The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 05, 1897, Image 4

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- : " ' I
A Hi rotiabU JewoUr.
Solid lilvor bovcllic At Satzmmi'i.
New good at Cam 15ro. Koas Note.
J.T. Dryan, lb Duey Watrb maker.
4rUtfio Uosi-loaT for Hi" taut cigar.
For kooiI Vcont cigar call on Mrs.N.
County claimfi nl warrant lionlit by
D. 8. Wont.
For flret-rliwv 1 nlimry jo lo Vr. Little
of Oakland. '
U. V: llerij.nnia,. tlctilift, rootr I,
MarBli rr' Mock.
I'uro frU giweriea and low ricos at
Cawbeer'a KroCBrjr.
Boelna Baked lk-inn at (be liomu
Bakery. Try them.
Key Weal, Imported and domestic
clars at Uie ltoaeWf.
I. 8. West (low? iiiMirann?. Ortlo
opo(iilo the poet oflioo,
(ioodri In-low tout nt I'uiu'k. Now is
tho the i i mo (or bargains.
Nobby unit and Intern etylrs at Little
Jack's. Trices very low.
All stylos and qualities of bats at Abra
ham's, bedrock prices.
For bargains in family groceries, rail
at the lVo!e'B ntoro, Cass etreet.
All kind of artiiciali tectli uiaJe ret
sonably at Vr. Fred llayr-ee t'llicv.
Country ptodm-e ol all kinds bought
and Bold at Casebeer'e prooery ttore.
1'r. Fred Haynes does crown and
bridge work in an np to date manner.
Delicious "eali-riciug" bread at the
Home Bakery, corner Oak and Uotse
Call lor the
Rapp's grocery
iSputteJ Cm"
storo, If you
at Mrs.
pleasant smoke.
Nothing but the If st uinterial used by
U. W. lk-njamiu, dentist. Kooiu I
Markers' block.
Have your dental work done by K. V.
l'.enjaiuio, deptiet. All work guaran
teed first class
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
to receive and receipt for subscription to
Fresh home-made bread at tho llomi
Bakery, corner Oak and Hose streets
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wollenberg A Abraham, w hose stock
smbraces all grades of head gear.
The Bean & Meyers Hydraulic A
Ivclipse spray puinps can be ionnd at
Churchill, Woolley McKenzies.
Bring your job work to the Plaindsal
eb office We are prepared to do the
cheapebt ami Ul aork south of Port
.and. Yon can tell ciio who has good taste
and don't like to cat dirt, paint and
cbalk. He gets his candy at the KanJj
1'artics desiriug iauiily Bewin done
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, 421 Main street. Will sew for
75 cents per day.
Save money and tima. To parties
going East, go" by the O. K .& X. short
route. Call on or write to V. C. London,
Koseburg, Oregon.
Caeebeer the grocer, coruer Jackson
and Waebingtoo, keeps the teat grocei
ies. Every thing fresh aud first-class,
and at reasonable prices.
The Square Deal stoie has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Doogla
shoes, which prove to be the best shoe
made. Come and inspect tuem
One Minute is all the time ccccseary
to decide frjm personal experience tha'
One Minute Couch Cure does what its
name implies. Marsters' Drug fitore
The Kandy Kitchen had a big trade
durim? the holidays. Tue people are
beginning to find out that it is the only
place you can get candy tuat is nt to eat
Will sell cheap, or trade fr a No. 12
shot gun or small caliber Wiuchestei
rilie. a eood load cart. Uuns must t
as good as new. Address, box 31
Koseourg, Oregon.
Torturing, itching, scaly ekiu erup'
tions, burns and Ecalds are soothed at
once and promptly Denied by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure
for piles. Marsters Drug btore
Good pasturage furnished at my past
tures on Roberts creek. Charges
reasonable. All stock at owner s risk.
The best ot care will be given to ail
stock eat ranted to my charge.
Tho cheap rates, twelve dollars cabin
and six steerage, including meals and
berth are still iu effect on the O. R.
A N. Co'e. Eteamera from Portland to
San Francisco.
