Tho Plaiiidoalor I.KtlKK HKAHH, DIM. IIKAI, KTC, KTC, KTC. . DEBT ADVERTISING MEDIUM riihlnilinl Kveiy MhikUv and HitirMl., Altiak ami Mlu Hlrcol, HOItKIM HII, UHKUON -HV Till-- PlAlNDUllR PUBLISHING COMPANY. Kxeculfd . .Neatly and at I.lvinK IUU-ii. Vol. XXVIII. KOSKUURG, ORKGON, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1807. No. 20. The riaindoalor GENERAL DIRECTORY arir ur oaaao). I1. a. Senator,,., ! t,,W, Mtr.rM iThi't ll. loniua W. R. Kill , William V. Ixr1 II. H. If. locale! I'll 1 1 Matarlian It. W. Irwin W. II. Uwrti C. M. Idltiman nngre nii'ii . lover nor Hwruiary ol Mlalo Wale Trieatirrr Hupl. I'lih. Ilialrui'tloll. Hints I'rliilcr Attorney General .F, A. Monro JixlMfo Wolterlon -iiti Hie .A. H. tmneoa M.H.....I llnnmlaliillin IJ. B. F.ddf M. A. Marrum (i. rk ol Railroad Comiulaalnn Lyilell Bake I m'OKI jrllHUI. IMTIIT. ,,t, . J. I'. KullrrUiO I' xiiltni Allot net ........ . K. Vale i. . umj orrm, tii'i. Nwrhlf K. H. Mharldaa Mralater Vealc II. I. WSlTatB SUSSl". Ointinr Ihni. Uweoa toi'KT T. HmmUir Krewulllrfa Mrh h9Ht r.aaanrer Hthool Muparlii'ltMil A iKiaiir ( ounlf Judg t'ouitnlaalouere Km Trior 1'orouer ... Slit-en Inaoector A W. KeH ,J.T. Hfl'll )a. W. lira 111. W. Hll' J.T. HrlilgM- . rawiora I. HI J. II. Mhlip D. U. W. A. r.aier .... Uoutlaa w alt w. a. Brill a. r. ikuu W, U Wllaon )M. I. 'I linmiwn ... will r. Ilejaon ...Dt. K. U Millar .Thoe. Mmllb rii iNi-T orri . ..Jnlin llimllo II.U.MIocum Juallir .'ullalalilva . M)r .. . . lal Mail tu t Ward.... Jr. I Mini .... ili Ward.... RlTUf'li'l .... Malarial Irraanrcr tit or aoMlt'ao, A. C. Maralert )llai4 lurm Sf. W 1'aiia ill. i . ntauiou ill. III. Moor iJ. M.flUclitr Wm. rrry I ll. i'. aiocum J. I Allan F. M. Zlglei J. H. t'BDUOO 1. A. I'arklo iodbt amioM. 1 ti i ln-tili Court lor HoiirIm county rntal thiea llmra a yrar aa lollowa: 1 ha M Hon lar In Mmib, 111" 4th Mouilajr In Junf. and lha lal Momlar in lHuilr. J. Kiillrrtoil ol Hixrbuia; )ii'lo, Ufa. M. Hrowu.ol Koacliurf, tiKMrcuiliiil alloinrj. rmni r l.oiirl mcoli Iho lal WcduraiUy allil lha Ul Mnmlar "I Jauuary. March. Mar. July. r-rniamlK-r ami NavcmlK-r. A. r. Utrarni, ol Oikliii'1, )'i'l; '. II. Mauflii l Klklon and w. I.. VMIwui.ol Rl.lillo. romDilnlouara. 1'iobala ooil It In iimiuu cuutluuuuiljr, A. r rilcarua, ludRa. McHlalr IIccllai(a. f ll. Kl.KH, KOMMIl'KU I.OHi., MI..1.H, I...I.I il. . it i.unlai i iii ii i ii ii 1 aliom at Ilia I ci. o. I . ball on wtuu'l nl loiirih Iliuixlay ol rarli moulli. All nn uiIh ib rriuraK! to ai t. ii'l i.-iiulrl-. aii.l all Mtiiig blot hcra cor- iliallv ln ltd to atii'iul. K It r Ll lAi.i: II hi IN. K. R IIKHMAN MAKKM, tm-rvlary. UOL'uLAH t VI' NCI I.. Nt. .'I JB. O. V. A.M., mctta rvcijr Wcdncactay rTfiilni a I o'clock tu liiu nl'l Maaoulc Hall. V tailing brother! arc corllally luictl 10 811114. C. V. rion, tiiu. W, rnY. Councilor. Kecoi.luii tHvivlai . T Al'RKI. IA)lKiK. A. A A. M . II K( I' I. At A- niMllnn I tin .M anil th Wrturulajl ID aarh muuili. I IlKK JollNSM.v, W. M. N. I. Jkm, 8 ivy. IJlllLEl AR1AN LOIJOK. NO. C, I. O. O. t. A inert rlaliirdar citulni ol each wrck al Ihrlr ball In oM rllow limpla al Hnacbura. Mambera of li onlcr In lood alandlni ara InTlW d to attend. H. W. V AN.1I.R, N. II. r. U. Mutlll. Brc'y. ROHKDURil LOlXiK. NO. 1. A. O. V. W uircla Ibe avi'outl and lourth Moudaya ol MCh tuoutn al7 J0 p. m. at Odd Kallowa hall. Mrmbcra ol Iho older In good (tandliif ara In tllod to