The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 19, 1897, Image 3

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TIM- ( linrchra.
lUi riir iiium ii iiitiicr ul l.auo and Km
Inula, m 1 1 1 1 t it y Mi i vli o; I'liinlilliK, II a, m,
mul Ml i, in.; V nil l'i'i'lt)' Ulilnll, 0. IK) p ill. i
Mm. I'., W, III , I'linlilmill HilliiUy Hehiml, 10
ii. in.; Jiiiiuh diaiiitwrlalii, Hiiiirliiliiiiln
rnivii Mwllna, TIiiii.I evening l 7:110.
Mminiiiiiii cm' hi ii loiiiiriil Main awl Lane
.IriiU. Hiimtny Hiivlcr: rnaelilii. II "
mill 7 in i. lit.; Mnlilmlli i IiimiI, 10 a. m.l t.
W . Miiiillcy, Hiinrliit Ii'iili -'lan Mimlln at
i lime nl llm I Iiik mnvlrui Kjiwodh laiu
i, Hi i. in. lUiliu Iin ), I'MxI'li iil. I'lajmr
Mi'i IIhk, Wi'iluitinW, l 7 .W l in.
I'lUHH I,. M'MitlK, I'Mlor.
I'mmiimili', oiirnur Main awl lno.
rimxiiv iniu Hum ii I'oiimr ol Caw anil
H,ir mn Hiniilny Hi'iviim; I'linHo wonlilp,
in in I 7 l ; Hul.lmlh m hiMil, 10 a. m.
V I'. H. t K.,7 . lit. I iyr Mlln, Weloi-
lltV. 7 Ml l Ml.
K. l. Im.wunTH, I'utur.
.Supplies lor the Oregon Soldiers'
Smldl pinpoint will In inoivcd by
tint riiiiiin tii'litut ol llm Oivgnn SdlJUirn
II. hum wt lux ullli o in riil home, lor all
niiilit'H iii i ncHiiy lr 1 1 io fnriiintiiiiK aud
limning ul llm sawn milil Airll 30lh,
H. Said In. Is muni bo received at hi
Hint mi ur Uloio April 30th, IW7. A
Miimpl i nl i ln'hiug bid for uiutil accom
pany the bid. All articles inlliil be first
i Uxn mul llm guides lully defined in each
innUiuo. A lint i( H tho article lf
miciI will I'O found in I In' Firttt National
tiunk, KoM'liurti, r at llm Soldiers'
Ilium', Payment to bo made by vouch
id on tho Slate ol Oregon, subject Io
luillu r Icgialalioii.
The light in nurted Io ii j'tt any
pHll ul 4ft i 1 I ilH Hlhlliittfd.
llm clung, 'n i. ii, March 201b, Ih)i7.
W. II. llVAHH,
Clmmbrrlfllit'.s Colic. Cliolcra and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
t in;, in (III- bull IIU'ilifilHI III III" Wolld
,,r hi el loiiipl.iinlM. It acta iiikkly
.m.l i in iilwayn Lit depended iihju.
Win- In. .'I witli walerit is plcsaanl
to take. l'iy it, ami like many olbon
v.iii wi'l f.'t.iiiiiiuii'l it t" your Irienda.
l ui m,i!.i hi i mi. I .iii rriitH per Imitlo by
A. Mairtti ih A I'd.
L'rcfltcnt Itkyilc.t.
I lnti in et nk Uii ''ii iuoiIcIh, itll
now, mi I litiiil with M. A. W. uuirk ro
p. ur Iniv4, wlii Ii 1 will Hfll ul oiiu-tbinl
I,. hi) III. in uiii;iii:il pi no. 'lliffo vtbfola
mi lu'.h Kn.u.iiitn'.l l"r uw ynr. t'ali
i.r n.t.:iiiu iila. t'ltil on or njdices,
T. K, Itll IIAIlllXoN,
I (ltd I Illy Vcitia.
mi. ami i.i.t. I in i- ii Kkmkot. Mr
m ...... U,ini hili lift, bi'l'll IIMl In!
nil) )i-i l.y mil. lull" ul iii.illirrn nr tliolr
Hill wlilli. tlttltiK. Willi IfllfCl UtCf
ullli Uii' lul'l, .illi'iia tin: Hi"i nils)! all
i hi
..I ri
ii ....
I.. 1 1.
, fil'. 1 IMll-l I'.ili'. Bll'l Ii mo iimi b-iiivij
i.irili.i ii. It .rii"iiut lo Iiu- lanlo. HolJ ly
S I ! I
lU In r.. ry purl ul Uii' wmM. 1 wrnly.
r. ul h l..illi'. II lulu.' I lmltullilc.
ii- mi l W f, .r Mia. Wlimlow'l HoutlllDf
.. mul t it . o iiu uiliir kin. I.
