NOTES OF INTEREST. A Blman, the reliable Jeweler. .soi J ail vor novelties at Saly-man'. New goods at Caro Broa. Hob More. J. T. Uryan, the Busy Watt liniakei. do to the Roaeleaf lor the lct riijar?. For a, good 6-cont cigar call en MrcN Boyd. County claiuiB and warrants lionght y ). West. For liri!t-claiH douiidtry k Ir. I-iUic of Oakland. It. W. IVnjamin, ilciilisl, n-oin 1, Maratoi' Mock. Puro fresh itromit'8 and low rii-s at Caeelwr's grocery. Key West, imported and domevtit' cigars at the Kmelef. 1). f . West diH" intuianre. Ollloe op poaite tho pot oilice. Cioods below co.l at CaroV. Now is tiie time for lHr,iii 8 Nobby anils ami luloft etylts at Little Jack's. Prices very low. All idylce nnd ii)litica i-( lmir M AVra liatn's i?odrHk prices. For bargains in family $r 'cot ies. call at the I'eople's More, dtps ftrct t Country prod.ieo i all kinds bonbt and sold at CnselK'er's grccery More. Call f r Hie "potied Cat'" at Mrs. liapp's grocery store, if yen want a pleasant sraukc. Nothing but the heft used by It. V. ltijatuiu, dentist. ltooin 1 Marsters' block. Have your dental work done by K. V. Benjamin, dentist. All Work guaran teed lirst-class. At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authori.ed to receive and receipt for subscriptions to the Fl.AlNDEAl.KR. For a good hat, p'yli'h unl cheap, call on Wollen'ern A Abraham, whose s'ock embraces all paibeof I eaJ gear. Tbe Beau Meyers Hydraulic A Kclipse spray pumps cm te found ut Churchill, Woolley & McKetizie. Bring your jor work to the 1'i..imi:al Eit office. We are prepared to do rhe cheapest acd U'st work south of Port land. You can tell ouo who has good taste and don't like to eat dirt, paint and chalk. He gets his candy at the Kandy Kitchen. Wollenberg & Abraham of the juare Deal fctore are now rcccivic); a nice lot of spring goods. Latest sly Its aiul low est prices. Parties desirirg faai:y feairg done would do well to call on Miss Fannie McKean, 4- Mai', street. WM sew for 75 cents er day. ave' money and tircc. To pjrlirs going luut, go by the O. It. A N. short route. Call on or w rite to V. C. London, Rcseburp, Oregon. Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackjn and Washington, keeps the best (jriver ies. Everything fresh and tirst-class. and at reasonable prices. Tbe Square Deal store 1ms just opened up a teautiful line of W. L. Douglas shoes, which prove to be the best shoe made. Come and inspect them. One minute is all the tirr.e necessary to decide froai personal experience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. Marti-ra' I)rug Storp. The Kanily Ki'chen hud a ti' rr le during the Inli lays. Tt.e i ojl- are be ginning to find out that It is tl e only pl-ice you can get candv that is tit to ettt. Will i-o'l, cheat, or trade for a No. 12 shot g D or small caliber Winchester lifle, a good road cart. Guns must be as gool a new. Address, box U12. liosenarg, Oregon. Torturing, itehing scaly skin erup tions, burns Mild aralds are soothed a once and promptly healed by DeWi't's Witch Haz-I f-lve, the best kt.owu cure for i ilea. Marsters' Drug More. Good pasturage furnished at my pas tures on Roberts creek. Charges reason able. Ail stock at owner's risk. Ihe best of cure will be uiyen to all stock en trusted to mycharge. J. M. .S. ii. u i nu. Tbe cheap rates, twelve dollars cabin and six steerage, including meals acd berth are still in effect on the O. R. & N. Co'e. steamers from Portland 10 San Francisco. Steamer leaves every tive days. Yolnev C. London. Agent. It is surprising what a "wee tic of a thing" can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stoma -h, dizzineea, are quickly banished by iv Witt's Little Early Risers. 