IMS PLAINDBALER APRIL 111, IHU7. " 11 f 'i I lie t liurclira. fUrrmr I Mi'( M cornor ul bane nil Ko Irnrui. rtiiinlny Hvrtlii: l'rcili Itia, 11 a. in. urn! ;,W i. oi.l Young reopla'a Union, t;M) p.m. i Mr. K. W. Ulaui, rriMlilsiil, HuniUf Htjhmil, 10 0. m.i Jmnna (rhamlHirlalil, HuparluUmden r rarer M Willis, Tiiuiwlaf tmmliif (I 7 :M, Miriioninr CHimi H eorncrol M)n and Un tirrt. HiiimU Mvfvli': I'rcw hlng, II a. m mul 7:.W p. in.) HnlilmUi rliiol, 10 . in. I t. W, Wonllcy, MiiiwrliiUimlmiti !l Miwllnl l clmn l Urn innriilna niitlra: KpworU. latatu .Mi p. in MhUIs ii.lliy, rtwiliUnl. frerar MoUtnl, WwliitHMUf, l l:M P. rn. KNtxH I.. MiMian, I'MUir. rrnM. corner Mala aod I". I'aaaavtaaiAN (:iiu:il-xiMif ol (leas a4 Koaoatrwla. Minnie H.rle: rupllo wenhlp. . n n,l 1 M n. in. I lilth Hehool, 10 a. n. V V (', K ,7 p. in. .'raver Mwillag, Ws1om- ila. 7 Kl p "I K. II. Hilwumb, I'mIWi NOTICU. Prescriptions at olnee, including medl clue. (ir M ciita cash, from I to 3 p. m humUra ecptd. At other hours, the iiul merge. K. G M. D. April Wledom. He nur llial youi bluod U pure, your appetite lfikmI, your digestion Msrfecl. To puiHy you blood and uuild up your health, Uku Hood's Harsaparllla. Till medicine has accomplished re ...... l,ln fiiroa of all IiIihhI dlaeases. It li Dm Oua True IUikxI Purifier. Hood's Harsaparllla bet power lo make on well !y purifying aud enriching your blood, giving you an appetite, and nerve, mental and digestive strength. Chamberlain' Colk. Cholera Diarrhoea Kemcdy. and Tin ii lb" heel medicine in lli world liowel complaints. It acts quickly and nil always depended iion. When induced with walerlt in pleasant lo take. Try it, and like many others you wil recommend it to your friends. For nail! t - ami M cents per lioltle by A. V. Mamleis & Co. Crescent lilcyclc.. I have in ot'ic'k Inn ".Hi models, all .... -.i .. . lir ...I. L now, ami lilted Willi ni. i . quica m pair liriw, whleli I will aoll at ono-lliird liwn limn oiiitimtl irii:o. Tlium wheola ar lolly giiaraulfiid lor uno ar. Cadi or iimlilliiii-iila. Call on or ftildrm, 1'. K. ltll II AltliMilN, Koaeburg. l ur ocr I Illy Vrai. An ir mu m i. I nii l(uv.-Mri t lUnlilll MHltlllllg H;llp iH'tll UWll It'l morn II j rraia ly millloim ul nmthrn lor tlirlr clilhUi'ii nhlla livllilui;, "llli l kt I uiccu II .Milhin llir I lnl'l, iHiltriii III'' Kilin., !!) Kll pftlll, ciliv wlinl colic, ami la Ilia bct rrinctljr for liunli'm. pUanmit to the laato. Holil lijr iliuKKi'la lu cvnjf part ol Urn wmlil. Twenty fioctiila a Irtitllr. Ha value la lnclcuIalilo. Be .mo ami lor Mra. W Inalow i Koothlnf Hjrup, ami Uko no oIIkt klnl. 1( you have ever ioen a child lo the agony of croup, you can nppreciaH tl u rati tu Jo of the mothert who know that no Minuto Cough Curo rolicven thiur little onna aa iiiitkly aa it la admin inlriil. Many hoinos in this city are never without It. Marter' PnigRore. Oregon Tire RtlM AaaocUtlon. Cheaint aud beat imurance ou earth, at coot, or 1S centa per hundred. Ileal deut projierty, a ecialty. 11. L. MAiurtiiK, Agent, Spviid your dollar where they go farthoet. Cah ia what lalka. We Bell for cash only. We oui make a dollar go a long way for you. Quality considered We haye the hoot gooda for little money. Novelty Store. iiMi-klcii't) Armc mmIvc. I'he Itee. Salve in the world for Cute, Hruiea, aorea, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever Horee, Totter, Chapped Hands Uhillbalns, Corns, and all akin Krup tioiia, aud poailivoly cures I'ilee, or no pay reipiired. It is guaranteed to give perfect aaliafaclion or monoy refunded I'ri.el'i ceuta per box. For aalo at A. C.Maretera A Co. Shoes, Shoe. Idte arrival of men's and woman's stout aud cheap shoes. Ainu a supply of seaionable staples at Wanton's. Many canes of "Cirippo" have lately been cured by One Miuuto Cough Cure. This preparation seems especially adapted t the cure of this disease. It acts iiuickly thua preventing eorious tximplicatioUH aud bad uu'euta iu which this diaeaso olton leaves the jmtiont. Marstere' Drug More. Dou't allow the lungs to be impaired by tl e continuous irritation of a cough. It is easier to prevent consumption than lo cure it. uo Minute Cough Cure takeu early will ward ort'auy fatal lung (rouble. Masters' Drug Store. I'i, wMihAu it and Tlauter is a little alliterative, but, aoiuetimes by "ant al literation's artful aid" you can catch the public eye nu 1 engage the public at trillion. The Wobfoot l'lantor is clubbed with the 1' aud the two panors will be furnished to all cash subscribers of tho latter without extra charge. 