mm wmtni . ... , Tho riaiiidealor BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I'iiIiIi-ImiI Kwiy Mnii'luy mnl HwiNiliiy AU'nk Hint Main Mlrrnl, mmi;iii mi, ohmion nv in CIA1ND1ALLR PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tko.'.riuindculor ! I'OMKRf , DODGKUf, LKTTKU IIKAI, DILI. UKAtm, KTC.,KTC.,K1C. Vol. XXVIII. ROSKHURO, ORKGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1897. Kxccntvtl Nrtitly uml t I.ivlnu Hairs. I No. 12. ........... M.I..M J Mut laily hireling. n- . KI.Krt, ItOHKIH'IMI I.Opdg, NO, II, hcil. 1 1 lit-1 r n'Mular i iiiiiiiiuiili ailons at J I. o. o. K. hall id mil lonrOi Hiuradar 11I ai li 1111111II1. All ini'inlH'ia riMpii'iiUMl to at- I I regularly, uml all Halting nmiiiur wr .Hull) lnltu'l liialt.ini ,..,.... u KKKK I'AIIK TUMI IN, K. H IIKHMAN MAIIKH, Meinlary. t viil'i.l 14 1 .MINIMI,. NO. Ill Jit. I'. A. H , If iiii'da evury I'diinaitay I'vculng at i i'i Iih a In Urn (Ml MkmiiiIii Unit. V llll nn liriilhi'i' ooKlliilly 1 1 v llnl 111 auemi. C. II. t NNilX. iikii. v.. I'kMiit , riiiini iliir. Ki'inrilluu Hei ri'laiy. I At'llH. I.OIK.K, A. K. .V A. M , KHOIH.AR tiux.lliii.a tint i.l mi. I Mil WwliioiiUji In mi ll nuiiitli. I III K JiiUNHiS, W. M. N. T. Jr. i r, H'wy. 101 UK I AltlAN I.HIHiK NO. M, I O. O. K, mi ta halniilar inning ol each woaat II11I1 hall In Oil. I Fellow li Hi Kiiwliur. Miiilnia ill li untur In kimhI alainllng hit luvll u.1 to alUiid. H.W. A.NII.K, N. O. K. II. M11 au-l. Mee'y. 1 . II .1- 111' Uil I.I11M.K. NO. ID. A. O. I'. W. IS. huh In lliv aiisiiid aud Iniirlll Moudays til cv li Minimi at 7 j p. in. Hi oiiii ruiiowa 1111. ll. inU ni 11I llir urovr lit gmw aiaiinnig aro m t lied t auemi t fcNO POMT, Ml, fl l. A. H , MKKTH 111 IS 11, ,t and iiilnl Tliiirailava ul each ni'iiilh. liruMI.N i KKI.IKK ( OKIM No. lit, MKKI'H llmii mill U1I1I Tbuiailaja lu cm h lllUlllll. I , A II M K A I.I.I A N K Krgular 0,uarUrl 1 Mi Una a will Ik- In-Ill m Orange Hull. Kuai'luiig. the llial Krtday lu llro iiiIm r, Mwi'b ml J 11 in-, mnl t lie llilnl Friday In ii I'U inU r. I Hi). Ull llii 1 II Al l Kll, NO S. O. K H.. M Hit IH thu annul mm luuilli I liutada ul win lllUlllll. KM. IN A KAiT, . M. Ai.Mii II w, iw N, i-ec) . piil-llt'll'l IMVIhION NO ., B or UK., iiu-i la i-v ft j i-imil and fuiulli Huuday. imi-I lll'HO It I) l.oliiiK, NO. 41, I 0,0. r l'l. U I'll I IH'lHUy VM UlllK III IX ll MIH'H l tin- ni l Krliuwa hall. VUllIm aUU-ia mnl liri-lliii-li an luvlti-41 to mU'Utl. MKIil I hwl. N. ti. AM A I' A H Jl I II, R. Hi-c. ' i'i ry Wi'iluixUr cvi nllif at Oilil Ki'lluwt Hall. MalliiiK KiHulita In K'X"! italnllli rot .Hall; luriKil to alu n.l. li. l.ooNhV. C K. M. CONKI IMi, K. H. H. A lruft'MMlonwl I'nrrtM. A. M. CUAWFOKD, Attorney at Law, Kix.iu MaiM. ta Hiillillim. KOKIBUKU, Og. f-llu.lin . U'lnru tlia I'.n. IaikI Office mjit tin 11 1 li ci- a KH iall)r. l.atv ItiH'clvt'f I', h. lticl OIBcfl. iiiiiKim M mtiiwn. ram. tau t tim. J ROWN ft TU8TIN, Attorucys-at-Law, HiMima 7 and H l a A M I 1m. 11 liltM'k. HOUKllt'KU. OK. w T II. WILLIS. Attorney and Coiinmilor at Law, Will N.iUr. In all tlx niuiU uf lb HUU. Of Brr In the Cunt ll iuae, Unuglaa cxiuntf. Or. A. HKHLDREDK. Attorney at Law, Hutrtntrg, Orryon, itn -f uii tho I'ualofBi un Jackvo tll. yr W. CARDWELL, Allonioy at Law, KOMKIU'IUI, UHKliON. I t KAVtrtK JiiK.i L. Uil'umaT I AN E ft LOUaUARY, Attorneya t CounscIurH at Liw Hutrburu, Urrgan. Mr tit iiiarlir In all lh courU ul Oicfoo. Ofr tit In tli Taj lut Wllaun bluvk. 