Tho Plaindoaler BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM riiMlhlnl Kwry Monday ami Ihiimitay AlOa mill Main Htroal, uNi:iirio. omki.wn itr tiir -PLA1NDEAUR PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tho Plaindealor I'OHTKKH, DOIH1KK8, LEtTKIl 1IKADH, KILL IIKAlH, KTC, KTC KTO. Kxctild NfBlly ami t I.ivlnn Ut. Vol. XXVIII. ROSHBURG, ORIiGON, MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1897. No. 9. 2 ttwWk'X Motility (iwillue. l l II. KLKrf, llOhKIII'Ild tOIMlB, hiild iIh-h regular eiiiiiiiiuiilcalioiie at " I I). O. K. Imll nil w'oin1 and limrlh 1 liurwlr l raih month. All ninuilwia rwjiin!" 'Jli' I. ii. I r. aularly, mnl all vlUH brother eor- FIlKli HICKMAN MAIlKM, Hmervlary. 1) i.rnl An ..UTNIII.. MO. .1 JR. O. IT, A H - Nvmf Wnlllnaiiav liTruiPk ....1....1. I.. II... Ill, I MaanlllU 1111. vuiuni t.rolllul (U otJluy IIIVlll J" "'"' I.-..- lino, W. I'aaaY, lountllor. h Hecrvlary. t A I' HI' I. I.OIMIK, A. r. A A. M , HKiri.A niueilita Ilia i'l mnl caii'uy id cacti inuiiili. I'llhK JoHSHOM, W. M. N. T. Jr. n r, H'117. Ijllll.KI AUIAN MiliiiK. NO. N, i o. o. r, miri' nla naluariay evonlna nf 1K B ; llielr hall In O.UI Fallow 1 I'le t Kiouni iM cm bir ul honlr In Kix UMirtlni iliiH wl loallend. 8. W. VAN.IU.K.H. F.U. Mil fl.M. aoe'y. liOHKIlUIUI I.OIn.K, NO. III. A. O. O. W. liiwl ru lb kmiiuiI mnl Inurlh Monday pi r4 h iimnlli al7;.w p. in. l Odd Ft-nowa nan. Momlwniol llieurdor lu good tandlng r la lld to allttid. R F.NOIOKT. Nil. W, . A. K , M Kim nia Ural mnl HUM lliurauar ui raco ni. irUMKN HRKURy COIlltl MO. 10. MKKTB llrl mnl llilitl Thuradajrl la eh mouth. i Aiiuir AI.I.IANl K- K.-sular Quarterly A M.titli.ii will I held l lloMitiiiif, the Ural Friday lit ! ami June, uj lliu llili't Friday I 1 liranga nan, ormbrr, Hurl a autmbr. liOHKBltmi t MAPI KH. NO . O. K H..MEgTn Ihu a. run, I and lourlb lliliraday (I eacp mtU- HKiilNA KAHT.W. M. A'Mk H'IW!, M;C'). IIOMKBI KU HIVIMION No .. n. or u i., iiioet i triy fuinl mnl lnurlu BulnUjf. ROMKBl'M'l M II. IXIlKiK, NO. 41, I. O t n.-rU.iii I in'l evviilm ol en b l Ihu ul.l Ki'lluw liail. lnuini auirni ana 10 lurllol to alli'Uil. M Kill T W KM , N. . AM ATA HJITII, K. It. liiflliriu i.oi)K. no. 47, k. or p., Mitrre every WednixlaT cvrnlnl at Odil Follow Hall. Vlnliln KiiikiiU In Kixd alamllnc cor illally IuIUh1 lu altrud. l. I.oii.SKV, C. C. K. M. ( ONKI.INU. K. K. H. rult-aalontil Curd a. M. CRAWFORD, - A. Attorney at Law, Himiiu I. Mamli HullilliiK. IIOHEHUKU, OR. far-Biinlm u Ixlnra Ilia I'.H. tndOBlc and liilnliHeaJM'a a ipwlaily. Iile Kovolver I'. H. Laud Offloe. ui:!iii u. an-iws. raao. ra nrna. JUpWN TU8TIN, . Attorucys-at-Law, Koom 7 and A HIiH-k. 1. KOMlHl'KO, OR. yr u. wiLua. Attoniuy and Cuunnelor at Law, Will i.i.rll, In all lb cuurU uf Hi HUM. Or- tern la lli 1'iiuil II, 'in Doug) ciiuutr, Or. c. A. HICHLBREDK, 4 11 ..... 