The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 28, 1897, Image 2

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Publlihrd Monday! and Thursda) a,
J. B. EDDY -. Editor.
abacrlptlon Rate.
On Vear. ...... W 00
Sir, Month
Thres Monthii
JANUARY 28. 1S97.
To whom It may concern. W. F. Benjamin
having eold bit inter, tt in the Plaintbalbs, a
settlement ot secounts Is now in order. All
amoanti dus (or advertising tnd job work to
dtte are payable to C. Y. Ben.'amlD, who will
aim pT all Indebtedness ol the firm to dtte.
January , 1K7.
ratrooi ol the Plaince alee: With this
issue I sever my connection wilb tbia
paper as one of iia managers. Mr. J. B.
Eddy, my successor, ia a comparative
young man bat of ripe age and newspa
per experience, wields a facile pen and ia
wide awake to the exegenciea of the
times. He ill, doubtless, gire yon a
good paper if you will give him proper
encouragement by a reasonable support.
In asyering my connections with tbia
paper it is with "fond regrets and ten
. der recollect iona" with regrets that I
can't chide yoa for failure to pay in ad
vance, and with tender recollections that
yon were so indulgent with my abort
comings. Thank yon. May yoa live
long and prosper. Farewell.
W. F. Benjamin.
The undersigned baa purcbaaed the in
terest of W. F. Benjamin in the Plain
dealer and with this issue assumes ed
itorial control thereof. The Plats-
' dealer in the future, as in tbe past, will
be a republican paper; a firm believer in
' and an advocate of tbe principle (anun
ciated by the representatives of tbe party
at St. Louis last year. It will not follow
tbe name, wherever it may lead, simply
for tbe name's sake, bit so long as that
party stands for the doctrine advocated
by its great leaders, "whose names
adorn and dignify tbe scroll upon which
is ioscriDed their country's history," its
influence and its voice will be given to
the republican party freely and cheer
folly, mindful at all times that its mis
sion is that of a newspapers and not a
party organ. It will have opinions, and
will express them on all matters of pub
lic concern without fear or favor. It
will be tbe organ of no clique or faction
and will have no pets except wben tbe
political organization with which it
affillistes, through its representatives,
places a ticket io the field for tbe soi
. frages of the peoole, then tbe candidates
will be it pets. It will be devoted to
the interests of Oregon and of Douglas
county in particular, disseminating each
information as will bring to tbe beauti
ful vales of tbe Umpqua and its tributa
ries a desirable immigration. lis criti
cisms Will be courteous, even if severe,
and tbe anlmadverriona resorted to by
small minds will be avoided. A news
paper ia a power for good or evil la the
community in which it is published, and
the guidance of tbe angels of good ia fer
vently desired. J. B. Eddy.
At last the government is taking a
proper course in regard to its liena on
the Pacific railroads the Union Pacific
and Central Pacific. When these great
enterprises were undertaken, partly as
war measures, to connect the Pacific
coast states with those east of tbe Rocky
mountain!, to bind them more firmly to
the Union, they were not only granted
lands sufficient to form an empire but
the government lent its credit In vast
sums to aid in the construction thereof,
ThiB credit w as made a lien of second
mortgage on the properties to be paid at
the end of 30 year. That looked then
like a long time to look forward to, but
the time has passed and the mortgage is
due. The companies cannot pay tbe
debt. Various echeicea have been pro
duced in congress to fund the debt and
extend the time of payment for a long
period. These schemes have all failed
to receive the sanction of congress, and
at last aa stated at tbe outset, tbe gov
ernment is taking tbe preliminary steps
' to forcloee its lien in the Union Pacific.
Tbia is right and proper. Let an upset
' price be eet and the property offered to
tbe highest bidder. It is not expected
that tbe government will get its money
back or anything like; but let it get what
it cao, and wben tbe road is Bold, sub
led to the first mortgage as it must be,
then let it be capitalized at the cost to
tbe purchaser, namely, the amount of
tbe bid and the prior lieu, and rates of
frelghta and fares fixed in accordance
therewith and (he people will immedi
ately deilve tbe benefit. The people,
who are really tbe government, will get
heir money back .in that nay,
Senator Raseltlne of Multnomah did
not like some remarks made iu a Port
land paper concerning tbe way he was
annotated chairman ot the committee on
municipal corporations and sooght re
venge in a motion to exclude tbe paper
representative from the tenate. Tbe
tenator stood aloue; no one seconding
bis motion. Let the actions of the rep
resentatives ofthe people be always In
the line of duty and criticism will be In
vited, not avoided
The prent state of affaire at Salem il
an imp'et-sive, yea more, e knock down
argument, in favor of the election of
United States senators by tbe people,
Tbe makers of the constitution, the
fathers of the republic, were almost in
fallible, but the experience of a hundred
years shows where a few alight improve
ments might be made in the cation's or
ganic law.
