The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 24, 1896, Image 3

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DEC KM BE li 21.1SV6.
Sheep dip at Mareterb.
lAmo and sulphur at Maulers'.
A Salxmau. th rcliahlo jeweler.
Caro Bros, aro the Ikx8 merchants.
Go to thi Uosoleaf (or the best cigar.
ItcKiuley and Bryan hats at tho Nov
elty. Wood taken on subscription M thia
go to A. C. Marstors A Co. lor 6chool
Get your wihool books at MulBtere'
drg store.
.ilaskers buy our masks at the Nov
elty Stow.
for first-class dentistrv go to Dr. Little
o! Oakland.
School books aud sutionory at Mar
stars' Drug Store.
Pure fresh groceries and low prices at
Cam beer's grocery.
1. S. Wesf doe insurance. OfEce
opposite tho post office. .
Neatsfoot oil, machine aud lubricating
oijj at Markers' Drugstore.
n rice line of gents' iboea at J. Abraham's-
Prices just right.
All work warranted first class by It.
W, Benjamin, dentist.
Key West, imported
cigars-at tho Rose.eaL
An excelleut line of
Martters Drag Store.
Goods below cost at Caro's
the the time for bargains.
Nobby suits and latest styles at Little
Jack's. Prices very low.
All styles and qualities of hats at Abra
ham's. Bedrock prices.
Munyon'a Honiiepathic Remedies for
sale at Marsters' Drue Store.
Au endless variety of combs, hair and
dollies brashes at Marsters.
For bargains in family groceries, call
at the Pepole's btcie, Cass itreet.
Fred Flood, lawyer, room 9, Talor&
Wilson block, Roseburg, Oregon.
Mcnyon's Homeopathic Remedies at
A. C. Marsters &. Co.'s drug store.
Bring your clocks ar.d watches to Slow
Jerry the reliable jeweler tor repairs.
Country piodnce ot ail kinds bought
and sold at Case beer's grocery store.
Cold weather calls for xpoJ warm un
derwear. You'll find them cheap at the
NoTelty Store.
and domestic
toilet soaps at
Now is
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is acthorited
to receive and receipt for subscription to
the Plaisoeaixs.
Fine gold and silver fillings pui in by
R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Prices to
suit the times.
Have your dental work done by R. W.
Benjamin, dentist. All work guaran
teed first class
"Live and let 'Ate" is Dr. R. W. Ben
jamin's motto. Dental work done at
bedrock prices.
Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex- i
ander A Strong's, everbroogbt to Rose-1
burg and at prices lower than ever.
Bring yonrjob worlrto the Plaevuxal
ks office We are prepared to do the
cheapest and beat work south of Port
jtnd. Save money and time. To parties
going East, go by the O. It -A N. short
ronte. Call on or write to V. C. London,
Roeeborg, Oregon.
N. Rice, at bis ware rooms on Jackson
opposite Marts' iron front, has choice
household furniture and tin ware at
prices to sail the times.
Take notice. Dr. Benjamin, the dent
ist, is permanently located and guaran
tees all bis work. Give him a call and
examine work and prices.
If you don't watt to suffer with corns
and bunions, bave roar boots and shoes
made at L. Lahzenburg's. Repairing
neatly and promptly done
For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call
on VVollenberg & Abraham, whose stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
The Square Deal stcifrhas jost opened
ap a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove U be the best shoes
made. Come and inspect tbem.
I am prepared to offer lumber or wood
at reduced prices. I am taking in lum
ber and wood on old accounts and in
trade for goods. T. K. RiautDsox.
A. C. Hoxie sells dour at 75c and SOc a
sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 73 cents.
People should take advantage of these
prices and give him their patronage.
N. Rice, one of our enterprising furni
ture dealers baa now on sale a fine lot of
furniture of the latest style and finish.
Give him a call before purchasing else
where. L. Langenbnrg is still on top. He
carries a full stock of choice music, mu
sical instalments, violin, guitars, accord
eons etc, violin strings of best quality
always on hand.
Slow Jerrv the jeweler has 14 carai
filled gold lidies watches now on 3ale.