1 T .. .. . iViiunioy av ww, KieHr, Orrgan, OiBra urcr lb VumUiBea ua Jarkana atraat. J W. CABDWSIX, Attorney at Law, KOSKHURO, ORKUON. I.A KAYTT I.AM. JU0U U UlD0MAt. JANK A LOTJOHAHY, AttorneyH it CounHelorn at Law llambHrj, Vrrgon. ill pvarllo In ll tb cuurU uf Or(ua. Ol do In Iha Tailnr-Wllaun block. D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, IliMima ami I Imylnr A Wilnon lilm k. KOdCUURU, OH J'XRA BBOWN, M. D. ol-1- i;k, Iiirj JurkMiii Hired, at r idviicv ol Mr. J. Ulror. KOriKIIUKli, OR, J. L. BRADLEY, M. D. -Physician & Surgeon. OlllL'o lloura, Irum l'i to 8 r.M. laOur A WIImiii llrli k ROHKHURCt. N. J. O'.IAN, n. !., Physician and Surgeon, UObKUUKU, OK. Oillue lu H. Miuk St t'o.'i Block, upatalra. Calli ruiitly aimwcrud day or night. - K L. MILLKR, M. D., Surgeon and Hoinooopathio PhyHician, Ho-f)i.ri, Ortion, Uf-Obiuulo dlaeaaa a twtaUy, w ILL. HEYDON, Ooitnty Murveyor, ttiid Noiry I'uuiic. orru a; lu Court Houk', Orilma for KurvrytiiK and Fluid Notoaahould be adilrtsaauil lu Will 1. lleydvu, ooutiiy bur vtyor, Itutvbuig, or. H. C. STANTON Baa jiai rami vad a n and aiUnalv atork a DRY:G001)S ooNMnTitm or Udifm' Dr ()ood, BibboiN, TrlrnmlbK". Lam, Kb-., K.IO. -ALSO A riNi STOCK 0F- hoot.n niioi:n Of tb baai quality aad Bnlah GROCERIES , Wood, Willow and ( Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alau oa band ta latga quintal aad at ar1a V jult th lima. Alw a lain urk of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice TEA Call at Stanton's fur "I.. 1". M" WOODWARD -THK- USTLE ROSEBURG book Ci ALL COMPETITORS! Waara always in tho Lcal, anil mean to keep there. Tb (lulilen liar veal ia upon ua, anil farm art ara amiling liacauaa WooJward looai to their interest. Knll Trlmiiicil- TEAM HARNESS Thoaa are all leather ami Warrantett. SADDLES At Bedaoed 1'ricea. Coniult your puree and be an re and lea WixKlward before buvlnj. W. G. WOODWARD- J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY. A epealal brand jl uaadultaraled Tea. Ou prlaa COPPEE la having a latg aale New alylra Glass and Dell' Ware at eetoalahliif low inca. Our own eaanad TwuiMi are very unpular. JERRY J. WILSOrt, U'atclniiuker and Jrwdcr. Jnckaou tttrvvl. 1'ivudiHiriiuulli ol lilocuiu Hull. KO.sKUl'UU tfaVAll Uepulrliikt aiulrtiNled to uy cure will be PHOMi'TLV and carefully tloue. I'KH'KH UKAHONAB1.K. f STRICTLY PIRST-CLA5S. f HOTPI .McCLALLEN. MH8. 1). T. Mi t'l.AI.I.KN, l'ioi. HIAEIUAETEE3 FOR TRAVEL1N3 liEN. uati.h ui;ahcn.iiii.i:. Largo, Fl no Hauilo Knoiiia. Free Bu to and From Train. HCSEEUH3. Administrator'!! Notice. XIOTIlIK IS HKKKllY (I1VKN THAT TIIK A' uuilnmlniii'il ha Uion by tho t'ouuty t'niirt ol DnugliuCouuty, otulu ol Oivnon, HpiHilnU'd adiuluhilrahir ol ihu entalii ol 1'realiey V. (iu- .1 All ,mrblV llUl'llll. IhIIIH agiilnat auUt ealiite ara n ijulreil to pixaeut the aauie with propur vuuuhcrs within lx uioiilln Innu daluof Ihla iiiitli o to Ihu mi JithIkiii'iI at III homo lu lAMikliiK Ulan, liiHigl Couuly, On'nii. Duliul thla gib day ol Minvh. INUT. JOHN W. HKEst, Adiulniitrstiir ol the enllu ol l'r'hey mSI5 W, i-inMuU, iloueascd AND "Jin Wlifii CoIoiilI John Huy K"' t" 'I'0 Ootut ol HI. Jatnn an an AuilmR'adnr bin ffimo an a wr;t will liava rrt:l?J lilm. rcrluii' no two iKma won ir Iholr author w 1 I r K)pularlty than "Jim Illililao" anil "I.l'tle I'.reecliM. "Jim llluilao" wan flrnt publlnlit'l In Hoalon In Im7I, and ia aa (olloaa: Wall, nil, I tan't tell wbar ho llvr, (Mauaa ba don't live, you ae ; Ix-atwi). be'a (tot out of Ibe habit Of livin' liku you and me, Whir haa you bn for the lant lliree year That vuu baviin't beard folia lull How Jlturny liludno paatml In bla cbeck Tim night ol the rratrie IW1 lln weren't no rahil iliern igii.crfl Ia all