THE PLAINDEALER, Publlahad Mondavi and Thuradnj . t Tut ri nfvnF.At.itR rini.isniNu o. i. B. EDDY hilltnr. C. T. nrKJAMIX,... MnKT. BaHacrlptlnn Unlro. Ooe Yar. '' 00 DliMoftlhi 1 w Tftrs M.mllie v FEBRUARY 15. lSi-7. NOTICE. Te whtw 11 aiajr concern: W. F. lieii.iuiiu kTia(Mid hit uitert t in lk I'laimxali a, a aallUatral ft arcounts It non in order. All aateaaU 4ue for a.lrtiking and J. ork to talker payable I" " Y. Ben; am in, w'.ui i'.t alt Say all Indebted of tha firm to date. Jaawary N, 1?T. W, l'. Btx AMiN, e'. Y. liSS AMI. WHAT IS A QUORUM? A correspondent atka for the lr gunge of the constitution on tli" ijuestion of a legislative ciuoruru. Article IV of the futiJau.eiiUl !aw pertains to the leg'islative depailuient of Iha stste government, and Pectiou 12 ol that Article, lays: "Two-thirds of each house, shall con sulate a qtiornm to do busiccj?. but a mailer may meet, adjourn from day to day and compel 'lie attendance ci absent members. A quorum being in attend ance, if either houae fail to etlect an or ganiration within the first live data thereafter, the memlera i f the house so failing shall be entitled to no compensa tion from the end of the taid Cve days antll an organization eha'l have been fleeted." Section 25, of the tame Article says: "A majority of all the members tle:U J to eacb bouae shall be necessary to pass every bill or joint resolution; and ad bills and joint resolutions so passed shall be signed by the presiding uilioers of bo'.h bouses." Section 10, of Arti.le II delres that "under this constitution the persoa or persons who shall receive the highest number of Totes t hall be declared elect ed." And Section 31, of Article IV pro Tides that memberB of the legislative as sembly shall eubecribe to an oath to sup port the constitution of the United States and of Ibis state and to faithfully dis charge their duties as such member. The honses are much larger notv than when the constitution was framed and adopted. Then the membership wv-s 1C and 34 respectively, now it is 30 and 00 respectively ; bat as to hat ccn3'ita!es each house, Section 25 above quoted ii ferms at: "The members elected to each houia." There were 30 penators elected and 00 representatives, and these constitute the two houses at the present time. Two-thirds is required for a quorum, to do business Two-third of sixty ii forty. It is very plain that if Section 12, of Article IV means what it says, the house cannot d bniinees until there are 40 members present. The contention is made that a tan's election is not complete until he qualifies, but the organic law says he h elected when he receives the highest number of votes cast and shall hi so de clared. It is plain then that if ') mem bers are elected, it requires 40 to consti tute a quorum and 31 approving votes t j pass a bill. A less number may meet from day to day and compel the attend ance of absent members. And here in where the house failed to perform its duty. The law regards a peieon elee'ed a member of the legislative assembly be fore he takes the oath and brings hitu nnder its jurisdiction by viordin;. hiru the privileges of a membti f.iteen days before the time fixed for the tension, arid the taking of the oath; and here is where the temporary orgarj; itioa was lame. If the 1 'a vie ouaQuati. n failed t j adopt measures to biiig in the absiidees, then thues pretent had a riht to re move the temporary sptaiter an 1 elect another. Then the Moiith o'dauization, that superceded the Dav.s, bhu'iM have compelled the attendance of tiiu al.tfcu tees until a quorum was obtino l, thtu proceej with its permaneut orgauizition and the transaction of its hubiuehs. This is not written as an apj!oey fcr those who are refusing tu take pirt. They were elected to take their eea's and act, uot to obstruct legislation by ab senting themselves from tbair lai'cs( Jt la an unusual and indcfenbiblo pro ceeding. It is the dispgrieublo facta with which we have to deal. The Loute is wrong in maintaining that it id per manently organized, and any legislation (bat may be enacted under it would be null and void. It ia our opinion, however, that a j Wnt convention could be held under a literal interpretation of the Federal ttatiilo re ' lating to senatorial tlectiona, an 1 if at tended by a majority of both houses they eould elect a senator, but the intent ol the utatote was evidently the uecoud Tuesday after permanent organization, else why did It not say "on the second Tuesday of the aesaiou." The present interpretation waa an after thought at Dale ia, or an attempt would be made to held joint convention on January 111, Tha