777 b o riaindealor BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I'iiIiIIhM Kvi'iy Monday ami luurwlsy Monk mid Main Hlrvcl, KONICIII'MU, OHKUUN The Plaindealer I'OSTEKN, LETTKIi HKAIy, BILL HEADS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Executed Ncntlv and at Living Kutti. - HY TH- PIAINDUUR PUBLIiHIHC COMPANY. Vol. XXVIII. ROSHUURG, ORKGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1897. No. 14. Notielr MiieUm. nf, O. KI.KM, ItOMKIUUlO I.OIMIE, NO. B, bnld their regular iiiinliallin 1 at J"" 1. 1). o. K. Imll 011 wound anil loiirui in"""" 11I raeh I111111II1. All liiembera rwiHMi"! to I riulrly, ' lalUu brothers cor dially Invllud 10 alteiid. .1M FIlMl PAIIK TUHTIN, K. K HMIMAN MAHKH, HMimtary. DDl'iil.AH COUNCIL, N. l J It. O. I'. A. M., ...,! nvi.r Wc.liii.ilnr (ivenlni l I ni'lmk In Urn lil Naaniiln Hall. Visiting lirnlln'm arti cordially Invltod to attend, (). II. l AdHIIF", iiRn. W. I'kmiiv, onim-Uor. Il.ronlllitf Hi t M ini) T AUKKI. LOIKIK, A. r. A A. M . IlKOUI.Ai. nieettnga llm 1 n.l tli Wcdneadari In VHI'll IllOlltll. HlKK JOIINMON, W. M. N. T. Jr. Hi 1, M'tx-y. 1)1111. MAKUN UHMIK kll K 1 it 11 . incrta Hatnrdar i-trnlnR 01 each wews ai Ihidr hall In D1I1I Fellmir If 111 nl at Knaeburg Wfini.ru ol )i oritur In good standing ioliiU od to attend. rl.W. VAN.II.K, N. O. F. 0. M11 m. Hco'y. RObKllCHU MUMiK, NO. IS. A. O. U. W. inwls the aeenuil ml fourth MiimUyi nl each iiuintli 17.. . m. l l'l Fnllowa lull. HpiuIh-is of tliu order III gooO standing ar In IUm1 lo attend. R KNorOMT, NO. VS. . A. R . MFKTM Till Dial hihI Uilnl Ihiirwlara ol rai n ouilllli. WOMF.N'H KKLIKF t'OUPH NO. 10, MKITM (lull mid Ihlnl Thuiadaya In rack mo u I It. t. A USir A I.I.I A Nl K Regular Wiiarlrrly Meetings will lm held at Until lull, Kiwrliuri. Uiu Hial Krlilav In December, Ufrfc mil Jmir, ami lliti Uilrd Friday In HeptamlMir. TiOHKMURII I'llAI'TKII, NO O K. H..IK.TS I he. aevtllld month. anil InurlU 'I luiradais ol vault K Kl.lS A KAMI , W . M AlM.1 lllto .S, Mt! TtHKIICK' DIVISION NO V.t, B. Of nul la ivct 1 arcond ami Imi; tn Sunday. Rii.hKIII IIU K. D I.OIKlK. NO. 41. I. O tl. t meets mi I iirxlay rtenlhf ol mrh week at Ilia U.I.I Krllnna hall. Vlaltlni aialrra anil brrlhii u air Inv IWI l atU'liil. M Kit IT FT. N. 0. AM ATA SMITH. K. H. Al.fllA lOlmE, NO. 47, K. OK I'.. MKItTf criy WciliD'aalar cvrnlui at OiM Kullowl Hall. Vlaltlna KiilxfiU In 100.I landing for llallT IiitIIckI Ui altvuil. II. l.oo.NKV, I". . K. M. ONKI.I.NO, K. R. H. lrtlrluiiMl I'ardM. M. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, KoumV, Mai.Un Mull'lttiK. HOHEIlU KO, OR W-II ml mm IhIihv ilia l' . H. IjiuiI oltlcr and rnltiTiia riHa a H-lally. I ate Receiver U. H. Uml OBr. aiuaul M. oil. kid, riot rrmn. JROWN ft TU8TIN, Attorncys-at-Law, IliMima 7 and 1 l a A WlUoti Dim k. KOHKHl'KO, OR. w f H. WILLiy. Attonu'y ami Coiinnulor ut Law, Will fir. U. o In all lb ruurta uf Hit NUU. Of. Br In lb Court liuuae, Uuuruv county. Or. A. BKMLBREDK. Attoinoy at Law, Hairhuru, itrrjon. ar tha I'naU.fSi on Jurkaon atiMl. yiyr W. CARD WELL, AtU)inoy at Law, ROHKBURG) OREU0N. U Kayitti Laki. Juimii U Louobabt 2 AN E ft L0UOHART, Attorneys it CounselorB at Law Kotrbnrff, Urtyon. IV III nrantlce In all tha coorla uf Orgun. 0 Ira la tk Tarlur-Wllaun block. J D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Ronma ami 4 Tailor A Wila.ui llliH'k. KOSKBURU. OR jyj-XRA BROWN, M. D. nlT ICK, Mm Jai kuHi Htrt'ti, at ri' Idrnro ol Mra. J. Illror. KOrKBCKli, OK. JJ L. DRADLET, M. D. Physician Sc Surgeon. omco Ilouia, I r 0111 11 loS r.H. la) lor A llu Hrli k ROBE B OHO '" J L. MILLER. M. D,, Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, Hotebury, ttrtyen. -Obionto Alaaaaaa a paolalty. w ILL. P. HEYDON, Couuly Hurvoj'or, Mild Notary lubllc. Orrin: In Court Uouko, virdiTH lor 8iirvi'ylii and Klold Noli'a ahmiUI Ihi adilrvaiKiil lo Will 1'. llvydou, County bur veyor, Uuailiurn, or. Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural. 8. C. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW 1100 U Ht., N. W. Waallillglou, 1), V. rn. i.i.n. vimi. In llii' (IruriHl Land OlDrv. Kiaiulm r ol Conli'hlH, Mluuial vn. Mineral ftailioail ami Ariii iiIIuihI cUIuiii, ami l.avlo C'lilul ol I lm M liK iii invlnlon. jpyOurrvauouilviiix) 'Uwl. ffi CITY flf mi HY A. (', MAIIHrHlN, MAYHII, IN H, f. I'AI.I,. It ifoiiurn, Hie county iral of I)oii1uii county. Ori-ifDii, in nitimlod on tlio cmI bank ollliu South (7nii(iiu rivur, ut ila ooiilliiniirii with I'ccr crunk, six mi log above ita jiincllou willi tlxt Norlli Kork. lUiiHliiirK la nontliid on a beautiful pla teau, aloiiinu from a itr'iaHioti of tri-n- oriverrd bill" lolbn rliilinu Wftloranf tb ...1... 1 1.. - ui.t..i. r? . 1 1.. iiiiii 1 niHiin( ninrii wiriiin nn viaj went of the rily to Winclii'Ntvr Iliiv. aomo ixty mllfi diataiit. covin I'rom u ImiWicrB iioinl i f view Host'- burg is inott itilvaiituireoiiRly locatcil, oc cupying a ntrutt'tiic Kiinl in the filmed and besiililiil l.'iuj iiua valley, which ex tend ('11111 the Ciilapoiiia liioui.tuiliB on the norih to Uogue Kircr Halite Houth- ward.aud aweepit from tho eno -capped CaK'adc in the cunt to the nhurve of the I'sciUc. fanned in wiiiitr by t tie wariu and soil Chinook winds, and cmilcd in summer l y balmy tea bree.eii. It has one of the limit ripiuiilc and pleaaaut climates on I be i'acitif ccuM, the tlier- momeler relib in ubovo Sil in maimer, and raiely la'.luig In low otl in winter. J he I mi'iiua vallov, lliotii;ii not so large as some others, m otto ol the mutt fertile, p.isrsalug a deep, rich alluvial oil. Until retett jears the farmers contented themselves chielly in growing grain and raising eto'-k ; the amount ot wool was exceedingly largo for the terri tory, and commituiis the be tt price of any produced in tho Northwest. 1 lie ngrlclilt'irnl ptirmiits are now lin ing moi'i ilivprsilii'il, unit 1 1 nil cnltort is receiving inin li it'lt ntion, iih tlu lurgo plum, i iii h and i ear o cliurdH Hint are In n t coii.ing in'o I euriiig give tuiilif nitel text i no hi v . The rune I nt ut-1 r v , wliiili a few )e,r mi i- i oiiKintril of oi.ly n lew acres in Ibn valley, now covers mi vera I thousand acres, the iilitlity in size mii I lUvor are uiiexi elled unywheie in tin- world, the yield per lice iiiicijualeil, uml in n verv lew yeari, when Hie uiiing pruno on IihiiIn cihiiii f.ur I v into tienritik', the amiiiinl produced "l" i ii' I ihihik. ami r. ipiire iiiiiuv IiikiiIiciIm nl e'i''e m gitilier nnd wink ihe crop. On (lie south bti.il east he t lie priiicl, til mineral belts, in which some rich gold placer mines are teing worked. Mutiy millions of dolluts in K'd hnve lieen wsished fiom the rich gravel bars along the Cmpotia river and its tributaries in the old etude ways, but the march of improvement and modern modes are swiftly superseding and displacing the old. The last yenr lias witnessed the in- s 1 , , - ' ' CITY vestmeut of several hundred 111011)1,11111 ' dollars in improvetl iiioihodo and the iu- I turns to the promoters liavo in every in-1 stance been most flattering and have by far exeeded the most sanguine, expecta tions iu mauy places, aud the success at tending has placed uiatiy new companies with large capital iu tho mining district. (Scarcely auy attention has, until tho past year, been puid to ipiarLs mining or prospecting; small us has been tho prospecting In quart, tho results