The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 01, 1897, Image 3

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Tii ciiurcu.
HAiTKt Citi'mit -ooninr ul leua and Hi
trrcU. H it ntlnr Hervloe: rrimnlilns, II a. D.
ii(17 Wli. in.) Yutms I'ooplu Uulim,l:W.m.
Mr. K. W. Illwik, rroaliltmli MillKHf Hekoul, 10
D. ui.l Jumwi (JliaralHirlaln, miporlntandoil
l'rrt Mnclllia, ThumUy vui.lm l 7 BO.
MlTMomnt C'MUMt'H -wirilfl ol Maluand !
ttriwU. HtiuiHy Hvrvliw: I'renjlilnn, II m
uit T:IW . hi. I Hlllh skIiooI, W "I
W. Wmtllfy, Htliortiiliitlotill Moollug at
olono ill lite intimitis MirUw Xpworth l(U
SJM p. m. lUIUo (ludlray, I'fwMonl. rr
MtMtlliiK, wediiaadaf . at 1 M p. m.
Ksahk I.. iifm. I'MiKf.
I'anoiiasu, corner Main and
'aaattasiA twiatM-ooruor u Cm aud
HnMitrwU. Mumlyortfl: Topllo wonlilp,
m and 7 so p. m.l bltt Hultoul, 10 a. ra.:
V, r. .)... 7p.m. Prayer Mootlos. Wednaa
ily,7:i p. m.
It. H. liikwuRTH, Tutor.
Mm aud sulphur at MaraterH'.
,V Halmnau. the rollMblu Jeweler.
Caro Broa. arc t!io boss inorrbsnU.
Uolotlm Uosoloal for tlia bout dgar,
Wool taktm on subscription at this
do to A. 0. MersUirii A Co. (or school
list your school lxke ul Marslere'
drug store.
For first-claws doutliilry go to little
ol Oakland.
Hchool hooks and stationery ul Mar
item' Ihug Mum.
Pure Irosh grocer ina and low prices at
CailHjr'n grocery.
1). H. Went dot iiiaiiraue. Ofllce
opposite tlio poet ollice,
Neatidool oil, machine ami 1 ulr icalirm
oil al .Maretcrs' Drugstore.
A fine line ol gents' shore at J. Abra
ham' Prices jiiHi right.
All work warranted llret cists by It.
W. Hoiijiiiuiu, dentin!.
Kay West, Imported aud domestic
cigars at tlio lUieeloaf.
An fit ollrnt line of toilet soaps at
Marstors' Drug More.
Ootids belon roat at Caru's. No ia
the the llnio for hartfuitm.
Nobby Ntiila ami latent styles al Little
Jack's. Prices very low.
All styles and nualituie of hats at Abra
ham's Bedrock pnrvs.
Mtmy'iii'H Iliiinii'jiiitliio UouiiHlirn lor
alo at Marntvra' lru Moris
An iMnlU'ita v.nioty ol ujiulm, liair and
clollii' hrtlnlivii at Mamlrra'.
For bart:airia in family Rrocvnutt, t all
at tlio l'ctolo'a atorn. Cam alrtt t.
Mtiiivou'a llomfoiiattiiu Ucmcilif al
A. 0. Marntera A I'o.'h tlru! ntoro.
llrlnK your riot h und wuU'lin to Hlu
Jurry t lit rliiilU' jvlr lor rvpuirt.
C'ouutry pi'xliirii ol till kin.ln Doui;lit
and Bold at I'wu'bwr'a cooory etore.
At Onklund, T. I., (irnvra ia aulliurl.ud
to rot oivo and nvit for Hubwrltion to
the 1'l.Al.VUtAl.k.ll.
Finn K!d and nil vor lillmuii put in by
It. V. Ik'iijuinin, ilrotiat. rrlff" to
uit tbo timt'it.
"Uve nd lot livo" in lr. K. W. lVeti
iamiu'a motto. iHntal work dnu at
bedrock prices.
l4trKt BUx.k o( fancy cbaire al Al
andur A Htrontf'a, vor brouKbt to Koao
burg und at rtei'a lowt-r than ever.
HiiiiK your job work to the I'lainubaic
kaoillto. We arc rf'ired to do tbe
cheutH'nt and boat work aoutli of Tort
.and. havo inonoy uinl tliuo. To partiei
going Kual, K' by tbo O. K .A N. abort
route. Call ou or w rite to V. C. Loudon,
Koaobur-, Ort'gon.