K you luivi! fviir nci'ii n child in Hie
,iMiiy n( t iiitip, yon can upprociato the
trial itii. Id nl ilio imitlicr who know thai
'in- Minute Cuiili Tint! ri'licvcM tlicir
hltlo oiifH in ipiickly iih it 18 adinin-i.ituri-d.
Muiiv hjiiuit in thin city are
neve! witli.nU il. MdiKter' PriiKMore.
Orcjjun l ire Kcllcl Absovlation.
I'licipi'nt itn. I hi'Bt iiimiranio on I'arth,
ul cost, or 1 ' cunta por hundicil. Keni
ih iit pri.pi'riy, u ppcciitlly.
II, 1,. Maiikii.iir, Anenl,
liickU'ti'H A rill HI HiilH',
l lio Una. Sulvo in tho world lof Uuta,
UriiiHi'M, Hiiri'H, I'll t'm, Salt Uliounl,
l-'uvnr Soryii, Tottor, Chappod llatnlg
ChilllniiiiH, C'oniN, and all nkiii Krup
tioiiH, und poBitivoly eurfB l'ilna, or no
pity rfipiirml. It in uuurautoed to K'va
inufurl H.itiHtui'tion or inonuy refunded
rrii o-.i conlH r boi. For sale at A,
U.MarHti'rH t L'o.
hhoesi, Shoes.
I.uto arrivitl ol mon'a and woinuu's
htuut and i hoap ehovs. Ainu a supply
ol HtnisiiiiiiMo Htaplos ut Manton'a.
Many i iihc ol "ilrippo" have lately
humi curnd by Ono Miuuto I'oiikIi Cure.
This prcpuiation aooniH iBK.'ciHlly
ilihiptod l'i tiio euro ol lliia dievaeo. It
ii.'la iuickly thiiH proviMiliny soiioua
i-oiiiplicatioiiH und bud cllectb iu which
I Ii ih dim'jtso ollon IcitycH thu puliont.
MaiHtcih' liun iluro.
To the Kootcnnl MIiiIiik Country.
I'ltc ti. S. in tho fchottcbt lino
.m.l iiiitUcii tho ipiirkoBt liuio. Traiai
Idiivo I'urtliin.l iluily at U:o0 . ui. Hug
Kiifju rliocUcd through to doeliiuttiou.
TickulHoii Bitlo to itll minim: cunipB.
'. V. l.ii.Mio.v, Anont,
UoHoburt;, llrogoii.
Don't ullow tho Iiiiikh to bo iuipiiirod
by II o I'liiiliuuouH irritation of u uoukIi.
It in n.iHirr to provont coiiHUiuplion than
lo euro it. duo Miuuto C'ouh I'uie
takon i'urly will ward oil' any futul Iuiik
tioiiblo. MuiBlorH' Dru Htoro,
rsov iU'hIuiih iu wall paper ul
ri,.MM)i: mul riuiilor ia a little
iillitoiativt', but. boniiainu'M by "iij't al
iiim.iiinii'M iti'if ul iiid'' von can cutch the
public eye- mi l eiik'iiuo tho public at
tout ion. Tho Wobfoot l'lantor ia
clubbod with tho 1'i.AiNim.M bit and the
two iniiiurs will bo fiiriiibliod to till cash
HiibacriboiH of tho htttor without extra
WTu n ullii-r li'.T is ro.'iiit'-il
frt'sh in this country, like
Schillings Host, some tea
will be as good.
Not now.
At grocers' in packages.
Caro Uroa. are the bona merchant.
Mompilto neta at llio Novell Hiore.
I It. l alrchllda ol Ht. Ijuih la In the
A. H. Irehuid ol Olalla la at tho Mc
Ulallen. Fine lino ol white gooda at the Novel
ty Hlore.
A, U. Krownlor of Cfiicatfo la In the
city today.
J. V, lIutchliiHoti ot Oakland la In
town lodiiv.
i:. L. l'arroll ia ioiiIIiiihI In bin home
by alckuear.
I,, (i. Diiuibli'lun ol WlnclieNtor waa
up laal woek.
(J. V. Colliim ol 1'ortland ia on our
utrciila today.
1'. W, Ixtouard ol Dillanl waa in the
city ynatordav.
1'. J, JetiuliiK of C'ottaKU (irove ia at
Hie McClallen.
i. 1'. Manlen ol lan l-iauclico ia a
Knout at Him McClallun.
Joinph Mttlvin of Oakland had btia
nana in town ISaturday.
There will be 'i'i applitanla lido the
Woodiueu'a Koat tonight.
(J .hi. MelXiugal and H. ll. fair of Yon
calla are in the city today.
Moat of thuf.o who were on (he nick
lint are Kuttiutf along nicely.
DtMiUntry ol all kluda nkilllully and
roinilly done by Dr. Fred llaynea.
Dr. K. W. Ilayuea iIini crown and
bridge work iu an up to date mannor.
51ina Lucy Hay of the Myrtle Creek
public n h ol wait in the city Saturday.
