The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 08, 1897, Image 4

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A Balstnaa, the relUblfl jewelor.
Solid silver novelties t ShIzwiih'".
New gooila at Caro Bros. Hom Store,
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Wati liuiakcr.
Go lo the Koseleaf fur tho IhM i-iiwr.i
For a jrool 5-ccnl cigar rail on Mm.N
County clniniH ami w iriit tiiijrlil I'J
D. 8. Weot.
For first-vlaw d iitimry tfo to lr. Little
of Oakland. j
H. V. Kenjinuo, .lentiM, rooir t,
MtriVtV Iilix k .
I'ure frbb gi-wxtiea and low prices at
Casoboer'a grocery .
Key West, Imrxirtixl ami domestic
clears at the HowWf.
1. 8. Weal doi'K intiiriuui. OlTio
opposite the poet oflicu.
Goods below cost at faro's. Now is
tlio the lime for bargains.
Nobby auita and UUst styles at Little
Jack's. 1'rioos very low.
All styles and qualities of lints at Abra
ham's, lledrork prices.
For bargains in family urcxtritt", all
at the lVpole'a store, Casa s trevt.
Country piodtice ol all kimls taught
and sold at Casebecr'a urotvry store.
Call for the "Spotted Cat" at Mrs.
Kapp's grocery store, if you want a
pleasant smoke.
Notbiug but the best material used by
U. W. lWnjauuii, dentist. Koetu I
Maietera' block.
Have your denial oik done by L. W.
Benjamin, deDtiet. Ail work guaran
teed first class
At Oakland, T. L. Graves ia aulluri.'.cd
to receive and receipt for 8Ulcri(tion to
the IVsukallk.
For a cood bat. slvlitdi and cheap, call
on Wollenberg A Abraham, whoso stock
smbraces all grades of head guar.
The Beaa & Meyers llyitraulio A
L'clipse spray puiii can le found ai
Churchill, Woolley vie McKeuzies.
Bring your job work to the Plainukal
kr office. We are prepared to do the
cheapest and best work south of Fort
.and. You can tell une who has good tasU
and don't like to dirt, paint and
chalk. He gels his candy at the Kandy
Parties desiring family sewing done
would do well to call on Miss fr'anuie
McKean, 421 Mam street. Will sew for
75 cents per day.
Save money and time. To parties
going East, go" by the O. K .St N. short
route. Call on r write to V. C. London,
Roseburg, Oregou.
Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps the beet grocei
iee. Every thing fresh and tirct-class,
and at reasonable prices.
The Square IH-al 6toie hns just opened
np a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be the best shoes
made. Come and inspect them.
One Miuu'e ia all the time r.ccessary
to deride frjm personal experience that
One Minute Cough Cure does what its
name implies. Mareterb' Drug Store.
The Kandy Kitchen h id a big trade
during the holidays. The people are
beginning to find out that it is tho only
place you can get candy that is tit to eat.
Will sell cheap, or trade for a No. 12
shot gun cr small caliber Winchester
ritle, a good toad cart. Guns must te
as good as new. Address, box
Koseburg, Oregon.
Torturine. itchiixr. scaly skin erup
tions, burns and scalds are eoothed at
once and promptly oealed by De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve, the best kcown cure
for piles. Marster s Drug btore.
Good pasturage furnished at my past
tures on Roberts creek. Charges
reasonable. All slock at owner's risk.
The best of care wiil be given to ail
stock entrusted to my charge.
J. M. &V uai i ik.
The cheap rates, twelve dollars cabin
and six steerage, including meals and
berth are still in effect on the O. R.
A N. Co's. steamers from Portland to
San Francisco.
Steamer leaves Portland every five
days. Vol-nbv C. Londu.v, Agent.
It is surprising what a "wee bit of a
thing" can accomplish. Sick headache,
constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
dizziness, are quickly banished by De
Witt's Little Early Kiscra. Small
Bill. Safe pill. Best piil. Marster's
tug Store.
They are so small thai the ui3t sensi
tive persons take thein, they are so
effective that the most obstinate cates of
constipation, headache and torpid liver
yield to them. That is why I'eWitl's
Little Early Risers are known as the
famous little pills. Marster' Drug Store.
