The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 18, 1897, Image 2

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I'rjbllthad Mondays and Thunda).
Bt tr pi.iinde ai,er rcBi.miirNO to.
C. Y. ftFHJAVIIN,....,
ejabacrlption Hulri,
OnaYear MM
111 Vonths 1 00
Tare Month - T
-Ill BSJ ! ." ssaLI
Tarrhnin it may concern: Vt . V. Hclnaiain
haviagsolrl his iutcrcst in Ike 'ul!Meaifr, a
itttlamrat nl secounts is now in order.. All
iiNill dm for adv rtising and jol oik to
slst r yayabis to l'. V. BeirauiiD, alio nil',
all pT ill Indebtedness ol t!e firm to dale.
Jsariary!, 1:.
W. K. Bt .S.'ANlN,
C. Y. fliN.'avil.
At Tampa, F a., (here are at out 300
oigar factories, eioplouDg not lees than
70 JO persona. The employes are nearly
all Cabans. Kvery Saturday Dight. after
they Ret their pay, they go straight to
the collector of the junta and without
murmur or a regret leave with their
assessment for the revolutionary fund,
which is one-eijUh of the week's wages
one day's pay. When there is a press
ing call for money, the proprietor of the
factory runs it Monday, and all the oper
atives men, women and children-gtve
their entire earnings for the day. It Is
a pathetic exhibition of patriotism, and
as most of the people are devout Catho
lics, they breathe a prayer for Cu'a
Libre as the money is dropped. It is
small wonder that a people actuated by
such a spirit of self sacrifice Lave been
abl to bold out so long against the su
perior numbers and resources of Spain.
They are boind to succeed ia the end.
Senator Hill, in his magazine article
on "The Future cf the Democratic Or
ganiration," draws a gloomy pit-tore of
that party's prospects. It is trae to life,
however. In the absence ol a union be
taeen the two factions of the party there
is not the sligbest chance for it to win,
for the coalition between the silver dem
ocrats and the populists can hardiv be
renewed. A powerful element of the
populists is against any further alliance
with the democrats, and many of the
latter tnink they could have done better
in the recent campaign without fusion.
The present temper of the gold and sil
ver democrats shows that the breach in
their party is as broad as it was in the
canvass. If the republican party avoids
blunders, and the likelihood is that it
will, the outlook for democratic success
at any early day will remain dark.
Why should a few individuals sign a
bond of an official, elected by the people,
to guarantee the people themselves from
loss in case the said official proves a de
faulter. East Oregonian.
The inquiry of the Tendleten paper is
pertinent. If the people have not suf
ficient confidence in the integrity of a
fellow citizen who may be a candidate
for office then they ought not to elect
him; and when elected he should not be
required to compel a few of his personal
friends to become responsible to those
who elected him for the faithful dis
charge of his duties. Let the whole
people Lear the responsibility, and if he
is false to his trust let the penalty b
severe. "Let the puuieh'j-ett fit the
The gist of the attorney-general's
opinion given to State Superintendent
Irwin, is that an elector at atcbool meet
ing must bb 21 years old and a citizen of
the United States; must have retided in
the state six in intbt preceding the elec
tion and iu thu district 30 days immedi
ately preceding the election ; must hove
property upon which he or eho pays
tax, and in case they have no property,
then in districts of less than lUOOinhabl
tanta an elector mutt be the parent of
children of school age,
The Greeks of Chicago are reported
anxious to take up arms for King
George, invade Crete and expel the
Turk. The result of a meeting between
Greek and Greek baa lon been ascer
tained; but when Greek meets Turk,
the kind of "tug" that follows may soon
be demonstrated. Now if the Greeks of
Chicago would only agree to meet the
Turks of Chicago iu mortal combat on the
fair grounds, they might settle the ques'
tion to the satisfaction of the Great
It baa not leaked out whether or not
Ibe populist gathering at Grange Hall
last Friday concluded to hold up the
bauds of the populist obHtructionists at
Salem. It teem to have been the
order eo to do In other gatherings of
that ilk In the state of late and why the
Douglaj count brethren did sot to do
(if the didn't) remain! to be accounted
Judge Fullerlon went. to the north end
of bis bailiwick last week to bear argu
ment in the case of Landis, sheriff, vs.
Lincoln county. It tremt that when the
county was crra'ed It provided that the
otHrers should receive the same feet as
ihofe paid the officers of Benton county,
that is, shariff and clerk. That was
Wfore the pHssage of the general sal
ary law. When the salary law was pasted,
Lincolu county jaas not provided for
and the officer want the saius salary at
the Henton county officers. Ia tblt con
nection the Leader says:
"Lincoln county, in comtnou with
more than. half the coiimiet of the s'ate,
cannot afford to pay salaries commensu
rate with the labor and responsibility of
the clerk and thurlff. The hu t ot the
ma ter is that no small count its can af
ford to pay salaries at all. There Is too
much free work dene for the people by
the county under the preeent law . A
single case of foreclosure in the July and
January terms of tourt just past coat the
county no lest than 100 in the actual
expenses of the suit, service, etc., and
yet the county was paid the munificent
sum of 16 The county can't stand it.