6mall pill. Safe pill. Marsters' Drug fs'ore. Tbey are so small that the most sen sative persons take them, tbey are so effective that the most otmiioa'e cases of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to them. That is why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. Marsters' Drug .Store. Notice is hereby given to the public by tbe undersigned that I do not alio dead animals to be hurried on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or giirnage dumped thereon or sund or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract witu me lor the right to do bo. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aaiiox Rost, Roseburg, Oregon, March 17tb, IssS. Competition never worries u, tecause we "juy right" heme "sell riht." The facts are thesa ; every move in our business is only made after the most careful corisi Jeration, nothing left to chance. Shoe have advanced in price but not with us. We sell you a goo I oil grain shoe for f 1 2') and upwards, line shoes in proportion. Jf you doubt uh, come and see us, convince yourself that we have what we avlvi-rise. We dou'i care to do all the Ijusinea- in town, hut want to get a s''a'e ol it. ' tirm y believe that a concern that gives i's cuH'oiuers exceptionally good values in everv instance is bound to go ahead year by year. Tins idea pievails throughout our entire tais'ness. Lvuy dollnr w rr l otg ioda mui give the wearer m :b t on, ve-n the all wool ahso.utely fast c jlor (8 uu siii's. J. Aiiiiaiiam's Clothing llon-e Bargain in Placer Ground. A tine propo'i'ion. GO acr-H of placer mining ground, of a mile from rail r ad. 35 cen'B p-r vrl as far p os pectol. Two OIlleB of ililch ulrnndv made J 3?.j more to make, Thisud ive plenty ot wtur. A ctiin and ot er im provements "ii mine. This is a fine prope-tv Come and inve ignte. For further liifonna'lon euipiir- of 1. F. Run, Re 11 tt. Iwler, ItosH.iurg, (Jr. Or J. F. uivash, Roseburg, Or. Tx Notice. Notice 18 hereby given that the assess, merit roll for the year lH'JU is now in my bauds (or collection. Dated lliia 10th day of March, A. 0. 18t7. 0. Acjee, Sheriff and Tan Collector, Douglas County, Oregon. Cash is wbat cotiuls. Bo convinced by examining our boot and shoe line. Novelty store. Hoeing and Praying. Said Farmer Jones in a whining tone. To hi" good old neighbor Gray, "I've worn my knees nigh through the bone, But it ain't no use to pray. "Your coin looks just as nice as mine, Though you dou't pictend to be A sbinin' light in tbe church to shine, And tell salvation's free. "I'v prayed to the iAird a Ihoutand times For to make that 'ero corn grow ; An why yonrn heats it so an' climbs, I'd gin a ileal to know." Farmer Gray to his neighbor Jones, In his easy, o,uiet way: "When prayers gel mixed with lary bones, They don't make fat mi n' pay. "Your weeds, I notice, are good an' tall In spite of all vour prayers; Yon may prav for corn till the heavens fall. If you don't dig up the tares. "I mix my prayers with a little toil, Along in everv row ; An' I work thia mixture into the soil tjuite vig'rous with a boo. "An' I've discoverod, though still in sin. As biho a" you are twit, This kind of compost well worked in Makes pretty deeeut corn. "So while I'm prayin' I use uiy boe, An' do my level "best To keep down the weeds along each row, An' the Lord, be does the rest. "It's well to pray both night and morn, As every farmer knows ; But the place to pray