i IF YOU DOM'T READ IF YOU SEE IT ffl i I. j The Plaindealer ! f You Don't Get tub News. ! The Plamdealer IT IS SO. Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1896. No. 88. VOUNG SAM, I JAPANESE BAZAAR. mm HOLIDAY GOODS. A splendid afajttment of China goods, consisting of a great vaiiety of China ware, uniqno in etjlo nnil finish. Albums, celluloid goods, fancy goods for eouvonirp, silk handkerchiefs, paver unpkinp, ladies woik basket, firo crack trs and other things to numerous to mention. Come and eeo my goods, thoy are first class. At my bazaar opposite Odd Fellows' Temple. Young Sam. H. T. BLUMB, Proprietor of I The City Meat Market, Aud Dealer lu PRIME BACON, AND FRESH .MEATS Orders taken and Delivered Free . 10 any part ol the City. KiBSBaaex929Bes0BBeBaie9BBCBflaBaBBBBBaflaBB" A.C.MAR5TER5&Co. "77"a,ll Paper A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell LIME PLASTER AND CEMENT. A FULL LlrtE OF ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best qualit-, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of D. S- KL BTJIOK, SajiIjim Couty( a54 EAST AND SOUTH VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE orniK Southern Pacilic Co. Zxereas trains leavt Portland dally. South I I North bMT. x. ! Lv. - Portland Ar. t:10A. x 525A.JcJ Lv. - Eoseburz - Lt. 1 11:15 r.x. 11:151. x. 1 Ar. - Ban Francisco Lr. 1 7:00 r. X. Above trains stop at Eut Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn, Ealczn, Turner, Marlon, Jctrer son, Albany, Tangent ehedds, Ua-scy, Harris bnrg , Junction City. Eugene, Cresweif, C ottage Grove, Drain, and all station-, from Rccburg to Aihland inclusive. Iloebiirg lUall Dull j . 8 :30 a. X. I Lr. 620 r. X. I Ar. Portland Eoscbnrg Ar. I.T. l.ur.x SIO A. X Salem PanBenKcr-Uuily. iMT. x. ILt. - Portland 6:15 r. x. Ar. Ealcra Ar. 1 1005 a. x. Lt. I SKI a. x. dining o'Aiis on o:m:.v uoirrii Pullman BufTet Sleepers AND flECOXn-CI-A-tt- M.Kr.I'I.Ni; VAilH AlUched to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Between Portland and Corynlll Mall train dally rexcept Sunday. 7:S0.x. ILv. 12:15 r. x. I Ar. Portland - Ar. C.JOr.M Corrallls - I, v. I l Jip.n At Albany and Corrallls connect with train ol Oregon Central & Eastern railroad. Express train dally (except Sunday). I:l5r. x. II. Portland - Ar. I s25 a. m. McMinvillc I.v. U:U) A. x. 7.-25F. X. lAr. Through Ticket (o all I'oiula in the Eaatcrn Mute, Canada and Europe can he obtained at low citratea from (.'corgc Ek(c, Agent Hoaebarc B. KOEHLEB, K. P. ROGERS. Manager. Asst. ii, F. A Pats. Agcu PORTLAND OREGON. -Poultry, I'lHh aud Gnmc, lu Season. HAMS, LARD, OF ALL KINDS. Roseburg, Or. STS. WINDOW GLASS! mm TERMINAL OK INTEKIOK rOLNTS The) Northern) piciFio) RAILROAD Ii the Line to Take To nil Points East and South. Til the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itruns through VESTIBOLED TRAINS EVERV DAY IN THE YEAR to 8T. PAUL and CHICAGO (50 CH AMCC or CAS') Conpe:eil el Dining Car Unsurpasicd. Pullman Drmlnj Room Sltcptrj, 01 Litctt Equipment toukist m.i;kiini; cars Best that can bo constructed and In which aerornmodatlons are both FREE and FURNISHED to holdcn ol First or Second-class Tlokoti. and EI.KfJANT BAV COl'dlCS A Contlnuoua Line connecting with All Lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations cau bo ncurcd in advance through any agent ol tho road. THROUCH TICKETS To aud Irom all Polula In America, hngland and Europe can bcpurchRHcd at any Ticket Office ol this Company. Full information conecmlnc rater, tlmo oi tralni, route and other detail lurnUhcd on application to Ii. S. K. IIITICK, Iocal agcntatRofebrcOr.,or A. I. CIIAICITO.