1 ! 8XHATF0KD, Attorney at Law, Homim ll anil I Taylur A Wilmin IIIim k. KO.SKbl KO, OB VUA BROWN, M. D. HI I-ILK, ,r.i JiickMiu Kirci-l, at rva l.lvnco ti I Mm. J. Illrvr. KtlriKUl'IKi, OK. J J L. U RAD LEY, M. D. Physician tSi Surgeon. omen lloma, (mm li to 3 r.n. I'ajlot A Wllmill lllli k ItOHKIll'Ktl. N. j. t n. i., Physician and Surgeon, KOSkBUKU, OR. Orttio III H. Miuka A Cu.'i llluik, upttalii. ('alia iniii)tly aimwi U'il ilny or iiliiht. L. M1LLUR. M. IX, Surgeon and Ilomwopthio Phymcian, Hum hurt, ron, laaT'Cbroulo llaaea iUlly. yiLL. r. nEYDON, County Miirvoyor, hucI Notary lulllc, orricav. in Courl llouao Onli'ra lur Hurvi-; Inn ami Klold Noli' atmulil tio a.llrc, in vvill I'. Mt yiloii, County bar TVjur, H(ieuuii, or. H, C, STANTON llaa Jial iwliiil a Haw and ratvnalta aUirk e DRYsGOODS ('ONHIHTINU or Iv1icn' lrNH (ioo(h, KHiIioiin, TrliiilinuKK, laVCM, t.lf Kit!. a i. o a riNB mt'm:k or- Of tho l.tat uallty ami Rnlah. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow mil (ilHxa Uare, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Atjn am Iiii4 1m Uir tHbtlUP u mi iitires t JUli Ibr tHnr. A Ivi Ut.-r ttK-li uf Custom-Made Clothing l'or Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for "L. P. M" WOODWARD tjii:- ROSEBURG Hi- ii ALL COMPETITORS ! Wit arn alnayain tliol.i ail, and intan to korii tlu'rc. The (inlili'ii llarvint ia ii,uii ua, ami farm era ai aimlin Ixiauno Wuoilwanl lonaa In tin ii inta rcat. iwuu ii a itn ass Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Thoae arc all l-eatlicr aoil Warraiito.l. SADDLES At IUduoed I'ricra, Couaiilt your urao and La cure and ie Wixxlwanl brloro buying. V. U. WOODWARD J. F. BARKER & CO. GROCERS. TEAS A 8PECIALTY. A mkU! biaml jl unaitultrralcil i'ea. Ou t'llio COFFEE' Ni w atylca Glass and Delf Ware at aalonlahliiK ln I run. Our uwn cauurtt 'luiiiiimi am very I'ui'iilar. JERRY J. WILSOi, Watcliinakcr and Jew dor, juckHuu Htrtcl, Two door aimili of Min imi 1U11, UOKUl'KO Uk.AU Kvpulrliiit I'litrtiMtctl lu uiy care will lie KOMl'Ti.Y Hurt VMrrfully done. l'KIt'KS KKASON AB1.K. lalvo Jar f STRICTLY PIRSI-CLA5S. f HOTFI McCLALLKN. MHH. 11. ('. Mi ( I. Al l. KN, 1'i.ip. nEACQVASTERS F0H TRAVELIN3 MEN. hati;h ii:ah! aiii.ic. I.ami', Klnc Swni ilc Uooina, Kri'o lliia lu ami Kroin Trulm.. RC5EEUrv3, Administrator's Notice. N OT1CK IH HKKKHV lilVKN Til AT T1IK uinli'raluiiril Iihh Ik'Oii Iiv tliu I'ountv t'oiiit ul DiiliKliiaCoiiuty, Htiito of Oivkoii, iiiiiiiiilril aitiiilnlaliutor ol tlm t'Hlnlo ul rri-nl cv v. (luh avtl. ili'i'iKwil. All ih'Ikoiih IihvIhk rluluia (Kiiliiat mill i'tali' ain rcipilri'il In I'lvu nl (lie Kttiiio Willi iionr voiii'hrra witliiu alx moiitlia liom (Into ul llila niilli o In tlio lill.ti'lalnnril at lila lioiiio In l.ookliiii UIhh, PoiiKlHa t'oiinty, Ori'miii. Pllliil llila Htll iluy ol March. IK1I7. JOHN W. K V.YM, Ailmllllatiatoi ol llir I'lUtc ol I'Milify liiM.i V. tiuokvtt, iltxiam. J. CLAI15 ALLOWLU At tho March Term of the County Court. A, II. KellogK, allowance Kato Cumuron, " John fern " .... I'atrick hao ' Mr. II, I.. Ilarriaxiu, ullowanco Joint Norwood " J. W. Jiivcnult 5 00 12 00 5 00 Tt 00 r oo 3 00 10 00 I Iro. (Jarpy, tract, liook !A) 00 J. I. Cliuiiiuaii, deputy Baoior. . IS (O Hetclicr Troiel, allow anco Joecpli liervaia " :v) oo ft oo Cliarlo ICuiidcau " 3 00 John McOinuin " 3 00 W. II. CuahiiiK ' ft 00 Aldoti llariiirn " 3 00 Mattliow Kiinutuna " .... 