The famine continues in India, and the
countries of the southern hemisphere or
dinarily exporters of wheat are now im
porters. The world's surplus is about
consumed end ' the outlook for a fair
price for the coming year ie god. How
true is tbe saying; "It's an ill wind
that blows no one good."
The last speech made by Senator
Dolph in the tenate waa on tbe Nicara
gua canal question in December ISM.
The last Speech made by Senator Mitch
ell was on the same subject in December
It is too bad that ths editor ot our dis
tinguished contemporary is so worked up
over the change ot proprietors ot lbs
Plaispialsb. fle'll get used to it after
a while.
Senate end 5enatore.
Senator Sherman seems to be trim
ming his Cuban corns to tbs exact lim
its of tbs Obey shoes. Cleyeland Plain
Senator Mills, of Tsxas, is still going
about with an "all-bsll-shall-atlr-for-thia"
look exposed on hia face. Mem
phia Appeal,
Senator Tillman says lis would like to
have "Author of the Dispensary Law"
carved on his tombstone, bnt he doesn't
aay when. New York Press.
"1 will never return to the republican
party," says Senator Dubois of Idaho.
The republican party is having all kinds
of good luck lately. Cincinnati Tribune.
About all that will be remembered of
tbe Hon. J. Don Cameron whor. be cloees
hia 20-year term in tbe senate will be
hia illustrious father. Chicago Tribune.
If any of those commiserating Wash
ington correspondents who express sor
row over John Sherman's decadent
mentality desire to change their opinion
let them engage the old man in a horse
trade or a real estate transaction. Kan
sas iCtty Times.
. Stopped Short.
iJbiXS'JK Cm, Jan. 25. Another at
tempt was made to break into the Ore
gon City, poetoffice last night. At one
side of the iron outer doors guarding the
rear entrance tbe brick was chipped
away for the evident pnrpoie of releas
ing the bar that bolts tbe doors. Tbe
doors muBt have been closely examined
beforehand, and a very good estimate
made of tbe point where the bar would
reach when the door should be closed.
There appears no explanation of wby
tbe work waa carried no further last
A Coos County Mine.
A. H. Moore came down last Frldsy
from bis mining claim at Salmon -noun
tain, and brought bis clean-up of 20
days' run with three men, using a small
hydraulic, says the Myrtle Point Enter
prise. Tbe result was $1600, besides a
nugget of gold and quartz, about equally
divided, that weighed 64 ounces. Tbis
quarts and gold was found in tbe per
dirt, and has the appearance of having
been broken off from a ledge, Mr.
Moore's works are on the grounds where
Dunbar found a boulder in 1866 that
weighed only 300 pounds and yielded
11700. The claim is now froren up and
cannot be worked for want of water, but
it will only require a few days of warm
Weather to afford plenty ot water. This
claim is on one of the tributaries of tbe
South Cc.oille, end is about 30 miles
from Myrtle Point.
Murdered by Spaniards.
Key West, Fie., Jan. 27. News from
Weyler's advance column tells of a brief
but sharp fight near 1 Jobo, west of
Guinea, in which Weyler's vanguard was
forced back. A stronger column was
pushsd forward and the insurgents
driven back. A hospital that they wree
guarding waa destroyed, snd tbe
wounded Insurgents, 23 in number, two
physicians and female nurse were
Tbis hospital was guarded by 200 in
surgents, under Captain Moragain, tbe
men being too sick to be moved. The
insurgents knew their danger, but they
determined to sell their lives desrly in
defense of tbeir sick snd wounded
As one of tbe Weyler detachments
came near tbe town they were' am
bushed and forced to retire, losing id
men and one captain. Reinforcements
arrived, and they came an boor later,
and after a desperate fight were about to
retire when another detachment of
Spaniards, attracted by tbe firing, came
up and drove tbe insurgents off in con
fusion. Tbe two combined forces then
swept tbe field, with a loss of 100 rnsn,
all told. They set fire to the dwellings
and hopital building, which was soon In
flames. Few of tbe wounded men were
rescued, and nearly all perished In tbe
Now is the time to spray your trees
Buy tbe Combination Hprsyer sod save
time and money. W. H. Gordon of the
Central, ageut.
