Nnivs notes. NOTES OP INTEREST. t Tbs shirt-waist cti'l with Iho fri-irooJ curl sod tho straw list, wirl and rer, now walks lh street willi srtile that swoot, ami her nm Mie nvAvr her car. Meiieohss 1t i's most popular poet ia the ron Onillorum I'riito tpcnily, very old mart, lie a one of tho low eurvlvori ol the sinners of Mexico's dec laration of indeppnlviiw in IS:M. Daring the year ISM the plnmapa of over 3.000,000 birds was used in New York for tho J'!rmion of women hats. The dimppearaiiro of tho warblers is not entirely due ti the Koglitih sparrow. The 'dvuiaudo ul Turkey have aiado an Impreaniou on tlie stock exchange in London. Trices have fallen in all de partments, revealing tho fer that pohti cat com plications of a rerimis character may supervene. California last J ear produced 117,11. .w in oolil and rJ'J.4ti3 in silver. It tan vnlnd for the CTlld Standard, tholl hv narrower ninrtfitl than should given by a state that has never rvcrg-1 niced any other standard. Before Mr. Bryan returns from Lis for eign tour he ibould visit Cuba to note the operations of an inedoeiiuble paper currency. Later on the populists may sonnd hira on their favorite eutject of unlimited greenbacks. Olol Democrat. A new ej isoHe has been added to the history of the bicrclo. In r'r.nce, tV.e other day two ladies were sloped on the road bp bicycle woman, who drew a revolver and forced them to surrender their valuables. This is the first authen tic case pn record ot a bicycle hiithway woman. Domokoe, llic present headquarters of the Ureek army, h a town about Uv 000 inhabitants, a few milts north ot the Othrjs Mountains, which are from 3000 to 5000 feet liiitli and etreuie!v difficult to cross!. It ia a position that should be held for sjuio tune by it com paratively suiall srmy. Portland capitalists have secured a bond on the farm of L. H. JeiiDiogs near Table Kock and propose to sink in search of coal and petroleum, strong in dications ofwhich exists on the place. Mr. Jennings gets tlOOO down aud $PJ, 000 additional if the company tied whai they want and conclude to take the property. Mining Journal. People who assumed Inst fall that the United Status has cot enoch money will be interested to snow that the money in circulation today in the United States is nearly H0 million dollars greater than a year ago. The treasury liifurea show the circulation April 1, 1S97. tolc 000,004. aDd that of April 1, 1SW, 1 23,403,000. A centleuian in from Philomath, Sat urday, showed a section of wood from an oak tree that wad cut down on the grounds where Philomath Odd Fellows aro erecting a temple. A leather hinge was imoedded in the wcoJ, and must have been there a long lime. ft--r the crowth over the leather was about fjur inches thick. Corvnllis Gsze'.te. Determined to thoroughly familiarize himself with the details of the lur rant case. Governor Budd of Cali fornia, accom pained by Chief Lees, Sunday went over the route to tho Emmanuel church traversed by Blanche Lamont on the day she met her trairic I death. He alao interviewed a number of witnesses in the case. It ia said that a young woman ones asked Chief JoBeph if he had ever scalped any one. When tho question was translated to him, Joseph looked at the fair questioner intently, then walked around behind her and viewed the knot of hair only half hidden by her bonnet "Tell her." he said to tee interpreter "that I have nothing in my collection as fine as that.' Several articles have appealed iu Eastern papers and magazines telling "how to manage a husband. An in qniry was set on loot wun iue rcsuu that it was discovered that the woman who wrote the articles never had a hus band to manage. People who are usu ally first to teli bow to do a thing are the last to undertake to carry their the ories into practice. East Oregonian. News has been received from E1J jraJo canyon in Southeastern Nevada to the effect that all the murders of the maniac Piute Indian, Ahvote, have not yet been recorded. Three miners are still missing and several stray burros have been found by the posse, indicating that others may have been attacked. Ex Sheriff Roseborougb, of Mojave county, A. T., is on the triai of Mouse, another Indian suspected of murder. The flat-tailed sheep from Persia, brought to this country for the Colum bian Exposition, are beginning to show up at the markets with their half-breed progeny. Alex. McQueen, of Silver Creek, Neb., went to Omaha last week with twelve bead, which averaged )b pounds, and sold ;for 5.25. D. C. Ba con of Laramie City, Vyo., has Persian bucks, and lately sold some 10-mouths grade lambs at the eamo price. A World special from Havana cave: The Spanish officials at the palace are much concerned over the rumors of the forthcoming message from President M Kioley. Orders have been issued, it is said, that all Americans be treated with the utmost "gentleness" nereaiter, so there may be no f-esh cauce for com plaint. It is said Americans conhncd in Havana prisons have been moved to new cells, and given more comforts. Editor Kaiser, of the Ashland liocorJ, has been read out of the populist party because he has been earnestly trying to get . the populiet .olhcials ol Jacksou county to live up to the promises made before election, that tho v would reduce the salaries if (elected. Kaiser took a great deal of pleasure iu roasting the sang of populist bribe-takers wuo held un the legislature, and this was not rel ished bv the imp leaders. Lakeview Examiner. Thomas Jeffereou.lwheu president of the United States, issued an order bus itendiug the coinugo of siiver dollars, for the reason that the uiiut ratio of silver to cold did nut correspond with tho com uiercial ratio. No more (silver dollars were struck for thirty yt ars and in the eight years of Jackson's pretiideiit-y only 1.000 wero coiued. Vet thure are men at the present day who call themslvea Jt!'eraonian democrats aud Jacksonian democrats and who advocate lessening the value of the dollar by free coinage of silver. Sound Money. The mine of Henry liutcuius on Rogue river, about four miles below the mouth of Ualioe creak, is out of the usual. Apparently, wind aud rain op- nratinu throughout countless ages tar ried oil' the soil ou each side ol the ledge until the latter stood ultimately several hundred feettttnve the hill-side: then it fell in the direction of tho pitch covering the hillside for 700 feet with lodge mat ter two feet deep. Thut ledge matter has for aeveral years been the property of Mr. IluUshius who has found it proti la able to work in an araetra on the ground. Effort ibave been wade from me to Hue to discover Ilia original, ledge, but it ia only until recently that it has been discovered. The mine ft un der bond to California prlies. Mining Journal, . . , i Poetic Justl A Palawan, the reliable Jeweler. Solid silver novelties at Salr.inau's. J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. Ho lo the Uoseleaf for the lesl cisara. For a good ft-wnt cigar call on Mts.N. Boyd. County claims and warrants Innight by 1). S. West. For rust-class deutistry go to Pr. Little of Oakland. 11. W." Benjamin, dentist, room 1, Marstcra' block. Key West, imported und domestic cigars at the lioeoleaf. D. S. West does intuianrv. Office op posite the post office. Goods below wpI at Caro'f . Now ia the time for bargains. Nobby suits and lntett st !ce at Little Jack s. Prices very low . All styles and qualities of ha! al Abra ham's Bedrock prices. Nothing bnt the lt mateihl used by . W. Benjamin, dentist. Boom I Marstere' block. Have your dental work done by H. W. Benjamin, dentist. All Work guaiao- teed oret-claee. At Oakland. T. L. Graves ia authorised to receive and receipt for subscriptions to the PutSOKALEB. Do you want a good strawberry plant? Call around to this otlice and und out w here to get some. For a eooJ hat. stylifh ud cheap. cU ou Wollouberg & Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades of head gear. Now is the time lo sprav your trees. Buy the Combination Sprayer aud save time and money. W. II. Gordon, agent. Bring your job work to the Plai.M'Kal- liit oince. e are prepares igo me cheapest and best work routh of Port- and. AVolleubcrg A Abraham of the Square Deal Store are now receiving a nice lot of epring goods. Latest styles and low est prices. Parties desiring family sewing doue would do well to call ou Miss Fannie McKean, 421 Main street. Will sew for o cents per day. The Square Deal store hat just opened ui a leauiuui line oi . u. i-ougias shoes, which prove to be the best shoe made. Come and inspect mem. To Hlxt A live room cottage, rent ch?ap, near Washington street, west side of railroad track. Enquire at 40o Washington street. a 15 tf. One minute is all tho time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. Marstcrs Drug Store. Torturing, itching, scaly ekin erup tions, burns and sealds are soothed at once and promptly healed by DeWitt's U itch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Marsters' Drug