wsnp TrIG PLA1NDEALER MARCH 4, iw7. rii CUurcUr. lUruar cm) iicii uornur of banc aud Mim lioaU. Similar utyUw: Preaching, II s. m. end7:0p. ni.t Vuimi Poopta's Union, ;! Mr. K, W, lllack, I'resMauti HuiuUr Hohnol, in ". ID, I Jaunt) Uliauiliorlaln, Muperliilaliilun I'tarsr Uoatliitf, Tuuixlaj svotilni l 7.M, UariioMiT (JMUaca-ooriiet ol al " treats. Huwlay Harvlee: I'raaahlui, II a, m Sud 7 p. in.i hotiliatli School, 111 a. n.S t. W. Woollsr, HuHiilliUiiiriaiill Haas Moolllil el i'Iim of Hit muriiliiK antTlnal Kpwortb Uaii SO p. m. Ilattl iloiltii-y. 1'iMl'Unl. TttfM MMtlii(, WwliiM'Ur, at l 1. m- Kbnic I.. Mhohk. ruif. l'rinKu, winiar Main anil l.ant. 'tmTimuK cnnatH-wimar ol Caa and . lraU. Similar Sarvl. ! ru.llu worahtp, a m ami 7 SO l. m. I BaMwth Suhonl, 10 a. Bl.l V. I H. :.., 7 p.m. rrayer Maetlag .ur,7 so p. m. It, II. JHLWORTM WiMoei- fat tor. A HaUmaii, the reliable Jowoler. Soli. I allver novelties at Salxmaii'. Go to the RoseUaf fur thu boat ulnar. For first class dentistry go to Dr. Little ol Oakland. I'nre frush groceries and luw price at Casaheer's grocery. . H. Wuat dime insurance. Olllre opposite Ilia post olllco, Kay West, Imported and domestic cigar at llm Roeoluaf. Good bulow cost at Caro'. Now if lliti llo time lur bargains. Nobby nulla and ely)ta at Little Jack's. I'rlciia very low. All stylo and iialitlta ol liataat A lira hain't. Hdrock prices. For bargain In (amlly grot erli1, all at lli" PoioI'b storn, C street. Ourts guaranteed t.jr "Our Native Hart " ilia. 0. A. Flook, agHiit. All kind" ol arllk-iall teeth made ret aonalily at Dr. Fred llayiiea otlii. Country ptuduce nl all kind iioiighi ami aold at Caaehver's grocery store. Have your dautnl work don by H. W ltonjaiiiln, dentist. All work guaran tied Ural clam At Oakland, T. L. Gravca la authoritsc lo rolv and receipt lor stiliecrlptlcm to the I'i.ainiiBaIXB. firing your job work to thu I'i.ainikal bh olllro Wo are prepared to do tu cluaiMt and U'al work aoulli ol Port and. Our Nalivo Herbs'' will citivel t i i ... euro all iIibvmbkh aririnu iiom iuihuiv Mim. C. A. Hock, Mill stre.i, b'oul sgenl. Save money and tiuio. To thirties going East, go by tho O. It .A N. eborl route. Call on or write to V. C. I-ondon, Hrniotiurg, Oregon. II you don't waul lo anllor wllli corn and liuniona, have your lioola and ahoe mado at L. I.annharu'a. lCepalrlng neatly and ironilly done For a good lint , hlyliali and clioap, call on Wollmiborg A Abraham, whoae atork smbratoa all grade- ol head gear. The foiare Deal elne haa juel oiened up a twaiilllul lino W. Iougla ilium, which prove lo be I ho beet ahooa made, t'ome and iniiM't them. One Miiui e ii all the time neceiwary lo dm ide Ir Jin peretiial f xwrienro lhal Ono Minute Cough Onro does w hat ili name Impliea. Maiaiera' Drug rStore. I am prepared to oiler lumlr or wood at reduced pricoa. I am taking in lum ner and wood on old acoouula and in trade lor good. T. K. Hiciuhubos. Tlio Kftiidy Kitchen had a big trad during tho holidaya. Tho tn-ople are iN'Klunii.R to llnd out that it la the only place you cau got candy that ia fit to eat. ;.. Laotfenburg la "till ou top. II carrlea a lull Block ol choice niueic, inu aual inatrunieiita, violin, guitars, accord eona cU, violin string ol leal quality alwara on hand. Torturing, Itching, eealy kln erup linna. hnrna a lid liialda are toothed at once ond promptly healed by DoW'itl' WUch II7.el Halve, the boat known cur lor plica. Mareter'a Drug Htore The cheap rate, twelve dollar cabin and ix ateerage, including nioala and Uirih are alill In vttfvl on the O. K. A N. (Vi. atuamer (rum l'oitland to Kan PrniirtRin. Hloamer leuve I'ortland every lit day. Yoi.fur U. Iindos, Agent Many cane of "Orippo" htve lately liAfiii rn rod hv Dun Miuuto t'otiiili Lure Thia preparation eeema eapfilnlly adapted t i the cure of thi diseate. I' act ouickly thua preventing eiiouf immnlieationR and bad effect lo which thia diteaan Hn leavo the patient Maratera' Drug More. Notice ia hereby given to tho public by the underaigned that I do not allow fiaii anlmala to bo burled on my pre in- lues, at Koaeburg, Oregon, or garbagi dumped thereon or aond or gravel taken timrnfrom. utiles the party taking no or gravel firat contract with me for the rlgjit to bo do. Traiwoaiutor will bo prosecuted ac- ciirdlns to law. Aaron Hoaa, koaeburg. Oregon. March 17th, 1896. Rates to Carson. Itnburir to Carson City and return $34.00, round trip, first claae, account the Corbuttaiid KitMlmmotiB contoat March 