The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 15, 1897, Image 3

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MARCH in, 1807.
a " ' ij
Tiit Ciiurc-liea.
IWrrmr church -- I'ornor of 1tni and Hot
ltiil HiiihImx Service: I'ruiulilnii, II a. tit.
an l 7 HO . in ; Young l'ii!g Union, W p.m.
Mr.. K w. III., k, I'r.i.l.l.iiit; Hunda; Huhiml. 10
li, in. Jiinim rliamlHirlalii, HuperluUiliduli
I'ravnt MvuUiik, TlmifrUr vuuliif at 7 SO.
MriiouiiiT I'liiim ii-onruer ol Main and lan
in riK. Hnrvliw: rrw!liln, 11 a. m
and 7 MI p. in. i Halilmtli n-honl, 10 a. m. F.
W, Wnillli')', Hll..flllti'll.littlt; lllul MflClllIf at
lnin nl Him iiiiiiiilnii u'lvli'ri Kpworlb Umui
i', jo in. Iliiiiid lio'lin'v, I'ronl.loiit. I'rayur
Mniiitf, Wi1iikiUV, l I D p. m.
Katst I.. Muoaa, Tutor.
riaoiniifit, noruar Malu and Uui.
I nxxitiiiiii ( Niim M-oornnr ol Cm and
1 ilm li. Hii'iday Hurvlre: Puplld worahlp,
in nli'l 7 :u , in I Hulitialh Hchool, 10. 01. 1
V. I' ,i C. K , 7 i in. I'myrr Mrrllug, WX1no-
i)f, v ) p. m.
II. H. lui.wimTH, I'Mtor,
l'fim'llpti'll.H lit ulllce, including tiiedl
ciii'', fur ') cunl cash, from t In ,1 . ui.,
h iii'ljiM i'iniiti'il. At other huuri, tho
usu il ciurgn. F, (1 Ujimic, M. D.
A HiiUiuaii, Uui tellable Jeweler.
Mull. I silver novelties nl HalimanV.
tio In Uui ltunnluuf fur the Unit cigar.
Fur llnit-claMH dentistry go to I'r. Littls
nf Ouklaud.
I'urii (rnhli groceries ami I" prices at
C ami beer's grocery.
Key H cm, Imported ami domestic
i lgiti at tin Ilonelettf.
(i.iu U In-low cost t faro's. Now If
:1m llm liiiui lur bargains.
Subtly suits and latest styles nl Utile
Jack'. l'iliv vnry low.
All styles Mini qualities of lint at Abra
ham's, Bedrock prices.
Fur bargains in (uinily groceries, call
nt llm IVKjl't More. Can slreet.
CuriH guaranteed liy "Our Native
1 lot I'M " .Mm. C. A. Flook, agent.
All kimli of tart tlt iitl t teeth mado ret
nonuli!y nl I'r. Fro. I lluyiioa' oillce.
Country produce ol all kimls bought
nii'l sold l IWIhi'i'i grocery store.
Iliivn your denial work done by K. W.
Hi nj uiiin, .li nlint. All work guarun-
tl'l'it lllhl claim
A l i Mklainl, T. 1'. Graves in authorlaed
to ri iiMvo and receipt for eubecriplioii to
I llll I'lllhlK V l.klt.
Biiug your juli wrk to tho IYainukal
mi ullii'M Wo aro prepared to Jo the
i lii'H.i'Hl unit bent work buii III of l'ort-
Our Nnllvo llrrlm" will poitivoly
rum all ilmuahcH urihitiK (lulu lliiporo
lil. ...I. Mm. I". A. Hook, Mill Btreot,
.4Vn uiuiipy ini'l luim. To (wrtiua
K.iiiiK I'ant, k'o 1')' tlio . K .A N. aliort
route. l!nll mi or unto to V. O. Ixiiulun,
ICuKi'lmrK, 'Iri'if'iii.
If you iluu't wm.l to miilVr with corn!
ami Uniioiin, li.ivo yutir tiouta and liui
iiiiilii ut I.. IjitiuiMilmrn'ri. KopalriiiK
iiiMiliy uii'l iruni'tly iluiiu
J or u H'xi.l lint, xtyliiih ami clifap, call
on olk'iilnTU A Abraliaiu, whom) Block
.iuibr,triH nil Kruilim of lirul guar.
Tim S.imrti iKuil atoio Iihb jtmt olicd
up lii'utililul lino of W. F. Douxlaa
hIioum, w Mrh prove to bo tho Unt Bhooa
iini'li'. t'utuo ami itinport tliam.
t)ui Miniilo i till tho timo neroseary
lo dot i li fr jiu iH intiuil (.'ixrlonco that
Hint Miniilo I'ouiih l'uro Iocb what it
iiumu implicit. Murntorii' Urug Moro.
