ir ruu uun i ncnu IF YOU SEE IT M Tlio IMaindoulor You Don't (iKttiikNkws. Tho Phundealer IT IS SO. .Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY ax, 1897. No. 96. DHKAMING. KONC. Words ty il. OXK NIORI ). Music 1y MILTON WliLLi.MGS. In my hand there steals an-oth-er, And my heart is throbbing fast. As ri- 1 H I I "- -(I ( '- 1 -B-mm Onrc n - gain I r!v-cr where the .j. : t...iiiUTL -jV Trif. r U I ' ' 1 1,1111 111111 i ' ' ! rr jfrfrjffijE -J&j. tempo, accel. rat ten tan - nf a tempo. : l. n c I N K wa tor li lira jjrun', Where tli; w l - low lir.iiK.licn tpii - vcr As the gen - tic zephyr i Mow; Audi heard tl.ooc well lov'd jy-rr-rr i"r;jt. V -f :FP - 4-T.-1 v VV I" --z.---rjgri -r.-pr - y v 1 -r- vvn ' l v111 1 v-rP- whis pcrs that to - geth-er We will cling un-to the last ! Then I mur mur that 111 love him Vhat-so-ev - cr may be p a tempo. I tV 1-1-1-ttrrr VTVVrjr I r r , r " " at -ii'iiti That (ik c held iny licit t ill llir.ill, And tlicy wlii;, jht M wnrd ( I nnu ie, I was drcam-ing that v.-:. ;;!! ! T w a: ram . ) . l...L.t ... . 5 I m m it rM 2.1 a J rjT - .4 :: TO ;. ; dti:aiiiiiig only dreaming, 1 is dreaming, mat was ail I I was dreaming, on ly dreaming, I was dreaming, that was all! J x J U 1 .JSL v w i j 0 lis - UViUi voce. Jf 3 3 4-4- r1 irSt : (all, And my soul is fill'd with rap-ture Tis no dream ing a(-tcr all ! Tis no dream - ing af-tcr all ! Tis no PS:;:i: J ziffiS ztiti&X tfVL&ff j -.I .1. . .. , , i..- j drcaming.'Tis no dreaming.Tis no dreaming after all i 'Tis no dreaming.'tis no dreaming.'tis no dreaming after aH ! colla voce. W?) d m wt jSj j tempos A. SALZMAN, (Mui vinior to i. JAHKU1 KK.J Irac(ical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. UKALIlt IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWEMtY, AND FANCY tiOODS. Iliipwl ft Bail (jollllllHl II rUxiliUII i; alflMM4M Itlld HK''(n'ltM A I'OMl'I.KTB HTOI K K Outlory, NotioiiH, Tobacco, Cigars iuid Sinokers' Ailieles. AIho rroprlclor and llanager of KoHcbur's Famous Uargaiu Store. mm rr r I ( louUr, I-'InIi uiiU Uumv, II. I. UULJITIU, III MCIIMUII. l'rirlvlr of The City Meat Market, And Dolor lu PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRCSH MEAT3 OP ALL KIINU5. Order taken nd Dtllvorod True lu any imt ul llio City. Roseburg, Or. 2 Real Estate Bought and Sold JW VOJMAEAMSJIUAr. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMKDIATE rOSSESKION GIVEN. . Stock Raugcs, Timber Lauds and Miuiug Properties, Pruuc aud Hop Lauds of best quality, iu choice locations, iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Iuquire of 3D. S. K. BUIOK, jftvaa b1 , -(AaBB 1.7VT IC Dll I TJ t- T f TVT "V IHuuccttul to U. W. NUAU.l General Blacksmithing I KOn INCl AND RUNNING PLATUS A 5PIXIALTY, KKl'AlliINU OF ALli KINXJU I'HOMl'iLY UONK. HUuii uu CuVuir WUIUiilou aud Uauc him., KuhvUuik. ft. J ' - lft, (ft. ft ' S. - Dreaming. PIANOS. In order to eleee out our Httik of and teeuii.l Iminl piiiuoe, e will effer ihein ut eoet. It is our intention to close out our liiHiiH'RH as tjiiickly as poatiblo, uud m older to do Ihis wc ill bo com pel hud to so 1 1 at n very low tljjuro and on such small iiietulluicnts that it will not pay you to rent. Therefore we will call in all our rented pianos and organs nnd give you the benolit that wo have received as rent. We have iu all eixtceu piauos which we will tell from flOO to $100; 6 aud f 10 por mouth in&talluieuts. Kea sonable discoitut for cash. (ireat reJuction iu violins, goilars aud all musical goods. Sheet music 50 per cent disceuut. Scud for catalogue. All orders promptly tilled. T. K. RiciuitusoN, Uoeeburg, Or. Ceinpetiiion uever worries us, lecuse we "buy rixlil" heuco "sell right." Tho facts are those ; every move iu oar tiiisiiK'PH is ouly uiiido after the most careful confederation, nothing left to chuueu. Shoes have advanced in price but not with an. We sell you a good oil graiu tlioo for tl.'J5 and upwards, fine shoes in proportiou. If you doubt ue, couio and see us, couviuce yourself that we have what we advertise. We don't care to do all the business iu towu, t ut waut to get a share of it. Wo firmly believe that a couceru that gives its customers exceptionally good values in every instance is bound to go nbeud yoar by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire business. Every dollars worth of goods must give the wearer satisfaction eveu the all wool absolutely fast color f 4.00 suits. J. Aiihaium'h Clothing House. To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under tood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with tho order. 1 find it impoHsiblo to do busiuesd on a credit basis, and be live that I can do better by uiy patrous aud myself by selling strictly for cash. 1 UuNKUii'K, Undertaker. ' Hoscburg, Ore., April 12, 18! 