MM' PLA1NDBALEH ,. I IP vmi- riilJKUAUY 1H, HM7, . . ' tii Cburclica. lUrtiaf C'mubum corner of 1-a.i and Hoi IrsaW. Sunday Hrvlci I'miclilin, II . bi. aod 7.10 1. m. Young People' Union, I . so p.m. i Mrt. K, W. Illsck, l'rMlIu(i Hunday Hohoul, 10 e. m.l Jmu (Jlmmberlaln, uprliitiid-;ii Vryi Mllii, Tlmiaday tvnliig l 7 JW. af STHnpitT CsuacM foriier tl ataltisud ln ttrvala. Sunday Vertl!: lraolilii, 11 a. aud 1 W p, w, Sabbath lotimil, IO . m.l f, W. Wootlor, tirtii.iidntl (JUaa UMllti at Ium o( tli miirnlng mi -lea; Kpworth Uul to p. in. Ilatll iM(riy, Proaldont. fryr MmMm. WadiiMKlay, at 7.W p. m, rut HO I,. MooNK, I'MlUf, I'arannasr, winmf Mailt iid ln' rstUH (.'iiimtM-uoruKf ul ud Hiitrta. Sunday HurU': I'll pile wurahlp, a tn. tint In p. m i luiiimiii Uuliool, lu a. m T. f. . C. 1,7 p. m. iiayor MmIIdi, Wednii. day. 7 so p. m H. n lllLWUKTM, I'MllT Urn and Sdlpbur at Muratrr'. A Batsman. t)i rollablo Jeweler. Oaro Bros, are the bona merchants. lo to thn lloseleal (or tlie boat cigar Winl taken on subscription at Ihla iftlia. Oo lu A, U. Marsters Co. lor school booka. Got your school books at Marsters ilriia atom. For tirsl-claaadoiitlHtiy go to lr. l.lltla ol Oakland. Hchool hooka and stalloiiory at Mar sters' Dma Moie. pure frtmli groceries ami low prices at Oaitiheer grocery. P. H. Weal dwa inmirauie. OlB opposite th pout otllce, Nealsloot oil, machine ami lubricating nil at Marslers' Drug More. A flna lino ol gents' cln a at J. Abra ham' Price Jnxl right. All work warrantiiil llrat clua by II. W. itaiijamiii, tt tint. Key et, liniiorto.l and domestic rlgara at tbe Roeeleal. An excellent lino ol toilet noua ul Marnier' Drug Store. (loo. In Mo coel Mt Curo's. No ie tbo llio limit lor targnin. Nohhy Kiilta ami latent tylia at 1-lttlt-Jack'a. Pihvh very low. All aiylxa au.l iiulilii ul bata at A bra bain'a. lljdr.ick prices. Munyon'a llomfiHtbio Remedies lor aula at Marnier' Drug htciro. An endless varluty ol romba, hair ami clothes brushes at Alaiati'ra'. Kor barnalna in lamily urot i-rli-a, rail at tbo rKilo'a atom, Cawi irl. Munyon'a IIomemtlile Ui-iiii'tllwi ul A. O. MaraUrn A Co. 'a 1niK utorn. HrinK your clot k arid ivalcbvt to Mow Jirry the rllt'l wrlir lor ropnira. Country no.bu'e ol all kimln IkjiiIii ami aold at CanoU er'a uroci-ry lore. At Oakland, T. I. (iravra ia authoring to ru'wivr and rernpl lor aulcrl)tion to tbe I'laindhai mi. . Fine Kold and ailvrr liiluign iut in by II. V. lU-iijamiii, liinliHt. Tiliia to Uit 111" tillll'H. "'Lire and lit livo" n Ir. II. W. Hon )tmln'a uotto. Ponlal xvurk dno at ttixlrock price. Largrat tock ol lanry chairs at Aim andor A Krone's, over brouubt to Hoee burg and at pricoa lower than ever. ililiig your job work to the I'lainuial r olUce. We aw prepared to do the cbeapoat aud bat work south of Tort .and. Kavo money ami time. To jiartii" going Kiiat, go by tho O. It .A N. short route. Call on or write to V. C. Ixttidou, KoHbiirg, Oregon. Take notice, lr. Jlonjaiuiu, the duut lal, la permanently located and guaran tees all hia work, (iive him call and eiaiuine work and price. II you don't wai.t to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots and shoe made at L. Langenburg's. Kepalriug neatly aud promptly done For good hat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenborg A Abraham, whone stock 3inbrarvs all grades ol hetid guar. The tenure lHal stole ha just opened up a beautiful lino vt W. 1.. Douglas shoe, which prove to be the best shoes made. Couiu and innpect them. 1 am prepared to ollur lumber or wood at reduced pricos. 1 uui taking In lum ber and wood on old accounts and in trade lor good. T. K. Kiciiahdhon. 1.. I.angeuburg ia lill ou ton. He carries a lull atock ol choice uiuhic, mu sical InMtruuients, violin, guiUrs, socord eons etc., violin string ol best quality alwavs on hand. Jack Abraham, genU lurnisher, keep the best goods snd latest ol every thing lu his line, and sells them at a lower price than any ol his competitors. He lao sella boots and shoe at astonishing low prices. Good pasturage furnished lit my past tores on Huberts creek. Charge reasonable. All atock nt owner's rink. The bestoi care will be given to ail stock entrusted to my charge. J. M. ScnArrtn. Tho cheap rates.ltwelve dollars cabin and six steerage, Including meals and berth are still in effect on the O. K. A N. Go's, steamers from Portland to Han Francisco. Btoamer leaves Portland every five days. Yolney C. Lonuun, Aguut. Dr. H. W. Honjuinin, late of the d en college at Atlanta (!., bus fitted up