Salbm, Or., Jan. 25. Tbe lobby ot the
senate chamber waa crowded this after
noon in anticipation of action on the
house concurrent lesolutlon to notify the
governor ol tbe organisation ot the legis
lature. The resolution failed to put in
an appearance; but tbe matter came up
in another form ou a resolution by Sena
tor King, which was lost on a tie vUe,
and subsequently by a decisive ruling ol
President Simon, which was distinctly
against recognition ot thoHenson Hons..
King (populist) ot Baker and Malheur
asked unanimous consent to Introduce a
resolution. There was no objection, and
King sent to the clerk's desk the follow
Ing: "Whereas, There appears to be some
question as to whether the bouse of rep
resentatives, comprising the oilier
branch ct this legislative astcmbl.v, has
organised and is ready to prove"! with
business; that there is one organisation
ot such house claiming to be the tempo
rary house, duly oraniafd as such, and
one organisation, claiming to U H-im fl
uent and duly organized ; that tl o senate
has not been notified by resolution of
such permanent organization; that this
branch of the legislative assembly cannot
perform legislative dutits for which its
members were elected without the con
currence of the house of representatives
on all bills and joint resolutions passiug
this body ; that this branch of the legis
lative aseerablv has for two weeks beeu
organized and ready for the transaction
of business, and the ctuso of such delay
on ths part of the houeo of representa
tives has not been fully made known to
this body; therefore,
"Resolved. That a committee of three
members of the senate be sppointed to
examioe into the conditions abovu tet
forth and ascertain whether or not either
of the two pretended organizations of tbe
house of representatives is a legally or
gaulaed branch of this assembly ami, if
ao, which of the two is so organized, and
report tbe conditions thereof to the sen
ats st asearly a date as may bo deemed
practicable by said committee."
This brought up the matter of house
recognition in an expected for in. Pat
terson of Marion at once saw th cirect
of the resolution, and ho moved to lay
on tbe table, thus shutting off debate.
Driver, however, asked that the resolu
tion be read again, which was done.
President Simon then put the'ir.otion to
lay on the table, snd tbe motion was
lost cc viva voce vote. Then Gowm
started a brief debate.
"After tbe gentleman has got through
bis long list of 'whereases,' " he said,
"he lands just where he started, and I'd
like to know what the deuce he's going
to do about if."
"Tbe senator does not understand the
actual facts," responded King. "It is
absolutely necessary for us to know
whether tbe other braucb of this legisla
ture is legally organized; otherwise, it is
obvious that we can do no business."
Driver declared that it waa not in the
province ot this body to imjuire into tbe
status of the other house. "We can't
settle that question here," he said
"None of us can, unless he's elevated to
the supreme bench."
The discussion stopped here, and the
call ot tbe ayes and noes being de
manded, the roll-call a tie vote, as fol
lows: Ayee Bates, Daiy, Daw6ou, Holt,
King, Mackay, Micbell, Mulkey, Patter
son of Washington, Reed, Swing, .Smith,
Wade, Preeldent Simon 14.
Noes Calbreath, Driver, Dufur, Gee-
ner, Gowan, Harmon, Haseltine, Hob-
son, Hughes, Johnson, McClung, Patter
son of Marion, Price, Taylor 14.
Absent Brownell, Carter 2.
So tbe senate failed to adopt the reso
Tbe senate proceeded with the second
reading of bills, but bad not gone far
wben Representative Crawford of Doug
las, appeared in the lobby and handed a
paper to Doorkeeper Btuodell, who an
nounced a message from tbe house
Tbe message waa delivered to President
Simon, who opened and read it, and
then said :
"Tbe chair ia in receipt of a com muni
cation purporting to be a message from
the house stating that the bouse hat-
effected permanent organization by elect
ing Hon. H. L. Benson as speaker, R
R Hays as chief clerk snd otbor officers,
nd is ready for tbe transaction of bui-i
nets. Tbe chair has already submitted
to tbe senate a message from- the tem
porary organization ct the bouse, ad vis
ing tbe senate that such permanent or
ganization waa effected in an irregular
and unconstitutional manner and with
out the presence of a quorum, and that
each action was illegal and void. Tbe
chair ia of the opinion tbst no per ma
nent orgniisation of tbe bou-e has
been effected an 1 that the pretended
permanent organization, without a quo
rum mentioned in this communication,
Is not valid or binding, and that the sen
ate cannot recognize such an alleged
permanent organization of tbe boui-e,
. . i t i
1 06 Ctiair, inereiore, declines i uuier
taiu or receive tbis communication, and
rules that tbe same cannot beenteied
ution tbe journal. This decision will
sts -! as tbe judgment of tbe senate, un
lee . the senste will overrule tbe decision
of the chair."