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbago
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to so do.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Kong,
Roseburg. Oregon, March 17th, 1895.
Competition never worries us, l-ecaust
we "buy right" hence "sell right."
The facts are these ; every move iu our
business ia only made after the most
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes bave advanced in price
but not with us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for $1.''j and upwards, tine
shoes in proportion. If you doubt as,
come and see us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We don't
care to do all the business iu town, but
want to get a share of it. We lirmly
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instanco is bouud to go ahead
year by year. This idea prevails
throughout our entire business. Every
dollars worth of goods must give the
woare satisfaction, even the all wool
absolutely fast color fS oil suits.
J. Ahkaiiam'h Clothing House.
Bargain in Placer Ground.
A fine proposition. CO acres of placer
mining ground, ?.(' of a mile from rail
road. 35 rents per yard as far as pros
pected. Two mile of ditch already
made; 3'i more lo make. This will give
plenty of water. A cabin and other im
provements on wine. This is a fine
property. Come and investigate, lor
further information enquire of
1. F. Kick,
Ileal Estate Dealer, Roseburg, Or.
Or J. F. Giva.ns, Roseburg, Or.
Tom Watson la reported to have de
clared he sees "eight lious right ahead
of McKinley." .We do not know what
beverage this popular and able Georg
ian ia i n the habit of imbibing, but we
are led to tile conclusion that the things
be imagines he sees are not lions at all
but simply "snakes" of tho regulation
kind that men bave seen ever since the
dayf pit Adam under certain circiiiu
stances. -r East Orogonian.
"How Johnnie earned his gun?" ask
Churchill, Woolley & McKenisle,
I The Cry of Crt to the Six Powers.
II. D. Kuniiaky in London 1'hrotiU-lo.
I hwird a clear voice crjing,
The souls of men are dying "
When In fear to do the right I hey know,
they palter ith ihe wrong.
Thon'Eni;lnd of the (rtr,
tjmcn l'.mpiess of the sea,
llow long wiltthou endure it? How long,
O iArd, how long?
Ah, Frame, degenerate daughter,
Of the dava of that great slaughter,
When the Seine rolled redly seaward for
Ihe comnion right of men !
fraternity forgot,
Ye are leaving us lo rot.
Like carrion in the shambles of ihe Sul
tan's island den !
Can selfish loot for self,
Can hope o( spoil and pelf.
So dim ihy dark eves. Austria, lo Ihe
eal of fellow-kind?
lias Bosnia and its shame
trenched all the genfrims llame.
And bade thee to tho jrarnings of hu
manity be blind"
Is Germsn power and pride
To Cii'far so allied
That they alone ar worthy ho by force
of arm can in?
Are the swords of Fatherland
Not sacred in the land
OI the sons who seek their fathers'. Is
the patriot's hope a sin ?
Fair Italy, so soou
Art thou mindless o( the l oon
lhat thy red shirt Garibaldi brought
who bade thy nation be .
Can thy heart no longer feel
For cur islanders' atUH'al.
In Ihe name of Christ from and
his bondage to be free?
Great Russia, with the prayer
Of thv crowning iu tho air.
That the Ctar should smite the pagan
and uphold the l bnst iu peace,
Shall the bayonet and tho knout
Drive all Southern passion cut.
Shall the North with icv coldness uuiub
the tiery heart of Greece?
Be strong, not ouce or twice
Have Ihe mightv ones' device
Been brought to nought ; the great oues,
by tlie weak, been dispossessed ;
Mines Judgment-Lonl of Crete
Claims again his ancient seat,
All the sons of heaven are with ns, to de
liver the oppressed.
The New Yoik Sun has given to the
public the full text of Mr. Gladstone's
letter to the Duke of Westminster on tue
Cretan crisH. It more ttian jamtie the
enthusiasm aroused by tho synopsis
piinted iu the Chicago papers. Indeed,
we must search far back in modern po
litical history to lind an utterance on
nublic policy in which knowledge, pa
trioiifm and humanity are so clo-ely
blended and illuminated by tuch lefty
After apologizing for emerging from
his retirement and briefly reviewing the
Armenian atrocities. Mr. Gladstone
takes up the history of the European
concert of ISsO, lie was prime minister
at the time when the first concert was
organised. It was unsuccessful because
of the apathy of certain of the powers
"We did not waste oar time in vain en
deavors t3 galvanize a corpse, but framed
a plan for the seizure of an important
Dart of the sultan's dominions.