conditions are to be regretted, but U respect lot tha law Is to be uiuintained, beo it latter and spirit must be com piled with, especially by our law makers. ROASTED. Tlio Vnllry Kr-conl, H)peilist .vapor printed at Atlilaml, lias tliS following coiu-vtiinu tins populiat rprfrntativri from Jackson roitniv : "Howser'a talk with "green nu-U' agr-nta was good for Jackaoti county delegation fir oni week. No then i( lro. Si'liuiidriiin" exitne forth this week will) n peiitioiial lrilt from toiuci Ihivmii fi'iimlp rltvk applicant to etrgan if lli liouw, Holt run fill iit (lie lut I WfCh uiiil n renin 01 ini ourr iu urtupj' Hiitwr mid Sviiniidlline. Thw thing I w i ! assist in di-ecting people' attention . 1. ... 1..I ..V-. I.. kM tci'M-eitfi issues" wlul our delegation return! home- without rrsltn ing rxorbi latil emiuly official aliiris ii n J regulat ing local aliroes that ii in ililr .iwer to remedy. TIipjc sensational fakes can ISt enerijeiiically rehearsed when the rep utation onr delegation ii now miking smells like a wet dog when tli hot weather of the next campiign strikes The Globe-Democrat thinks that "the recent gains in gold br the big banks in Kpizland, France and (ieriuany and the ease iu the money tnarke'a in those countries indicate that gold exportation from the United States to Kuroje is not likely to begin roou. This ii a circum stance which is full of encouragement for this country. Thy treasury, it is true, is in a better jeiii i'i, with its f 145, 000,000 of leirrve, to stand a gold raid than it has been at any previous time in the pat six year, yet nothing of the sort need be looked for at the presrnt time. Aside from Uio continuous rev enue shortage, the treasury situation is favorable, and thic const iiutea a very important factor iu the general bueinets situation." Tl? populists cf Woodville, Ja'ksou county, the home if Representative Schuiidtlelu, hive "resoluted" with pride en the firm stand of the minority in thu legislature, aud denounced Sen ator Mitchell for his "Jtldas tbp." In this s'and, they ic ii"t supported by ex-Governor 1'ii nt'jer, who wa, at least till the accetskn of Bourne, the noblist p-pulist i f t!)3;ii all. He d nounces the "linn stand" of th minor ity as rt vvbitionary. No o::e who expects (- do anything or be anything in the fifiue can afford to participate in cr uphold methods of ob striicii'in. Tney are wrung in principle and piactice. He who takes them up for e.xpc j.cncy, to accomplish some de sired end, will live to regret his mistake. Time, the lcve:er of ail thinga, will fchow to him Ii is eirur. 'loncsty is the best policy, alwats and everywhere. iftrargi. (forward conduct paysio the end. Guard. It is improbable that Great I'.ritain ever wiil claim payment of the Confed erate debt under the arbitration treaty, but she might claim for her citizens pay ment by the United States of repudiated slate or 'municipal bonds. This would be as embarrassing as the claim of Italy on aecouiit of the failure of Louisiana to maintain order in New Orlean. Ore1 gonian. l!)th the state superintendent o! pub he instruction and the a'torney general have c-x pressed saiiifac ioo with the ap peal of tcbool Diet. No. 110 in this coanty, and hope it may be carried up to the supreme court, as ihreby the ques tion of the r!i;ht of women to vote at school elections under the constitution will be diterminsd. Senator Morgan, who hag been the champion of the .Nicaragua Canal bill in the senate, withdrew the bill and took occasion in some remarks to show bis disappointment at the turn affairs had taken. There ii do question but that this will be one of the leading subjects for the consideration of the incoming ad ministration. Keprestutatives of the Northern Pacific and O. Ii. & N. railroads, were over to Oiyujpi last week to put the railroad situation before the committees of the Washington legislature to whom haB Leen referred all sorts of bills looking to the reduction of freights and fares on railroads in that stale. l. M'jn.tstee of Portland has made a Cjuibiuation tomahawk and peace pipe f jr President elect McKinley, but as the Major does not smoke and has no repu tation fjr tomahawking people, the arti cle will have tu take its place among the White Ifo.ise bric-a-brac. Sjiny pejple in this great country of ours haven't enough t-j eat unclothing to kec-p theru warm iu thu inclement sea son, while others have "money to burn" as e i lenufcd by iii j iiiadley-Martin bal marine. Senator l.iriver has perpetuated an old j jko at the expense of Representative Ji.trkley. He said iiarkley had worn out the knees of his pantii praying