The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 28, 1897, Image 1

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    UK mm mi"'"
Tlio riiundcnler
Tko Plaindoalor
y m
You Don't tiKTTiiB News.
fc No. 98.
(Huroessor 10 1. JAMKOLRC.)
rrattical t Watchmaker, : Jeweler asd . Optician.
Ocniilnn llrnwlllitis 3
Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Olgare end Bmokare Article.
KUo Proprietor ant! HrtnaKnr of UoHoburg'a Famon lUrgnln Store.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
. a. .--- ..
; to
Alexanders Strohgs
iahanti'.i:d. V
t a . : a !' ' ;.
41 !! ill I 1 ir
i! The Best I
2 SmoklngTobaccoMadol
The Best
To Do
Given Avay
this year la valuable
Articles to smokers of
tej i Ma
You will find one coupon In
ids each s-ounce bag;, and two
coopons aside each l-emnee
lng. rtuyabag, read the coupon
and ace how to get your share.
For Recent and Chronic
JJronchltls, noanries, l vt otu,
Irritability of lh Larynx and Finctt,
anil ether Inflamed Condltloni ol th
I.ungsand Air Tawaxea.
m sooth in
Foreign and Domestic-
Sacrifice Sale
Now in Progress.
Marble and Granite.
I employ no ai?nt or middle men, but give my patrons the btneflt cf tha
15 to J1 per cent. usnally paid to solicitors.
All f Orders for Cemetery -f Work f- Promptly Filled.
nm n.t Wnrk. 22S Main Street. ROHEUUKK, OUKtiUII.
AAlyi itr i-'ii-rs.iio i vii
fBuccwisor to 0. W. K0AH.1
General Blacksmithing
Mhnn an corner WAHtiluirton nod Kane St., Roiebarx.
A.C.flARSTERS&Co Depot Grocers
Give ua a call. Goods delivered to ny part of the City in short order.
Corner Lane h 8herlJan streets.
History of the District and Develop
ment Work Done and Planned.
Cottao Gaovt, Or., Jan. 21 The
Bohemia Koid-lerin2 diairict aS dls-
covere-1 bjr Bird Farrier about 25 years
ano. The only leiue discovered then
was that mw known a the Annit min'.
Very little was done on the led 40 (rotn
lS70lolS'Jl, when derelopr-iorjt work
was remmed. The !nde showed every
indication vl being ih h, cinlaioing Ireo
gold and (rre-o.iUing ore. A (mail fiye
statnp qnarlt mill was erected there, and
the mine commenced io show a large
amount of free-milling ore, rnnnUK
frornrOto t-TOO per ten. At that time
a great deal of iritorept was manifested,
the hills were alive with men looking
for claims. In 18&1, a San Francisco
party purchased the Annie mine, aud
commenced operations on a mere exten
sive rcale. There being eo raocti
needed development aork, and as the
mill could "only be kpt rtiniilntt on
about half time, on account of low water,
the company was unable to meet i'a ob
ligations, as part of the debta were in
curred before it took charge, and ibe
mine went into the bands of rsueiter.
Ttie mine was then sold to P. J. Jena-
in if, the well-known mining m&o of
Spokane, Wash, lie went to Chicago,
formed and incorporated a etock com-
piny, capitalized at $1,000,000. with
$100,000 in the treasury for development
work and for a Dew 20 stamp mill,
kbown as the Noonday Mining Com
pany, rebruary 1, ix0, a iorce 01
miners as put to work driving a lower
tunnel, working night and day. A tun
nel was driven SCO feet, and .cot the
main ledge at a depth of COO fct. The
lede at this depth was eight and nine
feet in width and contained much free
sold. Another tunnel was ;ou in 400
feet to the center of the led,(e iili croi-s
cuts run both ways.
This -opntd up one ot ttie largeet
mines on ihe Pacific coast. An estimate
shos at leaet f5.0O0.O0O wortli of ore in
sight. The Noonday Coxpany gave the
Hammond Manufai-torinK Company, of
Portland, a contract for potting in a 20
stamp mill, tramway aud engine at a
cost of I40.COO, which was lotr.plettd
Ddcembt-r 1. 1800. Many mining ex
perts ha v.- examined the machinery an3
say the plant is the most modern of any
on the Pacific coast. Tho company . Is
now taking out from 8000 to f lO.OflO per
There are about 40 other ledges in the
Bohemia district, but only five mills, so
far, put in, aa follows:
Noonday Mining Company, cno 20
Etamv : Champion, one 10-stamp; Gold
Mill & Mining Company, one 5 stamp;
Star mine, ono 5-stamp; Trumain, 1 3
stamp. There ill be three other mills erected
this coming summer.
