The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 15, 1897, Image 4

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    He'a With I's.
To the Public.
I I M II l I ll
(Plltsbiirt Chronicle-TWcprrnph )
Now the busy ofllce-ropkpr
'ftonnd the town cloth ma.lly cluc
I'lMrging every friend ami utrwnjrrr
To up port "hi in lorn place
Ami, to dear Mm loll his itory,
An petition ho unrolls,
(inn would think he wvcil the party
From a licking el tlio poll.
Upeiul koantiuf t r ft hp vanillin
Kvcrv hour t.l cvt r lv,
(ii't 'ii'kf mim' a until list's ihinkii
T' i''i will Fiir.-ly romp his way.
lie i iMiifl'l.-i.t i ( w inning,
A llO fTK hi Ha jlll'TVafC.
Ami thru proul:'l'!lit hi noitfhlx-T
That lio's pot il flick aa givanf.
Hut whpn tvert thing looks rosy
Then there iviuc a troiihlp aorp,
For h.P run acniuM im ro fi'c kor
Till he linila at loat a
l'vpiy oiip i)( tlii'in i hopeful,
All inilulpp in us. wring t hill)?.
Show their list?, at il thru ili'ovor
Kuril eonliiina thr Mine po"l names.
It'a Uo Into for further effort,
lr tl.rrn'a not an hour to wash?.
So 111' v roll up their petition.
Anil all filn them then in haste.
Tlipn pomp ilaya nf wrnrr waiting,
llopra nud fonts that thiol u a! o,
Ami oncli visit of tho poM man
Causes hearts to palpitate.
lint at last maprnfe ia ppiIpiI.
The appointment is announce!,
Ami the FCore of oih"e -seekers
l-'iml that they have, ail teen bounced.
For the man that gets the otliee
That each thciKbl would bo hie own
la a chap they never heard of,
And he plated hi game aloie.
World'5 Per Capita Supply of 5tand
ard Money.
Mint director lVf ton has inclu.led in
his annual report f ir th.p tiscal jeur lS:ti
tigures which throw lipht oa the conten
tion that tho supply ol tlan lurd money
of the world ha Ihh-ii contracted as the
result of the sue pension uf free silver
coinage in leading countries since ls73.
His tables show that the per capita cir
culation of the I'niti d Slate has in
creased w ithin these it years fto;u t'.'l.&i
to 24.0:1 ; t lie circulation of the 1'iiited
Kingdom from J 00 to f-O.SO; the circu
lation of tiermany from $13 Ml to $10 US;
the circulation of Belpium frcru $14 44 to
$l'S4i; the circulation if Ila.y from
$4.SS to O.Vtl, and the circulation cf the
Netherlands from $lf oti to ll!4.0 The
follow trg table gives the usual
tUures of
per capita circulation in e.' u ot tue
countries t woild for the latest
dates for whicli the fiju'es are accessi
ble: CouuiriiK. ciol.l. Silver rnper.
United States . $t).S5 S.7S $."i.H0
United Kirpd. . 14.: St. 0 10 2 s4
France 20.10 12.82 2.m
Ciermanv 12. Cl 3 !'t 2 41
,24 03
20 mi
7 3o
14 lti
Belgium 7.13 9.(3 11.51
Italy 3 2"i 1,2! 0.4"
Switzerland.... 5.03 .70 4.77
Greece -3 .N 0.4o
Spaiu 2.14 2.7. 5.72
Portugal 1.00 1.4" 11.71
Koumauia A'- 1 .' hi
Servia to 74 1.30
Aastria-Hunz. . 3.7'i 1.4 4 5t
Netherlands ... 5 5S 11.71 0.77
Norwav 3.7" 1 10 1.V0
Sweden 1.77 1.1'2
Denmark 7.17 2.3o 2 C'O
Russia 3.SS ,3 3.70
Turkey 2 27 1 t2
Australasia .... 20.53 1 43 ...
Epvpt lS.'.l-l .74 ....