aud the scat thereof backsliding. Who cm now Bay the senate is not in an ecouoinical mood. The entire batch of 'clerks, eixty-seveu in uumber, were dismissed Thursday. It it sail that the frainerg of the arbi tration treaty won't know the document, expect by title, when the senate it through w ith it. McKinley will be the third Methodist president of the United states, the other two were Hayes and Grant. This is the way the GoldendaleVusli., Sentinel puts it : "Turner's good fhots won the day." The senata is about ready to drop the arbitatiou treaty with Great Britain. - LUOISLATIVn CilATfUR. IVlltlca Makes Strange Bed I'ellowa The Unfortunate Clerks. Aa stated in these columns a tew davs ago, the record of tho Pavla hour, which was the original temporal? orga nisation, may le summed up In the few words "Met nt I :1W a. m. and adjourned until tomorrow" aud so It lias been from day to dar. but the end will surely come soon, either In a tearing down of both organizations, lieiison and Pavia, and a reconstruction upon new foundations, or an adjournment, sine die. The line are so sharply drawn and ihete appearing no immediate probability ef compromise, it seems that iu order to etlect organization one side or the other must make a square back down from the poaition taken. Will they do it? The preponderance of sentiment now seems to be that tbey will not, but aa on sev eral occasions during this alleged s.-aaion it is the expected that has not happened, to it may be in this rase. The joint convention meets regularly at noon every day, calls tho roll of the senate and then the roll of tho house. The number responding is the same and the individuals are the same, with'an oc casional gain or lot. Senator Heed went in im Thursday and acted with the convention and has been in every dav sioca.' That is, he answered roll call, for up to this writing, calling the roll and a little speechmakiug and a little waiting is all the business the joint con vention has transacted. Noaler, who if his case is tried on its merits, will be unseated, made a speech on Thursday and Dufur with impas sioned eloquence appealed to tho mem b.'ra to abide by I he requirements of their oath of otlice, on Friday, lloth seeches were intended as teplies to that of Carter on Wednesday. This is au instance where you can hear a man maiutaiu one position today and auother tomorrow, but there Mdl i a shortage of from seven to nine to make the fervently de sired forty-six members so that the j int convention might consist of a majoiity of the members of bo'.h houses and thus comply with the requirement of the Federal statute and vule for Tinted States Senator. Cilyeu of Lane, and Lee of Puik, dem ocrat', want iu on Moiidav, but they havo uot beeu in since. Tueir appear ance there was merely for poliural ell'ect. It is reported that (hero was a greater roar made in Line county over the action of Bilycu in going iu th in was made when a Lane county democrat voted for Senator Mitchell in the mem orable contest of lSv, and that if liilyeu aided in the election cl Mitchell by at tending that joint convention he'd be scalped wben he got home. The ab sence of himself and Lee may bo another case of "hearing from their constit uents." The old siying that politics makes atrange bed fellows was never moie thoroughly exemplified than at this ses sion of the Legislature. It is not always a good plan to abuse au opionent, be cause you don't know bow suoit, iu the whirligig of time, you may both be on the same side of a question. In thij case the silver men and the ultra-gold men, who a few ehoit weeks ago were diametrically opposed on a great public question, are now lovingly working to gether for a common end, and that the defeat of Senator Mitchell, and to accom plish their purpose appear to be banded together in brotherly love. One side saying the senator was a silver man and cow he isn't, and the other saying if ho is a gold man let him say so. In the meantime every effort and every argu ment the human mind can conceive is being used to gather them in, but they don't gather. The senator and his friends maintain that they'll get there after a while. The others say "nit." The clerks are all out of a job, cut down in the luluess of the enjoyment of their office almost without warning and there is much quiet cuas abroad in con sequence. Senator Reed introduced a resolution setting forth the condition of things, no bouse and no business, and consequently no use for clerks and that all clerks be dismissed. Various at tempts wero made to amend by cutting off half, limiting the number to ten, and so forth, but