Take notice, )r. I'uujaiuia, tbo dout
lt, in ttprinanuntly Im-atod aud gtmrau
tuna all lite wort. uvo inui a can
nxaminn work and nrtccfl
If you don't WKtit to Biiffor with corn!
and bunions, have your boota and abooa
inaile at 1.. LanuuhburK'B. Kepairing
neatly and promptly dono
For a good bat, atylwh aud cheap, call
on 'Wolluuberg A Abraham, wboae stock
jmbracoa all gradoe of hvud gear.
The S.juuro Deal aloie hae juat opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglaa
cboes, which prove to be tlio beet shoes
made. Cointi ami inHpot t them.
I am prepurod to oll'or lumber or wood
ut retbii'ud prices. I am takinx in lum
ber and wood ou obi accounts and in
Initio for goods. T. K. KiciiAitPsoN.
I.aniiouburg ia tttill ou top. lie
carrios a full atock f choice inutile, mu
sical inBlrumontrt, violin, KiUtra, accord
eons etc., violin ntiinga of best quality
always ou band.
Jack Abraham, genla furnisher, keeps
tbo best goods and latest of every thiun
in his lino, and sella thorn at a lower
price than any of bis competitors. He
tlao sells boots uiid shoes at astonishing
iow prices.
(iood pusturago furiilnbed ut my past
tures ou ltoburls crock. Charges
reaaonable. All stock at owuer'a risk.
The beetot care will bo given to all
stock entrusted to oiy charge.
J. M. boiiArriH.
The chonp ratvsjlwelve dollars cabin
and six Hteuraga, including raoals and
iKirth aro Blill in fffect on the O. It.
A N. Go's, sluaiucra from I'orllund to
Han Fraiicluco.
Hteamor lenvcs l'oitlaud every llvo
days. Volkev C. London, Agent.
Notice is hereby given to tbo public
by the undoruimiuil that I do not allow
(bail animuls to hit huriod 011 my prem
isus, al Koueburg, OroKou, or garbage
dumped tboreon or naml or gravel lakeu
therefrom, unless the purty taking sand
or gravel first contract with uio for the
right to so do.
TreuspiutHurs will bo iroHecutod ac
cording to law. Aaron ltoaa,
Kosouurg. Oregon, March 17th, 18D0.
To all whom it may concern: I
horoby give my conseut to my boii,
Charles K. Noith, u minor, to do busi
ness for himself, to contract and make
agreements In bis own name and right
as of legal ago, and that 1 will not be
reapouHiblo (or any such contracts or
agreements made by him.
1). J.Noau.
NTo one would drink poor
tea if lie or she knew the
difference in tea.
(iood tea is not costly.
Your grocer will sell you
Schillings Best, and return
your money in full if you
dQn'J like it.
Coal tar and resin at MarsUrs'.
Bolld silver novslllss at Batsman's.
J. K. Hoover of Dlllard was In town
Four (old ssphyri lu all colors at the
Novelty fitore,
A, U. Halnsi, of Elk ton was In town
Haturday on bualnoss.
l'lenty ol Bran and Hhorta at Cawlfleld
A CawlOeld's Feed Htore.
Largo aud elegant line of usw goods
just rsuolved at lbs Novelty Btore.
Kain and J. K. Tooloy ol Cleveland
were In the city today on business.
Ir. Fred llaynes does crown and
bridge work in an up to dale manner.
Miss Koso llusliey and Miss Carrie
Hykea returned from Kalem (Saturday.
When you are in used ol boots and
shoes call and eiatnine our line, Novolty
When you call on u aud don't see
what you want, aik (or It. Novelty
Money to loau. Call at the office ol
I. K. Itlce, real estate dealer, Dosehurg,
Mrs. I). It. Kutan of Kan Jacinto, Cal.,
came Friday on a visit to Mrs. J. A.
David Thoinpeon of I'rockway uisde
this office a pleasant tall while in town
lust Friday.
Call lorlho "Spotted Cat" al Mrs.
Itapp's grocery store, if you want a
pleasant smoke.
I Wl forget thai M. I', Kice's second
liaud ttore i where to got bargains in
bin class of goods.
Caro llroa, of the Hots Btore, have an
Inluresllng aunounceinent (or the public
iu another column.