Th ci Kiiiuly Kiiihcii hail a big trade
luring tho holnlnyii. Tlio lieuplo aro
liiKiiiiiitK I" llml out that it I tho only
pl.u i yuii can tiot ciiinly that ia lit lo eat.
.. Fnuui'tihnrg In etili on top. He
carrion ii lull Htock of choice inumc, mu
Micul iiiHtriiuiniitH, violin, guitars, accord
kuih iU'., violin ntrin of beHt quality
tilwavn uii liiiiul.
Tor I in inn, itching, nnily ekln erup
tiui.H, 1'iiriiB tind Iccalda are Boothinl at
unci' uinl promptly lu-alcd by ItoVYitl'a
Witch IFucI Salvn, tho bwt known cure
for pllort. Murntor'a Urug Store.
The chi'iip rati'H, twidve dollara cabin
nml nix Mti'i-rugi', including nioala and
hiirth nro alill in effoct on the O. K.
A N. Co'h. BteainorH from l'ortland to
Hun FrunciHco.
Hteamor luavua Forlland every are
iluys. Voi.skV C. Ix).nikis, Agotit.
Many cam a of "Cirippo" have lately
been cured by (hie Minuto Cough Cure.
IhiH preparation et'ems eecially
inhipteil to the cure of this diseaee. It
ucta quickly thiie preventing terloue
coinplicutioiiH and bud c Meets iu which
thiri diHciiHo often leaves the patient.
Mttraters' Drug Store.
Noticu ih hereby given to the public
by the umiormgnod that I do not allow
dead HiiiinaU to bo burled on niy prem
Ihoh, at KoHeburg, t)nKou, or garbage
diiiiipod thereon or wind or gravel taken
thorolroiu. iiiiIohh the party taking Band
or gravel llrnt contract with me for the
right to ho do.
TrosHp;iHHcrH will bo prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aahon Hob,
UoHohurg. Oregon, March 17th, 18U6.
I.liuc iintl blue iirtul, for irn
luw pin iohi m til MiirMtr',
ICIvclrlc 1IIIUTM.
Klectiiu Hitters i a niodicino suited (or
any HiMson, but perhaps nioro generally
iiei'ded, when the hliignld exhttllHted
fi'i'ling preyuilH, when tho liver is torpid
uihI HluguiHh mid the need of u tuuio and
alterative in felt. A prompt use of this
iiiudic ino Iiiih often averted long ami lr
hups fatal bilious foyers. No modiciiie
will net uioie surely in counteracting and
liceiug the HyHtein from the malarial
poiHoii. Ilimilacho, Indigestion, Conti
putioii, Piy.ini'HH yield to lUoctrla Hit
tciH. full', mul 1 .00 per bottles at A. C.
MiiiHti'rs' Ihiig Store.
Rhcumatlsni Quickly Cured.
After having been contlued to the
house for eleven days and paying out
in doctor bills without benetlt, Mr. Frank
PoIhoii of Sault Ste. Maiie, Mich., was
cured by one bottle of Chuiuberlalu'i
1'aiii Halm costing 2.") cents and hae not
since been troubled with that complaint.
For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co.
Go to aiw gtmt : dtid
ask for Schiwfs &fii&
Japan, KnffliSlJi QCst,
Qt&loiifr Cbyi5h, or tlto
He -will pav ypu your
'ni?y back if $6u dtfiVt
Caro Brofl. art th boat mtrchaota.
J. II. Dearling it over from Oakland.
lour cent toweling at the Novelty
Try your luck at the grab bug. Nov
elty More.
The heat 60 cent nevu rip shirt at tha
Novelly Htore.
L. W. Ferklm, of Drain, ia a visitor In
tho city today.
(Ico. (nine, of Hlddlo, waa npon tha
strenls Haiunlay.
Tho. fiuilirln was in the city Satur
day from Winchester.
1. H. West don insurance. Office
opposite the post olllce,
Joseph Lyons, the Drain druggist,
was In the city yesterday,
A. K. Crouch, of Camas Valley, was a
visitor in the city Frl.lny.
A man by the name of Marlin Is quite
sick st tho county hospital.
J. II. Cochran, of Wilbur was a guest
of tho McClalleii last week.
Ladles buy your belts at the Novelly
Storo latest stylus at low prices.
Hon. (too. W. Kiddle was in the city
Saturday on his way to Portland.
The republicans of Dallas, Folk county,
will nominate a city ticket Thursday.
(treat lost of stock is reported from
Benton couuly because of cold weather.
New lino of muslin underwear, night
gowns, chemise, etc., at the Novelty
Tiiat new Ver morel spray ucule sold
by Churchill, Woulley V McKonzie is a
dandy. ,
Dr. M. W. Davis has opened an office
opposite tho iioatoflioe, in the Hoover
Mis. Koland Agee, who waa some
what In-tier a djy or two ago, is not bo
well today.