all failed, and after a pro longed and acrimonious debate, that took in a wide range, the resolution was put to a vote, and on the call of the roll, every senator with the exception of the presi dent of the senate voted in the affirma tive, aud there was consternation in the committee rooms, almost a panic. There was no fainting, however, but much sadness. By that vote 07 official heads dropped into the waste basket and the raid upon the treasury was stopped. If the house organizes they will all bo re instated. iJuring the debate on the clerks Sena tor lirownell of Clackamas saw tit to say that the responsibility for the hold up rested on the shoulders of three men, the editor of the Oregooiao, Jonatheu Bourne and the president of the senate. For this the first named "came back" in iu his paper somewhat severely. Indeed the senator front Clackamas gets a "roast." It ia dangerous to monkey with a buzz saw. Interest iu the ioiut convention is rapid v waning. At first the gallery and the 1 ny was filled with people now but comparatively few eraona attend the seasons. Senator King has introduced a bill placing the matter of the selection of clerks for the legislature entirely in the hands of the secretary of state. The senator from Baker served a term in the bouse, and thit is the second session in the senate, and he ought to know enough to know that the members are not going to give up one of their choicest per quisites by passing any such measure as that. On Friday afternoon both senate and bouse adjourned to today, the former to 2:30 p. in., the latter to 11:30 a. m. The joint convention of Saturday was merely perfunctory, some of its atten dant having gone on tho Friday train. Itwai not expected that atiytl lug would be accomplished and to thtrw were but 33 prvscnt. Kopresoutatlvci Vanghan and Hudson have leen absent alnce Wednesday on account of alckhest, L li TMIRTY'TMRUH PRESI;NT. Salkm, Feb. 15, LW. There weie 33 present at the joint convention today, and ait adjournment was taken to noon tomorrow. NEWS N0TE5. Utah was visited by an earthquake last week. Chauncey IV pew may be minister tj Fuglaml. There Is a talk ut establishing a high school nt Fitigene. And now Turkey and Greece may get into trouble over Crete. Madame Modjcska. the aitresu, ia seriously til in San Francisco. (Dan McClaiu'a livery stable at Harris- burg was destroyed hy tire rriuay. John Randolph Tucker died nt his name in Lexington, a., Saturday. The Portland tiewsboya are said to be developing quite a penchant for gain bling. The Willamette Valley was visited by an unusually heavy rainstorm on Thurs day last. The parliament buildings at Ottawa, Canada, were partially destroyed by lire last week. The price of tkkcls to see Corbett and FiUsitumons thump each other nt Car so", will be $5.00. A tire at Farmiiik:tou, Wash., on Tbure-- day last dost roved the postotlice, a store and blacksmith shop. Iu tho ditferent famine dialiicta ol ludia there are sail to be 2,175,IHKI en gaged in relief work. A flowing uil well has beeu discovered in tho Florence oil field, Colorado. It is tho first flowing well in that tield. Tho wealth of Joseph H. Choate, Ihn famous New York lawyer, is estimated at $2,100,000, alt made in the practice o! law. A mob of Mussulmnna invaded iho Jew is ipiarter at Tripoli, pillaged the synagogue and iteatroyed ttio scrolla ol law. A little girl named Katie Hradv was bitten by a inoue in New York recently. Spasms und symptoms of hydrophobia resulted. The double inrretod monitor. Terror is at last icily lor sea. She was launched 17 vears agj and is only now completed. Mrs. 11. P. Millar and her 12 'year old sen were drow ned whilo attempting to ford Van Onsen river near Mureka, Cal , Friday. Gilliam countv, Oregon, will take ad vantage of Ihu law of lstlj and adopt the cash system iu the working of thu r tads of the county. The state food commissioner, II. P l.uce, has been looking into tno ques tion of tho purity of the milk supply of tho valley towns. ,Rev. T. M. Liuehan will lie coote crated Bishop' of Chevenno by Areh bishop llsnnewy at the cathedral there on the 24th tnst. The British ialea comprise no fewer than l.WJ separatu islands ana islets, without counting mere jutting rocks or isolated pinnacles. At the meeting of the Columbia river cauiiers last week it waa decided that no more than four cents per pound could be paid lor lish thin season. Walter Wylaud eacaped from (he count jail at Canyon City, Grant county, and when overhauled by the omcers, cut his throat, but will recover. The Wisconsin Odd Fellow's Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee, which