It hardly needs be Eaid that we found
our principal support in wise and brave
Alexander II , who then reigned over
KuBsia. Our plan became known
to the sultan, and without our encoun
tering a single serious ditliculty Monten
egro obtained the considerable extension
which she now enjoys, and Thessal was
added to Greece." Mr. . Gladstone uses
ibis memorable incident to point tiis ar
gument that whereas "nothing is so
good as a concert where it can be made
to work," nothing can be so bad as a
concert when it "comes to mean the con
cealracut of dissents, the lapse of gener
alities, and the settling down upon nega
tions at junct res when duty calls loudly
for positive action." He pieads against
a concert which neither compels Turkey
to reform nor stays the onward progrees
of the powers to a great and devastating
Passing from this argument, he thun
ders with stormy eloquence against the
"ragged catchword ot integrity of the
Ottoman Empire.' Has it any meaning'.'
Yes ; and it had n dillerent uier.ning in
every decade of the century now expir
ing. Slowly the "integrity of the Otto
man Empire" has been narrowed down
until "11,000,000 of human beings, who
a ceulury ago, peopling a large part of
the luraibb Empire, were subject at
once to its paralyzing and degrading
yoke, are now as free from it as it tbey
were inhabitants of theee islands." If
Greece, Roumania, Servia, Montenegro
and Bulgaria bave been freed in spite of
the theory that the integrity of Ihe sul
tan's dominion must be maintained,
why should this fiction be permitted to
stand in the way of freedom for tbe Ar
menians and Cretans from the murder
ous rule of Abdul Humid?
He pays a noble compliment to the
u reeks ana closes wua una lervid ap
peal to his fellow countrymen :
As to tbe notion that Greece is to be
coerced and punished, I hardly like to
sully the page on which I write by the
mention of an alternative so detestable.
It would be about as rational to trans
port the Greek nation, who are in this as
one man, to Siberia by what I believe is
called an administrative order. If any
one has such a scheme of policy to pro
pose, I advise his proposing it anywhere
rather than in England.
Let it be borne in mind that iu this
unhappy business all along, under cover
of the "concert of Europe," power and
speech have been the monopoly of the
governments and their organs, while the
people have been shut out. Give us at
length bath light and air. The nations
of Europe are in very various stages of
their training, but I do not believe there
is a European people whose judgment,
could it be had, would ordain or tolerate
the inliictiun of punishment upon Greece
for the good deed she has recently per
formed. Certainly it would not be the
French, who so largtly contributed to
the foundation of Ihe kingdom ; nor the
Italians, still so mindful of what they
and their fathers have undergone; and,
leatt of all, I will say, the English, to
whom the air .of freedom is the very
breath of their ncstrile, who have al
ready shown in every way open to Ihem
how they are minded, and who, were the
road now laid open to them by a dissolu
tion of parliament, would show it by re
turning a parliament which upon that
(jiiHhlion would speak with unanimity.
It is the fashion of the buck writers on
Ihe tory preta to sneer at Ihe grand old
nun whenever his lion's head appears
above the throng to confront their lead
ers. But b7 years bave not robbed bis
voice of its power or his words of their
melody, and his appeal in behalf of civ
ilization and progress will reach the
hearts of Ihe English people over the ob
stinate barriers Kut up by the ministry
acd its followers. If Mr. Gladstone has
done nothing more than stir the con
science of civilization against a wrong
too long endured he lias fittingly crowned
the beneficent activities of his iinequaled
career. Chicago Times-Herald.
The highest chiin for other
tohneco "Just m
xhhI s Durham."
K e i y ohl smoker
know tluie is
ns gocnl
You will find one
cnoh two ounce
pons iiiMiic encu
iwgol liiiickwcu
"Buy n lg of thia ccle
hratcd tolvicco and rend the
A 1 7 ' SW 1
I couinm which
of viduablc prrscutsnnd bow
to get
The very latest iu
Roseburg Hardware Co.
Santisgo de Cuba is eutl'encg from a
water famine.