Prices reduced from i25 to 15, decided
bargains. Don't fail to examine them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Those ha. vine second hand stoves,
furniture, etc, lor salo. can receive the
highest cash price by calling upon N.
Eice, the furniture and supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
Jack Abraham, genU furnisher, keeps
the best goods and latest of every thing
in bis line, and sells them at a lower
price than any of his competitors. He
lso sells boots and Ehoes at astonishing
low prices.
The cheap rates,twelve dollars cabin
aud six steerage, including meals and
berth are still in effect on the O. R.
A N. Co'e. steamers from Portland to
San Francisco. ,
Steamer leaves Portland every five
days. Vtu-sEV C. Lo.nik.jc, Agent.
Notice is hereby given to tho public
bv the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
ihomnn nr unnd or srravel taken
UUlilliVU ... . w .... J
v,Qfrm nnlfEs the nartv taking sand
or gravel first contract with mo for the
right to so ao.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aakok Robe,
Roseburg. Oregon. March 17th, 18Po
You know coffee is used
fresh - roasted. Tea ought
lo be for the same reason
the taste.
Ours -are the only tea-
firing works in the united
States; Schilling s Best is
always frcsh-firecl when it
leaves our hands.
K Scholar i Vayany
San Fttntiico
For Bale by
Kruao Sc r-bambrook.
Holiday goods at Sahman's.
Go to Salztnan'a for souvonir spoonB.
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mra.N.
County claims and warrants bought by
D. S. West.
A. C. Karris of Medford is registered
at tho Van Houten.
G. W. Short of Wilbur is in the city
today on business.
John Yocum of Riddlo is in tho city
today attending court.
ino grand march at tho Elk's
will comraenco promptly at 9:30.
You can find what you want in
way'of holiday goods at Salinian's.
Call and see the new line of Indie's
8uoos, just received at Parrott Bros.
Hush goods, toys, novelties of all
kinds and at all prices at Salznian'e.
Mrs. H. Eaaton has choice candies,
nuts and sweetmeats the best on sale.
Prof. Cochran of tho Wilbur school
mado this office a friendly call today.
Dr. Fred Haynes does crown and
bridge work in an up to date manner.
If you fail to attend the Elk's ballon
Christmas night you will be sony for it.
H. II. Nichols, constable from Riddlo
is a witness in tho Cbas. Yocum case to
day. Everything that is new, nice aud
pretty in the way of Jewelery at Salz
mati'd Keep our clothing in mind when
making the boys a present. Novelty
Money to loan. Call at tho otfico ol
I. F. Rice, real estate dealer, Roseburg,
.Money to loan. Call t the office of
I. F. Rice, real estate dealer, Roseburg,
Try Allison's Eastern hams and lard.
Fine citrons, currants and raisins at
me new mte uranue iron waro
selling last at Churchill, Waolley it Mc
e are displaying holiday goods
come and look in cur how cases. Nov
elty Store.
John Ncdham'd little girl, about five
years old, died Monday night of putrid
sore throat.
n. uoienbaugti ot Middle Ureek is in
the city to lav as a witness in the Chas.
Yocum case.
Puie Cream Rje whiskey and rock
candy at the Sena'e. P. 0. corner, 400
Jackson street.
Ginger ale. Arista Water, EoJas, and
other soft drinks at Slow Jerry's drink
emporium, n.iw on draft.
K. j. uorr, who our citizens win re
member f poke in Slccurn's hall in the
campaign cf 1S04, is dead.
Claude Riddle, editor of the Riddl
Mite, was in the city last Sunday looking
after mites for the "Mite."
Miss Emma Smith went to Glendale
this morninz to spend the holidays with
her sister, Mrs. 0. F. Rohrcr.
Christmas tomorrow. May all the
patrons of the Plaixdeaelb and the rest
of mankind enjoy themselves.
Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps tba best grocer
ies. Bacon and lard a specialty.
R. L. Stephens returned from Cali
fornia Monday night -with the man he
went after, viz,. Charles Yocum.
Dexter Rice, a law student of Port
land came up Monday night to visit his
parents here during the holidays
Henry Yocum, our old and esteemed
friend ol Riddle is in the city lodav at
court in the case cf Chas. Yocum.