Tne Gold Mill t Mining Company,
with its 5-etamp mill, has paid a divi
dend since the commencement of opera
tioup. The developments show the
ledges to bo as extensive as thb Nooudav
mine. Mr. J tunings has bought this
mine. Tne price paid was $53,000. He
will go East in a few days to arrange 2 for
the necessary machinery.!. to treat the
different O'es.
During the last five years, from the
Bohemia district, there have been ot
least $1 ,090,000 paid out for machinery,
supplies and labor, of which $2,000 has
been spent iu Portland. The mines
have been the means of distributing
many a dollar among the poorer classes
of this vicinity, besides thoueands of dol
lars which have been paid to the mer
chants. By this means, Cottage Giove
has not suffered the financial difficulties
other similar towns in the Williamette
valley have Buffered.
As this is the only available point
from which to reach the Bohemia mines,
it is believed this place will be quite an
important mining center this coming
season. A teiepnoue nne wm 00 tuu
structed, connecting this place with the
mines in the spring, aud a mining ex
change is also under headway.
It is in accordance with the Renins
and spirit of Americanism that the ma
jority shall rule ; and the spirit of oppo
sition to the organization of the ho;io of
representatives of the fciai tf 0?gfn,
la clearly revolutionary, not to say rebellious.
Cot, saya :hia minority fxctiori, the
simple plural inaj'tritv h not snidi a ma
jority as the con-ti ution require to
do business. That, tlity sav, mustoea
two-thirds maj-jriiy, and if a Intro ma
jority andertakes. to do, butintss, such
action la . revolutionary, anconstitd-
tiona! and vuid. Let as consider . ibis
idea a moment, If it is revolutionary.
unconstitutional and void for a majority
to act in obedience to the dictates of com
mon sense and duty, what mut it be for
a minority to re'usa to act with the ma
jority, for the sole purpose of coercing a
majority into submission by taking ad
vantage of mere technicalities?
It is evident from the whole tone and
spirit of the constitution, from its bill of
rights to its close, that its trainers did
not intend to defeat the objex ts aimed
at, viz: To authorize the legislators to
make such lavs aa the people, through
their representatives, constitutionally
elected, may demand. The framers
certainly did not intend to create an in
strument that would be, in reason, con
strued to defeat ita own pnrpeses. If
such a construction of the constitntion
be the correct one that 29 men can pre
vent 31 men from performing the duty
entrusted to them by a confiding con
stituency, then good bye to a republican
form cf government.
To put the question plainly, admitticg
for argument sake, that the majority in
the cave under consideration, is revolu
Uonary, is It not better that a revolu
tiooary majority role than that a rebel
ions minority be allowed to rule? That
is the question toiled down.' Which
shall (live way, a majority or a minority ?
That's the question. If tha minority, for
selfish purpose, will so far disregard the
rights of the people now groaning'for re
lief at the hands of this legislative W .
as to stand like the dog in the manger,
do nothing themselves nor allow othare,
ready and willing to act, ' we hare
truly come to a deplorable condition.
Such action is setting a fatal precedent,
for the wheels of politics may take a
different turn in the future when a cap
tious minotlty might 'offer a timilar
treatment, to this rebellions party now
blocking legislation.
1 ',. J .. !'.... LJJ I
Starvation In Chicago.
Ciiicauo, Ian. 21. Men, women and
children are starving In Chicsgo in sight
of relief, because the connty commission
crs, blind and deaf, do not allow tha
county agent enough help to distribute
supplier. Tim county treasury is rkh In
its surplus, and there r an arcnmla-
tion of appeals from hungry families.
H'.indicds of these application are mora
than to Keeks old. Tha heads of tha
families were dirconraged then, and as a
last resort appealed to tho connty for
aid. They have seen their wives and
children gron weaker and colder, and no
aid baa come, no bread, no ooal. Thesa
men are desperate now.
The county apent it helpless to save
these faminc-nliicketi men, women and
babies. He baa relief on band, bnt do
way to distribute it, because the com
mirsioners have tied his hands, aud aa
deaf to the criea of the hungiy.
