The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 08, 1897, Image 3

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APRIL H, 1807.
Tii cnurtn.
aUrriar cmosik - corner it Uito aud K
lr rult Hiitntay Aarvloss I'rraiihlm, II a. m,
and 7. so i. ni.( Viiiini I'wip'.oa Union, S.Wp.m.i
lira. K. W. Illack, Prvalileul! Htinday IVihwil, 10
u. in. I Jainca chamberlain, uprliilirtf a
I'ratsr MlltS, Tlmmlay evoiilm 7:00.
MltMillHKT I'lll'St II- Cottier of Malll Slid I.SItS
lirla. HiimUjr Mrrvler: I'rrarhltif, II a. in
ami 7. H) p. in. i Haliballi school, 10 a. in.; V.
Wotilly, BtiporliitimiU'nti Ittaaa Meeting al
cl. nl Ilia tnnriilni aorvlras Kpworlh Uagn
M) p, m. Ilallla tlodlrry, rraelilnal. I'reyor
Mesttns, Wediioeday, at 7 W p. m.
Kama. L. Muoaa, raator.
I'arMiiiai, eornar Main nt lna.
I'aanaYiinuM Ctwaca-oornar ot Caas end
Imiiltwli. Sunday HwvU: fupllo worship,
a in ami 7 p. m. I Sabbath Hrhool, 10 a. m.
V, I'. H. I), 1. 1 7 p. m. r-raiet Nestles, Wednes
day. 7:30 p. m.
R. B. liiLwoatn, I'aalor.
Prescriptions at oMe, Including uiedi
cini, for .rK) ceute cash, Irom 1 to 3 p. m.,
Sundaye excaptsd. At other hours, tbe
usual marge, I . H OOiims, M. I.
Douglas County Building & Loan
Roseburg, r., April 4, 1W7.
Sim kholders am hereby notified that
the annual meeting ol Ibe stockholders
nl tha Douglas County Building anl
t,oan Association will la holJ al the
council room In nly hall, In tho city ol
Kueeburg, Douglaa County, Mate ol Ore
gon, on Wednesday. April St, IW7, at
7 :M p. in. ol said lay, lor Hie puroe ol
electing seven directors ami Ih'eo audi
toralurthu mailing )ear, and lor tha
transaction ol such other business aa
may legally coma More the mnrliug.
M. F. It ait, Secretary.
An Affidavit.
ll.ii ia to certify that on May lHh, I
walked to Mcluk'e ilrug aiore on a pair
ol crutches and loiight a bottle ol Cham
berlain's fain Halm lor liillsmiiiatory
rheumatism whicli hail crippled me up.
After uaing three littles 1 am torn
pietely cured. I an cheerfully recom
mend it.-Charles II. Wet .el, Sunbury,
Nauru ami aubm rilx;l to More me on
August 10, 1 s;i I Waller Shipman, J. 1.
Kor sale al . cenla pr bolllo by A. C.
Mat at pi (.'n.
Northern Pacific Change.
llm Northern l'acilio railroad will
make the following lime can! lor ila train
leaving I'oilhmd daily, beginning en
Hundav the 2Sth inst. Leaves Portland
al II a. iu., Tacoma 5 p. ni., -Seattle 4 p.
m , 10:10 p. us.. Pasco 1:60
h. tn. Arrive al Spokane al h:M a. m.,
Minneapol' 1 '" "", s, ,'ul '
4:40 p. m. the now earn win enaoie
iiaseengera to ruske close counectiona at
Spokane with the Spokane Fells nod
Northern lor the
inrtlculars are
Local Agent No.
mines, tot limner
I. H. K. Hi ui.
S, Maratera hailding.
Speii' t your ilollare where they go
larihoat. t'aah ia what talka. We eell
lor caati only. We ran make a dollar go
a long war or you. Wilily considered
We hayc the W-et gooda lor little money.
Novelty Store.
The Ilea. Salve in the world lor Cute,
Hruitea, aorea, Ulcere. Halt Itheum,
Kever Korea. Tetter, Chapped Handa
Chillbaina, Corna, and all akin Enip
tiona, and poaitively curea I'ilea, or no
lay required. It ia guaranteed to give
perfect aatintaction or money refunded
Trice i cenU per box. For aale at A.
C.Marstera A Co.
New ftralatna lu wall pPr l
Shoes, Shoe.
Lute arrival ol mou'a and wouian'f
atoul aud cheap ahoet. AIho a aupply
ol leaionable ataplea at Slanlou'a.
Mauy caeca ol "ripje" liave lately
been cured by One Miuuto Cough Cure.
Thia nreiiaraliou aeeina eetecinlly
adapted to the cure ol this diecaee. It
acta nuK'klv thus preventing aorloua
coinpliCAtiooa aud bad etlecta iu whicli
thia dtauaAH olteu leayoa the patient.