Read John & Lea's great "at ccs
sales into day's paper. Shop 220 Main
street, next door to Van Houten.
tlbur mown ol ueer ureefc came
down from his ranch Wednesday. Hej
says the fcg is as high up as his place.
Teeth extracted with the use of eu
caine. No pain, no danger, it does not
effect the heart. Dr. F. W. Haynes.
Mrs. Cipt. W. II. Porter of Portland
arrived on this morning's train to spend
Xmas with her mother, Mrs. A. D. San
ders. Do not allow your system to get weak
and debilitated. It is easy to keep well
and strong by taking Hood's Sarsapa-
We have seen the Elk's souvenir pro
gram for their ball on Xmas night it is
very unique 3nd characteristic of their
Ladie3 call and see our new Hoe of
embroidered and silk handkerchiefs. We
bave a fine assortment at the Novelty
Rev. J.T. Day of Eugene will preach
in the Baptist church in this city Sun
day morning and evening at the usual
Special attention is called to our fine
line of jewelry and optical goods we in
vite you all to come and learn our pneeb
at Salzman's.
Chance for a phonograph at Marsters
& Gillett's Marble shop on Oak street,
west of the post office. Tickets going off
like hot cakes.
Buy your shoes at the Novelty Store
and if they contain shoddy inBolee, etc.
they will tell you. Oar aim is to sell
you a good shoe.
The ElkB will have a jolly timo on
Xmas night. They are all full of fun
and those who attend will appreciato tho
merry occasion.
McKinley coffee at Allison's. It will
give you confidence, cause you to dream
of prosperity, and protect you in your
declining years.
The great ice gorge on the Chippewa
river, in Wisconsin, which was expected
to wipe out a dozen cities or bo at one fell
71 BWO0P, 18 litulUK unaj no uuidwi;
poiwcratic ticket after a November elec
Christmas is coming and Allison has
ust received a uew lino' of candies, nutB,
oranges and lemons.
A largo number of persons from Rid
dle aro in the city today as witnesses in
the case of State of Oregon vs. Chas.
Candy for thu ChriHtnma trade at tho
Kitchen fresh and clean. Don't buy
this swilly stuff that comes from the
wholesalo houses.
Ad Hnrmon, of tho Senate, has just
received a consignment of Key West
and domestic cigars. Smokers, don't
orgot the place. P. 0. corner.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Tynan went to
Grants PaeBthis morning to spend the
holidays with Mrs. Tynan's parents. Dr.
and Mrs. Will Jackson.
"Cuba Libre" is the cry of tho Cubans
n their stiiigglo for liberty, as "Amer
ican Independence" was that of our
fathers in 1770 to 17S3.
air. ana .urs. h. K. byKes ot l-tigeno
aro in tho city. They came up to at
tend tho Sykes-LinEfcr wedding and to
visit relatives and friends.
Jo uu Applegato ot loncalla.camo
down today on buriness at the court
house, Mr. A. is not an admirer of the
Orcgonian's Cuban views.
A. S. Buell of looking Glass came
over Irom that yille S ednesuay the
first time in the city since he got up
from his sick bed last fall.
The foe lifted today at 10 and this af
ternosti Old Sol spreads his benign rays
upon tho denizens of tho valley acd joy
beams from ever' eye again.
To partim who aro m arrears or who
desire to subscribe'for the Plaisdkalkk,
Wo desire to inform them that county
warrants will be taknn at par.
Wanted. Five or six hundred dollars
for three or rive ycais. First class se
curity on Roseburg inside property.
Address 53, care Plain dealer.
E. Du Gas, Physician and Surgeon,
office in Marstere' building. Cklle in
town and country promptly answered
nigh: or day. Residence. 911 Mill street.
Wm. Laugh of the South Deer Creek
copper Mines, came down Wednesday as
jubilant as a Spaniard oyer the death of the glowing proepect of his
Cyrus Burt came down from his ranch
Wednesday. Burt says W. J. Bryan has
not yet learned of his defeat November
3d and is still trvinc to make votes for
free silver.
