The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 24, 1896, Image 2

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PubUahcJ Moudayt andThundt tu
Oct Year. -
fix Month ......
Three Month... .. ...
Itieoflittleconetquence, solar he to
the ultimate ;eeu!t ot tbe Spanieb-Cuban
war, whether He United Stalee rec
ognise Cuba' be!iKeriit ripbts or not,
or wbwlher the Uu'iUkI States acknowl
edge Cuba'e independence. We Ehould
demand ot Spain a ceswitiou of barbar
ous acd indibcrituiuulu daughter of nou
combatant? well a? of insurgent witb
aruib in tbdr hande, or whether we do
or not, Cuba is bound to bp free and
Spain uiigbt just as wo!l bow to tbe in
evitable .uud withdraw her buldiery from
tlie island, and uton a fuill r depletion
of her treasury at we'l ae a decimation
jot tbe flower of lier toulatien. The
! longer rjjiaiu keei- up the f.lit tbe
I worn it ie for her. I'retident Cleveland
; by bis oath it p'.etitwl to He that the
laws of the naiiou are UuMuliy exe
cuted, auiongtt which are the Ueatiee
with foreiyu nation. Hence he is un
der Uoog obligation" to enforce tbe
oeulrality law and trali8 witb regard
to Cubi. He is bouud to prevent, if
p-jfeihle, filibui-teiiog panir of the
United f?tatet from Koine over to Cuba
to lijiht tbe Spauiardn. liu! while he
does thif he hae the nbt 1m ly tbe
lawH vf niliuus to requite on tlie part of
pain a guarantee to Cul-an pribooeis
the right of civihr-d warfare humaoe
Cameron Resolutions.
Vamunoton. Dec. i'L The senate
Hon. G. V. Etddlo of Gleubruok came
down oa the freight yesterday evening
was literally deluged ior half an hour to- 1 iuaue jb quite Bangume w uu v
resolutions and ' """no in me race jor uie Bpeateisu. v
the house at the assembling 01 tne iepma
lture next mouth. Mr. Riddle has been
a member of tbe bouse several terms
and hab become quite familiar witb par
liamentary law and would doubtless
inaLe an excellent nrt'tidiui: oflicer. Mr-
da v with rejiortf
Bpiiited colloquies on the Cuban uues
tion. Tbe intense public interest in
this subject was bhown by the presence
of tb largest crowd seen s'nee ibe open-
jiug day of the m-ebiou. Ah available
Miace in tbe public galleries was taken
Senator Cmerou of the cotnroiUte ou
foreign relttioct has made a report to
tbe ena!e favoring the adoption of a
joint resolution rco;oiring the mdc
jndecce of Cuba a a tepublk The
coeamittee irakee very eileothe and
tbauetive arjtuaient upon tbe tuhjeci.
ItTefiewt with mtnute detail the his
tory o( European, Asiatic auxl American
SOTtrcment opoo the taoject of reeog
aitiotu, and thows by bittutical preced
AeU that tht go-rnment has aa ondis
ptttei right to do to. and under the
prtttflt condition now existing in Oab
&d the menace to our evaiaierviil inter
Mt, and, lt of all, the interest of hu
manity in putting a fciop to the needle:
tffoiioo of b'xioJ, the United Eutei
oufht to rx;ote Cuba'g independence.
Mr. Cameron dtta ru'e for rtcogni
lion ai folio t
"Tbe mbt it 611 ha been UeeU on
vxrioo groan de . 'impediments to com'
mere,' 'bardene on measures of protte
tioa and reprettioci, requett of one cr
both pti to interior." 'effusion of
blood 'erils of ail kinds,' 'humanity,
tad th 'repowj of Eurot.' 'Greek
treaty of 1627,, A nrm dere lo end
with the shorteet r-oseible delay the dis
order and eflcsion of j!oo1 , protocol of
Kotember 4, 163), in the case of llel
jom, Hi own safety or the political
equilibrium of tte frontiers of hit em
pirs 'Bussian drcalarof April 27, 1W1,
in the ewe of H angary . To sdf-gcud
the inttrest and honor' and to 'maintain
the political inffuecce' of the intervening
power, 'French declaration cf 1849-'50 In
regard to the states of the church .
