The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 21, 1897, Image 2

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FobllshsdMondaysand Thursdays.
Br Tub ri'BMmxo .
Ob Tmt. ........
Id Month!
ThrM Mootht -
.. I 00
MAY 20. 1S7.
Kearly two Tears ago Mr. Hryan came
into the fctate to deliver a series of lec
tares bettinoiog at tl.e SUte (air at
Silem. The writer went through a train
in the Grand Konde valley about that
time and the tourist car waa occupied by
one lone passenger, lucre were no
carious crowds about liioi; no delega
tions at the stations met him and de
manded speeches from the rear platform
of the car, no braes bands announced
his presence, lie was a quiet man, but
of striking ieatures. It was W. J. Bryan.
In a few weeks that gentleman will enter
the state again. He will be met at the
line by distinguished citizens, and at
every town through which be passes
there will be throngs clamoring for a
look at the man who led the fusion hosts
to defeat last ear. He has succeeded in
making tbonssnds of people believe that
La is their friend and the champion of a
cause that will ameliorate their condition
He is sincere and has a catchy, taking
manner as a platform speaker.' But Mr.
Bryan's eloquence cannot disprove the
facts of history or npset the laws of trade.
He passes across the political horizon as
a meteor, attracting attention for the
time, bat nothing of good is left. Many
sincere, earnest and brilliant men before
him hare been as seriously mistaken.
Another period of lawlessness is ex
pected in the Cu-ur d'Aleue region.
There is trouble between the miners and
mine owners. The men working under
ground have been receiving $3.50 per
day and the surface men 3 per day.
The new demand is that all shall re
ceive 3.S0 per day. The breaking Into
a boildi'.g and stealing the arms that
belong to the militia, r y unknown men
last week, is feared to be tbtj preliminary
steps toward preventing by force any
DliO going to work tha' wai ts to except
on ih tf rina dictated by the mint-re
An individual ban recently t een into
that country preaching anarchy, and Lis
teaching seems to be bearing fruit. The
worst of it if, tne official are si d to be
either openly iib tbe rio'ous eiemeot or
qoielly aidir g and a: et'iug i'. Tuat
sentiment is in te oiajjruy kud repre-
Bent votes and the p Iniiiani art-afraid
What a coward tbe average poliiiciau is,
anyway. The I'ceur d'Alencs, like some
other parts ol tbe country, is in need of
a few men who will stand up for the en
forcement of law, right or wrong.
tne uorva'iis Uazutte, iu tne exfrcite
of its function m a putilic journal, saw
fit to criticise tbe action of tbe secretary
of state for eruplo) ing counsel to defend
bun before tbe courts and ignoring the
attorney general. This caused ihe Cap
ital Journal to fiy into a rage and use up
a column of space attacking everything
in sirfht and landing the secretary of
state to tbe skies. The laudations
might have weight if it were not a well
known fact that the secretary is the
greatest fee grabber that ever held pub
lic omce in tne state, and his economies
are always for tbe other fellow.
Tbe following from the Eugene Guard
goes to abow bow true is the ssyicg that
. ' its an ill wind that blows nobody
good :" "California farmers are short on
the rain crop. This shortage may be the
making of prices for Oregon wheat.
Tbe abips flocking to this coast will be
' greatly in excess of demands tor tonnage,
and low freights will result. That meaus
high wheat."
It appears that the silver men do not
propose to allow the tariff bill to pass
the senate without an effort to tack a
silver proviso thereto. Senator Stewart
baa served notice that he will propose
auuh an amendment. When is the
country to escape the hold ups of these
populist brigands?
The peoples party committee of Marion
county will meet at Salem oo Saturday,
ad as reformers of note reside in that
county something may be evolved that
will be of interest lo the public. Will it
be "bold sp or and bold op?" That is
the question.
Mr, Bryan may travel over the country
and talk as much as he pleases but the
country will take no steps backward.
Repudiation may do for some poor
weaklioc common wealth, but iu this
country it will not be tolerated.
No country has ever renounced the
old standard to adopt silver in its place.
Maax Moareaaiva countries, ou theotker
band bay renounced eiKer aud aJopled
tbe gold ataudsrd.
8ome of the nowspapers have been
criticising the president for appointing
two si Iter men on the international bi
metallic commission and only ono gold
man. lie acted wisely. If be had
named a commission composed of Rold
standard men the silver advocates would
not believe woid ul thoir report.
When Wolcott aud Ktevensou com back
with the tale that England will do noth
ing for the "restoration of silver," and
that neither France nor tJeruiauy will do
anything uoless England acts, we shall
see an end to the delusion that Europe
can be persuaded to help us make silver
dearer. With the international bimet
al lists eliminated, there will come a
cleau cut division between (lis gold
standard men and the cheap money sil
ver standard men in this country.
Sound Money.
Iu the appoinlmeut of the bimetallic
commission the president simply carried
out the pledge of the platlorru upon
which he was elected.. The free coinage
of silver by international agreement is
no more probable than the "construction
of a railroad to Mars," and no body of
men, recently assembled, knew that any
better than the St. Louis convention.
