. diit t.ara rsanixt
Toiiiaica am any popular.
Uaa ) i.t rir.ilt. I n. a, ratrnalan atink u
oNM.-iriN cr -
Udl.'h', liood. KiliboUM, Tllll'
l.aei'H, Mi,
Al.ho A MNE htiK'k or
immus wif mioi:s
'II ll. kual quality and Bulali
Mood, MiIIiih and , Us, Warr,
Crockery, Cordage, Ejc.
Alau unhand Io Ui( iju.ndlna an prlrra w .
JUIt th- tlmra. Ata.1 tuiu ut, f
Custoin-Made Glotliing.
I'ur Choice
Call ;it Stanton's for "l,j. j"
I or ONI; ikici; f
H' p'll'll' liei , III the l l .UMiKAia.l hll
ic pi i
..nun,, cm. iim nyniin i, ru.,y ll( ,
hhIm i lb. mi, .,,,, ,
wi-mooi i'i.ANn:i,
1 1.. i... i .... ..
-K IC II 1 1 Ii I il I ppu
I'lK IIll Nnl Ihli.
I'Ui'i hr j
ii nti
WITHOUT li VTkA CilAicj,;.
Old nib.,1 il
in Mill . W ,,,,...
. . . . . .. mi, in-
i nv ll( ;i .-.
'""'"'I ''"eul,,auh-c.lll..
O . . Ills noitli ,.I .i,t, ,,f
faW Fni
will be .. nl
aoMd,anr!:!:,,',l '-"'
opi.,a '-"""M"P".. tlnluy.,r
l'b.IM't.AI.. l'l II. ro.
Dr. Gibbon
'I lua old reliable (noil
llio moat aiieeeaalul
Hnei i.imi lu Han r-ran-cl-
ii. anil eiiiillniH,
eiiio all (icaual mnl
5cuilnal l)laciii ,i,ch
aa Oiiiiuuirhu a, ilc(i
K1,1,'i:,u'' xr" ?!l
all Ha Imoia, Mkln In.
acaara, Nrrvoua 11.1,11.
I in .!... .... a 1. .. .
Lti Vi 1V1 ,iS"iV..t:":!l'. ,.V',.';u'i:ti'..ei,..
ou r thirty . -.. -...1 . 'ruin la...
... .1 . . I'lnini
lull I., lull,.!! 1 ' iriiiiiiieii .in,,, , ,
Vkn".1-!""'.':. n.,
when nlhe., linl 'l . f'l. i... . . .
.mi.,, Ml ,,,,lt,,
I all ui write.
J.. ,u ..... , , , .
klltllatlll. ft.
To TUv
weak ueaao 1 11, Vi ;i ''" 1 '". 01 """