'It is u startling fait that, almost without exception, tho adulttiiUed teas nre dangerous to health. Some of tlit'in are at luallv poisonous." --A'. V. Herald. Yes; sonic -not all. Hut isn't the point. You drink tea because you like it not because it is good for you. The wholesome tea is also the best-tasting: Schil lings Best at grocers' in packages Bifiny 9 407 MENTION. II,... L.L...Jt " -..wn. hi u im i'ina iinrn7uiiMti Ituy kid glovm at fhn loyally Klor. C. II. Carter wm ovr from Ihalu HN unliiy. B. Mmlley of Uiiilmi Via In Hie city liat weak. Now line of rain and nun iiuiluullaii at tho Novellr Hlore. V. M. ilglur iiiadn a lnminnNN trip to I'ortland Halurday, Win. Hudirawi m in town from Kiddle Hnturdav. J, A., W, L. and Thorn. Cobb were in from Ihllanla hint wnk. I.. A. Hanctuary went to Coijiiillo City tin lait of the ek on htmlneaii. "How Johnuln earned lila gun ?" aik Cliurrhlll. Woollay A, I'r. Wall of Cotfoge cirovo waa vilt ing In I hi cily ono iluy hint week. I If-n.ialry of all kindn .klllfiilly and proiuplly done by lr. Fred Hayne. XV IJ It 11- I ... .. ii nun nun w. wiaen ol imhiiu, were gupie at thj McClallen Frldiiy. All ri tewed lieu of charge on boot auu alum 'totight at tho Novelty Hloro. Ir. p. n. 1 1 ay mi dmm crown and bridge work In an up (o dal maimer New aaaorluivnt of ribbon, liye and ten ttJiit per yard, at the Novelty 8iore. The atudentB of the normal echool in Drain plautd i!0 Krvl.iJ tree on Arbor day. T. K. Hicbardiou ex petit lu havn hi "bike" track In gwd ehapt) by Wednes day. Jelr William, left the clannic nhadeaof lAMKingtuaM to aojourn a while at tbe "nlt -Ht. reasonable prices at Dr. Fred lUynea' Dental utllce. plain and fancy, but nut fancy prices. Novelty Stoie. JiiHt arived from Nebraska a tar ol corn and com chop at Cawllield'a Hour and feed store. Churchill, Wonlley A McKenie have just received a car of choice WaMuiugton cedar shiiiKle. me mourner Areata look nut Irum oos Hay on her laxt tiip iikjtu than 1'juO sacks ol KtatM'S. V two-headod calf was boru at liuford Davis' farm, on Coos river, in Coos county, Ut week. Do you want a good straw lierry plant Call around to (hi olln c and liud out where to gel sonic. the Koyal Mine Crawford Kicycle can I I Uat. Churchill, Woolley A keep them. slecial sale of hanlwnie at il. M Wead s hardware store. Lowest prices ever made in Hoseburg. a - -. . . ... ai soon as a Kin Kisses a man with a luuatacho she begins to look funny at men who have full Wards. Fx. ' IVople boy , Hood's Farsaparilla year after year becanse It doen them good. It will do you gcod to take it now Hoet assortment ol print goods iu town at almost your own prices. Come and see for yourself. Novelty Rore. The northern part of the stale aud the neighboring state of Washington expe rienced ijuito a blow on Saturday. Money to loan on city and country property. jr. r.. k. ULKk, Marstere' Building, lloseburg, Or. Mri. M. Josephsou will have an open- ing of txulliuery goods-tomorrow. The display window it being prepared today. Now is the time to spray your trees. Buy tbe Combination Sprayer and save lime and money. W. II. (iordoo, agent, Hardware, tinware aud implements at special prices for the next two weoks. Don't miss them at Weed's Hardware store. Dr. iF.huie will give prescriptions in cluding medicine, between certain hours for 50 cents cash. Hco notice in auotbor column. Wolleuberg & Abraham ol the Square Deal "(ore are now receiving a nice lot of spring goods. Latest styles aud low est prices. Ladies you will tlud a uico line of shirt waists, collars, cuffs, shirt fronts, bells, shirt waist sets, etc., at tbo Nov elty More. Mothers' meeting will be held at Mrs. Kinney's on l'iuo street opposite (he Christian church, ou Thursday, April 16th at i) p. m. J. ue chairman ol the coiumitleo ou health had quite a knowledge ofJick doukeys before Charles, editor of tho Review, was horn. C. Ladies, if you want a bargain dreBS pattern, buy one of our 10-iuch up-to- date Mohair checks, at only 30 cents per yard. Novelty Slore. Tbe iudictuieut agaiust Dr. W, R.Olli- cer. of Kagle Poiut, Jacksou county, for criminal malpractice, was ipiaiihed on the ground of being defective. Yesterday