tirettv mm h alike- One wilu lu Nalchci! undor-the lflll And another one here in I'ike. A keerli-M in mi in hi talk aa Jim, And an awkward band In a row ; Hut ba never II linked and he never lied I rwkou he never knowed how. And Ibia waa all tbu relixtuii he bad To treat hi tsnglnt) well ; Never he tiAxied on the river; To mind the ilol'a U ll ; And if ever the l'rairia 1'ello look (ire, A thouaud UuifJl ho awure Hn'd bold her nt.zle agin tho bank 'I'll I tbu laflt BOtU got aahore. All boala ban llielr day on Ibe Mii-elnfiii, And her day como at lit ; The MonaHtar hkh a butter boat, Hut Ibe lielle aba wouldn't be ird. And o abe eamo tearing along that nlnht 1 he oldest craft on the line With a iiiTKer eijuat on her aafety valte And her lurnai'e rrainmed, rutin pine. The lira burtt outaa ab i loured tbu bar, And burnt a bole in Ibe night, And uii k as a llaeh ehe turned and made For the wilier bank ou the riubt. There was runuiu' and cumin', but Jim yelled out, Iver all Ihu infernal roar : "I'll hold her uoizle ugin tbu balik Till the lart galoot's unborn !" Through the hot, black brcaib of tbe burnin boiyt Jim Hludno'a voice was beard, And all bad trnv in bis cuwedoets And knoaed he'd kup bis word. ' And, aura's you're born, they a'.l got off, Afore Ibe sinokvntacks fell, And Kludeo's gliont wenVup alone In the aruuke of the 1'ralrie Belle. He weren't no saint, lut at Jedginent I'd iuu my chance with Jim 'Lnugaide of some pious gentlemen That wouldn't shook hands with him, He Been his duty, a dead-sure 'hibg, Ami went for it, tbar and then, And Christ ain't a-going to bo too bill J On a man that died for men. A VANISHING DREAM. The Best Money Was Increasing Claims aa Man' Eyes Open. Uiulavlllo CoiiriiT-Jourtial.) Ibe rrocrcM of Japan toward tbe adoption ol the gold standard gave uu other shoek to the silver mnrket last week. Tbe bill which provides for the uiintau'e ol 5 and 10-yen irold coins has Daseeil ihu lower houae of parlianieut, aud it ia practically only a tjuotdion of a ahoil tinio until tho J.ami ol tlie liitiog Suu shall have u currency epstem ou a par, or nearly so, w ith the enlightenud nations of the world. The example ol Austria. KuKsiu and Chile ia re-enforced In a very powerful quarter. Like them, Japan recognises tho impossibility of re storing silver to its old value; it suc cumbs to tbe inevitable, and is 6vaimg its conduct iu conformity with the ex- Icouciea of the tiuioa. It ib an instructive circumstance, but one hich the silverites have ignored, that no backward step lias ever been taken iu the nrouiesi of the ttold stand ard. ltiinctallic countries have invari ably made efforts to check the deprecia tiou of silver bv legislation, and as in variably they have failed and have had to seek the securer basis. The most de termined eincriuieiits of tins sort were undertaken by tbe l.atin L'nion and the United states. The Uitui t uiou entered upon tbe task with what seemed almost a certainty ol success, for opto that time France, one of the greatest commercial nationa of the world, had managed lo keep open its mints to both mctalH, though the wisdom of legislators and financiers hail been taxeu to tne ui most lo regulate tho constantly shifting relative values, rracucauy tne wnoie western hemisphere was coining silver on the