"Finally in the&e, the latrst and meet
considerable, because absolutely n&an
imocj act cf all Europe, is simply tie
'desire to regulate,' preamble to tie
treaty of Berlin, 1877, concerning It
rteoguition of eria, Jionmania, 5! on
lecegro and Bulgaria,."
Tbe report then turns to the expeii
ente of Asia, la regard to Asia riroti
bly all other authorities agree that the
entire fabric of Eoiopcan supremacy
whether In Asiatic Turkey, Perm
AffbantUn, India, fiim or China, rests
on the right of intervention.
From the above It Is perceived that, as
regards lh causes for, and the action cf
the governments of Europe, tbe United
Huts has abundant precedent for rtc
ogniting the independence of Cuba
ine law o: tne preservation oi our
commercial inier&iu ss well as our
peace and prosperity as announced in
the Monroe doctrice of 122-3 which
every patriot of tbe nation endorse, the
United Slates has the right by tbe laws
and usages of nations to recognize ou
bs's independence.
This right being granted it is only a
question of policy and expediency as to
our exercise of the right. That the
time baa- come for .this govern ment to
lead off and recoxnlte Cuba's Independ
ence. there seems to be no doubt in
rnoet every patriotic American's mind
Tbt Cuban's have formed a govern
Beat, established a constitution with
an executive, a legislative body and ai
j s oeeeeefully executing the function of
delicto as well as a dejure government
with an organized military power that
has defied the Hpinleh authority for two
years, la an established fact and so far as
performing dvil functions Cubans are in
aagood a shape, aye, better, than the
authority of Spain, to protect the citi
xena rights. Spain is not protecting the
rights of either person or property I
that island, but rather destroying them
by her uncivilized conduct of war an
disregard for human life by inhuma
bntehery of prisoners taken in battle
A heavy batk failure has occurred in
Chicsgo. The JS'aticusl Bsuk of Illinois
has cIod its doort failed dragging
down witb i two or three other tanks.
The bank statement thuweJ 112 175.7G6
epoeits and S,lVy,o42 loacs; cath re
sources $4,ti3,202. It is claimed that
the depositors wi'l i.o: tuffer at bankers
hate recommended the proposition to
dvauce n per .-it J mil laiaif uainst
the bank of IIlitoir. Tlti Liluro is be
came the bank hi.d loaned ii deposits
out too close.
The Hawaiiaos want to be annexed to
the United Mates. But the United
tales can get aljug in tbe family of na
tions witb jut adoptiog Hawaii into her
famtfv. Neither does he aut Cuba,
but is willin i tj aasociita with either
as independauts.
Oen. Wsyler, commander of the fcpau-
Ith forces in Cuba, it 19 ni is very
much worried over the obstacles in front
the insurgent Cubans and tbe punch
ing up of the hpam&b authorities to get
mote ou him and put an end to the
Ibe little one horse politicians are try
Ing to defeat Senator MIUhell'H re elec
lion to the united Mate senate. Hut
Senator Mitchell is too strongly -n
trenched io the people'a ofcteem to throw
him overboard for a new and untrie
man. ranaior .iniciiuii naa douo no
much for Oregon that the pooplo every
where are almost a unit for his ro-uluc-
tion. There is not another man in tl
state that can fill the place ns ably an h
Experience has schooled hi in for th
better service. Oregon will do herself
great credit to re-filed .1. II. Mitchell
X. N. Sleeves, who has been tried
three times for complicity in tlio murder
of Geo. Sayern at l'ortluud Heptembe
1801, has been acquitted. He huh triad
found guilty of manslaughter and sou
tenced to 15 years in the penitentiary
He was granted a new trial and change
of venue. 11 Ih Ust trial at llillsboro
Washington county, resulted in dei la
log him iiiiioient.