Churchill, Woulley A McKenzle have
just received a car of cholco Washington
cedar shingles.
A full line of I'lsnet Jr.. garden tools
hoes, rakes, etc,, at Churchill, Woolley
A McKeniio's.
Do you want a K'xl strawlierry plant?
dill around tu this ollice and find out
where to gi't some.
W. K. Yates, district attorney, came
in from Ida home at Corvallit on the
overland this morning.
W. N. Moore, of Kucklcs, is in town.
He will have a little busiueis with the
circuit court this week.
Geo. Kiecli , Kelly Duncan and Join
Hall, citiisens of Myrtle Creek, wero at
t'io county seal Fridny.
The store of M. V. Kounls, at llalsey,
Linn county, was burglarized Thursday
night and about fik) tnkeu.
It was ri'K)rted that Hon. Finger Her
mann would be appointed commissioner
of the general land office today.
L. II. Fields, superintendent of the S.
1'. Co. 'a lines In Oregon, was here Fri
day, returning north that evening.
Money to loan on city and country
proiierly. I). 8. K. Buck,
Marstera' Building, Roreburg, Or.
Now is the lime to spray your trees.
Buy the Combination Sprayer and suve
time and money. W. H. Gordon, agent.
Dr. (F.bme will give iierscriptioua in
cluding medicine, between certain hours
(or 60 cents cash. See notice in another
Agent Uoopengaruer, of Myrtle Creek
is here. The matter of the assault upon
him last winter w ill be considered by
the court.
Wollenberg A Abraham of the Square
Deal Store are now receiving a nice lot
of spring goods. Latest styles and low
est prices.
Churchill, Woolley A McKensie have
several new patterns of Bridge A
Beacb Buperior cook stoves. Call and
see them.
Experience proves the merit of Hood's
Sarssparilla. It cures all forms of blood
diseases, tones the stomach, builds up
the neryet.
(Jentlemeu, we have just received a
new line ol halt and caps, at unusually
low prices. Bo convinced by calling at
the Novelty Store.
XV. 8. Moon sold bis bowling alley to
Dale Willis last week, and the new pro
prietor is in churgo and smilingly re
ceives his patrons.
Tho combination sprayer is all the rage
now, Mr. W. 11. Gordon, the local
agent is tukiug orders ami delivering
sprayers to purchasers.
Wednesday next will be St. Fat rick's
day and iu honor of tho patron Baint of
the KiuoraUl IhIo many decorations of
green ribbon will be worn.
Wo will leavo it to you if our -3 ceut
ties and suspenders aro not the best
values und patterns you have seen. Call
mid see them at the Novelty Store.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is known to bo an
honest medicine, aud it actually cures
when all others (ail. Take it now.
Saturday was quite an animated day
in town. Though the weather was not
all that could be desired, many farmers
were la from tho surrounding country.
E. Du Gas, rhyelclan and Surgeou,
ottioe in Maraters building. Culls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Uesidouco, Oil Mill street.
. A pair of pants equal to any you ever
gave a dollar and a half for, that will
not rip or you cAunot pull apart, can be
found (or one dollar at the Novelly Store
' Goods of questionable quality are not
good at any price. You'll tind the good
quality, best values, and late stylet in
our new line of early spring dress goods
of wool mixtures and cotton checks.
Novelty Store.
Mrs. Abraham, her eon Albert, and
Mist Iliokle, who left here for Baltimore
a few duyt ago for the purpose of con
lulling eminent medical authorities con
corning the case of Mil. Abraham, lately
urived there on Friday last.
Hon. J. T. Bridge, who bat been quite
lick at hit borne In Drain since the ad
Journrnent of lb legislature, Islmprov
Ing and able to be out little.
i ne J'.pwortu league will give a
"Grandma's Garden" social at the M.
E. Church, Friday the 1Mb, Refresh
monts will be served. Admission 10c.
It begins to feel a little like spring
again. The cold map was a good thing
anyway. It kept the fruit back. Th
danger of a killing frost now It very
JUarshfiold It experiencing revival
of religion. Mrs. Kmma M. Barrett, th
vangellst, Is holding forth to larg audi
ences, nightly, In th Methodist Church
The Hallway Mall Clerks' Association
pstsed through on a special about 2
o'clock yesterday morning. Itoaeborg
tioople didn't get a chance to see wbat
they lookod Ilk.
Messrs. Woodruff and Ward of French
Settlement, wero interviewing the super
intendent of schools on Saturday, ie
garding some Utile misunderstanding in
their school district.
Si Burt was making things a little In
teresting Saturday afternoon. If there
were more people of Si's disposition
there would be mure smile and lees
melancholy in the world.
L'eputy l'rosecuting Attorney Kiddle
docs nut anticipate much trouble in the
prosecution of the prisoner confined In
the jail. He is of the opinion that mott
of them will plead guilty.
