The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 15, 1897, Image 3

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''rEDfcijAllY 18, J897.
Thm ctawrcboo.
rUrtitf Omubum ooruat ul Lane nd Hot
Imk Huuday fltrvloai ITnlilti, 11 . m.
tad MM p. m.i Young riH)ile' Onion, SWji.m.i
Mn. K. W. UUuk, ritwMnlill Sunday School. 10
e. M. Jeraa Uliainlmrlaln, BupsrlnUndso
travel UtiSttl, ThmwUy vulm al 7 ;K.
MiTHumat I'liuaca-corner el Main iid ban
alraSttV Sunday HeMliie. I'rawitiluf , II ft. in
ul t;0 p. in.! Iablelii mihool, 10 ft. m.i t.
W WuulUj, SuparluteJidiintl I'UM Mooting ftl i
etna ol liu.niliil Mirleo! Cpwurth Ieit
:0 p.. . IUtt ilnJlror, iWOanl. rrerr
Mnalttili Wednesday, at 7 JO p. Hi.
( fBlHS I.. MiHB, I'Mlnr.
faminee-a, outlier Mln u1 ln.
riiiitmH catiaui-ciiruer ol :aa eud
RoeeelnwU. Huntley iwrvlre: I'ulk ouMp, ,
m. inl7;iwp. m.i SaM.eth Hobonl, 10. m.i
T, P. II. tl. B.7 p.m. rrayer Meeting, Wednes
day,?) p. in.
H. H. JIII.WOAtB. I'uUlf.
Mm ftnil Hutjihur at Merslers'.
A Balsmau, tho reliable Jeweler. ,
', Caro Broil, lire the xw merchant.
'00 Ui Hi" Roelewf for tho boat cigar.
Wood Ukan on suWrlptloii ai this
00 ti A. O. Marater A Co. for ftcliool
Hot your school books at Msrslors'
drug store.
. . For that-claM dentistry go l 1,r- ,'llt'
ol Oakland.
School booka and miioiicry at Mar
sters' Drug Wore.
. . pure fresh groceries end low prices al
Oaeetieer'a grocery.
li. K. Went iltK'N insurance. OthYe
opposite Ilia poal ofllee,
, Naalafoot oil, maclilno ami lubricating
olla at Maraters' Drugstore.
A fine line of gente' shoes al J. Aim
kam'a Prlcea Just tight.
. All work warranted llrt clafe by R.
W. lilllljftlllill, lllltlt.
Kay Weal, Imported aud domestic
slgara at the Ronoleaf.
Aneicullent line of toilut soaps at
Maraters' Drug Store.
Goods below coot at C'nro'a. Now 1
the the I into fur Ixrgaln.
Nohby aiilta ami leieal tyls at Lilli
Jack'e. Piiee very low.
All atylna aud qualities of hataat Abra
ham', llmlrock lrl:os.
Munyoii'a Hotmepathic HiuiHtlioa for
sale at Maraters' Drug Htoro.
An emtio variety of tou.b.i, hair ?!
elothea brushes at Metstcr'.
Kor bargain in family groceries, call
at tha Pepole'a store, Can utreet.
Munyuu'a Homeopathic Remedies l
A. 0. Maratera A Co.'s ilrug more.
Bring yonr clock and watches to Hlow
Jerry the reliable juwclur lor repairs.
Country produce ol all kind hough!
and Bold at CaaelMi'a grocery store.
At Oakland, T. I.. Graves ia authoriaed
to ricelve and n if ipl lor mil rilion to
the I'
Fine gold and ailver tllliug tui In by
It. W. lkuijaiuin. di'titiRt. rrii-c to
tuit the tinifi.
"Live and let lie" i Dr. It. W. Iko
janiln'e motto. iVnlal work done at
bedrock price'
Large-lit atock of fancy chuira at Alex
ander A Strong', ever brought to Koae
burg and at jmcea lower than over.
Uting your Job work to tho Plaiiial
aa ofllce. We are prepared to do tha
cheapest and leat work aouth of I'o
Have money aud time. To parlies
olng Eaat, go by tho O. K ..It N. short
route. Call on or write to V. C. Loudon,
Koseburg, Oregon.
Take notice, Dr. Deujamiu, tho dent
ist, is jieriiiftiiently located and guaran
tees all his work. Oivo him a call and
essinlne work and prices.
It you don't want to suffer with corns
and bunions, havo your boots and shoes
made at L. Langeuburg's. Repairing
eatly aud promptly dono
For a good bat, stylish and cheap, call
on Wolleuberg A Abraham, whoae atock
smbraces all grades of head gear,
The Square Doal stoio bus just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
hona, which prove to be the bct ahoea
made. Come aud iiiHpect them.
1 am prepared to offer lumber or wood
at reduced prices. I am taking in lum
ber and wood on old accounts and In
trade for goods. T. K. Kiciiahdhon.