dental rooms in tbo Marsters block, where ho la prepared to do do first class work In all tho lates improvements, Crown and bridge work, gold and porce lain crown, Ullings aud extraction of teeth at hard-time prices and all work guaranteed, llcmetnbor, room 1, Mars tars' block. Notice is hereby given to the public by the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be burled ou my pren Isea, at ltoHoburg, Oregon, or garbage damped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom. unlosH tho party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to bo do. Tresspassers will be jirosocutod ac cording to law. AahokRohb, HoeeVmrg. Oregon, March 17th, 1805. Your grocer will sell you Si'iiliugs Best tea, and re turn your money in full if you don't like it. He is our agent to this etont; and we want no better business. DRIQP MENTION. I'stee Is ou liei wsy here. Who Is to be school director T Goal tar and resin at Marsters'. Hoi Id silver novelties at Halsrosn's Finest line of flannelette at the Not lly Ktor. County claims and warrant bought by D. B. Wont. A. Callahan, rain In from Wardlon yesterdsy. Four fold Riphyrs in all colors at th Novelty 6turr. F. N. and IMaln Orubbe came up from Mklon yesterdsy, I'lentyof Dran and hhorts at Gawlfletd A Cawllleld's Fee. I Htore. Grunts I'ss complains of th depreda tiatss of chicken thieves. Urrt Tongue, eon of our congressman elect, Is visiting In Eugene. Ileautiful designs In genu silk hand- kerchief nt th Novelty Btore. Dr, Frrd lfaynes does crown ami bridge work In an up to date manner. When you are in used ot hoot and hoes call and z irnlne our line, Novelty Store. When you call on n and don't see wlist vou wsnl, ak for It. Novelty btore. Money to loan. Call at the office) of I. F. iticr, real estate dwiler, Kosehurg, Oregon.' Have your dental work dun by It. W, llenjauilii, dentist. All work guaran teed flmt clans Call for the "Spotted Cat" at Mr Happ's grocery store, If you wantsf pleasitut smoke. It U retried bure today that the poit mauler at Fugeue ha embeszled two thousand dullara. Don't forget tbat M. Y, Klu' eecoud blind atore li where to get bargain in his clans of goods. The bottom fell out of I tie cresmery pruj. 1 1 at Corvailla Hatui'lay. Too much Ulffureiice ol opinion. (ems, we have jukt added some beau itful paiierns to our lino of 25-ceut Deck- aear. Novelty More. J. F. (uiluiaii of Looking Glasi and y . raiiileiaii nf Ui l.llo were guests of il.e .M, I'UiIcii 1-itJ.y. Now i tb time to spray your or chard. I'm the combination sprayer aud ve lime and money, Kxaujinutiod for promotion In th public HrinM-l tn-gau xeattrday and will com in im luday and t morrow. I,en IVidue and .Inhu 1'. Hauks were d'jau from lVrdiid Wednesday to take In the tiglil and cene of the city. Teeth i ttracted aticolutely without puin by It. V. Honjamin, dentiit, room I, Maralers' lilm k, Koaeburg, Or. Dr. M. W. Dtvla will be in Itoaeburg tee 11 rut week io Marcti, prepared to do Qrit t liiM drntal work in all itsbisnchee. l'atee w ld p -sitively appear in all the towns of Southern Oregon early in the spring. , For particulars see T. K. Klch ardson. Mrs. Clara Ikrry has leu confloed to the house by illness for about a week and last night her rseo showed no im provemenl. Now it the lime to (prsy your trees Buy the Combination Hprsyer and sat time and mousy. W, H.Gordon ot th Ceutral, agent. Deputy Hherid' It I.. Ktevens took couple of the inmates of the hotel d'Ageeupto get photographed yester day for future reference. A neighboring editor says he saw a fight between a snake and six frogs the the other dsy. That's nothing to what he'll see if he doesn't sober up. If you cannot come to town send us your msil orders, if we haven't th groda we will try and procure them for you, all orders filled promptly. Novelty Htore. K. Du Use, 1'hysician and Burgeon, ollice In Marsters' building. Calls In town and country promptly answered night or day. Residence, Oil Mill street. China Ham, one of the old residents of Rosoburg, Is (juite rick, and It J more thsu likely his boues will soon be resdy for shipment to the Flowery Kingdom. The Kaudy Kitchoo had a big trade during the holidays. The people are beginning to find out that it Is tho only place you can got candy that is fit to tat. The cry of Ore was raised on Taeedsy night about 0:15 and people rushed out to see tbe conflagstlon. It.wss nothing but George Carpy's chimney burning out. Tbe dog catcher is rounding up the unfortuuate canlues whose owners do not ihiuk enough