A rumor is afloat that the s tea men
taking coal from the Beaver Hill bunker
will bring back return cargoes of rails
from the city, to be used in the exten
sion of the C. B. K.AK. K. K. Coo
Bay Nes.
Spend your dollars where they go
farthest. Cash is what talks. We Bell
for cash only. W can make a dollar go
a long way for you. (Quality considered
We baye the best goods (or little money.
Novolty Store.
Some of our young men went out in
the mountains "fishing" last Thursday.
They encountered lot of snow and a
storm that waa like the Eastern bliz
zards that they have read about but
brought back no "fish."
A Now York woman has created "a
family jr" because she saw in her hus
band's expense account an item of "$2
for ribbons for my typew-nter." Divorce
proceedings wero avoided by a humiliat
ing explanation on his part.
A esse waa tried in the Linn county
circuit court the other day in which a
verdict of liH cents was rendered by the
jury. Seven lawyers were cngsged on
tho trial. It was an appeal from the
justice couit in which the verdict was
for IS.
Well, its only about three months to
the Fourth of July, and we might as well
begin to discuss tho mailer ol a grand
celebration. Hits, too, will be the first
under the new administration, and if we
expect great things we must do great
Ira Cam pi ml I writes the Guard from
Tlalncpiiitlii, Mexico, "We also wit
nessed in thta city, a strange religious
observance. As tho city clock struck
eight in the morning every native on the
street, which was crowded, kneeled and
said his prayer, faced to the earth."
A Domorest Gold Medal couleet will
be held at Koseburg, Friday evening,
March (itb, at 8 o'clock. Contestant
from Koseburg and Edeubower. Ten
cents will be charged foi admission
Net proceeds to go into building fund for
W. C. T. U. to be erected in Edenbower.
At the annual election of the Eden
bower W. C. T. U. the following officers
were chosen: Mrs. C. Josephine Armi-
tage, president ; Mr. Annie M. Nortb,
vice president ; Mr. Clara J. Howard,
recording secretary ; Mis Lydia Muneon,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. Helen R.
Ferguson, treasurer.
A guest at the McClallen caused a
little meiriment in the parlor the other
evening by leaning a little too far back
in bis chair and going over backwards.
Another guest, a lady, by the way, re
marked that It reminded her of the ong
"Brown, with his little footsie wooteiei
dangling in the air."
Mr. O. A. Smith, of Cauiai Valley,
who is hero attending court, thought be
would ride a bicycle yesterday. He
went over to the track. Mrs. Smith
went w ith him. She said she wouldn't
mind if he would ride, but when U
came to being baptized in a mudhole.
that was another thing.
IVmndkalkk and l'lauter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes by "apt al
literation's artful aid" you can catch the
public eye and engage the public at
tention. Tlio Webfoot 1'lanter ii
clubbed with the Flaindkalxr and the
two papers will bo furnished to all cash
subscribers of the latter without extra
C, O. Terry, traveling passenger agent
of the Burlington, aud C, E. Brown, dis
trict posionger ageutof the Union Ta
cillc, aud w ife were at the McClallen
Friday leaving, on Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Browu are recently married, Mn.
Brown coming from Maine. She it a
iiolco of tho veteran prohibitionist, Hon.
Neal Dow.
Quito a number of people with their
wheel took advantage of the line
weather yeeterday and went over to the
the track. There were old and young,
experts and novices, but all seemed to
enjoy themselves. T. K. Richardson ii
going to commence improving the track
this week and be ready for a good turn
inor's enjoymeut.
Petitions were tiled today with the
superintendent from the Canyonyille and
Riddle school district praying that John
Howard' place be set off from Canyon
ville and annexed to Riddle. He I
nearer the Riddle school house and on
tho same side of the river. If it I found
that a majority of tho votes of both dit
tricts have signed the petition the re
quest will be grauted.
Adolpb Mark will open a livery ttsbl
In tb near futur in tb wsreboase at
the rear of th Mark b dlding on th
corner of Jckon and Washington
Mrs. M. Jotephion returned bom
last evening from Ave weeks' trip to
Ban Francisco, wber she bat been
purchasing stock of goods for tb New
York Cash Store for th spring and sum
mer trad.
Th Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist
Church will give sn oyster supper,
March 23d In tb room anted by Par
rott Bros. Will eary lunch or fresh
oyster from C to 10. Com and have a
good time. Price, 10 cents,
Th expense of tb soldiers' bom for
Fsbruary waa (1038, as shown by bill
audited by th executive committee
Thursday. Tb board entimate the
government fund will keep the bom lis
months. The termi of Galloway of
Yamhill, Robertson of Marion and Kost
of Baker, as trustees, bave expired, and
their successor will be appointed soon.
The Rosebarg Rifl Club held a special
meeting last Friday night and adopted
rule and regulation for shooting, and
yeiterday a dosen or more of tbem as
sembled at their rang and took a few
hot (or chickens. W. H. Britt secured
fire birds, B. W. Strong two and C. II.