Mexico 30 7.70 32
Central Am. S:a .00 2 14
South Am. Sts l.U 07
Japan M 1W
India 3 21
China 2 OS
Strait Setl'mts ttf.tiS
Canada 2.7o 1 03
17 30
3. mi
3 33
2. OS
t)3 (S
4 00
0 s.
Buinaria . . .
4 50
2 0i
40.IJO U.oO
50 10
The table of per capita circulation in
1S73 is given only for the I nited States
and the leading European countries, as
the data i unreliable in many other
cases, and the volume of circulation has
been subject to violent fluctuations in
some of the less advanced countries,
nun little regard to commercial or
economic conditioue. The table of the
circulation in these IcaJiog countries in
1373 is as follows :
Cuuutrifs CjuM. Silvtr.
I'af it
10 07
Inited States. $3 24 $ Uo
Great Pritaiu
o 03
1 00
0 9u
13 S3
30 Oil
13 50
Italy ; ,mj
Pelgium 4.31 2.S
Netherlands.. 3.0S 0.50
Austria-Hunt'. .03 111
Australasia'... 10.23 1.15
Denmark 2.23 4.10
Sweden 41 ,'i3
Norway 1.22 .8.1
The Wheat T-ade.
The local wheat trade is a trifle firmer,
bat the improvement was not eo much
due to legitimate ('resent trade wants a
to a speculative luovenieiit, based upon
crop reports on the continent of Europe.
Vueat cargoes are f.-eeiy arriving otf the
English coast. The situation icq ut pits
ent indicated lie- entirely with wei'her
conditions from now on to the new har
vest. As stated f'jiir wetks a;o, the
hhippiog aeaHon for w heat thi s'as'.'n ii
finished, und nothing more wi. I te done
until new wheat arriws. Wheat re
maining ou hand in the interior will be
used for milling purposes, and probably
this may not last until tho arrival of the
new crop. Some of the mills are re
ported buying Walla Walla u! Hoc per
hunhel. li'i'itaiiuns are i. jiiiinal here,
Walla Walla W' 32'-: VaiVv tirndv held.
and I i Is are for 81 :; . p r bushel
Uotnuieriial Kcvicw. March II.
Severe Watcli 'fests.
A'thougb no watcli Las ever rci-eived
at fte, hiigiamJ, the 100 marks that
signify perfection, the tea it niut-t pat
is no mean oue, and the pining argues
ut least (ouio ability on ihu part of the
watch to keep time. At Kuw a watch is
tested in every poiiion, and i's rate
measured and recur, h il i. y thehnr. it
is hung by its pendant, him ujidu
ciow-n, liung ir.jin eucii bi if, piaica dial
down and backdown and ut uny num
ber of angles, uud to linisii it u haked in
an oven and frozen in a pail uf ice.
Wheu it is considered that l.S 0 0 vihra
tic us an hour occur in u watch uml lit
must not vary a second a w.-ok, while a
' quarter-turn ot its two tiiim seiuvcD,
meaning the millionth of an inch, will
make a difference ot -0 lecomU a day, it
is easy to tee why co watch has eer
been ptrfett.
When President-SlcKlnley wae u eoI
clier he promised a colored man named
James T. Cheney, In a joking way, to
give him ao otlice should lie ever heroine
president. - The president has notified
, Cheney that the position of doorkeeper
of the Whits House, wortn s l.UUU salary
and 2,000 in tips a year will be given
him. And Cheney's smile is so broadly
(generous it is plainly visible on tba back
of Lis week,
I and my deputies will take the fie
to make the aaaeaament for the year
IS07 about March 15th. We will have
Held hooka allowing each persona as
nirnt and the deecriptlon ol their land
a it now stn, la on the arment roll
for the Year The land of I hi
county ha hcon checked oft on township
plats, showing that a considerable por
tion of the land te not properly deecriU'd
being placed in the wrong township,
range or ectlon. so that in aon e case
ion aie paying taxes cmi eotne other per
(otfa land, leaving the laiea cmi your
own unpaid and the land liable to U
old for taxes. In other caaes the des
cription is so indefinite that it U impos
sible to know what land is meant. In
checking otT the plat of the county there
appear to re a considerable portion of
the land that is not assessed to any r-odv.