was Hunday, but farmers ia raaDy places took advantage of the tine weniuerioput in tiieir crop, it was akin to making hay while the Buushoue. A uiau w ho returned from the Bo- hernia country a few dsya ago. reports that suow lay 15 (set doep ou level ground, and in some localities 10 (cut, The tirenieu of Baker Citv have al- ready beguu to work to make a grot sue- w i . cess ol tlie Ureuiau s tournament, that will be held iu that city June 8, 0 aud '0. D. W. Sheahau is uieolimr with kuc I . I cess In ins eiiort to Block Wallowa couuty with Chiuoso nhoasauts. about 50 having been subscribed to purchase birds. u. a. rsemurede aud vuaney rarrou wm go to voos coumy tomorrow to ioo UKI0P alter vue anairs oi me owuuard uioca BbHvej wttB nior8 pui080phlcal and de Coal Compauy, of which Mr. Sehlbrede pur(eJ wltll0Ut g ajK o( Huger " is presldeut aud Mr. Parroll general ... a. it re . i. . lu ... 1 ... i til l. I matiager. iney about ten day e. expect to be absent I be warm weather of the put few day have drlod up the alreetn and Riven $ reinnrkable lnietii lo vegetation in . .. . . . I'lOMoma are appearing mid buda are welling. I' red Slgler went lo 1'orUainl Friday bight and bat not yet returned, There I no truth lu (ho report that lie thero yeritordity. Fred in young but lint mill. The Central hotel, under the manage moiil of Uoacofl (ireen, la becoming more mid more iioptilar every day uoial fare and reasonable price, (iivo thoCeiilml atilul. John II. Hvg, an inmate of the Koliliem Home, died on I'riday and waa burled on Haturday. Heceaned waa a private In the Hecond Regiment, Minna ota Light Artillery. At the hint regular meeting of the Hi lie Club, held yetterdny afternoon, Jtritt got rhii kena :!, liryan it, Rtrong 2, lladley 1. In the pool shooting, J.oonoy, l!rvan and Davia were the vlctorr. v. noiiz oi ph. iijano, maiio, waa in thl city Saturday. He lm been v lu lling relative attiranla 1'an for the pant month and left for hi homo in Idaho Hunday nioruirig. Drvil Dodge, of Myrtle 1'uinl, in on the bay gathering liinbirirnl fact relative to tho early wittloment of the county, which be ia preparing for the annual pioneer reunion. Marihtleld run. Jaiuci KicbardiKjii dleil Tur)day, at Starvenut mine, In (hi county, of old agn. n wan a Mexican war veteran, and waa aaid to Le IW Tears old. He we waa buried in Cauyouville. fit.. U'ltrl. tl.aa f,..W,..l t uu.rilln n..nU Kui .till l, i.:w: aiikf Dim aw nijaeisra tlirj LM BaQ well for a slarter, and hows to ride no to Ashland sonn.Town Talk. , ..... " winrj , irvcilll iru'tiut nH"o of the Southern I'adlic. in Oreuou navs lliNt theio are ubout 'iK) bales nf IS!NJ Iioixt iu the comnarit'a warehmui- I throughout the Willamette valley. M. ). Warner, the piano lu.ier, was out with the Iill Club i,n...r ,iv with Inn new Savage rille. The nun is l name implies and i the wickedest shooting iroii ever seen in tliei-e parts. The Loyal Teuieranco Legion will hold its regular ineetingH in the Dill- worth Acadumy building on Tueinbiy at I p. ni.; Wgiuiiig with Tiles lav, April l.'ltll. Milt. F.M I.K.SKK, Sllllt. , 1'. Coshow will soon move t-j Itime burg here he will henceforth reside. Hi many frieuil hero legret to have him leave their circle. We wiidi hiin success in bis new home McMiunvillo T. K. Tbe preliminary exsiiiiuatioii of Joha Zichary, charged with stealing llour froui Hast & Critpner's mill on the ;5d, inst., wa held Salunlay afternoon. He waived examination , and his bond was lixad at 00. The kiuetorcope picture of the fight at Carson are raid to have been a failure. The piules are defective and it is (eared they will bo aliuoht useless. If (hey can not be ued it will mean the loss of a fortune to thorn intereated. Tho Kpworth league gathered itself together in a hotly ou Friday evening and made a descent upon Walter Faulk ner, taking him completely by surprise, and (her after the vt hi'le party spent a very pleutum evening. ei.a u.y.r. Di ,.;,, PX.ulinBra of puUltiou eian.inera ef this ! lace, Drs. Miller, lira l!ey and Ceffcuan, has reor ganied umler tho now administration, Dr. K. L. Miller is president, Dr. Cotl- mn wcretary an d Dr. Bradley treasurer. Mrs. Mary Flournoy, aged about ot, died at her home iu Wardton Tuesday. T'ie deceased was helpless for many years ou account of the inlirmilies of old B80 and was found dead in bed. Her funeral was held Thursday