- i itt'Tr"r 'i I I l,,,M mi i t m ii I I Tho Plaindoalor The riaindoalor BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ruhlldliwl Kvrry Monday and ,hurdy Atoak and Mlit Mlraal, HUtlCMlMU, OHKUON - iir tii PlAlNDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY. rOSTKRS, DODGERS, LETT Kit llliApy, BILL I1EADH, ETC. 1 ETC., ETC. Eiecnlcd Neatly and at Living Rates. ROSKBURG, ORKGON, THURStyW, MARCH 25, 1897 ' No. 8. Vol. XXVIII. i . .. 1 . wiuti ui.uvmtljil 1JIIW1K. MO. I!M. their rrular ioniiniilililln I.0. 11. K . ball nil mnioiic. and fourth Tf V III l-K ll IIIIIUlll. All meniwra "l"" " t I ti-iiirly. and mi visium w ,..., fVS,i,SA.K.TOHTIII.B. IIKKMAN MAHKM, Hoerrtarr. Nil. J JR. O. I'. A. M. ereiiiiii a Hall. Vlsltlne 1 .111 1. 1 AM IOI1NCII,. I' mwls every Wedm-aday ....I....L. 1.. .1. m flt.l MaMililM brothers ai inr.ilaiiy inviir.ii" (ta.i. v. I'aaav, lotinellor Hneoiding Mwrtilar. t AUKKI. l-OItflK, A. r. A A.M..RKOUU i inn-lints Ilia l ami till Wadiiaadar la " " lltfcK I..IIKHON, W. el. N. 'I , lir, H'rcr. t)MII.K l AKIAN I.OIMIK nirfita HaliiKia ed to aUcnt). MI. a, I. u. u. r. y evrhina l aat'n wrra their hall In Odd Mlnw leini.la al Haavburi. MrmlMiri ol lia ordor In arrnd alandlni aralny II- a. . van.ii.r.. v. K. U. MltllXI. Hce'y. R nwlfliMlirl KHH.K. Nil. . A. U. I', w. fx ... i. iim K.-miil aud Ion tlh Mondays ol rw li tiiuuth a!7.i p. m. at ixm imw uau. Memhenol tha order III food standing ara In vited lo allaud. KNOI'OMT, NO. -.". (. A. R., MKETB Till flial ami third Thursday ot raea month. 1 1 TUM KM'H KKtJKP OH I'll NO. 10, KIT VV floii aud third Thuiaday In aaefe miu Hi. 1'AHMK Al.l.lANtK Regular quarterly A Meetings will I held al Oraiifa Hall, It.wu-lrtita, tlin Oral Friday In Hecemhar, March aud Junr. and Ilia third Friday In arplvmlwr. t OMKIIUKU I II AITKK, NO. . O. K. R., MIKT1 i no atHxniu aim murin inumi.ii i wmm UKCIINA RArlT, W. M. A,ka liana H, Hro ) . OMKHOUii HIVIHIOK NO ?, R. Of U ., iiKt'U niTt J arvotnl ana lourin cuuu.j. H. C. STANTON aaJnalttwalTtd a aaa Hluilti lock e DRY : GOODS coNninTlNU or Lftdl' timn (ioodi, Kibbona, Trlinnilit, Mn, t.lc., V.tc, - AIJIO A riNI BTOCK Of- HOOTS NIIOIIS Ol tka Uat (jualllf aaa Balab. GROCEBIES, Wood, Willow and ili Wra, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, A lo oa kauA la Uiga qtiaallllr aad at arloaa l alt tba llaaaa. Alw a urg atoca ul Custom-Made Clothing For Choice . TEA Call at Stanton's for "I,. P. M" R ROHKBl ll'l K. I IAJIHI, NO. II. I. O X). F rn.x i.011l11roU7nenl111nlra. lt al ih. 11.1,1 Vrlliiwa hall. Vl.Ulni alatiri aad urrlliifii ai luttl Ui atU'Od. MKKIT r-.fi', N. (i. AM ATA MMITII. R. Hc. A U'HA UJ1MIK. NO. 47, K. OF P, A ,, v fMlinwIav araiilnt at Odd rallowt Hall. VlnllliiK MUKUia m ioou iwauiui dial., IntlM U. UM)N!V ,,c. R. M.I'ONKIJNO. K. R.R. I',olcaaltil t'airda. Y M- caAwroBD, Attorney at Law, Ruou 1. Mai.tcn Hulldlua, ROHIBURU, OE. fWBniilnraa be for tba I'. 8. lnd OBIra and u iiil na caaca a clalty. Ulo Krvclvtu V. H. Und Otto. WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG iWs Up ALL COMPETITORS! Waar alwayt in tho Lfal, and mran to keap tliero. I Tha f ioldrn llarveat ia uixm ua, and farm ra ara amiliug U.auao Woodward looa to their iuleroat. aaoaoa u. aaowit, raap. raai IE0WN A TUBTIN, Attorney s-at-Law, KiMitn. 