Steamer leaves l'ortlaud every live
days. Volsev C. London, Agent.
It ia surprising what a "wee bit of a
thing" can accomplish. Sick headache
constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
dizziness, are (juickly banished by De
Witt's Little Early Risers. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill. Marster's
Drug Store.
They are so small that tha most sensi
tive persons take them, they are. so
effective that the most obstinate cases of
constipation, headache and torpid liver
yield to them. That is why DeWitt's
Little Early IliserB are known ns the
famous little pills. Marsttr' Drug Store.
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Koseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party tiiking sand
or gravel first contract w ith me for the
r ik til to so ao.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aabom Kobi,
Roseburg. Oregon, March 17th, 1895.
Competition never worries us, becaust
we "buy right" hence "sell right
1 lie lacts are iiinso : every move in our
business is only made after the most
careful conniteiation, nothing left to
chanco. Shora liavn advanced in price
but not witti us. t e cell you a iroul in
grain shoe for f 1.23 and upwards, fine
shoes in proportion. If you doubt us,
come ami se us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We don't
care to do all the business in town, t'Ut
want to get a share of it. Wo lirmly
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is hound to go ahead
vear by year. This idea prevails
throughout our tinUro busiiiPijs. Every
dollars worth of goods must give tho
wearer satisfaction, even the all wool
absolutely fast color a 00 suits.
J. AubaiiaVm Clothing House
Bargain in Placer Uround.
A flus proposition. 00 ai res of plucer
mining ground, . of a mile from rail
rnarl. 3S cents Der vard as far as pros
pected. Two itiilo of ditch ulready
made j 3,' more to wake. This will give
plenty of water. A cabiu and other iw
proremeuts ou mine. This is a fine
(Joins and investigate. For
further information, enquire of
I. V. Rick,
Keal L'atate Lealer, Roseburg, Or.
Or J. F. tiiyaKS, Koseburg, Or.
ajqulrrel nt Marater'K.
Story of a Pioneer Who Came to Ore
gon 5 J Years Ago.
The subject of the following sketch,
published in the Salem Statesman from
the on of T. T. Gw, was the father-in-law
of T. J. Singleton of this city:
The death of William Taylor which
occurred at bis home near Macleay, Or.,
on March 11,1 S!7, waa au event which
deserves more than a passing notice,
for ho w as ono of the earliest of Oregon
ploneeia, coming as he did, to Marion
conntv tifty-otie years ago laft October.
There are very few men living who
came to Oregon so long ago as 1843, and
it is doubtful if it ran b said ot another
man in Oregon, as it can of him, that he
lived for fifty-one year on the place he
first eettled.
Mr. Tavlor'a eapenenco in crossing
the plains' in M5 included all the priva
tions and hardships endured, and so
well rememlerc-d by all the early settlers
who came tbi rouiitry h build up a
westeio i-orutnonwealtli 1 cannot re
menit er back far enough when "Uncle
Hilly" Taylor waa not a couapicuous and
honored cituen of this neighborhood
where I mjsell was born nearly half a
century ago; and only laat summer 1
spent a very delightful" Sunday listening
to him recount his early experiences
among these famous hills fifty yeara ago.
I remember be related how, opon arriv
ing at the Dm Chutes river beyond Tha
Dalles, it was too high to te forded, so
Ihov made a ferrv-boat of their wagon-
bed and, with all their earthly goods
aboard, started across aud lost the boat
and everything it contained exceptiug an
iron teakettle.