(tents, wo havo just added soma tieau
ti(ul patterns to our line of Itt-ceut neck
wear. Novelty More.
Now is the lime to spray your or
chard, t.'ae Uio combination sprayer
aud save lime and money.
Hot vices every afternoon from 2 o'clock
till 3. Also every evening at the usual
hours, at the M. 10. church.
Clean (reali randies mado dally at the
Kandy Kilt hen, juit as cheap an you get
Ibis swilly etufl around town.
A. II. lfl is in the city trs Telling for
"Hed N-al" bakiug powder. "Harry
Jay no" is nut ailh him this lime.
Teeth nlractcd absolutely without
paiu by K. W, Itonjamin, deuliot, room
I, Mnrnleis' Mock, ltoseliurg, Or.
Vou can't be well i( your blood is im
pure, but you may have pure blood and
good health by taking Hood's ISareap
arilla. You can tell ono who has good taste
and don't like to eat dirt, paint and
chalk. He geta his caudv at the Kaoidy
Now ii the lime to spray your trees
Buy tbe UiMubiaatlon Nprsyer and save
time and money. V. H.tiordon of tbe
Central, agout.
Rev. Mr. Ford of Keattle, is holding
evangolical servicesat Hie M.FJ. Cbuxcb.
A good audience heard a good sermon
(rom him last evening.
Rimon Caro wont to Salem last night
to be on hand at the expected move
ment of tomorrow and incidentally to
look after his political feuces.
Don't forget tbe mothers' meetiog at
Mrs. Lee's, Thursday afternoon of ibis
week at 3 o'clock. A cordial invitation
Is extended te all the mothers.
T. J. Cummlngs of Woodland, Cal.,
hipped (rom this place Friday night 26
carloads of slock cattle, loaded at Juno
lion, Harrisburg and Kosoburg.
J. D. Kddy, editor of the I'lainokalu
arrived on Friday evening's local with
his family. They are domiciled In th
Klliot bouse on Mosber street.
If you cannot come to town send us
your mail orders, if webavon't the gcods
we will try and procure them (or you, all
orders Oiled promptly. Novelty .Store.
K. Du Gas, Physician and Surgeon,
tllco in Mar stars' building. Calls in
'own aud country promptly answered
night or day. Residence. OU Mill street.
The Kaudy Kitchen had a big trade
during the holidays. The people are
beginnidg to And out that it is tlio only
place you cau got candy that is fit to eat.
The combination sprayer is all tbo
rago now. Mr. W. H. Gordon, the
local agout of the Central House, is tak-
log orders ami delivering epfayors to
Don't forgot that we have a line of
No. 1 tinware, if you want the good
grudo you'll always And it here at bot
tom prices, also uolions of sll kinds,
Novolly Store.
Chicago Kecord : "It Hobsou aa u.
to-date person?" "Up to date? He's
ail mouths behind. Heard him telling
a man last night how to pick out a rite
II. L. McNubboI Calapooia tame up
Sunday evening. He reports that tbe
oat crop was badly damaged by tbe
freeze in November aud as many as can
get seod will reeow their grounds.
All members of Kosoburg Itebekah
Ix)dge No. 41, are earnestly requested to
be presout at the regular meeting Tues
day eveuiug at 7:30.
Am a i' a Km mi, iSoc.
Mkhiuv K. West, N. O.
W, H. Thompson ol Coles Valley, at
cotnpauied by bis niece, Miss Hose Em
milt, returned from a sis month's trip to
Califoroja on Friday's overluud, and ex
perieuce'd the pleasures of a bold up on
the night of their arrival.
D. 0. Hooiiin, Graud Lecturer A. O.
U, W., of I'ortlmid, Or., will deliver a
locture ou the working of the order ou
the eve of February 6tb iu the Opera
Houbo. An luvitatiou is extended to
every one to be preaeut. Ladies ospeo
ially invited to attend aud ara requested
to briug their husbauds. Ity order of
Mrs. Clara Hoffman, national 'record
ing secretary of the Womans' Christian
Tsmpsrsnoe Union, will lector In Roes
burg, Feb. 22d. Mrs. Hoffmann Is sec
ond only to Mias Wlllard. Don't fail (o
bear ber.