and the diplometic gallery was uncd
witb fiUib distinguished occupant b ub
Bir Julian i'auueeforte, the B'itisb am
babthdor; Uaron von Hengul Mu'.ler. tbe
Austrian minister; Mr. Hatch, tbe Ha
waiian minister, accompanied by tbe
suites and ladies of the embacsifS aud
legations. Tbe main even' of tlie J
was the piesentRtion by Mr. Cr.uirvn ol
the report of tbe committee on foietgu
relations farorable to 1 is M b!utio:i, ler.
oguiung the independence of Cabs.
This proce-dsng was biief and prifune
torv, the report not being read, and an
agreement wan speedily leithed by
which the resolution and rejrt g over
until after tbe holidays.
Aside from the Cameron report, Mor
gan of Ah. I- urn piebeotrfj a furtbe' re-
jrt ou tlie same iiues, embod lux the
view b of himtelf nd Mills. The otTer
ioRS ol tbe reports served as a prelude to
setertl britk exebaugts between sena
tors, fcenatur IMt desired to know
whether tbe rejorts went into ihecou-
Uiddle would nut connive at auy trickery
or farm cut committees for Pelf, as it is
claimed is sometimes done.
L 1". Bice's office is headquarters lor
mining prospectors. It is thronged
tvery day with prospectors exhibiting
their "rich bjieeio enE." It is ilbo the
Koseburg Wall (street Exchange ez
tbange of opinions on the mineral wealth
ol Douglas county, and corners are made
ou quart z rock. Tbe bulls are toe?ing
upstocis today which tbe beaie will
pull down tomorrow. The excitemsnt
often runs high.
hi order ty ition" ou' our itt'jti v' hHr
and f oooud bund . Hti' '.'M
them at cwt. J I is o'.ir 1UiUoi tvlVfcti
out our busliieitB as qykily .in PwHj'u.
and iu otder lo do this we M U WW'
pelled to sell at a very low Jijiuiu i'tid
such small iuetallmeutt) tht till uwl
pay you to rent. 'J'hotfor v. will tH)"
all our renlnd pianos and vfAut K4 "
you the benefit tiiut e huve D'.eivnd s
reut. We have' io aH bi;j plfttvs
which we will ttll from VW to lt4 "V.
and f 10 ier mouth iuulalluiewie. Jtwii
Bonable dibcount for cash.
Great reduction iu violins, Boitm and
all musical goods. Bbtet mui-fj'J p'f
cent disoount. Hend for catalogue All
orders promptly Oiled.
T. K KwiiiBw''!1.
Hoelti', Or.
For Sale.
A limited uumbtr of pare bred ii
Rock, B: K Hamburg. H C B J$giioiii,
Blk. Lin;shan, Wvandott and Cornell
Indian Game. Wow teerl j'iie at
the Southern Oregon Iitptnet J' air aud
Oregon State l ir. I hae (owe mag
ilsrioa tijuaiy tax roll has been com
pleted, so the state board of equaiizition
can now go on nd f qoiliw tbe several
county rolls Tlie Orgonun state that
the roll la 1G.0W.0.O dollars Its tbsn
that equalized ian year.
G-c. Btvera succeeds to the cemmand
of the Cuban forcts in place of llscoo
who vu murderrJ b ihe b'paciob guer
rillas, ft is claimed that ft is en abler
ommindrr than Mco.
Senators Thurston of Nebraska and
Hbocp of Idaho are said to be hard at
work to get a man from the silver states
appointed to the cabinet.
stitutional question o! Ihe legislative ',
rkniKi r , ( i rmrtiifirui rii in4.! n-riftrj I
Cameron promptly ant were ! tuat every, j
body conceded this power, an J M jr?an
pointedly addeii that a denial of euch
power was "p-ep'jtteroob."