15. Notice to Stockholders. The uunuar meeting of thu stockhold ers of the Douglas Couuty Agricultural Acuocialiou will be held at the court house iu Itotoburg on Mouday, l'ebruary let, 18U7, for the purpose of electiug bovou diroctors for the ensuing year and other business that tusy come before the meeting. K A. McCall, Secretary. 1'luiU goods, toys, uovoltlcs of all kiudi IU& tt ItU pi ices al SaUwaa'i. LIST OF ROAD SL'PERVISpRS. PROTECTION WILL BE PERMA-NENT. o. 0. 7. 8. II, 10. 11. l- 13. 1-1. 15. 10. 17. 18. 1'J. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 27. 28. 20. 33. 31. .32. 23. 34. 35; 3ii. 37. 33. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 41. 45. 40. 47. 48. 4'J. 60. 51. 62. 63. 54. 55. 50. 57. 58. 50. 00. 1; 03. 03. John Gabriel, Gardiner. Win. Sagebard, Soottsburg. Nelson Kydoll, Miktou. J. W. Spalding, l'raiu. W. A. Peas'.ey, lrin. Otto Anlauf, Couistock. J. U. Samler, Yoncalla. tteo. McDougal, Yoncalla. Jas. Clark, Elk Head. W. W. Wilson, Yoncalla. W. D. Moore, Kellogg. C. A.McNabb, Oakland. 1. W. M. Kinney, Oakland. Jerome Smith, Yoacalla. E. B. Lynn, Oakland. A. E. Smith, Oakland. E. II. I'inkston, Oakland. Dwight Keed, Oakland. Frank Gorrell, Stephens. E. T. Woodruff, Cleveland. James Cooper, Wilbur. Jsmes Darrow, Wilbur. S. D. Chapman, (ilide. J. J. Webb, Koeeburg. J. J. Thornton, Oak Croek. S. C. liartruui, Koeeburg. Geo. Scott, Melrose. A. S. liuell, Looking Glass. T. J. Williams, Olalla. E. E. Weekly, Lookiog Glass. Wui. Uremrmr, Brockway. EJ. Cooper, Koseburg. E. Littrell, Koeeburg. Thomas lrewer, Myrtle Creek. D. Kouvell, I'erJue. I. S. Weaver, Myrtle Creek. E. A. Strong, Myrtle Creek. Robert Eckleston, Mrytle Creek. W. V. Koyer, Dillard. A. S. Ireland, Olalla. J. It. Wilson, Camas Valley. W. A. J. Mayes, Kiddie. E. 1. Day, Canyonville. Hubert Stuart, Canjouville. Samson Freucli, liiager. L. Jones, (deudule. Chas, Watson, 1'eel. E. A. Kruse, Koeeburg. W. C. Tipton, (ilide. Wilbur Wilcox, Drain. Win. Tbouipsou, Camas Valley, L. T. Anderson, Alene. W. T. Drown, Kiddle. N. T. Jewett, Kosehurg. Arthur Walker, Gardiner. M. C. Kuckles, Kosuburg. V, Woodcock, Aleuu. Heury Hay, Gardiuer. Johu Mumpower, Drain. W. H, Viusou, Koseburg. Arthur Black, Millwood. Elmor McClay, Elktou. lieej. Eider, Olalla. Uargaiui in choke reuiuunto at the Novelty btore. bix years ago, when the McKinley bill was paseed, a doubt of the value of pro tection was created in tbe minds of the people by tbe free-traders, who made no end of promises. The days of Iree-trade were far in the past, and the people had forgotten them. In tbe fight for the continuance of the McKinley law the battle had to be waged at two points. The policy of protection as a general principle had to be battled for and the speciHc provisions of the McKinley bill bad to be defended. Today the doubt of the wisdom of protection as a general priuciple has practically vanished. Ex perience has banished it from the minds of tbe people. Tbe tbeoristr land bare- brained philosophers are ouce more severely alone in their adherence to the fallacy ol free trade. Tbe new law to which President McKinley will sitm bis name will not have to do battle for the cause of protection, but only for itself as a tit exemplar of the American system. It has ouly half the battle which the Mc Kinley bill had, and it will have nearly double the lime in which to fight it be fore the next presidential election. In six year, tbe McKinley bill, because of the prosperity of the country during its existence, and still more because of the industrial disaster which has followed its repeal, bas wou its double battle. In tbe three years which the new law will in all probability have in which to fight its battle there is no doubt but that it will win gloriously and that the country will settle dowu to a long eriod of en joyment of protection and prosperity. Tbe people will have uo desire to repeat the the evil experience of the past four years. Hoy Orator Uryau will, with truth, then bo able to say, ''The tariff is uot an issue." It will not be an issue, because it will have beeu settled in a proper manner for the protection of all American interests. American Economist, to any Indian to whom an allotment of land bas not been made, while the title is held in trust by tbe government. Maddox of Georgia argued that the bill was unconstitutional. The bill passed 82 to 22. No flore NVhlakey. Washington, Jan. 18, The attend. ance in tho house today was vry light, a dull session being anticipated. An arrangement had been made whereby tlio day was to be given to business re ported by the committee on the District of Columbia, There was a first geueral call of committees. From the committee uu ludiau affairs a bill to prohibit the sale of Intoxicating drinks to Iudiaus was called up, and oc casioned