The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 12, 1897, Image 2

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iJ Vim MrNiMWiT
Ill Ml AMIN,
. Mmiflo-r.
nutmcripiiou MMira.
oue Year 2 00
Mil Months.... ........ 1
Thro Mitnlh
Nolwiiustanding the fact thai .M0,
000,000 e4 the savings o( Hie clll.e-ns o(
l'miicM weic exonipJ in nine ycara for
the osteniiilile purpceo of ocnetruotlng
Hie Panama canal and iu 1&'.) ork aa
i(opHhl and I he M-lioiue pronouiutd
fail tire, work was main tacnn iu 1SSM
under encoiirairrmeiit from Ihe t'rench
government And piivaUs Kreneh capital
At the prownt time some 5,000 laborer
re t nork on Ihe old ditch, and (lie
niini:cnie'nt claims that the caual will
be completed in six year. This rondi
lion of ailairs is in strikitit; c mlrast to
thoUi-k of iulereet of tie Auie'ricaa pub
Ho and the 1'nited States senate in the
mui'li easier and less expensive under
tak ins of building the Nioarag'ian canal
There are a great many advantages tltat
UiO American citizens have over the
Frcucli in I ho construction of a canal
across the iMlimuiV OntiJp of xipss8
ing the ln'Sl a'erway no to. it, it wonl'le tit to lew trit'tile it t ttt Ihe Ihvls
of all lt:(tioll, well r lioldini! I'm kev
to tuo sitUAtiou in case oi trouble in II
Pacific with oilier nations. It is to le
boptvl that the Filty-tifth courra will
tke up aud pass ttie Nicar.uii.1
bill early io the session Marioe Journal
Al'RlL iS.'i &7.
Mr. llarriron K. Kmeaid is secretary
ui statt; that is all ha is. He Mea n to
think Lt Is Ihe whole state goTerutuent
supreme court and legislature iotluJ
out he isu t. lie rloes to rcccgniz
certain of the state cflhvrs while he doei
others, elected at the same time and
precisely th? siina way, because he tart
the people Jo no! want hem. Il is gen
erally supposed that the making and tin
making of laws is the prerogative of the
legislative assembly and ool of the were
tary of stale. Now if the 6ccreUiy oi
state is so animus to voinplv wi'h the
wishes of the people it might be well
call bis attention to the fact that he w.i
oouiiiatod nod eleoiel on a plxUorn
pledging the state otliculs to the accept
ance of the constitutional salary and n
more. The people set the seal of thei
approval uu ilia', declaration, hut Mr
KinraiJ dtcs not sec fit to ol c-v the will
of the people in this particular. He cx
pects the populit nomiuatioa fur gour
nor next year, and thinks to Uiake Liw
sell popular. He will hardly gvt it
There will be respectable and d?wriog
populists aspiiiog for that nomination
IhaLnitcd States marshal, collector
of custonislof.the port of Portland au J
i .... i....
t niiea .Mates district allurnev were
all appointed early iu the adminiE'ratiui.
of President Cleveland, so their four
year terms will soon expire and candi
dates for their places are active. Thee
for the west part are excellent gentie
men and the contest is a sort cf free foi
11, There is, however, a feeling among
the republicans of the etato that the
office of collector of customs should be
filled by T. T. Oeer, w ho was one of tba
McKinley elector. Mr. Cecr Las al
ways been an active, consistent repubh
caii, and for several campaign i lust last
bis shoulder has bourne bard again? the
wheel of the party wagon and his wotk
bas been more helpful and contiiou ed
more to party succeed iu this fate than
any man on the stump. Mr. Geer hue
bad ambitions in the past but Lag bee n
set aside that somo other, and alien less
deeming, might bo boosted. ; Tba time
baa bow arrived when it will be the very
butt politics lor our congrujeiuiial delega
tion to unite iu urging the appointment
of Mr. tieer to the position for which he
fjince the return of Messrs. MtCamant
and Ross from Washington there is a
feeling in I'ortlaud that if the penate can
reach a vote on the ijaestioa of the valid
ity of tbu appointment of Senator Cor
bett at the present special session, he
will be seated, and if it goes oer to the
December session, unlesfc there U a
special session of the Oregon legislature
and an election in the meantime, he wiil
be seated then. The brief of Mr. Mo
Camant prepared for the senate commit
tee, is pronounced an ahle document
and it is said it was submitted to ex-'
Senator Edmunds, with the permission
to prune wherever ho thought utcci-tary,
and be answered that "it was difficult to
cut a diamond."