Have ou aeen the now atrawlterry
hoe at Churchill, Woollny ft McKen'i? Ijw ami lii(h ahotn, but not UxjU in
price, in colora ami black ut the Novelty
Kuiemoii labor and wife of Aalil.uid
were Kenta at tho Hotel McCiallou yea
terday. All kin tin ol artiln lal tooth made at
renaonablo prictta at Dr. I rod llaynca'
Dental ulhce.
Thin tropical weathur calla for atraw
hata. You'll liml a largo line at the
Novelty Store.
Jimt arrived Irom Nebraska u car ol
corn and corn chop at Cawllivld'a Hour
ii ml ford ntoro.
l.adira we have juet receivod a new
lot ( chocolates ami ox-blood ahoea.
Novelty Store.
Churchill, Woolley V have
juat received a car of choice Washington
cedar thinglee.
Keep our line ol ahirt wainla iu uiiinl,
and when you decide to iiuy, call at the
Novelty Store.
F. 11. VaiU and wife and F. W. l.eo
nard of Dillard, were guesta at the Mc
Clallon Saturday.
Do you want a good strawberry plant?
Call around to thia oflico and Und out
whore to got aonie.
Mra. tJ. W. Kapp'a grocery wiudow
with itn colored chichens wna juite an
attraction yesterday,
The Hoyal lllue Crawford Bicycle
can't be beat. Churchill, Woolloy A
Mi Keuio keop theiu.
-pecial sale of hardware ul 11. M.
Wcad'a hardware store. Lowest prices
ever made in Koaeburg.
John Murstillo, a section hand on the
C. 11. K. K. K. H., committed suicide
at Myrtle 1'oiut last week.
Churchill, Woolley tt McKeuie have
just receivod thu linoBt line of fishing
tackle ever brought lo Kosoburg.
Dr. U'.hnie will give prescriptioua in.
eluding medicine, between 1 and o p.
ui., except Sunday , for 60 cents cash.
Mouey to loan on city and country
property. 1). S. K. lii'iiK,
Marstora' Huildiug, lioseburg, Or.
A. 1). Crouch and C. L. Cox of Camus
Valley took advantage of the improve
ment iu the rouda and came iu Saturday.
Now ia the time to apray your trees,
Buy tho Combination Sprayer aud save
time aud money. AY. 11. Oordou, agent.
Hardware, tinware aud implements at
speciul prices for the next two weeks.
iHju't miss them nt Wead's Hardware
Humors, pimples, boils, are very an
noy mg, luey ijuickly disappear wueu
the blood is puriliod by Hood's Sareapa-
Tho Litdioa' Aid Society of (ho rresby
torian Church wilt meet Thursday after
uoou, April 1,'L'd, at the homo of Mrs, II.
M. Wend.
Mrs. Thomua H. Sheriduu, aud tho
Misses Minnie aud Oracle Sheridan, of
Hosehurg.are gueste at the Tortlund.
Oregon iau.
Timeu must be improving, from (he
appearing of the hotel register people are
taking courage and gotting a move ou
Farmers iu Yamhill county utilized
the moonlight nights last week lo got in
their uropB. Such work ought not to go
Those who scraped up the mud In
front of their places of business uud hud
it carted off nro now reaping tho benctlt
of such a course.
Hon. W. S, U'Ueii will add rem the
citlous ot Uoieburg and vicinity ut the
court bouse, Saturday evening, April the
21th, at 8 o'clock.
Tho order of the Wooduicu of (he
World threatens to become oue of the
most popular ot Koueburg's many eocret
benevolent societies.
Tho Hev. W. 1', Anderson, Baptist, is
available (or Kvaugolislic services, or
will accept pustorato torn short time
I'reuont add i ess, Hoseburg.
W, II, Jauiiesou ia learning to ride
the "siloul steed." He will cut
prettier figure when he can master (be
art ol balancing and preserve his e.julllb
The Vloleti avt slc Utile party at
the Armory Saturday night. Girls pre
iwnderated. Th club will give big
party at the opera house lo May.
To Itr.NT A Ore room collage, rant
cheap, near Washington street, west
Ids ot railroad track. Kn'pilre at 10b
Washington street. a l' If.
John Applegateof Yoncalla made tho
I'l.AiNKKAi.iia a pleasant call while in
town May. He report floe prospects
(or a good crop Wh grain and trull.
Judge J. C. Fullerton returned ou
Thursday evening from Corvallls where
he had been holding and adjourned term
of I ho circuit court fur Bonton county.
The towu along the Willamette val
ley are reporting the presence ot the
"hobo band" that filled the air with
aweet strains In Itoaebarg a woek ago.
K. Duties, physician and surgeon,
oflico In Marsters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Keaidence.Ull Mill at reel.
Oentlumen, our shoes will give value
received every time. We have all kinds
either for dress or hard wear. Come
and examine them at the Novelty Store.