L. Langenburg is mill ou top. He
carries a full stock of choice music, mu
aical Instruments, violin, guitars, accord
eons etc., violin Strings of best quality
alwavs on baud.
Jack Abraham, gunU furnisher, keeps
the best goods and latest of every thing
in his lino, and Bells them at a lower
price than auy of his competitors. 11a
lso sells boots and shoes at astonishing
low prices.
Good pastorage furnished at tny past
ures on Roberts creek. Charges
reasonable. All slock at owner's risk.
Tha bestol care will be given to ail
Stock entrusted to my charge.
J. M. Sciurri.
The cheap rates.ltwelve dollars cabin
and alx steornge, including meals and
berth are slill In effect on the O. R.
A N. Go's, steamers from Portland to
dan Francisco.
Bteamer leaves Portland every live
days. Volny 0. Londun, Agent.
u.l,..,. 1. I,u.ul.u trivnn in tliA Tllllillc
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Rosoburg, Oregon, or garbage
slumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
herefrom, unloss the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me lor the
irk me tf
ATaKia isv sv wvi
. TraesDassers will be proeecutod ac-
aording to law. Aahom Robe.
Roseuurg. Oregon, March 17th, 181)6.
She It seems almost impossible that
you should love me.
i r rm..,ia i..,at. inv mother lavs
How nicely you and she will got along U
ou always agree like that. Harlem
Roasting Scfutliugs Hcst
lea in San Francisco costs
more than roasting other tea
in China or Japan, but it
makes tea better.
You don't have to pay
the difference, though. It
comes out of our profits.
We make money in giv
ing up profits. Queer I
A BHjt'knl Company M
Solid silver novelties at Batsman's.
Finest llus of flaonetetta at tha Nov
lty Store.
County claims and warrants bought by
D. 8. Went.
F. Fortln, of Coles Valley was In the
olty Saturday.
Four fold eephyrs In all colors at the
Novelty Store.
rientyof Itran mid Shorln alCawlfleld
A Cawlrtnld's Feed More.
11. A. Smith of I'ruitvsle laid this
oflloe a social call 8aturlsy.
Judge J. C. Fullurlon psld Alhsuy and
Ratetn a brief visit lust week.
Iloautiful designs In gents silk hsnd
kerchief ut the Novelly Store.
Mrs, . Leven and Miss Aixner were
oyer from CsDyonvlllo, Halu:dsy.
Dr, Fn-d 1 lay nun does crown and
bridge work In sn up to diita msnnor.
When )ou are In owed of bouts und
hoes csll and esarnins our line, Novelty
When you call on us sod don't see
what vou want, ask for It. Novelty
Store. v
Money to loan. Call at the office of
, F. Ulce, real relate denier, Roseburg,
Hare your denial work done by R. W.
Menjamin, ltntit. All work guaran
teed first class
An Interesliog com mu (ileal ion ou the
road of Douglas county will appear in
Thursdsy's issue.
Don't forget that M. F, Rice's second
mud store is whero to get bargains in
his clap of good.
(ioiild, we have just added some beau
tiful patterns to our Hue of U5-ceot neck
wear. Novelty Store.
J. F. (ioodmaia of looking Olasi and
, Sanderson of Riddle were guests of
the McClallen Friday.
Now la the time to spray your or
chard. Use the combluaiion sprayer
and ftvu time and monrv.
S. J. Sulhcrliu, J. C. Hunt and A. J.
)on of Oakland were among I lie niv
al at I In) MH'Ullen last wwk.
W. F. lit'iijuiuin, John F. ilvaiiH and
C. Fli'it wuiit down tj SaIohi
wrt-k. 'j ii'iliucil tiiiihcanctf.
Terih t-xtroi'tt'tl khsolutely without
tiiii by R. W, ll4rijitmiii, dentist, room
, Murniem' l.loik, Rosnhurg, Or.
C'ai't. Nutili ifturnud this morning
rom S, mil I In ha eon down sevoral
y liking in on llm IcgiHluturo.
A. WolluiilMtg hikI Kuil Kiumie! weie
n lioni C'iioni In taking in metro
polian si;hlH mi. I fretjes Saturday.
Dr. M. W. D.iis will be in Rotehurg
ie 11 ret tk in March, prepared to do
tlrst clan dental work in all itsbianchr.
J. II. Shupi', cotmly clerk, snd W. A.
Frater, cuunly ticasurcr, were lookers
on al the Salem flB o Friday and Satur
H. R. l.ittletleld was iu from Olalla
last week aud took out with him three
or four more mon to work on his placer
Attorney Sohlbrede returned from
Salem Friday evening. Mrs. Sehlbrede
did not accompany him. Her father is
quite sirk.
Now ia the time to spray your trues
Buy tho Combination Sprayer and save
time and money. W. H. (iordnn of the
Central, Agent.