The A. O. U. W. people are in danger
of losing their magnificent temple at
Portland, dedicated i-i ISO J. Ol course
borrowed money was used in its con
struction and the town did not continue
to grow as fast as the appearances of
1802 indicated, consetpiently the rev
enues do not come up tu expectations
and there is a shortage. Heroic effort
..til t. ..... r..i. i .. .
mm m jjui, uriu oy me mtujijtrouip
to save the temple to the Order,
There need not have been any trouble
about any proper claims against the
State commanding their face value at the
banks. ' There is plentv of money iu the
state icadv for investments of that kind
Trie credit of the fttto is as good aa i
could be, and any legislature can de
peuded upon to provide for expenditures
ueceefcri!y incurred in accordance with
law. All that would be iwesjary would
bean agtcement between the governor
and the secretary upon a ceitain line or
coarse that uiav be deemed lt. and
the governor in his message could set
'orth why it was done. But the report
is that the secretary detires to so hamper
'be state's affairs s to eomind thegover
nor to vail a tpetial etsion. His rlu'
ist friends- probably waul an opportun
ity to redeem themselves from the odium
they have brought u(H.a theuif elves by
their course last winter.
Ttie New York Mail and Exptesa notes
hut Ijsi year China imported .3,000,000
ij-iare ieet of American lumber, most oJ
it from the statee of Oregon and Wash
ington. She will probably take twice as
much IbU year, and the demand is like'
ly to iucrease in geometrical ratio. The
groat industrial and commercial devel
opment now under way in China has
caueed an enormous demand for lumber,
which cjuuoI be supplied from her own
rtsoatces, the once great forests of Laet-
ern China haviug been completely de
nuded, and the result is that t-he has to
aw upon other countries for her needs.
Tnis vast trade will ba iinmcnscly rotit-
able to Northwestern s'.ates, but, inas
much as it is sure to hasten the already
too rapid disappearance of tbeir mag-
nidcent fores' s, it cannot fairly be re
garded as an unmixed blessing.
The last of the l'o wool clip in Mor
row county sold Saturday for j'3 cents
per pound, which is ono cent more than.
bad t eon previously offered for that par-
ticu'ar clip. This is according to a dis
patch from I.'eppner. The owner of
that wool most hare been asleep w hen
the big prices we read about the other
day were prevailing.
The DattU Is Raging., Macedonia, April U l'-auds
of Ureek brigands have entered Turkey
t Krania in the vioiuity of tirobina.
TurVish troojs have Imhd engagel with
them and Untiling bat been priH-eediug
sine 5 o'clock this morning. At Turk
ish headquarters the news is looked U
on as of the gravest description in view
of the excitement here. I' litem Pasha
has sent orders to have everything iu
readiness for n advance of the Turkish
army in force.
Ki assov,' April !. A dispatch re
ceived at Turkish headquarters her
from tirovena says the lighting tetweei)
Greeks and Turks continues. The Turks
following out the instructions ot Kdheni
Pasha, have surrounded the Grrk ir
regulars and the greater put of Ihe
Turkish division stationed at (Woven Is
nrtw advancing. Il in iiupoasible l dis-litii;iii-li
wlielhi-r (lie iitia-len urn sup
potted by any eul-danlial K)t l ion of the
Greek regular army, but the corresiond-
entofthe Ats-X'ia'ed Press is informed
the moment the Turkish otlicers ascer
tain the presence of uniforms of Greek
regulars in the ranks of the aggressors,
IM he in Pasha will order uu advance of
the eulite Turkish army. The situation
is most serious.