II. M, Armitage came home from
Brandon, Manitoba, Friday where he
has been (or about two years. Mr.
A r milage's family refidee at Kiten bower.
J. K. Duunlvau of Myrtle Creek, and
Knlifirt Anlanf of Cninatock, will bs
Douglas county's quota en the United
States grand jury to moot iu 1'ortliiml,
May .
It is a pleasure lo show our lino of
ladles' shoes, I hey comply with your
wauls without emptying your puree.
Come and see them at the Novelty
Mr. Chas. Clements after a thorough
investigation of the merits of the yarious
wheels, bought a l'liu ulx of Churchill,
Woolley A McKeuzie and amils a very
broad smile.
Tho grove is ijuite a popular place
evening' (or persons who are learning lo
rido tho "hike." Spectators too seem to
enjoy watching (he beginners take their
regular tumbles.
The Y.l H. C. K. ol tho Christian
church will give a dime social at the res
idence ol J. H. Shupe on Thursday even
ing April I'L'nd, 1S!)7. All are cordially
invited lo attend.
The Ceutial hotel, under the manage
ment of Boscoe lireeu, is becoming
more and more popular every day.
OooJ fare and reasonable prices. Give
tho Central a trial.
Are the boat ladies' line shoee.
Call and see them at the
Novkltv Bioiik.
The Y. I'. S. C. K. of the Christian
church will give a dime social at the resi
dence of J. II. Shupe ou Tbuaday, April
IXC, Ice cream aud cake will be
served. All are cordially invited to at-
L. A. Sanctuary and F. F. Patterson of
Rose burg were in this city Tuesday. We
are reliably informed that their mission
was to view the rite and offer a bid (or
the erection ot the new courthouse. Co-
juille Bulletin.
K. 1. Spaulding of Noonday City,
where the snows ot wiuter yet "linger in
tho lap of spring" to the depth of thirty
fcot or thereabouts, and where instead
of bicycles snow Bhoes prevail, is a guest
at the McClallen today.
It has been customary to annul the
freight (rains ou Mondays, north and
south from this point, but today tho
trains between here and Ashland will
run as usual, but those between here aud
Portland were annulled.
The people of Koaeburg, who bo de
sired, had an opportunity to atteud
church ou Friday last (Good Friday.)
The ringing ot the church bells made
people think that perhaps they bad lost
a couple days and it was Suudav.
James Tobiu ot Klamath county, has
soul out circulars offering a reward ot
300 tor the arrest of the thieve and the
recovery ot 35 head ot horses, which it is
supposed were stolen Irom the Gleini
ranch, below Klamath Fulls, March 1'ti.
T. It, bboridau, who intended going to
Portland on Wednesday last but re
trained and remained over to attend
to eotne correspondence pertain
ing lo tho Coos Bay, Hoseburg and
Eastern ltailroad, went down on Thurs
It appears that able bodied men beg
ging a moat are not nearly so numerous
now thai thoy cau be put to work spad
ing in the gardeu, aa they were during
the stormy weather of a tow days. Why
iu this thus? Dou't they rat iu good
Faster has passed uud Leut is over.
The ladies appear resplendent iu uew
bonuets that thia year look like flower
gardens, an improvement on the collec
tions ot dead birds formerly worn. Is it
proper to say the fruit trees are in stylo
thia year?
Hon. 11. L. Benson was ia the city
yesterday from Urania I'ubs. He didn't
say w hether he waa on his way to Alaska,
or uot. All jokes aside, 1'reiidunl Mc
Kiuley might go farther and do worse
than appoint Henry Benson circuit
judge of Alaska.
Yesterday was a poor day for shooting
and tho KUlo Club Uiil not get many
chickena. TLe successful ones were
Hadley (3) and Strong Ci), Those who
failed to hit a barn door were well, per
haps, on the whole, it would be sufuet
not lo mention them.
For the lirst time iu -5 yearn, the cir
cuit court for Benton comity concluded
a BosHiun w ithout a jury trial, Tho bob
eiou ouly lasted two aud a halt days, ad.
jouruiug Weduosday evening. The
grand jury returned but oue true bill,
thut charging Jack Erwiu with assault.
He plead guilty to pimple assault and
waa fined 5i. The grand jury returned
"not true bills" In the eases ot ld Thay
er and Mra. Holoo'ub. Gazette.
O. A. Brown, general agent ol (be
Colorado Midland Railway, came in on
Friday night and remained over till
Saturday. He was looking after the
business of bis road and seeing to It
that local agents were doing their duty
In the matter ol obtaining a share of
Miss F.dith Fleming, a milliner of
Kugcne, won turpriaed to be notified
that the sum of 10,000 had been re
ceived by the First National bank there
subject (o her check. The money is the
proceeds from the sale t a mine in (he
Handnburg district, and is a gift from
an uncle.
Harry Tarry, the tailor, with his
household gods left on Saturday foi the
new eldorado, at Kosaland, B. C. Mr.