Feed is scarce and high and stock poor
in Marion county.
Russia is wrestling with a tressury de
ficit of S0,00O,XO rubles.
Sugar beet pulp is very valuable feed,
to which farmers delivering beets are
entitled, and it can be kept admirably in
United btates District Attorney Jones
of Nevada has been arrested for assault
ing Sam Davis editor of the Carson
Tbe steamship L'mbria, which sailed
for Europe tatnrday, took iXO.OOO ounces
of silver, Ihe largest ehipment tiuce
July last.
Minnie Edwards was shot through the
arm by her brother at .Seattle. April
fool joke. Tbe brother didn't know the
gun was loaded.
Representative Geraghty of Spokane,
gets his reward in support of George
Turner for senator early. He has been
appointed the senator's private secre
tary. Mrs. Lesantsays that Mine, lilavatsky
has been reincarnated on earth in the
form of a Brahmin boy. It seems lhat
the new woman is a boy when tbe op
portunity presents itself.
If there are farmers who bave never
grown cauliflower tbey should do so and
discover what a luxury they have been
neglecting, and which will cost so little
compared with its values.
Some of tbe democratic papers are al
ready worried about the sue of the prob
able surplus under tbe Dingley bill.
The compliment to the republicans is
neat, though unintentional.
The populists will please bear in mind
that their congressmen have applied for
recognition as a "distinct integral body"
in the house. Of course no populist will
be so inconsistent as to go into any fur
ther operations.
Another Frenchman proposes to start
for the north pole by baloon, taking
with him seven passengers. More in
terest would be felt in the scheme if the
public were allowed to elect the pas
sengers by ballot.
Nicola Tesla, the electrician, believes
that a man w ho would learn to sleep
eighteen hours a day might live 200
years. Nature probably intended to
prevent experiments of this kind when
she invented appetites and house flies.
March and April are months during
which sudden changes occur. Cold
rains and dampness caueo more disease
than the severe1 weather of winter.
Shelter and dry quarters are more im
portant now than at any other period of
the year.
A Missouri fruit farm contain 105,000
peach trees, 50,000 of apple, 3000of pear,
3000 of plum, 3000 of cherry, an J forty
acres of berries. The owner states that
fruit pays better than general fanning,
and he has, therefore, entered into the
business largely.
Reforming Senate Rules.
Under President McK'iiley'a auspices,
if not nt his instigation, Mr. Hoar has
intn .! n:ed into the senate a proposition
to h :uend its rules as to provide for
clti.. e after a reasonable time and for
com ting a quorum. It is understood
lhat these innovations will not be pushed
at present, but will be ready to be taken
up and acted on next winter. This will
give the senators ample time to recover
from the shock of the attempt to intro
duce business principles into their pro
ceedings and enable them to feel the pub
lic sentiment on the subject. Philadel
phia Ledger.
Tax Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the assess
meut roll fur ihe year IH' ia now in my
hands for collection.
Dated this 10th day of March, A. D.,
18!)7. IL Aokk,
Hieriir and Tax Collector. Douglas
County, Oregon.
Hilrrcl PoImoii nt Murfcler'N.
none just
coupon inside
kg,tind two con
lour ounce
s I'urn.ittt.
nivca n list
hcui. f
the Plauct Jr. line.
T N HIE t'IRilir I'i'lHI oi hii:haik
A cl O.osuU, 1 r Uiiiu'Im IVimtjr.
John 11 McUee, t'laiiiinl.
J I. Nii-acilon niul
II. J. John-, Dt lL'wliiia.-,. i
In J.I'. Nk!i"ln au'l II. I lui.N-. ! tw:'!
ntlls :
la the uumc nt 1 1 1 - Male til Ur jon. uti me
lu'rel')" rtf.imri',1 lo s'!nr iti'd :ui-"er Ukm-mhi
plaint lik-l tL'aln-l you Iu Ihe abivv inlillnl
acliuii. nn or lulim Muii'lay tho V'Ui lay f
J inn', t!ic caiue lt'iiie Hit! lirt ility of tin- luvl
regular lurm ol t itviui urt ul I lie tatr l n
'Hmii lur DuiikUu County alter ltii nbll iiioii
i complctcil.