A warning has leen given that tha de
serving poor are becoming dangerona
and that hunger is likely to drive then
to deeds in which their cry will be
"bread." Men who gave this warning
know whereof thev speak. They aea
guant hunger at its worst, the glassy aye
of a strong man who hears the cry of hia
wife and babies for bread and warmth
and is powerless to give it to them. The
men tell an uppalling story but nobody
on earth can tell us of the misery aa it
exists in Chicago k lay.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Crockery, Glass and Delfware, Tobacco and Cigars,
Toys, Notions arid Fancy Goods.
Higest Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds.
-incut l.lua of Tit AH tit the City. I'rlcea from 1 to Mo per pound.
Wall IPapor.
A Cholce;Col(ectlon, at Prices that 5ell.
I want your trad, and
an an Inducement to get It
I make tlis lollowlna lib
eral oflVr: fall and I will
preiont you with a rard
Uka tlie on prlotad op
posite, ri whan tha
card ts Ubed up you may
secure ths portrait.
PO I ill I tu I fol m UP I M l 1"
'in 1 ift r'aT'STSn T5Tm I .v so
on anil nave your
:. t
tintype you
rxBlvn tlila f'urd with V
r J'UHCUASEct punched out to the amount ol 10
- and you can have a UftMilio Portrait
Water Color Tints, Iroi any photograph or
nay uinre.
We lurtlur atxur you that it I he portrait is not sat
isfactory you need not accept It.
W iva you ths portrait TRlt, you pay only for
ths frame,
Tho cost ot tha frame, Blew, tit., will be at whole
sale cost prlcta.
Call aud see samples of these beautiful portraits displayed In my show window and let
me present you wiui a 110 ttcaei. vury muy yours,
Corner Jackson and Cass Street, KOSKBURO, OR.
. si. I hiM on hand a laraa assortment of BOOKS, suitable for bMa law and small cull-
(Ma, lSh I wtU till at wksTeeale fe. The saslra, let let tale very saeaa.
How soon a fashionable distortion will
appear all that is moderate and becom
ing iu our eyes if we pay much attention
to what's worn. At one time V thought
Queen Elizabeth's stvle cf dress terribly
oioternue in outline, writes a worn 11 In
a a
the New York Commercial Advertiser,
io spite of the rich material and jewelry
generally affecUd. Labi :wek I con
templated an equeoiriau etatuetre of that
sharp-tonguad sovereign and fooud her
attire almost re.isonabJe, as a whole,
como to compare it with present day
costumes. Her buiioued.out sleeves en-
tended no further than many we have
seen about of lata year, aoJ her akina
looked quita graceful a hs was nut
wearing her ugly hoops ou horseback.
Her hair hai been liuzed in a way aim
which we are tolerably familiar, and her
crown was poied ou the summit, jut as
many queens would place it uow, Ihe
ruflT. which I should have regarded as a
monstrosity awhile ago, ts ceitainiy out
of all proportion with the rest ol the
dress. But, then, .tha thick boas,
feather collars and lace quiUinga of our
own time are only a few Inches narrower
In the "6et" around tho ueck. '
W heat All Over the World.
"The wheat crop is always being har
vested somewhere," said a man on the
board of trade. "Jofet now, white the
American farmer is cot thinking of
wheat, the crop of Australia. Chile and
the Argentine icpuolic is being put on
the market. In February and March
the fields of Upper Egypt and those of
India are harvested. That of Lower
Egypt, which is irrigated by the over
Sowing of the Nile, w harvested in April,
while Syria, Cyprus, 1'ereia and Asia
Minor aleo gather crops during that
mouth. Cuba's wheat will also be gath
ered in April.
'Texas is the first of our states to send
wheat to the market. This it does dur
ing May, at the same time that the fields
of Algeria, Central Asia, China, Japan
and Morocco are makingtheir yields. In
June those of California, Oregon, Mist is
sippi, Alabama, Georgia, the 'Carolin&s,
Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, KanBas,
Arkansas, Utah, Colorado, Missouri.
Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal
and the south of France are harvested.
July sees the crops in the other Ameri
can states and all except the northern
most narls of Europe are harvested
Russia then begins toga'.ber her grain,
more being harvested in August, when
Manitoba, Lower Canada, North Dakota
aud the northernmost countries of Eu
rope are the ecenea of the harvest. Swe
den, Norway and Northern Kussi are
the only wheat-fields covered with tho
golden grain in September and October.
But jut aa these crops are gathered the
crops in Peru and South Africa are
ready, and in December New South
Wales gathers her harvest.
Nicaragua Canal.