of them to pay the tax, and there ie tuueio in the rear ot th city hall. 8. C. Miller, ex-sheriff, now the prin cipal champion of the claim ot school diet, No. 110, was down from Civil Bend yesterday, circulating among hi old friends. Don't forgot that wo have line of No. 1 tinware, if you wsut the good grade you'll always find it here at but torn prices, also notion! of all kinds, Novelty Store. The East Oregoulau head a marriage notice Mkakh-Whitk. This provoke the Eugene Guard to remark i Well It he don't ruean white she should kick him out of bed without ceremony, The ludles of Women' Relief Corp will give a children dime sociable at the Opera House, Thursday evening, Feb. 18th. Come children and have a good time. SisiR Balks, Sec. The corps of correspond ents I increasing aud we expect soon to have a live correspondent in every pre clnct. It is the intention to make this the best local paper in Southern Ore gon. Mlns l'inma Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mr. James Howard, died of con sumption at the sge of 1? years Tdelilay, February 10, 1007. Th funeral was hld the next day and tb remsln Interred In th Pleassnt hill cemetery. Eugene Guard. 0. A, ftehlbrede leave on th over land tonight for Halem to visit bis fathr-ln-lw, 0. 8. Downing, who Is till seriously III. From official report it Is learned that for th two week nding with Fbiury 13th, th Christian denomination gained In membership In the Unlud Ktstea MM. E. K. Km m lit wss In from Millwood todsf, returning ou th freight vis. Oak land. He has been appointed ssiUtant to Assessor Drift for the purpose of as seesing Cole Valley, Miliood ami Wll bur precinct. Robert Redesign of Ruckles, wss in on businoss yesterday. He complained of th muddy condition ol the road, and aiiggesUd what a country Oregon would be, but for I he condition of th road In winter. Atth Vlo!ct Club's party lt night th juetion of giving s grand ball either at tbo Opera Home or the Armory was Informally discuised. A business raret Ing will be held on Haturday aud the question taken up. Hlmoti Oaro, who b i been under lh weather for several days, ia biinaelf again. He had quite a severe attack of the prsvailing ailment, la grippe, and wore his nose lu a slinj and his eyes were full of wp. An agent lor a new (angled scales ha beeu making uuiU "killing" lu Jose phine county, according to the Courier Although the apparatus coats f)5, he ee cured good many orders from grocery men and storekeepers. On Inquiry at the ofllcs of the aeeror as to whether there was anything new ' upder the sun," the reporter was Informed dial J. I. Chapman. seriously contemplated washing hi feet. For further particular see Uritt. About all (he pilgrims who turned their faces halem ward last week have ie turned, for the most part jHxirer out wiser. They saw no opportunity to break the deadlock and concluded they might just a well come home. Mrs. Bradley, mother of Dr. Bradley ol thi city, died at Oakland yesterday, after an illness of about a year. The funeral took place today. Mr. Bradley as a pioneer of Douglas county and a host of friends will mourn he lues. Irs B. Riddle, deputy protecting at torney, is up to hi eyes in business to ds. I Id's moving snd from henceforth till further notice will I e loiiud in the Brockwsy houee back of iht court home formerly occupied by ex 6herif! Cat heart. Moodav afternoon we bad the heav iest rsin of the season for the ssme length of lime, and Tuesday morning there was, by way of a change, a little flurry of snow, but the sun came out and tbe wintry symptoms dissppesrod in a trice. On February the 25, II. W. Wesco of Portland, Or., will give at Roeeburg, tereopticsn entertainment of Oregon scenery and industries. The entertain ment will be given st the M, E. church, nnder the auspices of the ladies of the W.C. T. U. The young friends of Mits Beriie Slocum gave that young lsdv a surprire party on Tuesday evening, and thirty seven youngster gathered at locum'a Hall in honor of tbe occasion. Did they bare a good li:ue? Will, rather! They made tbe wolkin ring, and tripped tbe light fantasiic, sn' sich. A missionary tea was given at the M. E. parsonage ou Tuesday evening. Tables were spread from 5 p. in. to p. m. There were sandwiches, salads, jellies, coffee, tea and cake galore, eucb as 1 made for the angels, and all for tsn cent. Quite a number took advantsgs thereof and participated ; more certainly would if they knew what they were missing. . Tbe prevailing rage among the small boys Is