It is reported that Conductor Cousor
wss held up Sunday morning by a crowd
(rom Drain taking possession of bis train
till they came lo Roseburg, when they
turned the train over to bim and took a
friendly leave with thanks (or his
J. T, Ppaugh of Looking Glass was in
the city Saturday. He doesn't particu
larly admire the action of tbe popocrats
in I ha legislature, nor the condition
of the wagon road between Looking
Glaus and Kosoburg, but reckons be will
bsve to put up with both a while longer.
Arrangements have been made (or a
aeries of Gospel Temperance meetings to
bs given ea Ii month. February 7th by
Rev. J i! worth at ihe Presbyterian
church. March 7th by Rev. Jones at the
South Methodist. April 4 lb by Rev.
McLain at the U. R. church. May 2d
at the Daptlst cbureb.
A large delegation of l'biletarian
Lodge, No. 8, 1. O. O. K.. went lo Drain
on the local to attend a meeting at that
pi are Saturday nUM, at which the
Grand Master sod Grand Becretary ol
the grand Lodge of Oregon are noted
guests, and who will deliver ler tores on
the state ol tbe order and lbs grand
principles of Odd Fellowahtp.
Our people aro growiug more and mote
in the habit of lookiog to A. C. Marstera
A Co., for Ibe latest snd beet of every
thing in Ibe drug line. They sell
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, faroons
for its cures of bad colds, croup snd
whooping cough. When In need of
such a medicine give this remedy a trial
and you will be more than pleased with
the result.
Lou Kester Is in (rom Olalla today.
He reports good proapetts from the
placer mine at Paradise and much
activity is expected tbere in the spring.
Tbe company has a No. 2 Glsnt on the
groand ready to be put in position and
the output of the standard money metal
ol the country from that region will re
duce tbo percentage o( value o( the yel
low over the white.
F riday, January 2;ith, being the birth
day o( Mrs. A. Parks, a goodly numlr
ol (rienda ssseiubled at hrr home to
celebrate Ibe event. Mra. Parks was
the recipient ol a number of handsome
and valuable pretents, and all were tbe
recipients of delicious refreshments. A
very pleasant evenirg was spent and
wishes for many happy returns of Ibe
day were expressed by the gueats.
Simon S. lla.liuan of Tunnelton, West
Va., has been subject to attacks of colic
about once a year, and would have to
call a doctor and then suffer for about
twelve hours ss much ai some do when
they die. He was taken recently juat
the same as at other times, and con
cluded to try Chamberlain's Colic. Chol
era and Diarrbiea ReuieJy. He rays:
I took one dose of it aud it gave me re-
lief in five minutes. That is more than
anything elso has ever done for me."
For sale by A. C. Maisieis A Co.
The little daughter of Mr. Fred Web
ber, Holland, Mass., bad a very bad
cold and congh which be bad not been
able to cmc w itb any thing. I gave him
a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, says W. P. Holden, merchant
and postmaster at West Brimfleld, and
tbe next lime I saw bim be said it
worked like a cbaim. This remedy is
intended especially (or acute throat and
lung diseases such ss colds, croup and
whooping cough, and it is famous for its
cures. Tbere is no daoger in giving it to
children for it contains nothing injuri
ous. For sale by A. C. Marsteri A Co
Officers Elected.
Tbe Douglaa County Agricultural
Association held its annual meeting at
the court bouse tbie afternoon and
elected tbe following board of directors:
J. C. Aikeu.T. B. Cannou, T. Guth
rie, V. C. London. E. Dixon, S. I.
Thornton and D. W. Stearns.
At a meeting ol the directors bald sub
sequently tbe following officers were
chosen :
President, J. C. Aiken ; vice president,
V. C. Loudon; secretary, F. A. McCallj
treasurer. W.T. Wright.
Geo. W. Riddle was elected director
for tbe Second Agricultural district.
School Superintendent Douglaa Waita
decision granting a division of 6chool
District No. 1K, has been overruled by
Slate Superintendent G. M. Irwin ou tbe
ground tbst both parents of children to
educate are legal voters audtherefore a
majority composed of legal voters In
cluding such parauls are such majority
required to authorize a divisiou of a
A Pretty Oood Pig.
Commandant Dyars of the Soldiers'
Home baB slaughtered a pig 18 months
old, which weighed 631 pounds, net. Its
dam weighed 4i'3 pouuds. When asked
of what breed lh pig was, Mr. Dyars re
plied, "Of the kitcbou breed." This
answer, paraphrased ia quite significant.