7 and a l a A Wllm.n Hum k. R. W1LLI8, ROHklll'RU, OR. VV, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will prarilra Id all tba oouiU of tka flUta. Of- ra la tka Court UnuM, Umiglaa euaatf, Or. 1 A. 8EHLBHEDK, c. Attorney at Law, IIIKaaV IIAUIvS.S Kull Trlininwl- TEAM HARNESS Thaaa ara all l.aathar and WarranUd, SADDLES At Raduood I'riooa. Conanlt yoor pnraa and ba auro and ae Wooilwanl before buying. . G. WOODWARD J. F. BARKER & GO. GKOCERS. KMrtaiy, Orrfn. OITlf oar tka PuatolBca oa Jaekana tract. yy W. OARDWKIX, Attorney at Law, ROHIBI'RO, ORKGON. TEAS A 8PECIALTY l.a Fa V KTTK l,N. Jl'DOB L. LotioAa ANK LOUGH ART, I Attorneys tfc CoiuiHelora at Law HoirbHru, Vrry. V, III piartlr la all tba imarU of Orf,B. Ol- floa la tka Taflur-Wllaua Dlucl. Aapaclal bra ad jl aaadulteralad Tea. Oa prlaa corrEE la kavlag a larga ula New !;! .1 D, 8TRATF0RD, E. Attorney at Law, Glass and Delf Ware I at aatualaklng low priraa. Our ova caanad Tomana ara very popular. It.u..,, II tl,1 . Taylor A Wllnon lllm k. ROJBl'R(l. OR M "XIIA BROWN, M. D. OFUCK, MW Jat'kmm ritreel, al rea Idviicc ol Mrn. J. lllrrr. KOnEUl'RG, OR. JERRY J. WILSON, Watchmaker ami Jeweler, Jacbaou Hlrcvt, TnodiHirltoutli ul KUiclim Hall. KOKUlK(l Llmpqua Perry Note. ilio oullixjlt for Ura.fi l.rutiot ropliere IIiIh aniNon la khxI, Tha orchard of H. 1). Kvana will tin la full irt-arihE. and ahould tlia fruit buda not m injured by the cold rain be will have a large crop al bla orchard hai 40 acroe. Ilia lartce Iruit diyer will ie tun to ila fullt ca pacity, but will be able lo Dauuie oniy a part of the crop. The young orchard owned ! J.I.. and 11 F. Hhaiiilrwk will have only amall amount 01 mm aa thia will ho the firat crop. They have 4iNM) prune and 1300 apple trrra In their orchard. W. T. Emery and J-orlin llroa'. orchardi will not corne Into bear- In tbla year. They hare Rood aled or charde. Mr. Emery having WOO and Foriln llroa. 2'HW treee. There are owtal other crchania near hrrp, but apace will not prnnit ua rrc ulionlnK Ihern. When lha eniira acrvaK coina into full brarlnK the tiueation ol how to market and the handling of Ihem will lie grave one, ae we are twelve- mi lea from our neareat ahippinK point. However, we have no doubt hut the growers will ilevlre "irji- echr-mo to diapoae of them to a good advantage. The hop grower of thia place are uiak- nK preparaliona lo liegio cuilivaiin their lion yarde. The iolea aretxiing aet in the 8Uainbrook yarda and aa Boon aa tho ifrorind ia In proper condition will opftlii 10 cultivate, ine jarun urn uc worked iu a Ihoroiiuh manner and no doubt but they w ill turn off an immenae crop. Tho outlojk for better pricee than laat year ia good. It ia remarkable to pre aume that the coming reason will Und the market with a very amall amount of old crop on hand, and 1 think the new crop will move lively and fair pricee be received. The auicar bed uueation nee inn lo le attraction considerable attention in thia county. Kurrouuding pliuta are talking augar Uteta at all limca. (lid Colea alley ahouhl ati in alao and do iom thing 1 the angar boet line. W e have a aoil that ia rccond to nono in the county and tho bcut could bo raised bore with profit. A meeiintf of our cillz-cna chould bo called to talk Ibis matter over and aco if arrangements could not le ruude to get capital intrrerieu in una uiauer. Dr. J. It. Pattcraou ia-kcpl very buay attending tho aick people in tbie and tor rounding couutrv. lie baa ieveral pa tieiita at Cleveland which we understand are improving. A son of Mr. Jitrucs Toolcy, who baa not been able to walk without the aid ol crutches lor over two year, ia recovering rapidly under l'r. l'alteraon'a care, and is now able to walk w ithout assistance. Mrs. ieo. Miamhrook left for Portland Saturday ou a visit to her daughters, MiSFca Martha aud Maude Hhambrook, who are attending school at St. Helen's Hall. Mre. Win, Kami) will leave for Albanv In a few Java to visit relatives and inetida there. I Miits AnnaClarkeof Millwood hub been visiting with friends here the past few days. . cam i'.vrvn, Calapooia Items. Itouia are as scarce as hen's teeth and aa hard to tin J. Wa woke up Saturday morning aud found our little valley robed iu white. Tho deeest snow of the Reason. Artliur 1 rnltie and Mra. lYMue were (he Kit)sta ol i. W. Stephens Sunday, W'ts are glad lo reinirt that Jus. Edison 11 able to be out again. 