have been most satisfactory. Free milling ore of a very hirh grade has beun devel oped iu many leads. Homo am boinji thoroughly proipected, among which is tho Black Jtepuhlicau, located iu tho foothills, eight miles tlistaul lioui lione- 1 I . ukf.ll t. . - J P-VSI'mj.;.. mm m mm Sfeifm. Mai burn, oaiih'I by MoKara, P. C. Hint. I. I. Kli 0 uml (i. V. Kinibiill. Tlmy UiCin Urt aprinu tironiKicliiiK tbolr claim by alnkiiiK ahafta, gince which time thnv have run three tunoela, oihi of whicli Ntrikna the main ludgo alxiut 500 feet be low the aiirfacu and eiKraa a well de ilnnil lclfl with aaaaya running very uIk'j. Tlmy will In tho Denr fulute erect a mill to handle tho ore. Ono email claim adjuining ll.o I'lark lteiuhlirnn hua juat bei'ii bonib'd for f.'tO.OiHl, and work on it will bo promt cntfd with vlfor Rt. oni'c. f.lltlcf'mlil ft l).r, iili I'ortlanil ca.iUI, li.ivc mr cliHafld the Olalla placer rniur-H, twelve niilea from KoaeburK. Theae mines iiot i:. have been known to u.H.-eM untold wealth in coarso g iKI, bul on accjuut of a scarcity of water the former owner was unable In work the claim except in very wet seaiitiH. Tim l.ittletield cV Day Company is backed with abundance of capital and li.n ompletiid a ditch of ant 1 i urn" i : i ir 1 : Jf .- HI-- ', .,; I., MTr, -- " HALL. three miles in length and placed two giants at woik, erected u mill and a number of other btiildiugs, and will at uuca extend its ditch about eight miles fait her and tap a large creek which will furnish abundance of water. homo twenty miles south aro located tlio famous nickel minus, which cover an urea of -OOJ acres of high grade oro. There is at presout about $10,000 worth of machinery 011 (he ground, audit is ex pected the com puny will begin active work iu the early summer mouths. Tito supply of 010 is almost iuexhaustiblo, and several huudrcd men will tiud em ployment there. Tlio Victor uiiuo aud several othors prouiiso renewed activity, (Several copper wiuea are being opeued cs-l?z!Zn """ '-- 1 3l h -.a ?4 lixf up which pronpect very rich and nive Kod protriiae of being a'-lively worked. Within a few ruling both funl and went of Uoaoburg, flno bodlca of coal hare been opened, aome of which are worked and hauled to thli city by team and naed for fuel. The coal la of excollent (iinlity, Heverat of theno mlnniiaro lo cated on the proponed line of the Itone burir ami Owi Bay Kailroid. About one-half of the road is completed and in operation nnd daily trainn run between Myrtle J'oint and Marahflold, the com- pint ion of w hich to Itow buru; will place it within threo lionra' ron of f'ooi Kay, ono of the bet harWi between Ban I Erauciaco and I'tiget Hound, and give it j 8' "1. 1 HERS' quick and cheap tranaixjrt ill jii to the uinrkete of the world. The foothills and mountain slopes are covered with a fine and extensive growth of lir, cedar and sugar pine, a Urge por tion of which is government land and still subject to entry. In a few of the SCHOOL HOUSE more favorable places mills have been erected and are ut work shipping their lumber to California points. KoFeburg is the distributing point and center of business for Douglas County. Besides the courthouse and county build lugs beiug located here, there is the United Mates Land Ollice. This land district embraces Linn, Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine and Jackson counties, and is the most important in Oregon. The United States signal sta tion, the only one in (Southern Oregou, is located here, and poets daily bulletins of the weather reports from the various stations over the coaat. The Oregou Soldiers' Home, w hich is supported both by the Slate and Federal Government, is situated in the