alU tJ'l. TjKNOI'ObT. NO. W, CI. A. K.. MEK'IH 1 HI Oral and third liiiiradaia of each month. rOMF.N H KKI.IEP CORItl NO. 10. MKBT8 Bratt and Oili'l lliuiauaya in caco mooth. t.'AHMk Al.l IAN( K--Regular guarlrl 1 .McrtliiKi will bn held al Uran Hall, lloacburK, tlia drat Kililay In Drccnibcr, Maxob and Juno, and Ilia third Friday In Hplmbr. RySKUUKU I II A ITER, NO. I. O. K. 8.. MHT8 the arcond aud lourtb Thuradayi of cacb m,"'h- KFUINA HAM', W. M. A'.hKa BtiuMri, bou'y. R OCKHUKO 1HVIH10N NO i',9. B. Of L. I., meet every tccotia ana rourm nuuuay. 110HKBUB0 K. 1. I.OIKiK, NO. 41, I. O .O. F XV mrataon l ucailaT ercnltif of each wtab at lha Odd fellow a ball. VlalllDi Ultra and mtlbrcn ara InTllcd to attend. M Kit IT WKhl', N. U. AM ATA SMllli, B. H. A 1.1 11 A l.ODtlK. NO. 47. K. Of P., MMTB every WediKiday evening at Odd rellowi Hall. MallluK Knitihta lit good ataudlng cor dially United lo attend. 1). LOONtV, C. C. K. M. C'ONKLINCl, K, B. H. I'roU'MNlouHl enrttn. M. CRAWFORD, A. Attorney at Law, Room ManU-ri Building, HOHBBCBQ, OB. nr Bualui'aa lie lor tb V. H. Land Offlea aid mliiTiig caaci a r'l"y- Late Receiver U. M, Land OOce. aiORUR M. lltOWK. rain, riua tiiitin. IJROWN A TU8TIN, Attorucys-at-Law, Rootna 7 and l a A Wllaon Block. RObKBUKO, OB. -yy. n. willis, Attorney and Counuelor at Law, Will prarltra In all tha rniirla of lha Htata. Of' tea In lha Coin Uouae, Dnuglaa county, Or. Q A. HBHLBHEDK, Attorney at Law, Hottburu, Vrrgon, lca avar tb rvatoSIca on Jaekaoa atraat. Tyy W. OARDWELL, Attorney at Law, RObKUl'RO, ORKCION I A rAVITTC 1.1N. I ANE & LOUOHAnY, Attorneys Ss CounHelorB at Law Uuttonrg, Vrtgon. V III oractloa in all tha anuria of Or agon. 01- get ib in layior-wuaoa woe. J P. TRATKORl), Attorney at Law, Roomi and Taylor Wllaon Block. kwr.HVKO. OH JJ 7RA BROWN, M. D. Of net, m Jatkinn Hticet, at re Idrneaof Mr, i. fllrwr. ItOHr.Bl'KO, OH. J L. DttADLBT, M. D. Physiciau & Surgeon. Cifflc Hour, Ironi li to 3 r.u. faylor Wllaon Brick ROBKBUH'J, L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopath io Phyaician, gaawrr, Urfn. aWCkroala dlaaaa a parlalty. w ILL. P. HETDON, O01111I3- Miirvi')oi-. and Nourr rnbllc. Omrg: In Court llvriar. Ordeia for Hurtr) lug and Field Note abrmld b addreatwl to XVIII P. Ileydon, County Bor vryor, Roaeburg.Or. STRICTLY riRST-CLA5S. HOTPI McCLALLGN. MUM U.I Nil I.AI Li:N, Irop. RATF.H RKAKONAIII.l:, Lame, rln? tuple Rooina. rrro Hii. to aul Front Tralua. E0-EE7E3. AUSS A. B. PORTER, MILLINER, (It Klrccli one door W tl ul Paaloffltr, FINE LINE OF MILLINERV GOODS. I.AIISl B I V IK- IN PA'ITRHN HATH. JERRY J. WILSON, Watchmaker and .lewder, Jackaon wired. Two door aoulh olMucuiii a Hall. Uthlll'ItU IMB..A1I Rcpalrlua cull uiltd to my care wtlll bm PROMFTI.V mid carefully done. rBicen rkakonauijc. Wlvo JH. mm. ; H WOODWARD TUK nOUEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! Waar alwaya in tha Lead, aud uioi u to keep there. Tha Golden Ilarveat ia upon u, and f irm er ara ambling becauaa Woodward looaa to their intorcit. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Theaaaraall Laather and Warrant I. SADDLES At Reduced Triuea. CoDiult your puraa and ba aura anil aea Woodward before buylujj, W. G. WOODWARD CATARRH looal'disease and la In reaullel ceMa an auddan ellmalla thinjai. It ui be cured by a ploatant rimed which laiillad dl recti into the ooitrUa. Bo Id quickly abaorbed it givra rollaraloocea Ely's Cream Balm I acknowledged to be the nsmt thornagli cure for NaaaK'alsnb, Cold In Head and lley Fer of all reniedlM. It oiwna and clraiaaia tue uaaal piaai'i allay oain and iuOanunalUau, Ileal llwaoiea, pio tact tha mambraua from evlua, reatowetlieiatini'a af lull and ainall. Price nor, at Pru lit or by mail. LV fcltOXUEKB, M Vlrra feijaat, aw fork. IIS Responsibility fur the War, WIjuu UibiaUriHu ol tbo lulurt atarta out to trace Hie rcioinililllty for tbo iracco-Turklli war of 1H'J7,Ii will have an any taak. At the vloee of tlie war of 1877-8, when Turkey lay proatratu at the fuel of Ku wilii, the treaty of Hail Ktofauo wan ontored Into between the two coihi trloa, by which Turkey atkuowledKod the Indeiwodeute of Mootemro, itoti mauia aud horvia, urautod to Uuluaria a uioitaure of borne rule which praotiually amounted to independence, and gave Macedonia to liulgaria. At the aauie lime Turkey promised material reforoia In oilier parta of it domain, including Crolo, and UnoHia Klnod lonio territory. KnKland, however, then under the pre roiernulp of the Karl of lieaton field, and burning witn its half a Century old jeal ouay of Kuuaia, proleated agaiuat the Hau Helanu BKreouiunl, and the entire uueUou waa reeued and aubuitled to all Iho great power at the tujogre's of llorllu. iu the atiuimer of 1S7S. Itiglit here chauges wero made in the settlement of (Sen htefauo which have had momentous cuueeijuences for Kouth caatern Luroe. Iu tfio treaty of ller liu entered into by the great powers few ujonlLs after the Kuaso-Turklah Hgreewpnt, MHcedotiia, at the iostiga liou of England, waa taken away from Ilulgaria and given back to Turkey, Ltoenisaud Hor.egovina were annexed to AuHtria, Theasaly and part of Kpirua were ceded to Greece, and part of the territory allowed to Ituaei wan restored to the 'itouiau Knipire. Important re forms were promised to Crete in the Ber lin treaty, aud the powers which signed that agreement, particularly Kugland, wbicu look the leading part in bringing it about, were solemnly pledged to com lel Turkey to carry them out. Turkey, of course, did not perform its promise, and the powers, jealous of each other, and each caring only for its own imme diate interests, made no foriou attempt to force Turkey to grant ita prewired re forms to the Cretans. Thus Ke'land ia primarily rueiiouvible fur the condition! which brought ou the prceoiit war, for the Cretan concetcioiiH, which would have amounted virtually to uutououiy, would have prevented the re cout uprising 011 the island aud have preserved the ieace. The restoration, too, of Macedonia to Turkey has pro longed the Turk's stay in Europe, and has given him, through this manifesta tion of Kugland'e friendship, a backing which has encourage! him lo perpetrate the atrocities iu Armenia, Crete aud other parts of his domain which have shocked the world in the pant few years, liut while Kiiglaud ia ultimately respon sible for the condition which made Iho present conllict inevitable, (icrumuy is accountable for the war, strictly shak ing, by the backing which she has given Turkey through the military olhcers whom ulie sent to train the Turkish armies, aud w ho are now directing them ; 111 (iuduciug the Sultan to stand out agaioat Greek meuacee, and iu instigat ing him to declare war on Greece. Tbetie two Christian nations, Kuglaud aud Germany, the former indirectly aud re motely uuil the latter directly aud im