lor ttmity corn Is right between the row. "You must use your hands while pray ing, though, If au answer you would get ; For prayer-worn knees an' a rusty hoe, ever raised a tug crop yet. "An' eo I believe, my good old friend, If vou mean to win the day. From plowing clean to the harvest's end, l oil must hoe as well as pray. Statesman. CROPS AND NVEATHER. Excerpts From Farmer Pague's Bulletin. I-iom the bulletin issued from lb" olti.'e of the weather bureau at Portland, dated Ihe 12th instant, the following con eerning the conditiou of crops and f mit in We t-tn Or. gen is taken : Crepe Ihe correspondents all report the beneficial eUects of the more fa' or a''ie weather. The greatest poefible activity prevails among the larmers ; plowing and seeding were prevented lor much of the time during the past five months, and all energy is now exerted to nut in graio. It is sfe to sav that the usual acreage "ill not be sown, f ir the st-ason is too late to allow of sufficient phwirg Some correspondents rpport dHintigc to fall son grain from freezing out and too wet. This is confined to I'Uiited areas. The sunshine has put new color into all grain, it is s'ooling e!l and, as uml, is well rooted. tarly-sown spring gram is growing dccly. The low land is drying out and will allow plowing therein in the course ofalewdas. ihe farmers were aiout discouraged over the la'e spring, but t'ie favi rat'lo change in the wea'her has couige I it a'l ; in-tead f , r- reed life and activity prevail. I'i H'UiiH sections, gar li-u-making has c. umrnced ; as a rule, the soil as yet is too colit or gardens. Some early I'Uutfil gardens Lave lotaties showing vine abovH the grouud ; rad'She, onions, and lettue are making good growth. Garden making will be general during the rurretit e k. .,'( In C'tTy county the e-ulv fru t ti lost i's hlo 'in and the fruit is new set ; in the other counties it is in bloom or coming in. In Joiei hine and Jai ks m counties peaches, aln.ondp, apri cot ami nectariues ard in full bloom, in loiigla and in the Valley counties, early pi aches are in t'looni, also al nviruls and apricots. Pear, prune, H'lince, and plum trees are swelling their buds and nil tein b'o un by WVdnfeday of this week, except, of course, in Ihe foothills. G jose-herries and currants are in leaf and bloom. Strawberries show marked growth, but no bloom as yet. The grass is making coo growth, and feed for strck is more p'entiful. Lamb ing continues and is v ry successful. The current prospec'r indicate a great fruit Id and excellei.t grain crops. The condi'ions today indicate warm, fair weather for Tjesday, cooler Wednes day, Thursday and Friday cloudy and unsettled, and then a change to fair, warmer again. SCMMEIt WLATHLU CONDITIONS. The lirst Bummer type of weather con ditions appeared Saturday eight and Sunday and continues today the 12th). The appearance of this type mark! the commencement of the summer or dry season abd the passage of the winter or wet season. From now until tbe first ppearitnce of the winter conditions next auntumn, fair weather is more probable than rainy weather. Summer conditions do not m"an absolute dry ness; but rather fewer rainr periods, more surisbine and more warmth. Initio, the first appearance of sum mer conditions appeared on April 20; rain Ml in that year from April 30 to May 'J in showers, and again from May to May 30 the total being 3.42 inches. June had ruin on two days. May was cooi, and June had normal tempsratures. In lVJ'i, summer did not appear until June 13, and ill"" ex':-p' a fe sprinkles no rain fell until A'igu-t l,wMinetio trs oc ured for fivo days. Winter endui ns appeared in lS'Jo, on November 12, and i i H!ib on October u''1. F'OHta ue.