When durimr the last lall canpaigu 1
prnsseil the same river at the same place
on a fine enspeusion biidge, I thought of
that earlv experience, to common to
mmvol'onr pioneers, and thought it
would have been a good text for some of
our political brothers to etudy with care,
ana prooaDiy wun some oegree oi oene
fit. Bet-ides the personal lues always at
tending tho death of our older citizens,
there is. or ought to le, an accompany
iog tendency to 6tudy with profit the
great sacrifices they made in coming to
ihis country am. wrestling it from for
eign as well as savage dominion. For in
stance, when Mr. Taylor came to Oregon,
theie was not a grain cradle lu tue en
tire country. Mr. Faul Darst, who
settled near Sublimity in 147, brought
twelve irraes fcythes, and he, with the
helD of Hon. David Simpson, who no
resides in Salem, "stocked" them with
fingers so tbev could be need for cutting
grain as well. In the summer of 1S43 a
man named Lract naa iw acres oi
wheat cn the land now owned by Mrs,
Lute Savage, bu' then owned by Joseph
liolman. Mr. Crank hea-u.g ol tnese
dozen cradles, hired them with a dozen
men to cradle the 100 acres of wheat
Mr. Simveon was one cf the cradlers,
and took the lead, but tho wheat was of
such an extraordinary growth, that be
fore noon every cradle was broken and
be too had to be abandoned. Jlr
Crank heard cf half a dozen reap hooks
that were at v ancouver, owned by the
Hudson Bav company, and an Indian
was sent after them on horae-baok, with
instructions to ride day and night. This
be did. and opon bis return six men
were put to work with the reap books,
and with them theciop was harvested.
It was threshed out with oxen on a plat'
form, and afterwards men carried the
grain in sacks up a ladder ntteen or
twenty feet high and let it fall that the
wiDd miclit winnow out the chaff.
Last year when I saw a man go inro a
bcpsless spasm of three days' duration
becauso be had to send to Portland by
steam power after an extra for bts self
binder. I wondered. what would have be
come of bim, if he bad been compelled
to send an Indian on horseback to van
couver after a reap hook.
For several years after this cradles
were so scarce in this country, that, as
have heard Mr. Taylor say, different
men would keep one going day and
night in order that it might cut all the
giaia in one neighborhood.
Mr. Taylor settled on his claim in tne
fall of 1543, and w hen the donation land
act was passed, secured a title to the
ame. nnder the provisions of that law
and made it bis home continoonsly for
more than fifty-one years. He never in
all this time parted with an acre of this
land, save to his sous, who still own
their portion, so that all tbe original
land claim is still held by the family, ex
ceptiog two acres, wlrcfi five yeara ago
were given by bim as a church site to
the United Brethren denomination.
W'm. Taylor nas born in Hardy coun
'y, Virginia, January 14, 1810, and bis
parents moved to Missouri the same
vear. In 1S40 be was married to Almira
Smith, whose father, "Lncle Jimmy'
Smith, was well known to all the early
settlers in Marion county. As a result
of this marriage Mr. Taylor became tie
father of seven children, five of whom
survive bim.
In 1344 he waa living in Holt county,
Mo., on what waa known as the "Piatt
purchase," and in order to avoid the
perpetual ravages of fever and ague, he
with his father-in-law, go to
Oregou, which he did the following year,
la June, 1834, his wifejpreceded him to
the home beyond, Rod in March, 1864,
while on a visit to Ohio, he married Miss
Matilda Oswait, six children blessing
this union, all of whom survive bim.
During the first few months of his res
idence in Oregon Mr. Taylor made rails
for twenty-five cents a hundred in order
to get potatoes to eat, for which he paid
one dollar a bushel ; but during most of
tbe winter of '4j he worked at Oregon
City for the Hudson Bay company. He
was a carpenter by trade and worked on
what is claimed to be tho Bocond grist
mill in Oregon, which waa located on
Silver creek, one mile above where Sil
verton now standi. The old mill, as
well as the town which bore tbe name of
Milford, long since gave way to the
changing demands of civilization; but
some of the timbers in this pioneer mill
can yet be seen slowly wasting away by
(he side of Ihis famous mountain stream.
Mr. Taylor's farm ioinedhbat of Daniel
Waldo, and during the stirring limos in
the 4U's and 50's, that were pregnant
with events that ultimately produced
one of the best states in the union, a
friendship sprang up between these men
that was severed only by doath, and dur
ing the later years it was Mr. Taylor's
custom to spend at least one day of each
week at the old Waldo Louse and talk
over the old times with Judge Waldo,
who maintains the famous homestead as
nearly bb possible like bis father left it
more than twenty years ago.