stilts. It is no unusual thing to see a youngster of 10 or 12 perched up on stilt with hi feet higher than his head ordinarily would be. The matter of a fewjnehes of mud has no terror for them ; they pluuge across streets or va cant lot with perfect ang froid. (Don't know for snre whether that's good French or not.) There was a little white frost yester day morning and repeated this morning, and water in exposed places crusted over a little. It doe no damage st this sesson, io fact it i rather helpful than otherwise, as it will have tendency to repress the swelling propensity of the fruit buds and keep tbem back a little. They are disposed to bo too precocious. Dr. J. W, Straogo will be at Drain next week commencing with Wednes day, remaining there during the balance ot tbo week. The citisens of that place and vicinity know him to bo a skillful and successful dentist, and will find this an opportunity to secure first class work at home at remarkably low pricos. Eu caine, the latest and best remedy, used (or tho painless extraction of the teeth. The little five year old daughter of T. Stubbletleld met with quite a painful accident on Monday afternoon lost. Hhe was eliding down the bannister, child like, and having lots of fun, when she fell and the result was a fracture of the forearm and a dislocated wrist. Dr. Du Gas wa called and reduced the fracture and replaced tbe wrist, and at last ac count the little sufferer was doing as well a could be expected under th cir cumstances. Farl Davis and Charlie Rous, two ldi of Eugene embarked Wednesday morn ing on a long journey a part of which will be made in a small row boat. They fitted their craft out with only that which they thought absolutely necessary for such a trip and with th rising ot the an glided swiftly and silently down the Wlllamotte. Th Guard iys they will go to Portland In thi boat aud from ther will go by steamer to Kn Frau olteo. At Kan Francisco tbsy will again launch thslr row boat and go in It to Hsu Jose. From 6n Jos tbey will go by trsln or steamer to Hsn Diego, their destination, where tbey will engage In soni kind of business. The following member of Ihe local lodge of Odd Fellows' attended the luneral of Dr. Lsngley Hall at Oakland, Tuosdsy: Judge A. F. Hitarns and wife, D. M. West and wife, Mrs. Dickey, Jo Micelll, K. McBroom, F. W. Benson, Harry Parry, K. Mann, Mri. Geo. Mack, (of Portland), R, L. Btevens, J. A. Underwood and T. N. Wilson. Keliy Duncan of Mrrtl Creek ac compalnod the delegation. The funeral wa largely attended. Sheriff Age received telegram yes terday to th effect that It. F. Hollis, who was Indicted by th grand Jory of this county, in December, 1804, for th crime of forgery, wa arrested by th sheriff ol Lo Angelas, California, and Is held pending order from here. Requi sition papers were requested from th governor by mail last night sod upon the arrival ot the ssm an officer will go after Mr. Hollis and he will b brought back to answer for hi crim. The annual school election will be held at Ihe school house on .Monday, Msrch 1st, when on director and clerk will b elected. Tb. present board of directors consist of 8. C. Flint, W. F. Benjamin and Finaa Dillard, and Mr. Alice Sheridan, 'clerk. The term of Mr.FlInt expire. At thi meeting also the qaestion of the continuance of school, and if continued, how long, will come up for consideration. A good at tendance of the patrons of Ihe school is desired. Hi'non S. Ilsrtinan ot Tuutieltou, West Va , has teen subject to attacks of colic atiout once a year, aod would have to call a doctor and then suffer for about twelve hours ss much a some do wlien they die. He was taken recently just tlie ssme s at other times, and con cluded to try Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and DirrLira Remedy. He says: "I took one doee ol it snd it gave uio re- lief in fire minutes. That is more than anything else has ever done for me." For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Web ber, Holland, Mats., had a very bad cold and co'ili which he had not been able to cii'o with any thing. I gave him .'- cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says W. P. 'Holden, merchant and postmaster st West Brim field, snd the next time I saw him he said it worked like a charm. This remedy is intended especially tor acute throat and lung diaoares such ss colds, croup and whooping cough, and it is famous for its cures. There is no usnger in giving it to childreu for it contains nothing injuri ous, rur sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. 