mediately, will bo liehl rcsiHjiisiblo at tho bur of bietory for I lie conllict 1h tween the elements of civilisation and suvugery which is ragiug in Southeast era Luroi-e, with the odda iu favor of the latter. I ashion Fancier. Wush libhou uow cornea in many blinder: , and black lace that will Uuudcr can be nought also. This ehotild simpli fy (ho freHlieiwng of mure elaborate sum mer gowns very much, A w hile pauama bat trimmed iu scar let and black, with black, wings and scarlet poppies, is the height of vogue. Autboritios say tbat l'aoama is more de sirable than Leghorn this euininer. Ultie and white foulards are the rage in large, sprawly patterns. This stull ia deservedly iopuIar, as it is light, cool and duBt-shoddinii, and, while having more body than China, it will not get luussy so easily. Straight, buttoued-iu cloth vests iu 1 ream, while, tan, dark bluo and hug- hsli uink are especially swagger lor wear witn tue opon-ironi taiior-mauo sun jusi at this season, when a shirt-waist still looks a little coolieh. Another lato lancy iu bodice tiimmiug ia to have one plailod re ere that fast- down tbo center of the waist and forms a cascade on the right shoulder. These are particularly pretty of particolored silk, covered with uace or net. Menagerie Food Bill. When papa takes the children to see the uuiiiials ho bus likely thrown oil bueiuoes cares for the time aud it does not occur to bitu what the circus pro nriotor baa to sneud to keen tboae ani mala alive aud interesting. The cost of tbo establishment of a prominent ani mal collector iu Germany includes some astonishing Uitures. The food bill is the main item, ol i.iitirip. costini! irobabl? $500 a month Au elenbaut consumes L'OO pounds of rice, biscuits, clover, etc., every day. Add lo tho food bill tbo wages of tho enormous etatT of feeders and workmen whoHo are iu constant demand and you w ill havo some vagtio idea of the bill Unit are prvseutud for payment. Thov amount to thousands of dollars nvArv vuar. Tho annual food bill at the Loudon 7,oo comes to I'.'o.OOO, and the items last vflur Inc hnlml 40.000 iKjuuda of whiting uarta of S hriUlPS. 100 bushols of apples, 15,000 oratiges aud 10 basket of i liiirrioa. Kven wild beasts havo their iuxutifB. There I Nothing Su Uood. Thmo ia nothing jtiot uh good as lr. King' Now discovery for Cousumpliou, Cnuulis and Coldd, SO doiUUIld ll aud do uut permit tho dealer to sell you bouio jmbutilute. Ho will not claim tlioro is . nvLbiiiu bettor, but iu order to make uaoro profit bo may claim something elso to be just as good. You want lr. Kiutf'H New Dicovry becauso you know it to bo safe aud reliable, aud guarati tood lo do good or money refuuded. l or Couguu, iJolds, Consuuiptiou utid lor all alloiitioiia f Throat, Chest aud l.utigs, thoia i uothiug so good as is 1'r. King's Now discovery. Tiial bottles free at A. C Muiatora' drug Store, llogtilar bite bO ten Id aud f 1 00. Do yuu waul a good strawberry plant? Call arvuud to Ibis office aud ilud out where to get Home. Cuba, Vast Prison I'cn. A letter from the "Globo-Hcinoeral" sioiial corresiioudent in Cuba, not only gives a graphic picture of tho accumulat ing uiisoriu of the Cuban non-combatant, but presents also au important esti mate of greater woes soon to follow. It is not assertiug too much to say that Cuba has already been converted into a prisou-pen for its helpless rural popula tion, chielly women, children aud