Vest alsj came forward with some re
marks which p'omieed to give a i-harp
personal turn to the debite. He p"'';c
of his sstouitbuient at reving Secretary
Olnej's iKlblk- sla'.euieot, declaring tbe
executive alorie had the power lo ncog
nize independent-. Vest hut hardly
be;un when Hae ot Msiue uid -y a
point of ori'r agsiust him, on the
round tbt de'-ate was ct of crder.
Tbe Missouri re.iator wilhugly ylv'.tM,
announcing that he would sptak tomor
row on the rtbo-uiiun he had offered, de
claring that recouition of iodeper dence
is a joint poaer of the legislative aud ex
ecutive branches.
rieve'l rtt-r Cu'-an rS'gtwHS were
offerett, i1k of Iliil ami C iutoii ue
cltnug tint a rtate f war xis'el in
Cuba warranting the rtergnitwa of the
belligerent rights of both pari-, and
caiiicg for the ot servance of strut neu
trality by the United .States, atvi one by
Bacon, declaring the power of ie,wgt,iz
ing independence i a prerogative bt
locging exclusively to the congress.
Sherman, froii ibe committee on f ir
eign relations, repjrttd favorably -lie
retolotioa of Call, aking for i'dormstion
relative to American citizen con9ue! in
Spanith prisot f, aud thti an a;renl to
by Ibe tenate.
Aside from the Cuban subjret, tbe tts
sion was not eventful. Mr. Gear made
an uusuccettfu! effort to take up tne l'a
ciSc railroad funding bill, and then gave
notice it would 1-e urged afiur the holidays.
Grower Cleveland and David B. I! 01
entere-J public life together on January
1, 18S3, ss goiernor and lieutenant-gov
ernor, res pecUveiy, of the state of New , niSo(.m budr 0JClltXjWJt Vj any yBrd ,
i ork. they HI permanently retire to- aUg Lare two iil0yAn Uvjrn coekerele
getberoa March-! next, one from the . regifclwej aork. itKt:t ,mu
presidency aud the othrrrora tbe sect- ble.mugt djefwtt ar lLt:bv i-jjm
Wnhip . days, in order to make room for spring
n.trMnfH Yn,,r ctimnlic- I breeding Addrffci K. A. Kiese, Kote-
Im1? Willi y jat4 M' Ipwvb'llla.
4ai MsKt M w "' fr wm, 10
. - 1 " . '.jrv&&
ny with BobfHinaian in burglarizing
Mat's store at Riddle last summer, is
now in pi ogress.
burg, Oregon.
Butler a speciality at Allison's
but liibt-cla b handled.
Complete line of to at Sslzman's
None i
Business Confidence Restored.
Now is a good time to invest in sgri lands while at t-edrock prices.
r i t i . r ..i. . . . . .. . . .
; uave a iarj:e ii-i ii yivyrzi.;
1 select from.
I Money to loan, five years time on well
Charity Begins at Home.
Tne last as well as pre-cediog legis
latures has been 10 literal in giving
away the psople' raouey taken from
them by force and given to a few. It is
time that this business should be
stopped. Here is a list of ten instila
tioos the last legislature bolstered up by
unwarrantable appropriations:
Free kindergarten I I, WW
St. Marj'u Home at Beaverton . 1.0C0
Patton Home -t.OCO
SUtera',!iorne of the t A Shepherd -1,000
The Portland Hixe
Albany Orphans' Home
halem Orphans' Home .. .
I'ortlsud Baby Home
Portland Refuge Home
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society
For the second time in the history of
Myrtle Point, the safe used by Wells,
Fargo Express Co., was opened and
robbed last Saturday night and the up-to-date-crooks
who did the work aro
some t-100 ahead. However, but a very
small amount of the money stolen b:-
loned to the express company. The
loss falls principally on U. 8. Court com
missioner Orvil Dodge, who had (300 of
the (-100 deposited Iu the safe. There is
no clew to the burglary.
A similar robbery occurred at this
place several years Hgo, in which the
same identical sate nguiea conspicu
ously. At that time the amount taken
aggregated some 12000, I ho entire loes
being sustained by the W. F. Express
To the Public.