The only relief it a return to the fire sys
tem, and a juJIciom and wise regulating
of the feet received."
The curtailment cf the sugar supply by
the war in Cuba it responsible for the
agitation of the question of the cultiva
tion of tugar beets, in order that in the
event of future emergencies we tnav be
independent of the foieign article for the
upply of the tablet of tSc land with su
gar. It should be the policy of every
country to produce so far as OMible
within its own borders the necessaries as
well as the luxuries of life. The beet
industry, or perhaps more strictly t peak
ing.the production of eogtir from beets, it
bound to become one tf the great indus
tries of the Tacific coast. In this con
nect ion let it not bo forgotten that the
soil and climate of Poog'as county is un
surpassed for the production of the sugar
beet. Once capital ran be interested
and the industry set upon its feet, it will
be a source of prptual profit.
Praise for Lyman J. Gage is all right.
ITa deserves it. But it is not right, say
the Globe, to Insinuate, as some papers
and persons do, tbut his appointment
"saves the gold etandarJ." The gold
standard was saved by the vote which
elected William McKinley and defeated
William J. Bryan. From the moment
on the tight of November 3 when the
country learned that McKinley had car
ried a majority of the sectorial votes it
saw that repudiation was beaten for four
ears at least. The gold standard would
be saf? under the incoming administra
tion no matter who should hold the
treasury portfolio.
Senator Boiler, of South Carolina, pop
ulist, aud Seuator 11 ill, of New York,
democrat, seems to have reached the
same conclusion. Butler, after trie elec
tion last fall, declared that if the popu
list psrty expected to win in the future
it mast' cut loose from the democratic
name; and now Senator Hill insists that
for the democratic party there must be a
complete separation from populism.
Both these Etatesmen had to be licked
into that position.
The Albany Herald published a peti
tion signed by a whole lot of people aud
several besides, directed to State Sena
tor Dawson, of Linn. The petitioners
set forth that tbey had supported Daw
son aod now they want Dawson to sop
port Mitchell. The iMnoocrat cornea
back and says there re 20 signtauree
obtained at Scio, wLereat Dawson re
ceived bnt 10 votes in that precinct.
There seems to be a mistake out some
A correspondent writing on the toads
of Douglas county takes an optimistic
view of Iioceburg aod.itt future. Yet all
that it within the poeibiiities. The coal,
the iron, the gold, the agriculture, and
the water powers of this vicinity consti
tute the raw materials from, or the foun
dations upon which, a city may be built.
The ono thing needful is people and they
are getting more numerous every day.
The prevailing sentiment among the
republicans here seems in favor of the
Benson house maintaining its position
and refusing to yield an inch, even if
such a course shall involve a permanent
deadlock. If this ia not to be a govern
ment of majorities we might as well be
gin now to find it oat. Let the minority
understand that it cannot gain its point
by obbtructive tactics.
And now Switzerland is about to aban
don the initiative and referendum. If
that, too, like the free coinage of silver,
it to he weighed iu balances aud found
wanting, then the foundation of popa
lieai must give way and the superstruct
ure totter and fall. It will be difficult to
persuado the American people to adopt
iho discarded policies of the effete coun
tries of Europe.
The latest from Crete it to the effect
that the annexation of the ialand to
Greece it practically accomplished and
the powers are passive and will with'
draw their warships which were eta
tioned Cretan waters to prevent a
The next secretary of agriculture ia a
practical farmer, a professor in an Iowa
agricultural college, and hat served three
terms io congress. He may bj pro
nounced equally equipped for the forum
and the plow-handlet.
II -I i-L. l-J i
If the captain of a British war vessel
permits hit ship to run aground be looses
hit official bead. Here we do things dif
ferently. A committee of experts look
into the matter and finally determine
that no one it to blame.
Tbe Davis bouse hat been holding its
teetloni every day, Sundays included,
but the Sunday session bat usually been
held In the evening. Last Sunday there
was a I ttle surprise sprung: When the
Davi house met st 7 o'clock there were
present seven members, including the
speaker. Se en Itensonitea weie also in
their seats and were, accerJing to -custom,
enrolled as present. Brown ol the
Benson house, move J to adjourn till 11 :3t
Monday evening, but bit motion was lost
ou a tie vote. The ttontou meu then ob
jected to Speaker Davis voting except ou
rollcall. Davis acquiesced and the mo
tion was then made and carried to ad
journ till 11 45 Monday night, the Ln
ton men voting aye and the Pavla men
no. The whole matter was intended as
a joke, and created considerable annuo
msnt tor the Beuton men, at the ex
pense of the unsuspecting lvi mem
ber. Kut the motion had prevailed and
there was no help (or it, accordingly the
Monday session of the Davis houre did
not take place till 15 rninuto before
midnight. The Davibites, however, look
advantage of the conditions aud wheu it
adjourned it was to 13:03 Tuesday morn
ing. At that time the house was called
to order and another adjournment taken
to Wednesday at V:80 a. m. So that
practically they covered two seesiout and
two days within the space of SO minutes.