This la also the case in checking eff lota
andl hvkain town property. In other
case I rind two individual both paying
taxes on the eame property.
I he law leqnirca that all property laid
off in I jts and bloc k he assessed by lot
and Mock unless the same is cancelled
on t! c records of the county. The law
require each person to make a list of all
the property owned bv him on tho first
day of March subpvt to taxation im ln.l
inc a description ol all real estate, and I
ak that each of on prepare such a list
and an accurate description ol your land
so that when I or tr.y deputies" call, yen
may be prepared to give in your proper
ty and know it ia correct. 1 would ug
pest that you prepare such a list and
leave it with some member of your fam
ily incase yon are going away trvtu home,
so that my seif or deputies can have it to
use in case we call while you are awav.
lie member that if we cannot pet il
ftooj you, we wiii have (o list your prop
erty frcm the beet information we can
get, and should we fail to get all of your
property and in i lu cking it oil on our
plata find it was n t assvfeed aud have
to astess it to ' Uuknown Owner," it
might cause you mnch expense and
trouble. Myself and deput es will en
deavor to make the cost of assessment a
low as possible by cleaning op the work
as we pass through the territory. In con
clusion I would say that the only eafe
way to keep your property from being
sold for taxes, is for each one to be nre
that all of his property is properly des
cribed and assessed and thai his tax re
ceipt show that he hi raid the eame.
A tax receipt is good only on property
that has been assessed.
W. S. Pritt, Assessor.
Notice to Tax Payers.
The law requires that each mal. be
tween the apes of 21 and 50 years living
within the county shall pay a poll tax of
$1 at the time of assessment, and if not
so paid to be reported to tho sheriff of
the county for collection at once. The
law allows no exemption for poll tax, ex
cept to active members of the Oregon
National tinard and all active firemen
who have been members of any com
pany for one year next preceding the
time of assessment, and exempt firemen.
That there may be no cause for com
plaint 1 ask that each perron liable to
poll tax le prepared to pay the same to
the assessor or his deputy at time of
making the assessment. I ask the aid of
every peiscn within the county that the
law may be strictly complied with. Per
sons exempt will be required to show
their certificate of exemption.
Kosebnrg, Or , February 13, 1397.
V. S. Pritt,
Ass:ssor, Douglas Couuly.
Tax Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the assess
ment roll for ihe year 1300 ia now in my
bands for collec tion.
Dated this 10th day of March, A. D.,
ISO". B. C. Agie,
Sheriff and Tax Collector. Douglas
County, Oregon.
How's This?
We offer Occ Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured hv Hall' Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CiiEXEV & Co. Props , Toledo, O
e the undersigned, have known
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bu:d
nees transactions and financially able
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists
loie lo, (.
Waiding, Kinnan oV Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Tole ! j, Ohio.
Hall's Ca'arrh Cure ii taken inter
nally, acting directlv upon the blood and
mucous surfaces ot the system. Price
75c. per bottle. Sjld by all druggists
iestimoniaU free.
Dangers of the Grip.
The greatest danger from La Grippe
is ol its resulting id pneumonia. If rea
sonable care is used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all
danger will be avoided. Among the tens
ot tiiousaLds who have used this remedy
tor Ja grippe, we have yet to learn of
single case having resulted in pneu
inouia, which show conclusively that
this remedy is a certain preventive of
that dread disease. It will effect
l-rmanent cure in lees time than any
other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent
eizes for ale by A. C, Mareters' & Co
To the Public.
On and after this date, I w ish it under
stood that ray terms for all undertaker'
goods are cash with the order, i find
impossible to do business on a credit
bams, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
torcasii. 1 . 1Se.sei.ick, Undertaker
RoBi'burg, Ore., April 12, 1895.
liuclcleu'a Arnica talve.
The Pes. falve in the world for Cuts,
liruises, eoren, c leers, halt Kheum,
rever hurt's, letter, Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all ekin Erup
tions, ana positively cures riles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect batiHlattion or money refunded
Price cents per box. For sale at A.
C.Maratera & Co.
To the Kootenai Mining Country.