-V, Atltant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First fit., rnr. Warti Ingtnn, PORTLAND. OREGON. E RAPP'S DRUG STORE. ES DOUGLAS I) AND Sr TAR RAPP'S DRUG STORE. 3 aroBros'. Sacrifice Sale Now in Progress. ZIGLER & WALL,. Depot Grocers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF " - . V STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES.- COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Give us a call, Goods delivered to eny part of the City in short order. Corner".!, .tv A Sheri Ian s-izoots. " ROSEBURG, OREGON. WYLIE PILKINGTON, successor to G. W. NOAU.l General Blacksmithing rRorriNQ and running plates a specialty, REPAIRING OF AU. KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. Hliup on Corner WnHlilutoti and Kane Stti., Roscbnrsr. ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. B. W. Marbie Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work Otnce imil Hnlearooui. '.jxj Oali Htrcet. To The Utiiortuiiutc. Dr. Gibbon This old reliable and the most successlul gpeclnlls t In San Fran c1m:o. still continues to cure all Sexual aud .Seminal Diseases, such ai Qonnorrhtra. Qlcct Stricture. 5yphlllU In all its forms, Skin Di seases, Nervous Debll- Slty, Impotency. Semi nal Weakness and Loss of nanhood. the conrc- ? nonce ol sell abuse and excesses producing the ollotring symptoms; sallow countenance, dark STKita under the eyes, pain In tho head, ringing In the cars, loss of confidence, diffidenco In ap proaching strangers, palpctation of thulicnrts weakness of thotlmbsand back, louol memory, pimples on the face, coughs, consumption, etc. DR. GIBBON has practiced in San Franciixo over thirty years aud those troubled should not fall to consult him and receive the benellt ol his great skill and experience. Tho doctor cures when others fall. Try him. Cures guar anteed. Persons cured at home. Chargo reasonable. Call or write. Dr. J. P. (llbbon, 615 Kearney 51rce San PranclfCo, Cal. NOTICE. Notice islicby given to all Kbom lt may nta cern that I hiveaprwinte l V, W. Htfarnsof Cala. puoU precinct Deputy Inspector of Htock fur said rreciccf, pontolllcc addrf so, Oaklaud; ahu A. J. Chapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Rune burg, to act during aiy absence, and others wll be added as rarties Inspected make their desire known to ine. Roseburg, May 1th, 1887. TUOB.HM1T1I, lnyactur at Block fee Douglas county, Or. For Recent and Chronic COUGHS AND COLDS Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss tuitv, Irritability of tho Larynx and Faucet, and other Inflamed Conditions of tb Lulls and Air Passage?. AGH1S0N k GO., Prop. Dealers in all kinds of and Granite Sionuments and Headstones, Portland Cement Curbing For Cemotery Iotf. SUMMONS. JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE PRECINCT OF J Pass Creek. Biaie 01 urfgon, I County of Douglas. I L. M. Tracy, Plaintiff.) ... ' v, ( Civil action to re- r. w Madnntze.Defcndant.J cover money. To P. W. Madautzc: In the name of ihe tate of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear before tbe undersigned, a Justice of the Peace, for the precinct aforesaid, on the 1Mb dav of Januarv. 