It is this : If you want good fat hogs,
feed them well.
Estray Notice.
Came to my ranch about tbe 14tb of
this month, one bay saddle mare about
0 years old. Tbe owner can have the
same by calling on nio and paying (or
this notice. G. W. Aldsrson.
. Cleveland, Oregon. .
i The average cost ot a graduate In tbe
College of Oily of New.Yorlr, maintained
by tbe city, is 18:VJ, while tbe cost of
putting a studeut through the grammar
schools ie only f 30 a year. Tbie may be
all right, but taxpayers sometimes feel
djBCQuragod when they see the kiud of
English the graduates write.
Oregon Expres Stopped
by Highwaymen.
Uombu Used to Open Safes Fires
the Express Car.
The Mall Car Narrowly L scape De
struction. At about II :30 on Thursday night last,
the stillness was broken by sharp deto
nations coming from tbe south, which
were plainly beard by belated pedes
trians snd by persons who had not yet
retired. To say that all these were filled
with wonder as to tbe probable cause of
tbe unusual disturbance at such an un
usual time, la to apeak mildly. Wss it a
midnight duel In the outikirte of the
city or was someone cracking a safe
within tbe limits 7 This conjecture re
mained with a few while others dis
missed it from their mioda as a matter
of no cocscqnenc. till Fireflaau Hend
ricks of the north-bound overland, came
into Ibe city on foot and informed tbe
night operator tbat tbe train had been
held up at Shady Polot, two miles south
of town and tbe robbers were tooting the
mail snd express cars. Superintendent
Fields, who was in the city, was immedi
ately notified snd be organized a )oeee
nd with a special engine repaired to tbe
scene. On reacbiog there, of course tbe
robbers bsd finished their work and dis
appeared as some time bad elapsed be
tween the time of the departure of the
fireman and the relnrn ol tbe posse.
Tbe story of the bold op can best be
told in the language of tbe trainmen and
passengers themselves.
Farmer Lindsey, who lives near Ihe
scene of the accident, beariag tbe le
ports concluded tbat tbere was a bold up
in progress. He took his Irusty Win
chester and started out, but on seeing
the .light of the burning car, the explo
sions having set fire to the express car,
tbsu made op bis mind, that there was a
wreck, took back tbe gun and taking an
ax and bucket hurried to the scene.
Had he kept bis gun it is possible one or j
more of the robbers would le lying at
tbe morgue for identification.
This is Engineer Morris's version:
"When 1 reached thia end of the rock
cut I was signaled by a lantern. I saw a
masked man standing in front of the
pilot. When the train stopped the rob
ber was at the side of tl e cab, and com
manded the engineer and fireman to get
down. When I stepped to tbe gangway,
I waa confronted by ano'.ber, man, who
came from the top of tbe lender with a
revolver in each hand.
"1 Ibink be must bsve boarded the
train at Myrtle Creek, as I lemember
seeing a man with a similar coat stand
ing in the station yard as I pulled out.
Tbe robber ured several ahots and I re
marked :
"Partner, you are shooting close to my
" 'Nevermind, I won't hurt you,' said
the robber.
"Fireman Hendricks, at tbe first fire,
jumped from the opposite side of tbe en
gine and went running to Roeeburg.
"I was ordered to accompany the rob
bers (o the express car and tell tbe mes
senger to open tbe door. When about
midway along the mail car a heavy
bomb exploded ahead of tbe locomotive,
putting out tbe lantern I carried and
lifting me off my (eel. When we
reached tbe express car, I told tbe mes
senger to open tbe uoor. mere was no
reply. The robber then placed two
small bombs on tbe edge of tbe car door,
but changed his mind and first cut off
tbe coaches and ordered 'Bill to go back
to see if tbe rear end was all right, as be
would give ber a kick. He then took me
back to the engine and kicked tbe train
back, handling tbe eDgine as well as
could. Water being low in the boiler,
be injected some into it.
"He then took roe to the express car
again and asked the messenger to open
the door. There being no answer be
placed a large bomb on the car door aud
smashed tbe side of the car. The tall
robber Immediately climbed in and tol d
me to follow with 'Bill.' each calling tbe
other 'Bill.' The tall robber then blew
opeu the small safes aud took out their
contents, while the small man placed me
with my back to the operator, who
lighted the lanteru carried under bis
coat. After finishing' we ' proceeded to
tbe mail oar and ordered tbe clerk to
open the car, which he did. He eu-
terod and asked for registered pouches,
cut one opeu and asked (or another,
which he served likewise, By that time
the express car was burning."