Of Mr. Taylor's thirteen children, all
are living but Sarah Singloton and
George, both of whom have been dead
nearly or quite twenty years. His sur
viving children, Mrs. Mary Baker and
Mrs. Mararnt Maitin, who live in Doug
las countv ; Marion and Andrew, who
live near Mehama, and William A., Har
vey, Amos, Bertha, feme, Alta and El
viu, these all were present at his death
except the two first named, who were
prevented by illneee.
Of Mr. Taylor it can be truthfully said
that he was a good citizen and an lion
eet man, and that, having lived is this
community more than a half century an
upriuht life without ostentation, he died
bearing the confidence and respect of all
who knew him. There are few, if any,
upon whom a better eulogy than this tan
I e pronounced, and as a mun who from
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is "Just ns
good n Durham."
Kvcry ohl
known there i
as gool
You vill iiud one coupon iuu
each twonunccKig.niul liviicmi
jim ui.-ide each font ouiice
bag of Blnck well's Durham.
Buy a lag of thia cele
brated tobacco aud read the
coupon which gives n list
of Valuable presents and how
to get
Pill j;
The very latest iu
Roseburg Hardware Co.
his earliest infancy has known him well i
I have felt it my duty to contribute this :
sketch to the memory of my deceased
neighbor and friend. It will be many,
many years before he will cease to bo
missed by the people of this vicinity who
knew him so long and so well.
T. T. ti. 1
Adventure With a Mountain Lion.
A dispatch from Boise, Idaho, of Tues
day last says: One of the most thrilling
encounters with a mountain lion ever
known in thia state occurred near Ola, a
few days ago. Charles Uannieter and
Jake Woods were passing along a trail
leading from their work to their camp.
There was no thought of danger in their
minds until there was a flash in tbe ir
aud an enormous mountain lion landed
on Woods' shoulder. The impact
knocked him 'over, and bU companion
thought he was certainly killed.
HeachiDg for a stone, BaunisUr in
stantly attacked the beast, breaking its
shoulder blade. The lion sprang upon
him, when Woods came to his reecue, al
so armed with a stone. As the animal
was attempting to tear Bannister's
throat. Woods struck it on the head
and fractored its skull. The creature
still fought desperately, but the men
finally managed to kill it. It measured
nine feet from tip lo tip and it was found
that it leaped 3o feet in springing upon
The mountain lion never attacks men
unless driyen to it by hunger. The
now in tbe mountains had deprived
this beast of food, and it was ready to
spring upon tbe first living thing it saw.
HcBrlde's Bill.
Senator McBrido has Introduced sev
eral bills at tbe present session of con
gress. Somo are new and some are old
ones reintroduced. Among them are the
Appropriating '350,000 for a public
building at Portland.
Fixing the boundary of the Warm
Springs Indian reservation in accordance
with the treaty of 1155.
Admitting Indian war veterans to
Soldiers' Homes
To reimburse the state 305,'Jl5, for
money expended in tbe rebellion.
Allowing persons making claims upon
public lands to make proofs before any
officer qualified to admiuister oaths in
homestead cases, whether the lands are
in the country or not. At present the
making of such proofs must be before an
officer in tho county where tbe land is
Making applicable to all public-land
states the law to settle accounts between
the United Btatei and Mississippi, which
allowed for school purposes all lands em
braced in reservations which would have
been numbered 10 and 30. The states
are to be allowed fl25por acre for the
loss of such lande.
Reforming Senate Rules.
Under President McKinley's auspices,
if not at his instigation, Mr. Hoar has
introduced into the senate a proposition
to bo amend its rules as to provida for
cloture after a reasonable lime and for
counting a quorum. H is understood
that t! se innovations will not be pushed
at " ' nt, but will be ready to be taken
up a' i acted on next winter. This will
give the senators ample time to recover
from the shock of the attempt to intro
duce business principles into their pro
ceodinus and unable them to feel the pub
lie sentiment on the subject. Philadel
phia Iedgor.
Tax Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the assess
ment roll for the year iH'X is now iu my
hands for collection.