was organized in 1801, has ma le an assignment for tho benefit of its creditors. Australia had last year 0,700 miles of railway oiien. Ihe capital expended ou them has been 37,000,000 ; the net revenue oyer working expenses is per cent. In Bulgaria the proprietors of a medi cine, by w hich they claim to cure a epe cified disease, are liable to imprison ment if the medicine fails to produce the desired effect. Scott Jackson and Alouzo Walling, the murderers of Pearl Bryan, will have to hanv iiiiIphh Governor Bradlev inter feres. The motion for a re-hearing was overrnled by the court ot apeais at - i t i' . rranaion, ieuiucy. The census of the Sandwich islands has hint been completed, iho census shows a population of 31,000 natives, bOOO half castes, and mixed races, U00 Japanese, XI ,000 Chinese, and 23,000 whites, including Americana and Kuro- iaui. The oflicial returns have occa sioned some surprise. It was generally presumed that Ihe Japanese population was greatly in excess oi ineiiguroB given. There is one state in the union which permits tho death penalty by bhootiug. That state is Utah, the newest of all. The law, which" la derived from the pre vious territorial legislation ou ttie suu iect. allows the convict to choose whether he will be hanged or shot. The validity of the statute was questioned some years ago in the supremo court of the United btatef, but it was upheld. Nunez, a Cuban officer, attacked the Spanish camp at Midnight It waB on the edge of avast field of dry grass. Nunez set this on lire and the wind drove it right on San Martin's camp. The Spanisd rushed out to save their supplies, not tuspecting a raid, where upon the iri8iirentB, wiih cries of "Viva Cuba libre," dashed in, dealing right and left. After a short resistance the Spaniards broke and fled. Notice to Tax Payers. The law requires that each male be tween the ages of 21 and 50 yean living within the county shall pay a poll tax of $1 at the time of assessment, and if not so paid to be reported to the sheriff of the county for collection at once. The law allows no exemption for poll tax, ex cept to active members of the Oregon National Guard and all active firemen who have been members oi any com pany for ono year (next preceding the time of asiiOKsment, and exempt firemen, That there may be no cause for com plaint I ask that each person liable to poll tax be prepared to pay the same to the assessor or his deputy at time of making the assessment. I ask the aid of every person within the county that the law may bo strictly complied with, Persons exempt will be required to show their certificate of exemption. Roaeburg, Or., February 13, 1807. ' W. 8. Bun r. Assessor, Douglas county, Antl-5plt Laws This country la on something new, aud every day something new turns up. Now, in many illlea of this land It Is an die use, punishable by fine, to spit in a public place, tut the thmr of a street ear, omnibus, or other public conveyance. It Is a decien td the board of health, and with the p. dice authori ties Ihey are enforcing the eider It is presumed that the ex pectoral ions ol Ihe human family contain genua which breed dieease, and t pievetit iti spread Ing from thin cause,' city authorities have fiamed and passed onlinancra pro" hibiting this great public expectoration, and it's a good (hlng-puah it ulong. It ia an PllVnsive habit, and idionld be suppressed . Adage. - Competition never wottiea us, bocuuae we "Imv right" hence "sell right." The fuels nve these; every move In our btisinesa i'i only made after the most careful consideration, nothing left to chance. Shoes have advanced in price but not w ith us. We eell you n gobd oil grain shoe for Jd.'.'V ami upward, tlno shoes in proportion. If you doubt us, come and aeo us, convince yourself that we havo what we advertise. We don't care to do all the husliiea In town, I lit want to got a share of It. Wo llrmty believe, that a concern that gives Its custom' exceptionally good values In every instance i;i bound to go ahead year by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire Imalne. Kvery dollars worth of goods must give the wearer eatitdaction, even thu all wool absolutely faht color " 00 Hull. ' J. AiiiiMm'm Clothing House. Oregon Scenery. Oil Feb. 2,'), S'i7. Mr. H. W. Wereo. who hm been for the ust year devoting his time traveling over the slate in the interest of the 1'acitic Noithweet Immi gration Board, collecting photographic views id Oicgou pcent'iy and induitrics, will give ihe oplo of ltosehurg an ep portunity to i'eo Oregon a shown to KaHtcrn ptople by llu' atereoplican. This includes mountain?, liver, burning and tiehiug acenery and nidii-erie i i a'l soctioiiH, including sevcial in and aroiin 1 Itofebiirg, and which have never been mIiowii on canvas biforn. Thin enter tainment will be gtieli under Ihe auspicei of II. e ladic;' of the W. r. T. l in the M. 11. Chun-h a' S p. in. of tho al'ove n.fiil ioii-'d i vming. Th; ! '! V "rtio.i.v. On nv. : t . r !. :. . t - Ii or JJ :i n :o;i.i f M.; 1 ". I u; :li' i.H.Bt j oi ui ,r ' .' ' I. I 1 i ,i v'h ' 1 A".