Store. Good pabturage furnished at my pas tures on Koberts creek. Charges reason able. All stock at owner's risk. The best of care will be giyeu to all stcck en trusted to my charge. J. .M. St h iru;, They arc eo small that the moat ten- sative persons take them, they are eo effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpid hver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Little Early K-.sert are known as the famous little pills. Marstere' Drug Store. Plalsdealek and Planter is a little i alliterative, but sometime by "apt al literation's artful aid" you can catch the public eye un l engage tho public at tention.' The Webfoot Planter is clubbed with the Plai.npkaler and the two papers will bo furnished to all cash Bubecribere of the latter without extra charge. Notice is hereby given to the public by tho undersigned that 1 do not allow dead animals to be hurried on my prem ises, at RoBeburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or eand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel lirst contract w itn me for the right to do so. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. A.uion KofE, Roseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1S5. The davlicht ride alon the Columbia cannot be but interesting at this time of the vear. Passengers taking the Spo kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at 2:45 p.m. daily, get this vuw lasting over rive hours, h .: that is not all. The O. R. &. N. give through service to Spokane, and a direct connection with t'je train from Spokane to Kootenai country. Palace sleepers and modern coaches operated daily without change. Travelers To Spokane, To Hosaland, To Palouse Towns, To Coeur d'Alene Towne, To all Eastern Washington Points. To all Northern Idaho Points, Take the O. R. & N. Spokane Flyer, And Save Time. Leave Union Depot Daily at 2:45 p. in. V, C. London, Agent, Roecburg, Oiegou. Competition never worries us, because we "ouy right" hence "sell right the facts are ttiese ; every move in our business is only mads after the most careful consi deration, nothing left to chance. Shoes have advanced in price but not with us. We sell you a good oil grain shoe for $1.25 and upwards, tine shoes iu proportion. If you doubt us, come and see us, convince yourself that we have what we advertise. We dou't care to do all the business in town, but want to get a s'tare of it. We lirmly believe that a concern that gives its customers exceptionally good valut-H in every instance is oound to go ahead yeur by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire butuifHb. Every dollars worth of goods must give tho wearer satisfaction, even the all wool absolutely fast color I i.lXI suits. J, Ahuaiiam'is Clothing llouue. tt la reported Irom Washington that Secretary Gago intends to perform an act of poetic justice .by replacing in the Philadelphia Mint some thirty veterans of the war w ho were dismissed from their tuitions by the Cleveland administra tion. An investigation has shown that the veterans were removtd on lVcora lion day four years ago, and Mr. Gago will replace them on the coming lVooia tion dav. Tho Justice of their reinstate ment will therefore have the element ol poetic retribution by takiug place on what will be, not ouly the anniversary of their removal, but Ilia day set apart as a Boleuin festival for tho commemora tion of the services to the Republic of that grand army ot which they are mem tor. The leiiistateuieut of these voterans will be gratifying to all patriots through out the country. No feature of the Cleveland administration gave more ct (,'rton lo luiblic sentiment than did those acta which disclosed a hostility lo the veterans of the war Biraply because they ..m vntorana. The country noted with profouud indignation the removal ol .-omnetent olhcials from oince by the democratic administration, against whom no charge of misconduct or inetiicieucy could bo brought. Had theae removals been made (rank Ir. under the spoils system of turning out republicans to make way for democrats, the pcopIo would have regarded it with les hostility. Clevelaud, however, made such loud claims as a civil-service retormer, and so oatentaliously posed ss an opponent of the spoils system, tnai no conclusion was possible except that theae removals were made simply he- causa the men were grand army veter ans and had taken a patriot's pari in the war to which Cleveland had sent a suo etitute. The people ot the United States recog