Ou and nfter this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for nil undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 find it
Impossible to do Imt-ini-nM on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for cash. P. Duxedick, Undertaker.
Rostburg, Ore., April 12. 1895.
"I.iveriue," manufactured by the An
chor 8 Chemical Co., the great Liver,
Kidney and Constipation cure. An in
falhblo remedy for nil curable tonus of
disouses of thorni organs. The grcutuHt
knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it
For wilo at M. F. Happ'fi drug store,
Roseburg, Oregon.
I'ur Over l-'lfty Ycum.
An Ou ami WstL-Titirn IlcMsur. Mr
Wtmluw'a liootlilUB Hyiup hru Kill uteri tor
over nf ty yearn ly mlllloniiiil lmitlient lor their
e.liUJrcii wlillo tcetltlni,', Willi perfect iucccm.
It noollitM the elillil, Mjltcm llic KHiiik, allnyn all
pitlii, cureH Mliiil cullu, anil U tlio let remeily
lor Iilarrlina. In I'k'umtit to tliu tlu. Hulri liy
ilriiliKlkl 1" oery part ol Hie uuiM. Twenty
fie ecutH n In it lit-. IU value I" Ineulcillalili'.
Uurmro ami atk for Mit. NMiulow's onllilng
Hjtiip. ami take mi oilier kind.
Impatience at .Madrid.
Nxw Yokk, Dec. 22. A Key Welt
special to the World says :
General We)br proposes to tike the
Geld iu Saula Clara province t-oa-, it is
learned from Havana and force the light
ing. The casWin--eneral is diHcrbtd
by reports of insurgent operations in
Santa Clara. Beridrs a strong hint it
Said lo ht e reached him from Madrid
that something must be done bv Janu
ary 1 to forestall action by congress on
the Cameron resolution.
A number of dead IkhIios of pacifkos.
four of them bodies of women were
found by a Cubin baud Saturday near
Alfonse, after a Spanish column had
passed. All the huts and dwellings in
that section have been burned aud the
croits destroyed, so tbe country people
have little left to live ou. Many nre on
the verge of starvation.
The paciticoH liviug on farms near
Estervos were driven from home Satur
day and forced to go into the town or lie
killed. When they went there and
crowded into quartern Ihey found little
provision made for them. With nothiDg
to do and no money to buy food, their
cases are pitiful. If they go back they
will lie killed ; if they remain they will
Affairs east of the trccha grow wuise.
Tlio Spanish officials there cannot cope
with the insurgent bands in operation
in that section, uoing the hills as their
bate of operation, nud tiny aro confined
to the towns.
Several cngagamenlri took place be
tween small bauds of Spaniards and
Cubans around Sou Cristobal yesterday.
Reinforcements have been asked for
by the Spanish commander here.
It is expected iu Havana that General
Siveiu will try to crotw the trochn soon
in force, as seteral incf tungoiH from
him have lieen cuptured lately with dis
patches on them for tioine, indicating
such a puriosi'.
Weylcr to the I;ront.
Havana, Dei-. 22. Captain-General
Weyler left Havana thia morning on the
Spanish crnisor Lvgazpi bound for
Mar'r north of the military line, in the
pro . o of Pinir del Bio, with the iu
tei. . n of resuming porsoual command
of operations against the insurgents in
that part of Cuba.
(leucrnl .Solano roportH from Santa
Clara that Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver, iu
command of the Granada battalion, hud
an ungagomout with tho insurgents,
who had oyer 200 killed and Hounded.
I ho insurgents dorailed an exploring
engine noiir YngniratiuiH, Matanzus,
killtug the conductor aud so seriously iu
juriug the engineer that both legn had
to he amputated.
A laigo invoice ol Bibles and Testa
ments just received at II. V. Mauton's.
Bibles, from 20 cuntH to I. lebtaiuunts
and 10 cents cadi.