Tbe president's ruling was received in
silence by ths senate, which appeared to
think tbat it was entirely correct, and it
would be useless to attempt to set it
aside, even it so disposed. Crawford
waited until the cud of the chair's an
nouncement, and then withdrew. The
matter did not again come up during the
Tried to do Business.
Kalem. Jan. 20. Thirl v-one members
responded to their names when tho Hen
son house was called to order ut 10
o'clock Ibis nioruiug. JSy direction of
tbe epeaksr, tbe cleric leaU aloud ths
names ot the absentees. Trie Journal ot
yesterday wis read in full. Brown ol
Morrow and David ot Gilliam presented
petitions against the llcensiug ot saloons
In college towns.
Somen presented a petition from
Urowosville, l.lnn county, asking that
tho house organize and enact certain
tomedial legislation. "Ws are already
organUrd," remarked Speaker Benson.
Huntington of Wasco submitted a nutn-
eioucly signed local option petition.
Venose ot Polk introduced a concur
rent resolution for a joint committee tn
examine the books of the state treasurer.
Brow n moved that it be referred to a
committee ; of thro. Souiors objected,
saying (lie motion was out ot order. It
was eo decided, and then Brown moved
to lay it on tho table. Tim ayes and
noes were called for, and the motion
laid on the tal, there being 23 ayes, t)
The ayet were: Brown, Chapman,
Conn, Ciawlord, David, Oratke, Gur-
ilauo. Lake, l.enirell, Marsh, Merill,
Misener, Kigby, Smith of Marion, Stan
ley, Thomas, Thompson, Wagner, Mr
Speaker; 22
Noes: Brjoee, Hogue, Hope, Mich
ell, Nosier, Palm, Soruers, Vaughn.
Vvuess: tW
So U10 motion prevailed. Its signifi
cance lies in the fad tbat the house thus
refused to attempt In. reus,. relatione
with the sonata.
Tbe speaker -then announced as the
order of business the first reading and
introduction of bills. A bill waa pre
tented by Bridge?, and tbe clerk started
to icad, when Hope raised a point ot
order that under rule it could not be
real until all the members hsd had a
chance to prevent bills. The point was
ruled well taken. An etlott to suspend
rules was lost 011 motion to that effect.
Twenty-five bills were then presented,
but wero not lead in full or by title
Tho bouse adpjurne J till 2 p, m.
To Bring In Absentees.
ALtM, Or., Jau. 27. The Benson
house maungod to kill nearly bsll ao
hour this morning by the reading of the
journal in full. Thirty-one were pres
ent at the roll cail, but Misener of Crook
withdrew Immediately after. No one
raided tho point of no quorum. A cigar
e'te petition waa irad, and also one from
Washiugtou county to abolish all com
mission. Crasv.'crJ of Douglss here Introduced a
resolution requiring the 29 unqualified
members to appear aud qualify at noon
on Thursd jjr, January 28. The sergeant-at-aruis
w as directed to eerro the delin
quent members eich with s copy of tbe
In expluiqing the resolution, Crawford
said his purpose was simply to exhaust
every remedy known to the constitution.
It the members failed to appear, then
the houeo would have a basis for foturs
action. On rolicall the resolution waa
adip'e l. Ayes. 37; nays. 1; absent, 3.
Tbe following bills were introduced;
IIo;ue. to amend code ; Hope, relative to
taxation of.sheep; Hudson, by request,
relative to elect'on of road supervisors;
David, tj amend game law; Grstke, to
exempt Astoria firemen; Benson, to
amend coda; Crawford, regulating rail
road freights; Jennings, for collection of
fees; Marh, to amend code; Palm, to
amen 1 code; Thomas, to amend Port
land charter; Conn, exempt homesteads
from jii'licii' sale; Brown, to smend
coJe; Merrill, to abolish commissions
and relative to fees.
A'lj Jiirned.
liuckleu's) Arnica ntlic,
Tho Bes. Salve in tbe world for Cuts,
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, ; Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chill bains, Corns, and all skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A.