at French Settlement. Kramer ifc Wheeler of Myrtle have bug"t the , Henry Hntchins mine on IVa Vine mouutaiu in the tialice creek diHtrict and will soon commence the erection of a ipiarU mill. They have 00J Ioub of $15 ore in eight. The con sideration was f3000. Observer. The youDg frieuds of Walter aud F.d- wiu McKeiuie gave the young men a HUrprino party ou Thursdsy evening last, The ouly condition of participation waa that the participant should be over It) and uuder 20 years of ago. That they had a good time goes without saying. Mrs. McCowu, department couimauder of tho Women's Relief Corps, was in the city on Wednesday last ou her way south visiting (he posts of Southern Ore gon, and was tendered a reception at the narlors of the McClalleu. She la In town tllliiu today on her wav home to Oreiwu City. Roceburg theatre goera are accomodat ing people. The ladies do not wear their bats in tho theatre, and some of the gentlemen, if the show happens to be of the broad guagu order, may be scou on the front Beats without any hair ou their heads. They go the ladies oue better. Kugeuo Guard. Bert Roberts, a youug man who baa hived al Rogue river for two or three years past, and was recently carrying the mail between Gold Reach aud MushoI Creek, waa drownod iu tho river, wbilo attempting to sail across, one night lust uoJy uful not 1,W recovered l laBl ai'couuts The harbors iu Albany are compelled t0 draw tbe color line. A IChiuose went into an Alhauv barber shoo laiit Tuosdav. lwt the barber told the Chiuaniau that i... .it. I. .'i ..i. .. .. . i 'i .: im... t .i.:.... uv "u,u DU"' vuhuuiou. muumuu wut "t J baugod tho door " uaiu luut l,iU1 ul 'BB w BUllt- terou. uuuer inreats oi arrest lie paid the coats of a new , paue. Celestials ,mvB lhHil. own blirhr . thU tt(1 Hn innotf.tiou. a darkv who tried tnt " w flu Hue ol MlioulUi-i' biaicMi I tu proved pauvrua, t Marsiern' Col. Day and sous are working a giant on the llushnell mine in Olalla. If th results secured are sufficiently en coursing, they will shortly bein the construction of a four-mi la flume to lap the Olalla river at au eleyation that will give ample bead or hydraulic operations. About a d.eo men are employed In the mine and the sawmill. Frank Andrew and Frank Herman, who wr re Indicted in Jackson county for robbing a miner' cabia near Woodville, were arraigned Friday, when the former pleaded guilty ae charged and the latter to petit larceny, having shared in th stolen goods and aware that they hti oeen so oDiaineu. inese plea were accepted by tbe court, and Andrews was sentenced to 18 months in I ho pen! tentlaryand German to six months in me county Jail. Andrews was taken to Salem that night by rltieriff iiarns. The Jackson county grand Jory has re (nrnedan indlctmsnt against !e Tar sons for mnrder in the first degree for tiio killing of (ijstaT Hall on F.Ik creek on March 14. Hall was shot In the back of the head with a rifle, tbe ball passing out In front, tearing away the front skull nd brain. He was killed about half mile from his cabin, and the body laid there a number of davs before being dis coverod. The evidence is wholly cir cumstantial. raraons ia in jail there having been committed without bail. t. U. Leonard Las leased the Drain flour mills of Kussell &, boa. Feed ia in good demsnd at lit) per ton. Flour in demand at per thousand pounds Hales are made very readily, local trade being their principal customers. Mill feed scarce, owing to tbe bad roads pre venting farmers coming in. Wheat is very scarce. A few nice days would bring s nne of the farmer's wheat in he null has been running aljut two- irdt time. Flour and feed Lave im proved, and the demand is good. They contemplate adding a receiving separat or, hopper scales and elevators in tbe near future. At present are not run mug, out expect to start up in a few ys. Nice weather in April will mske very prosperous month for them. Commercial Keview, Probate Court. County Judge A. F. htearns, Billing :-B Probate Jude, has made the followirg outers : Iu the matter of the estate of Lacindia Busline! I, deceasod, time lor final settle' merit set for May 3, at 10 a. m. In the matter of the estate of N. Iuib ler, deceased, i. W. Jones. apioiuied administrator, J. J. Cawineld, J. 8. Fit.hui:h and ti. W. Keaartee appainted appraifcis. Tho administrator filed a bond of $ol).