Maratera' Drug Store.
To the Public.
On aud after thia date. I wiah it under-
atood that my terms (or all undertaker'!
f:ooda are caah with the order. 1 find it
uipoaaible to do buaiueaa on a credit
baaia, aud belive that 1 can do better by
my pat roue and myseli by selling strictly
for cash. I . UKNKUICK, tiuueriaaer.
Uoeeburg, Ore., April IS, 18U5.
Dou't allow the lungs to be impaired
by tl e continuous irritation ol a cougu.
It ia easier lo prevent consumption in
lu cure it. One Minute Cough Cl
taken early will ward oft' any latal lung
trouble. Mars tors' Drug Store.
IVuniikau.u and l'lanter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes by "ant al
I iteration's artful aid" you can cutcu the
uiiilic eve an 1 enuaite the public at
tention. The Webfoot l'lanter is
clubbed with the and the
two Danera will be furnished to all cash
subscribers of the latter without extra
If your tea is good, it is
cheap; if it is not good, it
is dear, no matter what you
pay for it you hail better
drink water.
Hut good tea is better
than water sometimes, be
cause it tastes good, and
whatever tastes good makes
the stomach work right.
So good tea Schilling's
Btft- -is cheap.
City Council tonight.
Caro tiros, ara tha boas merchants.
Huy kid gloves at tliu Novelty Stoic,
lingular moellng of II. P.O. Iv tonight.
New line ol rain and sun umbrellaa al
the Novelty Store.
The (air weather 114 ia displayed at
the olmervatory.
)'), T. Woodruff of ('IcvmIkiiiI waa In
town yealorday,
('apt.O. W. I'lilntH came over from
Oakland Ttiraday.
John It. Mc(iieol Itiddlo wiia at the
McClullen Tursday.
II. C. Dick ol Oakland, Cul., is regis
lerel at the McClallen.
J. T, Oooiluian of looklng Olass waa
In the city yesterday.
O. M. ((rant ol (Herniate trglalercd at
Hotel McGlalleri Tuealay.
A. Ilellencyer ol San Francisco wuaa
gueat at the McClallcu Tuesday.
Ilert Sir phrnsou from Salt creek waa a
guest at the McClallen yesterday.
Alonso (Mark aud wife ol Chicago,
were guests at I tie McClulleu Tuesday.
New assortment ol rihhon, live and
ten cenla ier yard, at the Novelty Slure.
T. W. Stephens and Oeo. J. Stearns
came over from Oaklaud town Tuesday,
Have you ' the new strawberry
hoe at Churchill, Woulluy A McKen
tie's? Ker vires al the Chtislian i hurch Sun
day evening at the usual hour by Klder
You should hear I'rol. Ilauiilt next
Sunday al I he M. K, Church at S:30 aud
:(0 p. 111.
Scull l.auder, who Iims Ueu iiitiog
Nat Curry, ol Kivnraide, relurneil home
J. M. Ilirlaou of Went Koaeburg, who
baa been seriously ill, is reported 'some
better today.
Cash is what counts. I'o couviuced
by examining our boot aud shoe line.
Novelty Store.
Nothing like our new ailka in town,
plain ami fum y, lull ml lancy prices.
Novelty Sloie.
Just snivel 1 1 mil Nebraska a car ol
orn mi l corn chop ul ('awllieM' Hour
and feed slote.
Churchill, Woolley A have
just received a car of choice Washington
cedar shingles.
Hugh McOuite of ihu 1'acilic Taper Co.
ol Turllaiid waa doing husineas in the
sity yee'erday.
Come and help (o make the crowd
that will attend Iho Oraud 0Kmiug at
the Novelty Stoie.
Do you want a good strawberry plant?
Call around to this ollue and Hud out
where lo get Some.
The Una display t silks iu Jueuhpuu's
ahow windows is attracting a great deal
ul attention toil ay.
Uold-hunters are waiting iu Oakland
(or the snow to disappear from the Ik
heruia mountains.
Dun. J. Trowbridge, It. L. ,Martiudale
and T. t. Derens ol Camus Valley wera
in the city yesterday.
The Royal lilua Crawford Hicyclo
can't le boat. Churchill, Woolley A
McKunzie keep them.
The man who persitts in talking out
loud all through the performance was at
thocoucurt last night.
Special sale ol hardware ul 11. M.
Wead's hardware atore. lowest prices
ever made in Hoseburg.
The Ashland Creamery Co. is not
able .to supply the local demand lor
butter and till outside orders.
Teojile buy Hood's Karaaparilla year
after year because it does them good. It
will do you gcod to take it uow.
Host assortment ol print gooda iu town
at almost your own prices. Come and
see (or yourself. Novelty Store.
Money to loan ou city aud couutry
property. V. o. K. ill iu,
M are t era' Buildiug, Koseburg, Or.