-t of the CascadeB are not, s a rule, injurious after the appearance of summer weather conditions. Summer conditions aro distinguished from winter by th-t movem-nt of the 8'enB i f high Mid low presanrea In the 8 uiiiuer the high move from of' the cen tral Cil f'irriU c aa northward along the co-sttT ahour. the 50' north latitude, then e eastward. Cool weather appears when 1ih high is between C-pd Mendo cino and me Columbia river, and i ia warm-rbrtii lh high is in iviug over tho Coast and Ctscale ranges Tli warrnes' occurs w hen thx high Is to tbe no'thea) of Spokane. Under ihe sum-nit-r coiiilitions, ihn low areas retreat o Hi.- no-'h and pasa ea-twa'd about tie a i u e of jika ; fortius reason, sum uiHr rains prevail in Alaska. NOTICU TO STOCKHOLDERS. Douglas County Building & Loan Association. Kouuliurif, Or., April 4. 18'J7. Sttji'k ti ililMrn are hereby ootilied ibat tllH tttililMl Iliettii'U of tliM htocklioldors of tho DunijiHa County BuiIiIiiik and Liihii AhBiii'itiliriii uill tin h-lil at tlio council romii in city hall, iu the city of itiiscDiirg. lAnijjia ihjuii y, mate or uro 'jn, on Wednesday, April 1, 1807, t 7 'tn ti in nf Rutil iltv fur Ihn nnrnoHa nf ulfctiiiK Keyen directors and three audi tors (or tbe otiHuiiiK yeur, and lor tue tratiHuctiou of sieli other buBineaa as may legally come before the meeting. M. V. ll.tri', Secretary. m - - - you y, nothing BUT THE GENUINE CALL AND iff ' ' I You will ttuJ one wupon ji . ' 'jff'mwV'-is ': M Instdo oarh two ounce ttg it ? 1 Niwv'r f , - , I anittwoeoiirHitxIii'tdeenoh VS "3'55yr. U , IHirlmm. Ituy a la of titla fTP i'm "'' h celrtitated tet'iuvo and rnd 2 "7 y ' A -1 ' 11 ' the couxm-wlilili Rlrcs a .Cf , n.i ,.f ,..i....i.i..t..-.iii. n.i PHI Jl" Oill c The very Litest in CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MCKENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Co. J. F. BARKER & CO. GROCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY. A i.pwi.1 tranil A un,luUratJ Te. On pruo la hain? a lari aale ifew atyla Glass and Delf Ware At itooUhmg low prices. Our own canned lomikou are Tery popular. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, -f HHTFI McCLALLEN. MRS. U. C. M' CI. ALLEN, l'ro.. SZASJ7ABTESS K2 TEAVZLIl.'S MEN. kates ki;ahonauli:. Large, Fine l-amiiic ttuomi. Free Ilua to aud Frum Trlu. Notice of Receiver's Sale. VTOTIC'K Iri 1IKREUY (JIVK.V. THAT IS ' iiirMiaiiPeo( imonl'Tof theCiMuit Court ol the Btntt ol Orcgou. tor liouluv Connly, ih autil on Mit- 10th iJay ol A iri I. Ib'Jl, ia tlic aiu ol l'liiHip Mumaiti . Tim Victor I'liu :r Miu )Utt tuUijBii', dirtetiuij Uiu urjiltrtlKU' I f' fiv er ol tliu property ol aald Compauy to Mrll at prlvutf mli, all tin: proin-rty ol ttiu (Irluniiaut iu the oa-aioii nf I uill or or uller the llirl ilay ol April, IVJ7. at the iiITi-aj ol A. 3l. Lruwlnril (n KuseburK, Lloulaa County, Or. g. ill, xjII to the tx ruou nr pcraouaolleriui; the hiahe t i.r.i'e, thcrelor, all the jiroiicrty ol aail VIl lory rioter ilir lnij CoiupHiiy in my povwa nn, brlnly UtnTlbco an follow, to-wlt: CWi anreaol gold plarr miniiiK land nituiited iu tti tiona 'M unil iti. Tp. Si, -.ol It. 7. W. ami ave tloua 4 and 6 In Tp. H. of K. 7, . ol Willmn otto Meridian, In IjoukIh County, Or-Koii Cow Creek Miniin,' Wurict, toKuthtr vltli all the Kold, hr or otln-r mi'tala therein, nnd nil ditchua, llutnc", water niflits, pumpi,, hydraulic Itlauta, pipe, buildlngK, toula, iuplenieutii; ma ehinery, dlNhi-a, bwia, beddinK, and the other article aud property ol every and uny kind and nature beloiiKliiit io ald eompany. I will attend at mid rawf.i'cl nirice, on a.iid 5 ul dav ol Ajiril, I '. 