Davis one. Tb otber contented them
selves by seeing bow close they could get
to the eenter without spoiling the bull'
Who will hereafter say there is no grat
itude it the bosom of s Chinaman ? Tb
proprietor of the Japanese Bazaar, who
I a Chinaman, by tb way, was sick S
Utile while ago aud Frank Godfrey gave
him om medicine wblcb afforded tbe
desired relief. Tbe patient proferred
pay which was gracefully declined by tbe
benefactor. On Friday a couple of fine
Chinese vase were sent around to tbe
Go Ifrey residence in acknowledgment of
the service rendered.
Tbe burglars who entered the store of
Chaa. Medley at Oakland on Wedoeedsy
night las', and broke open the safe, a
brief account of which was printed in
these columns, in addition to tbe money
stolen, took also some records and pa-
pert that were the property of the local
Woodmen'! lodge. Ttieee tbe thief
burned cesr tbe railroad track a little
this side of Oaklsnd. Some of the frag
ment were found there that established
the fate of the documents.
Have you tried the lung teeter T Ills
an innocent looking thing. A "little
pill" bottle inside of a flat whisky bottle,
the latter filled with water, a robber
tube attached to tbe cork, and you are
pjlilely invited to try your lungs - by
blowing into tbe tube and causing the
little bottle to sink to tbe bottom. It
looks easy enough and the initiated can
accomplish it with ease. If you try and
don't succeed, hold tbe bottle firmly in
one bsnd and reach for a club with the
Tbe Oak Creek school district, No. 11,
has been divided and a new district,
No. 11S, created. A portion of the new
district waa taken from No. 12, bnt tbe
greater part of it " territory was carved
from No. 11. W. L, 6ingleton, J. K.
Mitchell and J. T. Agee are director of
tbe Dew district with J. W. Burge, clerk.
W. E. Thornton, R. A. Cox and 7. W.
Price are directors of No. 11, and J. J.
Thornton, clerk. Each board baa ap
pointed an arbitrator, who with tbe
county superintendent will esses tbe
damage sustained by tbe old district.
According to rumort prevalent on tbe
streets this morning, Roeeburg came
near baying a lynching bee last night,
and a wicked looking rope with a hang
man' knot therein awnng oyer a limb of
on of tbe trees in the court yard, gave
color to the report. Quite a number
of people were in from Myrtle Creek and
tbe proposed act was attributed to them.
Hoyt, tbe man who assaulted Agent
Hoopengarner last January, being tbe
object of their wrath. It was probably
a bluff, however, or perhaps a practical
joke. People in attendance on circuit
court a witnesses or otherwise, mast
put in their spare time at something.
A little delay wa caused in the prog
ress of the northbound freight at Green'
station yesterday forenoon. Tbe train
men were taking on a loaded car from
tbe tide track and on returning to tbe
main line the flange of one of the car
struck tbe point of the frog on the wrong
side and the truck J were turned square
acrot tbe track. Proceedings stopped.
The crew cut off tbe car in front of
tbe one derailed and with these and tbe
engine came on to town. A wrecking
train, in charge of Foreman Wild of tbe
round house, with tbe section crew, re
paired to tbe scene and shortly after
noon the track waa cleared and every
thingwent merrily on. Tbe derailed
car waa loaded with ceraline, used in
the manufacture' of,beer, consigned to
the Uambiinut Browing Co.,of Port
land, and marked "rush." Nobody
J, M. Stevenson, formerly foreman of
the Victory Placer Mining Company of
Illinois, operating on Cow Creek, now
one of the Incorporator of the Victory
Flacer Mining Company of Oregon, re
turned on Thursday from San Francisco.
He stopped off at tbe mino to take a
look at the property secured by the new
company which includes the Tuller
ground. He went on to Portland Satur
day night and will go from there East to
join Col. W. II. Taylor, who baa preced
ed him. It la expected soon to bave
things in shape to put number of men
to work washing out the precious metal.
There are only two men at work at pres
ent, but Stevenson sayi that is twice as
many as are at work lor the old com
pany aud that they have twice as much
water to work with. There was a little
snow at Glendale aud considerable in
the mountain!.
It is surprising wbat a "we bit of a
thing" can accomplish. Sick headache,
constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
disiiness, are quickly banished by De
Witt's Little Early Risen. Small
pill. Safe pill. Best pill, Martter'i
Drug Store.
A Dilemma.
Tbe directors of school district No. 61,
at Your alls, seem lo bav gotten them
selve Iblo a tori of dllemms. It seems
that at the close of school in November
laat, Mis Caller, who, if w are correct
ly Informed, had been the leacber, In
the course of an informal talk with the
director wai told tbat h could again
bav lb school whan it opened and to
bold herself in readlnr at tbe proper
lime to take charge. Subsequently, on
of th director moved out of th dis
trict and at th election on tb 1st Inst.,
two director were chosen, changing the
personnel of the board. At tbe annoal
meeting one of the director was, it it
claimed, ntboritd by tb others to se
lect a teacher. He selected Maoley M.