- ' ' btri.iO I ! " : i n . ''..II. o 1 t.Y : ' 1 1 1 :Vi.:i. Ulan . T i- e (' l:. v. .T..1-, k. id. u- ofi; - .-. f: ' rectiuitm inl' d 1 iy e '! IVih: ; cm eui linti.'" bin Htfc'i iur:it, ' !-! live euro foe it.-rrh ir n ;;s ! . l!cv. Fray ii W. p .. !. Pa.torf .,t Church, Heli un, .Mont.'a Palm in Iho iv 1 -n " cure for catarrh and oonhiiin no nor any injurious ilrn; Prio, l .i,i... l ii. i : - l.t Threw Away ItLsCatics Mr. O. Willey, ex-ponlmaitcr, I'.luc k Creek, N, Y., was tu badly mllicfed with rheumatism t! :tt he was only aide (o hobble around with c line, and even tin n it caused hit. i gre.i pain. After u-n g ChamtierUm i l am lil.n in; was co much improved that he threw away lu canes. He say.i thi liui:n-ut did him more g toil than all o'her iiiedieiiuvs and treatment put together, for sale at 'i0 cents jNtr bottle by A. C. Mai .iters Co City Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons holding Kosclmrg i-ily warrants indorsed prior to April 20, lS'.ij, to present the same at the city treasurer office in tho city hall fur payment, a interest will ceaao thereon after Iho date of this no tice. Dated at Koeebtitg, Or., thissth day of February, IS'.;. J. A. Pkukins, Citv i'reas, Lstray Notice. Came to my ranch about the i lib of this month, one buy saddle marc about 0 years old. The owner can have the tame by calling mi niu aud paying lor this notice. G. W. Amjkiihon. Cleveland, Oregon. Uor Sale. One fresh milch cow, inquire of K. A. Kruse, Roaeburg, Oregon. Our people are growing inoreand moie in the habit of looking to A. C. Marsters & Co., for Iho latest and best of every thing in thu drug line. They sell Chainberluin'rt Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colda, croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy u trial aud you will bo morn than pleaded w ith the result. Is essential to Blood health. Every nook and corner of the system Is reached by the blood, and on Us quality the condition of every oi gnn de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The.BurcHt way to have good blood is to tako Hood'i. Barsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enrlclica the blood, and h. ikIh the elements of health and Hlren;ii tu every nerve, organ ond tissue. Jt ui uIi m a good apietlto, gives refreshing hU- j and cures that tired feeling. lieniemher, Sarsaparilla Is the bent In fuel the One True Itlomepin ini r. ,.,, , .t., , turn Mver Ills; i-My MOOd 'S PlIlS lake, easy to ope, ale.' InJOOdiS PIANOS. , if In older lo close nut nur ntock ed new and rccoiid hand pianos, we will offer them at cord. It i our Intention h cloae out nur business an qui. kly aa poaeible, and Iu older te) do this we will be com pelled to sell at a very low llgiue and on auch aiiiiill luatitlli t Unit it will not pnyyoiito rent. Tlieielme we w ill call In all our lentiid pUuu: and uigaiiN and give you the In unlit that we have lecelveil as tent. We have Iu all uutcen piano" which wo will mil iiom (dOO to ilUO; o and flO per month luid.illmenls. Kea- son able discounCfor cash. Great reduction In violin, gnllaisand all iiiuaiciil goods, Kb' el music fa) per cent illsioiiiit. Send fur catalogue. All oidnm piomptlv Idled. T. K. it'ie' n Ani'xo.N, Uoaiduirg, Or, iiiiUU-ii'H rmt n Nitlvas The Pii Salve in the woild (or Cuts, Bruises, doren, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands UhlllbaluH, I'oriiN, and all skill F.rnp lions; and potiilivcly cures Plies, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give ierfocl ialifii' lion or money refunded Pri2." cent per '"it. For eale at A. C.Maratnra . Co. Coil tar it'id rcxin at M.irntei'. J TlnuisanOa of wnuirn ate up dead or the Lorv of ble because of their own ignorance or neglect. No woman ran br liee fioiu pain, or .iic fnun llic ever lineal ruing birakcra ot' ilratli, who urglccH In take ploprr care of ttc organs that con. Mlttd-.1 Iirr woniuiilioo 1. woman ln ncgteeti Iirr womanly If will lie sickly, ni'tvoin, pain taekrd and tirlful, and up proaclung tii.ileimly will he n inrnee of I tic grave ll it r.o y foi a woman to avoid Una Mith ring and d.uigct Wat women know t 1)1. I'irrcr'it I'a voriic l're-.c:ip.i '!t t" a !! irvt-loii rnneily f.H tlM-e troiililcn m.ikr a woman' life mi!r, mi. I till tin? period of prospect ive liiotlirtlioo.l wtlli I' II M tlic dm. eovrry ol an euiiin iil ami f k. 1 1 1 1 u 1 atreinlit. Ilr. K V. l'iriee. I'.t tliitty v.'iiH elurf con milting JilivMeiaii to tin- lnvaltdi' lintel and lnlitti!r. at llnlialo, N Y. tlvet IfVOV Wulllrll I'. ivf ti-Hliliett to the nl luii.ieiiliius net ion nf Ibta wondritiil rrmrdv. It wotli directly on tin- oig.iu diMinelly fcmiiiinr. It in. ilr I he in Mrotnr und healthy. It etncM atl wraknrH nud iliifasr. It i..t niietiood ami iiiollirilinod. It in-uiTeH tialiy' i lirallll and IllaVri il nil-vi.