Now tbe whole business, senato and
both houses, are out of favor with the
ministerial association of Salem. At a
meeting the other day that body adopted
the following resolution :
"Heeolved, that we, the meiuiers of
the ministerial association of Salem, Or
egon, refuse to prny iu either the senate
or house chambers until the legislature
Is unitedlv at work.''
Kvery once io a while the ministerial
union makes the legislature tbe subject
of discussion. Wheti everything moves
on smoothly the ministers apportion
themselves brlwren the houses and pray
In turn. A few years ago one of the city
pastors contended that he ought to Imve
two prays to the other folks one because
bit congregation was twice as large.
But it didn't work, and neither house
cared who invoked divine blessing for
them, or whether it was invoked at all or
not. It was cn'y by courtesy any way,
and if tho ministers did not happen to
be on hand prcmptly the busintss went
on without waiting.
The story is told that tome years ago
Joab Powell, the eccentric pioneer
preacher, was engaged as chap'ain for
the session at f I pei day. As the con
stitution prohibits tbe payment of the
public money for praters the members
had determined to subscribe theamcuot.
Juab came and held lorth for a few days,
then the solons concluded they did not
need any more prayer, bat the chaplain
would not be choked off unless ho was
paid tbe full amount lor which be had
made hit pilgrimage to tbe capital and
they hd to dig up.
Senator Dufur of Wasco, mada a
speech, it will be remembered, in the
joint convention last Friday, io which he
severely scored the members who wer
holding on. The senator from Wasco is
a dem'icrat and it is generally under
stood ill do anything to further the in
terests of Senator Mitchell without di
rectly voting for him, and might do that
if it was absolutely necessary. But a
Salem paper commented on that speech
in a manner that did not please the sen
ator and the objectionable paragraph
was this:
"I throw my bill for a portage railroad
to relieve the farmers of Eastern Oregon
to the dogs. What Oregon needs is a
funding bill senator to help the Pacific
railroads rob the farmers.'' Senator
This brought the senator to bis feet
Tuesday morning on a question of privi
lege and he then characterized the state
ment as a "malicious falsehood and one
that was manufactured out of whole
cloth." Of coorse the senator did not
uss the words attributed to him, and
every one knows be didn't. It was only
an "Hoferic" way of stating what the
effect of bit wordt were. A staid aud
dignified senator, and a lawyer, too,
onght to have known that and should
not have clothed it with respectability
by referring to it in the senate.
The sick list continues to grow rather
than abate. Vaughan and Hudson
had a monopoly for a while but
now McKinley Mitchell, Veness and
Senator Dawson are added to the list.
It was found necessary to take Hudson
to the hospital and he will probably re
main there for some days. In fact, if
the session terminate! on Friday he will
take no further part in it. Mitchell's ab
sence on Monday was attributed to de
fection, but he responded to roll call In
joint convention Tuesday and asked to be
excused for Wednesday.
There it something about Salem that
always causes a large percentage of sick
nets among members and others iu at
tendance, at tbe legislative sessions. It
ii generally attributed to the water.
But tbe increased demand for liquid re
freshment bat not been noticed by the
water company.
Neither house is pretending to do any
thing. Tbe sessions of the renate are
about at perfunctory as those of the
house, or houses. No effort bat been
made to pass a bill though several have
reached tbe order of third reading and
are '"dy for consideration. But the
qui i ion has been mooted as to whether
or not a bill passed by tbe senate w hen
the "Legislature" was not in session,
would have any standing in court if
tested. Jt takes both house and senate
to make the legislature, and at the sen
ate does not recognize the Houso as or
ganised this may account for fact that
tbe senate baa not vet pawed a bill.
At during the past five weeks and
more, something is always promised for
tomorrow ; but tomorrow comes, and just
prior to the assembling of the joint con
vention there it a great ttir and harry and
scurry, and much courageous whistling
to keep op appearances. But the still it
as the war, eo to speak.
-The senatorial committee appointed to
go to CVlilo and look over tbe site of Sen
ator Mlchell'e proposed f portage road
went up there Sturdayandpont Sun
day looking over the route. Tho bill In
troduced carries ao appropriation of
tlOo.000. but sxperta say It will take
fttn.OOO to d.i the work. KateVe bill at
a former soaelivti, wtdoh he did not ex
pect to become a law, carried 1400,000.