- KW with A slier Marks, S. Hamilton, J. . Wright and T. K. Sheridan, as Sureties. Administrator of the estate of Cbas. Lal'oiut ordered lo sell personal proiier- ty. In tbe matter of the estate of Mary, deceasod, Rose Bileer appointed administratrix, B. W. Stronp; W. T. W right and F. U. Churchill appointed appraisers. "The bond was fixed at 14000, and C. W. Parrott, A. J. Bellows. Asber Marks and . F. Barker appear thereon as sureties. Ueo. Brow u discharged as guardian of Clifton Weyer, and U. M. Conkling ap pointed. Sunday School Convention. V district Sunday School couveotion. under the auspices of the various Sunday Schools of the city was held at the Bap tist church on Saturday evening. The program was as follows: Music; prayer by Rev. Moore; address, Elder Rush ing; essay, Mrs. O. F. Godfrey; recita tion, Miss McCoy ; address, Rev. Jones ; song; address, Mr. Perry, fcSupt. Baptist Sunday .School ; address, Mr,' VVoolley, Supt. Methodist Sunday School and dis trict president; address Rev. Blair of Central point ; benediction. Ou Sunday afternoon Prof. Hatuill, who nas a national reputation in the matter of Sunday School work, and who arrived tbe night before, gave a black board talk and in the evening an address at the M. K. church ou Sunday School woik, which was the Quest thing in that Hue ever heard iu Roseburg aud was thoroughly enjoyed by all whu were for tunate enough to hear It. ' , ' Japanese Big Bugs. A party of Japanese passed through this city on Sunday morning's overland. This party includes one member of the diplomatic service ou bis way to Lou dou, six government olhcials and three prominent business moo. One is a Jap anese delegate ou his way to Washington to attend tbe postal congi wa. Another is a noted architect, who has been; in trusted with the formation if plans for the new imperial palace. Accompanied by a secretary and draughtsman, he will visit tho principal cities iu this country aud Europe, searching for the to west aud beat iu modern aud ancient archi tecture. Card of Thanks. The uudereigued desire to return thanks lo the friends and uoighbors who so kindly tendered their services during the illuoee, death and fuuoral services of the lato James F. HoJson, who died ou Friday tbe tub inst., and was buried Sunday, Amanda Hodhon, Rac'iiui, L, Lug, Jos. HootsoN, K, G, Hudson, W, M. Houson, Roseburg, April I'.', 1SH7. Those who are troubled with rheuma tism should try a few applications ol Chamberlaiu'a Pain Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously at eaih application. If that does not briug telief dampeu a piece ol tlanuol w ith Palu Balm aud.biud it ou over the seat ol pains aud prompt re liei will suioly follow. For sale by A, C. Marstere A Co. AKBOR DAY. Appropriately Celebrated Koaeburg School. by the Arlior day was observed with sppropri- ate eier ciaas by the Koreburg school Friday, It wss a very pteasiinr sight witnrri the flag salute by the pupils theoiieiiingeiercises, when over 3X)cbU dren in unison with accrjinpsnying gest uresald: "We give our heads and our Iicsrti to our country. One country, one language and oue II sg." The fograrn of eiercises in detail was as follows: Hong, A merles, school. Prayer, lie v. Jonee. Flag Salute, school. Recitation, Arbor Day, Bertha Sehl- brede. Itei itatioo, Invocation, Vera Havees. Instrumental duett, yiolin and piano, Alia Rmilh and Ethel Parrott. Recitation, Thanatopais, Cbas. 8trt- ford. Recitation, Blessing rn Tree Planters, hmma Brltt. bong, Ben Bolt, Ruby Gordon. Recitation, Mowers of Liberty, Delia Cole. Address, Fred Page-Tustin, F. A. Falkenburg, Head Consul W, of tbe W., Hon. W. F. Benjamin, Jadge K. D. Stratford, Hon. C. A. Behlbrede. Concert exercise, Rpriog Flowers, class Ural Grade. Instrumental duett, Mabel Van Buren and Alberta Boggess. Recitation, Dandelion, Nell Birker. Recitation, Tbe Rose, Pauline Thorn p - on. Hong, Arbor Day inarch, Hecond Grade. Dialogue, Captive and the Flowers, Glass 7th Grade. Song, Arbor Day, class girls C.h Grade. Treea replanted in honor of (he teach- ere of Ibe dd and -lib grades, Mrs. Brown and Miss Willis. Exercises conducted by pupils of tbe respective grades. 