subuib wtst of the Umpiiua Uvier, which io spanned by a substantial and cotttly bridge. It is the only State institution iu Southern Oregon. No more conven ient aud healthful location could have been selected. lioeoburg is the end of a divitdni of the Southern 1'acitlc lUilroad, and the terminus of the Hoseburg local, which leaves for 1'ortlaiut every morniug and arrives from that city every evening. The repair shops and rouudhouse of the company are located here. They employ altogether about 150 meu and dishiuse upward of f 10,000 per month. The postoflice is a distributing otlice for live mail routes which lend fiom tliU place. Hoseburg lias a complete system of sewerage, a wcll-eouipped water plant which furuishes an abundant supply for both private and public use aud a well trained tire department which renders efficient services when tho demands re quire. Hoseburg has a large aud com modious public school building, accom modating some 700 pupils. The Hoseburg Academy, which is uite ly equipped, offers splendid inducements for the pursuit of the higher branches of education. Nearly every kind of trade and piofcs tdoo is represented here. There are a number ol large and extensive mercan tile firms, among whom are Caio Bros., who have built themselves a large brick block on one of the most valuable cor ners in tho city for their own uso. Tbev have a very large trade reaching into all the mining camps aud adjoining towns and villages, Mrs. .lotepliHoii, who upon the death of her husband took porsoual control of his exteiibivu mercantile and other bubi uess allairs, has proved an able and elliciuut buuiuors manager, extending her business until she occupies two large brick buildings ou Jackson an 1 Wash lugtou streets, aud teaches far beyond l VLUiff the county I i unite for trade. Aleatra. A. V. Marntera 4 Co. are the leading dmg giatfl; they baye been In buainoaa lor the paat five yeara, and enjoy large and extensive trade. Itoaebnrg la well supplied with hotel, having four, the leading and flrat claa onof which la the McClallen Houae, owned and conducted by Mrs. I). C. Mc Clullen, who baa bad over twenty-five year' experience in the hotel buaineea and i. popularly known throughout the entire Northwest. Mra. McClallen takes special rnru of the commercial trade, aluo tourists stopping over to see the country and travel down the lieautifol Willamette Valley by daytime. HOME. The courthouse, a fine and large build ing, costing; many thousands of dollars, contains all of the county offices. It is one of the most commodious aDd conven ient houses of justice in the State. It is onder the cire of Judge A. F. Stearns, a man of good business ability and excep- - , IA tional legal qualifications. ! The advantages offered at Hoseburg I and vicinity to capitalists for safe divi-jdend-paying investments are more 1 plentiful and diversified than any other place in the Northwest. The country here is as yet nndeveloied and all it needs to spriug into busy, bustling activ ity is a little more capital, which is fast turning to this prolific field. 7g The sweet ness ot tree first embrace with the wo man of his choice will always linger in a man's itiind. It is a pity that the sweet memory should ever be poisoned bv the taint of ill-health and consequent unhappi ness. It is sail that the flower of a happy remembrance should be obscured and kill ed by the noxious weeds of sickness and sorrow. Too fre quently this is the case. A woman can not be a happy, helpful amiable wife who suffers from weakness and disease at the very mainsprings of her nature. Pity may grow up to take its place, but love itself seldom survives where this is the case. If a woman will, she may