C.Marsters & CO.
vc rei't trjal and trst prove
i:;!i ;-'anlto llooO's Sanaparllla
1st, Greatest Merit
Seetirerl liy.a ieuliar Combina
tion, Proportion and Process
unknown to others wbleh
naturally and actually produces
2d, Greatest Cures
Mmw ti hy thousand of honest,
volimtary-.tcMuaoiilals wtueh
naturally jind actually produce
3d, Greatest Sales
According to the statements of
ilriitmists all over the country.
In tlit'H three points Hood's
Karsaparlila is peculiar t Itself.
Is the nest - It Is the One True Blood Purifier.
iv. ( arc tliu only pills to taks
liOOU S lJlllS vltliIlond fiarsat)arlll.
tn j 111; jKcujr rouitr ok the n Alt
of Oregon, lor Doul county,
t., rimnuii,
A. J'. Hulnki', Uaull Jlahrk
aud I'tiHlii L. llRlirke.
Uclenainn. ,
Iu Ihum 1 v., jjuhrke one ol the above named
In tin: 11111110 ol ihs Mats ol Oregon, you art
rn ri l.y rcijuircd to appear and anawer the coin
plaint fill '1 vxaiuiit you la tho above ntllled
nut In the itijovu named court 011 or before tbe
day of JUarcU, l97i
tlml 'jelng the limt day ol tbe next term ol
id court, and you will take notice tbat II you
full hi to H).enraud anwer Mid complaint lor
Hunt thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tbe
Court lor tho relief prayed for in laid complaint,
which in to net hiIuou Ihe ground ol fraud a
certain deed of conveyance executed by the
nairt dtfenduulh, A. X. liuhrke and Quits E.
Unhrkv to the bmiiI dvlendaut, JJanlel E. Btbke,
couvt-yilia Iota I, !!, :t, i. A. ti, I aod I1' in Mock
No. one (I aud all 1 4 block No. two ('.') kuou n
an lldbrl e al'lltiou to Frultvale, Uouglai
county, Oris"U.
'JhtMiiumoii la publlili'd by virtue ol an
onier of ihe Cncuit Court, made and tulertd on
ihe AHh day ol January, XfJT,
jJold AUuiuay ioi i'lauilH.
A Prophecy end It Pulflllinent.
Pak FsUKciaeo, Jan. lilt. Joint Cum
mins, an sired capitalist, mining ernl
near and promoter of vailovts enter
prises, died in Alantada recently. Cum
mine was mairled in Salt ;Uka City S3
yeaiaago, and three months alter his
wedding Ms wife departed for Han Fran
cisoo on ylslt to relatives. Front tbat
parting until a lew moulds ago husband
and wife never aawor beard from each
other. Cummins' (whereabouts became
effectually swallowed up In mystery, and
Mrs, Cummins, alter the lapse ot a few
years, during which she became con
vinced that her husband must be dead,
removed to Orovllle, where she Mill ro-
sldee. Sotuo jeais later she dircovcrrd
that her husband had secured a divorce
without bor knowledge, whereupon she
married an undertaker named Sovereign.
A few months ago she diesnit that her
former husband wss about to return to
her j that he would soon thereafter die,
and that her husband, the undertaker,
would bnry him. Iioruarkablo as this
may seem, tho strange prophesy lias
been fulfilled. '
On his Meathbed t'nunuius produced
two kaySi etating that they fitted his
safe-deposit bos in PuoMo, Colo,, in
which wore ISO,OGO In .United Ctales
bonds, and hit af j-dcposlt bos iu IVn-
ver, which coutaioed the balance of hia
securities.- He left $10,000 (0 Mrs. Sov
ereign and the remainder of his prop
erty, estimated at almost $1,000,000, to
their son, J. W. Cummins, who has
been executor, and who has departed
for Pueblo to take chsrgo of affairs.
At the Armory Every 5aturdsy Le
nlng. These dances will be run on u regular
sclentifld plan. Instructions on new
dances from 7:30 to 0 o'clock, free of
Admission for lady, and gentleman, ftO
Gentleman without ladr, 73 cents,
Lady not accompained by gentleman
25 cents,
(spectators not allowed.
T. K. KicnautisoN.
Thl la Your Opportunity.
On rwript of ton ernln, or ntnrrps,
a generous anmple will ) mi'lleJ of tho
moft ppptilnr t'atrjrli nnd Hay 1-Yvrr Oim
(Ely's ('renin Balm) fnfflsinit to Umou
s irate the n.nita pi tim remedy.