3 00 retcr Malluii " 10 00 I). ( Churchill, MMr lurin HO 00 V. A. Met iff, Iradur'i ciaui. . 12 00 IoiikIiis WulU) " ... 12 00 Iioui" llarzco " ... 12 00 SLuatiii A Clifliownlli, toada and liridtjee 13 Ho A burr Kiddh, nud viewer 2 W Kiini r Catching " 2 00 J. I). Coruiitt " 2 00 TIioim. llycr, annati 2 00 T. Atlerbfrry.chaininsn 2 00 Leo Cwlcliing " 2 00 J. V. Kruwaou, hiinlx-r l'l 13 J. L. Howcy, road and bridge . . 3 00 KiMchurg Water Co.. water 13 00 A. C, MarsterB & Co., inediiiiie . 10 A. C. Marnlera & Co , gland 1 30 A. C. Maralers A Co., stationery . :l 36 John lkiwcn, iron (or ixuit boui-e 1 30 Aleiamh'r A. Htroiig, furniture. . li 00 Cliurrliill, Woullcy A McKtiiii-, Hor (aim 3 (K) Mm. I. Kulihetl, paiipur u'-coilnl 21 23 II. Iy. r ' 10 10 A. C. Marktera A Co. " 4 '.H) M. V. Lapp ' 111 Moarns A Clienowelli, poor farm 0 23 W. It. I-auib, jury lial 3 00 . V. Short " 2 00 V. 1-oufiiin " 2 00 :i oo 2 00 2 00 a oo 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 03 3 3d 1 30 lu ::o 11 40 2 70 4 23 20 SO 0 00 j 40 5 30 3 30 3 70 3 70 1 70 2 60 2 25 t 40 7 20 3 33 in so 1 25 3 10 3 50 2 10 2 80 2 SO 2 80 2 80 U 40 Peter L'rhait " F. K. tirud " Ciraiit G. L'rhart W. K. Wulla " K. Wells " A. S. Ireland " .. John Uurge " L. 1!. Chapuiai: '' H. I). Chapman " A. Wilson " T. K. f-inglelou " Chn. lurgu " Ktlgar Walker ' W. W. Walkt?r " II. M. Tucker " T. J. Davis " L. F. Wolcott " JJ. F. Wilson " John Hamlin, St. vs. Morgan. . . S. K. Adams, St. v. Nelson W. K. Medley (ieo. Clarke " I. L. Kiddle U. K. Perkins F. M. Ciab!ieit, St. vs. Iturgeaa. W. P. Willis II. Kedefor S. liunuaviu " . i. II. Stevenson " Mrs. II. It. limit .en " Win. Jackiou " Jo8tili Jackson " . . . . Cbas. Wright " Mrs. L. Salli-rly Benj. Smith " I. II. Kiddle Jas. L. Cowan, St. vs. Sawyers F. M. Ciubbert, St, vs. Iluulley. W.P. Willis H. II. StephcuBoti " Arthur Wright Thoa. Churchill ' A. W. Swalfoid Tlioe. Hussell, Sr. " Fred Smith " Julia Miller " Dennis KuhbtII " I. II. Kiddie A. li, I unite, it,i. Feruande. . . . 1 00 F. P. Kneaper " .... 1 00 Thos. F. Wilson " .... I 00 I. K. Comptoii " .... 1 00 L. F. Anderson " .... I 00 Chun. Mitchell " .... 1 00 li. C. Complon " .... 4 00 Peter F.rhart " .... 10 00 PelorF.rhait " .... 3 20 li. C. A goo, prisouer'a board 133 50 I, II, Kiddle, iutiiuo exam 5 00 S. I. Thornton, trip to asylum . . . 7 50 (j. W. brewer, convey of insane. 3 50 F. M. Ciabbeit " . 3 50 I. I!. Kiddle, incline exauiiuution 5 00 Wiley Pilklugtou, poor farm 0 75 Osiitr Applegiite, bouuty 10 00 J.A.Colo " 5 00 T. K. Diiunavin 5 00 J. K, Medley " 10 00 K, P. lltirvey " 5 iK) A. K. Smith " 5 00 Kobt. D. Harvey " 5 00 F F. Finuiitt " 5 00 A. U. Smith " 5 00 Autwiuo McKay " 5 00 Futlier Smith, line of laud 2 50 II. K. Perkins, jury list 3 00 C. W. lluttiehl, poor farm (1 25 Agee, Talkington and Weekley, Looking lilnsa bridge 05 Ol) W, L. Wilson, eoinmissioiier 22 00 M. 1). ThompBou " .... 20 20 Ageti, Talkiugton and Weekley Looking UIush bridge 20 00 J. II. Field, bounty 5 00 l ieo. Petit'ipim, deputy assevHor. . 30 00 F. W. Heiieou, work for arsessor. 2(1 U0 lieo. Cuipy,uiapa jO 00 Mri. Philip Mulkey, allonauce . 3 00 Nap, like, itovf 8 00 13 00 70 25 40 10 19 35 14 60 12 00 20 CO 10 65 14 85 30 00 A. P. Kellogg, allowance 5 00 Glass A Prudhomme. stationery. 