'Ol tbe Speakers. Hon. F. Paae-Tustin was ursi introduced, lie delivered a very interesting address, appropriate and Suitable to tbe occasion. He gave a brief account of tbe origin and tbe sig nificance of tbe day ; and the lessons it was designed abonld be drawn from u. It was fine. Mr. F. A. Faulaenbere. lecturer for the Woodmen of tbe World, was presented by Principal Hamlin, to tin audience. He gave a very pretty and interesting address of about ten min- ujes. His remarks were very apropos of tbe occasion Arbor day and Woodmen I for hauling was referred to the com mi t of the World are members of the samel tee on corrent expense and accounts for happy family, benevolence and frater- nity. W. F. Benjamin was tbe next peaker, occupying about five minutes, in which be compared tbe privileges which children now enjoy amongst en- lightened people and tbe savages each are human beings, but the former by and through the means of education and general intellectual training are by far superior to the latter, lie appealed to tbe pupils to make good use of their time while young. It is tbe golden op-1 portumty of life. : Hon. E. 1). Stsatford was next intro duced, who spoke very interestingly of a tree common to all countries and climes, which, he said, is symbolized by the planting of a tree ou Arbor day. That tree is tbe "home tree," tbe sacred tree 'neath whose benign shelter tbe nations of tbe earth are reared. Mr. Stratford, under this figure, painted several beauti- f ul word pictures illustrative of the aa- cieduess of home and social enjoyments. The next siuaker was Hon. C. A. Sebl- brede, who spoke briefly of tbe lessons deaired to ba tauebt and the nrincinlpa inculcated bv Arbor dav tree nlaniim?. He referred to the fact that there were two' exotic arbor plants now growing upon the school grounds which -be brought from Indiana, his native state. He also made some interesting comment limn the auhioet of tre ulanl n onnar. ally aud the benefits derived therefrom. The whole exerercises from commence ment to finish were listened to by a large aud attentive audience ot citieus, patrons of the school. Truntica, a full lfuc at Blarater.' . new tttIea, I tie woodmen." The Woodmen ' entertained ' - their r.i. .iik...!.. ;..k ' . VKZ.. 'T " in royai Biyie. a, w. Mrong waa uair- man ol the meeting, and after a selection bv the orchestra. Introduced Han. C. A. si.ih..1. .k, .nii,t,u,i -i,.i;.v.. uvui J wvf v vw uv vvuitmHvu iiu wuuhjli vv i wnn a ew appropriate, remarxs. r. a. .... . . tauiaeuuerg, nead connsui oi me I'acinc Jurisdiction of the Woodmen of the World, waa then introduced and deliv- ered au eloquept speech iu the interest of fraternal societies, tbe Woodmen iu particular, which was listened to with marked attention aud frequently ap plauded. After the lectors ope, and all repaired to the' )oifge room up stairs, w here a large number of applications for membership were received and then tn-ide furious assault on tbe bauquet room, i put everything uar been pre' prediortheiuvasiou aiul ro.ted saults, though perceptibly diminishing tue supplies, uia not exoausi inem. New cicala uit lu wall pupvr at Maratcrs. Circuit Court. The following proceedings were bad iu chambers before Judge Fullortou : P. Merriam vs. Victory Placer Mining Co. Order to sell property, M. F. Ambler ys. Davis aud Ambler Lumber Co. Ordtr for receiver lo pay into court f 17L47. Mrs. Cameron el al. vs. Asher Marks. Continuation oi diviaiouof real property. Haltie Whitney made a citizen at the United States. School Diet No. llt vs. G. M. Irwin et al. Argfted and submitted. Roseburg Buildiug acd Associa tion vs. E. B. Preble. Decree giauted, l.liueaud lluc llnol, lur Mim lug pur poses at Maiati Council Proceedings. llie coti.iiion enlincil of the illy of Jlorebnrg met Thursday evening and transited the following laziness: !sst On calling the roll the following mem toj lers were loom! present: Msyor Mars at tars; Councilman MiK;re, Htsnton, Hlo- - cam, Fleichvr, I'erry, Parks, Dillard sod I - Aiken, Msrshsl Cannon and Hecorder Bigler. The minutes of the pievions raeclin I were read aud approved. '. W. Ilrandage aprared before tl board in regard to a sewer on Fowler street. Mr. I'rundago slated that If tl city would buy the pipe and materia that he would lay the pipe free of charge. The amountof pipe required i':0 feet, and tbe sewer to tie dumped into Deer creek at the foot of Fowler ttrect. The matter was referred to the rommiiUe on health and pol"' A petition waa presented to the board I and read asking that the pump on Jack n street in front of the property ol A