Btrawn. Subsequently, the other en
tered into contract with Mia Callers,
and the two claim tbe place. Tbe mat
ter baa boen referred to Superintendent
Walte, who baa written for a copy of the
record bearing on tb question snd will
then advise tb officers of tbe district in
accordance with tb fact ri tbey appear
of record and tb law.
Mew deslsrns Its wall Baser at
For Bohemia.
Almost every day bring! men bare,
saya the Cottage Grove Leader, who pat
op at our hotels, and ar waiting for tbe
mow to leave the mountains, so tbey
can get into theBohemi district to do
prospect work, although it will be full
two months and probably longer before
any work can be done in that line. Tbe
mow is now four feet deep on the level.
Tbe wsgon road, wblcb bas been block
aded (or some time near tbe Ridge bote),
was opened np laat week and will be
kept open all winter. Old miners, who
are familiar with tbe district, say every
indication points toward tbe snow leav
ing early tbia spring; tbos ensbling
tbem to get in a good summer at pros
riyrtle Creek Items.
Prom tbe Beacon.
W. II. Keller and family departed for
Eugene on the overland Tuesday night.
Linda Catching made the lucky guess
on N. Belig' jar of money and is now
tb proud poseeeeor of the silver treas
Tbe revival services conducted by
Ravs. Hampton snd Gillette closed Sat
urday night. There were seven con
verts, five uniting with the M. E.
Churcb, and two with the Christian
While Jap Castile was ia town Satur
day his mine slid in and completely
covered up his giant and sluice boxes.
lie baa secured Ben Stewart a giant and
will pro eed to mine out tbe interred re
Squirrel Polion at Mai-ster'a.
Taugtcfoot Mothtrap.
L. C. Hill of French Settlement waa in
the city Friday. He brought with him
tbe model of an invention of bia own
which be calls tbe tanglefoot mothtrap
Fruit men who bave seen it pronounce
it in their opinion an invention calcu
lated to fill a lone felt want. As its
name indicate, it is intended for use in
tbe war waged against fruit peats.
Churchill, Woolley' A McKensie bave
made a sample which is on exhibition at
their hardware stow on tbe corner of
Oak and Jackson streets. This'firm is
also autborited to take orders for and
manufacture the trap.
Squirrel poison at Martplers.
Mask Ball.
Preparations are being made for a big
time at tbe Mask Ball, April lit. We
will bave in all about 15 prices, as fol
lows: First and second best dree Bed
gent. First and second beet dressed
lady. First and second best bicycle
trick rider, masked. First and second
prize, comical. First and second, clown.
First and second best sustained cbarac
ters. One prize, spectators. Maskers
ticket 50 cents. Lady masker free.
Spectators 25 cents. Music by full or
chestra. T. K. Richardson,
Trasses, a rail line, new styles
at Harstcrs.'
Orand Ball.
A grand ball will be given at the Mt
Scott school house Friday, March l'.Ub
Every one cordially invited to attend.
There will be good music, a good supper,
and a good time generally, so don't fail
to go and take your friends and neigh
bori with you..-Prises will b awarded
tbe best lady and gentleman dancers
Tickets, including supper, 75 cents.
Crescent Bicycles.
I have In stock ten '96 models, all
new, and fitted with M. & W. quick re
pair tires, which I will sell st one-third
lest than original prico. These wheels
are fully guaranteed for one year. Cash
or installment. Call on or address,
T. K. Richardson,
Stands at the Head.
Aug. J. Bogel, ths leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., Bays: "Dr. King's
New Discovery it the only thing that
cures my cough, snd it is tbe best seller
I have. J. F. Campbell, merchant of
Sesfford, Arii., writes: "Dr. King'
New Discovery is all that is claimed for
it ; it never fails, and is a sure cure for
Consumption, Cougbi and Colds. I
cannot say enough lor its merits." i Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is not an experiment.
It baa been tried for a quarter of a cen
tury, and today stands at the head. It
never disapoints. Free trial bottles at
A. C. Marsters' Drug Store.
E. E. Turner of Com p ton, Mo., writes
ut that after suffering from pile for
seventeen years, be completely cured
them by using three .boxes of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It cures ecxema
and sever skin diseases. Marsters'
Drug Store.
A Batch of Nwy Letter from
Various Localities,
Winchester Items.
Miss Hues Beaslr. who has been visit
ing friends here, bas returned to Rote
burg. Johnnie fogge seems lo be the leading
artist ol this place.
I wonder what the attraction is at
Edenbower? Perhaps Wayne can tell
We sre having a little too much
weather here the last few days, bnt sup
pose we will have to make the beet of it.