137. at ono o'clock in the nfternodn of said dav. at the office of said Justice In said precinct to answer tho aliove named plaintiff in a civil action. Tlicdefenennt will take notice that if ho fails to appear and answer the complaint herein, the plaintlffwill take Judgement against him for the sum ol 175.00 and costs of this action. Giwii under my hand thlsrsoth dav of Novem ber, A. D. 1PM. P. W. RHODES. Justice of the Peace. The foregoing Summon is published bv order of P W. Rhodes, Justice of the Peace fnr Pass Creek district in said County aud State. Made this Mill dav of November, 1SD6. dtild. Treasurer's Notice. Notice) is hereby given to all parties holding DougluB county warrant in dorsed prior to July II, ISO-, to present tho Eiimu at tlio treasurer's office in tho court house for payment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this 3d day of December, 1890, at tho City of lioboburg, Douglas county, Oregon. Wm. A. Fkatkh, County Treasurer. ill FOR 1895. Following are the names and amounta due lu full, Including costs to Jauuaiy 15, 1897, when levy will be made and mileage and uiuer costs win oe aaaeu. Abbot, Joshua 5 03 Achlson, E W & Co 7 &1 Adams, Archie 12 6i Adams, Fcndle 2 53 Adams, Geo 2 08 Aiken, heirs.G E 4 68 Allen, Mrs D E 3 43 Allen, Mary J 9 49 Allen, Wm A and Mrs ME 19 69 Ambrum, Julius 9 24 Anderson, Chas J 8 58 Andrews. ON 11 31 Anglo American Nickel Mining Co 4 35 Anlauf, Theressa and Herman 13 10 Arant, Mrs MJ 5933 Archambeau, F A 11 68 Archambcau, Lee 10 61 Armstrong, Mrs Jane 3 61 Arrington.AM 7 03 Atcnlnson, Myrtella 11 79 Aubln, Henry 15 Adams, Herbert 2 85 Addison, J 6 18 Amos, estate, Milton 2 50 Billings, E 7 37 Bailey, estate, Isaac 39 81 Barker, GH 10 98 Baker, J E S 172 Baldwin, LU 3 67 Beatty.AM 6 98 Becker, Rapp 1 12 Bealcr, Mrs A 6 65 Belden, G T, per Ephriam Jackson 25 61 Belden, G T, per Delos Bouck 2 Or Belden, G T, per Geo Langenberg 2 62 Belden, G T, per V 8 Patterson 9 22 Benjamin. C Y 10 32 Bennett, W J 6 C6 Bldwell. Myrou 13 84 BItzer, Jacob 53 71 Bohannan.AnnaE 1 S3 EoUIoger, Miss Nora 8 55 Bonanza Quicksilver Mining Co 42 90 Bose, estate. Louis 7 55 Botffcn & Estabrook 6 55 Eowron, Frank 1 CO Boyer.Adella. 3 7C Boyer, J L and wife 5 95 Bradford, L E.. 1 35 Bradley, W L 3 56 Brecke, Gurrelle and Hoffman, Marie 8 58 Bridges. NT 10 31 Urlgcs.WF.perJWWImer 45 0) Brockway, B B 21 85 Brookbsrt, HP 13 61 Brown, AH . 40 SO Brown, August R S 81 Brown, Chas L 2 17 Brown, Thos G 2 61 Brumbaugh, John 17 55 Brnmmett. Mrs E A 5 21 Br an, J T 13 27 Bulkley. E A 8 5 Buntx, E A C TIndall 2 Ci Burahum, Geo C 53 20 Byrd Bros 10 92 Baltimore. Mrs Julia R t 1 S7 Banning, BR 3 43 Pate, Philips 6 6 Belshan, La 1 23 Briggs, CA ... .., 4 5s Brown, Margaret J 172 Bruce. W L 1 11 Butler, Mary A 4 5i Cameron. Mrs Josephine 19 65 Campbell, J Elliott 2 97 Cappiout, estate, W C, D C Pitier, Admr 10 S7 Carton, C 6 41 Cathcarr, C F 4 21 Cavanaugh, Mary C 1 14 Chad-lck,JT 4162 Chamberlain, C J 1 87 Chamberlain, Margaret 4 12 Chapman, E B 11 31 Chapman, III 28 43 Charles. DK 803 Chatfield. AO 77 Chenoweth, W S 3 39 Chriman, Mrs Lnclnda 1 64 Clark.J G 5 M Clark, Kale 149 Corder, C 2 64 Corder, J and wile 4 90 Cornntt, F 5 49 Cox, Geo W ."rT.ltf . .'