1 lie veteriiianan line been amoi.g our horse men and found one of A. li. Ilan deu'a horses to have the gleet in oue of Its worst forme, (ieo. McCulloch of Oakland was shak ing hands with old time friends here Sunday. John Hieiterd has emtdoved Felix Star to tiain and put in 111 his tine race horse, Kill rtye, lor the 4th ol July races So you horse jockeys must look a little out for John knows his business. Rev. Wallace delivered to his congre gntion one of his able sermon which wa6 w 01 th consideration. His text was from the Mb chapter of (Jalatiana and Ulli verso, ror brethren ye have leen called unto liberty, only use not liberty for an occasion to the Herb, but by love sorve one another. Hoi-kiu'd. No Woman of Refinement liver Knew the Use of Slant;. There Is no habit 10 easy to a'iure or ao bard to break a the ue of slung. U vitiates our speech, and especially marks a woman aa ordinary, though the ay be of eminently reaned birth and Juration. Toconverae well, even ele gantly, ia only a matter of cultivation. Study the Refection of your words, and Iter awhile It win be aecono nature to use only such as are esreotlally above criticism. All can not be fluent conver sationalists, but all can apeak correctly, ling only such language aa expresses hat you wihu to say, out mn in me angy fashion that too many yonog peo- lo think chic and convincing. - It may sound iroart and cute iu eoiim ears, to lie lluently familiar with all the up-to-date slang phrases, but tne beet people, the refined and cultivated mem ber of society, will never t able to dis cover any lieauty in Ihla knowledge. To be slangy i deemed to rje popular oy many, we know, but it ia a deplorable Idea, and it ia a pity to let tho trend of one'a education flow in such a wrong di rection. Many girls use alang aa they pulicigar- eltea, thinking to make an impression pon men by their worldly ways, tue ill le ' fast" toucn in ita dangerous prox imity to the extreme edge of the border line of decorum possessing that strange fascination that has belonged to forbid den fruit since the daya of l.ve. The men whose good opinion ia worth baying, however, do not cultivate the society of angy girls. Ita use may se only a habit, but slang will impress the bearer with a feeling that the nature of the woman employing it ia in touch with its bruxpnene and ita unconventional idi- ma. runty ol speecn may not necessa rily imply elevation ol intellect or char acter, but tho impression it conveys is nhnitcly superior to the one engendered by an intimate acquaintance with slang, no matter how expressive it may te. Arbor Day. jg L. BRADLEY, M. D. Physician Ik Surgeon. Ofllc lloura, liom U lol r.M. .All HeptilrliiK eulrimU-tl to my care will l I'HOMI'TI.V aud carefully done. PRICKS HKASONA1U.K. 4 A w v 'a a a . Taylor A Wllaun Hrlck ROBEBURQ. J, O.IAM, 11. ., Physician aud Surgeon, KOHKRUKO, OR, Office in H. Minks A Co.' Block, upatalrs. Calls promptly aimwcrcd day or night. L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoaonathio Phyeician, BJTCbiuulo dlaaaaea a paclaltjr, yyiLL. P. HBYDON, L7oiiuty Hurveyor, aud notary Public. Orricat lo Court Houn. Onbira (or Kiirvcylng and Fluid Notaathotild Ijo addrouiKl to .Vt'lll 1'. Heydon, County Bur ifovir II r k 1 1 i ra tir f STRICTLY FIRST-CLA5S. f HOTEL a. McCLALLKN. MHB. 1), C. Mil l.AI I.KN, Prop. HEArOUAETERS TQH TRAVELINO MEN. hati:h ki:.h!saiii,ic. Large, Fine Hainple Kinnnii, Krefl Bui to aud Krom Train. E0SEBUB9. State Superintendent Irwiu has issued his annual proclamation on Arbor Day Friday, April ml). Among o'.her things he sayi: "Some selections are herewith present ed, but they are more suggestive than otherwise. They may bo used according to the arrangement deemed best by the teacher. 