Now is the time lo spray your trues.
11 uy the Combination Sprayer uud save
time and money. W. II. Gordon, agent.
Hardware, liuware aud implements at
s poem I prices (or the noat two weeks
Don't miss
them at Wead's Hardware
Dr. O'hme will
give prescriptions in
eluding medicine,
between certain hours
(or 50 cents cash,
Sue notice iu another
Wolleuberg A Abraham of the Square
Deal Store are uow receiving a nice tot
of spring goods. Latest styles aud low
it prices.
Lad ins you will Uud a nice liue of
shirt waists, collars, cutis, shirt lionts,
belts, shirt waist sets, etc., at the Noy
elty Store.
The Woodmeu ol the World will hold
auother "increase meeting" at the opera
house tomorrow eveniuu. A good time
is expected.
Ladies, if you want a bargain dross
pattern, buy ouo of our 40-inch up-to-date
Mohair chocks, at ouly 30 cents per
yard. Novelty Store
1). L. Fisher, the now lauiidrymau, re
turned from Koseburg Friday accoui
nauiud by his wife, to become residents
of Ashland. Tidings.
Buttercups blooui one day 011 the hill
ides ol (Irani county, 'says Ithe News
aud the next there comes a biting frost
or a heavy snowstorm.
Hev. W, P. Andersou, who has bueu
sulferiuir from a severe sore throat (or
the past weuk or so, has now recovered
aud is agaiu ready (or Iiuhiuush.
Owinir to the heavy raiua last week
aud dissolution o( nuow in the tuouii
tains the river rose "lipping" lull last
Friday moruiug. Cotuille Herald
The Ladies' Aid huciely o( tiio l'resby
leriau Church will meet Friday after
uoon April U, 1897, ul the home ol Mrs
Walter Thackrah. Theie will be sewing
to do.
Married, In this city at the boms ol If.
M. Martin, April 6th, H. L. Hart and
Fanny Cox, Judge A. F, Stearns, ofllcl
atlng. The Itev. W. 1'. Anderson, Baptist, is
available (or Kvangelinllc services, or
will accept pastorale (or short time.
Present address, Itosnburg.
Notwithstanding the long and snowy
winter in Harney county, inont of the
horses that were left to winter on the
range are at thia time In good condition,
Thero will be a district convention ol
Sunday school workers of Hoseburg and
vicinity held in I tin llaptist. ct.urch next
Saturday at 7 p. in. All are invited.
Thu spring session of the Presbytery of
Southern Oregon will convene In the
First Presbyterian church at Oakland,
on next Tuesday, April 13, at 7:1)0
o'clock p. m.
Hev. W. A. Smlck, for many years
pastor ol (he Presbyterian church ol
this place, is up Irom Albouy, (or a few
days this week, a guest of Dr. and Mrs.
J. W. Hlrange.
The Central hotel, under the manage
ment ol Hoscoo Oreen, is becoming
more and more Mipular every day.
Good (are and reasonable prices. Give
the Central a tilal.
Miss M. K. Puller gives her spring
owning of millinery, Saturday, Hie 10th
with a beautiful liue of pattern hats.
Store recoud door west of potofllce
corner on Oak street.
James Jordan, aged M, aud an early
loneer ol Soutnern Oregon, died al
Urania Pass Thursday, of cancer of the
uumch. He left a widow aud II
reii, ami a host nl Ineti'io.
Thu Morrow county sheepehearera
unsocial ion has fixed the prices forshesr
11 g the coming reason at six cents er
cad, including the corral service. This
s a rise ol one cent or head.
The loyal Temperance legion will
hold its regular meetings iu the Dill-
orth Academy building ou Tuesday at
p. m. ; legiiiing wilbTuesJay, April
13th. Mum. Faulk. neb, Supl.
U.S. Keller, representing the Hicks-
udtl Hotel liegisler Co., ol San Francis
co, was in Uoselmrg yesterJuy, ami by
is winning ways aud jierauasive smile?,
ucceeded in doing a good day 'a business.
The city election in Ktigene Monday
resulted as follows: Mayor, W. Kuy-
endall ; Kecorder, 15. F. I "orris; treas
urer, 0. v. iirinin ; counciimun, w. 11.
uckey, IS. K. Henderson, George Ush
er aud Jerry Horn.
Frauk Hay, son ol Jerry Hay, ol Har-
sburg, fell uuder a moving Irani and
ad hia nlit arm belweeu the shoulder
ml elbow smaHhed. Amputation was
ucoesiury. lie also receive! a scalp
wound three inches in length.
II the average rancher of Lane conn I y
had au ordinary sized straw stack now,
he would attach considerable value to it,
and the half starved stock would stand a
pretty god chance to pull through; but
next (all ho will set lire to it In the tield
nd let it go up in smoke. Register.