Kruse A Shambrrok acd B. F.Alli
son have put computation scales in their
stores. This saves brain work and is
more accurate they, the scales, make
no mistakes.
Died, at Edenbower Dec. 21. ISM,
Ella May, daughter of John and Mary
Needham, aged a yeara, 3 mouths and 14
days. She was laid to rest in the Ma
sonic cemeterv Tuesday.
Ladies and gentlemen desirous of
a'.udying voicv culture and ballad sing
ing with Miss 5Iarv A. Crittenden will
please call or address her at Mrs.
Childs', 023 Stephens St.
Bailey Singleton came down Wednes
day from hij mine on Myrtle Creek with
a speciman of gold taken from his pla
cer mine and rich gold bearing quartz
from his ledc. Bailev's all right.
J. M.Rowley of East UniFqua came
down Tuesday from his high altitude
above the fog. ilesajsthe sun thine
there every day, when the fog is so
thick here you can cut it with a knife.
Good pasturage furnished at my past
tures on Roberts creek. Charges
reasonable. All stock at owner's risk.
The bej.t ot care will be given to ail
Stock entrusted to my charge.
J. M. Sciiaiiki:.
Mr. and Mr. Blackwell acd Mr. and
Mrs. Sykes will please accept the thanks
of the Plaindealer force for the bounti
ful supply cf wedding cake presented
this office this week, and all join in wish
ing the cewly married couples a Merry
Christmas and many years of connubial
ine remains ol .miss Kate fields are
on board the Steamer Bclgic now in
quarantine in San Francisco harbor.
They were put aboard tho steamer
at Honolulu, on her way from Yoka
hama and Hong Kong to San Framiico.
The remains will be cremated at the cre
matory cf San Francisco and her ashes
sent to Mount Auburn.
The case of State of Oregon vs. Chas.
Yocum for complicity with Bob Hin-
man m tho robbing of Mayes' store at
Riddle last April has called out a.large
number of witnesses from Riddle.
Much ol the testimony on tho part of
tho prosecution is quite damaging in
character. What the defence shall pro
duce will occur after we go to press.
Dr. Matchette's Indian Tobacco Anti
doto will cure any one of the tobacco
habit in 72 hours. It is compounded by
a celebrated physician, and is the resnlt
of a life time study. Guaranteed harm
less. Price, only 50 cents for a big box
enough to cure any ordinary coeo. All
druggists, or by mail, postpaid. Circu
lars free. Du. MATCitnriE,
Chicago, III,
The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a prom
nent lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y.,
was sick witli rheumatism for five
months. In speaking of it Mr. Robiu
son sayB: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm
is the only tiling that gave her any rest
from pain. Foi the relief of pain it can
not be beat." Many very bad cases of
rheumatism have been cured by it. For
sale at 50 cents per hottlo by A. C
J. II. Sykes and Miss Mamie Liuser
wero united in marriage at tho homo of
the bride's parents Wednesday evening;
Rev. T. N. Wilson officiating. The
RoBoburg K. of. P. baud serenaded then
at 9 and a grand and joyous time was
had all round as tho good things pro
vided for the occasion wero disposed of.
May joy attend this happy pair tho re
mainder of their hyes is the wish of nl
their friends which aro legion.
At Masonic Hall last Monday evening,
a public installation of the officers of O.
E. S. No. 8 was hod. Mrs. Alice Sheri
dan, retiring worthy matron, assisted
by Mrc. M. B. Conkling, worthy mar
shall, installed tho following officeis into
their respective ollices for tho ensuing
year :
Worthy mation, Miss Regii.a Rast;
worthy patron, Simon Caro; nsBociate
matron, Mrs. Mollie Shambrook; secre
tary, Mies Agnes Brown ; treasuier, Free
Johnson; conductress, Miss Helen
Smith ; associato conductress, Miss Ag
nes Jones; Adan, Mrs. Madolino B.
Conkling; Ruth, Miss Frank Howell;
Esther, MrF. Alice Sheridan; Martha
Mrs. Florence Crawford; Electa, Mrs.