I'arry has been a resident of Koseburg
(or a number of years and while we dis
like the idea of losing him the nope I
expressed (hat he will do well in hi
new Hold.
Walter H. Hamilton and timer Virgil
Hoover, of Koseburg, and Charles Km
est Wade ot Drain, were among those
who passed the examination before the
slate board of medical examiners recent
ly at Portland, and can now hang ont
their shingles and write "M. D." after
their names.
Work on tho Marks placer mine on
liogua Hiver ut the mouth of John Mule
has continued all winter with a fore cf
from three to five men. The results
iu diml were good. n Tuesday the
deeiient snow on the trail from tho
mine oyer the mountains lo West Fork
was three feet.
A. U. Maltooo, who lives six mile
west of here, called on ye editor Thurs
day. It was a pleasant call ; other days,
when we inhaled alkali dust in Kastern
Oregon together, were recalled and both
concluded (hat we preferred to live in
Douglas county, even if it was a little
muddy Moinetimea.
Wheu tho wealhor turned ofl suddenly
dry and hot a few davs ago it had a ten
dency lo bake the top of the ground and
the farmers began to look for rain. It
came 1 Mi-1 night and all is serene. Per
haps it is a part cl the outpouring (he
Australians had resolved (o formally
pray for on the Mill Inst.
Workmen arc clearing away the
foundation of Judge Fnllertou's burned
residence in order to commence the
erection of a new dwelling thereon.
The structure will not be anything like
the one destroyed but will be ipiile an
addition to tho ornamental 'and comfort
able remdeuces ot Weal Koseburg.
.umber is being hauled on tho ground
for the piirpoflo ot repairing the bridge
acrota tho I'mpiiua at this paint. For
some time tho county court has had a
notice thereon saying the bridge was un
safe. This waa lor the purpose ol warn
ing peuple that they crossed at their own
risk. It will soon bo in apple pieordtr.
A n'ce little Kaslcr service was held at
the M. K. church last evening under the
auspices of the Sunday school, Superin
tendent Woolley taking charge. It con
sisted ot singing, responsive readings,
recitations and addresses. The recita
tion of Mi as Amata Smith, "The Daugh
ter of Jairus," waa especially interesting.
Those who are troubled with rheuma
tism should try a few applications ol
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, rubbing the
parts vigorously at eat h application. If
that does uot bring relief dampen a piece
oi llannoi witu rain isaim ana bind it
on over the seat of pains and prompt re
lief will surely follow. For sale by A, C
Marsters & Co.
O, F. Godfrey purchased a high grade
Iuiirial w heel of T. K. Richardson last
week. There is ouly one grade of Im
perial aud Hint's a high grade. Mr.
Godfrey took to tho wheel a naturally
as duck takes water. He rode right off
w ithout any trouble, but Mr. Godfrey
said alio believed she preferred the
horse and buggy.
Amos Burr, kuowu among railroad
men as "cnub uurr, traveling pas
senger agent of the Yandorbilt lines,
came on last evening local. This is bia
tiret visit here iu four years. Mr. Burr
reported baviug encountered very hot
weather up uorth, it being KS in the
shade at Portland Friday. He teporta
business as picking up.
Wheat advanced 4'H cents iu Chicago
between Thursday aud Saturday. The
prophecy that wtioal will be fl per
bushel here next harvest may yet be
verified. The outlook ia encouraging
Tho crops of the southern hemisphere is
either harvested now or the yield cau
be estimated bo that buyer know what
to expect (rom (hat ipunrtor.
Charles Wymer of Willauiiuu, while
shooting Buluton in tho big Nestucca
river Tuesday, fell, and bia guu struck a
rock and exploded, lhe ball paaeed
through the baud. Kvery effort was by his companions to stop the How
ot blood, and he was taken to hi home
and a doctor called ; but, before an op
eration could be performed, Wymer
A. W. Stauton of Brockway, who ha
been ouite sick (or Borne weeks past, is
able to be about mid superintend matters
ou the farm. It is (ortunuto that bo got
around when ho did. Mrs. S, has been
superintending things during tho illness
of hor spouse, but now a number ol
young goslings are demanding a portion
of her time. Goslings, like turkey
chicks, require much looking after or
lliey will lie dowu und stubbornly refute
to live.
A teachers iuutitute for the First Judi
cial district will be held ut Grauts Puss
on the ilSlh, -'.'Hi aud 30th, lust. The
address of welcome will bo delivered by
lion. Henry L. Bunuou, und it will bo
responded to by the Slate Superintend
eut ti. M. livtiu. Among the dietin
gu lulled educatori) w ho will be present an
take part, are Preeideiit Chapman of the
Stato University, W, 1. Naufccoy, o
the Aiihlaud Normal school, PruBideut
Campbell, of the Mouuiouth Normal, aud
A Beautiful Country.