On Wednesday, a resolution by Craw
(oid Io appolul a committee of throe to
Interview those who were staying out
was tabled after a protracted delate, the
tonorof which showed that it wat the
ten, per of the majority to maintain itt
grvund, and then a resolution wat
adopted providing (or adjournment sloe
dit at midnight Friday.
Sau.m, Or., Feb.. IS, IS'.'". -There, wore
!i present at the joint convention.
Vaughn, Hudson, Mitchell and Yenect
absent on account of sickness. No vole
was taken. Adjoin nod to noon tomor
row. N0W8 NOTB5.
Major McKinley is heltsr.
Bolivia it expected to declare war on
Murderer Butler la on trial at San
Fraucisco tot extradition to Australia.
General Pleafututoii, a I'oiou cavalry
officer died at Washington yrstetday,
Turkey will allow the adjustment of
Cretan affairs to be mails by the powers.
Tho city coiihi-ll id Forest Grove has
levied a 7 mill tax for municipal pur
pose'. The boundary dispute belweeu Chile
and Argentina it iu the way of amicable
W. P. St John treasurer of the uatloiial
democratic! commltee died suddenly in
New York Monday.
Senator elect Turner of Washington
expresses himself as in favor of the elec
tion of senators by direct vote.
Frank Castile, t'abbed and instantly
killed John Beck, at a masquerade hall
at Goldeudale, Wash., Tuesday.
The sale ol the Northern Pacific hat
been completed, Judge Jenkins having
entered the order of continuation.
The gold reserxe in the treasury is the
highest for some time. It t at passed
tho ouo hundred and forty-six million
Tho Washington hgislatnre in consider
ing the question of taking the state into
the saloon business, the same as North
Litxie Borden, who a fww years ago
was accused of murdering her father and
mother, was seen pel of shoplifting at
Providence, K. I.
Dr. Ddcsirom, a M. Louis millionaire,
wu lunged on Tues lav lor the murder
of his w ife and child a hen In a drunken
ruge two years ago.
At last Dr. Marctn Whitman's tomb
is to he suitably marked. It is in the
Walla Walla valley but a few miles from
the city of that name.
Fdward S. Kearney a prominent citi
zen of Portland, who' was onee United
Slates roaridial for Oregon, died at his
home on Sunday la-t.
By an Italion law any cirrus which
does not Herfkirm every act piomiand io
the printed iVi'gram, or which misleads
the puolic l. me ins ol pictures it liable
to a tine ol f.'.fiUJ lor eucti otiunse.
Out of thirty five boya and girls who
applied lor a-jmiSMon to a charity train
ing school in Ctiicago recently, thirty
had never seen their own Lake Michigan
ami eight had never picked a dower.
China has ordred nino new warships
in r.nglainl arid Ueimany. An American
newspaper suggests that the sleepy old
empire haa mil yet ascertained where
they build the Lest fighting craft in the
The first legislature of Oregon lasted
three days and enacted laws enough to
amply provnlo for carrying on the busi
nesi of the country. The mem bets voted
themselves f l.'.'o per day and board, and
the entire expenses of the session were
In Belgium on May 1st next the
twenty-hour day system will be adopted
by the rail m ays, postolllcee and tele
Kranh bureau. One trouble about it ia
that some people will feel a superstitious
tw inge when the hands stand at l.i mm
utes to 13.
The bill for a constitutional amend
ment providing lor Ihe submission cf tbe
"initiative and referendum" to a vote of
the people, was passed in the house at
Olytupia yesterday, by me necessary
two-thirds vote, aud amid mucn popu
Hat enthusiasm.
It ia tbe custom in Turkey to strangle
the male children of all tbe male rela
tives of ttio sultan at toon at they are
boru, to the end that no aspirants to the
throne may arise in tbe collateral lino
IIih present sultan approves the practice
and sees that it it rigidly carried out.
Some idea of tbe magnitude of the
great Siberian railway, now io course of
construction by the uussian government
mav he gathered from tbe fact that by
chanuins the route 1000 miles were saved.
It is expected that through trains will be
run over tbe road wiUjln two years.
A largo Arctic owl, which came here
with other members of its tribe io No
vember, seems to have decided to locate
here permanently. Hit owlshlp fre
quents the hill , back of Myrtle street,
and occasionally visits tbe residences in
that neighborhood. uarsnneid ewt.
Governor Lord Tuesday addressed a
letter to Sneaker Heed, of the national
house of representatives, asking hit
tindly oflices in bringing about tbe con
sideration in the house of the favorably
reported senate hill for the relief of the
Indian war veterans ol uregon and
Senator Kina and Bepresentatlve Yoa
kuni must bear the blame for our not
having a citv charter under which we
can elect ollicers. A mo tenure as may
or and councilmen may bd these gentle'
men'a Idea of a reuublican form of gov
eminent, but they will find objections
. , ' ii. l.... Hi.. I; ...... 1.1 1
among me paopie. vciuuii
A young man at Salem upon becoming
engaged to a young laay inciueniaiiy
went to tho clerk's office aod tecuured a
liceriHe to have it in readiness. Tbe
next morning the young man said he
would not need it at sue nau cnaogeu
her mind. This Is a sample of the
changeable and chaotiu condition of
things generally at Salem.