' Ami ami if yon f nil o lo unMir, fortvuiit
' ttirrvuf luc planum "HI Uko juMmiuut iumii-1
oii lor ihe sum ol Hip i- hurnlie.1 ainl llitrty i x
uVllan and for Mi col- li, iliKburMMni'iits of
, Ibis action, auj will niul, r a wilt "I ' at-
J ta, limi'nt tin- property know u nn Hie UoM Mull
.Mice, -:tume'l iu lliu l..iiior Mlnliu lil-iio t
lu Lioiif'.k county, Un-goii, anl "ill apply tin'
I pr"C,iiT of nufli alo toWMril lli' pnyuo ui aii'l
-tii(nc Uoic of plainilit t&i'l claim In ivin mi l
: of llio com of thin action.
Thin summon i i.uUl-ui .1 iu I lie l'lm 11 1 uirr
a iicuspnpor publi-neil at Knc!'iu-'. On ion, by
onlcr ol llou. J. i'. KulliTtoll, l ircult l'i'Jn' ol
I of tlie KtioU'l JU'liLial liitrn t for li e I- of
Oregon, for a pciil of l coii-ci mo e ek.i,
f tilth s&A oolcr wan niatlc aipt ciiuri-l of p c
ord on thy i. Hi ! ol l-'elit'iarr. IV.
W. . CAKliU KI.I-.
f5Pl Attorn (mi riMiuliil,
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
1106 Ci .--t., N. W. Wanliinglou, U. C.
Kor many yean in tlio General l.amj Ofllcr.
Examiner of Contents, Mineral v. Mineral 4
Kailroa! au l Agricultural eluluin, au Late
Chief of the Miner DivUluu.
IV Corrcapoudcuce Ittd.
To The Uiilortuiiate.
Dr. Gibbon
Thin old reliable and
the moit ucceiwfiil
HpeclailHt in Hall Fran
Clwo. UI1 continue! to
euro all Sexual and
Seminal DIkiki. nuch
aa Uonnorrhcra, (llcel
Stricture, Syphllh In
all 1U forma, Skin III
acaaea, Nervoui Ucbll-
- Slty, Impotcncy. beml
, nal Wtakneaa and Loaa
..vv rianhood. the couxv-
? uence ul aull aliuao aud exceaaea producing the
ollowlng aymploml; aallow countelianoe, dark
pota under the cyea, pain lu the head, rliiKing
lu the tara, lona of coufldence, dlflldenco Iu ap
proaehlng atrangers. paliietatiou ol the heart!
weakncHaol thellmLa and back, louof memory,
plmplcaon the face cougha, conauiiiplioii, etc.
LlR. GIHHON haa practice! In Hall KranelHCO
over thirty yeara and Ihoao troubled ahould not
fall to couaull him aud receive the benefit of
till great kail) and experience. The doctor
curea when other fall. Try him. Cure guar
anteed. 1'erwin cured at home. Charge
reasonable. all or write.
br.J. P. Olbbon, 6jg Kaaroey 5trc Sao
Prancl o, Cal.
Tlie pubil-liei-of the I' liavu per
lei.lcd urriiiigeiiieut by which every culi Mib
nci'ibvr tin reto mil receive a copy of tlie
The tier I ugileulluial paper pullbcd in thu
rucltlc Norlhvveat,
Old Mile riln r ieiie IiiK will n eeh e the mine
IW r'"i uii u'lditioiiul -occuu, KuW-riU-r
Will be M.HI -i) centa worth of plulitx of III"
wnlcli, bthid' bi'lnir u large b ny. I Una l"l
olhl uii'l hii m elh nt fcliJ't r. Ilring In your
OKI -tH.
'l,AI.SlJiALIitt ITU. CO.
$10,000 Hir $18,000
Which we have icccivcd on consignment from the receiver
of one of the largest houses in San l-'ratu isco.
These jjoiuls have heen sent us lo dispose of at 60 cents
OH the dollar, which is less than cost of manufactute,
aud be inn sold in connection with our complete stock at ab
solute cost.
Note the rollowhiK Astonishing Bargains!
All Woolen Dress Coods, ;,( inches
wide, Latest Styles
Ladies' aud Dents' Mackintoshes.