Clara Rast; chaplain, Mrs. Cbarlotta
Toby; organist, Miss Elizabeth Willey;
Warder, Mrs. Bortha Caro; marshall,
D. R. Shambrook; sentinel, J. Ander
son. The installing ceremonies were per
formed by Mrs. Alice Sheridan, assisted
by Mm. M. B. Conkling, in a highly
creditable manner to themselves as well
as to tho chapter. The chapter justly
feels proud of the excellence of those la
dies in the work of tho evening.
The ceremonies were witnessed by a
largo number of invited guests, all of
whom were lavish in their praise of the
two ladies who conducted those beauti
ful and imposing ceremonies. It was
observed by many old members of sev
eral other orders that, though they had
witnessed the' installation in many of
tho orders by men, in subordinate and
grand lodges, they never saw tho work
performed so well befoie.
After the retiring worthy matron,
Mrs. Sheridan, had finished the work
with a valedictorial charge to the new
worthy matron, Miss Regina Rast, acd
an admonitary address to the members
of the order and resumed her seat. Miss
Rfgina Rest, tho new worthy matron,
mado a veiy neat inaugural addres
to the members, declaring it would be
her aim during her administration to
conduct the meetings according to law
and usages of the order, free from par
tiality or favonteism. Sbo invoked the
co-ojH.-ration of the members in the
faithful discbarge of ber official duties,
for, without their counsel and co-operation
shs said, she could hardly ho(e to
After the installing ceremonies, the
audience was treated to a musical and
literary entertainment, consisting of
tmuie, both instrumental ami vocal, and
a reci'ation by Miss Helen Smith, with
a closing concert recitation by six young
ladies, which was very fine and so
pleased the audience that they were
heartily cheered and encored.
After all the foregoing, "a feast of lea
son and flow of soul," the audience was
invited to the bacnuet hall where for
good reasons they feasted upon that
which rukes the heart glad, and for
the next hour joy nncontined was tho lot
of all who participated in the festivities
on that occasion.
On last Saturday evening at tho resi
dence of Mrs. McClarcn, tho board of
trustees of the Slate Normal School,
gave a banquet in honor of ih:; senior
class An invitation was aln extended
to the faculty and all icspomled ihrreto
Tho evening was pl-asatitly w Idled
away in conversation, music and Mng,
till supper was announced at ten o'clock.
To describe the feast before us would be
a task, so suffice to say the table was
heaped with the choicest and most deli
cate viands, and all joined in pronoun
cing the hostess, Mrs. McClaren, to be
thoroughly skilled in the culinary and
entertaining arls.
After three-quarters of an hour of
merry conversation aud eating at the
table, Mr. Benton Mires made a short
but fitting address, which was well ap
plauded. Prof. Barzee was called upon
to respond to a toast on the occassion,
and talked at some length on the cause
and effects of the social circle. He
showed that harmony is the essential
feature of happiness and that the latter
is the highest attainment of mankind
The good feeling that prevails in the
school was also made prominent.
Hon. J. T. Bridges was next called out
by the master of ceremonies, and made
a few pointed remarks. This was fol
lowed by short speeches from Wm Rub'
set anu Joe iyons. ine seniors were
next invited to speak, and each one re
sponded in a modest and an appropriate
manner. Then came a few pleasant
words from Professors Reynolds and
Bianchard. The guests thus lingered at
the table till midnight, when three
cheers were given for each of the board
of trustees, the Normal School and Presi
dent Barzee, concluding a ringing col
lege yell and a general hand fhakin?,
after which tlie event was voted a great
success and the visitoia departed.
inose present were: .Misses husie
Sawyers, Jesrie Withers, Nellie Jester,
Leota Plymale, Winnie Cutler, Mae
Zrmalt, Clara Edwards, Ida Miller.
Messrs. W. J. Looney, R. P. Goin, J. G.
I atterson and Ueo. 1 earson ol the ciats
of '97. Hon. J. T. Bridges. Hon. W. A.
Perkins, Benton Mires, Wm Rusiell, J.
A Black, Joe Lyons, Walter Kent atd
A. P. Applegate of the board. Prof, and
Mrs. Barzee, Hatiie Warner, Lola Gard
ner, C. O. Reynolds, J. F. Bianchard
and Ella Kent of the faculty.
G i EST.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Wm Hardy visited school last week.