But there waa a strcng feeling in the
ranks of the republican party that, if pos
sible, somethiug should be dons for silver,
and it was to find out if there was such
a possibility, and to show to the couulry
that the party was not hoetils to silver,
that tho international plank was insert
ed. The only good that can come of the
trip of the commission will be the dem
onstration that international bimetalitoi
is, as Senator Iogalls would put it, an
iiideecent dream. Thero is no use in
wasting lime or money over it. The
only bimetalistp we can have is the gold
standard, with as much silver as we can
carry and at the same tiius preserv
their intercbangability. That is true bi
metalism. f ree coinage would give us
silver mono-roetalism.
The Lingley bill passed the house in
short order and was sent over to the sen
ate where it has been for about two
months. Some teu days ago it was re
ported from the committee of that boJy
and an agreement made that the discus
sion thereof should begin on Tuesday
last. That discussion may last anywhere
from one to three months. The "Note
and Comment' editor of the Oregonian
has dug up tbe following facts re
carding previous tariff diecuseions iu tbe
"Waiter tariff bill debated in the sen
ate 15 days.
Mills tariff bill debuted iu the eeuate
11 days.
McKinley bill debated in the senate
44 days.
Wilson bill debated in the eeuate
The McKinley bill was iu conference
about three weeks, aud the Wilson bill
remained in conference six weeks. It is
expected that the Dingley bill, 'after
passes the senate, will be in conference
about a month."
So it is reasonable to expect that aix
weeks will elapse at least before that pon
derous body, the V. 6. senate, w ill get
down to a vote. In tho meantime tbe
country is being flooded with articles af
fec:ed by the proposed schedules and the
government will to cheated out of its
At last tbe official bead of R. I. Hen
dricks, superintendent of the reform
school, is to fall. His resignation has
beeu accepted to take effect June 1st
E. M. Croioao will be Lis Boccearor
foe removal of Hendricks is tbe result
of a fight of long standing between him
sell and tbe superintendent of public in
8t ruction, ibe new rtpointment is a
good one.
Tbe newspapers of the stale, without
exception and regardless of party, are
paing deserved tribute to ihe memory of
the late Judge L. L. McArthur. He
has been a conspicuous figure in our
public affairs for almost a generation
and was especially prominent in the
councils of the democratic party. A just
C. E. S. Wood, who presented the case
of Senator Corbett to the senate com
mittee on privileges and elections Tues
day, is a member of the firm of Wil-
lums, Wood & Linthicum of Portland,
ex-attorney general, Geo. II. Williams,
being tbe senior member.
JudgelHanoa has decided that the
publication of notices that belong to tbe
sheriff's office is a prerogative of tbe
sheriff and he can publish them where
he pleases. We agree with the judge.
When a man is elected to should
have the privilege of bestowing favors
upon those who elected him.
Win. M. Morrow baa been nomiuatcd
by the president for the positiou of
United States Circuit Judge of the ninth
judicial district. This is the place made
vacant by the appointment of Judge
McKenna of California to tbe cabinet.
Over 70,000,000 bushels of Indian corn
have been exported from tbe United
States since the beginning of the yeur,
which breaks Ihe record by an immense
margin. Our foreign friends aro begin
ning to appreciate a good thing.
Crops are going to be good and prices
fair. Let every man reach out and do
bis part and prosperity will come.
Don't sit on the fence and whittle the
rails aud talk of bow it could be done.
Get in aud do it.
Greece would bave been gobbled up.
entirely by Turkey but for the interven
tion of Russia. The "sick man of Eu
rope" is rather spry lor an invalid.
Why did not President Cleveland
beu he was extendiug the civil service
list, make it include the president's
ottice, aud tbua perpetuate himself?
The Cirand Lodge of Odd Felloas it In
session at Portland.
Washington Knights of rythta held
grand lodge at Vancouver tbis week.
An extradition treaty
tered Into between the 1 1
has been cu
nited States aud
The order of railway
just concluded their
coudiKlors have
session at l.os
Tbe gun boat Concord, tiudorgoing re
pairs at tbe Mare Island Navy Yard, is
ready for sea.
The Ketitucky legislature is now tied
up over a bill and the members have got
to calling each other names.
The Hiitiah government luis been
formerly notified of the failure of tho ar
bitration treaty in the senate.
Two street cars collided iu Sau Fran
cisco Tuesday. Though both ere loaded
only two persons wero hurt.
Tbe court of appeals of Missouri hss
decided that bicycles are not baggage and
the railroads need not carry thorn as
William Waldorf Astor has contribu
ted H'JO.uOO to feed England's starving
poor on the occasion of the queen's ju
bilee. Trinee Francis Joseph of Uatteuberg,
and rrinctss Anna of Montenegro, sister
of tbe crown princess of Italy, were mar
ried Tuesday.
A dihpatch from Berliu sas it iu re
ported that a plot to murder King George
has been discovered at Athens, aud
many arrests made.
ALbiuese woman nauieu lai Hi was
found murdered in her room in 1'ortlaud
on Tuesday. Mun Yim, tbe supposed
murderer, nas not Leen appreneodiHi.