'Violet Club." there was a deligbtfol csthering of the Violet Club at their rooms on Main street last evening-. The rooms pre sented a beaulitul appearance, having been tastily decorated with ferns, ivy and evergreen. The evening was plea antly spent in cards and dancing. At 12 o'clock a daiaty repast was served by tho young ladies. The guests present were: Mr. aod Mrs. Eddy and daughter, Mr. aod Mrs. McBroom, Mr. and Mrs. Riddle, Mis. Curry, Miss Williams. Members of the Club present were: Misses Gillette, IUet, Autenrietb, Brown, Loughary, Lena and Edna Hodson, Por ter, Gilvin, F rater, Hein, Luelliug, Crab tree, Whitsett, Sykes, Plymsle, Mattle and Ora Perry. Messrs. Hamilton, Kid der, Perry, fSlocum, Fred and Psul Zig ler, Carroll, Frater, Brown, Fullerton, Langenborg, Uaynes, Willis, McClallen, Cbas. and Joe Wborton, Fields, Cawfleld. How They Got In. About a month ago Josephson's New Yoik Cssh Store was entered by a burg lar or burglars and an overcoat stolen. Quit a lot ot clothing had beeu han dled over and other things might have been taken, but the only thing missed wa the overcoat. A the door wss opened, evidently from the inside, much wonder was expressed at the time a to how the thief made his entrance, but now tbe mystery has beeu clesred up. A new sign wss put up over the front oi the store this week and tbe workmen en gaged thereon found a long rope on the roof. The robber had taken out a sky light and let one of their number down Into the store by the rope, but' they left no mark by which their Identity might be istablisbed. Some Fine Pianos. The Wiley B.Allen Co., of Portland have shipped to Roeeburg some very fine pianos, having tbe new "Mando lin" attachment, and will sell them at very low prices and on easy terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co. is the oldest aud largest music house in the northwest, and handles the Chlckering, Ludwlg, Harrington, Hsrdman, Fischer, and other pianos. Also Estey, Mason Ham lin. Chicago Cottage and other organs, and is in a position to give extremely low price. All are invited to call at the McClallen house and examine the instruments. DANCE. At th Armory Every Saturday Eve ning. Those dance will be run on a regular scientific plan. Instructions on new dance from 7 :30 to 0 o'clock, free of charge. Admission for bjdy aud gentleman, 50 cents. Gentleman without lady. 73 cents, Lady not accom pained by gentleman 25 cent. Spectators not allowed. T. K. Rll'HAHDSOM. The Central Hous. W. II. Gordon is now the proprietor of this popular house. The table will be upplled with the LH in the market good beds and courteous treatment. Meals 15 tout, and beds the same rate - Memories of Other Day. ' Hon. Riifii Mall ty stopped off f r a day on his return from Han Francisco, going On to Portland on thi inoridng' local. Mr. Mullory was a school leader in Roasborg nearly forty year ago, when Main street was the principal bn-i-neae street, and hi reminiscent talk yesterday end comparison of lh then and now wero quite Interesting The street are muddy now, but in January, lljH, they were much worse, ssthey bd not been Improved at all ami I litre seemed to he no bottom to the Ma k mud. For February Mr. Mall iry said he was promised Ihe finest weather for any country for that month, bnt for sortie reason Febiaary, 1H68, in un usually wet and wintry, so much so that th sun cA not show it face for the whole month, but March of that year was simply lovely. He and hi partner, James Pyfe, put up a few boards on the corner of Washington and Jackson streets, covered them in and opened a law ofllcs. The only other business places on th street then were tro butcher shop. Aaron Rose, the visitor ssiu, msu the remsrk that all the butcher shops were conareiratinir on Jackson street, tome to butcher meat. aod Msllorr and Pyle to butcher the law. VYiiemer air. niailory butchered the law io bi callow day the wriier kooweth not, bnt he is now one of th leading lawyer ot th state, and was on his wsy home from Kan Francisco, where he hod teen arguing before tb federal court of appealsacaseinvolving$lo0,000. Th Successful Applicants. Durins three davsof lsst week. Countv Superintendent Douglas Walte and his aseistsnts, held a teachers examination st the court bouse and about ''A young people were applicants lor certificates, The successful one with their post office addresses and th aversge were as fol lows: Anna Bogue, Koseburg, T'i.H; Ernests D. Byers, Gardiner, !K).;i ; Mary