War Preparations Continue.
Co.NsiAxnNoiLK, April Warlike
preparations throughout the Turkish
empire continue to le steadily ieseed,
although there is uot much change io
the Eastern situation. A verv txwai-
mistic feeling prevails here at the failure
of the powers' attempts to coerce Greece.
A olcckade of the Piraeus aeeui as far
otl as ever, aud the war party is bring
iug i reeure to bear npon the govern
ment, with the result that the porte. has
despatched circulars to its representa
tives abroad, setting forth that the
Turks ate growing impatient at the pro
longation of the crisis, which is pressing
hcavi y upou Ihe already etubairaseed
exchequer. The belief prevails here
that the jtowers are losing their bold ov
er the course of events, and that their
so-called coui-ert is a lailure. A new
danger has arisen, through ihe circula
tion in Constantinople and the provinces
of a pamphlet reciting alleged Christian
atrocities on Mussulmans in Crete and
elsewhere. This has eo intlanied the
Turks against the Ureeks that the Grec
ian miuister has drawn the attention of
the pjrte to the matter. The govern
ment has taken steps necessary to pre
vent outbreaks iion the part of the populace.
bottoms, and which Is uow rushing Into
lbs delta, continues slowly to pass Into
the malo channel attain, aud adds to tbe
already swift current which uow threat
ens the I-ouialana letevs. At Helena,
the situation Is slowly improving.- In
North Helena, the water bas fallen
enough to allow some smaller residences
to be occupied, while those who now
live In second stories are preparing to
move down again. The river tit that
place has fallen two-tenths of a loot in
'.M hours.
Both Wady to Strike.
London, April 10. Short ol au actual
declaration ol war between Greece and
Turkey, the situation could not possibly
be graver than It is. Tomorrow is the
73th anntyereary of a day the Greeks
have only too great cause to icntemNr
with horror- the massacre by the Turks
of 4i,000 of tile inhabitant of the ilnnd
oi Si io, during llio mar id iii-h'i-eiidciice.
The memory of Ihis, in connection w iih
the little ihe powers have done by their
vaunted concert, is not likely to put It o
Greeks in the littmor to w ithdraw now,
even though King George arid bis minis
ters aro surprised at the immense army
Turkey bas unexpectedly put npon the
frontier, woll armed and ordered, in
spite ot her reported want of lesomcee,
aud many foresee the futility of lighting
Turkey if the powers are determined, as
they threaten, that neither combatant
shall get any advantage's therefrom.
Whether, onco the tlghling ommeoces,
the powers will bo able to execute their
threat, is a question of tho future. The
danger of the situation is in the fact thai
Turkey is undoubtedly anxious to give
the Greeks a lesson, and has only thus
far been prevented from doing so bv the
influence of Hie (owt-rr.
Our SprliiR Hoods nrc Just beginning to nrrlve.ntul vc
inspection mid comparison oi prices.
vc Invite a careful
For Men, Women and Children.
1. utest Styles in eolots and shapes.
Onr Hat Department is liht inline.
Shirts nnd Neekwear arc up to date.
In Spring 'Dress
line nncxeellcd lor
( 1 Ul ids
we have t
and priec.
We have just irecived an elegant
line of roi lieies, Tapestry Cm tains
and I. nee Curtains, which comprise
the lincst line in Southern Oregon.
taxes JikkH) and Jlackson
for 1S'.K.
eonnly $soeW,
the lied
Durrant Sentenced.
I he suffering in tbe Mississippi valley
as the result of Ihe Hood is without par-
a'lel in this country from t-imilar causer.
The wa'ers are about at a standstill and
the worst is probably ovc, but many a
fine plantation bas been laid waste and
many a humble home carried away by
the turbulent waters. Tbe loss cf life
waB also great.
In the matter of tbe payment of state
taxes, it is said that when tbe governor
Uarns that any county treasurer is using
the tax money that should go to tbe
state, for any purpose other than the
payment of the ttate tax, be will see that
the law is enforced and the treaeu-ers
compelled to do their duty under it.