The Solid brims spray pump at C bur
chill, Woolley A Mi''s is the cue to
buy. No limo lost when in the orchard.
Nothing to get out of order.
If you are looking for a "cheap John"
spray pump go to tho otner leilow.
Rut if you want tho t ent gut the Morrill
Morley Eclipse Bros', pump.
A mail route is to bo established from
Lakeview.Lake county, to Flush, and the
postmaster has already sted notices
for bids for carrying the mail.
If you cannot come to town send us
your mail orders, if we haven't the groda
we will try und procure them for you, all
orders filled promptly. Novelty Store.
E. Du (Jas. l'hysician and Burgeon,
office In Marsters' building. Calls In
town aud country promptly answered
night or day. Reeidonce, 011 Mill street
The Kandy Kitchen had a big trade
durlug the holidays. The people are
beginning to find out that It ia the only
place you can got candy that ia fit to eat
Tha combination sprayer ia all tho
rngo now. Mr. V. it. woruon, tue
local agent of tuo Central House, is tak
ing ordera aed delivering spntyers to
Don't forget that we have a line of
No. 1 tinware, if you want the good
grade you'll always find it hero at bot
tom prices, also notions of all kinds,
Novelty Store.
Sol Abruham and wife returned from
Portland F'rlday evening accompanied
by I heir daughter Mrs. (too. O. Mack.
Mrs, Abraham his tieen in tho hospital
there for some time.
Tho ladlua of Womeoa' Relief Corps
will give a childrens dime sociable at the
Opera House, Thursday evening, Feb.
18th. Come children and have a good
time. Sink, Sec.
Hon. Rufua Mallory, passed through
on Saturday morning on his way to San
Fwnciaoo to argue a case before the
Federal Court of Appeals, lie expects
to return tomorrow ulght and stop over a
The ladies of tho W. F. M. S. of the
M. E. church will give a missionary tea
at the parsonage iuoBUay evening, eo
ruarv lfith. Supper will be served from
5 to U o'clock. A cordial invitation it ex
tended to all.' Admission 10 cents.
Walter frowning, of Myrtle Creek
was brought in on Saturday by F, M
Uabbart, and examined by Dr. K. L,
Miller on a charge of insanity. His
hallucination was that he had joined an
order and Buffered injury. Ho was ad
judged insane, dangerous to be at large
and taken to the asylum.
Pale will positively appear In all tho
towns of Southern Oregon early In the
spring. For particulars see T. K. Rich
ardson. Chicken fanciers or those coulemplnl
lan raising thoroughbred fowls will find
something of Intercut In our sdvertlslng
Aeor Drill Is thereclplonl of a num
bortf valentines, not elegant but es
pressos, and the allusions thereof, es
poclslly that of the horned animal, are
lo hi in enigmatical.
Ilert ISenJamln, son of C. Y was
homo on a brief visit to his psrents. He
came In on the nyerlsnd Saturday
morning and returned last evening. He
Is In the oichrstra ol the Henler Peyton
Theatrical Company and I bound north.
On February the 'X, II. W. Wescoof
Portland, Or., will give at Roseburg,
Sterooptican entertainment of Oregon
scenery and Industrie. Tha entertain
ment will be given at the M, E. church,
under the auplca of ll.e Isdie of the
W.O, T. V.
Mrs. T. K. Richrdon went iIomii to
Portland Thursday evening. There was
a reunion of the Iluckmsn family of
which Mrr . R. is a membfr at that place
on Friday. The occasion was tho cele
bration of the Wtli anniversary of the
birth of Mrs. Richardson' mother.
Tho revival services at Hie U, B.
church are rapidly increasing in atten
dance and interest. Several person are
inquiring filler pardon and purity. The
meeting will conllnui all week. Ser
vices at 2 ::W and 7:1(0 every day. Di
vine heating services at 2:W on Friday.
All aie invited.
There I such a thing as standing op
sj straight that jou bend backward;
and the reason so many of us come to
old age and have nobody to care for us
i that we are living miserable, rclflHh,
contSiuptable lives. We ex ( t our
friends to slave and crawl and grind
aod drudge for us, and wed) nothing
for them, lhe leet wav to keep your
friends true to you Is to be true to tlit ui.
Simon S. Uartiuanof TuumoIUju, West
Vs., has been subject to attacks of colic
about once a year, and would have to
call a doctor and then suffer for about
twelve hours as much a some do when
they die. He wn taken recently just
the same aa at other times, and con
clu led to try Chamberlain's Colic. Choi
era and Diarrlnei Remedy. Ho sas
'I took oue dose of it and it gave me re
lief in five miuutefl. That is mote than
anything else has ever done for me."
For sale by A. I'. Maisu rs ACu.