some debate. The bill imposes a tiue of f 10O and imprisonment for CO days upon any ersoii Mho shall sell iu toikatUig liquors ol uy kind whatever W. C. T. V. There it a great profit in tbe cigarette business and largely for this reason it is carried on in ita present enormous pro portions. The American tobacco trust claims that in one year it made a clear profit of 14,000,000 from the sale of cigar ettes. In Indiana we have a law prohi biting the sale of cigarettes to children. Tbe accomplished cigarette smoker is not content with a regular ' puff ; bnth e iraws the smoke into the depths of his lungs, holds it there a moment and then expels it through bis mouth and note. This poison is thus allowed to penetrate every portion of the lung cavity and by absorption is taken into tbe blood. Physicians who have mado tbia a special study declare that cigarette smoking is another form of tbe opium habit! Senator McClung's joint resolution presented and passed iu tbe senate Wednesday afternoon providing for tbe distribution of ninety sets of Hill's An notated code to the several legislators gave rise to a palpable breeze of disfavor aiuoug certain senators wno leel mat this benuial custom is a needless ex travagance and the resolution was loaded with amendments abating the number of eels to various and meagre lots. Keed of Douglas talked straight to the point in behalf of an abridgement of the order, declaring that neither house bad use for such a number of codes; that eight or ten sets to each house was ample, and that even those should be marked aud held as property of the house and senate respectively and should be used from sesBiou to session until worn out, and then replaced. Sel ling of Multnomah was well lo tbe front with a similar expostulation, urging tbe necessity of the senate itself setting an example in retrenchment and economy in its own expenditures; but, despite these thrifty conclusions, tlio resolution carried by a very decided ailiruiatlve vote Salem Statesman. Cleveland denounced as a bill of "per fidy and dishonor," but of which be nowtays, "if allowed a fair opportun ity," "it will in the near future yield a revenue which, with reasonably econom ical expenditures, will overcome all deficiencies." It has been in force now (or two years and four months and the president or his secretary of the treasury should explain why it has not been "al lowed a fair opportunity." Nobody but the present administration bas placed any obstacles in its way. For the next fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, a. further deficit of $45,713,970 is estimated, so how long a period of time most a 'fair opportunity" be expected to coyer? The National Recording Secretary of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'uiou, Mrs. Clara Hoffman, will come to Roseburg, February, 22. She comes with the full and expressed determina tion to do us good. Miss Willard says of her : "We are seuding our very beet to you Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman whom we call "Great Heart," and whom yon will call by the same uame when you know her as we do. She is the Thomas II. Benton of the prohibition cause, every whit as able as that great .senator of Missouri. She will strengthen and build up every lighteoua cause and no one w ill haye a word to say against her except tbe oligarchy of tbe liquor trailic." Mrs. barker, National Treas urer, says of her: "Mrs. Hoffman is one of our very best speakers a born orator. Her tine education and quick ierceptiou gives her unusual power over her audiences." Scoool fleeting. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of districts No. 4 of Douglas county, State of Oiegon, that a special school meeting of said district will be held at the school house on the 30th day of January, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. in. for the following objects! For the pur nose of voting a tax fur tbe followlna school year ; and do any other business that may come before the meeting. S. 0. Flint, Chairman. Mus. A lick SujiiiUMN, Clerk. Secretary Carlisle's "comfortable sur plus" bas uow resolved itself into an es timated deficit of 104,500,000 for the current fiscal year. This result has beeu arrived at by thu secretary of the treasury "uou the basis of existing laws." This ueaus tho democratic "tariff for revenue ouly," kuowu as tho Goruiau-W'jleou bill, which President Uuvfajcu'a Aruivta stalvft, Tho Hum Salve In the world for Cut, Uruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuui, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped. Hands Chillbaius, Corns, and all akin Erup tions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 ceuta per box. For sale at A. CM ureters A Co. Dr, Fred Hayue dote crown and bridge work iu au up to date tuauuer.