Tot' IN. i in miilliiuiliini' IF YOU see it m IF YOU DON'T READ ( l--tt a a . a. a Tko Plaindoalor Tho Plaindealer . HIM M 4 it is so. You Don't Gkt tub News, Vol. XXVIlf ROSKBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1897. No. 95. , ltMIIMMl" urn ix m i li"Y aTO t. A. SALZMAN, (HurOMMr to i. JABKULKft., .radical i Watchmaker, t Jeweler i and : Optician. .DIAI-IR IN WATCMK-, CLOCKS, J RWKLHT AND FANCY GOOD. a a mm . jev. (jniiulun llritltl"ii 1yn OIummom nnl iocioli-i A COJU'LSTB STOCK Of Uutlory, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Artlclns. kUo IVoprlotor and Manaicer of Uoncburg'- Famous HarRaln Htore. LI T Dl llHin ro-itrjr, Kl.ta nud uatna. m n. T. BLUMLV i--- . X 2 I'roinlulor of J The City Meat Market, 5 Ati'l DrIcr In PRIME IJACON, AND I'MISM MRAT5 Onlnrt laknn end Itollvtirnd Free lo any rlol Ilia Ctljr. A.C.MAR5TERS&Co "sTcill Paper A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell. LIMEPLRSTER AND CEMENT. A FULL LIME OF WINDOW GLASS ALL ORDCRS PROMPTLY FILLED. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Rauges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending prices and easy terms, inquire 01 3D. S. K. BXJIOK, toanliMVA, aaa M mm.m CJaxwaaa ja- Uaeeifcu BAttT AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OH TDK Southern Paclilc Co. ipra.t IrmlBI laav Purtlaad. Sally Houth TTwr. I North TvT Ar. Portland Ar. HotH'biirt I-v. Hun KranflliK I.v. 11:10 A. M 11:4ft r. u 7:U0 r. 6 ns A.M. 11:16. M. Above ralus atop at Kaat Portland, Oremii City, Woodburn, ttalem, Turner, Marlon, J " eon, Albany, Tangent Hliedda, lielevy, Herrla biirg, JunotlonCity. Kuiiuue, Croawell, Cottage OrovB, Uraln, end all Hallom Irom Rotcbur Aihland luulunlvo. Hoeeburg fflall Dally. i:H0i. M. I Lv. Portland t:il0r. M. I Ar, Kmwhurg - 1 TWr. 8:00 A. I.r. 4 oo r. . I I.v. 6:16 r. m. Ar. ""Portlaud HHlvm Ar. I.T. 10.1S A. M. 8:00 A. M. P1NIINO CAH8 OX OOUtN HOt'TE. Pullman DufTet Sleepers AND SECONIr.CI-ANS II.EFHNO CAMS AVtaobed to H Through Trttot. West Side Division. Betweeu 1'orUaud mad Cor ralll Mali train dally (except Sunday). 7 m a u. I l.v. lrortlaud Ar. I 6.20 r. if lailftr. Sl Arl CorvulUn 1.. Mt-Sr. At Albany and Oorrallla ooiineut with traini ol Oregon Central 4 Kaaturu railroad. Iiprcu train dally (oxcoptBumlay). lUr. u. I Lv! 1'oTiTTiud " Ar. :. u. IMT. m. Ar. MoMlnvlllo 1-v. (i Ma. H. Tkroagb Ticket lo all I'oluta lu lh Una tern Htutoa. Canada and Kuropa chu be obtained at low at rate Irora Ucorfc t:ut, Agent Uoeobarg. Ji , K0IB MR, ' KOQKBH, MlliMM. Anil. U. r. A AU J'OHTLAND 'JHEU0M. HAMS, LARD, J OH ALL KINDS. Roseburg, Or. 5 .DBTJG-G-ISTS. purchasers, at reasonable FKOM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR rOI.NT8 Jhe) Nortkerh) Pacific) RAILROAD li lb Lino to Takt To all Points East and South, r tk the DINING CAK U0UTK. Itruni through VESTIBULID TRAINS KVIBY DAY IN TUB YEAR to HT. PAUL ano CHICAGO (MOCHANOIOrCARB) Cameit el Dining Ctrl Uniurpaned, Pullman Drawing Itoem Sleeperi, 01 Lattil liulpment. TOUHI8X SI.KCPINU VAHS Bt that can be eouatruotcd and In which eoooinmfxIaUoin are both FKKK and rUKNIUHKU to holdon ol FlrM or beoond-olaaa 1'loketu, and EI.EUANT DAY t'OI'l 1IE8 A Coutluuoui Lino connecting with All Line, airoraing uircct and Uulntvrruptod Horvlce. fullnan oleepei ntaerratloui ran be tooured adrance throuKb any agent ol tho road. to THRnilRH TirfTS t.. ..i i,,,. .n Auorlfa, England aud Kuroneiau bit iiiiniiiiuuut lo at t any Tlckul Olhoo ol thla Company. full lufnnuattou concerning ratea, time ol tralna, routa and other detalla (urnlahed on appuuauua wi U. t. K. UVICK, Local agentat Koubru,Or,,or A. 1). OIIAHI.TON, Aililantanerl 1'aMCDRor AkouI, No, Ul rirtt Ht., i or. Wa.l,fi,ijluu, 7Vw? di False- . - m. .m . I. If you're .feel-lnf? ve ry a. Or a man with an urn m pa - per, just to while the watch birA, lest he jab you A- r eet a cor - ner seat. thought that you'd cs - cape. Cifrw f?ct This is re - 1. 