uue tho full value of the debt which they owe to the grand army of the Republic Thev take irlde iu showiun their grati tii.lo and loyalty to the brave uuu who defended Uie Union in its hour of daoger and preserved it from those who sought t) destroy it. iney giadiy avail mom ftelves of every opportunity to do honor to he votcrans. They favor liberal pen sious to all who need them, and are glad when the covernment cau cive employ meut in its service duriug times ol peace to thoec who did uot shrink from ttiat service in times of war. The McKinley udmiciBtratiou H strengthening itself with the country w hen it -restores to office the veterans w bom Cleveland turned out. The ieo- ple can appreciate the poetic eiguiticauce of the action of Secretary Gage in rein stating ou the coming Decoration day the soldiers wliom l leveianu oiemisseu iroui oliice on Decora'ion day four years ago, and will applaud it with a geuuine en thusiasm. Call. Reflections of a Bachelor. ITOtt POS. t'KALEM IN ANl MAMTA. ITrU It Or BOOTS AND SHOES. Finest Hue of goods ever brought to Roseburg. Trices to suit the times. I'arrott Uuiklinjr, f Jackson Street, t ROSUBURG. WANTED : t . . Sm $io,ooo- tr c$io,ooo STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES COUNTRY I'RODUCU UOUUMT AND SOLD. Give us a call. Goods delivered lo auy pail oi the City iu short order. Corner Laue A Sheridan Streets, ROSEBURG. OREGON. Depot G rocery ZIOLKR BROS. WORTH OF MERCHANDISE ... i. i Which vc have received ou cousinmeui mun me of one of the largest houses in ban Drautisco. These goods have been sent us to dispose ol Ul ou tuns ou tne uoiwir, wiiun is icas uiiiu f and bciug sold in connection with our complete stock at ub solute ocst. Note the Pollowiiitf Aslonishinv: IWirKains! ,1,6 mches - rC All Woolen Dress l.ooda, wide, Latest Styles I.ndies' and Cents' Mackintoshes -)ur Loss is Your Oaln. 2 5 Pcr ya for Half Price I lie U tt thing about Borne men is thi tttories Ihfir wives tell. No man of w'ood character nauts to thoroughly understand two women. The ouly people that know much they don't tell are editors and milkmen. The Ion cer a man is married tho lees room he tinda for his clothes in auy of the closet. The people ho pray hardest for the millennium wouldn't know what to do with themselves if it really came. A woman knous just about as much about politics as a man does about when to leave ou bis winter unaercioines. 'When it's himeelf. a man says he has accepted a position : when it's about an other roan, he says he s found a job. After a womau has heard hard stories about a man she always wonders how he can go around bo w ithout a look of shame on his faco. As soon aa a woman gels an idea that she is the intellectual equal of nan her husband begins to get along with picked op dinner?. The man w ho kicks the hardest about the way the city cleans the streets is the eame small boy that always uccd to walk in the gutter. There are two kindo of women those that thick it is nicer to kiss a lot of men once, acd those that think It is nicer to kiss one man lota of times. ben a woman tells a story to com pany about a man whose band trembled and be began to cry, she generally eays it quivered like an aspen leaf, aud his eyes grew moist. N. i' . Press. Northern Pacific Change. The Northern Pacific railroad will make the following time card for its train leaving I on lain! daily, hcgiiiniijg tn Sunday the 2-ith iiibt. Leaves Portland at 11 a. iu., Tacoma 5 p. in,, heattlo 1 p ui., Klleusburg 10:10 p. li:., l'amo 1:00 a. ui. Arrives at Siukauo at ' :00 a. in., Minneapolis i :0j p. iu. and Kt. Paul at 4:40 P. in. The new card will enable pasfloiiKurs to make close connections at rpokaue with the Hpokane tails aud Northern for the uiiues. 1 or further particulars see L). B. K. lien k, Local Ageut No. 'i, Marsters buildin. To the Public. Ou aud after this dale, I w ibh it under stood that my terms for all undertaker'! gooda are caiih with the order. 