Sirs. Joe Brown visited chapel a few
days ago.
Prof. J. G. Hefty made a short talk to
the school some timo ago.
Mr. A. Hart gave two very interesting
talks on the subject cf, '"The Battle
Field" last week.
Mr. Patterson, a brother of J. G. Pat
terson, is visiting school this week.
lhe Docindia Literary Societv will
render the following program : SoDg by
society; select reading, Cynthia Apple-
J gate; talk. Mr. Cook; recitation, Eva
jBrookheart; recitation, Wm Sneed;
I essay, Abby Taylor; select reading, Mr.
1'ooley ; Leb3te, Kesolvea tiiat wood is
, more beneficial than iron ; affirmation,
Frank Conway, Frank Nighwander and
Effa Cowan; negative, Elmer Parker,
Roy Crow and Herbert Conway.
Tho Excelsicr Society will render the
following program : Song by society ;
reading, Martha Bridges; recitation,
Lonnie Applegate; talk, Prof. Barzee;
violin solo. tAtwaru rariter; essay,
Daisy Badger; oration, W. J. Looney;
song, Ella Kent. Student.
Bill Ticket; will admit bearer to Christ
nas tree cjerclcs at 7 p. ra. December 25th.
Did You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicine has been
fonnd to bo peculiarly adapted to the re
lief and cure of all Female Complaints,
exerting a wonderful influence in giving
strength and tone to tho organs. If you
have Loss of Appetite, Constipation,
Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner
vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spalls, Electric
Bitters is tho medicine you need
Health and strength are guaranteed by
its use. Fiftv cents and $1.00 at Mar-
Bter's Drug Store.
It is estimated that the eany Eown
oats are damaged 50 per cent.
Tom Leatherwood is catching some
Une salmon with a dip net. lhere
seems to be a large run of salmon in the
G. . Stephens had a narrow escape
from losinc his Cue residence by fire
last week.
C. S. Henry is farming part of N. T
Day s farm this year, lie is living m
the house once occupied by F. Stan.
Wm Ford of Tyee has beep among us
ouymg horses, lie payea'ine iiigceai
cash prices.
Mr. Stace has purchased a larm in
Scotta Valley.
Al Goodman has rented 10 acres of
Und of F. Gorrell.
Mrs. Ford is rapidly recovering from
her illness under the skillful care of Dr,
The fishing season being opeu, there
are teams on the road daily and all ate
heayv loaded.
Geo. Crenshaw of Wolf Valley passed
through this vicinity enroute of Oakland
loaded with dressed turkeys. 31r. L. is
one of the leading sheep raisers of his
valley and has one of the finest youcg
orchards in the county. O. K
Thu nuptuals of Mibs La Ami Etta
Frater and Mr. L. A. Blackwell were
celebrated at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Frater, at
937 Oak street.
Promptly at '! o'clock as the piano
from the hall pealed forth Mendelsohn's
wedding march impressively executed
by Miss Edith Smick. The bride and
groom were ushered into the parlor and
whila they stood under a beautifully de
signed wedding bell, they were united in
the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. R.
B. Dilworth. The ceremony, although
short, was most impressive.
The bride looked charming in her
dainty wedding apparel. The dress was
white taffeta silk, with trimmings of
silk and lace, with orange blossoms.
The groom was attired in a conventional
suit of black. After the ceremony they
were congratulated by their many
friends. Dinner was then announced
and they repaired to the dinning hall,
where a most tempting menu was served.
The decorations consisting of mistletoe,
ivy and evergreens, were so artistically
arranged as to produce a most pleasing
The bride is the daughter of Douglas
county's well known and popular
treasurer, she having been one of Doug
las county's most estimable and efficient
teachers. The gootn is one of our eter
prising young farmers, who lives in the
vicinity of Gardiner, their future home,
Mrs Blackwell during her residence in
Roseburg has cnade a hort of warm
friends whose sincere wishes foil iw her
to her new home. Mr. Blackwell is to
bs congratulated on the matchless prize
he has won.