The O. K. N. is the shortest line
and makes the ouickent time. Trains
leave Portland daily at 0:30 p. m. Bag
it'ige checked through to destination
Tickets on sale to all mining camps.
V. C. Lo.Mio.v, Agent,
UiHeburg, Oregon.
Estray Notice.
Came lo my ranch about the 14th of
this month, one hay saddle mare about
'J years old. The owner can have the
same by calling on me snd paying for
this notice. (. W. Amjikson.
Cleveland, Oregon.
ISIIIous Colic.
Persons who are eubiect to attacks of
bilious colio will be pleased to know that
prompt relief may be had by taking
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und
Uiarrhiea Kennedy, and if taken as soon
as the didease appears, it will prevent
tho attack. For sale by A, C, Markers
4 Co.
,FST with a Mt II. Itlackwfir Oeoulne Hull
lurbm la luaclaaa by ttwlf. You will tin J one
coupon Inttida each two ounce bag, and two cou
pon Inalde eacti four ouuee 1m of
Genuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
tiny a bt of thlacvlebrwtl tobeo and read the ecmpon
wblcb tvr a tutor valuable preienu and bow to let uieui.
The very latest in
Hoscburg Hardware Go.
Ort'snn. (or I'ouk'iu Cuiinty.
The Kncbur liuiMiiiir and 1
Liiftii AwwiciHtion, a corjnira- ! Stilt in K'inily
lion, Halntuf, (.To Korrckmj a
t. I Mortgaje.
S. B. rreble and M. 1. Preble
IH'fell'UnU. I
To K. H. Pn'blc and M. J. Preble, tho aUn
numM de!enilant-i:
In the name ol the State of Onunn: ounil
eai h ot you are hereby required to niit'ivr nnd
answer ihe complaiul ot the r-ainlnl abuve
nained tn the abovv entitled canv.- againvt you,
now on rile in the above entitlol Court and
cause, on or before the lith dtiy of Nfarfh, IvjT,
that bcine the Ut day of Ibe next regular term
uf tatd Court, after lx weeks putiliratlon of Uill
mmmnni, and you are hereby nollrted that It
you fail to appear and answer said complaint
the plaintiff will apply lo the Court for the re
lief demanded therein, to-wlt:
AjuilKment and decree against von and earh
of you for the mm of $v.9,(a with Interest there
on from the I.fth day of October. I";, at the rate
ol eight per cent per annum, and the further
sum of HO 00 ieclal attorney s fee, and for
clainiirTs cost aud dibnnHnu-nla of tins
suit, and for a decree foreelouniif the inr'.Kai;e
dearribed in said complaint, ond ordering the
sale of the real estate mentioned and uvserihed
in said inortKaife and Complaint, deacribed a
lollovvs, towit:
Il , 7, and 8 in block f,, In Chadwrick'a ad
dition to the tonn of Roaebur, 111 loougtaa
county. State of Oregon, together with the ten
ement! hereilitameiitsand appurtenenes there
unto belonging or in any way apperumini.'.
That the proceeds aiiflng from said ftale le
applied, 1st, to the payment of the coats aud
charxes of making said sale, and the costa and
disbursements of this suit lo lie taxed, and the
sum of sixty dollars special attornev s fees
herein; Jnd, to the payment lo piaiutlli of the
sum of VA Oj, with interest thereon at the rate
of eight per cent per ant. rim from October, 11,
InJfi. and that the defendants and each of them
and ail persons holdina; by, under or through
them or either of them subsequent to the execu.
tion of said monirajre to-wlt: The 21th day of
January, ls.n, be forever barred and foreclosed
of all risht, title, Interest and equity of redemp
tion of. in and to satd above real property, aud
eacn ana every pan thereoi.
This summons Is published in the Rosebure.
Orexuu,- PLAi.tnr.ALBa, for six successive and
consecutive wetrks, by order of H"n. J. C. Kul
lertnn, judire of the above entitled court, which
said order was made and entered of record In
open court in regular term time of said court. In
the City of Roscbunr. Douglas County, Oregon,
on the 1Mb day of December, lfc'JC.
January 7th, 17.