Riley Stowell of Roseborg has been
visiting friends and relations of this
place for ths past lew dsys.
The dance riven at the Winchester
ball Monday evening was well attended.
Good music was furnished by Vinton
ana wenae. we hope they win favor
os with another In the near future.
Our school commenced Mondav under
ths management of Zopher Agee as
There waa a surprise given to Mr. and
Mr. Mende the other evening, wbicb
waa spent in card playiog and dancing
until a late hour, when all pronounced
having enjoyed themselves, tbey re
turned to their homes.
Osr read is in better condition this
winter tbsn It bas been for many year.
We can say tbat our road supervisor, W.
R. Vinson, knows bis duties in regard to
road work, and we are glad the county
court used such good jodgement as to re
appoint mm.
Wbat is the matter with Winchester?
It' all right I and bas got get-op enough
about it to organize a debating society.
Oor first subject for tbe firtt evening
waa : . Resolved Tbat tbe Nortb Ameri
can Indians were wrongfully treated by
the wmte people. W. 1. Mende taking
tbe affirmative and W. R. Vinson tbe
negative. Tbe argument was very good
from both sides. But the question was
decided in lavor ol tne affirmative. The
question for next Saturday evening will
be: Kesolved lnat we do not grow
happier as we grow more learned. W.
T. Mende is to take tbe affirmative and
James Baldwin tbe negative. We feel
eure this argument will be interesting
everybody is invited to come and bear
it. At the school bouse every Saturday
nigtiu UNO.
C. L. Chenowetb made a trip to Roee
burg on business last week.
Miss Sue Burt of Toncalla li itopplnc
at me Depot uotei.
J. G. Winniford went to Gardiner last
We are glad to bear tbat Prof. McGnee
ii so much improved in heath tbat be is
able to be around again.
Walter Witt of Tennessee, nephew of
Dr. Page, arrived here last week. It is
Mr. Witt's first visit lo the coast and if
he finds things favorable,, he will locate.
We are pleased to lesrn tbat Mrs. f.
B. Beckley, whom we mentioned in last
week s items, is improving and getting
along very nicely.
, J. H. Dearling, our boot and shoe mak
er, has received new goods for the
ipring'i work and trade. Mr. Dearling
went to KoeeDorg Sunday evening.
Marcellus & Estes, who bought tbe
stock of goods owned by S. D. McKes
son, bave everything in running order,
and will be pleased to wait upon tbe
old and new customers. Tbey are in re
ceipt of a fre6h supply of groceries, and
will soon have on band a supply ol gents
clothing. They will increase their stock
of goods from time to time, and if any
thing special is wanted will order tbe
same for customers.
Last Wednesday night the grocery
store of C. H. Medley, was broken open
by unknown parties, the sate blown open
and its coutenta taken, consisting of
some S0 in money, legal documents,
notes, etc. As yet no arrests bave been
made. It is hoped that tbe offenders
may yet be found and brought to justice.
These occurrences are coming a little too
close together to become popular, and we
believe the public in general would be
better suited if there were none at all
But the question is, how shall they be
prevented? Let some ingenious person
prescribe a remedy. Ikilby.
Tbe placid waters of the Olalla were
somewhat riled yesterday for a few
hours, caused by the operation of the
giant at tbe Littlefield & Day property.
Tbey were only expenmentlog; tney
meant no harm.
The health of this valley ia generally
good, although there are a few cases of
la grippe. It is in a very mild form.
The firm of J. S. Wells & Co. is doing
a pretty good business this season.
J. II. Vandever is just convalescent
from something like la grippe.
Hon. K. P. Ireland was thought to be
some better Friday morning.
The farmers of this valley are nearly
all through Plowing and sowing. Gar
den makiug will aoon be tbe order of
tbe day.
Oor new school board bave bad such
a flood of teacher's applications tbey
could not make a selection, so .they
finally wrote "Doug" to send a teacher.
James McFarland, who bought eighty
acres of land near tbe Olalla school
house, is improving the same.
The state school board' agent failed
to make a Bale of tbe quartet section
known btre as the Jesse McCullocb
nlace. It seems be (the agent) did not
have time to attend to it. There-is
sood show for seven or eight families .'to
get good homes very reasonable and in
easy reach of tbe school house, and this
is as lieailny as any vaiiey in uregon.
Someone with capital should now buy
ud tbe Coarse Gold gulch and open
camp there. It is believed by those who
are best informed tbat Coarse Gold
tbe best gulch on Olalla, if true it ought
not to lay dormant.
We are anxiously waiting tbe coming
of spring and the C. li. K. A b. K. and
then times will bo lively on Oltlla.
The Littlefield & Day milling company
have scattered several dollars through
this neighborhood already, although
thoy have iuiorted most of their pres
ent help from the Uascade Locks.