C. Marstcrs beiemoved. Motion msde that tbe petition be not granted, ul tbe vote was recorded with the following result: V. Moore. II . C. Stanton. J. M Fletcher and J. C. Aiken, no; H. C, S locum, Wm. Perry, C. W. Parks and F, I W. Dillard, yes. The rote being a tie the mayor having tbe deciding vote I voted yes. The petition was lost I The following saloon bonds were read I and accepted: Ad Harmon, A. Thompson, D. W. Stephens, W. H Pitchford, L. A.Harmon and Rast & 1 Von Pessl I Marshal and recorder' a reoorts were 1 read and accepted, I Mr. Dillison. contractor for I he work I on the Umpqoa bridge at tbe foot of Laue street, aiked the Drivileee of I placing lumber on the street leaving a sixteen foot diiveway, for tbe purpose of seasoning tbe lumber. The request was granted. The quarterly reports of the treasoier acd recorder were referred lo the com outlet: on current expense aud accounts for investigation. The following bills were allowed B. F. Page, labor W, II. Casebeer, hauling 3 30 7 00 3 00 34 20 50 00 L. A. Sanctuary, repairing.! J. A. Perkins, treasurer's fees I J. B. Cannon, salary I F. M. Zigler, recorder's fees 32 60 Roseburg Electric Light Co., city hall acd street lights.... LMJ 83 The bill of Mrs VanBuren, forfl 50 investigation The marshal was instructed to proceed at once to collect all delinquent licenses, I J.C.Aiken stated that the residents on Kane street, if the cily would plow up the dirt to tbe center that the property owners would gravel tbe same, Tbe matter was laid on the table The recorder asked for and was granted three days leave of absence. I There being no further business the meeting adjourned to meet May tf, at 8 I o'clock. The Late James F. Hodson. Mr. James F. Hodson, an old pioneer, waa buried Sunday by the .uaaooa oi Roseburg, of wbicb order be was an hon oteA and exemplary member. Mr, Hod "on was S2 years, 7 months and 2u days olJ- IIe Baa liveJ ln Oregon about 38 yer8 having crossed the plains in 18o9. He- was laid to rest in the Masonic eem- e,er Bt 2:30 P- m- Sunday, attended Py lar number, ot InenJs aud sympa neighbors to perform the last ead rites and to witness the solemn thougn. Deautitui aud imposing burial ceremonies oi the order. Mr. Hodson naJ been in feeble health for two or lllree J6 nJ several times had almost succumbed to tbe grim reaper, but ral- ll.ia a. . a. nou aou old isir ro survive, uui increas ing years aud feeble health generally were unable to tide aver tbe late eevere prostration and death claimed him for bis own, and Father Hodson is now Bleeping tbe sleep that knows no waking has joined ihe silent majority. Old People. Ili.l luvinlA u'lin rpmiira mrni..nA tn reeulato tbe bowels and kidneva will find the true remedy m -Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate aud contains no wuisaey nor otuer. jutoxi' cant, but acts as a tonic and alternative, lt Bctl miMlv on ,he fct0mach and bow- els, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature iu tbe periormance oi me luncuons. Electric v-.. ii . . Diuvio ia nu v&ueiicui BDi'ruADr nuu hub digestion. Old People tiud it just ex. actly what they need. Price titty cents and 1.00 per bottle at A C. Ma raters A 8 aruK Bl0,e- To the Kootenai Mining Country. The O. R. & N. is tbe chortcst hue and makes tbo imickeet time. Trains leave roruauu tiaiiy ai o:so p. ui. .Bag gage checked through, to destination. Tickets on sale to all mining caiups. V. C. London', Agent, U'se burg, Oregon. K. K. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes lor cured lhem by tu're0 bo!te8 ol i)eM Wdich ilaicel (salve, it cures eczema and severe skin diseases. Marsters' Drug eHore. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they canuot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only oue way to cure Deafness, aud that is by constitutional remedies. leafuess is caused by au intlamed condi tion of the mucous liuing of the Eustach ian Tube. When this tube gets iu flamed you have a rumbling suuud or iuiierfect hearing, and when it is entire ly closed Deafness is the result, aud un less the inflammation can be takeu out aud this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which ia nothing but au in flamed condition of the uiucoua surfaces. We will give Oue Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnees (caused by catarrh) that cannot ha cured by Hall's Ca'arrh Curo. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CiuNkY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggiultf, 7iii, Bquhicl pulwuu at Mttialais.' iVMR Aboofutely Pure (ll.rle.l for ll arrat leavenlnn lrnrlh M.I hfalthfiilmw. Auun th fooO Mlnt alum ami all lorm ol ml ni tration rommoa lo tho elmn Iwrmln. aorit aaai.-io rowoxa to., naw vona. Oakland. Tavlor Beck'. ramn nvar trim 1.' . .a . borg Sunday. Dr. Paae waa called to Drain lr o.k on professional business. Mrs. 8. Bailer of knpl.tir i town visiting relatives last week. We are slad to lmn ti,.i mi i Medley baa recovered Irom her late III. nees. Mrs. J. Hamilton nf (Jr. I I on f(H.rn-iawsl u of this place, was calling on friends Hat nrday. Mr. W. L. Wilson, count v! com m if. sioner, was in town a few days last week on his way to Portland. Mr. J. T. Wilaon'a fa Kellogg Saturday, where be is engaged in teaching rcbool in tbat vicinity. Mrs. Ed. Whitnev ntnrntwl rrn Roseburg Saturday where sbe has been to make final proof on her homestead. Mrs. H. C. Baker of W.n. w.ii.. daughter of E. G. Yoaog, arrived her Monday of last week to visit relatives. C. L. Lucker of Enenna mam . n. Depot hotel a couple of days last week with a stock of spectacles and eyeglasses. The entertainment riven hv tli lim. Mission class Friday evening n attended and proved to be quite a suc cess. The Jr. Endeavor Societv will si va n entertainment Fridav evening Ann'i i:.i. at Young's ball, admiesion 10 cents. V e understand tbe program wi l be unite elaborate. E. O. Parker commenced teaching Hm apring term of school at Nonpareil last week. Mr. Parker reports a succeesful becinninic and eood atinmianpo iv wish him success. r.... pleasure we note tbat Mis. B. Buckley is itnnrovine in li.lil, uite raiidlv. enoush ao that mhn i .ki to be oot some of the time, to enjoy the ! bright and pleasant weather. Mrs. S. A. Hutchinson hmm niuns.1 a millinery shop in the front rooms over Page and Dimmick's drug store. It is a nice location and pleasant rooms. Mrs. Hutcbinson expects her spring aud sum mer stock of goods to arrive soon and in oe pieaaea to wait upon her old and new customers. The Preebv terv of the Honrhorn Or. gon district will convene at the Presby- wmucuuren i ueaa ay, April I Jin, and bold a three days session at which there will be devine services each evening. It is expected tbat a series of mPti not. will be held next week by Rev. Forbs. the synodical missionary, and the local pastor. Rev. Courtwright. Tkilbv. French Settlement. Papa Kyea is on the sick, list. Fine weather, and farmers are buiv see Jing. Virgil Woodruff is atteudimr sckmil nr. Cleveland. Mrs. James Conn, who has hpen varv sirk, is slowly recovering. Grandma Flournoy died Aoril 7 at tlm advanced age of ninety-seyen. Archie Jones, who shot bis band last week is able to be out hunting again. Ben Shafer, who has been visitine hia sister, .Mrs. Arcbambeau, expects to re turn to his borne in the Willamette val ley text week. Come again, Ben, Mrs. Clara Mansfield 'onened last Monday, bat owiug to tbe dissatia- faction over the teacher, there are a umbei of children losing the benefit of e spring term, mere Doing six or seven families who will not send. Strayed, a padlock and chain. Owuer can have tbe same by calling ou R. A. woodrun. .. y. z. Olalla. Tbe Olalla Mining Company have shut own for the present. School commence! Monday, tbe 12th. inbt., with A. Maboney at tbe helm. Mrs. W. R. Weils spent two or three days of last week visiting in Roseburg, George and Zelia Byron have returned home Irom Salem, w heio they have been ttendtng scnool. Henry Bushuell uow has charge of the boarding tent at tbe mine and furnishes Ihe wherewith to gladden tbe inner man at 3 50 per week. The wages, however, have been raited to $1 50 per day. . . . We need about leu families with about ten or twelve in each family to come and settle ou some of A slier Marks' land, that Is being offered for sale cheap, ardin 1!D or 40 acre lots to suit purchaseiB. Billy wells will tell a person all about it. ALtKif. Gooda of iiuestionable quality are not good at any price. You'll llod the good quality, best values, aud late styles in our new line ot early spring dress goods of wool mixtures and cotton checks. Novelty Store. Awarded Hlthest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DH' 0 ft Most Perfect Hade. , 4o Years the Standard