J7t7 Attorney for PlaintlfT
U a
and Is the result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
It can be en red by a pleasant
remedy which la applied di
rectly into the nostrils. Be
ing uulckiy absorbed it gives
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm L
Is acknowledged to be the most thorough core for
Null Catarrh. Cold in Head snd Usr Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and Inflammation, heals the sores, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores tiie senwa
Of taste and smell. Price Me. at Dm -.'guts or by oiau.
uuuiuuuj, o narrearjucei, new icna.
Containing Cotton Root and Pennyroyal.
T3i mrer nixw.,
tit ttit act silt rii labia
f nuls riBsdr lo tks trl
Mesuiln's Jrench Fu
male Pills, bavo been
sold for over twenty
years and used bj Thou
sands of Ladies, wle)
tiavesitven testimonlnls
that they are uuezoellnd,
as a spuciflo oioiitlily
mediciJie, forimixiodiatu
relief of Painful, and
Irregular Munsea, i o
male Woakneas etiv
I'rir. 1.00 a boa, with
full dircHilioua,
Sold by A. C. Marsters& Co.
Administrator's Notice.
uiiders'uued lias been hv the ( ountv Court
of D lUglus County, fctulu of Oretfon, appointed
administrator uf the estate of I' W. (ins
sett, deccaHed. All persons huvlng cluinis
BL'uliisl suid l atutesri! rcouind lo i, resent the
sainu wtli ,roN-r voueliers Vti'.hiil aix months
Irom uulu cl mis 110111:0 to the iiuderslgiied at
tils homo lu Looking Ulaas, Douglas County,
Dated tills Mil day of Mitrcli. IM7.
Administrator ol the est to of i Ten her
niSii V. (Josnctt. dcc aicd.
the Planet Jr. line.
A of Oregon, for Douglas Ceunty.
John 11 Mcuee, P!a;titi:!
3. I. Nicholson aud (
11. J. Johns, Dcfeii'tiiu ts. I
To J. ft. Nlcholt.n and II. J. Johns, defend
ants :
In the name of the State of Oregon. ou are
hercbv required to ai lnar and answer the com
plnmt tile-1 against you In Ihe alM,ve entitled
aetiou. on or before Monday the 'fl day ol
J line, the same iH-lug the tilst day of the next
regular term of Circuit Court of Ihe State of n
cgnn for Douglas County alter Ibis piihlicallun
is complet'-d.
And and If von fall ao to answer, for want
til, reot the planum will take judgment agnlti
you lor the sum of three hundred and thirty i
dollars and for bis coats itud ilisbureinetits of
this ai.'ti'ni. an 1 will sell uti 1, r o will el at
taebment the protu rtv known a the Hold HluiT
Mine, situaiel iu (tie Kcelsii,r Mining Distrlet
In Douglas i ounty, Crrgon, and will apply the
nroeeeus ol s-.u-h sale lowaM the piiyiuenl alio
sa'.isia Hon of plaintiff's sabl claiiii herein and
ol the costs ot tins action.
This R-.nninoi.s is published in the Plmndeali
a newspaper puMihcd at Kosebnrg Oregon, bv
order of Hon. J C. Kutlerton, C ircuit Judge of
of the is. eoml Judiciul District for ihe S:ttti- ol
Oregon, for a icrlo1 ol aix cons, i utl e wi k
which said opler was made and entered of n-c
ord on the f;th dav of February, ls'7
futd Attonuy for l'ln in till'
of Oreuoii. f,,r DousUa C'otinlv.
ST A 1
K. I'm ,b,
A. F. I'.ahrk",
and ,mta 1.
To Daniel K.
Daniel Hahrke
Defendants. ,
lliihrke one of the above nmiici
In the mime of the state ol Oicgon, voii are
f Ihe State of Oicgon,
hereby reoiilreit to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled eu'ainst you In thu above entitled
suit ,n the atuie named court on or before the
l.flH day of March, 1897
that being the first day of the next term of
said court, and you will take notice that If V
fall ao to aipcnf and answer said complaint I
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply lo the
Court for the relief prayed lor 1 11 said complaint
w men is 10 set iisme ou ine grouiul 01 iraun
certain die.l ,,( conveyance execuleil bv Hi
said defendants, A. F. Hahrke and liiisia K
Ilahrke to the -aid defendant, Daniel K. llarhke
conveying lots 1, 'j, 3 4. 5. a, is anil it; In block
No. one (lj au l all of block No. two ('.') know n
as Ilahrke s a l lition to Fruitvalc, Douglas
county, uregnn.