Cannon, Koseburg, !X); Elta Chapman, (Hide, 80.4; Maggie Clayton, Umpqua Ferry, 73.2; James Dooley, Yom-aUa, 70.0; Pearl Fetter, Drain, 88 3; Lena Hodson, Roseburg, 70.3 ; Lnella KennHv, Roseburs, 80; Nettie Living ston, Cleveland, 70 8; Jasper Moon, Koaeburg, 00 : Peter Nash, Elkton, 75.8; Ethel L. Riddle. Glenbrook, 04.4; Bessie I. Smith, Roseburg, 84.0; Msnley M. Strawn, Yoncalla, 80.3; Laura Thomp son, Coles Valley, 89.8; Mania Walsh, Olalla, 80; Nellie Wilson, Koseburg, 88 2; Ett Wolcott, Roeeburg, 80.3. William Patterson, applied for slate di ploms, snd passed a successful examina tion. " i The Bachelors. Tbe following from the Chicago Inter Ocean is respectfully referred to the bachelors of Ihe K. of I'. Lodge of tins city, with especial reference to L A. Sanctuary and D. Loouey : "The New York Sun is raising ihe question, '3bould old bachelors marry?' Certainly they ehould, and the sooner Ihe better. The beet thing in this world to any man of soul is a good wife. A man can sea ccly lie ssil to begin to live nnlil he has loved and married. L'fe in old sge is full ol drearints in some up per room of a boarding-house. It is no ne ta ing 'marriage is a lottery." There are millions of good women in the Isnd waiting to make homes of comfort sud peace and hippioe! for the millions of bachelors who are hesitating. There are good reasons why msny men and many women do not marry, snd they are valid. But that does not change the fact that there are multitudes of single people who have no such reasons, who would do well to marry." A Good Program. Ihe committee having in charge the arrangements for the celebration of the birth of Pythianism tomorrow night, have prepared a good program. There will be epeechmskiog, Fred Page-Tustin being the speaker, singing, instrumental music, cards, chatting, (gossip), etc. Tbe order has now reached a sturdy manhood, having successfully passed the periods of infaucy, and youth and the boys and girls, the Rathbooe sisters be ing in it, tbink, and rightly too, Ihey have cause to celebrate. Case Settled. One of the foreclosure suits by tbe Roeeburg Building fc Loan Association ol thin city, against E A. and M. J. Preble, his been settled. Fisher & Winiberly of tbe Review Pub. Co. hsve bought the property and the sssxiation stock, settled the delinquencies and as sumed the future payments of the Prebles, aud the case is dismissed. By this deal Messrs. Fisuer & Wimberly become the owners of the premises on Jackson street, now occupied by D. S. West ss an insurance agent. Competition never worries us, because we "buy right" hence "sell right." The facts are these ; every move in our business is only made after the most careful consideration, nothing left to chance. Shoes have advanced in price but uot with us. We sell you a good oil grain shoe for fl.25 and upwards, fine shoes in proportion. If you doubt us, come aud see us, convince yourself that we have what we advertise. We don't care to do all the business iu town, l ut want to get a share of it. We firmly believe that a concern that gives its customers exceptionally good values in every instance is bound to go ahead year by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire business. Every dollar worth of goods must give the wearer satisfaction, even the all wool absolutely fast color 8.00 suits. J. Aurauau's Clothing House. C. A. Sehlbrede, president of the Douglas County Sunday School Associ ation, is informed from state head quarters thst Prof. II. M. Uaiuill, a Suuday School worker of national re nown, will be in Roseburg, April 11, 1897, and will have charge of the Sun day school convention to lx held at that time. At a meeting of the superintend ents this afternoon to tske the prelimi nary steps for program, etc., the follow lnsr were appointed a general committee of arrangements with authority to ap point other committees: Messrs. F. W. Woolley, J. G. Flook and William Terry. A cordial Invitation is exteuded to the Sunday School workers of the county to attend. Cheap w e mean it; your money back if you don't like. Ira ivrttt soiIh hnkinf powder IUyoi ing exltaii uiitl ttca. SrinWi' sliest IS For tal by Kruse & Sltambrook The Wheat Harkt. A San Fraiii ico dispatch of Monday 'v.. r ami rnmoiaoi war hays chiitii a mi i i-ii nee in Wlient, ImiIIi In 1 1 and foreign markets. Chicago has . Miowed the rise in tbe Liverpool msr !k!, and Pan Francisco hs taken it cuoirom KfiM'.rrn and foreign markets, fn ihe Lirrpool market lody wteat roen 1 tunny p.r quarter, or 500 