R. D. (ijrdoii'a oil well ut Idling
Olass, has ended like the l.inl act of a
comedy. A sample of the product Mas
sent to San Francisco, or some other
point to te tested, and lhe reply was ie
turned C. . D. at n cost of f 10. When
opened it said the lluid contained so
much per cnt. refined patrolenm and so
much "lard oil," and advised Jhe owner
to not continue operation. A friend
saked him why he didn't go ahead with
il, aud he aiiked why he vhould. "Why
you might alnke the whole hog" was
tho answer. Riddle Mile.
Tbo little daughter of Mr. Fred Web
ber, Holland, Maes., had a very bad
cold and co'igu which he hud not been
able to enre with any thing. I gave him
a V't cent bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, says W. I'. HoMon, morchant
and poel muster at Wtht RrimliuM, and
the next time 1 saw him hp said it
woiked like a chaiui. Thin remedy is
intended especially for acute throat and
lung disenroa such as colds, croup and
whooping oough, and it is famous for its
cures. I hero is no danger iu giving it to
children for it conteins nothing injuri
ous. For salo by A. C. Marsters A Co.
J. S. Oearhard came in on the local
Friday evening direct from Nebraska.
Mr. Oearhard ij here for the purpose of
looking up a location and becoming a
permanent resident of this state. The
fame of Douglas as a desirable plaoe of
residence had reached him in Ida Ne
braska borne and be came. It is his in
tention to lesse a placo for tho present,
if he can find one to suit, and dotcrmiuo
for himself whether this is a good coun
try to live In before purchasing. He is
under the chaperonage of Robert Wood
tuff, of Coles Valley, and consequently
In good bauds. Thore is little doubt but
that it the Douglas county climate and
soil are given a fair lest tliey will prove
all that has been claimed for them.
Douglas Wsite was envied by all the
young mon in town last week, for
three days he held forth in tho court
room at the court house and was sur
rounded by a bevy of young school
ma'ams. Ye local looked In (or a tuo
mentand saw a lot of young people
eager to begin the battle of life as teach
ere, full of hopo and ambition, and
could not help but reflect upon the possi
bilities of the future. Here perhaps
wore persons destined to become e,duca
tors of renown. Here were persona from
whose lips statesmen and matrons of a
coming generation would learn their
first leFBona, ol letters, of the sciences of
art, and even statecraft. Next to the
parent, upon the eacher must test the
responsibility for tho stamp of the men
and women, who aoon shall take our
Pythian Anniversary.
On F'rlday uext Alpha Lodge No. 47,
K. of P.. of this city will celebrate tha
33d anniversary of the establishment of
the Order at the Castle Hall in Odd
Fellows' Temple. Tho Rathbone sisters
will also take part iu the proceedings
which will consist of music, speech-mak
Ing and slob. All sojourning Knights
are requested (o attend without waiting
for a formal Invitation. The Knights
have the reputation of doing these
things up In elegant shape, and. it is
proposed that this shall be no exception
to rule.
Call for the "Spotted Cut"
Rapp'a grocery utore, If you
pleasant smoke.
at Mrs.
want a
Oay Crow4 fn Hard Time
The mask bsll given at the Armory on
Saturday nlgbt by T. K. Richardson,
was a most enjoyable affair, flier wete
just forty-one msskero and spsctstors In
nomorshle. The maskers succeeded In
getting themselves op In all sorts of grp.
tue costumes, aod for the moil part
csrried out the character assumed very
nicely. It was, ss Its name indica'ed, a
hard times affair, vunsfijuently there
wers no Romeo or Juliets, no Spanish
cavaliers, or gaily caparisoned knights,
no grsnd Indies of the Eighteenth
century, no dukes, no lords, no princes,
but there were topsies. and clown, and
chinamen, and organ grinder, nd
school girls and hoodlums, but no dudes.
The grans! march took place at nine
o'c'o.k and the onmesklng march at
about 10 ;30. Tho Judges were B. Bro k
way, Dr. DuUas and Mrs. JaJge Lugh
ary, and tho prises were awarded aa fol
lows: Hard Times, 1st. prize, Fred
Wright, ham ; second prise, E. L. Fisher,
sack of flour; comical character, John
Boyd, umbrella; clown, Jesse Smith,
b.Jiof cigars; best dancers, lady, Ada
McCurdy, perfumery; goot, Ed. F'itzpsl
rick, pair of slipperr. The spectators
price, a set of glassware, was drawn by
Charley Perry. Theinmlo by tho Rose
burg Orchestra was excellent and a good
time generally was hod all around.
A Musical Treat.
Mrs. Appolhoff and the ladies of her
music class gave a muaicsl reception on
Fri'lny eveniog last to celebrate the
fourth anniversary of tho formation of
the Rosoburg Orchestra, an institution
which our people are justly proud. F'ol
Ioi"g is the program which was
rendered In a most pleating manner :
1. "Somiramlde," Roieini. Or
chestra. 2. Chorus "Oreetlng," Mendelssohn.