1 his summons Is published by virtue of nu
order of the Circuit Court, made utid entered ou
the th day ol January, li'fl.
jiitd Altoruey for Flaintiir.
Eaaily, Quickly and Permanently Restored.
CcLiiiaATBD Sstauaa Baatarr
It Is sold oa posltiT
guarantee to euro any
form of nervous proe
trstionor any disorder
of the genital organs of
either ae, caused
It esxessiso use of Aflnr.
obaoeo. Alcohol or Oulum. or on aiunt
or youthlnl indiscretion or over indulgence etc.,
Dirtiness, Convulsions, Wakefulness. Ilr&'lm Im,
Mental Depression. Hoftenlnsjcf the Drain, Weak
Memory, Diaring Down I'alna, Bomlnal Weakncrs.
Hysteria, Nocturnal Emissions, riperniatorrlioa,
lwa of I'ower and ImpoUncy, which if neglected,
uj ,rng w irmaiure oio age ana insanity.
1' guaranteed. J'rice. $1.00 a box; a bixes
ror..uu. nent by mail on receiptor price. A written
guarantee furnished with every $4.00 order roceived.
lo refund the money if a permanent oure is D'jI
effected. ,
'KERVIA MtDICINE CO., Detroit, Midi.
vSoldbyA.C. Marsters & Co
To The IJiifortimafe.
Dr. Gibbon
This old reliable and
the moat auuccsnful
HpcclullHt iu Hun J-'rau-Cisco,
still coiitliiiK's to
euro all besual and
Seminal Diseases, such
as (Jonnerrhtea, Olcel
Stricture, Syphiiils in
all lu forms, bkln ON
seases, Nervous Dehll.
Ity, linputency. ricnil
nal Weakness and Loss
V kdaaiilulkv: . of flan hood, the conso.
uueiico of sell abuse aud eiccsses ihimIiicIiik the
followiiiK syin),iouis; sallow ci.uiitcnaiico, dark
simHs unilur tho eyes, jialn In the head, rliiking
lu thu cars, loss of confidence, illflldciice In ap.
proHclilnx stranitera, ,alilatloii of tho hearts
weakness ol the limbs and back, loaaof memory,
piiutdeson the fac, coiiKbs, consumption, etc.
Lift. GUIDON ha practiced In Han Francisco
over thirty years and those troubled should not
fall to consult blui and receive the benefit ol
bis ureal skill aud extiurleucu. The doctor
cures wbvu others fall. Try hlin. Cure euar.
antced. I'ursons cured at home. CLaig.
reasonable. I all or write.
Or. J. t. (Ilbboai. tn Kearaav 5(ree 5aa
Francis 0, Cel.
0 c
$ 1 o , o o o $ 1 8 , o o o
Which vi have icccivcd on consignment from the receiver
of one of the largest houses in San Francisco.
These goods have been sent ns to dispose of at 60 cents
on the dollar, which is less than cost of manufacture,
and being sold in connection with our complete stock at ab
solute cost.
Note the l:oIlovlng- Astonishing Hargains I
All Woolen Dress CJoods, 36 inches
w ido, Latest Styles
Ladies' and dents' Mackintoshes.
"rrv-Our Loss Is
Ladies' and (tents' Underwear Reduced to Prices to Suit
the Times.
Our Goods are all of the Latest Styles. No shelf-worn
goods on hand. Never has
Prices. Call early and be convinced.
C . . . 1 1
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Parms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds aud Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
Xaaaers sis sra4s al sisasss SUsirmaiBiss SI m el saa eft assist
p'- ? tS '-a- sO -Or 'J.' Jf
his is the
to Buy
i'u .
w i; u a
iw r. r. uj. - r:i;
'iKAl I K IS
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Crockery, Glass and Delfware, Tobacco and Cigars,
Toys, Notions and Fancy Goods.