IX Y tm:otiii:i:k.
Si; Vurrcii ht.. New York City.
Ttev. John Hr-id. Jr.. of (imt Falls Mnut,
recomrornded Kly'e I'rraui Italni to m. I
can smphaiz4 hia statement, "It in a poal
Uts cure fur catarrh if ""fit nr, iltrrrff f." -Hev.
Francia V. Poole, Pastor Cciitrul Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowWK"d
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Trice, CO ccntu.
For Over l'lfljr Vcaia.
A! Old and Watx-TniKD Kixapr. Mra
Wlnalow'a Booth Ing ttyitip haa been uaod for
over fifty yearn by million-of mother for their
children while teething, with perfect aucceaa.
It aoothee the child, aoftcni tbe turaa, allayi all
pain, cure wind Cdlic, and lathe beat remedy
lor Diarrhira. Ia pleaaant to the tante. Hold by
dragKlata In every part of the world. Twenty.
Ore centa a bottle. Ita value la Incalculable.
Be euro and a-k for Mra. W Inalow'a h Kithlns
Syrup, and take 110 other kind.
Administrator's Final Notice.
nndrraicned ban filed hi nnal account In
tbe County t'ourt a-tadmini-iralor of thne-tate
Af lnath VrlAiivhllti ,ti.-.. ...... I n.l Ik.lll..
County Court nf tifiiiKlaa Connie, Mate ol (in-.
Ron, nat. nxe'i .-.lonony, .lareri i, p-i(, ai
o clock p. ni., of -aid day, an the tunc for hear
ing objection, if any there he, to ull final ac
count, and the aettleiueut of nald ratate.
IJairii January 4",
1. ! I V . i V
(V . ,1. VI AO.l ,
Admlalitrator of the ette til Joseph Mo
laughlln, dcce.tcd.
ii r
Masquerade Ball,
ST. VALENTINE'S EVE, FEB. 13th, 1897.
$20.00 IN PRIZE S,!..F-0!'M!,-'
Firjt and second prize for two best tustaiuod characters of bard times.
First aud second pri.o for two most comical characters.
, FirHt aud second prise for two beat duncers,
, One prize for best clown.
One prie for spectators
Admission : (ieutlemen Msekers, .'j0 its. ;
T K.' RICHHRDSON, Manager.
In order to close out our stork of new
and second hand pianos, wo will oftur
them at coat. It is our Intention to close
out our business as quickly as possible,
and Iu order to do this we will he com
pelled to sell st a vsry low figure and on
such small Installments that It will not
pay you to rent. Therefore wo will fell In
all our rented pianos and oigixns nnd give
you tho bvnallt Unit wo have received as
rent. We have Iu all sixteen planus
which we will sell from !00 to ,100; IA
and 10 per month Installments. Rea
sonable discount for cssh.
(treat reduction In violins, guitars and
all musical goods, Hlirot mimic 50 per
cent diacvuiit. Kind for catalogue. All
orders promptly tilled.
T, K. Kit luitnaoN,
ltoseburg, Or,
Competition never worries us, because
we "buy right" heme "soil light,"
The facts ure those; every move In our
business is only mrtito after ths most
careful coiiai'toiallou, nothing loft to
chanco. Shoes have advanced In pries
hut not with op. Wo sell you a g-wd oil
grain shoo for I.'.T and upwatds, (Ins
shoes in proportion. If you doubt us,
come and seo us, convince yourself thnt
we have what we advertise. We don't
care to do all the business in town, 1 ut
want to gut a share ot it. We tirmly
believe that a concern that gives Its
customers exceptionally good values In
every instsnce is bound to go ahead
year by year. This Idea prevails
throughout our entire hunlnes. Kvviy
dollars worth of goods must give lbs
wearer satisfaction, even the all wool
absolutely fast color S 00 suits.
J. AnsAii tM'it Clothing lloiiao,
For Sale.
A limited number of pure btod II P.
Rock, 8. S. Hamburg, 8. C. l. Leghorn,
Hlk. I.ingihan, Wyandott and C'ornlah
Indian (iame. Won several at
the .Southern Oregon District Fair and
Oregon Slate Fair. I have some mag
niflcent birds, an ornament to any yard ;
also huvo two ltrown Leghorn cockerels
from registered stock. Pilous i canon-
able; must dispose of these within ;0
days, in order to mnko room for spring
breeding. Address K. A. Kruse, ltoo
burg, Oregou.