ponnds, ami Chicago, unl-r the influence of thi dv4i ch, advanced three points, while a similar advance wa noted on th call board of the Han Frautituo produce ex enango m ihe rn tranciico markot there were lame sale on the call hoani May wheat, which nn Saturday wa I :ii per cental, opened today at $133 snd rose to ft December wheat, w'.ic.u on f4tirir cloetd at fl lb?, operjl today at II and rose lo II ffi-'n lh market clcssd strong. The bulls are particularly confident and jubilant over the favorable condition ol the market. Adyices from New York of th same date says: The wheat market re (winded to the Kuropenn a-nas this morning with an advance of l?4f) from Saturday' curb price, carrying My to Hl?9! on the firm sale. There was little exri'cment amoi-g local shorts until laler cable bringing in moic peaceful ac counts somewhat allayed their fears. Speculation was larger I hsn it hss been In many weeks. A midday reaction of lc was followed later by a full recovery on large purchases for export, aggregat ing 2 18.0J0 bushels. Mas wheat on thia swell reached 81','c, and then fell off to w;c near ihe close. At Portland the market was a trifle firmer. Walla Walla quoted it 80 A 81c and Valley at S2 (A 83c perjbushel. Calapooia. Rain! Oh when will it quit? James Ellisou has been confined to Ihe house with rbeumaticin, but i gtl ting able to be around. Mi- Alice Bishop wss visiting ber sister, Mrs. A. L. Winaford of lower CaUooia,' lust week. The boys report havioe bad a food time at the ball at Hugh Coles' tbe l-'ib. uoi music and plenty of booee. Ben McColam and Jesse BLambroik fell from the porch of tbe ball at tbe dauce at H. Coles. Fridsv nisht. Mr. McColam dislocated one ot his fingers srid sprained bis wrist, while Sham- tKook came oil without a scratch. We saw a funny eight a few days sgo on one ol our mountain trails, be care ful next time. . ;raiu is looking well in this valley ana tne pro?eci ot a good crop is favor able. The wagon roads are getting very near impaesariie irom uaiapooia to Uaklanu Some of our young folk attended tbe hard timrs ball at lxmg s Mall Saturday mgnc, and report having had a good 'ime. R-v. Wallace will bold divine set vices st the Calapooia school house next Sun day. Rosxnun. Drain Normal Notes. Rev. Wolf visited tbe chapel last week. Prof. Barzee made a business trip to Roeeburg last week. Mr. Brown, a business man of Salem visited Echooi a few days ago. Prof. Kevnolds cave a yery interesting talk lat week during chapel exercises. Tbe mock trial latt Friday evening was good, the judges declaring, the de fendant not guilty. '7 The cantata 'lias been put off on ac count of one of tbe participants being sick. i The Docindia literary will render tb following program; Song, by society; recitation, Laura Spalding; talk, on farming, Adam Castor; song, Emma Mulkey ; select reading, Carl Kevnolds; composition, on hop picking, Cynthia Applegate; talk, by each of tbe officer for the good of the position they hold. Debate, Rero'.ved, that tbe government should run the rail roads. Affirmative, Ym. need. Wert Moore and Charles Ciardiner. Negative, Elmer Gardiner, Pearl Burt and Edward Wise. Student. Scottsburg. The much talked of ground hog must have st-en his Bliadow on the Erst ol the mouth. Oregon mitts pievuil. Mrs A. L. Butler went to Gardicer last week. We are much pained to hear of the death of Mrs. Dora Rader. of Northern California. She leaves a little eon but a lew days old, also a . daughter of two or three years of age. Mrs. Rader in her girl hood days lived in tbis section and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maxtield of Schofisld, near Gardiner, and also sister of Mrs. A. L. Butler. X. Probate flatters. Fred Page-Tustin. administrator of the eatae of Isaac Lehnherr, filed a petition iu tho probate court for permission to sell certain personal effects of the de ceased on the East Umpqua, that would not pay to go after, and Judge Stearns aicoidingly issued the order. Mrs. Zettie Ball, bavins made appli cation for the payment to her ol the sum ol f.ouu, devised by the win of tbe late SUpheu Jlinard has given a boud lo pay any j roportion which she may be re quired to pay towards satisfying any claims against the estate ol the said Stephen Minard. Mary A. Levens filed a petition to be appointed administratrix ol the estate ol IK li. J.evens, deceased, setting forth that the value ot the estate, real and personal, was about 7500. bh filed a bond in the sum of 13,000 and was duly sppointed such