An electric curreut passed through
motor man On an Oakland. Cal.. electric
car Tuesday, and as a result his left leg
The body of a man was found in the
Willamette river near Albany Monday
It is supposed to be tbat of tbe deck
hand who lell from the steamer ltuth at
Corvaliis last wiuter
The body of W. S. I.add, the tl'ortlaud
millionaire, lu died some two years or
more ago, was taken from the grave by
grave robbers tuesday night. It is sup
posed it win tc field lot a reward.
Peter Kincaid, a brakemao, fell from
freight train in the railroad yard at Ked
Bluff Tuesday morning and was literally
cut in two by the cars before any of h
fellow trainmen were aware of the ac
W. H. liamiltou and his entire family
were murdered in a village near Helens
Montana, Tuesday. Kobbery was the
object. The Uamiiton s lived in lnver
for some years before moving to Mon
Tbe Kev. Mr. How land of 1'asadeua
wno was convicted ot an infamous crime
in that place and was sentenced to tbe
penitentiary, but was pardoned by th
governor, was on Tuesday arrested at
Oakland, Cal., lor a similar offense
Tbe republicans of the house will eu
deavor to carry through the senate reso
lutions iertaining to tbe president s Cu
ban message, printed elsewhere, carried
through without any complication
The Morgan resolutions must stand on
its own merits.
Ihe city election at Corvaliis Monday
resulted as follows: Mayor, E. Wood
ward ; police judge, E. T. Urefloi; chief
of police, O. B. W ells ; tieasurer, A. Cau
thorn; councllmen, first ward, Thomas
Samuels and Monroe Cameron ; secon
ward, G. W. Smith; third ward, It. E
Gibson and 1. Hall.
Physicians of Oakland, Cal., have bee
called in during the past few days to at
tend patients suffering from tbe effects
of poisoning, says a dispatch of tbe 18th
ah tne suaertrs nave snown tne same
symptoms, and bave been taken ill
shortly after partaking of strawberries
Efforts to ascertain the cause of tbe
trouble have met with partial success
The phvsictans declare tbat tbe straw
berries bave been in contact with some
poibonous matter used by the growers to
destroy plant insects, ibere rave been
traces ot Paris green in some of tbe froi
offered for sale
Cuba In the Senate.
A dispatch from Washington of the
18th iustant says : Cuba again occupied
tbe foreground in tbe senate today. 1
drew large crowds to the galleries, and
brought out two notable speeches, tbe
one by Hasan in favor of the Morgan
resolution, and the other by Hoar, in
opposition to it.
Tbe Illinois senator pictured iu fervid
terms tbe distress in Cuba, dwelling
particularly on the starving condition of
800 United States citizens, as reported by
tbe president, and called upon tne sen
ate to throw off its lethargy and pass the
Morgan resolution. 31 aeon tiad several
sharp tilts with Wellington, tbe latter
protesting that he was being misrepre
sented. It led to considerable commo
tion in the galleries, during which Wei
lington declared that he could not be
choked off by the rudeness of the gal'
Hoar spoke in his usual calm aud dig
n i lied style, and took occasion to deride
buncombe appeals to constituents and
braggadocio as to our national Urength
Hoar's criticisms, although impersonal,
were clearly aimed at Mason, i-eoatore
Gallinger and Hawlev also spoke, the
former for tbe resolution, and the latter
nrging that the United States should not
rush into war while our coast defenses
are manifestly inadequate.
Not Yet Seated.
Tbe senate committee on privileges
and elections today heard an argument
bv C. E. S. Wood, an attorney of Port-
ud, ur., in support ot me claim oi
Ion. II. W. Corbett to a seal in the sen
ate to succeed Senator Mitchell, under
the aDDointiueut of the governor of Ore
son. says a wasbingtou aispatcn oi
luenJay. but the committee took no
action. Mr. Wood contended tbat the
ppoiutmeut was valid because there
had been no session of tbe Oregon legis
ature. lie held tbat failure to orgam.s
was i uyaient to Holding no session,
and ' i this reason there had been an
iuti r.eaouiu. He argued it was the in
tent! jii of tbe framersof the constitution
that a state should be at all times repre
sented in the senate ; that, as he ex
pressed it. the sovereign states should
ever be represented by their ambassadors
iu the senate. The committee expects to
pass finally on the case at their next
weekly meeting.
Young bam, proprietor of the Japan
ese Bazaar, has a choice lot of Japan tea,
25 cents per pouud ; China tea, 'ib. Pa
per napkins b cents per doten. China
dishes at bard tJme prices. Call and
examine goods.
riuest liue of suiumei dress fabrics a
the Novelty Store,
squirrel polaou at Marstera.'
Th Porte Orders an Armistice Rus
sia Take a Hand.
CoNftTANriiioru, May IS. Tbcra waa
a sndden and unsxpected change in th
political sltuatiou shortly before uoon
today. Huasia quietly showed her hand,
thereby forcing tieriuany and Turkey
out of tho game, to all inteuts aud pur
poses. Last night and early this morning Tur
key, supported by tirmany, waa prac
tically defying Russia, Franc, Austria,
Great Britain and Italy, Insisting upon
the annexation of Theeaaly, Iu addition
to a huge war indemnity, and seemingly
was determined to march upon Athens.