The Central House.
W. II. Gordon Is now the proprietor of
this popular hO'.l, Tho table will bo
supplied with the best in the msrkel
good beds ami courteous treatment.
Meals IS cent, and bods the same rate
The uiidirrtlgno.l has two Berkshire
boar pigs lor sale. Hire aud dam regis
tered. Apply to Titos. ii'Tiiuis ,
Winchester, Or.
Money to loan! Calf at the c tiles of
I. F. Kiev, real estate dealer,' Koseburg,
MKN. I. C. M't I.AI.I.EN. Plop.
Large, Fine Hamplu Kooina.
Free Ilua to aud From Train-..
Lady Maskers, Free; Hneclaturs, '( els.
A a S. , T ' JTS1
"Mverlne," utauttfaotured by the An
chor 8 tilmmlcal Co., the great Myer,
Kidney ami Constipation cure. An In
fallible roiuody fur ell curable lormi ol
diseases of those organs, The great!
knows rsmixly for Indignation. Try It.
For side at M. F. Happ's drug store,
ltoseburg, Oregon.
Call It ja Craze.
The V.w . Tiimm aava i "The habit of
taking 'headache powdata la Incr.a.liif to aa
alermlitf eatent imimf a steal mimlwr of wo
man thtouiliout Ihe rounlry. Thrae powders as
Ihrlr name Indlralea, are claimed tiy Ihe manu
larttireralo lea vxalt( and aiely cure for an
form of headache. In many caaee their chler
ineredltnl la morphine, opium, eoraloa or aoiue
other equally Injurloua dme havinc a tendency
to deaden pain. The haul! of laklue; Ihem fa
ea.tiy formed, but atmnal liupoaaltile to ahaks
off. Women umally begin takltis thrin to re
lieve a rasing headache and coon reaort to IWe
Kiwtter to alleviate any Utile pain or ache they
ay he euolected lo, and Anally like tho mor
phine or opium fiend, set Into Ihe halill of taking
there resularly, tmaaluinc that Ihey are In pala
If Ihey happen to mlae Ihrlr rrgiilar doae."
In nine case out of ten, the trouble Is
In ths stomach and liver. Take a almnla
laiatlve and liver tonic aud remove the
oflendlng matter which deranges the
stomsch and cauaes the headache. I)r.
Pierce's Plesasnt Pellets are composed
entirely f( the purrat, concentrated,
vegetable extracts. One Tel let ia e
dose; sugar-coated, easily awallovredj
one ustf, Itvayt n faxor. They posi
tively cur sick headache and remove
the disposition to it.
Mr. K. Vaasaaow, of Oiltr Ijtkt, UfHr Ct".
flinm., wnica 1 ' i ant
Infifipi-nily have an at
tak of the headache.
It u.oally romra on In
Ihe loteunon. AI my
dinner I eal my rrgular
meal, and lake one or
two nf potior plerca'a
rira.ant relleta Imme
dlalrly after, and In Ihe
course of an hour any
hradarhe la cured and
no tad rftv(e, I feel
ttetter every way for
li.vtti taken tnem iif, la ueual
allrr laklna; other kinds
of pill.. I'lraunt Pel
leu ' rie worth more
than their wrlght In
tolil, If for nothing elM
H. Vaaoaaon, Kaij. than lo cur headache."
uii oroaiuoN.
1. II. Mitchell
l, W. Mrllrldo
V. H.Srnatura
I Iilnivr Hermann
Sonsrraameu - jv. ft. Kllla
nxrelary ol Hiate
Hlate 1'reaaurrr ..
Mupt. I'ti t. Instruction ...
HUlo Printer...
William V. Iird
II. K. Klucalil
..I'lill Mnlarltan
U, M. Irwin
W, It. Ula
'. M. Idleinan
Slloriiey lioiu ral
Mcuilicr Board ol KaualUalloii A. (. wotKlcKMk
iF. A. ii""
upreuitJudsea ?'. K. Wolverlon
(It. H. llcan
!A. U. C'ompaon
J. B. Kddy
1. A. Marrum
Clerk ol Kallmad t:onimlaaloti l.jilell Hakcr
aacoMO jimcul DirratcT.
uilse J. t:. Pullertiin
froevcullos Attorney. W. K. Valea
e. s. likd on 11 s, koasavao.