Express messenger Butler bad an ex
perience be will not soon forget. His
version ol tbo aO'air is ss follows : "Tbe
first I kuew, tbe train stopped. I bsd
been asleep, but I kuew we hadn't got to
Roseburg yet. I didn't know what bad
happened, but I always wanted to be
prepared, so I put out all tbe lights, got
my sbotguu aud pistol where I could get
at them, aud waited. Pretty soon
heard some one ordering the engineer to
'Come down out of there,' aud then I
knew tbat train robbers bad held us up
"Tbe through baggage car baa both
ends bliud, but has two wide doors on
each side. 1 opened both bead doors
and looked out. Itwassodatk I could
bardly see. Ou one side the bauk rose
up steep and sharp, ou tbe other aide it
(ell away (rom the track. A minute
later there came a rap at tbe real door
on the Inside, and a man said i
" 'Opeu up here or I'll blow jou to
"I uever said a word. He lburuied
again ou the door, aud, wilb my shotgun
lu my band I looked out. 1 saw a dark
object just about the end of tbe i:ar, and
tbe nsxl minute lUt started to gel off
the steps o( tbe coach behind. 'Get
back there, you, said tbe robber.' Robr
got back. Tbe conductor tried to get
down, too, but be got back when be was
told to.
"Tbs next instant I blazed away at
the robber, and my band hadn't left tbe
trigger when I eaw tbe dash of his pistol
snd a bullet splintered tbe woodwork sis
Inches over my bead.,
"I fired again but my gun only snap
ped, and be threw a bomb under the car,
which went off with a terrible explosion,
jarring tbe car heavily. I went back to
get some mors arrmunltlon, but cooldn't
find it In tbe dark, Al I was groping
around lo find it be suddenly threw a big
bomb in tbe car, and I knew it waa time
to get out. It waa taking a good man
chances to get out, but I knew Ibat if I
bad stayed tbere I would be blown to
pieces tbe next minute. I jumped out
on the river side of the csr, a jump of
about six feet, and ran, gun in band,
Into tbe coach behind. Tbe next mla
nta tbe tiomh blew np with a terrible ex
plosion, splintering tbe window glass in
tbe coach I was in snd tearing tbe ex
press car nearly to pieces. Tbe local
safe was blown all to pieces, bo I there
was nothing of value in it. Tbe explo
sion had torn the car alt to pieces, and
oils of broken baggage were scattered as
far as I could see. We flsbed the safes
out, one of them still red hot, and put
them inside of Ibe track. By Ibis time
Fields bad reached there, and after Lis
gang bsd cleared the wreckage away, I
stayed with the section gang aod watch-
the safes till daylight."
Butler lost his clothes, and about
$14.50 in money and estimates bis loss
at about f 100. This $14.50 is about all
the money tbe robbers got lor tbslr
trouble and risk.
C. A. Piper, messenger in cbarge of
the mail car, raid tbe first he kuew of
any trouble was jast after tbe train was
stopped. When it began to slow down,
be thought nothing of it, but immedi
ately after stopping, several voices were
heard on the outside, swearing and talk
ing loudly. Shortly after the train had
stopped, Mr. Piper felt bis car start with
a jerk, and thought at once Ibat the en
gineer was running away from Ihe rob
bers. Tbe car was polled along for a lit
tle lime rapidly, aod tben stopped again.
Just after it had stopped tbe second
time, a tremendous explosion occurred
right under tbe car, putting out some of
tbe lights, raiding things inside and
seemingly bursting the floor. The car
was suaken badly, and the meseeoger
said it felt as though tbe csr mas being
blown to pieces.
Following the explosion tbere was a
continual round of bombs snd pistol
shots, sounding from the end of tbe car,
toward tbe express car, and he could
bear tbe crash of the door being forced,
either by means of the bombs or some
heavy instrument. While this was go
ing on, voices could be beard, but not
loud enough to enable bim to distin
guish what was said more than some
oaths. At tbe time of tbe first explosion
Mr. Piper thought they would attack the
car immediately, but when he beard
them working on the express car be be
gan to hope they would not bother him.