always hold her place in a man's mind and heart. If she will take the right care of herself in a womanly way she will never lose her rightful inheritance, a hus band'a love. The best of all know n medicines for wo men is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the important and deli cate organs that make wifehood and motherhood possible and makes them strong and well. It allays in (lamination, heals ulceration, soothes pain and tones up and builds up tired nerves. It pre pares for almost pangless motherhood and insures healthy children. Thousands of women who were sickly, nervous, fretful invalids are now happy, cheerful and helpful wives as a result of its use. All good medicine dealers keep it and there Is nothing "just as good." Any dealer who tries to persuade you that there is, Is thinking more of his profit than of your welfare aud health. Dr. I'lt-rcc'a Pleaaant Pellets are a talc, mire, apee.lv, permanent enra fur constipation. They aie I iiry, niRar-voatrd giaiuilen. Ouc little " rel ief i 11 gentle laxative, ami two a mild cathar tic. Tliev never gripe. Oruggi.ta el them, and no other pills art good. Hfi TO 4 n A. SAL2MAN. (HucceMorto J. JASKDUC.) Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and t Optician. DIALIR IN WATCIIK8, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND FANCY ;OUIfl. HiMlaslaaA am a4gelal jf 4riulM llriixllf iiii Hj-o Olnaainaj niil HiM--inloa A COMF1. IT STOCK Of Cutlery, Notions, Tobaoco, Cigari and Smokers' Articles. Also I'roprietor and Manager of Roebnrg'9 Famoun itargain Store. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DKAI.KR8 IS ALT. KINDS OP SM A! FANCY GROCERIES HD PROVISIONS FINE TEAS HMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. AI.90 A FULL LINK OF TOBACCO Sc CIGARS. UIVK US A TRIAL. KR1CK DKI.IVKRV,. MOUNTAIN VIEW P oultry and cj sr. bv: mr k jai Having just engaged in the business, would say: I have spared no time or money to purchase the very best for my breeding stock. Silver Laced Wyandottes, Barred PlymouthRocks, Golden Polish, eCCS, $100 P6R 13. Poland China Hogs, Angora Goats. Give me a trial. Correspondence solicited. AUdrcB: Cleveland, Orvsuii. L. A. WYLIE PILKIINGTON, Successor to G. W. NOAH, General Blacksmithing AWa 1EUHMKB0KX1V). r ROTTING AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF Ala. KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. shop 011 Corner WaMlilnicton iVVNAiVSAiVVVW'wAr UXfVpS?j) Barred Plymouth Rock, Vrtfe ?tHv -J?&&mm$& rf'mx&--&?. EGGS, Sl.OO PER 13. Huv vnur ecv'J from Kden bower Poultry Yard and av inoncr. The largest breeder In South ern Oregon. Eui-'ii vou buy of me are from mv belt birds and prUe wianem; pure, stout, vigorous ami healthy. No inbreeilinu iu my yards. With great expense I have mated niont of my liens ol iny own raisitig ith stock front the best varda iu California, Ohio and Illinois. My birds won the Lion's Share of Honors at the Southern Oregon District (air. At Oregon statu Fair, Hmwu Leghorns wou'Jud ou breeding pen, also two speeialson Cockerel and Pullets as being the best on exhibition. Orders promptly filled at Kruse & fcbmnbrook's liroeerr Store, or address as above for particulars. Send stamp for reply. K, A. KRl'HKi Nauager. A. C. MARSTERS 4 Co. - SI ajaa faw 1 I "Weill Paper. A Choice Collection, aPi-icca that Sell. LIME PLASTER AMD CEMEMT. A FULL LIME OF WIMDOW GLASS ALL OUOLRS PROMPTLY FILLLU. One Door South of 1'. O. RORF.BIRU, ORF.UON, Stock Farm, va.. ?w . Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Single Comb Brown Leg horn. MARSTERS, Proprietor. aud Kane IMS)., Roiebnrg. HHEIIl.TUii, um. BKEIDER OF II FINE POULTRY, Black Lanpshan. -c. G. Hamhurir. Black Minorcas,