We do not contemplate much fun at
Olalla unlit Cyrus gets married aud
then w ell, keep still.
Old Dkau Hkklb
Elk Head Items.
Suow, rain and mud and lots of it.
Whether we have an extrodinary ses
sion of congress or not we surely have an
extraordinary heavy storm.
W bay had quite a lot of dance
here thit year and all cams off with fly-
Absolutely Pure
fVlpbratod for In great Iravonins
aircnvth and hmlllifiilni'M. Amm tlm
fond again! alum ami all Inrmanl ml ill
Iratlon common In thti cheap barmln.
aoTAb sKi!i rownca co., vona.
Ing colors. There is also one billed for
pri 16th. at F. L. Finlev'a tilaco. bocA
music ia promised. Crma nnn anil all
and have a good time.
The farmnra havjt itnnA thet tinst fi
get in their grain and still It Is not all in.
Oor school will start March 15th with
Cora Alexander aa teacher.
Lots of stock are reported dying. It Is
iDPoeed to be caused bv so much cold.
rainy weatber.
W.fT T.atham till nnt ( Mln,n..l
from San Francisco where ha ha hnnn
on business connected with the Cinna
bar mines, of wbicb be it president.
Tbe dance that was given out for
March 25th ia postponed till April 10th,
guTcrn yourselves accordingly.
New good at Caro Bros. Boss Store.
J.T. Bryan, the Euey Watchmaker.
For a good 6-cent cigar call on Mrs.N.
County claim and warrants bought bv
D. 8. West.
R. W. Beniamin. dentist, room I.
Marttert' block.
Boston Baked Beans at the Home
Bakery. Try them.
Dr. Fred Uaynes does crown and
bridge work in an up to date manner.
Delicious "Bait-rising" bread at the
Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose
"Oor Native Herbs" the great blood
purifier and liyer regulator, Mrs. C. A.
Flook, agent.
Call for the "Spotted Cat" at Mrs.
Rapp's grocery store, if you want a
pleasant smoke.
Nothing but tbe best material used bv
R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1.
Marsters' block.
Fresh home-made bread at the Ilomt
Bakery, corner Oak and Rose streets.
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
The Bean & Meyers Hydraulic A
Eclipse spray pumps can be found at
Churchill, Woolley & McKeuzies.
You can tell one who has good taBte
and don't like to eat dirt, paint and
chalk. He gets his candy at tbe Kandv
Case beer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps the beet grocer
ies. Every thing fresh and first-class,
and at reasonable prices.
Parties desiring family sewing done
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, 421 Main street. Will sew for
75 cents per day.
Will sell cheap, or trade for a No. 12
shot gun or small caliber Winchester
rifle, a good toad cart. Guns must te
as good as new. Address, box 312,
Koseburg, Oregon.
Good pasturage furnished at my past
tares on Roberts creek. ' Charges
reasonable. All stock at owner's risk.
The best ot care will ' be given to ail
stock entrusted to my charge.
Tbey are so small tbat the most sensi
tive persons take them, they are so
effective tbat tbe most nbstinato cases of
constipation, headache and torpid liver
yield to them. Tbat lawby DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are known as tbe
famous little pills. Marster' Drug Store.
Competition never worries us. because
we "buy right" hence "sell right."
The facts are these ; every move in our
business is only made after the meet
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes have advanced In price
but not with us. We toll you a good oil
grain shoe for $1.25 and upwards, fine
shoes in proportion. If you doubt os,
come and see us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We uou t
care to do all the businees in town, but
want to get a share of it. We firmly
believe that a concern tbat gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead
year by year. Ibla idea prevails
throughout our entire business. Every
dollars worth of goods must give tbe
wearer satisfaction, even tbe all wool
absolutely fast color f 8.00 suits.
J. Abbauam'b Clothing House.
From CrippleCreek.
After the big fire in Cripple Creek,
took a very severe cold scd tried many
remedies without help, the cold only be
coming more settled. After using three
smsll bottlei of Uhamberlain's Uougti
Remedy, both the cough end cold left
me, and in this high altitude it takes a
meritorious cough remedy to do any
5ood. G. B. IluNDEitsoM, editor Daily
kdvertiser. For sale by A, O. Marsters
A Co.
For Over Fifty Veais,
am Old aro Wsll-Tmbd Kbmboy. Mrs
Window's Soothing Syrup bas been used for
over fifty yean by millions of mothers fur tbulr
children while teething, with perfect iucceaa.
It loothei tbe child, aofteui tbe guuu, allays all
pain, cures wind cyllo, and U tbe bent remedy
tor Dlarrhira. Ii pleasant to tbe taitu. Hold by
drutglsla In every part of the world. Twenty
Ave cents a bottle. Hi value la Incalculable.
Be sure and ask for Mn. Window's (tootblng
Syrup, aud laks no other kind.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Mad,
o Yeart tbe Standard.