Et's'on's is headquarters
mas candies and nuts.
Boston Baked Beans at tbe Home
Bakery. Try them.
.Solid silver novelties at Silzman's.
Beautiful designs in gents silk hand
kerchiefs ai the Notelty Store.
What's the matter with Htona? Yes,
and what is tbe matter with Allison's
T, T, 1 6. Try them.
AH kind of artficiali teeth made ret
sonab'.y at Dr. Fred liaynes office.
For pickles, olives, chow cho, sauces.
etc., call at Allison's.
New goodo it Caro Bros. Boss Store.
I admire opposition ,
Would defy competition,
And under no condition
Will I budgi from my position.
Call at AIIUou's for your groceries.
When nsoit needed it :i not unusual
for i our family physician to be away
from home. Such was the experience of
Mr. J. Y. Schenck, editor of tbe Caddo.
Ind. Ter.. Banner, when hi; little girl,
two years of age was threatened with a j
severe attack of croup tie tars: My
wife insUteJ that I go for tbe doctor, but
as oar family physician was out of town
I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's
CmzIi Bmedy, which re.ieved her im
mediately. I will not be without it in
the fa tire." 25 aud 50 cent bottles for
sate hy A . C. Marsters A Co.
Thl I Your OpportunJtr.
On -receipt of tea cents, caah or stamps,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most t.omikr Catarrh and Hay Fcvsr Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the f-reat merits of the remedy.
5C Warren St., New York City.
IUt. John Reid, Jr.. cf Great Falls, Moat,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. 1
can tmphasize his statement. "It is a posi
tive core for catarrh ii n-ed as directed."
Iter. Francis V,. I'ocle, Pastor CtatndPrts.
Church, Helena, Moat
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
cure" for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious dreg. Price, 50 cents.
In 1-A"2 Mr. A. L. Goldwater, who'
owues three retail drug stores in New
York City, having learned of the great
value cf Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy
for colds, croup and whooping couh.
ordered a supply for hii customers. I
met with so much favor that he soon
found it necessary to order more, and
during tho w inter sold oyer two gross ol
the remedy. He says it gives the best
satisfaction of any cough cure ho has i
ever iiauuied. tor sale ai ami ou
cents per bottle by A. C. Marsters.
or Chnst- ; jmprov"! a.iicultcra' law!:.
uKd all dHiiznls f Uu
Of all ffUXtsts-
- ""ja
ttytice To Contractor.
mwI-hI j4mmi apw-iitoiw aud
bWls will l roM-ired "t o&Ub of jh
up t,f Ufori fnua; Mth, IhUl, at 1
it'dtfi , ut,, kr the rttpttiri-tti? 'A
Ariii anJ appcaVi Mflw Jfte
W, l;p" al1 h'B ftU
w.iljik AH vA'M to
1 h lafd in wiiilw IcwJ, ami liwUa atofe
' lr W h pintfcJ All 'M tltoWH, Ju
' ,Aai)mtUuwP, to euvUWy tk,n
down 'Wid piltd in tttiA on vither We of
rivur. Bridge wmpIeM by Ali'
iwt Iftt, 1W7 Ul&tfiu and diweusivue
i on tilt in rtV ofU-
Ateo At thi tame tius and i .the
Uauj uianiifc, eiA;diwtioiui iA biis
I yill be uorivrd Ujr wa'Mh. tU '-ant
I jail of poHU Cunty, Oregon, ujore
' t.urs in mar.iiw following By ilnlcg
' tho entire iiuiur -H with fio. 11 Vtl
1 plate ur.d tbid tv be ceilwl with an eight
' nn:b additipi-a! bwi wall laid in ciwsot
, uio'ter. J'iOiWit pbuiVfcrfcd cilie: to be
i takoo otl and uuiocib covwwl with Ko.
' Xi plate- Old window gratus to be re-
puitcd and two additional crow bare
putou, mA ah hve windowe to hve ad
' ditionisi new jimUje put in coment laid
null aud frtitened to tbt ateel Hning.