1 would merely suggest the following ae an outline of program, in which tho accompanying selections may be used, along with others of your own selection : 1. Music, "America." 2. Prayer. ;i, Heading of tho law appointing Arbor l'ay. 4. Song by school. &. Recitations. U. Short addresses by two or moro persons, previously Invited hat Arbor Pay Alight do 7 ,. Song by quartet or choius. 8. Outdoor exercises tree planting 5an Jotsc Scale. I i-uii (iliiuna tr iwi ii t lir.uiulimir. f ?ul. ifornia aa the San Jose scale, has made its appearance at aiyrtie (.'reek una surliig aud is already oU'ucliug several orchards in aud around town. Kvory .ill'..rt alii,nl,l hn iiiuiIm liv tlin frllir. ariiu.-. era lostop the ravages of this dread dia- ii.tui. I iu .iiiiiiliivinLr ltrmutr mnllinila tin nieihrtioiy. ine iiohi and saieei way oi .l..i.ti. Iltia u-iilil li.i 1 1 irrlllk Ilium Ii n an,! burn them. It looks aa if it was a great sacrifice to destroy valuable fruit trees, lint aMulik aitvtAii it an. I ilutillu iiuulnw ail Ilia dv n i w ii'av'ieia ew iiuttnj i a yj we i entire orchard and potmibly all the or- . i , i.. .i. . ...... ii ii cuarua in tuu ooiiui i inpipin ymicy, iuacon, N Administrator's Notice. OT1CR IH IIKHKHY (ilVKN THAT TUK umloralKiU'ii ha txx n ny tuu t ounty I unit ol Douglaa County, Htulo ol On-Koii, hiihi1iiUhI adinlulitrator ol lh vatatu ol rruacvy w. una- ult, dvccaauil. All punwiiiH having elnlina uiiln.t mild ealatoarn rruu rril In uraauut tlia aaiiiv with propur votiuburi wltblu aix inuntha trout oata oi mia unvu'u n tuu unui-rBiKiivu at lila homo III Looking uiaui, iNiiigtaa couuiy OrrKou. UaUl this Bill (lay o( Mnreh, 1HU7. JOHN W. RKKiJ, AilnduUtraloi dl tlx' olatv ol Pri'ulx y liiPtli V. (inknutt, ik'i'iaifil. OP di The recent congress of mi'ithers ado ed a resolution against the wanton itruction of birds, which ia calculated to bring joy to the hearts of billions ol little mothers that are patterns of domestic devotion and good housekeeping e The 80.000,000 acrei Uncle Sam has re served lor forest protection and national parks will maintain hi reputation aa landed proprietor indefinitely, BUWARH OP THE SLANtl (JIRL. Crater Lake In ft id-Winter. M. A. and P. 8. Looeley of Fort Kla math, dcscril) a trip they made to Cra ter Lake last month, in a letter to Capt. I. C. Applegate ol Klamath hai la. i key made the trip at the rc'iueet of Prof. J. S. Diller of the U. S. geological auiyey to make some mid-winter observations at the lake. They felt Fort Klamath, reb. :! I. on snowshoee and it rcnoireil three day of hard traveling over the soft enow to cover the -" miles or moro of distance to the summit of Crater take mountain, tiirough the winter wilds of Annie creek canyon, etc. The arrival at the lake and the ecene Milan l.oofley describee in his letter aa lollowa : Next morning, lieing the ztitb, we left camp at 0 o'clock without breafaat, for the lake. Two mile op .'be sWep mountain brought ua to the brink of the most picturesque view which we were privileged to behold. There was the lake away down in the almoet bottomless pit wrapped in the snowy gauxe of si lence, while the trentle raya of the rising sun kissed the snowcapped peaks of the surrounding mountains aa the gentle breeze rippled the inky water far below There was a aoft breeze blowing from the toutb, while tbe mercury Hood at o3 in the shade and o in the sun. "There waa a thin skum ot ice on the west end of the lako extending eastward from the bank somo two hundred yarJs and probably hall a mile long north and south. 