eniial terms with Bold for which populists are now contending. All.tliat legislation could do was done, but no statutes that man could frame were able to control the higher law of supply aud demand, aud the Latin Union at last fell of ill own weight. The United States, with enormous resources and with popu lar prejudice in lavor of silver, made a gigantic struggle, with the disastrous ro suits tuidor which the country ia now lalioriue. in is ih tbu nlaiu lesson ol uitiiory. in recognition ot it, not only Japan aud Kussiit ami Chile, but even a icprai American state and Ibe United Stales ot Onlumbiu and Han Donuiiuo. have eith r adopted tho gold standard or else are ti vim to do bo. Mexico remains a con spicuous exception to the rule, though Mexico U making great progress, mm il.n viowe of tbe sironueBt uieu of that country are said now to favor a change In until. It a nun that uiuukina is uisposau 10 go forward uud not to turn Dam. In the senate the other day, Chandler piosonlod a memorial from Uovernor V 1 l .onl mid the secretary of state of Or di'tiiiliuir the circumstances of tbe rm-ont failure of the lcuialaturo oi this statu to omani.a und elect a sonutor The document stated Unit as a result thia failure, no tcseiou of the Oregon leuialature had been hold, since l obru arv. 18H5. The purpose of the uieuioria was to establish tho right of tho governor to anno nt n senator, the memorial liku Addick'a petition, was referred the committee on privileges aud elei tious It la reported from Uamagauy, Cuba, that Salvador Ciuueros, president of the Cuban republic, is dead ; that Vico-l'resi-dent Hartoiomo Masao succeeds him as nreaideiit. and that Dr. Capott, ex-pro IsHSor of the Iluvana university, will b AMBASSADOR HAY IJI.DDSO." appoluled vice-president. TARIFP AND RECIPROCITY, The New Hill, as Compared to the McKlnley Law of 1890. l'lilla'1olhia I'r'aa.J The new larilf bill Is tbe niont distinct rid complete eiuboiliment ol the policy or reclprotity which Una country has ever umlertskeu, ita provisions sra more coiuprehensive and flexible than I tboaeof the McKlnley law of In'M). Jl,e nractical exncrlntice obtained under Die operallcns of that act has pointed the ay to a wider, more uireci anu more skillful application of the reciprocal rinclple. Its acceptance Is neither ptr- functory nor obatract. Mr. Dingley and his associates are earnest believers in eclnrortiy. and they have studiously aboied to preterit it In tho most con crete aud effective loroi. ineir pron- lem has been to open the way fr con cession which would give new markets nd new trade without impairing the revenue needed for the requirements ol the government. This has Men accompimiieu 111 two ava. Tbe first lslho telecion of ap propriate articles of import Uion which the duty tan lie reduced lu return lor special advantages lor our products in ,lio lotintries ot export, aoiodk wie eading articles tbns selected are sugar,, champagties, Hiss arm lacea. Thl.i is a broader enumeration than was contained iu ths McKlnley law. In that ait sugar was placed on I he Iree list and it grtaily reduced tne capability 01 makiiii intiorc-cal arranitemenls. hince sugar has been returned lo tbe duliablo nit 11 opens a large neiu tor nexotiatiou. Uermany with its beet sugar is a com- petitoi for our