The ouurt .reserve ttiJ right to reject
tmv and &M bide.
Dc'M tbii 32-L day ofXovetaber, J8S6.
A f. trrzaii.NS,
I Ctmoty Jodge-
A Snow-White Deer.
I? o of the windows of a local store
is exhibit-d one of the curiwsitiee of tbe
age, ezje The Dalles TimeMountau.eer.
It is a moasted dber with large branch-
a vigorous body stud
robust 8trenstc fol
low wA health.
3st all tail when the
vital powers fcie
vreakentd. Nervous
debility and loss ol
raarly power ralt
frra bad habits, con
tracted by the youa?
U2rosa lgaoiaaCT:
of their rciaoas cot
teqeesce:. lsnr
spirits, raelancholia,
impaired sieraorT,
tenper, fear of impndisg calamity cdi ing antlers, tad natural in every respect
V. .S. K Bikk, Koseburg, Or.
The Central House.
W. H. Gordun is now tbe proprietor of
vhii popular house. The table will be
supplied with tbe best in the market
goo.l Leds and courteous treatment.
Meale 15 cent, and beds the same rate
thousand and one derareieU of body
and nind, result from such permaoiis prac
tices. All these are perraaneritl erred by
iraproved methods of treatment withorri the
patient lea-tin? home. . . , - .
A medical treatise -written in plain feet
chaste language, treating of the nature,
symptoms and curability of sach diseases,
seat securely sealed in a plain envelope, oa
receipt of this notice, with locents in stamps,
for postage. Addreis, Woexb's Disfen
saxy Medical AsscxovriON'. BaSalo, K.Y.
Holiday Goods!
Those who come early will reap the best,
and that with little money. Nothing now to
hinder you from having a
as you can get the present you want at the price
you want, from the Finest Stock of Holiday
Goods in the City, consisting of
Diamonds, Silverware,
except as to it coior, wines is snow-
white. The asl-sal was kiBed oa the
desert near Prineyille about a year ajp,
and was bocght by P. B. Poiade-ter, of
that place, who took it to Portland xsd
bad it mounted by a well-known taxi
dermist of that city. For a number of
years the "white deer" had been sees
each winter by banters oa tbe desert,
and had probably been psifeaed oiiener
and longer than azy other deer is tbe
Etale. Finally it fell ender aa expert
hnsler. ncerriag aim, and is new an
object not only of curiosity, bat adraira-tioa.
Alexander & Stroiig's
Tlie cimrclicn.
IliiTin cui'Rcu corner ol Ine and l!o
trccti. SuaJy Service: l'rcchtnir. It a. ra.
ku 1 30 1'. m. ; Young I'cop'c'a Union, C.X p.m. .
itr. K. W. lliack. rroIJcut, eunJujr School, 10
c. in.; Jaiac CbtmlxrUlD, Bui-crlutcnden
rrTr Mfctlnc, Thuirly eTenlnj at 7:3).
MmmmiT Chl'bcu corner ol Main aud Lane
ttrreUi. Suuday iscrtlce: I'rcachluK, 11 a. m
and 7.30 p. in.; SubUlh Khool, 10 a. m.; F.
W. Woolli-y, KuiK?rluttndcnt; Claim Meeting at
cloa of tho morning tervlctii Kpnorth League
6:30 . ru. llattlo i.odfity, l'rctldent. l'raycr
Meeting, WoluvMlay, at 7:30 p. m.
Flit !. U Mooiik, I'MUir
I'rtonce, corner Maiu and Lane.
l'KKMiYTiKUN CiiL'ncii-corncr ot Cam and
Kwotttecti. Suuday Scnlcc: Fupllc wonhlp,
a.ra and 7 30 p. n. ; Sabbath Hchool, 10 a. m.;
Y I'.S.r. E.,7p.m. rrayer Meeting, W'cdne
day, 7-30 p. a.
It. D. Uilworih, 1'utor.