The prophets of disaster, who have
been foretelling the end of the world and
pointing to the disturbed political condi
tions of Europe, as sure indications of the
petdy fulfillment of scripture, must re
gard the rupture on the Turkish frontier
ith an "I told you so" sort of a feel
Au exchange kicks because iU contem
poraries s eal from its columns without
giving credit, lhats nothing; they
steal from the Plai.nokai.kii all the time,
but when another copies from the thief
and bestows ou him the credit, then
the time to kick.
an Fbamisio, Apiil 10. Theodore
Durrani was this afternoon taken to
an M'jentiu prison, there to be contined
until Lis execution, which was fixed by
the court today for June 11. This is tte
second time Durrant has beeu sentenced
to death for the same crime, and be re-csive-I
this judgment, like the- other,
with calm lndulerence. Ilis attorney
after the reutence bad been pronounced,
made several further attempts to secure
delay for bis client, but Judge Kahrs,
who pronounced sentence, was not im
pressed with the logic of Durrani's at
torney, aud declined to modify his sea
tence iu any way. When taken to the
ferry eu route for the prissou, Durrant'i
nerve broke down at tho sight of tbe
crowds, who rejoiced in his passing to
the shadow of tbe gallows after so many
and protracted delays. He murdered
lilandio Lamont over two years ego, and
was arrested a week after committirg
the crime.
The Flood Situation.
Forty thousand bales of foreign wool
was received at Uutlon last wtc'i, the
greatest amouut for aoy one week in the
history of the port. The wool importers
are evidently anticipating the new taiifi
law and loading up. That Is one of the
evils of prolonged diicuseton. Interest
ed parties can defeat ihe purpose of a
law for such a length of time that tho
public is deceived as to the uU'ect when
law is put in force, -
Ou Friday next a case w ill come up
for trial at Oregon City that will be in
teresting especially to the bicjclo riders
of tbe stale. Therein is to be tetted the
question as to whether or uot a bicyclist
has aoy rights on a road that a teauiatei
is bound to respect, A largo dclegution
of wheelmen from Portland will be on
Portland will return to its nickel in tbe
blot practices ; tho mayor's objections not
having sufficient support in the council
to eu'itaio the veto of au ordinauce.
The Japs.
According to the reports of the agen
cies whofe business it is to make period
ical review s o the' conditions of (rudo,
there is a marked ioiivoyetuctit this
year as compared with previous years.
These reports ar nonpartisan, impartial
and rtliabU . M 1 - '
Wa-uinotun, April 10. The admiois
trstion has been greatly disquieted by
news from Hawaii, especially tho facts
that are ret forth in the news dispatches,
follow iug as they do tho rather dry but
very important a'atsmeuts madu iu tho
last report from United Hates Consul
(eucral Mills at Honolulu. Tbu latter,
after referring briefly to the attempt ol
the Hawaiian government to deport the
lot of Japanese coolici who bad arrived
from Japan in violation of the immigra
tion laws, gave in u short table a compar
ative exhibit of the numerical atrougth
of the various nationalities represented
in tho pupulatiou of the islands. From
this it appears, and to the fact Cousul
tieueral Mills called special attention,
that the Japeueso population was sec
ond, and that if tho ''peaceful invasion"
continued at the same rate it has been
increasing during the past three years,
it would only be a mailer of a year or
two before the Japanese were the domi
nant Kwer in the islands.
Uui.KMii.Lfc, Miss., April 10. There
can be no exaggeration of tbe flood situa
tion in tbe Yazoo-Mississippi delta
P.iver bulletins of Friday evening indi
cate au indefinite prolongation of the
flood height, iu the Mississippi valley
from Cairo south. Throughout all tbe
country tributary to the Mississippi
there have been heavy rain falls. The
crisis is yet to come, and the vast ex
tent of human suffering and destruction
of (property cannot be conceived.