Dated this 10th day of March, A. I).,
18'J7. 1. C. Aoki.,
Sliotiu" And Tax Collector, Douglas
County, Oregon.
Churchill, Woolley A McKotizie Lave
just received a car of choice Washington
cedar shingles.
none just
the Planet Jr. line.
ol Orvgun, (or Doui;iM 1 utility.
John B McGer, IMsintiiT.f ,
.1 I. Mr'.iiilsoti (lid i
U.J John, Defendii!
In J. V. Nicholson u1 It. J. Jotnu. tlvfi ml
tilts In tUo uitnie ol the ttt' nl Orvifoti, nu io
hcrvl'V iC'jUirc'l to untl atmnvr Hit) cm
plaint lik'J atrnioil yn lu Ihv ahovu cntlilol
tiliuii. on or bi'foru Mnii'lay tho 'Jstli ilay ol
June, tho mni beiim- tha llmt ilay of tho n:t
lvKulai term ot Circuit ourt ol the :ato ot or
ivgon rr Doutrlas County ailur thia iitiblkalluii
is coint,iloW-il.
Ami and it you lull m lo rwer, lor want
thricl the I'iiiiiitilt Mill tiiki' juilgiiiiut Mi!alu-l
you tr ttie u:n ot ihrv huulrvl and thirty m.x
li'llari ninl for Ilia coM ami ttirliarM-inrnlit ol
thin action, all I uill -.!1 under a wilt ot at
tachment 111' pioM rty kU'in n n Hie liold BluiT
Mine, ntuate-1 in the Kxcel-mr Minim: Litrl-t
lu iotiKla county, Ui'K"n, and ni a.ply tho
iriiOceln ot iu-u ale loward the puyiutot anil
-antiunion ol plaintttfa said claim h' rein and
ol t ie cjata oi tnis acti' O.
Thii- siiniuio:i i.u l,ii -In d 10 the Haiud. al'T,
a newtnarrr ruhlt-Dnl at Kowlnirv. Or aon. by
order ol Hon. J. C. Kuilertoti. Irtuil 'udge of
ol the Me' ud Judicial Dmtriel (or the Stat' ol
Orwrou. (or a triiHl ol all umwulm eek
which aael rdei nan tiiailu aud euu rid o( r-c-
ord on the 6th lv ol February, ltf7.
W. W. C ARl'W EI.L.
('ltd Altorne; (ot l lniutl I.
Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural.
11UC (i tit., S. W. Waalilnglou, U. C.
For manv veaia la the (icncral Laud Ofllc
Examiner ol Contcala, Mineral va. Mineral la
Railroad aud Aurlcultural clalnia, aud Lale
Chief of the Mluera. UlvUIon.
Corrcapondcnce 'lied.
To The Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
Tbfa old
reliable and
1 tha
moat aucccaalul
HDectallat in Ban Fran-
1 clK'O. atill continue to
" I cure all Sexual sod
1 Aamlnal Olacaaca, aucb
I aa Oonnorrhna. aiacl
Strictur, 5yphlllla Id
iall lit form., bkln tl
iacaaca, Nervoua Dcbll
vMty, Impotency. Scml
nal Waafcncaa aud Loaa
iviol (lanbood, tbe conic
?iueuce ol all abuae and exceaaoa produolDg the
ullowitiK aymptouii; nallow countenance, dark
jxjta under tlie eyea, pain In the head, rluglng
lutheeara, lona ol couUdeoue, diOldeuce lo ap
proaching atrauirera. palpctatiou ol the hearla
weakueaa ol the limba and back, loaaol niuuiory,
ptmtileaon the faee, couaha, couaumptiou, eUJ.
(IIBHUM haa practlowl lu ban Franclaco
over thirty yeara and thoae troubled ahould not
tail tocotnult him aud receive the benefit ot
bia great kklll aud experience. Tbe doctor
curea when other (all. Try bim. Curca guar
anteed. I'emona cured at borne. Charge
reasonable. Call or write.
Dr. J. P. Oitiban,'6a Kearney Straa St a
Prancla o, Cal.