17tb neit. Tickets will bfl sold only for Mm California Kx press train leaving itnaiilmru tho nioriiliiK of Morch 13th 14h and 15th. 1'uHHengor leaving here ai n:2ri a. in. anv dsv will reach uarson Pit at ii:40 a. m. the third morning, that I to say, leaving KoHbburg Monday a. in. w ill put the pawengor In Carson Wednesday morning at 11:40. Ticket limiiail fur return nasHRue to March l-'or further particulars see Ueo. Ktes, at the depot. A Valuable Prescription Mditor Moiiison of Worthlngton, lnd U.i.i urrllna: "Voll haVO a Vttlllftbl iroairll lion iii Kluctrlo Hitters, and I .an saliiinr (nllv rniuiinniid it for Constipa tioa ond Kick Heudacho, and as a general a t . It I..... nnMnl " Mr vafAiii ioiiiu lb nun uu cmuui b Annid Kini.ln. ai25 Coltuue Grove Ave Chicago, wu all tun down, could not eat nnr dlirflat (ood. Ilttd a bUCkOCllO Which never left her and felt tired nnd weary mr iintilna ol 1 '.loot no ISlttcra re afr,..! her health and ronewod her uinili. Price r0 cents and 1.00. Oet a Uottlo at A. C. Marstcra' Drug Store. You can t:pcct too much of Sctitiugs Best. is BRIDP MCNTION. Caro tiros, ar lb boss mrchaoU. Ttf your luck at the grab bag. Not oily ritor. There was a light fall of mow al Han on the 30th ult. Tha beat 60 cent nvr rip birt at th Novelty titort. Iteprontallva Vaughn llck at his horn In Kugene. Thurmao Chauy was down from Myr' tie Creek yoterdy. IOdl Ilaucr was a rlaitor in the city from Itlddl thin wek. Mr. Jame Ilnnoii (if Canyon villa is Visiting at Cottng'i drove. Karl Klminel of Canyonville, hail butlrief In the city Monday. Oai. M. and Walter fattsrion wr over from Wlnrheiter Tuesday. 1. ill buy your bells at the N-svalty Store lattat styles at low price. lrln line of aliowKlor braci Improved pallrnta, t Maralra, Horn, Huoday, February 2H, 1W7, to the wife of J. A. Wudorwood, a daughter. New lino of muslin underwear, night gown, thainlio, etc., at th Novelty tUore. Dr. M. W, Davis has opened an ofllce oppoaite the jostolllce, In the Hoover building. Churchill, Wool ly A McKunsI have ust received a car ol choice Washington uedar hlnglea. 1'attee hss arrived. lleaditiarter at K. HlchanUon'a Music Btor. Call and see l'sllve. I liuHteaiuiir Alice Ulanchard is tak ing coal from th Heaver Hill mine, Coo county, lo I'ortland. Oso. W. Terry wol routh to Ashland Tueaday morning, to aeo hi wile who 1 therv for the benefit of her health. Kiiacoe (ircen ban loaaed the Central II, ni I and from now on will have the ina agement of that popular hostelry. Now ia the time lo apray your tree. Bn the Combination Hprayer and r-ave I me and money. W. H. Oordon, agent. Ihomas Duuseith, Harry Wilson and Mra. NmIIIb Kchwarts were down from tlm Victory iclue on Cow Creek Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. l'oket has shaken iio mud il Itoaetmrg Iroin Intirieetior the time hflnu and gone to H toe k too, al. Prank M Conn was In from hi ranch Tiici.Ia-. rrank'a Mend would aurely like him hrtter if ho'il let his whiskers row. Wollcnherg .V Abnliam of the fipuar Deal More uro n ivv teceiviuu a nice lut of spring goods, est styles and low t prices. Ksperit iico proves th merit of Hod' batsaparilla. It cure all forms of mood scares, tone I lu stomach, build tip the urryrs. Judge l'tlleiU n and Judgu Seara tiave swapped "pulpi's". Th former I bold- Ing court at Portland and the latter at Eugene. Bummer is coming; the sun's raya are getting stronger. A Is hours of sun shine now makes u rceplible Uiffe fence on tho mud. Uforge Forty, who ia mining on Or- ford Beach, found a f J.60 gold cola in his machine one day last week. It was coined In 18C1. Wby is it that some people ara not happy unless they are miserable? This may sound paradoxical, but havn't yon known folk that way? The combination sprayer is all th rag now. Mr. W. II. tiordon, the local agent is taking orders and delivering prayers to purchasers. The re-election of Mr. Alice Slxiridan aa clerk of this school district Is a r sward for meritorious services, hhe 'inter now upon her third term as clerk. We will leave It to you If our 'J5 cent ties and suspendora are not the best valurs and patterns you have seen. Call and see them at the Novelty Store. groce Dack er gives if you only tea. But your your money don t like it. In packages, full vlght. Sn Yiarulico E. Da Gas. Tbyalclan and Eorgeou, office In Marsters' building. Call in own and country promptly answered night or day. Residence. Oil Mill street. D. C, McWillisms, the gold democrat of Deer