Here in the delta alone it may be
truthfully said that the half bas not been
told. The river ij still at a standstill
becaase of tbe water coming back into
It from the St. Francis at Helena, aud
the White and Arkansas, just above
Arkansas City, keep up tbe line at the
latter point, in spite of all the breaks io
tbe levees south of that place. People
here, where the water bas not reached
them, strange to say, have only just be
gun to realuo the magnitude of tbe
i eaterday afternoon a call was issued
by representative colored men for
meeting to organi.e a standing relief
The river bulletin just received prom
ises a further rise at Cairo, to begin
about tomorrow and continue for revoral
days. Tbe Ohio is again rising from
Pittsburg south, and the Arkansas is
again riting.
.Naturo seems to bu determined to do
her ort for the Lower Mississippi val-
lev tbiH year, aud when tbe end will be
reached or where tbe wholesale leetruc
tion v .1 ttop uo oue cau Joretoll.
Report From Memphis.
M.Miuis, Apiil 10. There is no abate
ment iu the great flood iu the Missis
aippi. The waters continue to pour onto
tbu lowlands through five breaks iu the
levees, aud the small rivers tributary to
the Mississippi are uverliowiog. This
has been a rainy aud stormy day in tbe
Hooded district, and extra guards are
beiug placed ou the leveea tonight.
With the river stationary at Memphis
and Cairo, aud the Upper Mississippi
rising, the duration of the Hood is now a
question that only the future can de
termine. The great volume of water
that for weeks bas filled the Arkansas
Our Auriferous Gravel From
of an AiKient River.
IMoruing Oncouirtii, April 10 !
Mr. I. N. Day returned veeterdar
from Rosebnrg, w here he bas I wen look
ing after some large mining interests
which his father and brother are de
veloping west of IkOteburg on the Dlalla
river, and which is part of Ihe old river
channel that extends in a general direct
ion north aud south between the coast
and tbe Sierra ranges. This old bed is
knowu to geologists as the old Klamath,
ana lias a general width of some tno
miles, with a depth of solid auriferous
rock that varies io depth from 100 to 500
feet. Speaking of their venture Net eve
ning Mr. Day said :
"I think tho undertaking is a good
busiuess proposition. Wo have a claim
of 5oe acres located iu iMuglas county,
on the Olalla river, wnich we are work
ing. It is uot a stock proposition ; con
aojuenlly we have no ax to grind.
Tuere is an immense body of auriferous
gravel, that will certainly part. It is tbe
washings from the old channel, which
bas been traced through Siskiyou
couuty into Southern Oregon, and the
formation in Douglas county indicates
that it is the site of tbe same riy
er claimed by geologists to be the
source of tbe placer mines in Northern
California that lie ou the Klamath and
the Salmon river west of Vreka. It is
quit) evideot that this ancieut river has
ia recent periods been cross-cut by the
rivers now running east and west, carry
in i down large bodies of this auriferous
gravel that have formed the present
placer digging. Tbe actual bed of the
old river exists now in the form of con
glomerate rock, its principal element be
ing blue gravel, that is claimed to be tho
source of the rich deposits iu the gravel
beds found at various points west of the
old channel. This river bed is too hard to
be worked by water, and in some cases is
being mined tbe same as ordinary quartz
mines. It is a low-grade proposition,
but, with the present improved method
of treating low-grade ores, it In reported
to be reasonably profitable. Tbe cost of
paining Is inconsiderable, us tho con
glomerate generally lies above tbe jar-
roundiug country, and can be quarried
in immense quantities instead of being
The principal ditliuulty in mining lies
in getting a suflicient body of water to
admit of extensive operations. Hy
drauiic miuing, to .be profitable, must be
carried on as nearly continuously as
possible, as the expense for the maiuten
ance of ditches and flumes Is greater
when idle than when in nee. We have
just about got fairly started. We have
completed about four miles ul ditch,
nave a sawmill erected that is cutting
lumber for flumes and sluice-boxes, aud
have commenced piping. Iu all this
work about '.' men are kept employed
"The tracing of this old river is quite
an interesting study. After its discovery
in Siskiyou county, it was traced north
as far as Ashland; and Iben we next
found it iu Douglas couuty, which I
ihiok is over I'OO miles north, aud, as It
must necessarily extend further uortb,
it is barely possible that tbe deposits
found on the Lewis river, said fo be con
glomerate, have b'icu washed dow n from
this same iol 1 channel, w hich will be
found meandering toward the north.