Migest Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds.
I lut-Ht I. Im; of TV. AH III (lie I'll). I'rlccs from lie tooe r pound.
m , ii! i iu . mi lo'i mi
I want your trii-lc, uud lo
ns an liidtiei iiielit to vet it Id
I muke tue lollowltiK lib 10
"a I
HINCI this
1 I T Ki ll
crul oiler: ull an t I will Hi
iri sent you Hlth a card j 6
like the 'itiu irlutcd (i
oslte, st 1 When the
card is used up you muy
secure the portrait.
i :, n, i i " r. i' iu i to
sTsV ' all and si e niiniiles of these ticntitlfu!
me present jou witli u ?lu lickul. Very truly
ja sr-asi. m; . JsT JI.
Corner Jackson and Cass Htrect, KOHif BUKO, OK.
I. H. I have on liiind a luri't nssortii.ent of ItODKH. siiltuhlu for both Innre and small elill
Ire n, wln( Ii 1 mil sell ut ttliiilesiilc prlcot . The
Poket & Hutchinson,
I Aru now prepared to nerve tlielr patrons with j rii ni ilrrQhnMQ
(Kirsl class (iooda and courteous treatment.) tint LLU0 nUUITia.
Marble and Granite Works.
Estimates Furnished on all
uuU'ia aud lroi4). :7i sjak Street.
per yard
f or Half Prlcu
Your (lain.
there been such a Slaughter of
.ts-f'sev. -o-c 7J
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Ivvcrything offered for sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which wc invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
& CO., Grocers.
r. y. s Ci c jcitt tTS tUtfOi X
in iu i m i iu r i uai''i jsi
Card with you and have your CAaII
AKIX Mine-lie. I out lo the amount of liu,
and yoiiciin have a Life Ilk. Portrait, Crayon or
Watur Color Tiuta, from any photoKrapli or tlutype you
may desire.
We furtl.icr assura you thai If llio portrait Is not sat
Isfuclory you need not accept il.
We xlvn you the portrait FIIKK, you pay only lor
the frauie.
Tho cost of Uie frame, (tlass, etc., will be at whole
sale cost prices.
i to 1 1 i n'li iu i Xijv, niril iTW"J jf
norlralls dlsplayeil In my show window and let
entire lot for sale very chcup,
AGHISON & CO., Proprs.
Ilualort In all kind ol
and (J ran I to .Monuments
and HiNidsloiifH,
Portland Cement Curbing
iToi 17s ism tsry Intu.
kinds of Cemetery Work
AfHit i;ani-i'iin tiui:i!H
, The 0. R. & M.
No lirliiu' ' I'm" l-trt tt
...., . llt,l llMICH tlTV
Slioitcsl Miio lo NpoUiit'
Colineellllg w till
111411., IKNMI.A1NI, MA It til
Nlil.MOlN, anil nil Kuwlrnuy
Mlitliist lutiipa ....
LOT hates a::3 TC.i:U3n 11:2213.
For I'aiuplets and Pctalled Inlornintloii,
Wrllti In
V. I. 1. ON DON.
lituco at The Uon leaf, Itosulnir, dr., or
w. ii. in mi. in it r,
tielu-nil rassenifcr Aactll.
t. It. t N. C o..
urlliitKl, tlrrgnii,
- VIA -
Southern Pud lie Co.
Riprvsa trains Inav. I'lM-tland dally.
Moulli I North
a ,vi r. ti I I v. - I'oithiud Ar. sin M
s, 41 . at. I t . - li,i hum . I . I 1 1 11 r M.
II tt a m I Ar h.ui Kiinii-lseo I v I ' mr .
Ahorr trains stop at Kssl I'm tlaud, OreK'oit
City, WiMalluirn, talent, I ureer, Mailmi. Jelter
sou, Allianr. lHK""t Moll is, lll y, llarrts
tiur, Jiiiicllon i It i l iiiien... Cn-swell, oiiaK.
iinur, lirain, and all siatloiiN Iroiu lloaehurs to
Ashland lueluslvc
tto.rburf .tlstll- llsklly.
ia. "isi. j I.v.'