CiucAoo, fan. 24. The Timea Her
ald's Washington special says :
It is apparent that the time has come
when something mn6t bo done by this
government, if the Nicaragua canal
scheme is to bu payed from falling into
the rut of failure. Senator Sheiman,
who is to be the next secretary of state,
raid to the Times-Herald correspondent
tonight that Mr. Boderigeuz, minister of
ibe Greater Republic of Central Amer
icj, had doubtless convinced the senate
that aoy further attempts to arrange for
tl building of the canal opon the plan
laid down iu the bill mast be given np.
ij ii the enterprise -need not, for this
reonoo, bo abandoned, for the represen
tative of the Greater Republic of Cen
tra' America distinctly avows the will
ingness ol his government to take up
the matter on a new basis, to leave tha
present company out of consideration, so
far as the fu'uieis concerned, and to
feat directly with the United State for
construction of this great waterway.
Ia the opinion of many senators this
is precisely what should be done. It ia
scid Secretary OIney will be glad to take
np the matter of negotiating a tieaty
wish Nicaragua and Ccstn Rica for this
purpose, if (uly he had more time be
fo'e the expiration t fthe Cleveland ad
ministration. It is not impossible he
nuiv do to as it is.
The much-talked-of Spanish coucec
siona to Cuba are subject to Iwo draw
backs: Spain dcetm't wish to make them
and Cuba doesn't wish to have them.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthingtoo, Ind.
Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in F.levtrio Bitters, and 1
can cheerfully recomeud it for Constipa
tion and Sick Headache, and as a general
system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Aouie Stehle, 2625 Cottage t.rove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her "and felt tired aud wry,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored her health and reuewed, her
strength. Price 60 cents and $1.00., .
Get a Bottle at A. C. Marsters' Drug
' Spanish Failure In Cuba. .
Spanish troops coutiuus to march to
and fro in Culaj but in do port, province
or city ol Cuba does General Weyler rc-
storetba ordinary operation ol the law or
provide for the safety of trade and farm
ing. Free travel is nowhere allowed,
and no trains move without a guard.
The real collapse of Spain ia not in the
failure ol Spanish troops to defeat the in
surgents, but in their utter fuiluie, how
ever numerous, to restore order.
Great Suffering at Chicago.
Chicago, Jan. 23. The cold waie
struck Chicago harder today than either
yesterday or the day before, going mate
rirtlly under the lowest points of Snnday,
when the record of 23 years was broken.
At 7 a. m. today the signal service re
ported the temperature 20 degrees below
zero with no relief iu sight. At 8 the
temperature was exactly the same. A
heavy fog from the lake which enveloped
the down-town district made the cold
doubly dangeroua.
Frozdu fingeis, noses and ears were a
common occurrence, and numerous
cafes of amoie serious character were re
ported. Only one death' from cold has been re
ported to the police up to noon, that of
Fred A. Busch, 23 years old, who suc
cumbed to exposure, Ambulances, how
ever, wire kept busy conveying people
U the hospitals with feet and hands
George Grant was found in a freight
car near North street almost dead, with
bis feet badly frozen. They will have to
ba amputated.
The work of clearing the down-towu
streets of snow has bjen abandoned on
uccouut of the iutenee eld. Many men
bad no '.gloves or overcoats and nearly
4)0 were frostbitten.
Joseph Fey, driver oh,the snowplow ol
the street-cleaning department, bad bis
body and limbs so badly frozen ttiat he
will probably dia.
Eastern Weather.
Wasuington, .Ian. i'5. Advices re
ceived by the weather, bureau indicate
that the full force of the cold wave will
no: ba folt iu the Middle and South At
Umiu blutus until tonight and tomorrow
morning, when tte lowe.t-1 temperatures
the season will undoubtedly be
The entire country from the Rocky
mouuUins to tho Atlauiio coal will feel
severely the tffucts if tha cold snap,
which is duo loan exieedingly high
barometer from tho cold-breeding re
gions of tha Canadian Northwest prov
inces, pushing south aud eastward, dis
placing the lo barometer of those SC
tiuiis. Local snows aro generally reported ia
Texas and tho Mississippi valley region.
UrowDsville now has a toruet
I and is confcquently elated.
The Baker City Republican newspaper
plant was attached Tnurrday, Ci'y Ed
itor E. C. Stomn sued for 04 60 due
bin) aud hit sou for la'tor reformed.
The plaut was released from attachment
by Mr. Alley, tho proprietor, filing an
Indemnifying bond,