The pubh-liu' oi the I'fcAiNlK.i an have per
fecttd iiiTnn(;enieiita by which every cmh niilj
ncrilx.r thereto will receive a copy ol the
Hie best iiKiicullural paper pulihbed in llic
1'iieiUo Noitbweiit,
Old iiubivnlj" r n ue lUK will leieivc thu name
f4"r Fi r nu additional aetata, aubwrilitra
will bv tent Ui eeutn worth ol plant of thu
wbicli, beaidta being aJurgaUny, la Una and
olld aud au etellcnt iblpp'r. llring lu your
Which wo have received on
ot one )l tne largest nouses in ;tn niuuiMn.
These L'oods have been sent
on the dollar, which is
aud liciu.i; sold iu connection
solute cost.
Note the rollowhiK Astonishing ItarKains !
All Woolen Dress Goods, 56 inches
wide, Latest Styles
Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes.
Z Our Loss is
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear
( )nr floods :irr all of the
troods on hand. Never has
r. . .. . . .
l'nccs. Lull early ana be couvinccu.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds aud Mining Properties,
Pruue aud Hop Lauds of best quality, iu choice locations,
iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire ot
- "-a.
his is the
to Buy
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkius, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos iu Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
HE Air
Dress Ooodi, Turnishlne Oooda,
Mats, Caps. Hoots, Shoes.
Cloaks, Cape, Wraps,
Curtains, Etc.
Iu short, our shelves are filled with au excellent stock
suited to all tastes and to meet all requirements. Our
motto is : "A Squark Dkai.."
Corner (ink atitl
Jaikaoit hlrt clH.
Poket & Hutchinson,
Marble and Granite Works.
Hi. -mJLUkX
Kstimates! on all kinds of Cemetery Work
omce iiutf 0 ileaiooin. !7H Uk (lrct.
consignment from the receiver
us to dispose of at 60 cents
less than cost of manufacture,
with our complete, stock at an-
Pcr nri1
Tor Half lHc
Your Oaln.-j
Reduced to Trices to Suit
LatCbt Styles. No shelf-wom
there been such a Slaughter of
1 i
. jp' . a
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Every thing offered for sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
aud vegetables, to which vc iuvite
W. AGHISON k CO., Proprs.
Dealura iu all kludaof
laurbic ami (IranKe ltlonimieiitH
and lIC.MlS.OIK'N,
Portland Cement Curbing
Till.' 11 lit.' arm
nnin m SILVER
I HF U K (A Jl
,.,, ri.4!Hi .!; "i5,ViI'ani;,tv
Slioi lt d lint1 lo Siol.uin
('ttn'iiiMMItiK u llh
'I KAIL, HONHt.AN la, M ANt't'N
Nl.f.MON, untl mi Koolrnay
MImIiik I'Miupia ....
For I'nm t I u I I'elalle'l liiloriuattoti,
W rltp to
V. O. I .t IN DON,
t filer at 1 he Kmi'lcnl, Hmebtirg, lr.;or
V. II. Ill Ml. Ill MT,
lelll-lni l avitoaer Agelil.
. II. Mr N. t o..
I'oillaiiU, tt'Mii.
- VIA -
Southern liclllc ( o.
Rtirs tilnt tiav 1'ijf tland dlly.
mull b North
a .Vir. m. l.v. roriUud Ar. a If) a m
ixii a llr He-.iMna . l.v. I II 4A r. a.
tl I.Sa I Ar hn Krauelrml l.v. 7 U)r M.
Alxita tralna ("!' at Kaal l'ortlaul. Orri)B
I'lty, W iMhlixirn, .nielli. I urner, Marlon, JeftVr
aou, Allianv. Imi. i't Ml,,.,, llalx r, llarrla
liui, Juiu tiou ( ily. huaeiie. t rewril, t t,iaga
"p, Iiraitt. ami all tatioui troiu Knaouurg to
Aalilarol Inelinlve
lloM'burg 'I il I - llallf.
u. m u
lux t'lira:
Ar. I i r at
l.v. ! a iJ
rtitlcm l'tiMMt-Uatf-r Itatlly.
t ii r. m .