X r M. I Ar.
Ar. I i r m
l.v. ! s in i a
Nalrni I'tsasM-iibjcr Iilly.
4 i r. h I l.v.
II r. at I Ar.
Ar. I in.1 a. a.
I t. I siu i. a.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
- A Nil
ITOMM I iss Ct l t l-nil AIIX
Atlaehcl lo all 1 liroiiah Trains
West Side Division.
llt-lwrrii I'ortlniitl suit l oryscllla
Hall train .Wily (except Sunday).
7 an a. H I l.v.
Ii A r. at ! Ar
A r. i i. -ii r si
l.v I I :.. r.
At Alliany ami Cor atlls is,uu,-t with trains
of Oreanu Cential .1 hasteru rilrad.
Klpresa trail! dally leieepl Sillida) I.
i'Vtr. M. T.. I'urllaiid Ar i ." i. u'.
1 it r. a Ar. - MeMinville l. . I : '-i s n
Throng Ii 'l lckrla lu ss.ll I'oliii In
lbi l.nsii rn Miil. a. niiaila aud
l.uiOii' ran be oMnlticd nl luw
rule. I rum l,nirti l.(-, Agrut
Mauiuter. Asst. CI. K. ik l axa. Aeu
I'Dlt rl.ANII OliKHON.
The) Northern) Pacific)
is Hie I.lnu toTaku
To all I'oinl.s Fust and South.
Tlslhelll.NlNdCAK HUUiK. Il nuts IhnitiRb
(HOCIIANiia ot I Altai
Cssipsssa ot Dining Cars Umurpsitad,
Pullman Orswlng Room Slstpars,
01 Lstsit Iqulpmsnl,
toi'hist .:: 4 H
Ileal that ran Im constructed and In
which accoiuinoda! ions aru both KKKK
and KOKNlrllllCU to holders of Klrst or
rk)Colld-clajuiTleetu, and
i:i.i:JArv r day oiiii:n
A Coiitlniloiis I. Inn coiinei thin wltli All 1.1 ilea,
afTurdltiK Direct and Uiilitterruptud Hurvlco.
Fullinau Hlecpcr rcscrvntloiis can lio secured III
advancio lhruii;li any agent uf the rnnd.
THROUCH TICKETS To and from all iMlnt. tn
America, KliKlaud nud Kuroim call In) purchased
at any Ticket OIUco of this iimpuny.
Kuli Itiforinatloii coneernlim rules, tluio ol
trains, routes aud other dutiills furnished ou
application lo
1. H K. Ill 11 K,
laical sKtintat KoselirK.Or., or
A. II. CII.tlll.TOPJ,
Assistant (leneral rasaenirtir AKent,
No. lil Klral Ht., cor. WhsIiIiikIoii,
roiiri.ANi), unttiuN.
QQI0ELT liCOkCD. Trlo utsrki aul Copjrldm
ritur4 uil !aumi buiiiiMi ot afur uiiuritiiu
ruiiitljr ami iklllftilljr ofu.dnot-ni t lowuit rmt.
Iiivtuitl'uii liitnilnxml, oitiiaitlv formoU, ami fAT
INTI IULO OK OOMMIHHiOM. M jenri' iiwrlomit.
liigitMi r ttmiii u uii'Uui, kt)i?ji ir I'liotu.
of Invention, Willi tilantloii, mil Kill riimrt
whthr titnUIl or (r ol lirti;a OUR rUB
hftUut Ii MmirttdJ H will ikiikIiii-I liu nu U U-r vuU Mltli-
r.ul fitra ulikrK. HSPAUB IIAHI) BOOK mid ll.tuf
w invvutioni UsshUhI inmli'd t" tiivmituri lrM Umiu I
wiumi. i ilia ia moil ooiii)iKi4j nttm itf nt Ihhb I
lubjitlil ftud aviiry lun(i.-fjhnulj WK1TB FOB ONE. I
H. B. WILLSON 4CO , iMiout iidturt.
Miirun timg, WASHINGTON. D. C.