Friday afternoon the public school
will give an entertainment, to which the
patrons of the school aro cordially in
ked. Thero will be literary exercises
by the pupils and speeches aud talks on
educational matters by several of our
prominent citizens. Go and hear what
they have to say.
Trof. II. M. Hauiill, general tield
worker ol international Sunday School
L'uioo, will hu iu Koaeburg next Sunday
nd will ta'.k to the Sunday School work
ers ol all the churches iu the M. h.
Church, North, at 2 :30 aud 7 :30 p. in.
cordial invitation is extended to nil
interested in this work.
Those who are troubled with rheuma
tism should try a few applications ol
Chamberlain's Tain Bairn, rubbing the
arts vigorously at eat h application. If
that dors not bring relief dampen a piece
ol llanuel with Tain Palm aud.bind it
011 over the seat ol pains aud prompt re
lief will surely lollow. For sale by A. C.
Marstors A Co.
John Zachary, who, with Wayne
Drollioger, was charged with burglariz
ng Kast A Critoeer s Hour null last Sat
urday night, wis arrested at Wilbur
Drollinger's, some fifteen miles down the
river, Tuesday by Depuly Sheriff Steph
ens uud brought to town. His prelimin
ary examination will take place Satur
day. Meanwhile tie languishes in dur
auce vile, at Hotel d' Ague.
Iu the Coffee Creek regiou, Moutgoiu-
ery, I araer auu urown uave locaieu uyo
... .1 , i I c.
placer claims ou Kusiell Gulcu, whicu
anilities into Texas Gulch, once famous
(or its richnois. Urown was iu town
this week exhibiting some small uug'
Mia from the Kiisaull Gulch claims. To
secure enough w ater to work them a 12-
niilHiliteh will have to be dug. the
parties are backed by considerable capi
The Sun's correspondent from Haudon
aava: "I.asl wee live vessels, lour
... 1 1 1 .
steamers and one schooner, crossed the
bar within thirty minutes, lwo were
bound out. aid three incoiuiug." This
calls to our miud that a photograph was
taken at our river frout a few days since
in which three ot our river steamers, the
tug Triumph, and ocean steamor Moro
and schooner Autelope, figured, witu
another ocean steamer, the I onuille
Uiver, due. That'a not ho bad, uud
goes to show thut our transportation
facilities have advanced considerably
even these pust hard times. Sun.
The. Hext Coucert Company, uudor
the management ol the Indies' Mental
Culture Club, entertained a lair
audience at the opera houeo last nigh
with choico aelocliou ol music and
recitatious (roiu Shakespeare Juliet
l'ortiu. Ophelia aud Cleopatra, being
preseulea 111 mil costume uy tum i.iamo
. ... . . 1.1111 .
Hext 1 in a most chariuiug luauuer
Prof. Holub played tho piano with raru
skill and Herr Carl Walther laiilv ud
died himself iuto the hearts ol the audi
Hill and was reneatedly recalled. The
statuesuue PoBiogs, In Greek costume b
Kills Klaine Hext, were also very tine.
The Kast Orsgonlau reports Dr. fc J.
Humraervllle as saying that lrs in bis
locality near Milton and all through the
Walla Walla Valley have benn heav
ily damaged during tha winter. Mors
than una hall ol the peach treos have
been killed outright, cheery Ireei have
also been greatly Injured and some
apple trees have been killed, but that
variety ol fruit Is more hardy than
Mr. Honey ol Goshen, the well known
merchant, thinks he is justly entitled to
register a kick, In that Ilka Merchant
Vandayn, of Coborg, lis Is loo popular
wilh saints ol darkness. Lant Thursday
night his store was again broken I a to.
This makes six times he has gone down
to Ids place of business and found his
goods bad been tampered with, and he
now (alls to SCO tha virtue of such per
formances. Not only that but the watch
dog he keeps in the store had evidently
been chloroformed, (or it went about in
a dazed manner (or several days after
ward. Buggy track were tracked for
short distance from the store liegisler.
At a meeting of lh Umpuua Valley
Sugar Beet Association held ai Myrtle
Creek, Saturday, April 3rd, there was a
good attendance, and much interest
manifested. Representatives Irom Can
yonville aud Kiddle . were present and
look part iu the discussions and the
reading ol literature on the subject.
Several ol the committee ou acreage be
ing aoaent, and others requesting fur
ther time in which to make tbeir reports
more complete, it was decided lo graot
an extension until the 1st Saturday in
May, when the next meeting will be
held. A member ol the committee for
the country about Dillard was appointed.
The outlook (or a sufficient acreage be
ing obtained, is favorable.
I. line and tlae vitriol, for spray
lug purpoaes al Manner'.
Memorial Services.