old meu, What is known as the "concen tration order" of Gen. Weyler forces tboae unfortunates to leave their homes aod gather at garrisoned towns or sta tions. Home of them are massed in warehouse, others in tent.' Hcsoly ra tions are Issued, but the prisoners, for such they virtually are, and strictly guarded, are excied to beg or forage for themselves as best they can. dis ease and starvation are at work among them, an I us the rainy aton advances their condition must grow worse. Those who have a little money find the prices of food fur higher than was ever known beforcon the island. A crisis ol most universal distress among the rural in habitant of Cuba can not be remote. Though this farming population have lived chiefly in buts, they bare hitherto found abundance of food aod all needful comforU. In these bumble Louies they have r hi re. I sturdy families, and the ge nial climate aud fertile aoil made the daily ciHks comparatively light. liut now ihu pacificos, as they sre called, are dopriveil of all opportunities to support themselves, and are baddled together according to the convenience of the mili tary authorities. It is asaumed by Geu. Weyler that the able-bodied members of these families are with tbo insurgents, and as he failed to subdue them by force of arms he will make war upon their wives, mothers and children. Nothing can Ijc more ceitaiu than that death runs runs riot among this rlass when they are held as prisoners, and Iho high est mortality of all will be among child ren of lender years. Thero will be an guish among the insurgents when tby know that their families are to be sub jected to this infamous policy. l!ut the rebellion can not be slaiued out by any device of cruelly. A starving eople near our hhorca, stricken by disease as well as hunger and belonging to the uioet helplccs class, is not u speclaclo that cau bo treated with indifference iu the United States. Our corresiioudent at b'agaa la Grande, a town ol ,000 inhabitants, says that looo pacilicoh are kept there w ithin cer taiu limits, while rations are issued fur only :t00. The death rate is ten a day, which in a year would sweep oil' three fourths of tho whole number. This is but oue prison-pen of many. Cuba has been through many reyolulions, but never before were her non-combatants exposed lo "what is equivalent to a sen tence of extermination. The letter of our correnpoudrut ia one of the most im lortant received from Cuba during the present revolt. It gives the facts dispas sionately from observation, it remain to consider tho duly of our people w ben the peaceful masses of tho Cubans ap- leal Iroiu their prison camps for food and medicine. Odd Cycling Novelty. V uew and unique cyeliug sensation is tho seesaw quadricycle. It iB a combin ation of the old and nearly forgotten tri cycle with the modern bicycle, aud the result is a curious-looking atiair, w hich fa now attracting widespread atteutiou from wheelmen and women throughout the country. Nothtug like it iu appearance or design ever before uiqieared on tho bori.ou of the cycling world. Ibis seesaw quaJncyclo is essentially a family aiiair. n is uuiu lor iour riders, with au additional seat lor a steersman or governor, llie const! uc- tiou of the machine is of the simplest. There aro no complicated joints, goariug or combination of L'vcrs and clamps to confuse oue or make au ordinary break down a serious matter. Also the fact that