After the door of the express car bad
been forced, tbe strokes on tbe safe
could be beard plainly, and also an oc
casional exploding bomb. It sounded
like a hammer or ax being used on the
safes, as the Instruments seemed heavy
and gave forth a metallic ring.
Jnst tben there waa an exploeion un
der the mail car and immediately there
after iu stentorian tones came tbe com
mand, "Open tbat door, G d d n
you!'' Tbe order was not obeyed until
repeated and Ibis time accompanied by
the wcrds, "aud hurry up about it."
Discretion was tben deemed tbe better
part of valor and this conclusion was ac
celerated by tbe crackling of the flames
as they were catching from the burning
express car. He realized that the rob
bers were in force, snd bad in tbeir pos
session not only firearms, but very pow
erful explosives. The door was thrown
open, and through it cautiously crawled
one of tbe lobbers. Some of Ibe lights
had been extinguished by tbe explosions,
but by tbo remaining libgt the robber
began to search for registered matter.
There were two or three packages lying
sbout, which be proceeded to investi
gate, but finding nothing, he gave the
order :
"Hand out your pouch, aud be quick
about it!" .
This waa doue but at this time tbe
outside confederate called to tbe inside
robber to come out aud be weut without
obtainiug anything of value.
The burning express bsd by this time
communicated the flames to tbe mail
car uud Mcteenger Piper aud Engineer
Morris directed their euergies to save
the mail car. With a bucket each they
carried water up a steep embankment
aud succeeded in saving the car, but not
till tbe end was badly scorched. The
express csr and the contents were en
tirely destroyed, with tbe exception of
Ihe iron work. Some valuable baggage
belouglng to the passengers was cou
sumed therein.
When Fireman Heudrioks made his
dash for liberty and towu the move
ment did not escape the eyes ot the rob
bers aud a few shots were sent after him
with iuteut to stop bis progress, aud a
wire fence did uot help bim out very
much, but be succeeded in getting over
aod tben dropped into a ditch for a few
moments lo wait for the fusilade to sub
side theu made bis way to town with all
possible speed as above set fourth.
Most of the through paseeugeis were
iu their berths before the holdup but it
was but a few seconds till every paeaou
ger on the train was well aware of what
going on. The statemeut of tbe train
tueu tbat tbey were stopped by a land
slide being soon upset. Laud slides do
not make explosious and shoot pistols.
But as the rubbers devoted tbeir atten
tion exclusively to the express nd
mall cars the passengers were uot sub
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated of a!!
the baking powders in the world cel
ebrated for its great
leavening strength and
purity. It makes youi
cakes, biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap
Iaovtu kino rewoia ee , rm toon.
milted to the mortification and indig
nity, to sav nothing of the financial
loss, of a "stand and . deliver" ordeal.
Nevertheless, tbere was a hasty conceal
ment of valuables and tboee who were
traveling with tbeir wiyee, knowing the
gallantry, of the western bandit, gave
their parses iato the keeping of the
weaker half. Tbe passengers did not
(eel safe however, till the rescue train
arrived, and about the same lime a
freight train came op from the south.
A. M. Glidden, agent for several manu
facturing jewelers, lost bis samples in
the burnt car, tbe value of which he es
timates at $3000. Mrs.- Wood, on ber
wsy to the Orient, said her wardrobe to
tbe value of $600 bad gone np in smoke,
snd most of the passengers loot in this
way to some extent.
A reward of $1000 each is offered by
the Railroad Company and Wells, Fargo
A Co. jointly, for the arrest and convic
tion of each of tbe robbers, of whom
there were probably from tbree to five.
A rnmor was current on the street
this afternoon tbat Ibe robbers were
surrounded and captured before night,
but this could not be traced to a definite
source. Msny are of the opinion tbat
the guilty parties are about town deem
ing themselves more ssfe in unconcern
edly miogling with people than in at
tempting to flee the country.
Four and One-half Mill Tax Voted.
At tbe special meeting of district Xo.
4, Jan. 30, 1897, aa per notice, 6. C.
Flint, chairman called tbe meeting to
order at 1 p. m., and H. W. Miller was
elected secretary. The chairman stated
the income tor the last school year wss
as follows:
State apportionment $ 1028 25
From Tax 3249 21
Total receipts 5177 40
Paid teachers, fuel, water, jani
tor, and incidentals 4304 75
Balance on band 882 71
5177 40
Estimate of 1S'J7.