Memorial services will be observed in
the following order: Committees will
attend the various cetnetries and make
the annual tloral decorations on the
mouinis ol fallen comrades. Memorial
sermon will be preached on the Sunday
preceding Memorial day. The oration
aud literary exercises will be held in the
Opera House beginning at the hour of
1 :W p. m. The committee have thought
best to appoint this lime so as not to
con tl ict with other services, giving all an
opjKirtunity to attend these services. It
is the desire of this committee '.hat the
school childreu and the various children
composing the Sabbath school classes ol
the city, participate in these services.
F.very cll'ort will tie made by the commit
tee lo make these services of interest and
to that cud it is desired that the general
public olerve the day and attend tbeie
services in comuieralieu of our departed
coinradts and friends.
J. W. Wrii.iit, Secretary.
Trusses, a full U"
al Marnier.'
new allei
Oregon's Rosstand.
When Mr. Jennings bought the Star
mine in the Bohemia district (or (2,400
from the mum power and Pearson
brothers he got it for a song. The four
men, during the eight years they had it,
obtained enough free gold out of it in the
winter to support themselves in Portlsnd
uriug the summer. They bad rigged
upacbeap lour stamp mill run oy an
overshot wheel on a creek at 'the foot of
the ledge. They carried ore from tbe
ay streak to it in sacks. A four-loot
ledge widening with increase of depth
that will yield handsome returns by
uch methods would be cheap at $24,
000. Mr. Jennings is an Idaho mining
man who evidently knows what he is
about. Another Pohemia mine yields
15 to (20 per day by means of an
arattra. The Oakland peopie can be
none too hist iu building their roads to
the KosslaDd of Southern Oregon.
Bungling Safecrackers.
Lkiianon, Or., April J7. Robbers en
tered the Southern Pacihc Company s
depot at this place last night and at
tempted lo rub the safe by blowiug it
open with dynamite.
The robbers gaiued au eutrauce into
the depot by breaking out a glass psne
and raisiug tbe window. They then
trilled a hole through the outside cas
tug ol me sale uoor auu luuerieu me
... , 1 1 ... j .
dyuamile aud blew the outside casing
open, blowing out some of the cement.
They thou attempted in several places to
drill through the inside casing of the
door, but it was evidently too hard lor
their drills. The safe door is ruined, but
otherwise the safe is not damaged.
The robbers used an ax and a crowbar
that beloueed at the depot. They also
ift au old brace and a chisel, but took
everything else with tbem.
April Wisdom.
lie sure that youi blood is pure, your
appetite good, your digestion perfect.
To purify you blood and juild up your
health, take Hood a barsapanlla.
This medicine has accomplished re
mirkable cures ol all blood diseases, It
is the Oue True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Satsaparilla has power to make
you well iy puruyiug auu oiiricmug
.. 1 :t..i 1
your blood, giving you au appetite, and
nerve, mental and digestive sirengin.
F.lder Kubliiug's at theme the Chris
lino Church this uveuing will be "Will
Morality Secure F.terual Life." F:very
oue should hear this sermon.
To the Kootenai Mining Country.
ThxD. R. A N. is the shortest liue
u,,,i makes the uuickest lime. Train
leave Porllaud daily at 0:110 p. in. Dag checked through lo destiuatiou
Tlcketsou sals to all iniulng camps.
V, C. I.omon, Agent,
Koaeburg, Oregou.
A Hatch of Newy lcttern from
Various) Localities,
Olendale Items.
W. G. Kernstein ol Koskydell
seen on oar streets todsy.
Tbe Gorsllne mill on F.lllf! Creek
commence running Msy 1st.
At both s lor as we notice all are
and large sales are made daily.
Mrs. Clarke and Miss Katie Clarke
went south on Sunday and spent tbe day
lo Ashland.
J. L. Dewey is receiving new goods
every day which his increasing custom
makes necessary.
J. E. Cox. section foreman at this
Elace, la having some fine work done on
is division ol tbe railroad.
J. Foreman of tbe Victory mine has
rented tbe cottage west of Mr. K. Cor-
ler's residence ana will occupy 11 shortly.
Oscar Kanford is at Glendale today en-
rcute to Grants Pass, where be will re
side in future and wbere bis family has
already gone.
Mr. William Kranham and his eon
Forest started on Monday' train for
Tehema county, California, where they
intend locating.
Ernest Riddle, deputy assessor, is in
this vslley looking after property own
ers ana giving all tbe gentlemen a
chance to pay their poll tax.
Mrs, Mar Hall Henry, the handsome
aud accomplished post mistress at Hogo,
arrived at this place on Toesdsy evening
sou is a guest at Hotel uienuaie.
FIdward Dohl of Placer, Josephine
county, has rented the residence rooms
in tbe rear ot the big store building, and
be will remove bis family to this place
next week.