-t e v and iu tily piiiilles. IiincRinU sell it. Notlmig el ho la "ju-.t a good.'t Mr-i 15 A e'nmt. r of Altretmny anting, Mont Komrry v , Va , wi Urn " M V ilultKnter, aur,l 1 yrmrm. li.i.l a ir-iiiir iiiuiii)c ort her nrck nt II .1 Iirr very I am happy to My th. it ii hai .ItAAi'pcaicd nitrrthr tirof one !( tic of in I'irrtc Kavgrtir lrrcrlptlun." Dr. Pierce's Common firmp edial Ad viser is in plain laigluh. Contuins i.noa pugra and over i illustrations. If you want a copy, p.i t -covered, nend ai one crnl st.unpH, to cover llic of mailing only, to llic Woitil's Dispensary Medical AasiH-iation, lluffato, N. Y. Jf you prefer cloth c ivi i, aend.i i tamps. NOTICE. .V"M'K 1- lli:i;hi v olVKS ill.U nil: iuil.i-:rn. t Ini- I" , ll l. tli. I oil Ii I y I .mil ill 1 1. n.-: n . e..uli. . Mule ol Oi.'Koe.i ; ! It I-1 ,i.t:.i.;i.s:rul -..r "I Hie !"t-- i lool. s'olut i . UI..-.I. Ml i" M.ui l.nvliirf i latins iiiaiiii.t III. 1 1 -lilt, ill' I. ' i II 0 .1 to )'r II I I he mi tile ll 1 1 ll r v nu ll, i- utlMn i . lu.'iiOm from Ihn f l!0- nottee. to lie- Ii ll'ti rK In t nl his jit i-'u ! ii ll. ti. ..-it. lion.rljs e.ninl, Orn- .r,... Isle . t I.'.l'l. I. III.' I " "I ll lift tie . 'Ill - -.! .1 ll'iuti:i.,tl, Hoae- I Il'.s I ' .yoll. N I. All ATI, ?H'e of 1 ImiU-a I 1 IIJI .. A ll , Toil. 1, 'I I! STRICTLY riRST-CLA5S. f MOTEL. McCLALLEN. MUM ll r. M. 1 I.AI.I.KN. Piop. IIZAEQTJAHTER3 FCIl TBAYELIira IT. iiai i h ki;ah.n aiii.i:. l.ure, rim Shiii'1u HnuliiN. Free Jlus tu and Prom Train.. HCSZET7I19. a-' 1 km .1- -4k ai'l'mi.iiij I it, a ;ie - tarta Iluy 011i' eirira (rum J.denhower Poiillry Vanla nil. I aitvo inuney. Tho laruent hn oiler III Hoillh 1 111 On iinii. Kkk vou huy of 11111 ru from my heal hints and .rl.e wluuera; imro, .tout, vlgnroua and heiillhy. No luhrccdiiig 111 iiiy.-yiinls. lili great expenae I hiive lualeil moat of my lieua of my own raising Willi aloek Iroin Ihu heat yi.rda la ('iillhuiilii, Ohio und llllnola. My hlrda won Ihu Linn Hhuie of II. mora at the Moiilhern Oieeuii liiairlel fulr. At Orngoii Htato Fair. Ilniwn l eghoins Muirml im hreeding pen, also Hvo apeeliilMoii Doekmel ninl I'nlluia aa In. Ina Lha lal mi . lh Hill ion. llnleiH piomptly lillud at Krtiae tk forparlkuliua. Send mump for reply. MOUNTAIN VIEW P oultry and ) a, : Having just engaged in the business, would say: I have spared no time or nioncv to purchase, the VCry bent for my breediug stock. Silver Laced Wyandottes, Haired Plymouth Rocks. Ooldeu Polish, ECCS, $100 P6R 13. Poland China Hogs, Angora Goats. (live me a trial. Correspondence solicited. r'icv..nt.e,!..,,. L. A. MARSTERS, Proprietor. V. l. Ft LliSI, IKWKIlt ltl I.UIHIB, KO. tea, H. Imlil (lu ll n aular cdmitiiinlrmlinu ilia I O.t), K. lull ea Heooint and luuillt Ttmradaf el each month. All int'intr nHpinaliMt to aU li'inl n-Miilitrle, and all vUlllnt brulhsn etn dially luvlusf fo aiteinl. MIKK I'AIIK I USriN, B, R II Kit MAN MAHKH, Heeretary. I) Dtltll.An t'OttNIMI., Nt). tit Jit. U, t, A. M i IhihiH rvety Minaaiiar piriun I ll I u'elnek In Iho DM MaxinlA Hall. . VUlllnt hrollien araenellally Invited to aitenu. U. il, t Asana, Mao, w, Paaav, Councilor. llM'iitiliini Hwralary, T a u" iiK i. Topi i'b7 IT rlTlirMO o i.a a imsiiltiiii Iha yd and (Hi Wlnaa1ar la v.eU,......U.. KHKK JullNaoN, W. M. , N, I. Jnwaii, ll'rey. lllllLKTAHUN UlUelK. Nl). I, I. 1 uiihiU Hniurilay ftuhig nl aatil tbulr IikU In ei.l.l Fulluw 1mpl at o. o, r. oh waak at al RuMbur. Muuibviiof h onlvr In Rood nandluf aratavll- ft to annul, H. W, VAN.ILR.N.U. T. U. Mn SLI I, Sno'y. UNION KNOAkiCMarsf, he. . aiSaia '? ii.l.t rellnw hull on ooiid and lonrtb Fil.Uyi ol rarh miiiilh. Vlittlng loata.'' ai Im lied In atii'tnl. t'AItt IUIKKMAS, f. I'. ' JOrt. MlC'KLl.t, Hvrlur. ROHKlll'ltH IHIHIK, Nl). la, A. O. U. W, m.s-li thn M-eotitl and luiirtk Moaaaya ol each in. .mil i7 .m . ra. al IMd follom kail. Mruitwraol ihv imtur In iihnI lamlln ars la tiled tu attvtnt. jiKSJIWr, Ne). f. tl. A. K., MSB Did aiiiMhlid Ifiun.Uya ol aaoh MKSia TBI month. "it SITS WDMKN H KKI IKF COBrS NO. 10, " nl nmt HUM 1'liuiwtaya In uui u Hi. Mb I' AitMr Al l lANt K- HrguUr Uuaitarlf Me.