Metdames Appleli'fT, Ete, Minkler.
Morris and Either.
3. Piano rolo "Los Deux Angef,"
lilmnf nthal Edwin McKen'e.
4. Piano Trio "Venetian Oalop,"
Skuiim. Mituees Willis, Fullerton snd
6. Song "Thou Art No Near," Mrs. Minkler.
5. Piano diift, Diabeili. Irting liib
son and Edwin McKenzie.
7. Solo und Tiio ".Sneet Vale of
Rent," Lea Huj'ienots. MesHBtne
liites. Minkler, Morris end Fir-her.
8. Piano foIo selecfeJ, Mrs. Etuer
son Fisher.
'J. Piano duet "The Meny Dame,"
Jcsef Ijw. M if res Stephens and Mor
ris. 10. Children's Chorus "The Rock-a-bye
fjidy," (poem bv Euneno Field;,
Ablutt. Helen Willis, Veil Barker,
Kale Fullerton, Hattie Barker, Frank
McKenzie, Rutu Hamilton, Ethel Ap
plehoff, Anie McKenzie.
Andanto from Surprise Symphonies'
Haydn. Orchestra.
At the conclusion of the musical exer
ciser's lunch was served. Soxe of the
cake left over found its way to the Plain--
heai.kk office the next d-y.
A lorrespoQc'ent writis cf the recep
tion thus :
Erii'.av uitiht being (be fourth anni
versary of the orchestra. Mrs, Appelhoff,
sesisted by the ladies of her music class
gave the members a right royal recep
tion. There were besides, a goodly
number of invited guests, and the pro
gramme which was well rendered af
forded delightful entertainment. There
was a alight variance, from that in
tended, as little Ruth Gibson, whom so
many wished to see preside al the piano
was too ill to be present, and Miss Bit
xer's absence on account of her mother's
illness. But otherwise the musical dis
courses of the orchestra, the solos,
ducts and tiioa by tbe different per
formers were highly appreciated and
gave evidence of being well mattered.
The sandwiches, coffee and cake given
as a finale was much enjoyed, and while
indulging, one conld not withhold the
praises due Mrs. Appelhoff, not only
for her generous hospitality, but for the
strenuous efforts she has msdo to culti
vate tbe taste for the better class of
music in our city. Sara Fkkd.
Edison' Electric Vltascope.
The most novel entertainment ever
seen in Roeeburg will be that at the
Opera House Saturday evening of this
week, when Edison's electric vitsacope
will produce the almost living pictures of
Ciss:u Fitzgerald in ber famous skirt
dance; the knock out round in cham
pionship prize fight; the great fire scene,
etc. Thousands of people are being
turned away nightly from Koster A
Bials. in New York, where it baa had
the phenomenal run of almost a year
It Is not only a source of great amuse'
ment bul also Instructive, alike to old
and young. Popular prices will prevail,
being placed at 1)5 and 60 cents ior re
served seats. Secure your leata early.
Some fine Pianos.
Tho Wiley U. Allen Co., of Portland
havo shipped to Roseburg some vciy
fine pianos, having the new "Mando
lin" attachment, and will sell them at
very low prices and on easy terms. The
Wilev II. Allen Co. is the oldest nod
largest music house in the northwest,
and handles the Chlekerlng, Ludwig,
Hariinuton. Hardman, Fischer, and
other pianos. Also Eetey, Mason Ham
lin, Chicago Cottage and other organs,
and is in a position to give extremely
low prices. All are invited to call at
tha McClallen house and examine the
Schilling's Best means
we lend you
eu If re
ilng po
tluvoiTiiB cxtiacta
oil a
nil tpiL tt ;
and, if you like them, you
buy them.
Your grocer pays your
monev back if you don't
like Schillings Best.
Vox sal by
Krus Si Shambrook
A Batch of Newsy Letters from
Variolic Localities,
Hop j aids aro being cultivated thi
season. Blocker A Son's yard . is all
done and otheia soon will be.
1 he acreage of grain Is going (o bo
larger than for many years past.
The roads are terrible n.nddy. Ou tho
Elklon and Scottshnrg road maay
fish wagons aro hauling sturgeon to lhe
railroadld ship to Portland from Gardi
ner, and salmon from all tho way along
tha Umpqua river above Elklon and
down to Oardiner. Tho fishing iodostry
of the Umpqua gives employment to
many people besides the teamsters, aud
several thousand dollars aro (tistrltmted
among them. A railroad down the Uni
que Is tho one thing needful to develop
this industry.
Last Thursday night, ss the stage was
coming from Likton, a slide occurred
and with it camo a largo fir tree, catch
ing and Imprisoning tbe horses. Ed
Patterson, the driver, cot tbo harness
snd succeeding in liberating tbo animals.
It was a narrow escapo both for tbo
horses, tho driver end tbo passengers
from being carried over tbo grade to
Elk Creek. 400 feet below.