market as wen as r-pain ud Cuta, and tne competition in suar gives a leverage lor bom. ine ex;en- sionifthe list to wines, cuampsgnep, ilks and laces provides a fpecul and powerful weapon lor negotiations with ranee and oilier J.uropean countries, so that ttie priciple ol reciprocity can be xtcndeil to h.urope as wen as to toe American contiuent. Lint this bill introduces a su'uiid method which waa not tried 111 the Mc Klnley law. I5eidee permuting a re liction o! rates on dutiable arlicleti it in certain caee I tic tranHc-r of articles fiom the freo list t) the duti- ble list. For rnorelhan "0 years we have admitted tea, eoffe and hides free oldutv. They still remain on t ha Iree st. We do not produce them. Ihev do not come in competition (except idea in a small dcuree) witb home products, and it ia in harmony with the principle of protection not to make them subject to duty, liut this bill enables the president to nee inee arucies as ea pens to rouceiBioua iroru the countries from winch we import them. If we 01 en our uiaikct to their ree introduction we have 0 right to ak heir producers to open the market lor our products upon advaiitageouo tcima. It tlie president ioc-ib inat tneir mmvuiB provisions are unfair to thia country or do not vield concession which we can ecure he is autborixed to atop tneir ree entry and lo levy a duly ol 3 cents a ontind 011 coffee. 10 cenie a pound cu lea and P. cents a pound on llldeS. These provisions arm tne president with very large and effective powers lor commercial negotiations w uu tue ie:u- ui! nations of both continents. In tlie landH of mu admimatratiou inenuiy to the policy and intent upon seeking cp- noitunities for the extension ol Amen can trade, they open ;t broad held lor dinlomatic f kill and lor commercial en- lernriae. Tbe oolicv does not llieau free trade. It dee not endanger ade quate revenue. Tbe bounds and limits are so fixed as to leave sure pafeguards ; but with these provisions tbe president can bring the nationa to terms. e provide the best market in tne worm. iermanv and t ranee ore struggling- ior ts rrivileaes, and at the same time have liscriminuted against some ol onr products. 1'ndex ibis law they can pe brnunht to lair nluv. Accompanied by wise measures lor belter nieaus ci com munication, it will give us new power in the (South American trade. W e are ltocother tbe best cuntomers ot Central and South America, out at present tney buy chiefly in F.urope. A skillful sp- ilicatlon ol tins iaw anu oi me orouu nolicv of a merchant marine which should follow it will bring them as pur hacera to our door. W ith l's enai t nient wa sha II have a lair trial 01 reel nrocitv. and. aa tbe limited act of 1SW has brought increased trade, eo this will bring it in larger measure. Japan Buying Oold. Th Tjniim. irnverninent continues to buy up all bar gold nrriviog in the open market, in order to increase ite balances in the bauk. The Japanese government intends to raise a loan in the Loudon marital all. I ItuK 11 .H'OL i lit 1 0 H for Hll HSUe of 3,000,000 in progrtss, though up to the present time tne terms asauo ure . . .i .t.. i 1 ... ....... Lllguer tnau Hie japaueoo iuwuu iu iw i-o.l. It i alatd that lbe9U Hold pur chatca for Japan aro for the purpore of ..I. iiiiaiiiniT m i-iiiii