Tho ministers received official advices
from Solla today, announcing that orders
.had Ix'Pn issued for a artial ruoliiliM
tion ol tho rtulgarisu army, oaailiy nt
the iiiHtigation of Kusia. Thero was a
hurried consultation of the ministers.
Th war party was for further defiance,
but in tbe end pacific counsels seemed to
have prevailed, for at 11:30 orders were
tleraphed to Edhein Pasha to cess
hostilities. Peaco negotiations will now
be undertaken in real earnest, and tb
Greeks will most likely be spared further
Athsns. May IS. The Turks hav
hoisted a white Hag at Arta from which
it is judged tbe Turkish commander lias
received instructions that an artnlstic
has been agreed upon.
AriiKNs, May IS. A private telegram
received this morning announces that
the Greeks hive abandoned Almyroe,
w hich has been occupied by Turks.
General Smolensk! is retreating on Kep
halosi. It is reported tho Greek retreat nn
Othrey mountains was marked by great
confusion and disorder.
Colonels Yassos and I.ibrtcia will start
(or the front today w ilh the whole garri
son of Athens,
L.x.mia, May IS the
abaudoned lVtuokoa.
(.reeks have
rillXlll ATKOCil'IKf.
M ANciusrka, Eogland, May IS. Tl;
Guardian today publishes a dispati
from ita special correspondent with tho
I. reeks which avs:
"The destruction of the Greeks iu Epi
rus is uppalting Everything they had
in tbe world has been burued or pillaged
M-eccs in iiictr lligbt were dread hi
Youug girls flung themselves from th
roofi to escapo outrags. A boy who was
captured by the Turks bad Lis lips, uore
and ears cut ott and tils eyes tvra out be
fore be was killed. '
Supplies for the Cubans.
W iLMisiiio.N. N. C , Mav I1). Four
tons of arms and ammunition, aud
cargo of dynamite were in all probabili
ty disembarked last night ou the coast of
Cnbs, by the steam tug Alexander Jones
and the pilot John l. Long. Lnder the
cover of darkness, and with lights out
the Jones, Thursday night, at a railroad
wharf, lock cn a cargo consisting of t
carloads of rifles, cartridges, machetes
provisions and medicines. The pilot
boat Long, Friday, took on a cargo of
dynamite and was convoyed to sea
where it joined the Jones for Cuba.
Warships for Cuba Libre.
CnicA',0, May ID. A special to th
nines-Herald from iew York aaya:
behind ths movement for the paassee
of Cuban resolution Is a solemn pledge
made by tbe Lubau junta to its support
ers in congress mat lour euective men
of-war flying the Cuban flagZareooly
awaiting this recognition to take to tbe
seas. These vessels, it is declared, will
be obtained in England, and it
asserted tbat arrangements have already
bren perfected by which they will
manned, thoroughly equipped and be
ready lo sail the very day ol tbe belliger
ency of the Cubans is recognized.
Uacklen's Arnica Halve.
The Bee. Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sores, Totter. Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Files, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
friceo cents per box. tor Bale at A,
C.Marstera & Co. -
A Cure for iTuscular Rheumatism.
Mrs. U. L. Lam son, of Fairmount, III i
U019, says: "My sister used Cuauioer
Iain's Pain Balm for muscular rneuma
tism and it effected a complete cure.
keep it in Ibe bouse at all times and
bave always found it beneficial for aches
and pains. It is tbe (inickest cure for
rheumatism, pains and lameness I bave
ever teen." ror sale by A. C Mareters
& Co.
Almost Blind
Scrofuln Affects the Eyes -Little)
Boy Troated by an Oculist With
out Relief-But Now He Is Well.
" When my little boy w as three months
old his eyes became very sore and he was
almost blind. I took him to an oculist
wbo treated him for six mouths, and left
him sh bad as be was at tbe beginning,
Finally Mood s Harsaparilla was recom
mended and I began giving it to him.
In less thsn tbrea weeks he wss able
to go into the sun without covering
his eyes, and today bis eyes sre perfectly
well, and his ear and nose, which were
badly affected, are also well. Hood's
Harsaparilla bus certainly don wonders
for my boy." Mrs. James II. Painter,
Amador. California. Remember
Qoronnni-illn is tue one
1'uriOt-r. Al' ilrniri;nls. tl.slx for 15. uet Uood 5
.(... ..IflM ... I'll A
HOOU 8 PlIlS with Wood s Barsaparllla.
Administrator's Notice.
uu'krbiuiii (1 Lm 1hh nuulnted udiiniila-
tratorol Die entatu ol Marv A' Houruev. ilv-
tttncU. All pi rwnu litv lug claims atfaliml said
enlaUiaru litrulir notillul to preseut lliu fame
tt tlie undtaiiKni'il at bin Louiv In ljuknm
Gists iirvcluct, wllliiu tlx moutus fiuui the Uatu
irwji nun proper loucburs.
bated iLib Ah dy of Hy, 17.
lulu I j Administrator.
Notice of Appointment of lixetutor
THAT int
tbu C'ouutr
Ull'JtjrklilllLU hum u b
mm ol LKjurluii i imiilv. Mate oi Oru-
ou.ilulT ui'ijluP.-d i xeouuir of tlie utalu of
itome Buuer. beiuusuil. all nursuus IisWuk
cIhiujb 1RB1U! t aid ttlat': are bervby rt-iuirud
to prvouut tlie tame with proper voucher!
tucrufor to tli uinlcrilauul at tils store in
otUburs, Dons im ( imiilv. Hialu ol Clrcaou.