An old rail fence that Lincoln it laid
to have built Is pointed out to creduloua
att angers on the premises oi a iuarion
county (Ky.) distillery. Lincoln's father
and the father of Jefferson Davis were
neighbors in the region, and are said to
have fought tide by side In a little brush
with Indians near where tbe town of
Springfield, Ky., pow stands.
A postoflice inspector overhauled the
hooka of Poxtmaater Dart ia Port Orford.
lout week says tho Tribune, and found a
thortogeof f700; he tried sgaln, and
(ound the tbortage fliOO, and after a
third overhauling, tbe shortage was re
duced to f 100. About this time ths
steamer Farallon sailed and tho In
spector went without making a fourth
President McKinley 1 kept in bed by
bla doctor thla morning, sty a Canton
dispatch t'l the 10th in., with an at
tack ot Inthieni. which in enlilemln
here. It Is not oellnved he will lie able
to take his contemplated trip to Cleve
laud tomorrow. Mrs, McKinley it also
confined to her room, but Is etpocied to
be out tomorrow. The 'ptesidont-elect
passed a restful night end)h la condition is
vouched by friends to lie Improved over
that ot yesterday. All callers are, ol
course, denied admission.
Dinger Hermann.
A rscent Washington dispatch Io Ihe
Oregonliui says: Tho talk that Blnger
Hermann will be coinmljf ioner of tho
general liwtd utiles hn broken out In
tome quarters again. Home ol those
people who always insist upon tho fact
that they kuow all that It going on. say
that '. hey have good Information to the
effect that Hermann will have the place
at toon ai McKinley gets around where
he can make Ihe appointment. It It a
very good otllce, pays K00 a year, and
the duties are not Very hard, not so hard
at those ot a congressman, although they
will require a man to be In .the otllce
more than a congressman's duties re
quire him to ttay in tho house. Mr.
llermaou bat given a great deal ot at
tention to land matters during bin ser
vice In congress, and it well equipped for
the place. It la also rumored that tome
Washiugtou nmu hka his eye on the
place, and that he will have the backing
of Seuator Wilson. In that cae, the
Pacific coast may fiud it hat quite a hard
tight, and at usual, between the states.
Notice to Tax Payers.
The law requires that each male be
tween the sgea of 21 and AO years living
within the comity shall pay a poll tai of
f I at the time of assessment, and if not
so pid to be reported to the sheriff ol
the county for collection at once. The
law allows no exemption for poll tax, ex
cept to active members of the Oregon
National Guard and all active t'.ren.en
who have beeu members of auy com
pany for ouo year next preceding the
time of assessment, and exempt llremen.
That there mav be no cause for com
plaint I aik that each person liable to
poll lax tie prepared to pay the s.tmo to
the assessor or his deputy at time oi
making the assessment. I ask tho aid of
every person within the count that ttis
law may be strictlv complied with.
Persons exempt will he required to show
their certificate of exemption.
Koseburg, Or., February l.'l, 1SU7.
W. 8. Bin n.
Assessor, Dutiglas county.
Oregon Scenery.
On Feb. 23, 1H0;. Mr. H. W. Wexco.
who has boon for the past year devoting
his tiuio traveling over the stato in the
interest of the Pacific Northwest Immi
gration Board, collecting photographic
views of Oregon ncencry and industries,
will give the people of Koseburg an i p
portunity to see Oregon a Hiiown to
Eastern people by tho stereoptiian.
This includes mountains, rivers, huniing
and fishing scenery and induairies iu all
sections, including several in and around
Koseburg, and which have never been
shown on canvas before. Thin enter
tainment will be given umlcr the
auspices of the ladies of the W. ('. T. I.
io tho M. K. Church at 8 p. in. of the
abovo mentioned evening.
iucklcn'H AruiCM saht.
The lies. Salve in the world for Cute.
Bruises, sores, Pleers, Salt Kheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Ifunde
Chillbaius, Corn, and all skin 1'rup
tions, aud positively curea Piies, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or monoy refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A.
O.Marsters A Co.
Estray Notice.
Came to my ranch about tho i-itb of
this month, one bay saddle mare about
0 years old. The owner can have the
same by calling on me and paying for
this notice. G. W. Ai.dkiihon.
Cleveland, Oregon,
For Sale.
One fresh milch cow, inquire of V., A
Kruse, Koseburg, Oregon.