172 23 William Clifton, assistance K. L. Miller, county physician. . . W. W. Ctrdrll, defending pris oners W. K. Yates, dlstriot Itoroey . . . W. It. Vinson, bailiff W. It. Vinson " I. P. Kiddle, reporter A. F. Htearns, paupora C. M. M inter, free ferry C. M. Minter, " C. M. Minter, " M. C. Kuckles, bailiU A. M. Crawford, State vs. Wright li. C. Agee, for lailiff Mis. P. Ketcbell, paupers John Fern, allowance Pat. Sage, Mrs. II. L. Harrison, allowance . John Norwood, allowance J. W. Juvenall, " 10 00 11 06 40 00 127 60 10 CO 17 00 53 00 35 40 10 00 24 25 31 23 30 00 10 00 27 00 15 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 15 00 W. II. Cui-hing, " Aldon Hariii'se, " Matthew Simmons, " Joseph Get vain, " Charles Kotideau, " Mth. Philip Mulkey. " Peler Mallou, " John Mt'iiinniB, " Wm. Miles, allowance, 3 mouths, (ieo. Carpy, Tract Book 00 00 Goo. M. P:own, lieu. Dit. Attv. 27 SO 12 00 3 00 07 50 M. C. Kuckic?, bailiff Thos. Smith, stock inspector J. I. Chaptnau, Dep. aaseesor lis say on flan. Man thai ia boru of woman ie of few days and full of microbes. Ho hoptieth out of bed in the inortiirji; and his foot ia pierced with the tack ol disappointment. He Mltelh down lo rest at noon dav and is stabbed in bis neither anatomy by tho pin of disaster. He walketh through the streets ol the city in the pride and glory of his man hood and alippetu on the banana peel of miaiorture and uojointetli Lis Ho suioketh the cigar ot contentment and behold it explodelh with a load noise : for it was loaded. lie Bitteth down on the banisters of life and rindfth them fall of tbe splinters of torture. Ho lyeth down to sleep at night and is istting by the mosquitoes of annoyance and his house is gnawed by the bed bug of adversity. What i j man but a blind worm of fate? IWhoId, be is impaled upon the hook of despair and fumiFheth bait for the limit less ocean of time. S jrrow and travail follow him all the dava of his life. In his infancy he is alllicted with worms ami collie, and in his old age he is tortured by rheumatism and ingrow ing toenails. tie niatryeth a cross eyed woman be cause her father is rich and findetu she bath not sense enough to fry meat. His father-in-law moukeyetli with option and gooth under. What ia man, but a tumor on the neck of existence? Cor. Eugene Regis ter. The Prosperous South. Immigration is pourinK into all iarts of the South. Last week Georgia rail road bonds of 12,000,000 were tloated, bearing 5 per cent to retire others bear ing 8: a $000,000 cotton mill was con tracted for in Alabama, and the con tract was let for the xreut birmiucham steel plant. Gainesville organized a couipauy to take power from a waterfall and operate a 10,000-epindle cotton mill aud a street railway. An Augusta rirui will add a 20.000-spiudle mill toils cot ton plant. Douglassyille, Ua., project ed a 350,00J cotton mill. Other enter prises are reported from tho6e states, and also from North Caroliua and Louisiana all tbe events of a week, as reHrted to the Manufacturers' Record of Balti more. No Difference. Speaker Reed is not able to see any essential difference between the meu who nominated Bryan in Chicag) and those who accepted hiui in St. Iajuis a few weeks later. Nor can anybody else. The boundary line between them it too microscopic to be dircerned by the ordi nary procebsoj. Populist and popocrat are changes of a few letters which mark no Important distinction between the things defined. All shouted for tbe same follies and vices, aud all went down to defeat together. About the only eiguili cauce which is in the present pretense of tho populists that they tire not popocrats is the indication which