7 . lor the purpoe ot making mid ml . and therenftcr until the aame la made, tiali'd thW loth duy ol April, 1,'. 8. V. BLASDKL, Kecei ver. To The Uiilortuiiatc. Dr, Gibbon Thla old reliable 'and the in oat aunceakful Hpeelallal In Han Kran elMo. atlll continue to eure all Sexual and Seminal Dlacaaej nje ai tlonnorrhur., Olrei Stricture, &yph Mi. Iti Sail ua lorma, D.aT n 1J ir avaiBca, ncrvuiii I'CDll n it v Kr ml. t i " : (K W ..I UI..L.... ...I 1 . ' xiaiiaiVi' ol n.nhoud. the conns. ? uence ol aell abuae and exceant produuiuy the ullowliiK yinptouib: tiillotv couuteiiaueu, dHrk npot under ihe eyea, pain iu the In ud. ringing In the earn, losa ol eoiiiideiu e, diffidence iu ae proaehlnn ulrunKera, palpilulion ol tliu heurt, weakuuaaol tbe liiub and buck, lima ol memory l.l linden on the lace, coukIik, ennnuuiptiou, etc. UK. GIBBON haa practiced Iu Hail Kranclaeo over thirty ear and tuoau Uoublml ahuuld uot lull to consult In in and lucelvu the benulil of bl great "kill and experience. The doctor curca w lieu othera lull, Try him. ('urea giiuruuteed. 1'eraoiia cured ut home, ( liartfea reusuuable. Call or write. liH. I. K. iIBBO, f.2. Kearny M. Kan Friiri Claco, Cul. STAND W "T -V Ill J v 1 1 ' ' I roiirniiiireUicoflllncknnir SHE THE the Plauet Jr. line. H. C. STANTON En J'irt reccireJ sew and titrnalt atitrk D R Y : G 0 0 D S CONSISTING OF Ladies' Dress Goods, Kibbons, Trimuuncf. Uces, fete., -AL80 A FINE STOCK OF HOOTS AII SIKI Of the beat "ualliy an toiah GROCERIES. Wood, Willow and Gla.a Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alau on ban t in laig a quaotitlea and at prli-ea d juit the timra. Alao a large tvck of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for UL. P. M" WOODWARD TUE ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! We are always la the Lead, and mean t keep there. The Golden Harveot i. upon u, and farm era are amiling became Woodward lonaa to their lotereit. IIUCSGV IIAIIftlXS Full Trimmed TEAM HARNE88 The.e are all Leather nnd Warranted. SADDLES At lteduoed Prtoet. Conault your puree and be mre and io Woodward before buying. W. C. WOODWARD JERRY J. WILSON, Watchmaker ami Jeweler. Jui'katou Htreel, TMOilora:.ouiliolnlocuiii .Hull. KUhEHUUO (.all HepulrluK eutruatltfd to my care will t I'KOMI'TI.V aud caref ully doue, I'KK.KH KKABON'AHI.K. TruHiaCH. u lull Una ucw tea. at MurMicrH. WANTED : $io,ooO"-k$i8,ooo WORTH 01" HERCHANDISla Which wo have received on consignment from the receiver of one of the largest houses in San Francisco. These goods have been sent ns to dispose of at o cents on the dollar, which is less than cost of manufacture, and hciug sold in connection with our complete stock at ab solute cost. Note the FollowiiiK Astonishing Bargains I All Woolen Dtess Coods, ;,(S inches --C per yard wide. T.atcst Stvles 1 y Ladies' and Cents' Mackintoshes Tor Half Price ; Our Loss is Ladies' and dents' Underwear Reduced to Ptices to Suit the Our (!on.l. :ire :ill of tile goods on hand. NVvcr has Trices. Call early ami be couvmccil. CARO BROS. ? THE BOSS STORE. r. his is the to Buy Groceries. a C. W. PARKS WOLLEttBERG SUUAKK DKAIr STOKK. SPRING Dress iod. I'urnishliiK Goods. Hats, Caps, Hoots, Shoes. Cloaks, Capes, Wraps, Curtains, Htc In short, our shelves are . ' - suited to all tastes and to motto is : A b(.L'AKK ukai.. turner link and JavkHOU htrtflj. ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. H. W. Marine Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work itfflce and Halearoom. '.tit Oak Mirrrl. SUMHONS. TN 'IIIH CIKI t:il hi Ol 'llIK nTATK A ol Ofk'uii, lor loiii.'la County. Jnliii 11, Mcfii'i', Plaintlir i 1. II. Nir'nolkon a nil j II. J. Johns Uuli'iKlaiit. ( To J. I). Nldiolnoti ami II. J. Jolnia, ilvfcnd an la : In Dm niiinn ol tho Htatu ol Ori iron, von aro hfrcliy r ouirwl to afpeur aini anawrr Hie eoni plaint liled Kiii"hl you tn the nliovu enllUcil ai.tion, on or licloio MoiHlny the KMIi (layol Join', the aaiiiM li' liiK tlie IukI luv ol Ihn next n-aular Kirin of ( irc.ii i t Court il tho Klulii i,I (ir I'vuu lor DoiiKlaa ('ounty alter thla tiuhlRatiou 1h (lorniiW'ti il. And ami il you lail ' to unawer, lor want til' rci.l thu lilaiutlll vwll tiiko joiluim lit nnHlni-t vnn n.r ilichiini ol thrre huinln il anil thlity ai.t rliillara iiinl lor hi" eocla unil illhhuihi'iiicuila ol thla ur'luii. anil "HI aell uuurr uwritoiut I R h III.' II I till' liroiHTty kllouil an tho (lohl lliilll Mine, aituateil III inn l.xi oliior MiniiiK liMrli'l III KniiKlam ounty. On koii, anil uill thu priHttjuila ol mi ll kale touui'l Ihn liiiyiiiriit and Butin'iuHlmi ol iilalnllll a aahl i liuin lii rcin ami ol the i-oala ol thla ui'tiou. 1 Inn buiiiinoiia ikiiiiiiiiKii) 'i iu uu; j-ihiihk aiur, a nuHhpiircr inihlini'i-i at Uhm-miik. un K'm. oy onlrr ol Hon. J. :. Kulli'itou, ( noull .IuiIku of ol the ri'rouil Juilli lul lilHtlirt lor tliu hluto ol Ori'vou, lor a lurio'l ol aU ioiihi imiIivo ui cUh, which Kttiil onh i' uk mailo and eukrt'l ul rec ord on the Oth iluy o l-ehruary, IK'.i. IHtil Atlorni y lor I'luiulill. Hiilrrtl PoImuii at MarHlcr'H. Vour Galii.. ; I lines. I.iltcst StvlcS. No .shclf-WOfU there been such a Slaughter of Place A full ami complete assortment of all goods usually kcjl in a first class grocery. ICvcry thing ottered for sale is fresh; aud sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, iucluding both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. & ABRAHAM'S STOCK! filled with au excellent stock a . af- meet all requirements, uur WOLLEMBERG X ABRAHAM. ACOISON k CO., Proprs. Dealer in all klmlaol and (Jnmlte lrloniiiiieiit and IleiuIsfoneN, Portland Cement Curbing TOR ONI: PRICH ! The puldihliei'a ol the rL.UMjKAi.iit have n r Kctcil MrriinKeiiii'iili) hy which every caxh Mile aeilhcr llirnttn will reerlvu a eiy ol the WCBFOOT PLANT!: R, The hihl ngileultuial paper puhlnlieil In Ua. 1'aellie Northweat WITHOUT liXTRA CIIARdE. Ohl auhn rilii r renew lux will receive the aiuue prlvili'Kea. fW Kur uu aililltloual ilri ceuta, auhachU ra will he acut M eeuta worth of planta ol the MAOOON STRAWBERRY, which, hcalilm helUK a luriiu luny, la U i ut and null' I ami uu ixci'lleiit ahlpper. Uiing In your oidera. I I.A1NUKAI tH ITU. CO. uiu'wiR tin: (aitkiy GOLD . SILVt... cn'Miiii;s Ol llltlllNII (II.IIIIIIA ANI I tNll ltN ll.jIH ALL ARE REACHED ...The 0. R. & M. N t'liuiif ol t'urn Itrlvtr.'ii KMXzvrrv Slioitost l-lni" to Npiikunc t i ill III ft 1 1 1 1 tv 1 1 ll ALL RAIL ROUTE to Tlt.11,, MOMMl.ANII, MAMII R Nl I.HON. iiimI all Hoolrnav lliilnu I imim , , , , L0WSAT12 AirD TCnCUOH TICKSTS. Knr l'niii li I. ami letallil lulniiiiatlnii, nto to . '. I .t IN IX , 'Hi. e nl I lie It. i-1 !. a'. Il.'v Imii, Or , or V. II. Ill III. Ill UT, i.riu l'a.eni(i r Aa nl . I. M N. C o., Il llaiiil, OlI'KOil, EAST AND SOUTH - VIA - THE SHASTA ROUTE OK I II K Southern 1'aHllc Co. Klpf aaa tialua l.o I' .itUn.l itally. Hmlli I "l Nnrtli" tir.n.J I v. I'ni'.iaii.l A r 1 a lu a hJ.lA.M lv linu ImiK I V. at. II It A M I Ar Ktnlii iM-ii l.v I . ill r I Atuivn lialhi nt.ip at K,it r.irtlan.l, Oteniii ( Itjr, .'