Miss Marie Plyinale of Jacksonville,
wbo is coins to Portland May 1st, will
spend two weeks at this place, wbere by
Secial request she will give several en
tertainments, consisting in renutions
and Shakespesrian readings. She will
le the guest ot Miss Jennie Roberts
w bile here.
The diamond drill aud all the ma
chinery belonging tj it arrived al olen
dale last week. It is to be need on tbe
'Mammoth 0.aeen" ledge near this
lace. It will require seven meu and
our horses to operate il, and work will
begin about May 1st, when we expect to
seo rare developments at Ibis ledge,
which will prove beneficial to the valley.
Tbe residents of South Dougtas are
very mnch pleased at tbe selection of
Hon. Ringer Hermann as coin-niesioner
of the general land office at Washington.
In (act tbe choice ol Mr. Hermann lor
this important position meets with the
approval of a very large insjsrity of tbe
Pacific slates irrespective of politics.
Mr. Hermann was our representative in
congress (or twelve consecutive years,
and during all that timi he made tbe
interests of hia constituents a personal
matter, and he labored faithfully for
the eople of all politics, although he is
a republican who is partisan in princi
ples, and one who adheres strictly to
party lines. Yet his constituents ol
every party acknowledge tbe justice and
wisdom of his rainstakini: and far-
sighted legislation, at,d many old soldiers
and Indian war veterans, whose claims
he baa secured, will in the evening of
life turn with grateful hearts to Binger
Hermann, who has so faithfully nrged
tbeir claims and secured tbem a com
petency that renders tbeir last days
Elkton Items.
April showers the first of the week.
Geo. Dimmick of Center Bend was in
let viewing bis old triends in town last
Fred Oar of Gardiner has been visit-
ng relatives of this place lor tbe past
few days,
Mrs. Carrie Damon of Grants Pass is
visitiog her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Brown ol this place.
Charles McGnire departed thia life on
the 24 inst. Another ol the defenders oi
the Union has answered tbe last roll
E. O. liuddiestou met with the good
fortune to kill a panther last week,
which measured 8 feet, 10 inches from
tip to tip.
Should tbepreseut precious weather
continue for a lew weeks longer lue
people in this valley w ill experience a
hay lamine.
Our school commenced last Monday
with favorable prospects before theru,
with Prof. Wright at tbe helm and Mrs.
W. II. Stark aa assistant.
Tha neonle of town and surrounding
country met at the chnrch last Sunday
and organized a eunuay scnooi, uu
oflicers as follows: Superintendent,
Mrs. G. W. Benedict ; assistant superin
tendent, J. M. Robinson; secretary,
Susie Beckley ; treasurer, Miena nosing
ton i librarian, Fanny Benedict; organ
ist, Prof. Wright. Scribe.
Drain Items.
Our merchants are getting a good
aoiirw auiu'lv of merchandise. Wbere
in Dm mouev to purchase, is a quandary
Oh. well, our wood and lumber can be
used exchange.
The Odd Fellows are np-rappicg Chit-
wood branch near tbeir hall, and doiug
a good substantial job, and wben done
no (ear need do 01 any iresnet ruiumg
tho banks hereafter.
Our wortbv postmaster. Jas. Lyons,
baa inst train lost a dear sister, name
l.vnns. Last lall noe. anu now auowier
Mr.Lyons' family and aged mother bavo
the sympathy 01 an.
I liava forirotten many times to meu
lion Miss Ixila Gardner, assistant teach
r in Normal school. Lola is a native
born Drain girl and by mucu labor anu
atudv has attained ber honorable dis
tinction as a teacner.
1 twiiL-H,! at the depot a lew days ago
acoon o( prairie cblckena marked totlor
. Putnam. I understand Ihey were
.,. frr.1,1 Onndon. Or., bv Jasper Eu
sloy, an old time resident, wuo now lives
up there. I am told Dr. Hawkins and
iwmiutAr l.vons bad them sent and
luiva turned tbem loose 011 Putnam's
r.n,., in Tin Pot valk'V. It ia hoped
1 hv sill thrive and our hills be as lull
ol Iheui aa now ol the China pheasants.
Tbey are pretty, and look some like the
Bob White quails ol the East. Haulers
will please be careful and uot destroy
tbem belore we have a start. Piolect
tbem as wss done w ith tbe China pheas
ants. F. F. tbut he spells his name back
ward) in last Review, noticed kiudly my
suggestion to raise a shaft to the memory
oi Jesse Applegate. 'lhauks. Your own
father, J. C. F., Johu C. Drain and
Grandfather General Laue and Lai ay-
ette Laue will always be remembered in
the history ol Ortgou, besides uiauy
others. I agree tbat now is the time to
ft rsinli i ences uf-re Ihe last pioueer
go 10 ihu niher shore.