. - r -Our Loss is Your (Jain.- i z
Ladies' and Dents' Underwear Reduced to V ices to Suit
the Times.
Our Coods are all of the LatCbt Styles. No shelf-worn
eoods on hand. N'eer has
r. . .... . . .
Prices. Lalt early turn K eouvmeou.
4?f I nm nii'l Air I'avagea. -JIMf
his is the
to Buy
X" Cfc-.'i tt -X't :i,f. i'i!
Dress (loods, I urnishlnn Oooils,
Hats, Caps, liuots, Shots.
Cloaks, Capeji, Wraps,
Curtains, ntc
In short, our shelves are filled with an excellent stock
suited to all tastes and to meet all requirements. Our
motto is: "A So,ijark Dii.M.."
Curni'r tinU iintl
JackHuu htrct'lH.
Marble and Granite Works.
Kstimates lMirnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work
1 Office aud Halcitrcoiii, :7ii Oak Hlreel.
25C per yard
Tor Half Price
there been such a Slaughter of
Por Recent and Chronic
llioll hill. Iloamrlu , I on 01 00 e,
liillablllly of tlit lrn and l-oi.
and other lnllami',1 Comlltlolia ol Hi
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kej-t in a first
class grocer'.
Kverything offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Oherkins, Tick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
& CO., Grocers.
"?. a"e -K 5 t
I w. AGHISON k CO., Proprs.
laulura lu all klinlaol
.Murine ami (iianito Monuinnits
and IfeailsloiiCN
Portland Cement Curbing
Tin: ;i:i:at
A Nit IKNIi.HN Oltl t;t)N
.... The-0. R.&h.
Mo CI, hum ' Cuin liiini't n
.MM. .. AN.. ""nL1'
Mioi (tl Lint' li Spokuur
nlllln Ht 1 llh
'.'...., ItltHNI.A Ml), MA Ml It
N....MN, it, ul all UwiU-iin
Mliilnu t i,,m ....
hoi 1 a iti 1 1 I. mi l I'. I ill i 1 11 f,.i iiintioii,
Wliti' lo
V . t '. I.IINIHIV.
t'lio. ,u rhi' I,,. 1 1, ,it, I,..., inn .r. ii , ot
V. II. .1. .....II It I .
lo III rro-'lii I Aki IiI
. It. X IN. I ll,,
." Il.tlXl, I UMI.
. iii 1 10 . -
Southern P.K'illc Co.
V l ien l, ,nt I, I'oi tl.iil .liily .
IMiillll I I .Soilli
h :-i' vl I'oitUn I A 1 1 a 10 a
.'..'. M jl. I Imiit - I 1 111 I I M.
II 11 I H
.'-tot I I m
V 1,1 I' H .
V1hi .' 1. .1. M- 't', al !..-( r.iftlnti.t lliri'.oll
I 1 1 y , W.HIlim ii. ni, in I urt t r. trtllo1l. Joltl't
on', V.I. .on. la i(. Mi, I l. Ha... ). Haul
Inn .1 uii, u.;i i ti y I n io.wi'!l. loitaat
I'ti'vo, iMrttn. nti'l ul! MaUotift lioni (,hh hii rii Ul
A ! 1 1 n 1 1 I iiutil,i
ll I, ni 'litll I a 1 1 1 .
X' 4 l I ,
.'ii i ; i
Ar i ' i . a
I v ' a in , m
Hitlrii, l"i., iiKr llnlly.
I ul r a : I v
1 I'.r M I r
I nn ,,;,.t
n ' i "i
t 1 in I i a. a.
I t . in i .
Pullman Uuftct Sleepers
M.I IIMM I tss SI. I I I'dli 4 tltN
.U,i h, .1 lo a 1 t I' toLI,;li 1 r ultiB
West Side Division.
Il l('( it I'oiilniiil niul ( cirrlll
Mull liain ilnlly o n t im-lar ;.
7 .ji A a ; I v
i r, I- m ! Ar
I ' 1 1 1 rt II I
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Ar. I i. . r. m
l.v. I I :: r a
A l All in a. ol i "' vn!!l"i I'-ilinn I Willi Itallla
ui i r icon i 'i i.i . ul .'. 1 .u in i ii ilroMtl
I- it li ill n -1 ul y ' ' - I'I n nil ay i.