Hianiiarti. nnii inai Japan would require altogether $40,000, 000 lo accompliBli thia object. As Japan rinua ni,i Imv Kovereiiziia. uiinn the ar rival of tho latter tney win o io in bank. There are nearly 1,500,000 of ..,.ir..;.Mia nl nmsAnt nn their wav tbith- V 1 I l ,u - , . . . - J er from Australia, which will go to swell the bank reserve. The Cowboy of the Boulevard. In ii... (u I- WesL the cow bov ruled bin hone right up the steps of the hotel and Into tho barroom In tho far Knst Ibe cowboy of the boulevard rides his wheel thrt un'ter anil up over the curb stone and acrosH the sidewalk, und up a step right iuto the bicycle ffToro. It un'i bo dillicult as it looks, w hen one baa ge t tbe knack of It. The rider sits oacit and lilts his front wheel to the new level and tho rest ia comparatively simple; but It the iasers-by always to n'O a bicyclist rido right into tho Btoie bcloie he dismounts. Tho lung ovoiiluo ilipjier ship T. Oakua. which left Hong Kong, July lSSd, 2.Y.) days ago, with general cargo for Now York, umi which mnl neon given uu aa lout. towed Into port yeaterday utiiriiiiiLf bv the Hritieu lank kteamer Kasbeck, Captain Muir, who picktd her uu lam Thursday, ine new were eic with scurvov, and uix had died. It is posaible Ihu deinocrataiacongroa may thiuk it necessary to light tho Iing ley bill just to let the couutiy know tney ' . hi ..i:.. i lull are win in,--vi. Till! DISORACE OF IT. As reported back by the sna'o coin mil tee ou foreign relations the arhitra- on treaty is a mam rigmarole ol ercpty words, and Its adoption will bring upon ns Ibe ridicule ani contempt of inllli- out peopln at home and abroad. The indon Times expresses civilization's sentiment In this way : "1 ho United Htates enat has done hat optimists affected to Ijelieve Impos sible, and what the cooler ohsoryeri Uionglit extremely probable. It ba) de. atroyed tb arbitration treaty; it has struck a blow at the principle of arbi tration itaelf, and at the confidence of be world In tho American people. Its action striken a note of levity, wanton- nen and Irresponsible caprico such as is, happily, rarely struck by any Icgis- ative assembly. Kvery word of that is deserved. I he treaty has simply been emasculated by tho grandmothers' gathered at Wash- ngton. The "amendment" provide for he siihmiaeion of all agreements for ar it ration between the two countries to ie seriate as a part of the trea'y maklntr power of this country for its approval or irnpproval, eliminates the supreme court as a permanent tribunal ot arbi tration and strikes out th provision agreeing upon tbe king of (Sweden as mptre. The Brat of these virtually Hol lies the whole intended arrangements fry reducing the arbitration tribunal to a nonentity and making the senate the real court In which shall be decided any question which may be submitted to ar bitration. The unfitness of that body to assume such a mighty responsibility ia shown by its disgraceful treatment of tbe treaty itself. To rebuke the administra- ion that framed the instrument without akinz tbern into counsel, these states men save Ibe mark have deliberately )caten down the mighty confederations of international well-being which htve lirred tbe hearts of tho people of two continents. A body tbu could show self so insensible of public