Iiblu six iiKiutlis from the dale of Ibis uoUce.
UUU.U mis lui i)y o May, 1W.
Emmilor nl the tutatu of
lain . oorsu Usuvr. dcvcstied.
Our Spring Goods are just beginning to arrive,
Inspection and comparison of
For Men, Women and Children.
Latest Styles in eolors and shapes.
Our Hat Department is tight in line.
Shirts aud Neckwear are
The Koyal lllue Crawford lllrycle
can't be leat. Churchill, Woolley &
McKonsie keep them.
TN i iiR riiuTrrt'nunTor i ur. t;i a i r or
OisciMi, lor lVucUs t'oiinljr
Aran ImliRt. I laiutui j
M. I
Jiw'I'li Hl ,lln.:cr. IHIi UiUut'
lo Jowph Slia tuitvr, ibe bov usmrJ Uo
IodiUiii. In ihi- nsmri'l ItioHtalo f Urnsmi, '
you sie
berrny nMUHwi I'l-rst aipt aii.ner Ins n
Plaint HUM siialnnt ou lit mo abtro nlitliM
uiltiytliv 1 1 rat ilav of tho Ut't Irrm ol 111'
t nilllrtt I'KUrt lullowliiK Ihe rvplrullou t
tho luno virscrilieil III Ihi' otJi-r ol puhltentluti
ol lliln tinii nan, lili It tlrnl ilav nlil I Mon
d ih .'.Mi ilay ol Junr, WX7. and l( xou Inll
appear and auanr, lor waul llirtHl pUlntltT
ill apply luMlilcutl tor tho iuIh I iluiunud
cl la flu' romplainl.
Tho rvlivl ili'mnmli il - I In fmrcloaiiie el a
tvrlalo uiorlKas xucuud and drllvvrvd by you
In plauuirl ou or aMul april Jl. tv.U, la x t-tire
Ihu payiiit ut ol a or i lain pioinivirv mrtc loi 1110
p a I fc ou or ln'foio oin- yoat Iroiu dale wltb
(merest al Uir rate ot lo r eunl ht aiiniiui
and ubieh Mid aiorlaaKoeoDiryrd tiuto plalnl
1(1 lor llial purHMH) the lollowliia deacrlbvd real
pmiMMly iu tlie County ol Dotii a, Male ol Or
-Bil. t"-it; t oi No. to, (J) M Vtii, () ti u.
(iu aud e lev id (11) ol M-eliou ten, (P' toinlup
No. iiniy.o i-Mi Miuth ol laiiiio No. telvc,
(Ul iveal, oontaiuiiiK H'l.ui cre.
And a lutlliei ilwaw L'UiiliiK an-t ioiivIikiiik
you, aid .loaepb Sill mil utvr. ol ninl(ioin mil aud
all rislit, lil!i or tiiti-rmt in ami to gel l' p.-al
pro rty and eicry tberool.
TlilH uinmout i publlahiM l older ol 11' u.
J, C. Kullerlou, juilco o I lie nlwo entitled
couii, made April .1. l-.7.
A T. I KW Id.
uil.'i? Aiioriiey for rialniiO"
lr.'i:oii. In aud lor the Countv of Ltouirla.
L'll. 1.' . ( . !...... .-in... riiuuilil.
1 K.
Bun lor Iloree.
N . I'. MlMJI, I'DlCllJrtll
To W. I'. lo.. the ilmt i oaini d duleiulaut
In the name of the htato ol ltr(nu. ion aro
hereby required to npir and auMTi-r the roiu
plalnl fll.-U Kiuat you in tho above entitled
mil, Iu Hie alo i' named num. on or b lore the
Alb day ol June, I '.;, that Ix-iuf, the nmt dav ol
..... .VMUIM. IIIUIOI HU. 11
lait io to anaivi r. tho plnlnurl mill npplv to
court lor the leliel ptayiU (or In lu.ld emnpli
tne neat roruiar terut ol i-ani court, ntnl II you
to ihe
la ml
wmcu is a uecrei niMoivihif mr tnarruae eon
traet Clblinc U twern yourself nud plMlii'lfl,
auil that said platulill lo retorcd lo hi t maiden
name, Klla F. Inrutn.
Tlua aumuionii la puiilinbvil t y onli r mail.- at.
Cliambcn at Koiplie City. Ckm county, UieKou,
by Hon. .1. C. Knilerton. jndco ol aid lourl.
ivlinb tntd ordeih dulcd, May 1'.17.