Tbe ore there found is also low-grade
quite extensive in area and well worth
the study of those qualified to decide the
question. It is a strange coincidence
tbat tbe rich deposits found in the
Transvaal or hfoulh Africa are of I ho
same conglomerate rock, aud identical
with the blue-gravel deposits of Xortb-
eru California and Southern Oregon.
Tho salmon tishlng seaseui is now open
ou the Columbia and canners are paying
4 ceoU. j
A milliou dollar tiro vieitod Kuoxville,
Teuii , Thursday last. I our or the live ;
w ere also lost. .
lleiny 1.. IteiiKoii of JotM'pliino Is ro-'
portd as a candidate for the olllee of!
district judgo of Alaska,
The Southern Pacific is eonieiupianug
substituting eleetrieity for tain on Its
San Francisco suburban lint.
iraeie Wnde, a little threo and a hall
year old girl, was run over aud killed by
an electric car in Portland last week.
Sadie I.auib. the Poillaud young
woman who was charged with infanti
cide, publicly refused to wed her be
trae er.
A dispatch ol Saturday from Koine
says that it was uq-otted at midnight
that war had been declared between
Turkey and lire-eee.
The riupre'fH of Japan writes poetry
and keeps a diary, which was reeentlv
published, with seme of tier verses. She
is greatly interested in the women ques
tion. The report that the Philippines had
been "iiacitiod'' hy the Spauish is au
other Wryler story. They r slill light
ing aud the Spanish captain general
wants seKK) more trooa.
Win. Kerr, of Corvallis, had the side
nf bii head blown iff by a dynamite ex
plosiou em t-aturdar. He bad heeu fish
ing with the explosive and w anted to ex
p'odn the last stick to avoid the danger
uf t-arryim; it.
W.J. llryau had tbe misfortuue to
meet with an accident while speaking
last week. The platform collapsed,
thro ing the speaker and reveral hun
dred other persons to the grouud. For
tunately uo oue was killed though sev
eral wero severely injured.
A. 'A. Powell of Cincinnati is the tallest
man in the world, neighing L'i'L' pounds,
wears a .No. 10 glove, , 1 , hat, a No. IJ
shoe aud is 1 feet inches in height.
Q'leetu Victoria presented him with a
gold watch when he wild in the show
business. He is uow a salesman. Hit
figure is perfectly symmetrical.
K. P. FiurnH, of Heaver yallev. carried
to the Kanier Keview cilice last week a
do. n freak egits, the product of a full
grown hen. The eggs range in si.e from
a plum to a cherry, and two of them are
peauut-sliaiied. evidently beiiik' doub o-
yolked. That lieu should either do let
ter or quit the business, says tho lleview.
J. D. NairJ, of I'iU'b'on, Yamhill conn
- last year rained four or five tons cf i
flaxseed, wnich ho ground iuto feed after I
t Keat ileal of ext-rimeutiug aud !-
jui-ling of his iulf-made grinder. Ho
sold his product at a good profit to pro
duce dealers nnd druguists of McMinn-
ville. Tho wound ilaxeeed sella for,
feed at J cents a K)iind, which is about
an average return of 10 per acre.
PKALMu tat .mo l VNt T li I Till Its UK
l'incst line of oods ever hrouht to Rosebnrg.
Trices to suit the time:!.
Parmtt UuildinK, f Jackson Street, f KOSI-UURO.
G rocery
Hive us a call. tSoods delivered to r.ny int of the City in short order.
Corner Lane A Sheriditn fctreets.
Hi&'est Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds.