.Hllnirn. in, lun . r, Mailmi, Jeltl r ami, Alliauv. I iix nl Mie.l.l., Ila.x y. Ilairli lilllK, Jinn linn I II f Kiiki lie. I n atti'll, iiillane Iiiiii', I'tain, ami ail alutliiiia fnuu kau tint, to Aahlaml ttu tuai ' Kualbutg .ll-laHr. a uu. m I l.v. V" r. M. I Ar. riirllaml; Ar. I t n r. a l.r. ! a nl ai Nit I cm 1'iiaariinrr llully. t tai r. M. I l.r. 6 at I Ar. I'nrtiaml '-tl.'iii Ar. I Hi. a. u. I.V. I Mil I, i. IMMIMi 0 M.III;-M IIOI Tl Pullman BufTct Sleepers AS II ftl. 0l. I.ISS MllflMI It lit. A I Inch. l to nil 1 liroilfh 1 lain. West Side Division. Ili-ltvrru I'orilniitl audt'ortalll. Mull t : nl ii .tally leteepl Sun. lay i. 7 an A. M i I v. ti I r v Ar I nitliiii'l Cm .111. Ar. l.v i. .Ii r. at I ' I at A t A ll'utiir an I I hi nllia e.miii t lih tialea ol l in h" .li i n'.ial .V I u'l. ru r ulmail K a n .s ti nlu iul : y rti.'t Siifi.tBvi. I Vi r. u , Lv 7 :'S t u j Ar. I'..rlliui. Vii'Mmviii.. Ar I v .'A M III lee . I. II. i ' , Ii ,,' -,ui I .te. I. 'I it till I If I'l'lelilill ,HI. I ill. in .1 in-. I r,.eil,e M ill .l.i. ahlp 1 1 IU - lir IAI-AS tMi (IIINV HiiiIiuk italic mii ai'pll. iIii.ii Kill. an I 1 ji k . I . .. . .'. i ii . .Mil. j.l j. I Kll ni.e Al-.i ltlS lN. Ill ISI l.l I I ' ami VI -lUVI.IV Inn I.,. I,,,,,, l,l., KM K.-i, In k,.t At. i.i, l;. .. i.iiik H KOKIII.KK K. I'. UOiiKKS, Manaa. I. A..t. (I. K .V I'aaa. A .ell IMKI'l.tSII 'IHKOON. FltOM TKKMINAI. OK I.NiKKlOK I'tHNTB The) Northern) Pacific railroad la the Line to Tniu To all roiiiln Fust and South. la the IHN I Nil ( All Hot! IK. It run. IhroiiKh VKnllHCI KI) TKAISH If VICKY DAY IN I II K VKAK tn 8T. PAUL nd CHICAGO (NO IIAMiK kr ( Alia) ol Dining Can Uniurpan.d, Pullman Draining Hoom Slc.p.r. 01 Equipment, toi him m.i:i ii; i u Iteift that can tin eouatrueted ami In whli li neeiiiiiniHliilluiia inn holh KHKK ami HJUNIrillMI) to In. Mem of Kirat or Heeouil claaa Tlckilu, ami i:i.i;ja.m iv oi iii .s A t'uutliiuoua 1.1 uo ( uniiei tinij with All Unix, affbtillntf Direct ami lliiluleirupleil Hervlee. Ptlllinau rilceper reaerviilioiiH can hu aecured lu advance throuch nny audit ol Ihv road. CH TICKETS 'I'll mill fnilil all 1'iilllLa In AnierleH. Kiurlnnil ami Kimii an Im' nnreliaapil at any Ticket Olllco nl thla C'oiupunjr. Full inloruiatloii eoueernliiK rutea, time ol tralna, route, and other ileliilla lurnlahod on application to l. H. K. III'ICK, Local "Kent at ItoaebrR.Or., or A. . I IIAIII.'IO, Aaalntunt (leneral l'aaacnitiir AkiiiiI, No. 121 KliatHt ir. WiiahliiKt I'Ollll.AND. OUEliON. QUI0ILT IODMKD. 1'railc niarkl .nil CoprrlhU rranuiHij ami .ao-iit liuiui-ta nf aver dt'i'rlJUoB prijuirlly anil lailUull couilklrtiil al lnwuil ralna. Invfiitl'jna liilr.itu.-Hil. rinaulua funiiiiil, anil VAT CNTI IULU ON eOMMIBBlON. 2t r' arli'n.x. Illalmat ri-liiriiiiri-N. Ni nil ua uimli'l, akuUll nr I'lmto. 'if liimull jn, will, r a I'launt I..H . ami .III rip'.rl ahi.llii.r I'Mh-nlJilila er not. fri'i. nl I'liarfia. OUR rIK FAYABLB WHEN PATENT 1. ALLOWED. When liatfiul l ai.iiniil au aill I'tii. l Im hIh lr yntl wllb nut ualia iliarijii. Hl-FAUH HANUH00K auil Hat ol 2(10 iuk-aull.Mia aantuil niailiil In liivuiitiii'a frua Uhd rvipii'iil. '1'lila la tliu uk.hI ciiiiiIi'Oi lillln eaO'iil IkhiIi pullliliuil ami .r.rr Ink, .gl.l WK1TI IOR0NI. H. B. WILL60N 4 CO , l'n n! tMuibira, UUiitUNi, W A H I N Q TO N , O. C. TTVTTTTTTfTTTfTTTTTTTTTV