Good I u k lo yon and F. P. Hogan in
your new homes. 1 am glad you rsad
the Douglas counly pspera. We have
as good two counly papers ss In Oregon,
and are no doubt a letter to those away
from home. They were to me when
Looking Glass.
George Marsh baa added about 1000
trees to his already extensive orchard.
Miss Alice Roden baa gone lo bar old
home in California! (or an Indefinite
J. H. Webb and E. Keller have opened
a first class blacksmith shop at the vil
lge. A large new liarn is leing erected for
L. C, Arnold, by Messrs. Orant and
The family of K. V. Pratt will prob
ably return to tbe valley about the first
of Msy.
J. Vf. Morgao has planted several
acres ot orchard on the farm recently
purchased near the village.
Winter still lingers in the lap of
print;, as shown by tbe snow on tbe
Coast Range in many places.
We shall miss genial Sam Fellows,
erstwhile our mail carrier. He has de
parted to California to try and better bis
Mrs. C. II. Cannon ol St. Pant paid
the valley a short visit lew days since.
She was on her wsy to her new home at
Woodyille, Oregon.
The village school opened Monday
with 55 pupils in attendance, nnder tbe
lirection ol our popular teacuers, Jonn
Keece and Miss Lamb.
R. A. Fallows can be seen daily astride
ol his pegasus, bringing our mail
tbrougb tbe mud from Koaeburg. He
has a long rest at bis borne all winter.
Messrs. Grant and Arnold have pur
chased improved machinery lor tbeir
mill which will be pot in first-class
order, Tbe machinery is now being
bsnled Irom Itoseborg.
Our enterurisinz merchants. Messrs
Willis ins and Goodman are constantly
in receipt ot new goods, lis preirv
bard sledding over tbe Rosebnrg road,
but tbey get there just tbe same.
Tbe remains ol Mrs. J. II. Brown,
whose sad death occurred recently in
Portland, were buried here on Monday.
The luueral services were largely at
tended. No woman in tbe valley was
more highly respected. She was sn es
timable Christian worker in cburch and
Sunday school. Her death is a positive
loss to Ibis community.
O.nce in a Wmilk.
Cow, Coyote and Calf.
Tbe editor of the Condon Globe says
that he saw the other day two huge coy
otes, with appetites like saw mills, sneak
through the tall dead grass, and single
out two young calves from tbeir mothers,
tbat were grazing witb a small buncn 01
cattle. After running about 200 yards,
the calves got through a barbed-wire
fence and "lit out" through the pasture,
vtlltl kuo wjvim novo a . iuvii iictic.
thinking whst a delicious supper of veal
they would have. At this instant tbe
mothers, having missed their offspring,
looked sround snd took in the situation
at a clance. Each let out a bellow, tbat
could be beard a mile, and started to tbe
rescue at break-neck speed. It looked
like it was a hopeless chase, for a strong
five-wire fence separated them from tbe
fleeing calves, but when they reached it
eacn save an aneartniy oeuow ana
nluneed into tbe fence with a deeper'
lion that waa astonishing. Fortunately
several posts gave way, allowing tbem
to get through, and in another moment,
although badly cut and bleeding, tbey
were licking and fondling their calves,
with as much devotion as a mother
would caress ber baby that bad just been
snatched from tbe jaws of death. The
covotes. which did not abandon tbeir
prev until the cows' boofs were slmost
noon them, sneaked off to a knoll near
bv. and continued to think about tbat
tine veal supper tbat they didn't get.
E. E. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes
us that after suffering from piles for
seventeen years, he completely cured
them by using three .boxes of De Witt's
Wdicb Uaael Salve, it cures eczema
and severe skin diseases. Marsters1
Drug Store.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tbe diseased portion of tbe ear.
Tbere ia only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an in darned condi
tion of the mucous lining ol tbe Eustach
ian Tube. Wben this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and w ben it ia entire
W closed Deafness is the result, and un
less tbe inflammation can be taken out
and thia tube restored to its normal con
dition, bearing will be destroyed forever ;
nine cases out 01 ten are csuseu uy
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition ot the mucous suriaues.
We will sive One Hundred Dollars lor
auy case o( Deafness (caused by catarrb)
tbat cannot he cured oy uau s aiarru
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Cuinky Co., loledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
The Orant Memorial.
Tha tirmiarations for the Grant memo
rial inauguration ceremonies make good
progress, tract L'amroscn says mo
musical program at tbe tomb will occupy
about 20 miuutes. He wants to have a
chorus ol 2000 yoices, but thus far pro
viainna have been made for only 1000.
He hopes to have tbe Marine band come
from Washington. 11 it win not come
iiu will i-flt nn a tuind ol 100 nieces.
The pressure (or tickets (or the stand
is tremendous. Tbere are 2440 sub
acrihera to the Grant Ituoiiument fund,
w ho contributed $600 or more. Tickets
will be civen to each of these and to
members of their families.