Ye local look advantage ul the line
weather and a wheel and on Saturday
afternoon made a spin into llm country,
going a lar a Civil Bend and back.
The road are uot all that could bo (la
ired lor wheeling but are such a one
can got along teaaonably well over by
exercising the quality ol patience and do-
ng a Utile walking. After the grade
along (he side hill south of town ia
passed the road 1 good till the Winston
bridge I passed, after that there I con
siderable op one (id t and down the other.
But the country look lovely, whsre
but a tew day sgo were the bare branch
es ol tree extending heavenward, ap
parodtly dead, meadow with but little
grass and lots ol water, stock (landing
around sheds ruminating, and not overly
fat; those whose business required them
to go on (be roads, after prying their
wagon oot of a madhole with a fence
rail and filling the air with a delicate
tint of blue. Now all is changed, the
young leave of the deicduous tree are
patting lorth, and the light green color
ing standa in strikiog contrast witb the
more sombre bue of the evergreens. The
fruit trees are "glorious in their ap
parel," laden witb blossoms that fill the
air with fragrance and beautify the land
scape. The grass i growing io the
meadows and the kine cbeweth the cud
contntMdly, Tbe plowman iib merry
whistle drive hi team afield and turn
the stubborn glebe, tickling the soil that
it may laugb abavest. And as the even
ing shadow fall, the milkmaid too, in
picturesque attire call bossy from the
pasture and soon witb foaming fluid fill
her pail. One could not help but feel as
Solomon felt when be sang: "Rise up
my love my fairy one, and come away ;
for lo, tbe winter is passed. The rains are
over and gone, tbe flower appear on tbe
earth and tbe voice of tbe turtle is beard
in the land." Without being irreverent
it may be said that thia ii God's country,
and it appear that the proprietor is not
neglecting the beautiful vales of the
Umixjua thia year. Bountiful crops ol
fruit, vegetables and cereals are almost
assured, and tbe faces of the farmer are
shortened up and the traveller is greeted
cordially. It is worth one 'a while to go
out at time and commune witb nature
in her pleasant mood.
Oregon Pioneer.
The annual reunion of lhe Oregon
pioneer will be beld at Portland ou
June 15. Tbe board of directors held a
meeting recently at Portland to arrange
for that event. There were present J.
T. Appereon, 1847, Oregon City, vice
president; Geo. H. Himes, IS 13, Port
end, secretary; Henry Failing 1850,
Portland, treasurer; Curtis C. Strong,
M. D., Portland, corresponding secre
tary; Judge William Gallaway, Oregon
Since the meeting President Williame
and Secretary Himes have selected tbe
speakers and other offiers aa follow:
To give tbe annual address, Hon. John
K. Mctfriue, bpokane, wash.; tbe oc
casional address, Hon. John Burnett,
Corvallis; chaplain, Key. J. S. Griffin,
1830, Hillsboro, now in his 'JOtli year
grand marshal, John W. Minto, a native
Oregonian of 1848. Judge Mc Bride came
to Oregon in 1340, was tbe youngest
member of the constitutional convention
which convened at Salem, August 17,
iso, represented tins state in congress
in 1804-5, and is a brother of Senator
McBride. Judge Burnett came to the
coast in 184'J, but did not settle in Ore
gou until lttdb. bince then be has oc
cupied a large place in tbe history ot tbe
Birthday Party.
A very pleasant party for the little
folks waa that given by Conductor and
Mrs. Kearney last Saturday afternoon,
in honor of their little daughter Hazel's
fourth birthday. Miss Hazel was the
recepient of a large number of handsome
presents, and there were candy and
games, ice cream and noise, aud ail the
other accessories that contribute to a
good time generally. Those present
were; Villa Hoffman, Lillian Veatcb,
Hazel Patterson, Hazel Parry, Hazel
Kearney, Maude Clements, Ye via Bnick,
Mertie Bales, Helena l'evaney, Lillie
aud Elbe Siubbletield, Ruth Woolley,
Mable and Edith Clements, Hazel and
Bessie Carlon, Gladys Connolly, Dora
Kiuney, Mary and Delia McCarthy, May
and Gertie Moore, Agnes Pitcbford, Bale
Hanuou, Violet Smith, Flossie Perry,
Eva Faulkner, Ivou Woolley, Fairfax
Parrish, Victor Micelli, Lawrence Jamie
son, Chesley Benjamin, Tommy Harmon,
Sylvester Smith, Benjamin Caro, Leo
Devauey, Frank Brand, Ralph Kearney.
Mr. C. Y. Benjamiu, Mrs. Chas. Curry,
Rose Bushey, Lena Kearney, Carolyu
Kearney, Baby Kearney,
Children's Home Society.