opinion and contemptuous of the public welfare merely to gratify a leeling ot partisan, or tieis jnal prejudice is not to be seriously thought of as a board of final appeal in ny question aflecting our foreign reia- ions. If the treaty is adopted as it bus been repor'pd the llntish government will robably paas it over with silent con- empt. Hut the American people must ear the burden of universal execration earned by the Morgans su 1 the Millsee. And that is the worst ol it. Ielcgratn. BINGER HERMANN. Good Word for a Fellow Townsman. HarriNUi, Muhn, M-nensi:r. Tl... V. V... 1, II... .1.1 .imr,iin.l ll.ut All'. e-n .via. .i ...'. ou.i'.i n !'.... Il...n,ur.n tt i Iri.nn liaa lun B.. lected commissioner of the general land otllce. It is hoped that this statement is true. It is most desirable to have a western man at tbe head of that depart- . i i . i : . i : n . 1 1 i a nmnarnnilarataiiilmo r.f tl.M .it tr In ih Hnainofta pAminir iniw.inr haincr an eaatorn man. can have no tiersunal acquaintance witb the prob- i i i i m . r ii lems inyoiveu, wnue -nr. ucrmiuu, ui Mainn nf liia Inniy arvicA in rnni7ress aa a western repretentative, is thoroughly r....:i:.. :i. ll ,.l,nan. rA 1,a vmliti lailliunr nun an pii-wi v. m. ,-t.wi.v laiui uueinecs. Mr. Hermann was born in the state of Marj land and moved to Oregon with bis ....n..,. in iI,a a.rlv riCHac ft., ptlnraterl and admitted to the bar in Oregon and repicstnicM uiai siaie in tuiiieoB iui welvd veaie, duting wnicn time ne madrt a record the teople of Oregon hculd be proud o', being ooe of the most influential members ot Ibo com mittee on rivers and harbors for a num ber of years and during bis last term iu congress he occupied a second place on this committee. 11 was tne iaia hi Washington, among the members of corigrofu, that Hermann never over looked ft roint that would renent uregon md tbe last leaislature of Oregon, if they had been honest and true to the people, would have elected Ringer Her- maun to succeed senator .uitcuen. I'.-i niQctor.i lancrfil Hrav lias made a definite announcement to the Associated l'rees that the administration had de cided to adhere to the four year tenure of ollice policy for all pos-tmasters, except u a few rases, wnere removal ior cause irtiri nn an'niint of delinquency , incompetency or unsatisfactory conduct u tne aumiuiiraiiuu oi a The weakest - f place in a bouse , j or fort, or any i 1 nlace of de- 't!r turns out to be Pl iyVlej-ll 1waa thouRht KK-fo 1 strongest. The ' VB weakest place wjfl1 in a man's bodv is that in which he esteems him- i. a l.mA. nap, thnticrht aclt stroneesi. nu,a r.--- , i ?. 1.:. tn an MIMtlT. Dllt ! WOlllll iuiu ma "-v. w j - u n q iii that unarmored place the latal arrow was planted. It is usually the organ ... i -: - !.... a man tiiitiks buuiiwv. Ill U13 IAJUY wk w ""- ; . , ' ' j:.,.;. .ii,l Knttera down. mat aiaeaac asoumv. -- - Caution a man about neglecting his he anu anu nicmiun vwui-i - ,11 pound hla chest and laugh you to SCOrn. lie liuca , , t.... .1. iipfense linner, -i . m. ith fiuir con- niniUUUll UWUilunu , ceptibly. iuch by inch. The lungs once attacked the only weapon of defense is . i t . . ,i . . tne riRUt rcmcuj. . ., -r ii A.r..iiwniiitition on per ceui. oi an , , i. 