. .. . - 9 S3 Craven. Lawrence 1 61 Crawford, J M 8 5S Cole, Carrie, per H E Baker 1 72 Collins. Eupso 5 49 Conn, HI 41 10 Cook, Richard 6S 02 Coon, J L 115 II Cooper, J T 162 7 Copeland, TP 8C6 Crothers. Ettie A 23 Crouch, JasP 17 40 Crouch, Jag M 1156 Cummlncs, J W 2 13 Curtin, Daniel 51 Si Crane, Horace N 69 Cole, Asa. 7 56 Carter, G W 42 15 Chapman. S M 1 94 Chemauli, LO 3 tO Charwln. Lewis .... 4 16 Clapp.TE 3 12 Covey, E 16 47 Croyham, Jennie E 1 14 Crook. Mary R 2 29 Crookham, EE 3 12 Daetyler. Rudolph, pr P LWechner, Agt 1 14 Darr. John S 9 50 Davenport. Isaac M.. 6 52 DavIilson.JP 22 42 Davis, UattlcA.. 2114 Davis, estate, Isabellc 2 17 Divine, Daniel, per Chas Stauffer, Agent 2 17 Devorc, C P, per G W Cox 2 93 Devorc. C P, per U B Scott 2 40 nlmmlck, n R. 9 45 DImmick, G W and TV 44 93 Dixon. W G B 2 76 Dompier, Adalin 6 II Dorrance Lumbsrand Manufacturing Co 33 54 Douglas Co B i L Assn, prC Y Benjamin 21 Cu Duncan, A F 12 71 Duncan, J P, per Duncan, A F. Agent 2 17 Duncan, Cbas, per Duncan, A F, Agent . S 58 Duncan, Perry Mil Dunmorc. G E 2 01 Dutsehkey, Mrs E .... 6 75 Dyer, H D 11 65 Dyer, M F 11 IS Dyer. H. 122 Davisson, J B 4 5e Deltrick, Georgia 1 11 Earl, Joseph ". 1 14 Eastman, NO 150 Ensley, estate, JnoL S 55 Evans, Nathaniel 14 65 Eleanor, P . 1 11 Edwards, W H 3 43 Evcrndon.T S 2 OS Fearing, Henry L 4 35 Fensback, Lena F. . 1 40 Ferguson, S H 7 55 Fields, A 15 7S Fisher, William. 12 13 Fisher, W II 2 75 Flint, A R, Fink, A and Aaron Rose. ... 2 17 Pordney, G W 2 Freeman, J C. 1110 Kenncr. estate, A W 4 5 Fisher. WB 3 4? Flobeck, W 9 15 Gamble, Mrs Inez C 7 11 Gardner, Emma J IS 02 Gawlcr, Wm et al 10 S Gentle, E 1 Ss George, John . 2 63 George, John Jr 2 76 Ghangrau, Josephlnj 4 35 Gllkenon.JS 9 72 Gllmore, J P. per M O GUmore. 10 61 Gossctt. J II 13 01 Gossctt, R W 29 05 Gray, EN S 42 Gray.Mlnnlo M 4 35 drecn, Mrs Emma 6 52 Griggs. Mrs Sarah 3 32 Grills, John S 65 Grooms, S 1 59 Gross, A J 7 22 Grove, CE 137 Grubber, GW 172 Gurney, D J 111 Gurncy, Voltaire 790 Gallleu, C L ;: 52 Goldman, J II 1 S7 Gross, Henry 3 43 Gurncy, R M 1 S3 Halght, P 6 64 Hampton. Wm S 06 Hanau, Mrs Hattie 13 27 Hancock. Mrs E. estate 51 92 Handsackcr, Samuel 7 55 Haney. John and Cha 9 73 Hanson, J A :rj 41 Ilarpham, J H 11 31 Harris, PA 7 5rt Harris, 3 II SS 50 Havcly, J K S 5S Hawkins, J H -21 37 Morris, Mrs s S5 Hayes, G E S 58 Hcdrick. Chas. 1 96 Hendricks, estate, R J 37 41 Hcrrington. h L 3 10 Herlslct, Clem 1 V Herrlugtou, W II ;!M Hill, V, K, per Myrtella Atchiusou 1 61 Hill, Doc.. 2 22 Hill, estate, I' R 73 27 Hill. W J 2 IS Hillbraut, John 1 JO HIncksuu, Nelsuu C I 5. Holmes, Mark. 5 03 Horner, J B 2 36 Hutchinson, Arthur L 2 87 Hutchinson, J C 156 04 Hutchinson, Mrs 8 A 11 70 Hlnman, Mrs A B 5 Hlnkle, estate, Robt 40 50 Harvey, Edward G 6 86 Haverly, Edith L 9 15 Henderson, L D 3 43 Holmes, W H 1 11 Hunt, Lewis 4 58 IIIHey. Phil and Rerdel Jas 6 86 Hlng, Chas 6 86 Ireland, K B 47 70 Jackson, Preston 2 29 James. J W 3 10 Jengenser, C J 2 Jenkins, Klrkendall & Son 18 Jewett, N T 21 14 Johnson, Geo ,.. 