One by one tho leaves fall, so with the
the pioneer's of Oregon. This Sabbath
tho writer attended the funeral of Mrs.
Nancy Cartwright, who was born in
White county, Illinois, May 3, 1817,
nearly MO years ago. Mother Cart
wright, as we old friends called ber, was
Nancy McCallister and married Dennis
B. Cartwright in 1834 in Illinois, came to
Oregon in 18o2 locating on tha Upper
Siuslaw, In what is now known as tho
0rtwright neighborhood, some 12 mlleo
north of Drain, across tbo Calepoola
mountains, in I.ane county. Mr. and
Mrs. Cartwright for many year kept
the stage station and hotel there and are
well known to all old settlers Father
Cartwright died at Salem in the sixties
nd bis widow kept the station for a
time and subsequently bought a home
for ber old age in our village. She was
a good woman aud bad been a member
of the M. E. church aince 1833, a period
of 07 years, as Father Tavlor said t--dav.
the longest member. hip of any in
the congregation, and he was the next
willj 6.J years. Mother UartwrigM bad
many friends. She was good to the poor
and needy and many can attest her kind
leeilp. tbe writer included, n l.ile we
have lost a good friend, Uod!a received
good soul. May sne rest in peace.
Her ooly son was killed by Icdians in
1H5G. Her surviving children are Mrs.
William Ruseell of Drain and Mra.
W. Carlwiigbt of Yoncalla. The
funeral was largely sttendod. No room
for all in the M. E. church although
many stood up. She was buried in the
Drain cemetery.
Be we republican, democrat or popo
it we do not like tbe situation at Salem.
Those men went there to legislate, not
(or a senatorial fight. Sooner or later
we will find out who is to blame and we
ill remember them in June. "J3. I for
one say elect from constable up to presi
dent by popular vote. Precincta make
counties, counties states, stares the fed
eral union. Joit.
Henry Churchill ia carrying the mail
again from here to Looking Glass.
Mr. White of Albany is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. McOhee.
James Dearling shipped a lot of furs
to New York last week.
Key. W. P. Anderson of Roseburg
held sei vices at the Baptist Church Son
day morning and evening.
Rev. Forbes, synodicsl missionary of
the state, delivered a sermon at the
morning and evening services at tbe
Presbyterian cburcb Sunday.
We are pleased to nolo that Mrs. H
Little is able to bo around again after
ber long illmees.
W. R. Thompson of Coles Valley was
in town one day last week. Mr. T. re
port the losing ol several hours sleep
the night of tbe recent bold-up at
Shady Point near Roseburg.
The Reading Circle held ita weekly
meeting at tho residence of S. J. Jones
Saturday evening. These meetings aro
increasing in interest and tbe readings
are of such a nature that they tend to
educate the mind against tbe ose of
alcoholic stimulants and narcotics. We
wish tbeee meetings every snccsss possl
Prof. McGheo return xl from Roteburg
Sunday morning wbere bo lias been
aMisting in the examination of teachers
applying for certthcatee, During bia ab
sence, Miss Jennie Clarke has bad
charge of our school in the principal's
place, and Alias Anna uisrke or Mill
wood has been teaching the intermedi
ate grade.
The Oakland Building A Loan Assoii
ation held ita annual meeting Monday
evening of last week, and elected tbe lot
lowinz othcers for tbe ensuing year
Young, B. J. Bovfngtoo. G. T. 'Russell,
F. W. McKechnie, A. J. Dear, W. B.
HammltteJA. F. Brown, president; A.
G. Young, vice-president; G. T. Russell,
II. I , i.,u.n.a A 1. Krnnin .
secretary: A. G. louog, treasurer; vJ.
T. Rursell, solicitor; auditing committee,
O. L. Cbtnoweth, f. is. iJeckley, iienja
min Huntington.
Dr. L. Hall passed to higher life Sun
day about 11 a. in. For some time
past Mr. Hall has not been abloto set
around but little, and a recent Illness has
brought his life to a close on this terres
trial sphere. He wss one of the vsrly
settlers in this locality, and bis life baa
lieen a varied one and full of experiences
Tbe funeral services will take place at
the residence of Mr. BloomflelJ, with
whom he was living, at 10 a. ni. Tues
day. After which the I. O. O. F order
will take charge of the remains and lay
them to rest in the Odd tellows' ceme
tery. Taaov.
Baptism will be administered at Bil
lard todav (Sunday) to a number of
Evangelist Ross' converts, among the
number beiug S. C. Miller.
The farmers of this section are "get
a move on themselves" by puttiug every
nOOK, pnmuiv lui hiju uci iu umiu,
anticipating good prices for next year's
If Providence will "hold up" the
showers due India, Australia, and Ar
gentina, the Oregon farmer will be
strictly in it. Good crops with fair
prices, would furnish a solution to tho
money famine that would knock all tho
araumoutoof the so-called populist re
formers "out of Bight." Indeed judging
from remarks of prominent populists of
this sect ion, tha pops at Salem havo
elven thair constituents about all they
want already. Civil Bend will no longer
bo tbo banaer popnlial precinct of Doug
las county.