admiuibtratrix. Vltascope's Dates Cancelled. The following letter ,1b . self-explanatory: vx ; . rortlaird.O., Feb. 17, 1807. J. Mk klu, Roeeburg, Or. Sib: Ow ing to the breaking down of our films last night at Salem, which renders the vilascope useless without the pictures, we are compelled to cancel our engage ments further until new films ordered arrive from the East, aud which we have telegraphed for but are unable to set the day that we will receive them. very truly, D. W. Sampl. l or Over Fifty Vcaia. AM Old and Wstb-TniiD Ushkdy. Mr tViualow'i Soothing- Uyiup has boon uaeil lor over titty year by uiilUous ot mother for their children while toethlug, with perfect sucoeaa. IUoothei tha child, aoftvu the gum., allay all pain, cure wiuj oulle, aud Is tha beat remedy tor Diarrliu-a. Ia pleanant to tho taate. Sold by drugiilxta lu every part of the world. Twenty- five com a bottle. Ita value la lueaiculabl. Eoturo and aak for lira. Mnalow't Hoothln Syrup, aud take no other kind. The Februaiy Bulletin, No. 43, from thi Agricultural Experiment statiou at Corvallis is devoted to th cultivation ot tlsx and ia quite an Instructive publics. lion. PBVME Absolutely Pure Clhrat'.l for ll xreat lcaonlea lr-nth and healllifulmna. Aujr'i th it, aKaiiifll niuni anti aii lurma ul autii tratlon common to thn cheap barnda. aovAL saki"i rowDna to., hi yoa, NOTES OP INTEREST. New good at Caro Bros. Boss Store. J.T. Bryan, th Busy Watchmaker. For a good 6-cent cigar call on Mr . Boyd. Msskers buy your masks at the Nov elty Btore. Bargain in choice remnant at the Novelty Store. R. W. Benjamin, dentist, room 1, Marsters' block. Boston Baked Beans st the Home Bakery. Try them. Shasta Water at Slow Jerry's cigar and drink emporium. For a good smoke call at .Slow Jerry's bazar, and get a Lo A mores cigar. All kind of artficiali teeth made rea sonably at Dr. Fred Haynes' office. Money to loan. Call at the office of I. F. Rice, real estate dealer, Roseburg, Oregon. Delicious "salt-rising" bread at tbe Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose streets. Nothing but the best material used by R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1, Marsters' block. Fresh home-made bread at the Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rote streets. Alice Baldwin, proprietor. Yoa can tell one who has good las: and don't like to cat dirt, paint and chalk. He gets bis candy at the Kandy Kitchen. Cssebecr the grocer, corner Jacksctj and Washington, keeps tbe best grocer iee. Every thing fresh and firet-class, ami at reasonable prices. Parties desiring family sewing done would do well to cull on Miss Fannie McKean, 421 Main street. Will sew for 75 cent per day. If you are looking for a "cheap John" ep-ay pump go to the other fellow. But if you want the best get the Morrill Morley.Eclipte Bros', pump. , You can get knives for 5 and 10 cents" and from . that price up to f 5. Each kuife well . worth the price asked at Churchill, Woolley & McKenzie'a. . Good advice : Never leave home on a ouruey without a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera snd Diarrhoea Rem edy. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. Two tracts of land for rent, containing one 10-acre aod oue 15-track within 1J? miles of town, fair orchards on each place. For further information call on I. F. Rica. Real Estate Dealer, Rose burg, Oregon. Free Pills. Send your address to tl. E. Bucklen fc Co., Chicago, and gut a frvesample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of tbeir merits. These pills are easy in action aud are particu larly cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver trouble they have teen proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bow els greatly iuvigorate the system. Reg ular size 25o per box. bold by A. C. Marsters, Druggiet. Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all paitie holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to July 27th, 1802, to pre sent the same at tho treasurer's ollice in the court house for payment, as in teicst will cease theieon alter the datu ol thi j notice. Dated this the 25th day of Januaty, 1S07, at the City of Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregeu. Wm. A., County Treasurer. To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order, t find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly tor cash. P. Bknxdick, Undertaker. Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, . JoId Mdal, Midwinter Fair. Wffl Most Perfect Mad. V Year th Standard, EARJ