Kecaltcr K. H. Hherldan
geflator K. M. Veauh
V. s. wsiTMaa scaaie.
OUerrer.. .Thoa. UlDeoa
nocoi.aa col'XTV.
vhool Huperludcnt
County Judge
Hnoeu IitaecUir
A W. Hied
J. T. Brlits-a.
A. M. t'r.wlord
III. . Itlilillo
) II. bhupe
II t' A(0
W. A. FraUir
.. lluitllln. U alto
W. n. Brill
A. F Htrarna
W. I. VWlaun
M. 1. Tlioiiipxiu
..will P. lirt. Ion
..Dr. K. U aflllor
Tlioa. Hmltb
raaciMi-r orritaaa.
Inatloes' .
John ilamlln
..II. 1'. n locum
ci r or
Mayor .. ..
lat Ward
tml Ward .
Ird Ward...
4tb Ward ...
Rocooli r ..
A. ('. UaraUra
1 ot M iinr-.
It. W. filllanl
- )r. W. I'aian
If. V, Mauloii
' (!' Monro
J. M.KU U Iicr
, Win. Perry
1 II. ('. hlia 11m
' (J. I'. A I kill
F. M. .Iglri
J. II. f'auuon
J. A. I'orklua
tousr eaaalosa.
The Circuit Court lor Douaiaj ('ouutr meets
three timea a year aa follow: The bd Won
day tu March, tlio 4th Mouilay In Juno, and ths
lat Monday lit liocitnlit r. J. C. rullorton ol
Hufcburg JiiiIko. tluo. M, llrowu, ol Itoaeburg,
prvculiii)( atloiucy.
( ouiiljf Court invela tho lat Wediioeday aft J
the Ut Monday of Jauuary, March. May, July,
(u pti-mlicr aud N'ovvnilwr, A. V. htcarna, of
Oakland, Itnlgo; (:. II. Maupln ol Klktou
and W. I.. Wllaoii.of Hlddlv, coinmlaaloiiera.
I'roliulo Court la In aiaalou coiilliiuoinly, A, F
Btvarua, ludRo,
Noddy Itloeillugs.
J- hold their rcuular coiiimunlratlona at tno
I. O. O. V. hall on kcciiiiI ami four 111 I liil radar
of each inonlh. All uicmlM-ra ri'iiui'aU'il to at
tcn.l ri'xularly, and all vl.lllng brothera cor
dially Invited toalti'iol.
r i(r.i) i'ai.k-j cm in, r.. n
UKItM AN WAKKH, Hccn tary.
niovta every Wuducaitay nvvulns at S
o'clock In the old Manonla Hall. Vlaltlng
brotlicn are cordially Invited to attond.
C. H. Cahhoh.
Qso. W, psaav, Councilor,
Mucuruiug svcniary.
moutlnaa tho 2d aud 4th Wvduuadaya Iu
each month.
r Kf.E JUUNbON, W. M.
N, I. Jiwsir, H'vcy.
moela Haturday oveulna ol each woek at
thnlr ball In Odd Fellow Icmplo at Koaeburg.
Mumbora ol lis order In amid atandlug aroliivll-
d to attond.
. w., . o.
F. (I. Ii r.u.1, Bcc'y.
Odd Fellows ball tin second aud lourth
Fridays ol eaoh month. VlatLlna tirwLliruu
are Invited to attund.
JOB. MK'KLLI, Borlbr.
moeta the eccond and fourth Mondava of
eaoh month at7:a0 p. m. at Odd Follows ball,
kteuberaol tbe order In food itandlug ajrs In
Vlted to attend.
flrat and third Thuradays ol each month.
Drill aud third Tbuiadaya In each
TJAHMI ALLIANCE Uogular Quarterly ,
Meetlua s will be held at Orange liall,
Roaeburg, tha flrat Friday In llccember, Marob
and June, and the tbird Friday tu Hvptember.
iN- the second and fourth Tburadayi ol eaoh
AliMI IIhuwk, Uco'y.
- - mcuie uvery avvuuu euu luurm ouuaay,
ROHK11UBG H. I). LODGE, NO. 41, I, O .0. F
muotaouTuuaday veung of vaoh woek at
tlio Odd Fellows hall. Vl.Itlng tl.toia aud
orctbrun aro luvltcd to attend,
every Wodnoadav evonlug at Odd Fullowi
(fall. Vlaltliig Kuliihta In good standing cor
Jlallj luvllwdlu aUeud.