Tho irstna which will be saked of
csmlldat real eWcflon will not be,
"will yon support lhe Initiative and r. f
ereridom, knock out useless corneal
slnns, etc." bot "will you bo In favor of
tl.o organisation of tho boose, will yon
work In the Interests of tho people, steer
clear ot dumagognoo, and lei the major
ity role." Verily tbeir leaders do err.
"They aro wise to do evil, bnt to do good
tbey havo n-r knowledge." Populism
la aa dead aa tho Hotl Van Houtea.
Good crops, good prices, make tho poo1
pte contented, better, and more libaral,
snd when people aro In thi condition,
they take to tho republican band wagon,
like ducks to water.
Tho Brock way Literary Sorioty gave
an outerlaiommit Saturday mint
hirli was wall airendcd and highly ap
preciated, some 150 persons being in st
tendsnce. Tho exerchtes con-lafed of
music, singing, dramas, recitations, etc.
District No. 10 has nssnmed quite a
metropolitan air. She conduct woekiy
a very instructive and fcoccessfnl debet-
og clss. A dramatic entertainment is
given every three weeks, snd she bss
been stirrel op Irom center to circum
ference all thiswinter over her attempted
division. The case baa been ably repre
sented on both tides. Coanty Soporin
tendsot Waite has been reversed by
fetate Superintendent Irwin and has now
landed In tho circait court, with a good
prospect of continuing tbe journey on to
boadqnarteo tho supreme court of Ore-
goo, ibis will, we hope, settle tbo
question ss to who are Jeaal voters at
school meetings in Oregon. Thus dis
trict 10 Is traveling tbo road to fame.
A circumstance occurred hero the
other day wbicb was quite flattering to
re worthy editor." A populist picked
op a Plaindxaleb remarking after perus
ing its columns for some time: "Well,
sir, those Review people are improving
giilliy in tbo getting op ol tbeir
paper." Ibrow in more demo-populist
calamity bowla "Cnolls." Your follow
ing don I seem to know "where they sro
st." Dist. No. 10.
A Swindler.
Dbai. Or., Feb. 14tb, 18V7. '
Ed. I'laisdsalek : Last December a
awindler came along claiming to bo an
agent of Standard rattern Oo. lis came
to Drain, aold tbe right to sell to Miss
r.oi. tteymour. dressmaker here, and
then went on to Oakland telling Mies
Hattie Uooper that be aold SIlss Sey
mour a lot of patterns and tbat she bad
sold MO worth. So she also paid him
1.75 for a supply, swindling her as well
as Mis Seymoor. Ho said tbe pattern
woold soon coma, none ever came and
he is $3 50 better of!, swindling these
bard working girls snd how many more
1 know not. siay tbe press or uregon
and Oalifornia roast him.
Jas. A. STtau.No.
Deck Hand Drowned.
A Corvallia dispatch of the 101b, says
This morning about 0 o'clock Charles
Soyder, a deckhand on the ateamer
Ruth, drowned in tho Willamette near
the Benton flouring mills. The Rulb
bajl been loading flour, aud, in swing
ing down the stream, ebe caught on tbe
stern of the Gypsy, which was tied to
tbe government snogboat. Several of
the Ruth's crew boarded the Gypsy to
push off the Ruth, and In getting back,
Snyder stopped off into tbe river. It
was dark, and tbe other members of tbe
erew were unable to distinguish Snyder's
form in tbe water. The current at Ibis
point is rather swift, and it is supposed
Snyder waa swept by ita force nnder tbe
tnats. He waa about 35 years of age,
and lived in Porrland. The body has
not yet been discovered.
Wants a New District.
Reeidents of the territory down on the
Umpqua, about midway between tho
schoolbonses of districts No. 36 (Scolto-
burg and- No. 33, desire to be set off in a
district by themselyes, setting forth that
they are three miles from a school house
one way and two and one-half miles the
other, aod that it is impossible for tbe
smaller children of school sge to attend
in the winter season. During the two
months past a private school has been
taugbt in the neighborhood, but tbe
people there thiok tbey ought to get tbe
benefit of tbo school funds to wbicb
their children are entitled, this beins;
their prayer. The petition baa been filed
with Superintendent Douglas Waite,
but a vigorous remonstrance, it ia raid,
will be aent in from the old districts.
There la Nothing So Good.
Taere is nothing just as good as Dr.
King'a New Discovery for Consumption,
Cuflghs aod Colds, Oo demand il and do
not permit tbe dealer to sell 3 ou some
substitute. He will not claim there
anything better, but in order to make
more profit be may claim something else
to bo just as good. You want Dr.