1 find it impossible to do buaiuebs ou a crodit haul's, and belive that I cau do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly for canii . I'. UltNifOiCK, undertaker. UoBeburg, Ore., April l&'Jo. Oregon fire Relief Association. Cheapest aud best insurance on earth, at cobt, or 18. '4 ceuta per huudrcd. Lcbl- dent property, a specialty. II. L, MAiibiEKK, Agent, For Files on Cattle. Take coal tar two par la aud coal oil and greaee one part each, and mix with email amount of carbolic acid. Apply with a cloth by moistening the bair ana horns of the animals with the liquid. In tho applications includo feet and legs, ana it will drive every ny away, anu one application will last ten days or more in dry weather. Apply as often as neces sary, and your cows will be entirely se cure from flies of all kinds. Any kind of old lard or grease can be used. Coal tar is the base of this remedy, and when too thick to spread well use more coal oil; when too thin to adhere well use more coal tar. Carbolic acid will coat about 50j or 00c in crystals by the pound, and every farmer eboud always keep it on hand, aa it. in its many uses, is in dispensable. Wisconsin Agriculturist. Fault Finding and Grumbling. Ladies' aud dents' NEW k I FUftN IT u? ?J ! g CARPETS : 3 1 Sjg' MATTINGS J pi I If8,. 11 g CURTAINS . fn UPH0181ERY GOODS 3.1 f Alexander & Strongs! HU81.UVHU, OKl.tiU.N. & Underwear Reduced the Times. lo 1'iices to Suit all of the Latent Style: No shelf-worn a Slaughter of Onr Goods arc- goods ou hand. Never has there been such I Prices. Call early and be convinccu. CARO BROS. THE BOSS STORE. his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kcjt in a first class giocery. Kverything oflctcd i-r sale is fresh; und sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of cauued goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos iu Southern Oregon. 111 I -k A 1" C- 1 WOLLErtBERG & ABRAHAMS SQUARE i DEAL I STORE. SPRING STOCK! Dress Qoods, FurnishinR (Joods. Hats, Caps. Hoots, 5ioes. Cloaks. Capes. Wraps. Curtains, Ctc.jn In short, our shelves arc filled with an excellent stock cniiAi tr, q11 tatps and to meet all requirement:;, uur motto is: "A Square Deal.'' A. C. MARSTERS a Co. Corner Wafer and JmcUhou Mlreeln. WOLLEMBERG X ABRAHAM. WHEN 5ENT TO MRS. BOYD'S How is it that we don't hoar eo uiucb fault lindirj and grumbling about the hard times aa heretofore? la it becauue the people haven' t tinio totiud fault becaueo they aro hard at work gcttioir crojis iu, that they may turn thoo off tbia fall beuiUHo they are uure of good lituea about then? What has become of the More-lieuded calamity howler, aoy way? Of course, you iiear hi in yelp hie agonizing howl occasionally but he inn't so numerous as the onco wb. But its a queetiou whuther or not his con sciencethat is if he haa any wont hurt him a little, when he sets the bene fit of the better times along witli the faithful McKinleyitus. Observer. 1 . J'.. Turut.r of C'oaipton, Mo., writes ii h that alter BuHenii from iiiles for Beveiitotsu years, ho completely cured them ' v uaing three hoxea of JJeWitt's Wdii ffa.el Halve. It cures eczema au' - vere skin diseases. MaraterB Dlig .Store. 2 u o YOU TO C I "Weill Paper. AChoitcCollcttion, atji'ritcs that dl. LIME PLASTER AND CEMEMT. A FULL LINE OF WlilDOW GLASS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY TILLED. WANT Migcst Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds. WYLIE PILKINCTON, Hucccwir to 0. W. KOAU.I General Blacksmithing ss':sBsi- I'KUTTINa AND FiUNNINU PLATUS A SPECIALTY, MKl'AIUINa OK AM. KINIU I'UOMl'lLY lOWK. Sbupjuul'oiucr WunliliiKlwu aud Kuu . UontUurR. 1 IiicmI I Ine of TliAt Iu ll City. I'ui. Imui 1 h; lofcc cr imiiiikI. Crockerv. Glass and Delfware, Tobacco ami Cigars, Toys, Notions and Fancy Good ROSEBURC Marble and Granite Works. fatal bicycle accidents Uave been uu merouh iu the J.aet aiuce lu9 season opened, and tbe ew lork. huu warns the scorcher and wabbler that the eye of iuetice iu upon theui. Lovers of the wheel ujuat Jcurn to tuke no dangerous chances. If you have ever seen a child in (lie agony oi croup, you can appreciate the gratitudo of the mothers who know (hat One Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly aa it is admin ibtercd. Many homes iu this city are never without it. Marnier' Drugstore, Real Estate Bought and Sold 2W jmn. mm. jissmJi . Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND 1MMLD1ATK 1'OSHliKfilON UlVl'N. New nnil elegant line of resdy made wrappers at the Novelty More. Stock Ranges, Timber Laud aud Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lauds ot best quality, in cnoicc locauous, ;,, ,.,,..;t;c fn sh t inlendinLr outcuaticrs. at leaiionaoie prices and easy terms. Inquire of D. 5. K. BUIOK, mi I I w. ACHISON & CO., Proprs. Iittlcmlu nil kludaol Murine and (J ran I (o MoiiuiiimtM and Mciidstoncs, Portland Cement Curbing lTot Como(i!i'y LoIn. Kstimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Woik Oit)c and Biailcaroom. !?u Oak tttrrtt,