I llicit l.lue uf TI1AM IU Hit- City. l'i." u.m 1 t i m h. i - r -nn-l
Croitkery, Glass aud Dclfwaro, Tuluceo and Cigars, Toys,
Notions and Fancy (ioods.
Made and Merit Maintains tnocouiUicnoo
of the ieoplo in Hood's barsapnrllla. Ifn
medicine cures you when sick j H it make
wonderful cure everywhere, then beyond
all question tbat medlelnepoBscsnes merit.
That is just tho truth al-out Hood's Bar
saparilla. Wo know it iorschscs merit
because it cures, not onco or twice or a
hundred times, hut in thousands and
thousands of rant's. Wo know II cure-,
absolutely, jicrmancntly, when all others
fall to do any good whatever. We repeat
Is tUe lipit In fact tin; One Trim Jilood 1'urlfler.
'"ire nausea, IikIIkchIIod,
Hood's Pills hinuuiH
is. latoiiw.
Konator Daniel Vmn htu uf Imlluiiu Ih
The Kentucky legislature) is .till duad-
ocktd on senator.
Arbor dav was uenemllv olifiurvtid bv
tin public school I of the state.
Western distillers havn rlvan,l llm
price of whiskey oue cent per gallon.
The crou outlook in Muhn. I'aluiise
and Itig Bend is reported very favorable.
Beaton county has remitted ou state
Ouk Hired, out Uuvr Went ul
Notice of Receiver's Sale.
VOl Itl. lb llfclltBY IjIVKN, HIA1 IN
l-lll Miunt'l: of mi nnli r tit Ilii, I 'in-.iill llnurt
of lliu Kliitt oIlhi KOii, lur tiouclim County, in-ue-il
on ilio loth 'lay ol April. IM7, In tlju ane
nl riilliin .Mi.-mnni a. 1 liu VnUiiy llm i:r Mm
lllk' CulllUliliV. llllCLtlllU lliu UllllLlbllllll- I II-I.1-IV.
er ol tin; properly ol tulil Company Io wll al
irtvutu t-ah; all tlui property ol llm Uticiiitulit
li mc Ijimnr-Miiii oi llir rmi'lvvr. 1 ull on or
inter inu jipi uuy oi April, iaui, ul lliu oiln o of
A. f. ClUWfUlll (U IliihutjIIIU. LlOUUlli CulllllV.
Or- K"Ht "ell t' tin! I" rhuli 01 pithou oUc-iiiiir llm
lilsliu't price, therefor, oil tho propurlv ot nuid
Virlury 1' Mining Company in ru'y puhM-n.
klou, hiielly ilexi-rlbcd in, lnllinv.4, In nil: tw
I' mnl nuid plai ei iiiluiUKluriijHltiiiitcU III he c
lloiuM uimI 'II, 'l p. :, H. i.l It. v, W. hihI nee.
tluua I anil b Iu 'J p. .1.1. H. ol li. 7, VV. of M ilium
cite Murhllim, lu loui;las C'ouuly, Oirijou
Coiv Ciecli Minim' Hhtiat, tnr;i;llnr wlili all
tlieuuld, ihr or other luutaU tlieioln, ami all
Ullcliuii, Hume, wHtci iiKlito, )iump, uyilruullc
glaiitn, pIpi .bulliliiiKii, tooln, liupleiiiijuUi mu-ehiui-iy,
uImIic-m, heilii, ln:iiliriK, unit tliu other
urtieln ami property ol evury uml nuy kluil
uuil uatuiu IiuIoijhIiik a!U company. 1 will
atteinl at ml.l e 'niwloril's oilice, on ml Ski day
ul April, I'I7, lur Ihe liurp'i.iu ol limkliiK i-uPI
Bale, ami Ihuienlier until ihe imn m inailu.
tluted IhU lUlll Uuy ol April, IMI7.
Alexander-a -Strongs-
i i t
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Rauges, Timber L;uuls and Mining Properties,
Prune aud Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terras. Inquire of
ID. 5. k:. buiok,
Parllaaiga Mmm mm ail mmm. ' j' aaa