King's New Diicovery because you know
it to be safe and reliable, and guaran
teed to do good or money refunded. For
Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all
affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs,
there ia nothing so good as Is Dr. King's
New Discovery. Trial bottles free at
A. C. Maratera' Drug Store. Regular
else 50 ceuts and 1 00.
For Over Fifty Vcais.
ah Old and Wbll-Trisd Rimidv. Mra
Window's Soothing Bytup baa been used for
over fifty year by mllliona of mothers (or their
children while teething, with perfect aucoeaa.
It aootha th child, aoltvua the guma, allaya all
pain, euns wind collo, aud la th beat remedy
for Plarrhoa. Ia pleaaaut to tha taat. Hold by
drugglita In every part of the world. Twenty
five eenta a bottle. It value 1 Incalculable,
Bur and auk for Mra. Wlnalow'a Hootblng
Syrup, aud takt no other kind.
The Central House.
W. H. Gordon is now tbe proprietor of
this popular house. The table will be
supplied with tbe best in the market
good beda and courteous treatment.
Meals 15 cent, and beds tbe same rate
At the Armory Every Saturday Eve-'
These dances wilf be run on a regular
scientific plan. Instructions on new
dances from 7:30 to 9 o'clock, free of
Admission tor lady and gentleman, 50
Gentleman without lady, 73 centa,
lady not accom pained by gentleman
25 cents.
Spectators not allowed.
K 111- j.
Absolutely Pure
OlcbrmUxl lor II- mat lnnln
irength ami hrlthtulni a. Aur. the
lood agalnut alum and all forma of adul
iraiiun coiiiimoU t tho cheap bare1.
Naw goods at Caro Bros. Boss Store.
J. T. Bryan, tbe Buay Watchmaker.
For a good o-cent cigar call on Mrs.fc.
Mstkers bay your mat s at the Nov
elty Store.
Bargains in choice remnants at tho
Novelty Store.
R. W. Benjamin, dentist, room 1,
Marsters' block.
Boston Baked Beans st the Homo
Bakery. Try them.
.Shasta Water at Slow Jerry's cigar
and drink emporium.
For a good smoke call at felow Jerry's
bazar, and get a Loo Amorrs cigar.
All kind of arlficiali teeth made rea
sonably at Dr. Fred Haynes' office.
Money to loan. Call at the office of
I. F. Rice, real estate dealer, Roseburg,'
Dolicious "salt-rising" bread at the
Home Bakery, corner Oak aud Rose
Nothing but the best material used by
R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Room. 1,
Marsters' block.
Freeh home-made bread at tbe Home
Bakery, corner Oak and Rose streets.
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
Yon can tell one who has good tas'.e
and don't like to eat dirt, paint and
chalk. He gets his candy at the Kandy
Cseebeer the grocer, corner Jackscn
and Washington, keeps the beet grocer
ie. Every thing fresh and first-clam,
and at reasonable prices.
Parties desiring family sewing dooe
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, 421 Main street. Will sew for
75 cents per day.
You can get knives for 5 and 10 cente:
and from that price up to fa. Each
knife weH worth the price asked at
Churchill, Woolley A McKenxie's.
Good adyice: Never leave home on a
ourney without a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbtea Rem
edy. For sale by A, C. Marsters A Co.
Caro Bros', closing out rale is drawing
crowds to tbe Boss Store. Low prices
and quick aales is tbe order of the day.
Goods must te Bold at any sacrifice.
Call and see.
Two trscta of land for rent, contsining
one 10-acre and one 15-track within 1J
miles of town, fair orchards on each
place. For further information call ou
I. F. Rica. Real Esrate Dealer, Rose
burg, Oregon.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for vour
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicine has been
found to be peculiarly adapted to the re
lief and cure of all Female Complaints
eterting a wonderful influence in giving
strength and tone to tha organs. If yon
have Loss of Appetite, Constipation,
Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner
vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric
Bitters is . the medicine you need.
Health and strength are guaranteed by
its use. Fifty cents and 1.00 at Mar
ster'a Drug Store.
Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas couuly .warrants in
dorsed prior to July 27lb, lS'JU, to pre
sent the same at the treasurer's cilice
in the court houte for payment, as in
tereet will cease thereon after tbe date
of thij notice.
Dated this the 'otb day of Jauuary,
1997, at the City of Rosebuig, Douglas
coooty, Oregen. Wm. A. Fkaikii,
County Treasurer.
To the Public.
On and after this date, 1 w iuh it under
stood that my terma for all undertaker's
goods are cash with tho order- 1 find it
Impossible to do business ou a credit
basis, and belive that I can do bettor by
my patrons and myself .by selling strictly
for cosh. P. Bknkmck. Undertaker.
Roeeburg, Ore., April 12, 1395.
Hlfhest Honors World's Fair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Msdo.
40 Years tbo Standard.