no previous experience is necessary I u order lor one io rum wuu an iuo speed aud skill of au expert tends to mako the seesaw quaaricycie a popular mean of divereiou (or parties of four or eveu for two persons, who, w bile wish ing to enjoy the exhilaratiou of cyeliug, dare not trust themselves to the uncer tain balancing qualities of tbe ordinary tandem. ... The seesaw quaaricycie is a lour- whaaled affair, as its namo implies, The rear set of wheels aro slightly larger in circumference than luo lor ward or guidiug w heels. .ilOllOU IS giteu inu matuiuu uj mo flight of tho riders, who sit upou seats dilleiiug very considerably from tho or dinary bicycie seat. These seats, of which there aio four, two iu frout aud two in the rear, are fixed at the end of long levers, which are not uulike the walking-beam of the ordinary side wheel steamboat. The end of each lever not occupied by tbe seats lor tho rider is connected by an upright driving-rod with a large sprocket wheel iu theceuterof the inachiuo. The tlltiug, or seesaw, levers at either eud of the machine are supported over tho axels by upright supports or stand ards, Btrougly braced and working ou live roller bearings. 'I i,n miniH for the r i Jul a ut tho two ex treme euda of these (ever ore comforta bly upbolstored atiairs, ana ueiow mom r ariiunhililo foot rosta. which allow rider of ditlereut height to secure at all time a uotuforlaoio looirest or urat e. The framework of tho uiachiuo, which ; ulilniiir. is made of cold drawn seam less tubiug, exactly like that used iu the construction 01 Hie ordinary incycm Tho rear wheels aro thirty inches iu Up milliter while tho front oucs ore two inches smaller. Did You liver Try Klcctrio liitlers as u remedy for vour troubles'.' Ifuot.get a bolllo now and ireL rulief. This mcdiciuo has beou found to bo peculiarly adapted to the ro lif ami cura of all l'eiuulo Complaiuls, exciting a wonderful iullueiice iu giviug strength aud tone io ina oriua. ti you havo Iaiss of Appotilo, Conetipaliou, Headuche, l'aiulmg bHlla, or are Nor-siik-nluari. Kxcilablo, .Melancholy ur troubled with di..y Spoils, Kloctrio itiiioiH in tbo medicine you uuod Health nud btieugth uro guarauloed by its U6i'. I illy coma ami fi.uu ui iuar sliT'b diug Kioto. Now iu tho limo to Mpiar your trees. LHiy tbe Combination Sprayer and save lime aud mouey. W . 11. Gordou, agent Insurgents on the Aggressive. Nkw York, May 3. A special to the I'ress from Key West says: Havana advices show that the insur gents are active in that province. Ta pasta was attacked laxt week by 11 force of PX) Insurgents, and held for a entire day. The bpauish itarrison in one of the blockhouses retired completely, while the oilier bold thoir ground and did not fire at the insurgent 1 or disturb them in any way. Tue Cubans look possession of the vacated blockhouse, looting it of all the arm and provisions they could find, and then set in on lire. The other blockhouse, with a gar ri sou of 300 troops in and around it, kept quiet, no offensive operations being attempted by the hfpauish oflicer in command. Tb Cuban camped within half a mile of the .Spanish force, aud plundered the stores of the town without opposition. La lleiba was attacked by a force from Rodriguez's army, tho first of the week, and tho Spanish garrison driveu out. There is a small earth fort there aod two blockhouses. They attacked tbe earthwork early in the morning, ard