This happy couple as they stand "with
faces toward the future, tha' land of ro
mance and bright promise, possessed as
they are of those attributes of personal
worth, may be well assured that much cf
the ideal of their anticipation mav te
lhe lollowmg named guests were
present: Rsv. acd Mrs. Dilworth, 3Ir,
and Mrs. O. C. Brown. Mr. and Mr?. I,
B Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Frater
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ireland, Mrs. J. B
Riddle. Misses Grace Blackwell, Sadie
Weils, Iu'rf Bradley, Lucy Broa,Mr
tie Gillette, Echo Gaddh, Reina Rast
Edith Smick, DaUev Frater, Mr.
Asher Ireland, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A
Frater. Unfortunate''' Jame3 Frater
was called to Ashland and cunld not at'
tend his sister's wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Bhckwell were the re
cipients of many handsome valuable
Condensed Testimony.
Chas. B. Hood, Broker and Manufaqt
urer's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies
that Dr. King's New Discovery has no
equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Brown
Prop. St. Jamea Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
testifies that he was cured of a Cough of
two veara standin?, caused by La
Grippe, bv Dr. King's New Discoverv,
B. F. Merrill, Bald Aiusille, Mass., says
that he has used and recommended it
and never knew it to fail and would
rather have it than any doctor, becausi
it always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E
25th, St., Chicago, always keeps it at
hand and has no fear of Croup, beeau
it instantly relieves. Free Trials Bottle
at Marster's Drug Store.
Moving Out.
itie ottlcea in the court houso cccu
pied by Wm R. Willis and A. M. Craw
ford and J. W. Hamilton, hv a loto
order of the court, are being vacated
Tho draymen have been hauling tons of
law literature away from tho temple of
justico for several days. Willis and
Crawford go into Marsters' building and
Hamilton into the Marks' building.
Children's Social.
The children of the Presbyterian Sun
day School are to be entertained on
Christmas Eve in the hall of Rev. Dil-
worth's Academy. Admission is by in
vitation and tickets. All members ol
tho school and congregation arc entitled
to tickets. The committee, Mrs. Jas.
Underwood and Mrs. II. M. Wead, 521
Stephens street, request those who have
not recoived tickets to call upon them,
Elk's Xmas Tree.
A bull ticket will admit the holder to
tho Christmas tree exercises. Tickets
can bo procured of any Elk. The fun
will commenco in I. 0. O. F. hall at
o'clock sharp on Xmas night.
IlucUlcu'H vrutcu salve.
The Bos. Salvo in the world for Cute,
Bruises, sorea, Clcers, bait hheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbaius, Corns, and all skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 conts per box. For sale at A.
C.Mareters & Co.
M ajor C. T. Pictoa is manager of the
State Hotel, at Dentson, Texas, which
the traveling men say is one of the best
hotels in that section. In sp aking of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Major Picton says
I have used it myself and in my famil;
for several years, and take pleasure in
sawn'' that I consider it an infallibl
cure for diarrhoea and dysentery.
always recommend it, and have fre
quently administered it to my guests
the hotel, and in every case it ha
proven itsalt worthy ot unqualified en
dorsement. For sale by A. C. Marsters
& Co.
Notice of Annual Meeting.
To the shareholders of the Odd Fel
lows Building association of Roseburg
Oregon. You aro hereby notified that
the annual meeting of the stockholders
of tho Odd Fellows Building association
cf Rcsebarg, Oregon, for the electiou of
a board of seven direction, to serve dur
mg the ensuing year, aud tor the tran
saction of such other business as may bs
bruught before them, will be held at
Fellows' Temple, January 5,
7:50 p. m, By order of the
directors of the Odd Fellows
Joi-Ei'it Micelli, Secy.
Coal tar and resin at Marsters'.
Ladies' fine shoes at Parrott Bros.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy "Watchmaker.
Shasta Water at Slow Jerry's- cigar
nd drink emporium.
For a good smoke call at Slow Jerry's
bazar, and get a Los Amorea cigar.
Delicious "salt-rising" bread at the"
Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose
Nothing but the best material used by:
. W. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1,'
Marsters' block.
Niece will sell you candy for Christ
mas trees cheaper than any one, at the
Candy Kitchen.
Fresh home-made bread at the Home
Bakery, corner Oak and Rose streets.