. A. nKHt.BKKDK.
ml :i" . Attoriu i lor l'lmnl'.fl
ot Oreguu, (or Uouglas County
1 human ii. Dcrena, I'lalutlir,
I Vtilt 111 K'lUl'y lo
Lumcr l'aimi r, '. 1' Vout
and llarilel lioyer, f .
rartitiou ileal
To Luther I aimer, J Ti. Hoyn and llarriut
Boyir. abore namcldtlr ndauli:
In the name ..( thu nto ol (lii'Suii, you sic
hereby nnulrcd to ap',iar an, .nancr the com
plaint tiled aaln.t r on in the above enlllled
suit on or la-'lrne IU. Unit day ol Ihe neit resu
lar terin i, tbU vouit, to n It: Monday, Juuo
tb, 1-V7, aii-l il ,, 1,11 ,0 tnaunrer, (or want
thercol the ptslr,tlfT lil applv to Ihe court lor
tho rellel drmidiided in ibe couiplalut, a utv
Cluct alattnier.tit nbltb n ua (ol low a, lo- v. II
For a lrtllArni of the r,.: i,mtu.rlv ,lf.k.-rilM.t In
tho complaint, ai the N. E o( Hectiou si, I p.
h. ,( R,. k v , in liu;;laa County, Oregon, ae-
cjmin( u the rraptcilvu nnhu of the parties
hcrutw, fir II tai
loU 1
cai'Uol bt: bad Itliout
material Injur, to thoao iinlita, lor tho'alo ol
tho ald leal properly Iu tho uiauuur provided
by law, and a d l.lon ol the proceeds U tncen
th" partit a hereto, nceordlnf to their retpeclivo
rlirbta. Ihat Ihu plalni'll bale jmlHini-nt lor
the sum u ol and '4-loo dollars, paid ou I by him
(or tajLd. and that the lame bo taken out ol tho
proceeds ol aalo prior to auy distribution thero
ol. or iud-uiuut aicainat caeti ol aald dolendanla
lor his juai projiortlon tbereol, and tbat the
cost and dlsburavmcnta ol ibis auil becbarged
to the roaiiecllvc parties pro rata, or. In laae ol
sale, be paid out ol ibe proceeds prior todlatrl
butlon tbereol.
This , Summon Is sorxed by ptibllcallon there
ol lu pupiiianre ol an order ol the circuit court
ol the AlHio .l On gou lor Douglna t otiutv, dulv
lnadc and cuteredoii (be Xh day ol April, lt-77,
and May 1'.7.
A. M. fit AW FORK,
u'Jl"' Attoruev lor 1'lalutllt.
Administrator's Notice to Cred
Notbc b hereby gacu lo all turaoua lutciustod
that tbu lllidiTMC'Ded A. P. Ireland bah l.ei 11 bv
IhtM ounty ( ourl ol limiiilii. cunte. (Jnroii.
spiKiiuled aduiinlhtrntor ol tho 1 ulate ol K II.
Ii'i'luinl, aeceaac-l. anil all oeiaoiia ihvhil- 1: iiiih
again it aald ctnt:: tnuat pn ariil tbu aauio wlib
roier vouciicniiiuiy eriU' il to nl.l adiulDii
latur at my n nli:ni.c 111 ulalla I'r, I'nirl.
IJouglaa i-otinly, On gnu. 01 to bia alt'irney at
Koaubiinr, Ore::ou, Wllliiu luoiilba Inmi the
dalu ol tbla nollee.
I luted April Ji, lv;,
hi B Ilioi'i.K, Adunul ttiitor.
Attoru y lor Admliiilialoi, h.'.iu.
uidur-diMied baa leen by tho Conuty Court
ol iJOUK'na County, Oiegon
miily, Oiegon, apnoiulod adiuiuls
caliib' ol tiuuiol W'IIhou ileu aaed
11 n lor 01 tne
All peiaoua buying tdalma airulnat aald ealub
are notified lo pietoiil tbe aamu to tho iiduiluia-
traloi at tho olbc- ol llrown ,v Tmitlu lu Uueo
burg, On gou, writb pro)K'r vou bera duly icrl
Oeil wilblu al luoinlia I rum Ibe dalv of this
Haled at Itoii burg, Oregon, April H, 1VJ7.
I.K". M. Uiiouh,
Adiniuisirator ul of the Ealulo ul inuilcl Vi lb
sou, Ucceaacd.
:Vaaag maUlmi LT It'll T 1
NueULaui i'iuuo Oruau Ce. tJutablisLod l(j l(i. liavu wou il nutinnul rntmia-
tiou fur iiuru aud iiyuipntUutit: tuii, uualitv.
The Ncuilham l'iunu & Organ Cu. iiubbods ouo of the largest piunu and orau
factories iu the world, utiuiiiped with modern und improved niachitiery. Thin,
with abumlaiit capital, able uiauagemeut aud the umploymout of skilled labor aud
first-clans material, euablce them to uroduco the heat nlanoa nud orirutiH in lh
couutry, at moderate pricea.
The N'eedhaui piauos aro now ropruueuted at the Whlto llouae at Wuuhlugtun,
aalho Hon. (iarrett A. llobart, vice-proHtdent of the Uuited ritatea.'laa stock
holder iu this concern. ,
Capacity of the .Neudhaui factory Is about l',5UU plauofortua a year.
Tbtt Needbaui uianON. which in luld all nvur tlm Unitail Ktatoa hv matiniiaililA
dealer, have uaiued a btrouu hold on the
ittilleut tone aud reliable wotkmaiiahlp.
The company are also auiong the leading
in Loudon, l.oglaud.
uouimercial and Uuauclal atandiuK of the bigbeal.