'The enow under the treee on .Mr. Victor's rock was five feet deep, while back farther in the open it was 10 feet, and teemed to be an even depth all around tbe south side. It waa impoesi ble to co down to the water aa the soow which had blown from the south, broke off abruptly from the top lor probably one hundred feet below when it would take it regular slant until within about the same distance ironi tne water wnere it would again form another perpendicu lar bank. Tbe water seemed to be as black as ink. We had a very strong glass with us, but we could not see any beach at the water's edge. "The snow waa all oil tbe trees ou Wizzard island and surrounding bank, while the strip of land running out northwest from the island teemed to be floating snowdrift. "We spent about an hour and a half at the lake, wheu we turned our shoes homeward, where we arrived on tae evening of tbe -"ih. "No pen can describe ine picturesque viewa we beheld ou our trip. No orator could do justico to the (heme who en deavoted to describe the mountain breezes, tbe ci isp mud air and delight fullv cool water bursting gleefully from the sides of tho mountains. Now wo are passing along oue of nature's w onde'ful creation a canyon wnere massive per pendicular locks nee hundreds ol lee l oc either hand. Again in open space, with massive peak all about us, do we nod ourselves. There nearest spurs are snowcapped and uninviting; those at distance iagged and rugged. "ine icenery at nines uariaaea oi weird and crotefmiu aPiHjarance. and is then grand and awful. Odd forms of snow, sometimes resembling mammoth animals, overhang our path or project from the mouutain beyond and appear readv to leap down upon us. Over all Ihia magnificence, enchancing the pic ture to a marvelous degree, shone the axure vault above." Tidings. Timely Topic. Many men who do not know how to direct their own labor intelligently and profitably are not satisfied unless thny iiave a lot ol hired men around lor tho women folks to board. Sorghum seed is an excellent food for oultry. It is regarded by many a in terior to wheat for laying bens. A Southern pooliry raiser who keep 000 hem sajs that one acre of eorghum will make enough aeed to feed 10) hena all wiuter. Ho long aa tbe American wool grower must compete with the Austrailian grow er who can produce at a profit at 7c per pound, he must give much attention to (he mutton qualities of his flock; keep ing tha kind that will fatten ao the lean and fat will be mixed throughout the carcass. Good mutton sheep are Ihe most profitable, In fact, about tbe only profitable sheep today. However, we hope for better time for wodI growers. Have yon heard of tbe father who gave his little boy and giri each a poor utile orphan pig and when after long months of watchful care tbey had grown to be fine porkers, the especial pride of their youthful benefactors, the father sold them and pocketed tbe money, every cent of it. We don't thick that any "Knitoroist" reader woold be guilty of such a thing, but if any of our readers ever have done the like, we hope they will not be ao mean again. Almoet every line of business bai iti tips and downs, and Ihe farmer who makes a jamping-jack of himself, drop ping one line of farming and taking up a new one whenever tbe latter, for the lime being, see mi the more profitable, nearly always finds himself, sooner or later, in tbe short rows. Desiring to forge ahead too fast and lacking tbe essential trait of "hanging on," be becomes a mere hanger-on. He load np at high prices and unloads when prices are low small gain and sure loss, aa many who in recent yean have thus become wiser, but poor er, can testify. The