Principal 800 00
Assistant teachers 2C77 50
Janitor 315 00
Clerk........ 125 00
Fuel 290 00
Water. 00 00
Interest on school house bonds. . 744 00
Incidentals ; 300 CO
Total for school year $5341 50
Estimated income from stste
snd county appropriations. 2000 CO
From 4lj,' mill levy 3375 00
Total for year 1S'J7 $5375 00
After the chairman bad read the above
exhibit to the electors and asked for a
4b mill levy to ruu tbe school (or tbe
next school year. It was moved and
carried tbat a tax o(.4,'g mills be levied
upon tbe taxable property of tbe dis
trict (or tbe next school year. Tbe
chairman tben ordered a ballot taken,
and II. S. French and L. B. Kem were
appoiuted tellers to receive and count
the vote which resulted as follows:
For 4Sj' mil's tax, yes, . . . k 57
For 4'e mills tax, no
Blank. 1
Total vote. 80
So a tax of 4 'a mills was carried by 34
clear majority.
Thecouuty cletk, John Q.' Bhupe,
certified to the approximate auiouut of
tbe taxable property in the dittritt,
$755,811, which at 4i mills will raise
The district received from the Btate ap
portionments as follows, per capita of
school sge:
1804 1805 1800
$ 3 73 $ 3 30 $ 2 75
Total 2211 80 2383 10 1928 25
Schillings Best baking
powder is only, a little bet
ter than two or three others;
but Schillings Best tea fs
twice as good as usual tea.
In either case, your gro
cer returns your money in
full if you'd rather have
some other.
I'or wlc by
' Kruse & Shanibrook
New goods at Caro Bros. Boss Store.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs..
Maskers bny your masks at the Nov
elty Store.
Bargains in choice remnants at the
Novelty Store.
K. W. Benjamin, dentist, roen 1,
Mareters' block.
Boston Baked Beans at the Home
Bakery. Try them.
Shasta Water at Slow Jerry's cigar
and drink emporium.
For a good smoke call at Slow Jefry'a
bazar, and get a Loa Amores cigar.
All kinds of artficiali teeth made ret
sonably at Dr. Fred llaynes' office.
Money to loan. Call at tbe office ef
I. F. Rico, real estate dealer, Roseburg,
Delicious "salt-rising" bread at the
Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose
Nothing but the bst material used by
Ii. W. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1,
Marsters' block.
Fresh home-made bread at tbe Heme
Bakery, corner Oak and Rote streets.
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
. Casebeer tbe grocer, corner Jaeksea
and Washington, keeps tbe best axoeer
iee. Every thing fresh and firet-elass,
and at reasonable prices.
Parties desiring family sewing deae
would do well to call on Miss Fajaie
Mckean, 421 Main street, will sew for
75 cents per day. . .
Wanted. Five or six hundred dojlaie
for three or five yeais. First class se
curity on Roseburg. inside properly.
Address 55, care Plainoealkii.
You can get knives for 5 and 10 eents"
and from that price up to $5. Each
knife well orth the price atked at
Churchill, Woollcy & McKenzie's.
Good advice: Never leave home on a
ourney without a bottlo of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhofa Rem
edy. For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co.
Caro Bros', closing out tale is drawing
crowds to the Boss Store. Low prices
and quick sales is tbe order of the day.
Goods must be sold at any sacrifice.
Call and see.
Two tracts of land for rent, containing
one 10-acre and one 15-track within li
miles of tjwn, fair orchards on eaeh
place. For further information eall on
I. F. ItiuK, Real Estate Dealer, Rose
burg, Oregon.
Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to July 27lb, 1892, to pre
sent the same at tbe treasurer's office
in the court homo for payment, aa in
terest will cease thereon after the date
of thij notice.
Dated this the 25th day of January,
18D7, at the City of Roeeburg, Douglaa
county, Oregen. Wm. A.. Fbaiir,
County Treasurer.
To the Public.
On aud after thia date, I wiab it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods sre cash with tbe order. 1 find it
impossible to- do business on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrous and my Bell by Belling strictly
for cash. . P. Bbmbdick. Undertaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1805.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Moajrcrfect Made.
40 Years the SUadariJ,