We are repreBcnted in Southern Oiegon by T. K. KIOHAHDHON,
Itoieburg, Or,
In Spring Dress
line unexcelled for
up to dale. .;,
Annminitioii and Sporting (ioods.
l nrflnl allriilloit to
llnutltK iiiki itriiriiiii.
J llouglai
uuglaa Count), ssrraun.
I bo ti atom ol tlieo prlnc i "plain lo.liin .
Ilniinllir, I'otaMiuui, the i I nl. ol Iron
I ud I. urn aud i lilorldi ol I all linn, MnxucliIKi
One Rptliig loiiialu" 111 an. I tho ollu i ot.ri
VOt.1 gtauin ol oiid matter lo the gallon.
UHatcd ou I lo- KMilhi-ili la, III, Kallioa
Hhatia route " lloui ban I ram Im'o to l'oiSnml
I u iHiugla 1 ouiity, Oie(ou.
Aircrnvaloe eaxe if lUieiiinnti.iii. Naal (
lairh, l alarrli ol the siouiaeli, U in-pu Inn
IhiIt. Scur.iu. Maladal roliulnt', Ktdiin
'liouhlo, t onillpatioii, lMwaam ol the Mtiu.
I-lver aud Boiveit. and Veuen al dtaraai hate
Iki'U ciirv.1 by Ibe im ol tbeao m ati is.
New balh-riHtmi conueeted nub the maiu
I'll i M i lia- l,'itorllec aud Kxpn-M ou Ibo pretn
lo jr mall, not Hi and oulli
Tonu $10 ri l neck. I.' per day. lilt ludihg
I tie Hob 1 n ii toll r Ibe liuim.lialc iiiil
V'O ol
ait. ui:m. 1. 1IOMWI.I.I..
7 '111 K 1 I Ki 111 lOI'RT OK Till. hHU
Maltlu Hlallloll,
l'lnllillll I
lleu.V 1- Mi lauiel. and Alum I
MtDsnleU. b,a nib. 1. (
M I'snicla, I. I Milaulili.
aud A-Uiiic. r. Uaruet, i
Kelendanl-i. I
To Hi ary K. UcDanlela, Aunir V
and K. Melaulela, deleudaula
In the naiuo ol tbe blate o( Onfu: you and
each ol yon aro hereby required to l aud ap
poar suit aaawrcr tbe complaint 11 lid agaln.l
tou In tho above entitled court and t auae ou or
r (ore tho nrat day ol Ibe- Ileal regular term
o( tbu alaou emltled court to ult
On or t-niorr Momlay Ibe '.tli day ol
June, l-'-. that belnc Ibe lint day ol
aald uexl teipiler term, aud II yon fall to api-eai
orauamr plalnllQ s eulaplalnl agalual oit aa
aloreaald i.llbln aald time, lor want tbeieol,
the plaintiff will apply lo tho lourl lor the ie
Itel Ui tnandtd In ber coiuplnint aa followa:
Kor judttnsent acaluat deleudanU, Henry K
McDanleta anil Annie V. Meliauiels lor the
il in ol l tbouaand and aiaiy alx ai:d kl
(,OmVM) duller , with lulrreal thereon Inmi
Uar Mb, lt'C, all In V. H gold cold, Im lbs um
i l d ve butldre.1 'VHli dolla-a atlonieia leea.
and lor the coats aud dlaburMituelila ol ibla 11111,
and (r the (ul loaino ol a certain uioriRagi'
executed by laid Henry K. MuHanb-la and
A1111IH V. Mi Damola to A. W'. Htauloii on the
Mlb dayol April, (or Ibe auiu ul Hie Ihoii..
and tlie hundred i.j,.m W) dollari ami luterr.t,
and aaalitned by tho Mild A. W. hlautoii lu Hit.
planiul) ibe zntb day ol A pril, Ik'',', and loi nu ll
olbcr rellel aa la priiytd lor lu Mild cointilalut
aud aa Ibe court tuny adjudge, mi el aud
auriwM j, 1 I'l. i-tv
Atlornetra lor rialnilll
ubllahcd lu acoonlan
lib au order madu by ibe 'Honorable. J. I
Kullerton, )inli(i:ol tho ab
luge o( tho abo'
to entitled 1 ourt and
elated the bib 'lay ol May, In?
Administrator's Notice.
uudersiKiied bas been by the ( ounly Court
ol Houitlas ounly, ntato ol Oregon, iluiy ai
jmlntid Siluiliiliiralor ol the eniaiu ol barab r.
W atberly, docceacd. All peiaons Indebted b
said eatalo an hurebv re iUlieU to make luimedl
te payment, and iill peraoiia having tlulma
ngainal rahl eatale an- ieiiiliil lu pre cut the
aaine, propctiy erlhel, to tho iiuduiaigued at
rcultabuig. Ifoiigbial'oiinty, rei:oii Wllliiu an
lunntba (nun ibe diito ot Ibla uotli e.
lialcl tln lutb day ol April, Ml.
Admimntrator of tho calatv ol harab M
W'catlicrly, tls caaed.
Notice of Appointment of Admin
TN 1 11 K OUM V COL' 111
Cuuiilv. f-tala ol (Inwiin.