"Curcfltnllc'MnfAVor MM B
ot llood'HSnriiapnrilla, I
(ih for no otlicr mcdi- fcw Sis.
cine. Its (,'rtsit curco recorded In truthful,
couviiiclni; languiiKoof (jratiful men find
women, coimlitutu ita mobt ettictivo nd
vcrtlalnfj. Jinny of tliesocuren nro ninr
vtloiiH. 'f hoy linvo won t he confidence of
tho pcoplo; have Riven Hood'w Snrsapa
rilla tho larfceat nales in tho world, and
have made necessary for itfl tnantifncturo
tlio Krentest lahorntory on earth. Hood'H
Karnapnrllln is known liy tho curw it has
Hindu cures of m-roftilu, Milt rheum nnd
eczciitn, cures ot rlieumntUiii, neurnl(;Ia
nnd uenk nertea, cures of dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh cures which provo
Is tho lest-lii fact the OiwTim- IUood Purifier.
- 'iiri llvtT llli. eaiy to
I lOOd S PlllS
Upholstered Furniture
At Cost for 30 days.
Fancy Chairs and Rockers
Just Received, and at Prices never before
quoted in Roseburg.
WALl PAPFR From 10 cents per
.X.K..Q.r.k...L..O.L.Ai roll up. Entire line
Reduced until January ist, 1897.
Come, and bring your pocket books.
Money Talks!
Yours Respectfully,
jf (i GEO. BELL,
m SCULPTOR fll IflRBiE Wll
Foreign and Domestic.
Marble and Granite.
I erapUiy no agents or middle nu n, but site my vatrons the benefit of the
-." to Si per cent usually ild ti solieitors.
All Orders j- for i. Cemetery ;. Work ; Promptly Filled.
riti:. 1 .i ... . - . .
uiutu iiuu u umu, o .nam street, AtvJSJLJli VlcC;, OJICIUOOIV.
How to Prevent Croup.
Sorae reading that -srill prors interest-
lcg toyoacg mother. Hoxrr la gra
against tbe disease.
Croup is a terror to yooog Bothers
and to post them concerning tbe czze,
first symptoms and tieatment is tbe ob
ject of this item. Tbe oriin of croap is
a common cold. Children " hef ire snb-
ject to it take cold very easilT and croap
is almost sure to follow. The first
symptom is hoarseness; this is soon fol
lowed by a peculiar rough congh, which
Ls easily recognized and will neTer be
forgotten by one who has heard it. Tbe
time to act is when the child first be
comes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Conch
Remedy is freely given all tendency to
croap will soon disappear. Even after
the croopy cough has developed it will
prevent the attack. There is no danger
in giving tms remedy for it contains
nolbing injurious. For sale by A. C.
Mareters & Co.
Caro Bros.
Must seli their immense stock inside
of sixty days, regardless oncost. If any
one wishes to get bargains tiey must
call soon, as they mean business. Thia
isno humbug. If yon doubt their word
call and be convinced.
Goods !
Toys, Toys, Book Gaines and
Dolls !
Presents for all. Old and Yountr.
and get first choice.
Cone earij
CIRXISHINGS, indudin!? Shirt, llata,
1 Caps, Tain O'Shanters. Handkerchief , Sus
penders, Scarfs, Gloves, etc., etc., Suitable for
the Holidays.
look our Boots and Shoes. Just received
new invoice and comparing qualitv our prices
are below competition.
YMAS 3EVE. We give away a Combination
v Bread Cbest and side Board
and a Picture Throw only 50 cents pur
chase entitles you to a gueM.
Yours for a Merry Christmas and a Happy
lewYear. iiJ
0. R. & N.
Gives the Choice ol
St. Panl
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
Steamers leave Ainsworth dock, "Portland, at
Cabin. $5.00; steerage
p. m., every five days.
For full details call on or addres
Agent, Roseburg, Oregon, or addrens
General I'assengcr Agent, I'ortland. Oregon
PitsiJuut aud Manager