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
Teeth extracted absolutely without
pain by R. W, Benjamin, dentist, room
, Marsters' block, Roseburg, Or.
Parties desiring family Eewing done
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, 421 Main street. Will Bew for '
5 cents per day.
Slow Jerry, the jeweler, has just rec
eived a fine lot of ladies and gents gold '
filled watches. They are beauties and
no mistake good timers, too.
You can get knives for 5 and 10 cents
and from that price up to $5. Each
knife well worth the price asked Tat
Churchill, Woolley & McKenzie's.
Good adyice : Never leave home on a
ourney without a bottle of Chamber-
ain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
The Candy Kitchen Kitchen is busy
night and day making hne candy lor
Christmas trade. Don't overlook the
Kitchen if ycu want candy that is fit "to
Go to M. F. Rice's Second Hand stare,
Hendricks' block, for late improved
singer sewing machines, needles; oil,
etc. W . C. Moxboe,
Caro Bros', closing out sale is drawing
crowds to the Boss Store. Low prices
and quick sales is the crder of the day.
Gcods must be sold at any sacrifice.
Call and see.
John A Lee, 220 Main stieet, next door
south ot Vati Houten, have fine China-
ware and Japan goods, ladies underwear,
toys and firecrackers, etc. for sale. All
a- cost till Dec. 31&t, 1S96.
Two tracts of land for rent, containing
one 10-acre and one 15-track within Ifj
miles of town, fair orchards on each
..i r. P..-.1 :-f it nn
F. Rice. Real Estate Dealer, Rose
burg, Oregon.
If you have hay, grain, bacon, beef
cattle or a good buggy you wish to trade
for lumber, or if you wish to bny a bill of
first class fir or cedar lumber, you wil
save money to call on utto a. aslact
Comstock, Oregon.
second hand, hardware and furniture
store in Hendricks' Block, opposite tho
depot. Second hand gcods bought.and
sold. Call and examine my goods be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Buy of me
and save money.
Competition never worries us, because
we 'buy right ' hence "sen right."
The facte are these ; every move in our
business is ody made after the most
careful considetation, nothing left Xo
chance. Shoes have advanced in price
but not with us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for $1.25 and upwards, fine
shoes in proportion. If yon doubt cs,
come and see us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We don't
care to do all the business in town, bat
want to get a share of it. We firmly
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead
year by year. This idea prevails"
throughout our entire business. Evcry
dollars worth of goods must give the
wearer satisfaction, even the all wool
absolutely fast color ?S 00 su'.ts.
J". Abraiiaji's Clothing House. x
tue Odd
1S97, at
board of
on can
The undersigned haB two
the ac-
boar pigs for salo.
tcred. Apply to
Sire and dam regis-
Winchester, Or.
sot! a
hakina jiowiler
tl.umnii; extracts
ami spices
The Sunday School Jof tho M. E.
church will have Christmas exercises
Thursday evening.
for nothing, and welcome.
Your crocer knows.
Kur sale by
Kruse & Shambrook
Xmas Offerings.
New goods and new prices. A hand
Boaie doll will bo given with every
package of baking powder bought of
Mrs. G. W. Rapp at the People's Gro
cery. Many of the dolls are worth twice tho
price of a can of baking powder. Every
can guaranteed to bo as good as any
powder in the market.
Dr. R. W. Benjamin, late of tho dental
college- at Atlanta G.i., haa fitted up"
dental rooms in the Marsters block,
where he is prepared to do do first class
work in all tho lales improvements,
Crown and bridge work, gold and porco
Iain crown, fillings and extraction of
teeth at hard-timo prices and all work
guaranteed. Remember, room 1, Mars
tors' block.
Inauguration Committees.
CtKcisxATi, Dec. lb Hon. D. D.
Woodraansee, president of the National
Republican League, has appointed the
following inauguration committees for
the league:
General McAlpin, N. Y.; Major War
ren, l'ix. ; Judge itaymoca, ill.; non.
Frank J. Higgins, X. J. ; Thomas F. Bar
ret, W. Va.; E.J. Miller, O.; and Dr.
L. W. Booze, Md.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.