Ill the maiterol tKo e.UUo ol lleniy t'oun
liior, ugi eaieii.
Notbu la hereby glveu thai the yuderalgui d
baie been by the t'ouuly 1 unit ol llougnia
ounty. male i Oregon, duK apailnted admin
istrators ol thu catnio ul Hum) 1 011 11 f rxinlor,
leiuiuied. All peraou-i Iiuviiik clnima imiiiuiil
Ihu aald tilalo aro hereby iiutilled lo'prcMiul
the same propeiiy n rlbud to the umlcraik'm'd
at IIih i,ai,e of J. IV. Hamilton lu tbu Nlitik
building in ItoxuburK, I'miikUh t uiiui v, blaluol
'ri-Koii. wilbin -ix luoiilba Inmi Ibe ibilv ol
tbla uutlue.
I'ated at Itonebini;, Houglui ( ouuly, Oregon,
tbla Willi day ol April, I7.
Adiuiubitiiilora ol Hie l-.atalu ul Ib ury t nun,
HclliOl , Iiucinsed. a.liU'i
Trusses), t lull
tsl Narstcrs.'
Hue ucvtr miIcm,
delicacy of touch ami reliability nl ; ui.
iiubliu bv their attrat:tivu atii'saramo.
maker of orgaui, aud have a branch
and we Invite a careful
(londii we li.te a
vai iety ami pi ice.
We have just received an cUy.anl
line til Portieres, Tapestry Cuilaius
and I.ace Curtains, whn lt eoiupt isr
the finest line iu Southern t t ci;oii.
4 i.kvuI t ran t
if an flull
! havlna a laiK1' r''1'
Glass and Doll' Warb
. at aat iti.alilog lw 1 n 1
! Tuinauve. aie , 1 1 y p
pillar .
llaa J'lat tvevlved a l t and rati iuni' alo. k u
cuNmuriNci or--
IjA'Ik'h' I'reni (iootlit, Kibkeii ', Tt iimuiuH,, tf.U:, M.
AI.BO A MNK bl'm.'K i'C
hoots ajm seaor:s
tit tb tout fins' lily mi t flnial'
Wood, Uillin and lilu a Wine,
Crockery, Cordage, Lie.
AUw on tiii1 lu Urirr )iintitit nud prlri-a
Jutt Ikia tlfiirta. Al Ut;r Dtock -if
Custoin-Made Clothing
ror Choke
Call at Stanton's for "I,. V. M"
1 bo piiblo-liii', ol 1 1 iu 1'L u.' Si; hai 1
Ice ted iiiiiiiiiienieiila bi wliii h evei)' in h
neilbei I In n lo ill KfeivK a tup) 1,1 ihe
pi I
Tbe l"-l iiKileiilluinl paper piibi-brd lu
rntllle Nui lliueht,
Old MlllM libl lH ll'lli lMII ' Hill IM I'll e UlL .111111'
I'm 1111 inliliiloiiiil .!nn(N, Niibieiibeia
Will be xeul :
iU noli north o phmh u( ihe
Mlucu, buaidi liiuu 11 liiiiru b in , i , ill ,1, mid
tiblld (Hid 11 11 I'Melli ul nblppi r. IIiIiik In yoiu
onb is.
H.AIMiKAI.I.U l l ll. (il.
Dr. Gibbon
Ibis old reiliiblu iili. I
tho iiinal aui'i'rhslul
biieelullit In K1111 Krau
ulaeo, alill continues lo
euro all tiesual and
Aclnlnul Ulaeaavi aueli
sa (biniiorrluta, llleet
Ulrlclurv, Ayph Ilia In
iyi-,v ; vuii us loriiin, niaui 111-
AlvCijaesaes, Nervous lirbll-
'A Li..V Hy. InipoU'iity. hemi.
i ; ;' VVnsl Weaknras anil l.oa
tauuajuuaitek. j l riunluitiil. Ihti i'iiiii,,'
''nal Wcakneaa and l.uaa
uuuuue ol sell abuao aud eaeenaiia piudiif lun Uo
lolloivlnii ayiuploiii',: uulluvv touuleiniin e, ilmk
Kpuli uudui' lliu eyes, pain III Ibe beiul, iiUKlua
lutbeearri, luaa ol toiiliilem 0, dilbduiieu lu un-
pioaelllug stl'iiuaers. pulplliitloli ol Ihu beuil,
wuaauuaaui lliu uiuua uuu lllltb,
I.I111 l,lon 011 the luce,
UR. OIUliON has tiraiiriou.1 In Hau Frum.
llll.Ullllitloil i'l..
OVi-r Hi il ty .it'iiii, and tliuae lionlilnl aimuld 110I
lau 111 eoiiiiiit niui ami reeelvu Ihu l,,i,,.,i ,,
Ilia Kieai aaiu anil epeiiiiau. I bo iloetoi riirr i
when nt bera full, Tiyblui. ('urea Kuniaulrnl
I'eraoiis iiuruil al lioiue, t liamn leiiaouublii
Call or ivillu.
llll. .1, K. CilllUUN, CJJ Ktiuil) bt. liitii I mil
tiuto, Oil.