Our people are grow ing more and rooie
in the habit of looking to A. C. Marsters
A Co., for Ihe latest and best of every
thing in the drug line. They tell
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous
for its cures of bad colds, croup and
whooping cough. When in need of
such a medicine give this remedy a trial
and you will be more than pleased with
the result.
The Indian camp, near Cotlage (irove,
Lano county, wat destroyed by fire the
other morning. The Indians all got
drunk aud left the camp, aod in tome
way it caught lire and buraed with itt
Made and Merit Maintains thecoufldonoo
of the people In Hood's Barsaparllla. If a
medicine cures you when sick; If it makes
wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond
all question that medlcinu possesses merit.
That It Jut the truth about Hood'a Bar
saparllla. We know It possesses merit
because it curea, not once or twice or a
hundred times, but in thousands and
thousands ot cases. Wo know it cures.
absolutely, permanently, when all others
tall to do any good whatever. We repeat
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Mvsiel? nil I- Mca Indigestion,
In order to clots out our ttoek of new
and second hand planus, we will offer
thorn at cost. It la our Intention to clone
out our business as quickly as possible,
and In t.tder to do this we wiil ha com
pelled to sell at a very low lluiiro and on
such small Installment that It will not
pay you to rent. Thoieloro we will call Iu
all our tented pianos and utgiint and give
you Ihe benefit that we hava received at
tent. We have In all alxteen pianos
which we will tell from I00 to ilOO; o
aud HO per month Installment. Rea
sonable discount (or cash.
Great reduction In violins, gullaia and
all tuuNlcaf goods. Sheet music W per
cent discount. Send (or catalogue. All
ordttis promptly filled.
lussburg, Or.
Threw Away Ilia Canes.
Mr. D. Wllley, ex-posliiiaater, Black
Creek, N, V., was ro badly atlllcled wlih
rheumatism that ho win only able Io
hobble around with cities, and even then
It canned hi in great pain. Alter using
Chamberlain's Puin Balm he was so
much improved that he threw away bis
canes. Ho says tht.i liniment did him
mors good than all other medicine and
treatment put together. For tale at '0
cent ier bottle by A. C. Marttert A Co
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
holding Koseburg city warrant indorsed
prior to April 23, 1K 3, to present th
tame at the city treasurer's otllce in tho
city hall lor payment, at Interest will
cease thereon after the date of thl no
tice. Dated at Koaebuig, Or, thl Slh day
of February, 18'.7. J. A. P-iikins,
City Treas.
When a man
gels lo tli
oinl wiicre
lie h' to (f..
lert ttie dead
ly ritract of
opium under
(tie skin in
order to get test and
Hleep, the gtnvr it not tliiittttit. The tunc to
take rate of health it
lirfnte ll ) utterly and
irrrttievably gone. The
mnn wlio works on and
on, utterly heedless of
health and ton busy lo
occasionally take a little
iinen'tiry medicine, is
committing suicide at
lutely us if lie turned a pNtol on his heart.
Such a man dies by little degrees 1 nt a
little lfbjrtion niul a little neglect. Then
loss of oppetite. The bowel get rloKged
and the Hood receive polnona InMead of
healthy imminent. OKI, Inert tiiMic In
Qesu, muscle, nerve und hmln are not re
placed by ne The whole body get etale.
The very sleeping loom of a in thin
condition is filled in the morning with tin
wholesome odor as if it had been occupied
by a decomposing corpse. It has been oc.
cupled by u man hulfdend The poisoned
bruin refuse to sleep mid hates to work.
Then come tho resort to the hypodermic
Injection of morphine and speedy death
All this tuny h prevented by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery. It
corrects ull disorders of the digestion,
makes assimilation perfect, fills the blood
with the vital element tlut make new It,
sue, builds healthy flesh, firm muscles,
strong nerves and active brain cells It
drives out impmities nnd disease. Thou
sands of men in all walks of life have test),
tied to ilit wonderful merits.
It's an insult to your intelligence U t a deti.
t ) allempl to pslm elf nrn von a Sirl lor
this worM-famed mrilicine. You Anm' whiit you
w:lfll. II s hi litisiue-s lo mttt that imf. When
he urges some j6ji.'ms he's thinking of llir
lnrRrr profit he'll inske not ol yout welfare.
Shun oil svuh (lisliour-l dralcis.
The man or woman w ho is regular as elm k
woik i seldom troubled with disease or
mental or Ixxhly lassitude. I r. 1'ierce's Pellets ate a safe, sure, speedy and
permanent cure fur constipation. One little
Pellet" Is a gentle laxative, and two a mild
cathartic. Ti-.ey never gilpe. You will have
reason to regret it if you let a dishonest
druggists induce you to take a substitute.
tl.V'S ritF tM IIAI.M Is a post tire cure.
Apply into the nostrils. It Is fitilrkly sluorhed. SO
rents at Driii'KisIs or hv msil ; samples loe. ty mail.