carried them by a dashing charge, the Spanish reteating into their block house at the other end of town. One of thiae was attacked by tbe Cubans, and three bomb exploded under its walls, shatter ing it badly and killing several inmates. The Spanish surrendered, and were pa roled by the Cubans. Some firing took place between the insurgent and the other two blockhouses, but no attack was made on them, the Cuban apparently being content with the victories .they had gained. They entered tbe stores, took what they pleased, and loaded their plunder iu ox teams in plain view of ttie Spanish. Tbe Spanish loes is said to have been about T killed and wounded. Work reached the palace yeterday that a garrison of 200 men at a small place iu the southwestern ortion of the province deserted to the insurgent last week, carrying all their arms and am munition and a field piece. The insurgent captains, Kafael Mendo za Siearroe, and Kicardo llaldez, who voluntarily surrendered a fortnight ago in Iinar del Itio and were liberated un der Captain-General Weyler'a amnesty decree, have been arrested. They are to be dejiorted in iroos to Ceuta for confine ment. Advices from Saudi Spiritus report that tho Spanish volunteer in the gar rison thero are becoming mutinous, owiug to tho government's failure to pro vide adequate commiHary supplies. 1'rotii uO to 10 are deserting daily. Dr. Zertucha in Trouble. Nt York, May 3. A dispatch to the Journal from Havana says: "Dr. Maximo Zertucha, Antonio Ma cco's physician, who is alleged lo have bblrayed the Cuban general to tbo Spau- lardn. waa arrested at his home near Gulnee yesterday and brought to liavatia under close guard. It is understood at tho palace tbat Weyler has ordered bis deportation to tuaiarina island, a ?pan ish peual station, otl'the African coast.' About Good Roads. Ou au ordinary dirt road a horse can draw three times as much weight as he can carry on his back. Ou a good ma cad.tuii.iJ road the animal can psll three times as much as ou a dirt road, while on au asphalt pavement it is said that he esn draw eleven times as much as ou a diri road, or thirty-three lime as much as ho can curry ou his back. Wisconsin Agriculturist. It is estimated that, iu existing condi tions, a locomotive can haul a ton of wheat a mile more cheaply tkau u farm er can a buekel. The importance of having good highways in connection with railways is shown by the l.tcl mat it costs more to get the average bushel of grain from the farm to tho railway sta tiou than from the station to the sea board. Lxchange. Mauv cases of "GriniHs" have lately beou cured by Oue Miuuto Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adaptod to the cure of this disease. It acts quickly thus preventing seiious complications aud bad etl'ecls iu which this disease olleu leaves tue patient. Marstera Drug Store. dr. F. W. Hayues does crowu aud bridge work iu an up to date manner. Traveler shudder with horror at the .i i.. c .i. ...r..,l...r u'tt.-i Kteultnilv inotlgui ui u uaiii- - .. - . ; . - undermine tUe aupport ot a railway bridge and precipitate a passenger tram with its load of precious human freight to a horn i.,. j .V t.