J. F. To bey, superintendent ot the
Oregon Children's Home Society has
been iu tbe city lor a few days, the guest
ol Rev. F. L. Moore. This Bocioty is eu
gaged iu (he work of cariug for unfortu
nale little ones left upou the charities of
the community. He is a very Lard
hearted man who does uot feel bis
bosom burn with compassion tor the
helpless little waifa that come within
tho scope of tbe society's endeavor. An
Astoria paper referred to the work of
Mr. Tobey aud bis associates in a not,
very complimentary manner, but the
well kuowu pei sons who comprise the
otllcial board ia a sufTicieut guarantee to
tbe people of Oregon. They consist o
Hon. K. 10. Brouaugh, presideut; Hon
B. M. Smith, F. McKercher and Mrs
Auna L. RIggs, vice presidents; M. F.
Thorn ieou, secretary:' II. C. Tumor
treasurer Hon. C. M. Idleiuau, coun
seller; J. F. Tobey, superintendent.
U ia reported, by way of Kiddle, that
Commisaiouer Wilson ia gettiug aloug all
right since undergoing au operation for
cancer at the hospital in Portland.
! 16 v. no.
The Civil Bend school district is, a
our readers have been blore advircd,
haying a litllo trouble and i now in the
handa of (he court. An order was made
some time agj by lhe superintendent di
viding tbe district in accordance with a
petition, and this wai reverred by lhe
stato superintendent uud the matter
landed In the circuit court and was there
argued some days ago. The matter was
taken under advisement bnt it decision
ha not yet been handed down. It is
probable that Juo'go F'ullerton w ill reach
a decision some time this week. In the
meantime (he interested varies there
are on tiptoe watching lor the result.
The (ime is at hand for lhe distribution
or apportionment ot school moneys and
10 wants it but 1 I'i wants it divided. We
cannot get through this world withont
our little troubles, if it isn't one thing
it something else.
Silver Wedding.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mr.
Talbot celebrated the twenly-Gfth
versary of their marriage by a dinner at
the McClallen. A few friends of tbe
family were present and the evening waa
pent most pleasantly. One of tbe most
interesting features ot the evening' ex
ercises was a solo by Hon. W. F. Benja
min, which will not soon be forgotton by
those who were fortunate enough lo hear
Those present were, Rev. and Mrs.
Dilworlb, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Benjamin,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Talbot, Mr. and
Mrs. H. T. McClallen, Mrs. D. C. Mc
Clallen, Mr. Brackett, Mrs. McCloskey,
Mrs.C. A. Sehlbrede, Mr. Hansbrough,
Mrs. Mary Jones. Mrs. McCullougb,
Mrs. Roee Arrington, Miss Anna Tal
bot, Mr, Coleman of Portland, Saul
Marks, Conductor McGuire, D. C. Aglcr,
Roy McClallen, Leo McCloskey.
California Granite.
Tbe energetic firm ot Gillclto A Co.
have just received a carload of Califor
nia granite, ot which they are going to
build tour monuments and also tbe
bottom base of the late D. C. McClallen's
fine monument. This 'ia the first car
load of granite ever brought to Rose-
burg and these men deserve much credit
for their enterprise. They are the Icad-
iog marble and granite firm of Douglas
County. Any one desiring work of this
kind would do well to see them before
buying elsewbsre
April Weather.
The following table shows the maxi
mum temperature for April during the
past 20 years :
1878, 76
1879, 75
1S80, 84
1881, 78
1882, 80
1883, 71
1885, 82
1880, 74
1887, 77
1888, 84
1889, 70
1890, 80
1S91, 76
1893, 70
1894, 82
1895, 85
1896, 65
1897, 00
1884, 7S
Tuob. Gibson.
T. K. Richardson has leased the Rose-
burg bicycle track (o Will Hodeon of
West Koseburg for the season of '97.
Track privileges can be secured at any
time now as tbe track has been put in
first class order. Track rent per month,
for gentleman 75 cents, ladies 50 cents.
Don't Forget
ThatT. K. Richardson cau sell you
tbe reliable Imperial bicycle, '97 models,
for $75. Strictly high grade, and only
one grade. There is no cheap grade of
Imperials and it is well known to all
riders. Cull and see them.
Baker City baa the bicycle fever too.
according to the following from tbe Re
publican : Tho pleasant weather which
we are enjoying now is tempting tbe
man that never rode a wheel to think
better of his resolves of the past, iu this
direction, and he is now becoming a de
votoe to this form of recreation. Though
it sometimes requires obeisance in a dia
treesiogly bumble position . His favor
ite hours are early in tho morning or
wheu the shades of evening "have set
tled o'er the land." Then he can be
Been on the back streets and country
roads witb bis courage screwed to des
peration and a "heart for any fate," not
kuowiug whether he is to be a hero or a
Hon. G. W. Riddle was in the city
Saturday. Iu reply to an inquiry for
news he said bo bad been too busy witb
the affairs of Glenbrook farm to think of
news, and the prospects ol good fruit and
other crops is of more coucern and more
satisfying juut now than a consideration
ot tbe queBtiou as to w hether or uol the
goveruor will convene the legislature iu
extrordinarv session.