'tis not talk, while you're rid - ing by the shape. Jn 1 ff ' . r-v TT 1 N T way; In a c - ty like New York, such things hap - pen cv-'ry day. - i E,j-r t t $ ? t y r jrr STREET CAH- Words and Music tr r -P a c- v tired, af.ter forWrharUM brella, en-'trinf bn.lcly bye and 5c time a - wa. And you ha.l a in the eye. Or fat v.o - men fS$1 Ten to one tome chim - sy !;:! - ber Will get on and lean a-ga.nst you. 1 T- - j-- z-: SF rU Copvticht. The New York Musical Echo Co, Or .1 very stately matron vill gtt on nt a side streef, And remark to some one near her; "In that corner there's a seat." Or a woman with ft baby will do all that she can do To draw from you loudest praises, while it wipes its feet on you. Ctcr-w This is real, &C. Or a lovely elder maiden, clutching at a hanging strap, Is somehow precip'tatcd in your unoffending lap; Or a kic) fellow, mzlc-dazlc, will get hie) on to the same car And insist hie) that you shall listen to a (4tV) member of the bar. This is teal, &c So that you will dream of future, hoping for some kind With compartments that are private, place to smoke a Rack, to hold your caper handy, place to put your feet lXit, you bet, you'll never get it till your work on earth C'terw This is real, &c by JOHN De WITT. day. And you buy an eve-ninjr bye, Makes you nervous while you pass - ing street-car. wbere yoa with th:ir bask - ets, whom you will then tread up - on your press - ing you an oui oi 1804. of car good cigar, upon is doue. - -- 1 4 J t a gntMgnWWBMaW 1 i A FREE TRADE BOOIE. The following from the Daily Antorian to loatljr and forcibly put the car, that we give It to oar readers with onr en dorsement: The New York Herald, the leading organ of tbe rlcb importer! of that city, baaalwajs len a sealoua advocate of free trade. It face la set against pro tection in any form. Hence it bitterly opposes an extra session of congress oezt spring to pass a republican protec tive tariff measure. It says : "An extra session of congress would be cloee to a positive affliction. Ask the merchants, whorelooking forward to period of prosperity, what they think of it. It may do very well.for the politi cian, wbo bave lueir own little axes to grind, and who don't carewbo tarns tbe grindstone, but so'. far as tbe rest cf IhS people are concerned it would be dis astrous. It would sandbag business and so dare our merchants that new enter prises and ventures would come to a standstill." The Herald is disiogennous. What caused the stagnation in commerce and industry after tbe election of Cleveland in 1892, whereby it became certain that democratic tariff tinkeringwonld com to paes? Every importer stopped importing, aod devoted his energies to disposing of the stock of foreign goods he bad on hand. He wished toait until the new tariff went into operation, so that he could import at a low rate of duly. Every manufacturer whose products would be affected by the importation of similar foreign goods at lower duties, stopped manufacturing goods for a mar ket six months ahead. To avoid Joes be bad to wait until the new tariff law was enacted, so that he could ascertain bow far his interests were affected. Wboletale and retail merchants bought only those goods for wbicn there was an immediate demand, and reduced their stocks as low as possible, to avoid loss frooa the new and lower scale of prices which tbe lower tariff would make in evitable. Hence the business stagnation was in duced by the reduction of the tariff on competing goods. Tbe threat hanging over all was a reduction of duties a re duction which was so great that, even with increased imports, the revenue de rived from duties baa never equalled the expenditures of tbe gove?nment. Tbe extra session of congress will be called to enact a tariff law on opposite lines. It is to give adequate protection to the domestic manufacture of foods with which imported goods compete. There will be nothiog in this proced ure to cause any importer to stop im porticg, or manufacturer to cease manu facturing, or merchant to let his stocks run down. The enactment of a protect ive law will improve tbe conditions of domestic industry and commerce, not cripple them. This is not a mere theory; it is proved by facts. Look Lack to 1890, when the McKinley bill was being debated in eon- grate. Business was Driex, tne muis and factories were all working. The re vision of tbe tariff on protective lines did not injure any business interest. It is tbe threat of a removal of adequate protection which is injurious. The Herald's argument is fallacious and insincere. The extra session will briog none of tbe evils which it predicts. It will promote prosperity, not hinder it. PIAN03. In order to close out our stock ol new and tecond band pianos, we will, offer them at cost. It is our intention to close out our business as quickly as possible, and in order to do this we will be com pelled to sell at a very low figure and on such small Installments that it will not pay you to rent. Therefore we will csll in all our rented pisnos and organs and give yoj the benefit that we bave received as rent. We have in all sixteen pisnos which wo will sell from f 100 to (400; 5 and (10 per month icatallments. Rea son able discount for cash. Great reduction in violins, guitars snd all musical goods, bbeet music 50 per rant discount. Send for catalogue. All orders promptly filled. T. K. Richardson, Roseburg, Or. To the Public. On and after this date, I wish It under stood that my terms for all undertaker's aoods are cash with tbe order. I And n hi to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better oy my patrons and myself by selling smouy lor casn. T. BxNXDicK. Undertaker. Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1805. Notice to Stockholders. Th annual meeting of the stockhold ersoftbe Douglas County Agricultural Association will be held at the court house In Roseburg on Monday, February tt. 1897. for the purpose of electing seven directors for tbe ensuing year and other business that tnsy come before the meeliug. F. A. McCaul, Secretary Caro Bros. Must sell their immeuse stock inside nf aiiv ilava. leeardloss of'cost. If any cue wishes to got bargains tkey must ...II annn. as thev mean business. Tbls isuo humbug. If you doubt their word call and be convinced. Solid silver novelties at SaUraau'f. ROSEBURO B. A L. ASSOCIATION. Theannoal report ofjithslseerettry ft as follows : . To tbe officers sad Itoxhotdera ol Iks Roeeborg Building and Loan At sods lion ef Roeeborg , Oregon : Your secretary respeetfolly gnbsaita thla, the eighth snnual tUleauat of the associa'lon, for the year endlag Decem ber 31, 18M: aicitrra. Cash on band last report. 8S7 ,. 4,330 tt ,. IO OA . 2.T20 Ti . 211 23 ..17,363 U ... aeee 7,108 8ft BO .. 126(19 . 8 CD 20 6000 .. . 2000 Monthly Installments Expense fees Interest Fines Total DisaraaLsuxTS Real eatat mortgagee ...... Btcck mortgagee.: Surrendered stock Secretary's salary Printing Stationery and stamps Attorney's fees Court fees Total 7,307 86 Bal. on bandiDec. 31, 1896 6 69 ASSBTB. Notes and mortgagee......... 834,536 00 Notes stock 16,04 08 Delinquent dues 112 00 " interest 316 88 " floes 234 71 Fines on delinquents 6V 6B Amt. in foreclosure suits in sc- tion 1,213 54 Safe Ii5 00 Cah on hand 65 69 Total 853037 18 LIABlLITIM. 367 shares ol stock for 96 months 135,232 00 Unearned Interest 75 28 Gain 817,819 00 cf shares oa roll last state No ment No. of shares cancelled Now on roll Ae'oalcash value per share, 877 18 387 Jan1, 1897 Coal value, 1897 No. of share holders N of loans made, 1894 No of loans made Update.. .. Highest No. months advance interest 148 totf 83 22 00 Largest loan 11,000 00 .40 00 Smallest.... Average 312 60 Withdrawal value 120 27 U. Uakxs, Becy. Roseburg, Or., Jan. 11, 1897. To the offieers and stockholders of the Roeeborg Building and Loan Associa tion: We, your auditing eotamittee, hereby certify that we bave examined the books, vouchers and reports of the secretary for the year ending December 31, 18Q8, and find the same correct. K. L. Miixu, M. F. Ratt, Auditing Committee. A CAUCUS LAST NIOHT. . Salkm, Jan. 13. A caucus was held at the capitol last night and John H. Mitchell was unanimously nominated for senator. There were present 43 republi cans andone populist, the latter being Nosier. When the caucus convened and It -was found thtt'only a minority wss present there was considerable objection to ae ii jn of any sort being taken, but the ob jectors were silenced by the reading of a letter from Senator Carter, in which be declared that be would abide by tbe cau cus, and a statement from Patterson of Marion that his collesgae, Geensr, would vote for the nominee. The caucus was called to order by Brown of Morrow. There were present 13 senators and 29 representatives, as follows: Benson, Johnson, Lake, . Langell, Marsh, McClung, Morrill, Mitchell, Nosier, . Palm, . Patterson of Marion Price, Rigby, . Smith of Marioa, Sowers, Stanley, Tsylor, Thomas, Thompson, Vaughn, Veness, Wsgoer. Bridges, Brownell, Brown, Cat breath, Chapman, Conn, Craig, Crawford, David, Dawson, Driver, Go wan, Gurdane, narmon, Haueltine, Uobsoo, Hogue, Hope, Hudson, Hughes, Jennings, The result of the caucus is not thought to bsve Increased Mitchell's chance lor re-election, and the opposition emphat ically declares be is beaten. At the close of ye. ler Jay's session, Bourne still held the key to tbe situa tion In the bouse with the probability tbat organlsstiou would not be effected today. Tho Kandy Kltcheo had a big trade during tbe holidays. Tho people are beginning to And out that it Is the only place you can get candy that li fit to eat.. b I I 1 1