Ar. I lii.ll a. a.
l.v. I au) A. H.
mlu wis o o.iti:i mil
Pullman DufTct Sleepers
A.IhlIh'1 lo nil I l.n.unli Tralna.
West Side Division.
Ilrltrrru I'orilniKl unU ( urfavllla
Uall t .nlu 'l.'li ' . i''l Suatay .
7 Ml A. H. I 1.1.
t nl mI'.Ir
Ar. I h .11 r. at
l.v. I I :cv r
U I.. I' M , Al
At All. any mi l t 'urvullli iiiiiiim I Willi Iralna
olcriou t'eittrai A ! iiu ru TAilroml.
r i j r. . Iralu 1 . 1 1 jr iei,-e I Huti.laj 1.
It .!. H l.v. I'uitlNiel Ar.
7 r h A r. MeMiiiUllw l v I ' "
Througb 'lltktla lu nil I'uim. In
thu l.iiaitirn Htiiif., avuiaia anil
l.uroo tail bo obtained a. I I o -rat
ralra Itoiu tit'orgo lialoi, Agonl
U. KOK1II.KK. K. ! KOlir.KH,
atauailer. Aaal. li. K. A I'aaa. Aten
fOUl t. AND OHKtlOS.
la tliu Line to lake
To all Points Kast and South.
TtiUioUlNINUt AK KOiri tt. ltruua Ihniu.h
(ho c iiANi.a or aaa)
Caaipoiad al Dlnin, Cart Uniurpaitad,
Pullman Drawing Room Sloapora,
01 Littlt Elulpntnl,
i i it i mt Mi.i:i:iiia i Aiit
llnal that tan Imi eulinlriletej ami In
which aet'omimxlattuua aro both KKKK
and KI'KNlHIIttl) lu liolilvra ol Klrm ur
boc-un J olaaa Ttekulu, aud
l.l.t'.ii A VI' till (.OK II IN
A C'oulliiuuua l.luu eijiiiie.'tlnn with All l.lnua,
alkinlliiK Uln i t mid Uninterrupted HrU'B.
l'ulliuauHIteier reberviiUdiiH can ho acviirod In
advance tLruunli any annul ol tbo mad,
THROUGH TICKETS ''. and Irom all 1'iunta In
Amurlen, KukUu'I nnil Kuroiitieau Ihi purchaard
at any Ticket Otlleo til lhl ifiimininy.
full liiloriniitlcut CiiiieeniliiH ratna, lima nl
tralna, rotiloa and ullier dutitlla liiiulahvd uu
illcatloa to
l.ucal nKOiitut UuhuhrK.Or., or
A. I. II llll TO'V,
AulKtuntdcncrnt rBBKciii'er Aent,
Nu. lit I'lrnlht .c iir. WuhliliiKlim,
QUI0ILV liIODaeO. 'I nt'lc murln il ( "PTrlht
rrnl.tra i -al-MC Immui-an ' rvi-r auairii'iioo I
nromi'tly ap4 vbiliriilljr iiiiilurt i at luauii rataf.
Iiivi'iitiiina Intrt.durnrt. r..niianlt. rfrwud. AU1 FAT-
4 1NTH IOLO UN OUMMlaalOH. VI ti ara' airarl.uoa.
Hitftmat ri-frona. h nl ua uii.tlt l, kkuMi or 1'huto. I
l iiiviiil aiili ui'lanali'.u. ami aa alll rrprt I
wlilhi.r raUntiiMa (r nt. In nt i liarr' OUR rll I
lialaut ti atK-urvd H-u lill 'iii'ln.1 tu ialo lur yno Willi
aitra ubalK. .H fAdt HANU B00 aua Hal W E
nxeiaat. 'lltla ll lli ueiitt iiuii,'la hllln iialfnt hunk I
liulluliaJauJ vry luimU.r ttmulil WHITS r00MI. I
H. B. WlklSON ACO , 1'at.ui Hulidivn,
1 liioit ii i.i k. WAIHInuTON, D.C.I