C. A. Sehlbiede aud C. W. Puirott,
started for Coos county last week.
They telegraphed ahead so that a
chickeu might be prepared to tickle
their palates on their arrival the first
evening at a way station. The telegram
went to the wrong place aud they bad to
make their supper ou plain every-day
bacou aud its usual accompaniments,
Youug man don't wait for projpenty
to strike you. Put iu a potato patch,
tart for South Africa, or do something.
Salem Journal.
Duriug tbe winter ot 1893, F. M. M ar
tin ot Long Reach, West Va., contracted
a severe cold which left biui with a
cough. In speaking of how he cured it
he say : "1 used several kinds of cough
syrup but found no relief until 1 bought
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reme
dy, which reliovod mo almost inutantly,
and iu a short time brought about a com
plete cure." When troubled with a
cough or cold ubo thia remedy aud you
will uot uud it ueceBsury to try several
kiuds before you got relief. It has been
iu the market for over twenty years and
constantly grown iu favor uud popularity.
For Bale at 25 and 50 couts per bottle by
A. C. Mmtera V Co.
atqulrrel fuUun at Marnier'.
Eifiii liiii'-
Absolutely Puro
Oldirato'l for Itn irrrat li'nvi'iilmt
Irength ami liCHltlilnln. . Amurm tin'
frxxl KKalnut alum ami nil (nrimnl nihil
Iratlon common to thu rhrni Imrmlii.
Clean the Streets.
Two distinguished citims, whose
names are withheld on account ot the
eminent respectability of the families,
sited on tho representative of the
PLAiNDKALtK yesterday and made the
statement that if they were lhe ownr-rs
of a paper they would raivo "hclen
blazes" about the condition of the
streets, some of them at least, and keep
on raising it till they er cleaned np.
They were offered the usu of tboeo col
umns for the purpose ot making any
Statement they Baw Tit iu regard to the
streets, or any other matter of public
concern that they might desire to dis
cuss, over their signatures. Up to the
hour of going to press nothing baa been
beard from them. But, seriously, clean
streets help tho looks of a town
Children' Home.
Eu. Plaindealer: The Oregon Chil
dren's Home Society, auxiliary (o tbe
national, has placed on this upper coast
in tno past 10 months ono hundred and
five children in good family homes. A advisary hoard his been organized
lor Roseburg, Information solicited con
cerning homeless childron and childless
homes. The superintendent for Oregon
spoke in the Presbyterian chuch Sunday
evening. I. F. Toiiey,
Office: Room 309 Marquam, receiving
home 331 College St., Portland, Oregon.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach (ho diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness ia caused by an inflamed condi
tion ot the mucous lining of the Eustach
ian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and w hen it is entire
ly closed Deafness is the result, and un
less the inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed foreyer;
nine cases out of teu are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Cua.NEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
This is the best medicine iu tho world
for all forms of Coughs aud Colds and
for Consumption Every bottle is guar
anteed. It will cure and not disappoint.
It has no equal for Whooping Cough,
Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bron
chitis, La Grippe, Cold in the Head and
for Consumption. It ii safe for all ages,
pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure
cure. It is always well to take Dr.
King's New Life Pills in connection
with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they
regulote and tone I lie stomach and
bowels, We guarantee perfect satis
faction or return money. Free trial
bottles at A. C. Mareter' Drug Store,
Regular size 50 cent-, and $1.
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern Pacific railroad will
make the following time card fur its (rain
leaving Portland daily, brginnirg ou
Sunday the 28th iubt. Leaves Portland
at 11 a. m., Tacoma 5 p. m., Seattle 1 p.
m., Elleusburg 10:10 p. ie., Tasco 1:50
a. m. Arrives at ispokuuo at i :50 a. ni.,
Minneapolis 1:05 p. m. and St. Paul ut
4:10 p. m. Tbe new card will enable
passengers to make close connections at
Spokaue witu ttio (poicuno i-aus and
Northern for the mines. For further
particulars seo D. S. K.Bikk,
Local Ageut .o. 2, Marsters Duumu
An Affidavit.
This is to certify thai ou May llthl
walked to Melick's drug store on a pair
of crutches and bought a bottle of Cham
berlain s Pain Balm lor inltammatory
rheumatism wbicn had crippled me up.
After using three bottles I am com
pletely cured. I can cheerfully recom
mend it. Charles H. Wetzel, Suubury,
Sworn aud subucrtbed to before mo on
AugUBt 10, 1894 Walter Shipman, J. V.
For sale at 50 cents per bottle by A,
Marsters & Co.
For Sale.
To a reupoiisible pirty or lo let ou
coiumiBsiou, for tho season of lb'J7, a
Mammoth Jack. For particulars, ad
dress, F. L. Mosior, Dillurd, Or.
Highest Honors World's Fair..
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Teifect Made,
40 Years tht Standard,