Creek precinct, who couldn't be Induced to espouis the cause of Bryan democracy. n down from hi farm on Tuesday. J. M. Mclntire, who came in Monday from Olalla, reports the teamsters with the big botlor arrived there all eafe on Sunday. It took about three lays to make the trip. Yesterday was the anniversary o( the killing frost last year. Every day now will tiring us rapidly nearer the point wherH we ran consider ourselves ruros the danger line. Mr. McClalleu was presented with A chromo Tuesday. The city marshal and) a bob-tailed dog are the chief feature, but there is some enigmatical reference to free lunches. Tho many friends of Hon. J. T. Bridges will be pained to learn of the gentleman's Illness at his home la Drain Ho Is suffering from typhoid fever, con traded while at Salem. The city council meets thia ev tniug at 7 :30. Would it not be well for a com mitteeoftho wheelmen, and wooxmto wait upon the fathers and ask i little extension of their privileges? "Sara Fred's" letter "(ienerous Kose- burg" was "pled" juBt before gating to press on Monday, consequently did not appear. Sara la solemnly proinlsid not to be treated that way again. M. I.. Ouahnell, of Ten Mile, was in the city Tuesday with a smile w his faco prompted by the thought that when he next came In McKinlsy wo aid be president of tho United States. Goods of tjuostionable quality are not good at any price. You'll find tho good quality, best values, and late st vies in our now line of early spring dresn goods of wool mixtures ttnd cotton shocks Novslty feJlore. W. L. and.R. A. Wilson were down from Biddies Tueadsy. That nsw Yermore! spray noxale sold by Churchill, Woollsy A McKenxle i a dandy. John and Lucy Ilyron and W. K. Wells left the clsasic shsdes of the Olslla lo visit a while In the county seat. A pair of pants equal to any you ever gave a dollar and a ball for, that will not rip or you cannot pull spsrl, can be found for one dollar at the Novelty, Store. Gentlemen, we have Jut received a new line of hl and cap, at unusually low price, tie convinced by calling t the Novelty Store. Krus A fiharnbrook announce else w lure that (hey have a full stock ol staple and fancy groeeiif, clgsrs ami to bacco, at price to uit lb lime and solicits a share of th public patronage. Roscon Green ha leased the Central hotel and assumed charge iheieot. II y keeping a good home and setting good msals the nw proprietor will endeavor to make (hi hostelry more popular than eer. Mr, finery I'look and daugh'cr Kits, left yealorday morning for Ashland. Mrs. Flook will reiurn in about a weok, but Miss Kits, win I in searc h ol health, will probably remain to or three months. Tli lecture delivered in I be Koeeburg court houM last week on "Th Needs ol a Practical Religion," will be reviewed at the M. Iv Church riast Sunday night. Kepscially invited are those wt.o listened lo th lecture. Ilurglara entered W. M Vanduyne's at ore and the tKistoflW at Coburg, Mon day night, and secured Mi in money, Stamps aud goods. Tbi i the fldb time Vandnyne's store hss been burg larised within a year. May Davidson, an employe ol the Soldiers' Home, while over In lh city Tuesday evening stepprd off the side wslk In tho dsrk and sprained her ankle. She did not leturu lo the borne that niaht. but will soon be herself again. At the school election In district No 10. which has lately come into notoriety and the court through efforts to divide the same, A. W. Stanton, who was and is the chief opponent of division, was unsnlmously elected director to aerv fir th ensuing three years. II. L. Benson, speaker of the late Ben on bouse, came in on the freight Tuo day from theiouih and went on that night to Raleni' uu the overland. He didn't want to be arrested in Josephine and hauled before a iKpulist judge, whoss sympathies would le against him. T. K. Richardson, having secured the lease of the bicycle track across the river for another year, will immediately commence putting jt in shape for races, exhibitions, etc., and hope to be able to Inaugurate the teason with a "doina" on the firat ol April, provided the weather ia propitious. Ed, the son of Judge Hsmlin, who injured his foot in juoipiug some five weeks sgo, ia still suffering consider able pain. Th foot gathered and broke above and below , and yesterday a piece of bone worked out from the top. and he thinks from the sharp pains another will work out from beneath. It used to be said lhal pigs in the black mud districta ol this county died for waut of eleop. The mud would ac cumulate till a big ball was formed on the tail that by its weight kept the skLn pulled back so tight that the animal couldn't abut Us eyes. This, however, has been proved a campaign lie. Yesterday the snagboat, Mathloma, was an object ol interest to many Cor vallis people who sat on the bank of the Willamette and watched snags pulled oat of the river in front of the city. To see her pull a snag and take it off to a place of deposit reminded one of a beast of prey and Its victim. Tune. A social lea will bo given in tbe par lore of the M. E. Church on Tuesdsy evening next, admission 10 cent. This includes the privilege of partaking of the good things that will be provided. If this is as goal as that w hich took place at the parsonage a short time ago it will be well worth tbe price of admission, Dr. E. DuGas has in bis office in tbe Blarsters block some samples of ore from the property owned by htm and others In the Dodson's Butte locality, about 12 miles east of here of which he Is justly proud. Ooo piece shows free gold under the microscope very plsinly and the as say of a corresponding piece was very satisfactory. Another sample taken from the "grass roots" assays wll In gold and In addition shows about 16 per cent copper. The gold fields ol this end of Douglas county may yet become la mous. If there is one thing more than another that will attract the attention of tbe capitalist and bring population, It is tbe taut that gold exists in quantities sufficient lo pay tor the working. On Tuesday evening last Roseburg Re becca Lodge, No. 41 1. O. O. F., enter Inined Olive Rebecca Lodge, No. 45, ot Drain. About SO or 30 members of the latter lodge csuio on tho invitation of tho local lodge to witnoss the initiation and watch the team work. Five Initiates were taught the mysteries of goat riding a la Odd Fellow, and at the conclusion of the ceremonies a banquet was spread of which about one hundred persons par took. A general good time was had and tho affair did not break up (ill after mid night. The visltois for the most part re turned home ou the local the next morning. Last evening there was a re- caution given at the Nan Houteu to those that remained. Mrs. Adair ol Eugene, Noble Grand, being the guest of honor. District Clerk's Report. Tbe following sla'lsllcs sr tsksa from thi anneal report ol Mrs. Alice fiherlilad, clerk of school district No. , for the year ending March 1, 1NU7i No. of person of school go. male )7, femal 300, total 720 Nnmlwr of poplla enrolled In public school 429; In piivst chool 20. No. of teachers employed during the yesr, male 1, female 7 j total H. Salary paid male teacher per month S8.8H, female teacher 2M. No. of month purillu School taught, eight. No. of legal voters in district, about 320. Tax voted and levied during the year, 4 mills. HacBirrs. Ou hand Match 2, 18W 01 00 Received from Dist. tax :i,2C4 20 " .Co. treasurer . f)03 76 j ' " Stat app 1,024 60 " " Tuitions 30 00 Total U'SBl'MCVCKIS. Ami. paid for wsgss " " Interest on debt. . . " " incidentals " " school furnltor. . " fuel " " to district clerk.. ' janitor " ' for water.. . Dalanceon band..,.; Total ti,283 61 .M,.'W2 01 744 00 155 30 . 03 00 28.") 28 . 125 00 . 232 00 90 00 , 142 72 .5,283 61 Mew dealgne let tvall pmpr Maratera. A Deadly Poison. Tim root of wild parsnip I a deadly poison. It will kill cattle that est it. The Corvallis Times says they led some to a calf oot at the college Thursday morning and the call Is as dead a a dornick. It lived less than three houis after the plant was administered, and died almost before tbe experimenters had time to administer remedies. The next morning another tert was made. All the favorite antidotes were In readi ness, and aa soon as the effects ot the poison were manifest, tbe remedies were applied. They did no good and the calf, a lecond sacrifice to science, ex pired in a little over to and a half hours after swallowing the bul. In each case a bulb the shspe ol an apple and the aiseof an ordkary door knob was fed. The root was a dark reddish brown, brittle, snd with a strong smell of parsnip. A third of tbe bottom f each bulb was covered with fleshy root lets I.liue and blue vllriol, for pray ing purposes at Maratera'. A Batch of Newsy Letters from Various Localities, Catapoola. Our weather prophet bit the hail on the head when ho prophesied rain Han day. C. A. McNabb i through farming. Prof. McGhse of Oakland, pasred through Our valley Haturdav, en ronte to Coles Valley. Mrs. It, L. Wiuniford was visiting her psrental borne laet week. John hheppard was out on h i race horse, Dill Nye, Kurday. Stevens tiros, ol Tyec, have put op a blacksmith shop and turning laih, and ready to do all kiods of work in their line of business. Miss Lilly Stsr of Oakland, has been looking after tho Inteiest of her farm on the Calapoola. J. II. Ray of Oakland i cultivating his hop yard bere this season, snd con templates building a One residence on his farm, known as the old Dodge rsncb. Tbe Dundee Loan & Trust Co., of Portland, hsve been rasklng some im provements lo the wsy of fencing. One of our young men of Calapooia la bsvlog a great dssl ol iron we with bis cow nowadays. If I could only call you mine 8weeetbeart, darling Harriet, Msthlnks w might in coarse of time - Ride out in a chariot. . A chariot fixed op real nice, Similar to a cab, Oh, wouldn't we cnt quite a dash, When we meet Mr. Nash. Hostel b. Mr. Taut Baumel, the I'ortland as eayer, reports finding some very good rock among the cample rent him for as say from tbe Black Republican mine, owned by Messrs. Rice. Flint snd Kim ball. It is coming to he demonstrated that the adjacent bills' are full of min eral wealth only awaiting energy, brawn and enterprise to develop. City Marshal Bakar of Cottage Grove al tempted to arrest Moby,. who, with othors, was intoxicated and creating a disturbance. Mosby resisted and struck the marshal a vicious blow on tbe head with a bar ot Iron. Mosby is under anust. At first the marshal's in jorlos were supposed to be fatal but he i recovering. Auioog the guests at ths McClsllen today are Frank Cain of Bait Creek, Geo. Marsh of Looking Glass, W. Kramer ot Myrtle Creek, A. Shloeman of Osk Creek, A. J. Dear ot Oakland, M. E. Galiiner and A. J. Williams ot Glide, C. Mosher and W. L. Barker ot Cow Creek. Oral a Normal Notes. Miss I'ssrl Whipple visited cnool a few day ago. Lsst week closed one ol the most oo- cescfal term of the public school. The Alirretto Musical club gave a very successful cantatta on last Hatnrday sveoing. Tbe Djciodia Literary will render tbe following Droeram: Sods by society: oration. Ned Rbode; recitation, Zella Mires; quartette, Ueaar. Gsrdioer and Mires: composition on "Old Maids," Frank Conway; composition on "Old Bachelor." Rose Molk??: trio. Misses Hpaldlns and Burt; recitation, Herbert Conwav: debate. Resolved test Grant was a greater general than was Lee ; af firmative, Abby Taylor, Wm Sceed, Adsm Castor; negative, Eva Brookhart, Wert Moore and Cues. Oardiner. The public school rendered tbe follow ing program: Recitation, Riley Morn- ingatar, Harry Moon. Virgil Hickethier; eon. "Woman's Rigb's': recitations, L;zzie Fusion, Paul bterling, Myrtle Moore: dialogue. "Our Nation's lioli day;" recitations, Vera Whipple, Ada Coffey; song, live girls; recitations, Orval Whipple. Ella McMaban. Pro dence Remington ; dialogue, three little girls; song, Sybil Morningstar; recita tions, Guy Wolf, Effa Perkins, Marie Mir, Grace Moon, Cora Fuaton Ruby Moore; song, six little girls; recitations, Oscar Moore, Mods Drain, Alia McMabn, Zula Eosley, Nellie Berry and Ben Per kins; song, little folk; recitations, Sybil Morningstar, Alta Drain. Blanch bneed. Ralph McClareo, Ethel bneed, Bessie Mnlkey and Roy Lantx. Student. halil iImsv ol l er Lnband, who i sJ p ecsdr.l bar rnrural y. ar', In Ida came- terv at this plsce, on I he 2(h. Kev. Wulftot Drain conducting the funeral servlor. rkarsi. A Presentation. Col. W. II. Telor of the Victory Piacer Mining Company, of Glendal an I hi foreman, Mr. James Htevsnson, were guest at the McClallen this week. On Tuesday evening thiy were loth treated to a little surprise party. The piilor of the hotel were filled with guest among whom were some of th workmen from the Victory mine. At aa unexpected moment, for Colonel Taylor, Mr. Stevenson a'epped up lo him and in nice little si each prtsented him, en lit-half of the tmplojes oflh Victory mine, with a nice pin. It was a wish bone design with a foor-.'esf clofsr and diamond far a t enter piece. The recipi ent was overcome and Ms speech fsiled him. The proof ol appreciation oa tbe part of the men was tbe, more keenly felt by the donee because of the fact that he bad been informed before re turning to the mine that if he came back there it would be at the risk of hi life. He had been absent aome time and the property was in litigation and the men had not received all the pay due them. His reception oa bis istorn ith bon tires and anvil-firlog was evi dence that be. at least, was not hsld responsible ty the employ's for the condition of things and this last act was the crowning point. A receiver I now in possession of the property, but it bad been worked for &0 day preceding March 1st by Mr. Stevenson with authority lo pay the men with the pro ceeds and be had succeeded in paying 70 per cent of the amoonta doe. II might be well to state here that alter Ibe presentation to Col. Taylor one ot tbe men stepped up te Mr. Buvensun snd handed him a gold chain simply saing "the boys said give this to yon." It was now Mr. Stevenson's time to bloih and he did, bke a bashful girl. Col. Taylor informed tbe representa tive of tbe PLAiSDXALta that be bad re turced trom the Eaat prepared lo pay off all the iodebteJneeao! tbe company and to put 200 men to work on 30 mil ol new ditches. But on hi arrival fouod that he had been removed by Ibe board of directors as general manager of the company and the property tied up in law salts. He came on here, organ ized a new company under ibe old name except that one is the Victory Placer Mining Co. of Illinois and the other, tbe new one, Tbe Victory Placer Mining Co of Oregon. He will proveeJ soon to operate adjoining property aod will lease or buy still more ground. Suits will also be commenced in tbe local and the federal courts to recover his right and at die election on Aogust 22d next, he expects to be able to vote 3 5th of the stock and again be in control. Yoncalla. baying fine summer weather mm j1 i sawaVk Absolutely Pur Ctlrliralpil tor tin Krtat I'avmli.g irDtb ao.l lirallliOilm . Atmiri't Ui Ifwxl afalml alum ami all fnruianf aditl (ration common to thn clieaii liarnd. TAk sKiMi rownsa Co., saw voaa E. E. Turner of Comutou. Mo., writes us that after suffering from piles for seventeen years, he completely cured them by using three (boxes of leWUt s Witch Ilar.el Salve. It cures ecxema and severe skin diseases. Marsters Drug Store. The frosty nights ot late are just what fruit men want but not the tbing for placer miners. Tbe cold weather keejs the blossoms bsck but dries up tbe water tor tbe slalcers. It is bard for ths weather clerk to pleas everybody. Courier. Miss Lillian Collier, milliner at Joseph- sou's store, thought she was takiDg pre scribed medicine on Tuesday, but it waj another bottle that she got hold of and as a result the young lady was quite sick tor a time but is all right now. A meeting ot farmers and others in terested in the cultivation of the sugar beet are to meet in mass convention at Myrtle Creek (Saturday, to take prelim inary steps in the introduction ot that industry into Douglas county. Spend your dollars where they go farthest. Cash la what talks. We sell for cash only. We can make a dollar go a Ions war for yon. Quality considered We haye the best goods. tor little money, Novelty Store. Do not fail to call at the Novelty Store tor boots and shoes. We have a full IIdo of latest shapes at popular prices. New spring goods constantly arriving. Representative Crawford left tor Sa lem Tuesday night to be on bandit wanted to take part in the proceeding for or against the Davis House. Parrott Bros, will remove with their stock ot Qno foot wear to tbe opposite side of the street In a day or two. Just waiting for the paint to dry. Churchill, Woolley ot McKenaie have several new patterns ot Bridge A Beach superior cook stoves. Call and see them. Douglas Waits, county superintend ent. Is copying in the assessor's office. The result of his work is watched with interest. Boy, gunpowder, cut abov town, ex plosion, singed eye brows, boy scared. Name, Pitchford. N. Imbler, died at bis residence in the west end of town at 10 o'clock this morning. Four cent toweling at the Novelty Store. We are now. We are sorry to learn that Dr. C. B. King ia on the sick list. Hope that he will soon recover. Mrs. James Bull, who has been quite sick for the laet week, is, we sre glad to note, improving although very slowly Prof. W. X. Pintler's school closed on lat Fridsv. The professor has given good satisfaction generally as a teacher, and the board have engaged birr for tbe spring term of school to begin on March 15th. U. A. Cvx ot Bandon, Coos county, is at present paying bis old friends at this place a visit. He ia well pleased with the country where be is located, and thinks that is the only place in Oregon for him. At our annual school meeting on last Monday, Bnj. Huntington was elected as director to take tbe place of P. V. Coffey, whose term expired at that time. It was also voted lo make arrangameota for a nine month school after this year, which will be hailed as good newa by all, as we bave as fine a school bouse as there is in Ibe country and we should make good nie of the sstne. We notice the smiling face of L. S. Shipley on our streets once more. Tbe out-look for a good fruit crop in this locality is very good at present. All nl th irMa. aaneciallv the prunes, are filled with frnit buds, and if nothing happens to them there will be enough to pay some one to erect a fruit dryer at this nlace the coming season. We can ssiute a good thing to the first man wbo will put in a sood drver ami give satis faction to the people, for the prune busi ness at this place will be tbe main feature for years to come. MIKE UCUBAm The Gates Ajar. Lint tUKgeatedon learning ot tbe death ol Pr. Langlcjr Hall, of Oakland. It seems not very loog ago, That one ot heaven's pearly gates Was opened by an angel fair. Who ever by its portals wait. Tbe gate ciosed not, but stood ajar, To welcome other loved ones home ; These wbo were near tbe mother's heart. Those wbom on earth she called her own. Now once again that gate ajar, Is opened wide to welcome In The sged father, who with joy Has entered those bright realms within. This father more tbau eighty years Lived with bis dear ones bsre below ; Gladly sharing all their joy, Mingling in life's weal and woe. Gladly he laid down earth's cares, To him tbe distance seemed not far To where the wife and mother dwell, Beyond the shining gate ajar. That heavenly gate still stands sjar. There father too and mother wait. To welcome home their loved ones all, When anaels hands shall open tbe gate. Lvpia. Tbe Sick. The little babies of Louis Belrils and Dr. Cofl'man are quite sick, tbe former not expected to live. Mrs. J. W. Ham ilton and her mother, Mrs. Smith, are laid up with the la grippe. Mrs. Roland Agee is very low, and Mr. Bitzvr Is also among tbe invalids. Elkton. Hail tbe return ot the first spring month of the year 180, . Tbe management of the Plaindkaler is to be congratulated for the improve ment made in that paper during the last month. School mcetiua lust Monday, and it is ta be honed that tho various districts have taken particular interest in tbe se lect icu of otlicere. Copious showers last Saturday night and Sunday, reviving vegetation and putting a stop to farming operations tor the present. Ths nast week has been a very busy one with the farmers, the soil having been in an unusually fine condition Much seeding has been done. Our nld friend and neighbor Levi Kent of Drain was last week interviewing bis manv friends in this locality, who are alwavs alad to meet him. May he live to pay us many pleasant visits. Miss Lillia Levins has been Quite sick for some tiuio, but it is hoped that under the skillful treatment of Dr. Hawkins ot Drain, she mav soon be restored to health again. Our shoemaker, Mr. E. D. Powell tnnk a trip to Millwood laat Sunday on visit to his family, being accompanied by E. O. Huddleston, who went after some traps, it is said, but we venture the guess that it was only the bait that he was after. niHil Mrs. Sarah Weuthcrly. aged 47 n(t..r m illness of some seveu months during which time she endured much suffering with patience. She passed hjiapaiuiiv awav on the 2:id of rebruary and her mortul remains were laid to rest NOTES OP INTEREST. New goods at Caro Bros. Boss Store, J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mr.,V Beyd. County claims and warrants bought by . 8. West. . R. TV. Ceniamin. dsnliat. room I. Marstsrs' block. Boston Kaksd Beans at the Home Bakery. Try them. Dr. Fred Harnea doe crown and bridge work in an np to date manner. Dalicioua "salt-rising" bread at the Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose strsets. Oar Native Uerbe" the great blood rurifler and liver regulator, Mr. C. A. look, agnt. Call forth "Spotted Cat" at Mr. Repp's grocery store, if you want a pleasant smoke. Nothing bnt the best material used by R. TV. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1 Maratera' block. Fresh home-made bread at tbe Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose street. Alice Baldwin, proprietor. The Bean & Meyers Hydraulic A Eclipse spray pomps can be fonnd at Cbnrcbill, Woolley a McKenziee. Yon can tell one who baa good lasts and don't like to eat dirt, paint and chalk. He gets his candy at the Kandv Kitchen. Caaebeer the grocer, corner Jackson and Waahingtoo, keeps the beet gsonei lea. Every thing fresh snd flrst clsss, ami at reasonable price. Parties desiring family sewing done would do well to call on Mies Fannie McKean, 421 Main street. Will sew for 76 cents per day. Will sell cheap, or trade for a No. 12 hut gnn or email caliber Winchester rifle, a good toad cart. Gun must I aa good as new. Address, box 312, Koeeburg, Oregon. They are so small that tbe most sensi tive persons take them, tbey are so effective that tbe most obstinate caeea of constipation, headache and torpid liver yield to tbem. mat lawny Jjewius Little Early Risers are known as tbe famous little pills. Marater' Drug Store. Competition never worries us, because we "buy right" hence "sell right." The tacts are these ; every move in onr lusioess is only made after the mist careful consideration, nothing left to chance. Shoes have advanced in price but not with us. We sell yon a good oil grain shoe tor $1.25 and upwards, fie shoes in proportion. If you doubt us, come and Bee us, convince yonrseif that we bave what we advertise. We uon t care to do all tbe business in town, but want to get a share of it. We hrinly believe that a concern that gives its customers exceptionally good values in every instance is bound to go ahead year by year, loia luea prevails throughout our entire business. Every dollars worth of goods must give tbe wearer satisfaction, even tbe ail wool beolutely fast color 18.00 suits. J. Abbauax'b Clothing nouse. Squirrel polaon at Maratera.' There waa a nice little party at tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. K. L. Miller last night. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Flint, Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Seblbrede, Mr. and Mrs. J. V Aiken, Misces Abbie and Liizie Parrott Lulu Willis, Mary Crittenden and Katie Buick aud Messrs. E. L. Parrott, Cole Stanton and John Bulck. Games and music were Indulged In and a very pleasant evening teiminated with a nice lunch. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E Church will serve a supper from 5 to 0 o'clock, on Tuesday March 9th, in tbe parlors ot the church. The supper con sistiog ot cold meats, hot rolls, cake, coffee, tea, pickles, salad and other relishes will be served for tbe small sum ot ten cents. Hattie GoomiY, Secretary, A full line of Planet Jr., garden tools, boes, rakes, etc,, at Churchill, Woolley & McKennie's. Flags were displayed from the public buildings today in honor ot inauguration day. Tbe w ife ol State Senator Mulkey died at Dallas, Polk county, the other day. It Is said that Paul Mosher died Mexico not long ago. How'a This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewsrd for any case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. r. J. VHixsy a uo. rrops., loieao, v. We the nndersigoed. have known F. Chenev for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Welding, Kinnan A Marvin, wuoiestie Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tbe b'.ood era mucous surfaces ol tbe system. 1'riie 73c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonial free. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Thi is the best medicine in the woild for all forms ot Coughs and Colds acd tor Consumption. Every bottle Is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for W hooping Cough, Asthma. Hav Fever. Pneumonia, Bron chitis, La Grippe, Cold in the Head and lor consumption, it is saie ior an agoa, pleasant to take, and, aoove an, a mire cure. ,K is aiwaya wen to taae it. Kina's Nsw Life nils in connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, ss they regulote sud tone the stomach and tiowels, We gusrantee pariect su faction or return money. Free trial bottles at A. C. M sisters' Drug Store. Hegolar size 50 cents and fl. To the Kootenai Mining Country. The O. R. & N. is tbe shortest Hue and makes the quickest time. Trains leave Portland dally at 0:30 p. m. Bag gage checked through lo destination. Tickets on sale to all mining camps. V. C. London, Agent, Roseburg, Oregon. It la auriirisinu what a "we bit of thing" can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach, dimness, are quickly banished by De Witt's Little Early Risers. Wniall pill. afe pill. Best pill. Marster s Drug Htore. Awarded Highest Honor World's Fair, aold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 9) CIlEAr.l mum tfJBJSSO Most Perfect Made. 40 Ytr the Standard,