'n ,i are cured by Dr.Ttcrce'a Golden Medical Discovery. It corrects disordered diges tion, invigorates the liver, makes the ap petite hearty and assimtlatiou perfect, C.. . i .1... u1...iiiita tllilt bus tne oiowi wuu ........ : build healthy flesh nnd muscle, and drives i Ji..a..nnrtua irnm tilt? All impunuct. umi uwcobv -v...- LI ... 1 All lti.rirtutal A it. I hnveusei. Dr. Vicrc Vavorlt rreonptioa wruc. n. -. :-,- . ."....i II l., Mun hi- l.ct mfd.ciuo that 1 asrd lit coinp'i .- a.....-.- ----- l'lMsuut I'dlels.' TheVi witl do just what aud they ore lecoiiiiucuiic. w . j.i..a ...:r nhnv, all oilier TUe - - --,-y women, need a good medical book. Ur. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser fills thia want. It contains over tow pages and too illustrations. Several chapters are devoted to the physiology of the oigans dts- ttnetly ictuiiiine. oomi .i , 71 to cover cost of mailiiiB only, to the orld a . .;..i Aua.iiiitiiiti. ltuilaio. .Lsnenry nicuii." - . . . . . .- r ...... ...n.r.i.AVi'rfll. It M. r'. -clc loth bindipg l wanted, send to cents fatra t cemi in A. SALZMAN, (Huece'-aor to 1. JABKCUK.) Prattieal : Wakhmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. DIAbKR 1W WATCIIEK, CI.OCKa, JKWELRY. AND FANCY .OOIrt. ataicf, MM auttlit) llrtty.lllun yv (i liiNaea mtl Hjicflnolca a COPLT STOK Of Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Cigara and Smokers' Article. Who Proprietor and ttana:er of lloaehnrg'fl Famous Bargain Store. mmmmmwmmmmmfea? E RAPP'S DRUG STORE. 3 DOUGLAS D L I AMI sr TAR. aaAaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaataa sWfTffTfffavavvavevwTe RAPP'S DRUG STORE. KRUSE Si SHAMBROOK, DEALE83 l.V 5IIE M FEY GROCERIES Hi PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO GIVE 13 A TRIAL. FREE DUMVERVi iflYL-IE PILKINGTON, Bucccssor to General Blacksmithing i rROTTINa AND RUNNING PLAT.E5 A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL, KINDS PROMPTLY DONK. Ktiop'oa corner WaihlaKton and Kane t., HoaebnrK. -dwm s. T j I n-' ; i . i u-r i liny xour ev'S from F.denbower Poultry Yard rn Orvtrnn. Eiai you buy oi uie are from niv rx - nd hittlihy. No lnbreeilini; in my vara. Willi or purtteulHrs. fond siauip for reply. B my own raising wltu tocli irom tlie neat yanu iu laniorma. yuiu auu - tlii l.iim ' Share of Honors at Ihc Sjuthern Onwn Oistrlct fair. At Oregon Mate Fair, Brown Leghorns won 2nd on breeding pen, also t wo speelabioa Cockerel and Pullet a being tbe best ni, ...i,iMhnn ir.i..i- tmimntlv tlil.1 nt ic ruau A fihaiiibro.ik Orooerr Store, or addreh as abov 1 AC.MRSTERS&Co. $ZZ : CJaS ' iJfJiSia-- "Weill Papor. A LIME PLASTER A FULL LIfiE OF ALL ORDLRS a - For Recent and Chronic COUGHS AND COLDS Brouchitii, MoaneneM, Lou u. vm, Irritability of the Larynx and Fauces, and other Inflamed Condition ol th Lung and Air Paaragc. AU. KIXD3 OF & CIGARS. One Door South ol V. O. ROSEDl'RO, OREGON, O. W. NOAH.J eiiiYii jaaav:aB uitu, .. BREEDER OF FINE POULTRY, S. C. Brown Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Langshan, S. S. Hamburg, Black Minorcas, B. B. Red Game E3GS, $1.00 PER 13. aud save money. The laryest breeder lu boutn- st bird and prize winuern; pure, stout, great exiKinae I have maleu mojt ol 1115 lieu of A. KRVB1C, Mauager. Cliaicc Collect ion, atVrlccs that 5ell. AND CEMENT. WINDOW GLASS PROMPTLY FILLED.