I Li' m l.v I o : . i n l" Ai . .
7 r w 1 Ai M.'Mnnlll, I , j . as
1 1 ( i 1 i; 1 1 i i.-n . ; no I laii' l'i o u llh u,'
I'll I I 1 1 . 1 : i 1 I : i ! i ' n ! i, ! I I'o'.ti' Mill: uli'alll
It I . 'or III I'i A.SIi I HIV. i-nlllntl
In!, . i n a pi n .i I ." h
Kill, nil. I lu kt'U lo I , trill li.-tllN ltll'1 rlil
roj... A:.,, JAIAN i HIS , III iSl ill I I alll
A I - I lt. I.I A l nil I I.'.allli'l llolil i. I'i
K-l K-l, IH I..I A ' III, lio - I.. UK.
U. KOEIII Kit. K I IliliiKIl.
M rinriui r. Anal. II. tf. it I'aaa. Ai ll
Ki:u.'.l TKII'll.NAl. Oi; IMKKIOK i'ulMH
Jhe) Northern) Pacific)
la tin Mm' to Ink. i
To all I'oiuls liast ami Soulli.
I la I hii Ill N IN'. (Alt KUI' I K. Itiiina Uir.MlKli
IN Till: YKAIl lo
Compoaai) ol Dining Cart Uniurpanod.
Pullman Oraalng Hoom Sl.cptrt,
01 Latest,
nil iiini si.i;i:i'Iij t iiii
lloal tliul call bn ruiiilrticlctj aihl In
wlili'h arroininiHtulloiiM am IhiIIi I'ltKK
anil KI'KNIHIIKll to ImliUra ol KIikI hi
wn1-cIUMi T lrkot;,. Binl
i:i.i:uA'M' mi 4hi;n
A Uuiillimuua l.luu loiinn Uiik wlili All l.lini,
Rtlurilini Dlrn t uii'l IInliitrmiiijil Hui vlri.
t'ulliilHIl Hlui'in r ruaiii valliuiN i nn l,u m i iiii'il In
h1vhuuo tliiniii'.li miy hkdiiIoI Hid roail.
TICKETS 'In niul lioni nil 1'olnla In
Ainui ii'H, KiikIihiiI unit Khiiiihi run lie iiir'limi'il
at uny Tk liiit Olllcu ul Una l'uiiiiiiiiy,
Kill I Inliiriiiiitlnii riiiiiiriiliiH ruli'a, Hum nl
trultiH, roiiu-a uml utln r ili'tulla liiriilhliml on
iilluiitlun tu
l. H. H. Ill UK,
l.oriil hki'UI nt lloii'liii!,i)r. , in
A. . II tlll.'IO-,
A kfclhluu t ( iii hi ill l'io,M ni'i'r A i(i-ii t .
No. ill 1 lial Hi , i or. WmhIiImi'Ioii,
rtJlill.ANI), tll'lUHIN.
QDIOKLV t.OUKED. 'J'rutlt limrkl Rml Cunrrltttilf
urunij.tiy kimI nhilllnlly eouiluiti'l hi lowiit rtlt'i.
l.ia.iiM..ii i.itri.ilu. m.iil... lormiiil
5 ENTH HOLD ON COMMIHHION. L" )t -at' rir.i in.
lliadn hi ri It n iK i hi ml tut in idi I. ki l Ii iii I'hotii
4f invculi'-n, witti t- laiiHlimi, nud wa utll ri"rt
fl MlirllMT iu htiiMii r nut, f l . Imipx OUR rK
J plltfltt IN WH'IIH-'I HO tll llilll -t 111 Kill.' nr )m with-
oiii rani iiiari-,1. ot I AUI. HAnil It U UII I.UU llitul
lit vuuH"iu Wttnti j iiuulvl i iit utii liti UHia
rniutot. Tin Ilia iiim l iiiii Ii hill- al, ut t..Hk
IuLliiliil tinJ nt rv itiv. i,L.,r til.Miil.l WKITU FUROMH.
H. B. WILLSON A CO . iuuiab.itciu.ri,
i, iin.ii jtMitr, WASHINGTON. D. C.