recent past has been a mighty poor time for a poor man to Lire land, mnne and men. with a view lo tbe ac rtimulation of wealth by imitating I be extensive farmer with plenty of land and mnnev of hia own. even though the poor man should be aa good a manager ae lha rich roan. It baa, however, been an ex cellent time for the poor man lo just hoe his own row industriously, and live with in his means, lbose who have lol l,l tba latter course will come out on too vet. while many of ihe lortner claRe are almost hopelessly swamped, no mat ter how good the times may become. If millets are batched too early they mi, molt in the fall, and for that reaeon it is not the practice to hatch Ihem be fore Marcb. Thia molting in tbe fall, inatead of beginning to lay at that sea son, ia the exception and not the rule, hut it in better not to batch earner. ia view the fact. also, that tbe large breedi require a longer time during whii-li to crow man ine email ureeun, and that only tbe pullets of the large oreeda shou d be batcned eariy. iney am intended to come into service next fall and then lav through tbe winter Light Brabmae, Cochins and Plymouth Rrwka ahonld be hatc'ed by March: I.sng-bans, Wyandottea and Minorca bv Anril 10. and Leghorns, Hamburga and other small breeds by May 1. The amall breeds sometimes begin to lay when only 5 months old, and it is not always desirable for them to do so, as it -. F Tl .,..11... is at the expense oi vior. mc punei that doea not begin to lay until ovem ber.and then starts at work, will prob ably lay during tbe whole winter. A. SALZMAN, (frrjccesaor to J. JA8KCLKK.) Practical : Watchmaker. : Jeweler : and : Optician. aaaaDaC A IK ft XlVw WATCHES, CLOCK, JEWELRY AND FANCY UOODH. Cap, ga aagl a Baraamaa. jgt- (leiiiiino llruttillnn Eye CD InnitrM nnd Hpei-liiclra A COMPLXTB aTOCK OP Cutlery, Notions, Toba:o, Cigara and Smokers' Articles. Also IVoprlotor and Manager of Koseburg's Famous Itargain Store. jmimmimmimmimfm E RAPP'S DRUG STORE. DOUGLAS I HIE AKD r TAR For Recent and Chronic COUGHS AND COLDS Brooch I tia, Hoaraencta, Una iww, Irritability of lha Larynx and Faucca, and other Inflamed Condition! of lb Longa and Air Pamgea. a f AaAaAAakAaaaal EL RAPP'S DRUG STORE. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, I) KALE as IS ALL KINDS OF STAPLE li FEI GROCEIo Hi PROVISIONS FINE TEAS HMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FULL LISE OF TOBACCO & CIGARS. There waa a young lady of Crvwo Who wanted to catch tho :0:; Said tho porter, "Don't hurry Or scurry or Hurry j It's a minute or 2 2 2:0-." Overheard on the Street. lleio id tho (liuutohboiice or popu list Btatosiuunbhin, overheard on tbe street. Two moil, ouo a democrat ami the othor a populist, wore tlis oiiHDintf (be Itur'flutiTO holdup, "Well." Htiid tho democrat, "I bolieye thnt tho majority ought to rule.1 "Yen," replied tho populist ornclt, " think ao, too, wheu the majority are in tho l'lKbt, but wheu Ihe tuaionty are wrong, then it ia cloaiiy the duty of the minority to block the wBy ' Thia oracle ia the aolf-conatitutetl regulator of affair a political, moral and reliirioua of this commutity, yet in his thinking out hia great schemes it baa probably never bteu auggeeted to hia mind that the minority might aometimes bo wrong. Orants I'aas Observer. GIVE 1'3 A TRIAL. I REi: DELIVERY.. Oue Door South of I. O. ROSEBl'RG, OREGON, WYLIE PILKINGTON, 8ueceaaor to G. W. KOAH.) General Blacksmith ing rROTTINQ AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, . REPAIRING OF ALl. KIND8 PROMPTLY DONE. 8liop;on Corner Washington and Kane Bts., RoaebnrK, Two Cougars Killed. iVn hirtra. cmizare were brought to iMnii Pna this week from Jump-off- fno l,v II. M. Polling and ana