ELY U HOT II KU8, 6 V.arrtn ft,, New York City.
n3 7T3
f X'-VSeV llX tlfc-fro-
ll L
i '.a i!0&m
liny our cut's from Kdenlmwer Poultry Yards nnd sue money. Ihe lamest lireednr In Hon in
tru Oregon. Jtggs you Imy of mo aro Irnni my hi st lilnls and prle winners; purr, stout, vlaorous
and healthy. No tnl'e.lfiig In my yards. III, gr.-nt , have nisi,,! moil o j h! t?ot
my own raising nllh sUxtk from the Ust yanls In t'lillloriiln, Ohio nnd Illinois My filrlis w,,n
the l.lou swhuruol Honors at the Hiiulherii Oreimn Hlstrlet lair. At Oregon Ht'ate TKalr llrown
l.evhorns vvou'ud on hreetllnv in n. also livo sin i liils on c.i. L..r..i il..,. .'!,..
ou t Orders promptly idled at Kruse 6t
for psrtlcului. riend stain. lor reply.
Poultry and Stock Farm,
t'I.KVKtiA.MI. .
llavilio- lllSt etlivsiirod in tlio 1mciiirc wniilrl suv!
I have snared HO time or ninnov rn nnrrlincio tlif. tiPftl
OCfit for my breeding stock.
Silver Laced Wyandottcs,
Barred PI yniouth Rocks.
Golden Polish,
ECCS, $100 PGR 13.
Poland China Hogs, Angora Goats.
Give me a trial. Correspondence solicited.
Ad Jus
Cleveland, Oregon,
L. A.
ftetiUly iVIevllMgs
I) P.O. Kl.Kis. ItOMKIII'Hll Lolxil. MU. va,
hold their regular foituniiiikalluii al M'
I.O, O, r. ballon sw.Hiit and luiirlh Tbundaf
of each month, All luttuiher rmjueslml to al
ien. I regularly, ami all vUllltig brulliar e
tllslly liivllvd tit alli'inl.
s hs.ii i'un -TUB! in, a. n
11 Kit MAN MA It KM, Hnnrwlary.
UOl'iil.A'f lillNril., NO. II JR. O. II. A. M.,
Iiieols every Wediiusilay eyenllig at S
o'clock III Ihn Old Maaolilo Hall. Vlsltlnt
tirolheraaraenrillNlly Invliwl tosuoml
ll, II. i ssrioK,
tlto, W. Paaav, rotinntlor.
HuenrdliiK Hurrvtar)',
r Tii ili k i" "7i n "i T,"T.' r. X a. "w i . k u u m a
l uiMlltits Hi id auil si Wadatwlar r
each month,
I KkR JwU.N.y.N, W. M.
N. T. Jsrr, a'eey,
TiiiilVrAK iTo. o. f.
a iiievts Hstiirdiiy evening ol eh waak al
their hU In Odd Sallow leiupla al Kosaburf,
Mumlieis ol lis order In good s land lug arvlavtl
dloatund N. W. YAMILK, H. IS.
F. U. Ml ran, rWo'r
U Odd Fallows hall ml sewnd and loan
Krldays ot eseh nioiillt. Visiting l.ralhran
ar ln Had to aiieiul,
JUS. Nil Bl.t.t, Berths.
ROHKIIl'IlK HilMiK, NO. IA, A. U. 0. W.
meets I lis sw ond aud fourth Muniiara al
each month at; . e. ni, at Odd Fslluwa kaU.
Ueinliars ol Ihv order In good standing arw ta
llied lo attend.
KNO I'UMT, NU. W, ll. A. K
But ami third Ttiumtajri ol
auh aalii.
firsts and third Thursdays Ii
i aaeh
TfAHMr 1 All It NrK-lingular Uuartarly
a Meeting s will l hold al Urania UaU,
Koseliurg, thu rirsl Ktlilav In leiiitor, Sink
and June, and the third Friday In Menlaubw.
R" lieKHl loi I'll AITKH, NO . U. B S.. HttlS
the sisiuid and fourth 1 uuradara ol aaaS
AoSkS llaon H, Pen .
RoHKiiiiHii niviHioN no 4?s. n. or u .,
meet every second snd fourth Holiday.
RimKlll'lln It. 1 l.olMig, no. 41, . o .O. t
nn c l on Tuesdsy evening of aaeb sk al
th Odd Fellows hall. Vlsltliig slslani aa
Brethren ar Invited Iu attend.
M Kill T W KM', N.
A I.I'll A I.olniF. NO. 47, K. OF P.. MKITS
every Wednesday evening al Odil Fallow
Hall. VI. I Una kmnliis Iu good slaadla estr-
illally Invited lo atleud.
I. I noNF.Y, ('. C.
vS llll i lUi't'll I nt'KT OK III! ITA1 K
t of Oft lion, fur I'niiKl-s i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 r .