Goods ol iiuestionable quality are not
irnod at anv price. You'll rind tbe good
iiuulitv. best values, and late styles in
our new line of early spring dress goods
of wool mixtures and cotton checks.
Novelty Store.
Old People.
Old people who require nudiciue tol
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
fiud ttie true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whiskey nor other intoxi
cant, but acts as a louic and alternative.
It acts luiltlly ou tbe stomach and bow
els, addiug strength and giving toue to
the orirauH. thereby aiding nature in tbe
performance of tbe lunclious. Electric
bitters is au excellent appetiser and aids
digestion. Old People tiud it just ex
actly what they need. Price fifty cents
and 1 1. 00 por bottle at A C. Marsters A
Co.'s drug sture.
l-lnc Hue ul moulder biavea,
luioroved patteiua. at Mareiera',
Absolutely Pure
Ctlrhralnt for Ila mat travailing
strength ami hf ullhliilfx . Anurrt thu
food aajalnat alum and all forma of adul
ration roinmon lo tho chrap barnriii.
Supplies for
the Oregon
Sealed proposals will be received by
the commandant ol I he Oregon Soldiers
Home at his office in rsid home, lor all
supplies necessary (or tbe (urnishing and
running of the same until April 30th,
1838. Said bids must be received at his
office on or before April 30tb, 1807. A
ample of clothing bid for must accom
pany tbe bid. All articles must be first
class and tbe grades fully defined in each
instance. A list of all the articles de
sired will be found in the First National
bank, Itoseborg, or at the Soldiers'
Home. Payments to be made by vouch
ers on tbe Stale of Oregon, subject lo
further legislation.
Tbe right is reserved to reject any
part ol ail bids submitted.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 20th, 1817.
W. II . Byaks,
Something to Depend On.
Mr. James Jones of the drug firm ot
Jones & Soo, Cowden, III., in spesking
of Dr. King's New Discovery, says thst
last winter hia wife was attacked witli
La Grippe, and her case grew so serious
that pbysicisns al Cowden and Pana
could do nothing (or her. It seemed lo
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing ir. King a New D.seovery tn store
and selliog lots of it, he took a Lottie
home, and to tbe surprise of all she be
gan to get better from first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles cured ber sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and colds is guar
anteed to do this good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles st A. C. Marsters.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
This is the best medicine iu tbe world
for bowel complaints. It sets quickly
and can always be depended upon.
Wben reduced with water it is pleasant
to lake. Try it, and like many others
you will recommend it lo your friends.
For aale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by
A. C. Marsters A Co.
Crescent Bicycles.
I have in stock ten "JO models, all
new, and Qtted wiltt M. x W. quick re
pair tires, which I will sell at one-third
leas than oiiginal price. Thece wheels
are fully guaranteed for one year. Cash
or installments. Call on or address,
T. K. RiuiAKDSo.v,
For Over I-'lfijr Veaia.
Am Old and Will-Trhd Rim hot. Mr
rVlnalow's Soothing Syrup baa been uacd lor
over Ally years by millions of mothers (or tbeir
children while tcslhlng, with perfect aucccu.
It aoothea tbe child, aoitena the gum, allaya all
pain, curea wind colic, aud is tho beat remedy
for Dlarrbura. Ia pleanaut to tho taste. Sold b;
drouiata iu every part ol Ihc world. Twenty-
Ova cents a bottle. Ila value la lucalculable.
Beanre and aak (or Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing
8yrap, and ke no other kind.
If you have ever seen a child in Ihe
agony of croup, you can appreciate the
gratitude of the mother wbo know that
One Minute Cough Cure relieves tbeir
little ones ss quickly as it is admin
istered. Many homes iu this city are
never without it. Marster' Drug Store.
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
Cheapest aud best insurance ou earth,
at cost, or IS1 cents per hundred. Resi
dent property, a specialty.
II. L. Makuicks, Agent,
For Sale.
To a responsible party or to let on
commission, lor the reason ol ltv.ii, a
Mammoth Jack, ror particulars, ml-
drees, F. L.Mosier, Dillard, Or.
During the winter of 18; 13, F. M. Mar
tin of Long Reach, West Va., contracted
a severe cold which leit inin with a
cough. In speaking ot bow be cured
lie says: 1 used several kinds ol cough
syrup but found no relief until I bought
a bottle of Chamber lain 'a Cough Reme
dy, which relieved me almost instantly,
and in a short lime brought about a com
plete cure.' When troubled with a
cough or cold use thia remedy and you
wilt not nnd it necessary to iry several
kinds before you get relief. It baa been
in tbe market lor over twenty years ana
constantly grown iu favor and popularity.
For sale at -o and 00 cents per bottle by
A. O. Marsters & Co.
Mlghet Honors World'. Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years tat Standard.