I. L. " ' . , -7 . . u -l.. I Keener, tne iornier being tuo iri bui who brought the cats to me grounu. v. D. frame, superintendent of the work being done at the Oro Fino mine, had gone out for a bunt in the morning and killed a deer wuicu ue proceeoeu to pic- nare to take to camD when ne was at tacked bv Ihe two cougars, and he not a - .1 .1.1.. A a I being in reach ot ma nne, gtauiy luiuc a hasty retreat leaving the deer for the new comers. He hurried to camp and Messrs. Collins and Reeeer started at once for the scene aud soon had tneir game laid out. The cougara had almost finished devouring the aeer. .uany jwo- ple saw the large animals Monday wuen iliav mrA hanoincr uo in front of Ahll a butcher shop. Observer. iiiieini lEHVUia, BREEDER OF FINE POULTRY, S. C. Brown Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Langshan, S. S. Hamburg, Black Minorcas, B. B. Red Game EGGS, $1,00 PER 13. Ifnv vour cci:t from Kdcn bower Poultry Yanla and hit. money. The large. breeder lu South ern Oregon. Ko you buy of me ara from hit be.t blrl and prize winners; pure, atom, t igoruua and heaithr. No lnbreeiliui in inv yanla. Vlth ireat exrne 1 have mated moat of my hen. ol .. . . . . , . . . . . . i . nki. .... I ln.il. Uv h hi. nit iiu-n mih iil' w in iuk'K mi n ins dme vliui id ijKiiiuruin. vine mu tuvj,-. the l.iou'a Share of Honors at the Sjuthcrn Oreeon District fair. At Oreaon Ml I u'j.ii'hul m, knulin. nn 1 . I ur A m,In ! An , ',ta k Pr. .11,1 Pulleta aS on exhibition. Onlera prompuy nnaa at ivrusx snamoroo. wroerry Jl,u,v'" f..r T'srtleulara. Send .lamp lor reply. " ai" A.C.nARSTERS&Co won Brown Ih-Iiik the beat The w eakest place in a house or fort, or any place of de Tense, usually turns out to be that which was thought stroneest. 1 b; weakest place in a man's body is that ia which he esteems him- . . l.a. u rrtfct Arhuiefl never inouciu i.. f,,m hil heel to an enemy, but i. in tVuit uriarmored vlaCe the fatal arrow was planted. It ii usually the organ - . " . 1 1L. 1. n lAMfViCT in his body mat a man uubm bkij, ;..a a&uiilts and batters down. Ciution a man about neglecting his fi.itii Ami nientfon consumption, and he will pound hia chest ana augn you w scorn? He does not realize that con nniMinn heata down this defense imper ceptibly, inch by inch. The lurigs once attacke'd the only weapon of defense is the right remedy. o3 per cent, of all cases of consumption arei cured by Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cdrrects disordered diges tion, invigorates the liver, makes the ap i,.irtr ami assimilation perfect, fills the blood with the elements that build healthy flesh and muscle, and drives all impurities aud disease-germs from the blood. All druggists sell it. " I have used Dr. I'irce'a Favorite Preacriptton and ' l.oldeu Meuicai uiacuyciy 7 "v;' writes Mra, O. A. Conner, of Alleghany bpriiis r.'""... IL. v "n.l have found It to I ,he I t' ;.&. that t ' used 1 haj ld hia "comnouud Extract of Smart-Weed.' Jnd PleasiiT Pellet..' They will do just what ... reeomuieuded lo do. Th newlv-wedded wife, above all other women need a good medical book. Lr. Pierce' Common Sense Medical Adviser fills thia want. It contain over 1000 pagea and illUHtrationa. Several chapter are jnnrl to tha nhvaiolotry of the organ dis tinctly feminine. Send 21 pue-cent tampa, ... ..T-r n.r of malhna onlv. to the World Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, vr ir r..r irr ronv. naner-covered. If . Vi,;.'h hinifinor ia wanted, send 10 cent extra (31 cenw in all). 11 m r aa - a- aa 11 z mr r aaaaaaiBlRtfSaka, "Weill ciper. A CholceXoIlcctiori, at Price, that Sell. LIME PLASTER AMD CEMENT. A FULL LINE -OF WINDOW -GLASS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLUD.