THE PLAINDEALER, Mr Published Monday aud Thursda i. Tim n.VtNDKAt KR I't'Bl.lsllIM) Co. J B. Kll)Y V. V. M-NJAMIV KIIUr. Jlnnitrr. diiinrrliloii Mute. one Year W 00 lt MiinthM J 00 Three Mnntha SC - s.-; t.yv i . i . i as" FEBRUARY 13. NOTICE. To whom it (oiuoni: V. Hiiijs.uin hariag old hi intent; in the 1'i.aindi' ai.K, lalllament of accounts Is no i order. All amouatf dug for alvc rliMiis an I ko. von; to data arc payable lo ('. Y. Biirauiin, hi will alM par all lnueltcJius- gf tin- linn to illc, .'anuarr , 1"7. W. K. Bl..N. JV1.V t . Y. l:s 'AV1N. THAT DAWSON PETITION. Tbe Albany Herald published peti tion signed ly a wliolo lot of peopls and iflvcinl braidi'S, directed to State Senator lUwaon i' I l.inn. Tito olilionf ra art forth that tlu'y had atipported lawon and now tluv want P.wson tv support Mit.liell. Tho IViuorrat conies back and say there wore 'J t signatures ob tained at Scli, w hereas Oaksoii reeetved but to vol in that precinct. There ffeeiu to bo a niiatake out some here. Koccburg riaindcnler A similar accu.oatijn an the above also adorned the editorial comments of the llrettonian, it t'ciii! only another in stance ol the duplicity and untruthful ness of th we ho uphold the utterly cor rupt and dsiucrout) hold-up of thu Ioii lature. a Jvvs the writer -if the ahjve, Col.Kddv of the rai'rovi comuiifsioti lhe facts of the eiM are that two elec tion precincts pin iu Soio, Franklin Unite which in ISO I cava Pa son votes and cio which jrVi bitn 10 vo'ei This will eive the utter duplicity of the conception of t!i inniiuutijn ontainei iu the ' vt, m th tme facts were known to ths one who originated it. Albauv llentut. If the Herald lu 1 sUteJ tin "lru tacts m lira', plait?, that the signers on the Pawsou petition credited to Scio in cluded Franklin B't'.to, it readers wou'd not, lavj been tun'ed I' is hardlv fair to accuse of duplicity for publishing things just as we hnd them. And it might as well he s'ate I heie tint while the rL.i.DKAi.KK i not gitfii to Lew worship it has bad nothiiic but words of condemnation for the method nsed to block legislation, the H-rjM's inference to the contrary notwithstanding. The contest of Eugene V. leb with tbe authorities id the United States and his Rtibeetpivnt incarceiation eoouied at the time to bare had a (piloting elfect, but he has broken out again, lie ad dress! a larg audience at VVnllAce, Idaho, Monday night last. Mis addreae was eensational. He declared that tbe organized lalor oftbecountry would have to (olios; the example of the people of the Ksrolution before they would htvo er feci liberty. He denounced the m uter power and condemned the supreme court. The Hennm bouse finally totk the iu its teeth and went its way. bit tlONC TO PILCI-5. The LlIT THE TRUTH BE KNOWN. The failure of the Oregon legislature to organize is a scandal upon the state, u it were a populist or democratic or fusion legislature tbe verv air would be tilled with condemnation. East Oregouian (dent). ihe titst bea'.euce it t tie foregoing par agraph is hearti'v concurred iu by li e PlaiM'Kallk. Hut where were tbe pep- uhsts and dtiuocrata und fntioi.ista in tbe fight? tre they in their stats ready with veto and voice to aid und as sist in a proper organization and the transaction of necefsary business? Not that tbe record shows. Son.etinjts the democrats were in their places and some times Ihev were not, but r.o pepuhs: or fusionist answered tli3 roll call of the house for more than forty davs. WLat creditor particular viitua can 'Lev as- surne? The republicans who have ab seuted themselves were a nitre baudful ana without populist aid their course would have been of no effect whatever. If the apostles of good govern aieut ( tbe relormers, had been in their they would have found a sufficient nuuv ber of republicans on hand watting to proceed in regular order. Dot they pre erred to perpetuate a hold-up which it was in their power to break at any mo ment. There is no glory in it for them Their organs may whistle, but the tune is discordant. Tbe record is against them. PATERNALISM A CANKER. While the following from Josiah Tat terson of lcnnessco was an ante election utterance, the forces are already lining up for the next tattle ami the rattle of the musketry is heard along the skirmish line 8ti I it is well to set people thinking and keco them a! it : v lien anv part v or anv set ii men teach the people to rely en tbe govern ment for aid to iuip'ove their fortunes, no matter whether li comes in thd form of the iiiili-tresurv bcheme, 'he land lo.iu s.-home, lilt nion.'y or the free coin age of cheap and depreciated silver dol lars, it w ili result in their enervatiou. Paternalist is the canker which corrodes free institutions, and should the Ameri can pe"i ie, through the instrumentality ot t!is h.ulo?, tiuuHT with the stncity of public and private obligations, lv chang ing the measure of value, it would be an exercife it paternal roncr fatal alike to public and private morals and. it may be, to popular government.' ew York r.vemng I ot. The state of New Ji?iaey is not large, but brainy. Her common roads are the be?t in the I'nion, and her present legis lature prop-ores to spend fl,0v0,000 more for ''good country roads." Oreater states, says the Inter-Ocean, might well imitate the example of New Jersey and make money by it. There are plenty of richer states which are swamped and un- aoie to transact business ourmg one third tf the year because of impassable roads, and have been that way ever since tbe oldest citizen can remember. REVENUES FIRST. The report that Thomas H. Heed, wLo will be re-elected Speaker, will use his inOuence against all attempts lo secure financial legislation in the extra session which may be made a ill please the peo ple. What the country wants immedi ately is tbe new tariff, so that abundant revenue may be obtained and adequate protection furnished wherever needed, Tbe sooner this is had ths sooner tbe industries can adjust themselves to the new conditions and the trade revival be gin. Financial legislation is seeded, but it is not so urgent. This will require long and carefol deliberation, and should not be rushed through in an extra ses sion. The cuirency commistion, com posed of members of both of congress, which Mr. issaid. will recommend in a special message, can be intrusted with the work of pre paring a scheme c( financial reform, which congress can take up next winter. Hasty legislation on this subject niu-jt be guarded against. Tiie Eritish tars from the ship "Coarns" in the harbor of .Sail Diego landed on Washington's birthday and took part in Ihe parade, in conjunction with the forces from the United States warBiiips It Icoked tor a nhiie as though red tape would prevent Ihe grant ing of the request of Mayor Carlson, but the permit came in time. McKinley w as elected by the voters iu November, by the electors in January and by congress iu February. But there is no method provided by law for bis be ing notiCed of any or titber cf theso events. He will proc- c 1 to Washington on hearsay evidence, but there is plenty of it. Legislative Fiasco llaa Pa.vel Into History. Th- first three days of this wtek were very interesting in and about the date capital at Salem, according to the re port. It was not expected that Monday would be much of a day, but it has been characteristic of that gatherh g for tbe unexiitcted to happen. On the asscm Mirg of the joint conventin Monday Mclvinley Mitchell of Marion explained bis absence from previous roll calls, and Said though tited marching to the state house and back Lo ia ready to make one of 40 for any sort of organization provided some remedial legislation could ba obtaiued. Then Senator Jowanead the following letter from Scnatcr Mitchell: "Sa'em, Or, Feb. Li. Hon. Samuel Hughes, Chairman of the Kepublican Conference, falcon, Or. My lear Sir: I understand there is a strong disposi tion upon tho part of a majority ot the republicans to adjourn the legislature sine die, without further effort to secure the election of a senator. This would leave the state only partly represented in the 8"nate of the L'uiteJ States, the effect of which, in all probability, would he to place tho control if the senate in the bands cd those opposed to the r pub lican party, in witch event the defeat of tariff legislation at (be coming extraordi nary sersiou ot congress would be as sured. It seems lo me, therefore, there is a paramount duty resting uion you, to make one more determined etl'ort, be fore thiol adi lurninent, to secure the election of a senator. There are man prominent republicans located in differ ent sections of ihs a ate, eminently qual ified for the Maitiou men who would do cted,t to the parly, the state an I the nation. 1 wiil co-operate witti iuii and all ether republicans in the bgislatuie in endeavoring to briug about the elec tion of such a republican as the icpubli- caii coufirence, to whom this letter is addressed, will agree upou. Yours very sincerely, John- H. Mitchell." This could not bo construed as a with drawal but might be interpreted to mean a release of the members from their pledges and notice that they were at liberty to support any oilier man. Senator Gownn ssid : "A caucus of .19 republicans is behind John if. Mitchell. and we do not propose to change base at this time. I give it as my opinion that we must adjourn without securing legis lation, and without tbe election of a united States senator." Brown stated that tbe letter which Uowan had read hsd been presented to the republican conference tonight, and that the conference, by a standing vote, had decided to stay by its candidate. "whoever he is," until they got a chance to vote for him. Senator Reed tf Douglas said he wanted it understood who was responsi ble for the holdup, and drew from bis pocket a paper, which, he said, had been presented to the republican conference tonig-ht by the opposition. lie started to read, and, commenting on the fact that it was addressed to nobody, said : "They must take us for a lot of d J fools." The paper wa3 substantially an agree ment to be signed by all sides, in which the members were pledged to organize ana secure remedial Uowan, Harmon, Johnson, King, Pat terson of Marion. Prica Head. Hrollh. Taylor, Wade-H. A haentCal breath. "The motion is carried, and the sonata tanda adjourned," aald the president, Tha Heuson house on motion of Drown required tha chief clork of house to file a certificate to the effect that tha gover nor bad been notified of tho adoption ol (be Crawford resolution declaring 27 seats vacant, and that tha aatna be spread upon the records of tha house. The resolution ot Palm, that all sup plies unused at tha eud of tha ssaxion be collected by tha secretary ol ilata and retained for future use, was adopted, it ksoav'suoi.x-o. On Tuesday, at the opening of the sen ale, Heed stated that be had been in formed the bouse would b orgaaixad. Patterson of Marlon wanted to know of Reed whore be got his information that tha bouse would organise tomorrow. "I got It from the 'push,' " said Heed, amid much laughter. Soiling stopped Keed'a reply by rising to a point of order. McClung Introduced a resolution that tba committee appointed to fit the com pensation of clerks le instructed to tit the compensation ot tho chief clerk, as sistant clerk, j initial, reading and mail ing clerks, sergeant at-nrms, doorkeeper and pages. The resolution was adopted. Upon motion cf Ueed the senate then adjourned until altitnoon. immediately after roll call at the a! ternoou atssion Senator Heed obtained permission aud otieied tba following: "Resolved, - That this senate adjourn without dav on Wednesday, tbe IMth day of Februarys A. L., isnr, at (ho hour of U o'clock meridian." Heed moved (he adoption of the reso lution, and tne motion was seconded by Dnfur of Wasco. The chair ruled it out of crder, holding ttiat neither house had Ibe right without the concurrence of Ihe other to adjourn without dav, aud In the judgment of tho cluir, as long as the bouse continue its temporary orgau txatiou and attempts in good faith to af fect a ermaneut organisation, the sen ate hs r.o power to dissolve tbe legisla ture ty the action contemplated by the resolution, and until such time aa the bouso shall dissolve itself or fail to make, in good faith, an effort to effect a permanent organiaa iou, it is the duty of the senate to remain iu session. Hoed promptly npi-ealed and a debate of some length was precipitated that was participated iu by Prlver, lu(ur, Carter, Selling, Patterson of Marion, Hied, Michel), Mulk-y, McClung and ltrown- ell, ho said: "I want to adjourn. I want logo lump. 1 want to lildo my head iu a haystack where the people ol the state can't ree mo and say I was a member of this legislature" Reed in tbecjurse of bis remarks said: "I do not belong to the Mitchell crowd or the Mitchell 'pu'li.' I want tho right to go in that joint convention an I vote for whom 1 d n please. If it would do uis any gooJ, I would call on (iod to help us out, but the Bible says, "the prayera of sinners availetb not-J Hut I appeal to you, Mr. President, for God's sake let tne go Home. ' The senate refused to sustain Ihe chair by the following vote: Ayes Hates. Dawson, tiesner, Husel tine, Mackay, McClung. Michel!, Mulkey, Patterson ol Washington, Soi ling 10. Noes lirownell, Calbreath, Carter, Daly, Driver, Dutur, Oowan, Harmon, Holson, Holt, Hughes, Johnson, King, Patterson of Marion, Price, Reed, Smith, Taylor and Wade 10. Not voting President Simon. ' The original resolution to adjourn sine dine, was then adopted by the following vote : Aye? lirownell, Carter, Daly, Driver, Dufur, Harmon, llobson, Hughes, John son, King, Patterson, Price, Heed fcinitb, faylor, ade 17. Noes bates, Calbreath, Dawson, Ges ner, Ilaseltine, Holt, Mackay, McClung -Michel!, Mulkey, Patterson, .-filing .nr. rresideni I J. ' Ihe senate has determined that the resolution is adopted," said Praident Simon. Ihe senate then adjourned am: me anti-smiou wing scored a wetory. hen the Benson house reconvened Toes Jay afternoon Somere of l.inn intro duced tbe following resolution: "Whereas, The sena'e of the state of Oregon, of tho 1'Jth regular session of the legislative assembly, has duly passed NEW SPRING GOODS! Our Spring Goods are Just beginning to arrive, and we invite a careful inspection and comparison of prices. PINE roOTWUAK lor Men, Women and Children. Latest Styles in colors and shapes. HATS Our Hat Department is liht in line. SHIRTS Shirts and Neckwear ate DON'T tip to date. roRuirr ot'R )RUSS GOODS In Spring Dress Goods wc have a line unexcelled for variety and price. CURTAIN3 We have just received an elegant line'of Portieres, Tapestry Curtains and I.acc Curtains, which comprise the finest line in Southern Oregon. RIIMNANT RACK. JOSEPHSON'S tated about butting it, Ihe Douglas county senator informed the chairman that it he would call him (Herd) to tho chair tho motion would be Uickly put. The intention of the senate was to ad journ s.uo dio Kiiday, but they bad been promised faithfully that an organization of the house would be etlecled on Mon day. Monday camp and no ellbrt, ap parently, was mado but the promiso ol organization waa extended to Tuesday when It would take place sure. Tuesday was no teller, then tho senate resolved to go home and it did, at least a majority of tho members, In Scaslon Today., Fub. 1", lii". The renate was called to order at 10 o'clock this morning and l:i aonators answered their names. Tho Davis house met and there were "l pieient. At the afternoon witinn twenty-seven were prtsent, andjthree'excused. Mitchell aud Hirscb have left tSalom. It is said to ho Ihe inteutlon lo bring in sutlicieut of ttxi absentees to mako -III then proceed to elect a senator. NI-WS NOTIIS. 1'doudill years ago, Archbishop (iraco of iSt. Paul, died moudar of bronchitis. Ho years old. t'has. Kugadc has Ik en arrotod Nepa, Col., charged with the murder his sister. The bodv of a chinaman was found til , the fatuous rope walker of died in Loiulou recently. .Mum , w a Nl aud Hpj-npar river , tlein i anu secure remeuiai legislation ana to reeolution to adjourn, without day at 1 l: o'clock, noon, vVeduesday, the fd. 01 reoruary, iw.h ; therefore, be it Virtue has been found in the liusaian tliittle. The populist legislature of Ne braska has repealed the bill passed two years ago placing a prenduoi on its de struction. The- weed makes fair fodder and fuel, and doss not spread as rapidly aa some of the farmers would like. EXPENSIVE AMUNITION. A bid haa bsen introduced in tha Mis souri legislature "to terminate flirting with female pasEecgers by railway con ductors and" This, remarks a pious paragrapher, is a prudent meas ute. All tailrciada tlioulJ be supplied with proper terminal facilities. The last p.. eat war between civilized nations was the Franco-Prussian. It was a six mouths campaign. It was the first in which needle guns were used, tbe first improvement on Ihe pcrcutuiuii cap. The battles were sharp and decis ive. The next war between civilized powers will demonstrate the murderous qualities of modern rep-sating rilles and long range breach loading artillery. It will bs abort; it will be deadly; it will be expensive. Tlies observations are prompted by thu tepcrt cf the huute committee on military al'faira to congress in which it is stated it costs for powder and projacliie alone tlCJ to (ire one round from an eight-inch rifle, W- to lire one round from a ten-inch rille, fjfil to fire oue round from a twelve-inch rifle, and f G50 to tiro or. e round from a fifteen-inch pneumatic gun. The cost of oue round from a twolvo-inch mortar is 21U. Hero is another argument iu sup port of arbitration. Tbe decision of President Simon that tbe senate could not adjourn sine dio un lets by concurrent resolution with u duly organized house, w hen there was no house according to the senate's own vote, was tantamount to notice that it was proposed to keep the senate in tes ion till the bouse acceded to its terms if It took all summer, uuc mere were others. Oman's suffrage does not apptar to bo making much headway just now. Recently the Massachusetts legislature rtjectud a rcpobed amenditeut to the constitution extending the ballot to women, and now the Nebratkans have done likewiHu. If the iCuliuh government fcha'l refuse to pay thu indemnity usked by President Krtigcr cf the Transvaal republic be cause of the Jam'twn raid, what ia to prevent Oom Paul from confiscating tbe property of Dritish residents of the re' public? tiuveriior Uiibhnell bug set at rest all speculation us to who will succeed .Sher man in the senate. Tho governor has stated that bo will appoint Mark A, Ilanna to the vacancy. Foraker's re marks, when he heard of it are not quoted. Uncle Kam has farms enough without calling upon Mexico to raise steers, or Australia f-jr 1 beep and wool. At least he can well afford to give a little prefer ence to tho home products, ana uo no one an injustice. Good times sre lioped or by demo crats and populists and expected by re publicans. A little earnest, iinitcU effort will bring them about. A Urooklyn paper has anfarticle on- " Lincoln as a Standard of Measure ment." There would he few politicians left if thu Htandard bhould come into general use. "So legislation no taxation," for state purposes, in Htierman county not a farthing sir. Observer. senator in such manner as '0 elect him. and to so distribute their votes as to pre vent and election. When be had con cluded, Reed aBked : " bo in h 1 is the hold-up? ' This brought Hozue of Multnomah to to bis feet, who said that he did not know of any one who was more respon sible fo- that paper than himself. "lust document," Jlogue declared, was banded to me in good faith br an honorable senator. I have talked with many members about it; some have ap proved it and others approved only in part. I do not approve it at all. In justice to the gentlemen who proposed this, i must say they were inspired by honest motives." ' Chairman liroanell interrupted, say ing: "I hey were honest so far as thev said they did not want a certain man for United fctates senator." Senator Dri"er tben answered Reed'a sulphurous question: "I don't know who in li 1 id responsible for the hold up," ho said ; "but I know who is re- sjKDsiblein Oregon." homers wanted to know if the Hoirue paper had come with authority from the opposition, and if all bad agreed to it. Hogue replied that be so understood. Chapman wanted Driver to say who was responsible for the hold-up, and Driver made a rambling speech in reply, the effect of which was to show it was not Mitchell. On motion of Johnson, the joint atiseinbly adjourned till tomorrow at noon. In the senate a tilt'o economy cronned out whtn Taylor, chairman of Ihe ways and means committee, reported the mileage and per diem of the several sen ators yesterday Urownell demanded that l.r- 11 U.. ... !!.. a a, - . . uia luiieuo u uiricaen irom 1111) report "as be was using a free pass and did not deBire to collect anything from (lie state for which he had not given equivalent value." Johnson of Linn reduced his mileage eighty miles worth and Dufur of Wbjco cut liis iu two, owing to the fact that bis last trio to The Dalles was a home-trip, despite the fact tliat be took it uo-W orders of the senate in behalf of the' i' irtsgo railway investigation," A r this was disposed of Senator Mici.oll of WeBco and Sherman, said: In honor of the occasion, this biinir the iCoth anniversary of the birth of Georire Washington, who was "First in neace. first 10 war, and first in the hearts of his countrymen," I move that the sen ate now adjourn." Senator Ueod offered an amendment to adjourn sine die. "The motion is not susceptible of an amendment of that kind," replied tbe president. "Besides, it is out of order." An aye and no voto was called for on MicheU s motion, and the vote resulted as follows: Ayes Bates. Carter, Dawson. Gesuer. Ifaseltine, Ho'ison. Holt. Iluuhea. Mackay, McClung, Michell, MuTsey, Patterson of Washington, Selig, Mr. President 15. Noes Brownell, Daly, Driver, Dufur, y Resolved. That the PJlh biennial session of the boose ot representatives of the state of Oregon adjourn without day on ednesday, the ti lth day of Feb ruary, A. D. 17, at l o'clock, p. m. said day." Tho reeolution was adopted amid cheers, and Ihe boose adjourned till 10 a. m. UeJucslay. WCIj.NJt.SDav'a l'llOCKfcDlNUJi. la the lieuson house homers intro duced the usual resolution that a com mittee consisting of tho speaker and two members be appointed to examine r.nd correct me journal, ino cruel cleric was added to the committee and a provision was mads mat the compensation for tin service should uot exceed four days 1114 resolution as amended was adopted The pay of the employes of the bouse was fixed as follows: Chief clerk, 7; assistant chief clerk f j ; reading clerk, $0 ; calendar clerk, j sergeant-at-arms, $1; aseittaut sergeant at-arms, 4 ; doorkeeper, $3; pages, $1 the report was adopted by a vote of ayes to 7 poop. Ihe usual motions of thanks to the speaker, to Illibee Club and to others were made. Remarks by Crawford Chapman, Brown- and others followed and at 1 o'clock the bouse adjourn. sine die. ' 1 When Ilia jomt convention met at noon, .'10 present. A motion simply to aljourn was made by Patterson of Ma rion, and was carried on a viva voce vote. Ao limo being hxed to which to adioum the convention bad met for the last time In trie senate this morning Heed in sisted that the usual custom of dtsnens ing with the reading of tbe journal be not iotioweu, as lie wanted to be sure that tho journal was correct. uowan, lor the special committee on fixing compensation, made a report rec Ommending the following salaries, Chief clerk, t; assistant chief clerk, $0; cat endar clerk, f'i; reading clerk, $0; mail ing clerk, fl; sergeant-at-arms, $0; uoorxoeper. : three pages lor the sen ate and one for the state printer, 2.50. Alter much discussion and proposed amendment the resolution as introduced was adopted, and the senate adjourned to - o'clock. At the afternoon session the Prosident adhered to his position that tho senate could not adjourn without a concurrent resolution, but 10 senators announced mat aiter adjournment ttiey would go nome. Senator Harmon, who came up this morning, stys there were fifteen sen ators who walked out yesterday, and Senator Calbraith did not answer tbe roll call in the afternoon, making 10 In all. Senator Harmon speaks highly oi the qualifications of Mr. Simon as a pre siding officer, but his ruling on questions pertaining to the final adjournment, Mr. Harmon pronounced arbitrary in the ex treme. At one time In tbe proceeding when Senator Reed made a motion to adjourn without dy, and the chair besi- the Willamette at Portland Sunday 1001 play is suspected. . Charley Sherwood, formerly uf kane, was found frozen to death Wantta, II. C, recently. Chas. Kreiuier, cook 011 the steamer Itamoi.a, wax drowued at hy falling overboard MotiJay. Au uld man nainxd Michael tileason was tramped to di-nth by sheep at .U-Ilei-scnville, hid., a few days ago. An outbreak of the Piute Indians ia feared in Nevada iu revengo (or thu kill ing of a Piute by a white man. The poHtotnee at Ml. Angel was bur glarized Tuesday und nto(it $100 in stamps and $73 iu money atolen. Tbe Ohio and its tributaries are hav ing a freshet, and tho rivers of Went Virginia are above the danger line. The great steamers plying letwueii New York and Jiuropeau ports report encountering heavy weather recently. Railway trallic in Northern Wisconsin was practically suspended Monday be cause of tho prevalence of a bavy hii ow storm. Geo. Coxey proposed a demonstration of the uneinploved at. St. I. mis i.-ii SViihIi ishiiigton'H birthday, but it ili I not ma terialize. Tbe grand jury of Diilulh baa undo a sensational report of ruttcnni-xa in pub lie atlairs. Tweuty-llvc indictment were nturned. Charles Duncan of Portland fell into the fire in an epileptic lit Saturday and was frightfully, though perhaps not fa tally, burned. A Mr. and Mrs. Smith uf Portland about $ 1000 in money ami valuables by the burglarizing of a tlat in Sun Fran cisco where they wcro staying. I'.ut IS davs now remain for the Wash ington legislature to complete its work. It baa several hundred bills iu commit tees, and is now laboring heavily, like a miidscow against the tide. A bov named Stephen Kinuholfer, was shot and killed by a companion n aunt I Charles Woody, near Walla Walla Mon day. The boys were huntiug ground squirrels, and tho shooting was ac i dental. NowiHjrt has been selected un thu place where a summer school course ia to ho held. The couuty institute will bo held July 20, stale teachers' association July 27, and the HUiiiincr school begiim August 2. Horn, to tho wife of ex-President lieu- jaiinii Harrison, at Indiauapjlis, Iud , Feb. 21, 11 daughter. 'I he-dispatch add the information that Mr. and Mrs. Hur- riHon were married April li, IX!)!, aud tliat the father ii (II years old. 1 A heavy rain storm iu Kentucky has' caused thi waters of many streams to overflow their banks, flooding the adja cent country. Tho town of Middlehoro is two-thirda under water, ami (if) fam ilies have been forced to lenvo their, homes. 1 Major McKinley will, at the time of liis inauguration, be .V yearn of nge. I Nine presidents entered the White llouae at an earlier it:e tiratit at 47. Cleveland at 4S. ti.irllel l and Pierce at 40, Polk und 1 1 1 1 hi in 0 iu CO, Tyln and Arthur at rl, aud l.iutoln at 5'J AitgiMt Alexander, a youn4 Indian from (ho I'matilla reservation, was ar rested in Peiidlttoii Saturday lor h ucrv. He forged the name of Major Groriio W. Harper l a chock drawn ou the I irt Nationul bank. Hu waa air.e'ed whlhi IryiiiK to ciimIi iho 1 hnk at the bank. The week junt paHsed has witnrrsed (tin h'-iivit-st snofall and thu greatest number (d aiiowalhh-H In Colorado aluea ISS-I, nccordipg to advices received from many points. There have bren many fata!itie, riuinborlei's rarrow ccnp, and evrul M'rMna have Uni reported as inlawing. Thu joint tied uf lite ow( r, led by a liritish man-of-war, hut Siindav opened lire Uki:i tho quarters of tho Cretan in surgents at Holepa, eontinuirg tho Immii hardmont for about 10 minutes and re ducing the building held by the Cretans to ruins. Alter the tiring -Haed the Cretans ichclntcd tbe Greek Hag, tumoral Fit. Huch Leo. I'oitod Statra consul general to Havana, has resigned. Thu reason uaaigned la insufficient aui. poit (rem tho state department in tila efforts to protect nil American citizens in Cuba, the Inline diatu cause being tho apathy of this government I ta regard to tho cam) nf Dr. Ruin murdered iu a Cu ban j til. Diripatchea fuiui Athena say Greece haa declared if thu I ombardrucnt of the iaaitrgci'i'h' position 10 thu inland ol Creto Is repeated she will break nll'diplu-11-a tic iclatiu"M w.tli thu powets. It la alsoNtuto l that Ann: in Hoy, Turkish min ister at Athena, threaten! that Turkey will break c tf her relations imlesi Greek troops are w ithdraw 11 fruin Crete. The foreign wamhips have prevented tho Greeks from lauding arms and provi sions (111 the Cretan coaut. Something to DrpenJ On. Mr. James . tones of tha drug (Inn ot Jones A Son, Cowdrn, III., In speaking of Dr. king' Now Ducorery, says thai laid winter hla wife was attacked With I.a Grippe, and her case graw so srrlons that physicians at Cowdon and Pana could do tiuihiim for her. It swetne-d to develop into Hurdy Consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery lu store and selling Iota if It, he tuuk a bollle home, an I to tho aurprisrt of all aba be gun lo get holler from first dote, and half duzoii dollar bottles cured ber sound aud well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds Is guar anteed to do this irom! work. Try It, I r.o trial bottles at A. C. Marsters. To tho Kootenai Alining Country. Thnt). 11 A N. ia llm ahorteat Hue aud makes the qnlckeal lime. Trains leave Portland dally at 0:30 p. m. Bag kitge cheikrd through to destination, lu kelson sale to all mining camps. V. C. I-ondon, Agent, Roseburg, Uragon. I ... M Moil If itfttrllMgfc II. (. KLKri. Uo Mir ltd lailxig, KO. KM, hoi. I Uii'lr miular euinaiurilcalloiia at Ilia 1. 11 l), K. liall on M-e.iiiil a lei (ninth Ibunday el earh iiiuMIi. All tm-mtx-ii mtiattd to at leiel rvxularly. ami all vUIllug brother en lllally lnvlUl to atloiel. KKr.l) I'AtiK Tt'HTIN, t. K I1KKMAN MAHKS, Tiut'iii.Aa 1 la'.st u,, no. t ;k. o. v - lutta iv,-rjr Wr'tut-iioajr ai o'eliM-a lu lliv (it. I !.. nlc II, brullirrt arc coidlnlly lliTllml lo alland. A. M . rrnloi al S Hall. VI lalllai Oto. H'. I'aaav, llceurilliiK r(r( rotary. O. B. (minis, rounotlur. Skull I'racturcd. A Kiinetie tiiati li f Monday a.its; lieoro Mian'-, a 1'J-yrar-ulJ bov, was proli.itjlc fatally i j ire. I last evening by a kick from a home. Tho boy ia a atep son of I .nhi volte. Hendricks, who livea near Cohurg. Tho family was away from home aud tint boy was alone. Mr HeudrickH found biin lying ou tho stable tl.or wtiori ho W't'lrTod fttiout 0 o'clock. I.iIh I an-lr reuialned, and III' boy was taken iu it ml cared tor and a physician summoned. It w aa found that the skull j is horribly fractured, thn Inpof the head tieing cmitied completely 111. lio Is still alive, but tho chances for his recovery are very slim. The inj tries aro sup posed t) have been received about 6 o'clock, while tho hoy Mas- doing his evening work about thu burn. M enfc "Merit talks" tho asnajj Intrinsic value of Q T1 I I AO Hood'sHarHaparilla. U C4I iW Merit in medicine ineana tho power to enre. Jlood'a Haraaparilla pohhcshcs actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it has truo merit. When you buy Hood's Hirasparllla.and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to euro la there. You aro not trying an experiment. It will tnako your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out tho germs of d Ixcaso, strengthen the nerves and build up the wholesystem. Sarsaparilla Is the best, In fact the. tne True Wood Purifier. Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass A woman's work is hnrd in in anv ways. Unless the woman is atroug and healthy her work w ill cause her much (ll-.trcM and pain, and she will miller from headaches, and backaches and Mdr-achr, and each evening will foul her utterly worn out, nick and dis gusted with life. In this condition of mind i.nd body she cannot be a loving- and ami able companion fur her husband when lie returns from his work weary too in body and mind. If a woman wants to live a happy, con tcuted, loving, helpful married life ahe can not take too uiuch cure uf the health and vigor of the org-ans distinctly feminine, for her general health and strength is largely dependent upon her special health in a wo manly woy. Ur. l'ierce'a I'avorite Preacrlp lion enables a woman to be ulwayn well and strong where a woman most needs health and strength. It acta directly on the im portant and delicate organs involved in her wifehood and motherhood. It mukes them strong and healthy. Taken dining the pe riod preceding motherhood it banishes the usual discomforts and makes baby's coming easy and comparatively painless. It insures the new -doner's health and provides 1111 Stnple supply of natural nourishment. It tures nil weakness and disease, and head aches, backaches, and side-aches no longer torture ber lu her work. Over 00,000 wo men have testified to the wonderful vir tues of the "J-'uvnritP I'reserlptlqn " over their signatures. An honest druggist will not try to force on you a substitute for the sake of a few pennies udded profit. Dr. Tierce's 1000 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser" will be sent free, paper covered, for 21 one-cent stamps to pay cost uf mailing only. Or cloth -bound tor ,v Stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Med fcal Association, lluffato, N, Y, T AUHKI. I.OIXIK, A. K. A M . Htlil'Uia - meeitngs tho .M ami 41 li WadnaMara la varn uiuuiu. N. 1 I II 1 K IOIINHOS, W. M. Jr. ai r, H'vry. plllLlil AUIAN I.OImIK. M. S, 1. U. O. t, X mwU Halurdar toiiln ol aaeh WMk at inuir 1111 111 u.1.1 Fi-iiiiw Meuitivra ul ha i.rder In 0.1 10 attend lvuila al Hnaakanr. utm tanning arvlarfV a. w. vANr.iui, n. a. f. U. UlciLM, Se'y. UNION (),1,1 KNUAMI'MKNT, NO. t, MISTS AT Fellows hall (,1k BMvmd an a fnarlk rn.iajri 01 paeii niuiuh. Vltlllng hrUra aro liiTlta.l to altml. - Alii. IIOFFMAS, 0. r. JOH. Mll'KLU, Serlbr. noHKHLhil I.OlXiK, NO. IS, A. O. D. W. IN- uiih-Ii Hie seouid and fourth Moadaja al ech month l 7 JO p. in. at O.l.l Pallowa kali. Momlivra ol Ilia ordut In good alluding ars la riled to attood. p ENO l-OHT. NO. V, (1. A. U., MKIIV TS1I Bret and third Thura-Uyt ul moiUi. WOMKNH KKUgr (OKI'S NO. lo, MIS Til flrstl aud Itdrl ThiilKlart ta inonlli. T'AliMr Mllig a will l liald Knaeuuni, Iho Ilr.t Krl.l.t In prmlwr, Murk ami June, and lliu ililrd Krlday In Soplemuvr, Al.l.lASl 'K-Regular al Oraug Uall (Juartorlr 1. nonKUt'hii en an Kit. no. a. 0. it. s., tbi- n. iiii.l and lourth Unirsdara ol niciiin Kh(jA HART, W. M A. -Ni lltt.iw M, hej') . MI ITS tJOSKill'lltl I'lVlHION NO 478 B. OF L. ., nui'U i-M-rr nd and luutlu Huiidaf. MOHKllllllll It. II. I.OIlliK, NO. 41, I. O ,(). F iti-ta ml 'I ueMlay evening if each waok al iho Odd Kelluws hall. Vl.lllng alalara and orvlhruii are Inrlted lu attend. MERIT WEST, N. B. AXIATA full 1 II, U. See. MEETS r allow- In good Handing tor- ALPHA I.OlXiK, NO. 47, K. OF P.. avrry Welni-ilar evening at Odd nun. viMiing Knla'iia dlally luvlU.J lo alleud. I). I.OONP.Y, C. C. It. M.CONKLINU, K. K. S ii a.i-LJB Slwflcou KI.Y'H I'ltKAM IIAI.SI la u poIUeora. Apply Into Iho li'wlrlls. It la ipili kly alwiirlcd. M recta at !nifl"i nr by nm I ; miiniirs ine. hy mall. tl.V 111(01't, ,0 V. iirr. u 1 1., New York City. NOTICE. NOJKK 1H IlkKKIIY GIVEN THAT TFIF. IlllilcrtUned has beun bv tho C'uuulv f.'onrl aiipolDtad ul iioukiiis county, htatu ol Oragon, M,(t.,llL.t.M(,. M.I ll.ll ull.,Jt ,.l I' dneiiMid. All parsons having claims against tuni esutie un- reiiiri ii 10 iirva.uit ilia same Willi proper voucher! within nil month! Irom tha natu ol this notice, to tho iiiidenlgovd at hla I101110 lu (ianlen Uiittom, JiiMiglaa county, Or ko:i, or al the ollleo ol J. U . llamlllon, Rota burg, Orauou. I'nh'd tills loth day of Kabruary, 1AV7. A. I.aUADT. KmIhIo ol liarlva l a fl.t. AiUiiliilstrnlor of the I'olut, ducaaaoi. REMOVAL. On or about March ist, Jparrottros. . Will occupy their New Stoic on Jackson Street, opposite their present quarters, with a full line of BOOTS AND SHOES. u ii. nm. Do lint iiiirife. tiiiiii 01 IIOOU 8 I'llIS griMf. jtir.inV.kWa8l ZIQLER BROS.,. . Depot Grocers PEALEKH IN AM. KlNDH OF STAPLE . AND . FANCY GROCERIES. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUOIIT AND SOLD. Givo us a call. Goods Uvlivored to cny tinrt of the City in short order. Corner. Lnno A Hlierldun Ptrcets, ltOSEDUnG, OREGON,