- r a., A nsirr There is a deadlier enemy than the train-wrecker that menaces not oniy iraveicm uui t l.j ia iiitlifrewtlilll. It blOU'lV uiidermiiies the aupport that hold up the a i J 11 1 ni .milal.a tllltnlll nnasc ui uic anu jv.hj . tbousauas into me uihuihikj "'!' ir .A,.u nnlu lake tht riirht Die caution tliey can avoid this calamity and even remeuy it auer n n u..n- Will ttCl 111 .iimv. All case of indigestion and every disease that has its incepion in intunemioii v nutrition are cured by dr. Pierce a Goldt it i...i:,.i ni.Mvi rv ll cure oH tier cent, of nil case of consumption. It cures wasting diseases. It is an unfailing remedy for nerv .......a..,;..., ti in ilii ureal blood-maker flesh-builder, and nerve tonic. Thousand have testilied to its merits. There is nothing else ' just as goon. imukkims ku h. "I lira leave to Inform you," writ? Mia. J lilielv. ol No. 1701 Thoina I'lace, MinnearHilii. u .. Iir liM..a'k flnlilt'll Mfllical Ilia coverv rnveil my troutile in niy neck tloilre. It '..vuu ,,. ilurr mnntlia. At the anil) bottle 1. 1 ... in .,t.Mu Ki,iii.r ltefoie. it liud mown ,ii,.iuihlv. I am very uralcful lor Healthy babies. Healthy mother. Healthy father. These are what you find iu the home that have a copy of dr. Picice a Common ... i..k..,.i Ai..iuMr Send 11 one-cent stamps, tn cover cost of mailing onlv, lo Worm uispenaaiy '"." Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth binding, ,11 stamp. A. SALZMAN, (Hncccworlo i. JAHKUI F.K.; Practical : Walch maker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. -..piAi.Kit m,f WATCIIK1, CLOCKS, Y, AND FANCY MOIi. , m jav. (1lM) llriiAllliiu Lye OIiinmcn and rSp-( iicloa A COMri.BTI STOt Of Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigar and Smoker' Articles. Also I'ronr iotor and Manager of Hoxeliurg's Famous IlarRaln Hloro. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, PKAl.tRS IS STAPLE JUD FiGY GROCERIES ID PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AjMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. A Liu A ITLL LINE OK TOBACCO Sc CIGARS. UIVE IB A TBIAL. I RICK IHICI.IVKKV.. CALL AND ti Pltl JB." The very latest in "AH the 1 ejsfi World Loves a Winner" 1 M Our 'Ninety Seven ml w ' Complete Line of W 1 IMlOMSlf ell ifflnl Exp I MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO. W W CHICAGO HEW TOU 10HP0R W Wit Send nine iwo-crni siampi fi a deck of Monarch Playing WW Card. HluMMiii- Lillian Kuasell, Tom Monarch Cooper, Ui? Lcc Richardson ani Walter Jones. Uvular Vic cards. 7M CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MCKENZIE'S Roscburg Hardware Go ,11. 1 .' J . J. ' "1 r i. .i ... I..-,. .... I'.i.ilii.- V tiii uiiir Kmv.K mini i.ttv"vti s.-.a.w- n il tin xoli. Kt'un Mill liny ol mi' 'Ho iroi v i.i uiiua aim iii"- n iii'm". . ....., - a ul hi-nllliy. No iul.i.cliiii; in my ola. tiniil t x,.. iis.i uiv. iiiainl imi.l -I my l;-ni ol myottUiaiMiiaitiilial.'t'klioi.itlielwstyai.Uin Calilinuin. oi.i.. ami lllluoi.. My Muls on lie I .Ion "si,i.Mill.iimisalllii'N.i.lli.'riiWi..:oii Uiairlol lair Al ii..ii Hole Hair. lUown iclii.iiis n.iit.'ii.liiii iTviilMii; 1'i'H. al'i IttospcliilHoiu'wIi. nl mill rulliia aa - Ina Uni l.aal miililillillioii. tli.h i rtiim-lly llllaftl at Kiunc ShiiiiiIiiohI. i.imu W.nriii at al 01 lur iiaitltnlai. Hvlid Uamp lor it'l'ly. A, KUilt',, uauatcr. ALL KINbS Or one Iiour South of r. O. ROSEBl'RU, ORKVON, SKH THE IC the Plauct Jr. line. . as j m , 0 1 UKKEUKK OK FINE POULTRY, S. C. Urown Leghorn, Uiinctl Plymouth Rock, Ijlack LuiiKslum,' S. S. Hamburg, IJ lack Minoicas, 11. 11. Red Game, $1.00 PER 13. ii in I a.U(u t.wiiiiv Tint lii r-f.L hrrciler hi HOUlh- . . ,,,Airnk,m