it gives that that "combine" can not be renowed in 10 00 or at any other time. Globe. Hell's Pull. Here ie a little story that will bear re peating. The piny "Faust" was being presented. luthe lust act Yirture is triuiuphaut and Mephiato disappears through a trap-iuto ihe lower regions. A short time ago wheu the devil, repre sented by Mr. Morrison, started on his journey to the infernal regionp, the trap wouldn't work. It lot him down so fur but even by crunching and compressing hiuiBulf in as email a epuce as possible the leather ou the top of Mephiuto'e head could be seen above the stage. While all was as still as death, the beautifui tableau of Marguerite ascending to heaven traulxed every eye, a email boy in tbe gallery, who had dMtectod the crouching devil, shouted ; "llully Gee; hell's lull." I. P. Kiddle, dep. (list, attorney. Plaindealer Pub. Co., Stationery and printing Review Pub. Co., stationery and printing M. F. Kapp, books ami stationery II. II. Nichols, State vs. Crain . . Albert Wilson, free ferry Ira W. Cole, " Ira W. Cole. " Iro W. Cole, " Roland Agee, deputy sheriff The Gospel of Good Road. The great importance of the ne;) of good roads should so Impress ns that it woold seem snperHaous lo say anything mors on me subject, but a matter of so great interest must have full considera tion before it will take definite shape. Among the important problems that are before as, none corns boms to the farmer so close to his daily needs as that of im proved higbWays. While there is s gen eral awakening throughout the country on this subject, let as not be laggards in the movcrrent but let oar interest be shown in proportion to oar needs. Most of the Jvaropean countriesjand even the little republic of Switzerland, have set ns examples, which might well be fol lowed. Perhaps tbe immensity of our domain, is one of the difficulties to be encountered. Statistics show that there are about 20,000,000 home an4 males need on the farms in tbe United States at a cost of 23 cents per day each for feed, of which one-fifth or f 1.000,000, might be saved on this item alone. To this niigbt be added loes of time in the transportation of produce; the great expense of repair ing vehicles, shoeing of animals; ibjnry to lbs same, together with the interest on the value of animals, etc The life of a wagon under present conditions is not much over a dozen years, whereas under a system of good roads it would be 25 or 30 years. Tho saving that would be made in a term of years under good road conditions would go fsr toward building tbe roads, or at least maintain them in good condition after ones built. There are other than mere dollars and cents to be taken into the account. The bring ing togetner ol conntry folks in closer social relations, belter facilities for the children attending school. The enhanc ing tf one of the greatest pleasuaes that can be enjoyed in farm life of a drive on roads that would beat once a pleasure and pride to tbe community. The in ducement to our boys and girls to stay on the farms, rather than rash to the towns already crowded. But returning to a business view of the matter we would have in some de gree at least, enfranchisement from the rxborbitant freight charges of the rail road companies. Tbe construc'ion of inese roads woata give employment to a great army of laborers whose expend lures circulate through every artery of trade and production. And last but more important perhaps than all. the value of farm lands wonld be greatly en hanced, it not doubled. but how best to obtain these bene- (icient results is the problem of supreme importance. There are lovfs'el in tbe U. S. about 12 billion ol dollars in rail roads The maintaineuce and support of these comes from the people. Some of these roads are of doubtful utility. A portion of this vast sum might with ranch greater advantage to the people be used in common highways. We believe the government should aid and control, if not own oar great highways. It has been successful in carrying on our postal system, wby not this, perhaps equally as important work to me people, in France and other countries the govern ment built and now maintains tbe pub lic roads. Vast sums are appropriated by congress annually tor the improve ments of bays and rivers and while a portion of this amount is well used, per haps another portion is not only literally, but uselessly thrown into tho eea. Wby not divide a little; and while our water commeice ia receiving so much, let our inland commerce, perhaps of as much importance to the common people, have a small portion ? When Uncle Sam re ceives the fow hundred million coming from tbe defaulting subsidized Pacific railroads, why not turn this amount over as a nucleus of the sum to be used in our improved highways? To no better use could Ibis money be put. And its con version in Ibis channel would work no hardship to the people. The small amount now expended in Oregon under our system, gives but lit tle relief of a temporary character, and as a rule our most important roads are little or no better than they were 30 years ago. One mile of good permanent road in a community is an improvement of good real value; while tbe "tiling" done annually is of no use, but for the season. We do not pretend to devise the beet means for the accomplishment of this grand work, whether il should be done wholly or in part by tho national, state or county government, although we fa vor the former, but we do know it is a work that should be done and com menced at once, so that tbe benefits and relief resulting from its accomplishment should be felt in the near futuie. R. K. The little boy who tickles a ti ger with a straw and the man who fooli with his health are on a n a r . If thrre ia anv distinction il a in fin or of the bov who limcinpn he is clavmir with a big cat and is not old enough in realize his danger. Tbe man if he don't know, our lit know that when he neglects his health he is tempting fate aud tampering with death. Nine men out jif ten neglect their health. The result faV that untold thousands fall victims every year to the insatiable tiger called consumption. 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It acts directly on the lungs, building new tissue in place of old, and driving out all impurities and disease germs. It collects all disorders of the digestion, invigorates the liver and restores the lost appetite. It is tbe great blood-maker, flesh builder, and nerve tonic. Thousands have testified to tbelr recovery nnder its use after their cases were given upbythe doctors and all hope was gone. The druggist who claims to have something that will do just as well is untrustworthy. Medical Discovery,' and the y cured me. I caunot praise Dr. Pierce's medlciucs loo much." Nothing will keep down the fortunes of an ambitious family more than big doctor's bills. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser enables a finiiily to get along w ith out culling in a doctor except in cases of serious illness or accidents. It teaches a mother how to treat the minor maladies and accidents of every -day life. It contains 1,008 pages, over .v" illustrations, and is written in plain Knglish that any one call understand. Over a million homes own copies of it. A new edition ia ready and will be giveti away absolutely pbke. If you want a paper-covered copy s..d twenty-one one-cent atamps, to cover the cost of mail ing onlv, to the World's Dispensary Med ical Association, buffalo, N. Y. If you want a line cloth binding, send ten cents extra, thiity.ons cents in all. mm. 1 YlSJjfS I 1 IBL k Mr tofTi " I was afflicted for four years with local weak ness, but would not coiifcaa it for a time,'' wniea Mis. Beulah Woodall. of Bateman. Patrick Co., Va ' My mother told me ahe l)d reurt of Dr. tierce's uiedicinea and advised me to try them. i. .k Wavnrit Prracriutioll 1 aud ' l.oltleu A. SALZMAN. (Sacceaacr to J. JARKUIJCK., Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. DCALKft in WATCHES, CLUCKS, JEWELRY, AlfD FANCY VOOl). SlrSlaaJ, iJouiiltio Hrnxillun Eye 01naoa iiimI Npc; neleti A COatPLKTS STOCK Or Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and 8moker' Articles. Also IVoprictor and Manager of Roseburita Famous llarjrain Store. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, 1)KAI.E8 IN STAPLE il FANCY GROCERIES MD PROVISIONS FIME TEAS AND C0FFEEI5 A SPECIALTY. ALSO A TOBACCO OIVE IS A TRIAL. i hi:i: UKI.IVKRV.. MOUNTAIN VIEW CDoultry and Stock Farm, 1 Having just engaged in the business, would say: I have spared no time or money to purchase the VCI'j best for my breeding stock. Silver Laced Wyandottes, Silver Spangled Hauiburgs, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Single Comb Brown Leg Golden Polish, , horn. EGCS. $100 PGR 13. Poland China Hogs, Angora Goats. Give me a trial. Correspondence solicited, cicrcuudrokgou. L. A. MARSTERS, Proprietor. WYLIE PILKINGTON, Successor to General Blacksmithing HOMBlEHlIOKXIsTei. rROTTINQ AND RUNN1NQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF A Li. KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. ttbopXou Corner Washington and Kane Btm., Roaeburar. n Hp Kuv our cvv 4 from Edvnbower Poultry Yards ern Oregon. Etfijs you buy ol me arc from uiy best bint aud prize winners; pure, stout, vigorous and hca, thy. So lnbreediuir lu my yards, with great ex in' 11 so 1 have mated nioul of uijr liens of my own rinsing um mock iroui tue best ytnis in iniiioruta. 01110 sua Illinois. -My Dims won the Lion's Sburc of Honors at the Southern Orvuou District fair. At Oregon tnste Fair, Brown Kcliiinn woiijud ou breeding neii. also two sueciulson Cockerel aud Pullets as being tbe Is-1 011 exhibition. Orders promptly tilled at Kruse lor particulars, send stamp lor reply. A.C.vAR5TER5&Co. M Bjtaw a - - V - (r. - a V "Weill Paper. A ChoIceXol lection, atM'ricei that Sell. LIME PLASTER AMD CEMENT. A FULL LIME OF WlilDOW GLASS ALL ORUliKS PKOAIPTLY FILLED. ALL KINDS OF HI.L LINK OF & CIGARS. One buor fkmtb ol 1. O. ROSEBl'RG, OREUON, O. W. NOAH, 1 I sKHSUXa.SIl' WAV. BREEDEi: OF FINE POULTRY, S. C. Brown Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Langshan, IS. S. Hamburg, Black Minorcas, B. B. Red Game ESGS, $1.00 PER 13. and unve niouvv. The largest breeder in South it Fbmubrook a Orovcry Store, or aildreis as above K, A, HKi st,, nauagcr. WlWJ-WW'fiv.riiMiWiJaa