I: I' I Islullll )
A. V. lUhrke. I'wnttd Pahike
aud l-usl t . Ilulirke.
lii-leil'tauts ,
To I'snlrl I lulu kt- one of Ihe abova nair4
In Hie t'ine of Iho Mala ol tiiefun, Tou ar
herehy required to iH r and itii'il th com
plaint lilt-1 sxtlns'. roil In Ihe sMivs nlHId
suit lu the aitotti nninrd court on or llura the
i,tli slity f .ttnrrli. ilsoy,
II. Bl Vliif the llr.l lsy of Ihe nest term at
ushl conn, and oii 111 take iioitca Ihsl II yn
111 so to spprsr Niid Hit.tsrr said eoninlatnl fir
snl ttiertot, the I'lslniliT will sit'V t tha
I'onrt for Ihe n il. I !inyed for In isid roinrtlalal.
u liirh Is to st'l s.nlt' on the gtouiid id fiaud a
certain det-d of eoiivev iiuee e&eetiti-d by Iks
slit ! leiiilitnls, A K Hahikit and laiista B.
Ilshrks to the sitl'l ilt leiiilanl, lnlel K llaruka.
rotivi'Vlne lots I, V, a. 4. a S, Is and I In Mot k
No. one 1 1 and nil of Mm k No. two ')) known
as Ushikcs s. Mill. hi lo Frullvals, Imngla
county, Orvgoii.
This suiuiiions Is liuUiMir l l.y virtu nl aa
order ol ihe t'lreiill t ourt, uide and eulsrrd on
the .Mill ils) of January, 1-UT
e 11. NTRA'I FOHO.
J.'-ld Attorney for flalnstt
VN TIIK I'lltt t ll lot HI ol Till STATI
t ol Oregon, lor Hoiialss t'ouuly.
John II Mcdce, FlalullIT.i
vs I
3. P. Mr'.iolson and (
II. J. Julius, llelendslil. I
To J. l. Nicholson and II. J. Johns, (Ulead
ants :
In the name of the htatw of Oreguii. you art
herctiy r.pjirt-d to ai-in-sr and answer lha eom
nUiiit tiled sKslo.t you In Ihe atxiva entitled
aetloli, on or hi fore Moiidsy tho 7sh day ol
Jiin the sine In lim Iho llr.l day of the nest
rt-KUlar li-riu ol i m ull i noil of th Ntate ol (rr
egon for lioiiglas Couiiiy nller this puhllialton
. eolii.lrl, !
And snd If roil fsll o io nnsner. for want
tlo reof iho planum null lake Jodmient against
you or ihf.uin ol ihrte hundred aud thirty sis
iloilars mid for Ms costs and disbursements ol
this ui'ilon aul "ill sull under a will ol at
Isi him nl llie prop! rtv known s IhaJiuld MlutT
Mine, .Itnatid in Ihe Kseelslor Mining Plslrtnl
Iu IioiikIii. I'oimiy, on (.ni, and Mill .lr Ike
.rui'. ..l. of siicti le Inward the payment and
sti-!iii-lloii of :lslulll1 s ssld i laiiu herein and
of the i o.i il ihls uriloii.
This miiiunons i- i.ol.lMii d Iu tho 1'lalndralar,
a tieivHiiin-r ptilillitiisl Itoselnirv. tlregon, liy
ordi r ol Hon .1 r Kullt-rloii, t'lreiill Jinlga ol
ot the hicoiid Judicial Inslrlet for Ihn Hlale ol
On goli, lor a pt-rlot of six consecutive neoks,
vt hleh saiil order ws mailo and enirretl o rec
ord ou the I'lll ils) of 1 ehliiarf , lst'7
Intd Attoriiey lor I'lalotlrT.
Administrator's Phial Notice.
uuders'Klied hss Sled his llnsl sirounl lu
thti I oiintv t ourt ns ailuilnisiralor of Ilia eaiata
of Joseph Mrl jtnidilln. il. i rs.rtl, and thai I ha
I on nl y Coun of lioMglas ( ounly, Kials of Ore
gon, has lixi.l .Moiiday, Msreh I, lh7, al I
o'clock . in .oltnlil tiny, as lha time for hear
ln olijeellmis, If suv lliern he, to ssld filial a
couni, and Hie srtllemenl td said (Slate,
luted January 2s, u;.
Adrninlslralor ol thu csUlo of Joseiih Mc
Laughlin, diceused. J2XIA
- " f) VVAaB
S. C. Iirowu Leghorn,
Barred Plymouth Rock,
Mack Langshan,
S. S. llaiuburg,
Black Minortas,
H. H. Red Game
ECCS, $1,00 PER 13.
Hlinmhionk's liroeer Hior.. ... ..i.i. Ji
A. K HI MIC, Mauigir,
Silver Spangled llamburgs,
Sincle Comb Brown Leo
MARSTERS, Proprietor.