-llni will l hl.t mi iiranit 1111, Hiwetiiirtf. Uih drat Krl.lnv In lieiiinbsir. Maruk and June, and Iho lliltd V'rlUny In Milaniuar. Tv liSKIlltKil rllAri KH, N)"iroK. , UtSTt (lie eioind and fouilh Thuradaya of aaak UK 11 Hi. HKeilSA HAST, W. U. Ho, Hec ). titiHKnt'uu nivimtiN no it, a. or u i, nux'Ucrcry atHViid and fourth Hiiiutaf, ReiSKHt'Mtl 11. I). UlllilK, NO. 41, I. O A), t nireiA on I uiwUy vviiliia ol ach waak at Iho Oil.l Fi'llowa IiaII. VUlilut ilatora aaS oretlireii aro liorlleil to atlolut. MKUIT WFHT, H. U. AM. VI A HMITII. K. S . AI.I'IIA l.oliUK. NO. 47, K. OF P. MIITi every Wliusly etelilnf al Odd fallowa Hull. Vlalilus KniaiiU In good taadlnt ear- illally litvllod to ationd. U. LOO.NKV, C.C . U. M, CONK UNO, K, R.S. Ur.MONS. in nit int uit MH iti' ok iif siAir 1 ol HreKnu, lur IliniKl" t.'ouuly. 1 Punas. I'lalnllll. 1 ' . r llahike. Hanlel iAhrky ml e.nsta 1 Hahrke. lieteinlaiitt , To liaulel Y lulitsc ono ul tha abora pamad iteleiiilanlM. In tho Home ol Ihe "lata uf e'ef n, ye.ll a 'a berehy r'.iilps to . ar and anr tha roin plalni lllwl ak'almt ton In Iha almta anllllad nil in the a'loie named cnuit on or lhr Iha isjiii tiny of March. 1H97, llmi '"'lug the Hut .Iny of Ihn lidil term at ot eourl, and m old laka nntu- that If yoi lall au In a.s'nr ami aiisner aald eominalnt Im mil Ihuns.l, Ihu ilalullil will a.p'y to Iha foiirt tor the relief prayed Inrln aahl Nimflalnl, hleh la In let aalilu mi tho mil ml nl fraud a eerlalti ileeit of enuv e) nneo rAccuted by Iha ai.l .ItleinUula, A. V. Hainan ami (liiala S. Ilahtltu Ul Ihe anl.l Oeii n.lanl, llaulrl K Barhka, eouve)lii lot I, 1, it. . S. ',, 11 and la In blork No. one hi ami all ..f I.I. M-k So. two (J) know aa llalirae a ail.llllnu n Krnltvala, llotiflat eoniily, oreg. 111. 1 hla aiiininiiiia la i.nblialnil by vlrtua ul an order of the t'lreull t'ouit, tna.teainl antarsvl oa Iho All Ii day ol Jnnnsrv, I' .7 k u stk uroun. J..M.I Altniliey lor rial 11 HIT. 5UMH0NS. t N Til K ITItiTIr ttilltr Ol T1IK HI ATI A ol Orexiiu, lor pouglaa lounty, John II. MeOoe, l lalulin. I va t i. I. Nli holaoii and 1 II. J. Johua, Dclolidania.i Tn i. P. S.'llol..l and IS. J. Jultlia, drfeud nn's In Hie name uf the Hlalr of On n'i. roil ara hereliy rfiinnsl to a..cnr and anaaiar tha mm lallil filed araltil y.i 1 11 the a Is 00 onllllfl aeliiiii, 011 or la foiti Vo inlay tho 'th day ol June, the .nine Is-no; iho iliat itay of Iho ut ts'KUlar .-rm nl In nil i inirt ol the Hla to ol Or I'Eoti (or lioiielna 1 mini alter llila (.uiiil. allull 1't'.l. Ami ami II ."i fall an lo anawrr, lor want tin reof Hie i lnlntld ti III lake Judsnirnl aaiual oti tor 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 of tho o hiimlivil and Unity all lollam ami for hla eoala and illahuraamrola of this n.MI'i.i, and will aell under a will ol at lai Ii un-ill the piopeilv known aa Iha Hold Bluff Mine, Hunted in t lie I teelalnr MIiiIiik Plstrlrl tu lionuiits eniuiiy. ein-anii, and will apply Ihe tr..e.-i-,U nl atieli sale Invrnr.l Hie payiueul and .iiliafin lion ol i'lalnllll a aald claim hen.ln and of the eoala of Una action. I ina huniinniia iai.iil.lhe. Iu the Plain. lealer, a 11. vv a.. r at Itiwoliurx, Oregon, by order ol Hull 1. '. Rullertoii. t'lrcult Jud ol ol the hri olnl Jii.Ik lal IMalrli't for Iho Hlate nl I'r.'Kini. for a m rlod ol lx eoiiaaeuth r nerka, w hleh said older a made and entered of rrc cut 1.11 the Clh day ol Kohiuary, lh'7. . . I AKIHV EI.U Attorney lur I'lalnuft. 'hid Administrator's I'lnal Notice. XJOTIt'K IH IIKKf llV IIIVKN THAT THK ' niideralKiied haa Sled hla filial account In the Countv I'uurl na'ailnilnlairalor of Iho eatala ofjnaeph Mi I jiiikIiIiii. iheenaed, and thai I he 1 'un uly t'uurt oIIioukUs I'ouuly, Hlate ol Ore oil. Ink lije.l Monday, March I, IKW7, at 1 11 pick p. iu., ol aal.l ilav, aa the time for hear Ingol.Jei tliuis. If any (here ho, to tali! final ae einini, and the a. Illeinent nl aald Hlate. Puled January Js, Is'j;. K. II. DIXON, Aduilnlslratiir ol Iho ealate oljoapph M. l.uughllll, deennaed. j'jKIA nnmniiirnnniiiTnvuiinno mr ruin ik r ium a a LULIIUUIILIl I UULIIll MIIIUU lillEEDKIl OK FINE POULTRY, S. C. Hrowu Leghorn, Hnrrctl Plymouth Rock, Hlack Langshau, S. S. Hamburg, Black Mfnorcas, H. U. Red Game EGGS, Sl.OO PER 13. l-hiiinhrook 'a Hroeerv Hlom nr.,1,1 A. KHI'SI'i Mauattr, Stock Farm, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Sintrle Comb Urown Lg- horn.