1 &6 Johnson, A V 4 36 Jones, Austin E 2 87 Jones, Chas 29 63 Jones, Lewis E 13 40 Jones, G W, per Dixon & Short 17 68 Jung, Geo B 6 86 Kensler, C 4 91 Kerley.JohnE 1155 Kessel E T ' 5 03 Kincaid, M L and W W 3 0 Klrkendall, M B 5 66 Klrkendall, N M 5 66 Kramer, Aug P 2 20 Kraus, Peter 3 34 Klein, Henry J 12 10 Lamb, Geo A 1 55 Langdon, Mrs Ansel 46 Lenox i Razor 2 95 Lett, Joseph .. 1 8 35 Levins, Est., DD .. i-evins, a j ana wiie... Levins, Mrs Eliza. Levins, Henry I.invllle, Berry... Lipplncott. Miss Lydla...- Lasson, N M .. Llllv, C'F. Lenton, T E . Little, Frank C Little, Fiank C Lulklns, C P Marshall, Geo W McC'ansland, Chas . McCansland, Chas ... McRay and wife, Jas P . McKumon, M J Moore, J C Moss, J J M'ounct, Rlch Munday, J A . Mundl, Clara Mabley, J F Mackey, II C Mackcy, T B Msjory, Mrs Jennie Manley. J H Marchetti. Frank 8 07 19 47 332 28 S3 4 60 1 14 3 41 378 9 15 1 87 5 72 1 72 2 76 7 44 6 36 1 1 I 37 1 11 4 58 19 27 2 29 13 38 t 58 1 72 5 SO 7 66 7 78 2 1 69 17 37 452 7 10 9 01 4S IS 14 99 629 S3 86 11 6 1 40 2 W 66 5 49 27 33 4 5 73 14 3 09 13S S2 5 27 5 69 Marsh, Joh- R Mrs Robt Miller azent Martin estate Mason Horner . Mattoon.Sarah E, estate Maxum, Hy D McAuthur, John McBte. John T. MeCullum, David- McCoraick, John McDougall, G E McGee, AE McKereher. F .. MeMann. Peter. .. . McNalr.N Micklem, Mrs J C .. Mitchell, Lewis t fctaver. Moore, Lucinder Moore, W N and wife , Morningstar, 2Ir S J Morris. TB Morrison, J D.. Morton, Wm Mosher. Mr3 W : Mullen, John C. Myrtle Creek Consolidated Hydraulic told Mining j: MfgCo 51 SI -Mcneaa, jonn 3trs m j 3 ft 2 29 1 72 229 4 53 4 12 74 1 14 1 14 229 1 72 1 72 6 & X 25 20 59 5 49 6 16 O'llare. John Prentin, Helen M .. Reidi, Joseph Rondeau, Thomas Smith, J Frank Smith, J Frank . Smith, J Frank Smith, Wesley Snider, Fred Spear, Hy Spear, II C Tewant, Mrs Phoebe Thompron, M 1 racy, j .n Unknown owner. August, Block 94, SW Si, 1 p sj k 3 Upton, E P Unknown owner. S?- SEII. Sec 25. Tp 26 R 7 15 10 I nknown owner, S L Lamb 91. N, NE ec o&. 1 p jsj, ii , Morris, Mrs P M McLaln. Florence E Newiand, James... . Nichols, BS Nicolt. BIL Noah, Robert M Nutt, A Ny berg, est, John E JO Clark 3 20 2G77 21 51 2 76 229 10 16 709 1 0t 1 06 1 45 2 24 1 06 2 12 4 25 14 82 14 82 755 15 38 4 35 5 49 20 82 1 SI 2 76 13 09 5 69 20 59 26 54 97 3 59 15 90 1 61 1 60 23 6S 9 72 9 49 2 IS 9 95 2 17 3 S9 36 04 6 06 5 90 33 43 2 17 17 2U 4 92 13 10 1 35 3 43 91 53 1 14 27 SO 266 55 20 61 5 03 46 4 46 4 16 4 46 4 35 7 12 160 5 90 590 2 9." 2 95 2 95 5 90 2 95 Mrs A M Hannei. Catharine Johnfon. A Morningstar- E Powell J Ponrie Dixon i Short Maupin, sst, G B Weaver, T L. O'Brien. Thomas Orcutr, P W Owens, Richard Pan ton. A C Pardee, John .... ... Pardee, J S Pardee, M Parker, J R Palmer, N W Watkins, Wm Parry, Harrv and wife Patterson, 1) Patterson, Oliver Pattcrion. est, Wm R . Perrv, W W Petit, lf like, Frank A Pike. MrsJ E Pilkington, Wilev Pitzer. I) C I Pope, Mrs J F. 1'ortland Bitumerous Pub Co Portland Cement Co Portland Trust Co Poe, MEATS - Prahser, Frank It . Preble, Mrs M .. Price. Anna M .. . Geo W Pilu Bowcn, J M Micelii, Joe Rauft, H Braus Reume. MrsLL Reed, Frank and wife- Reyno ds, Milton .. Richards est, J II RiddJe. Stilly Reltman, Hy F Roberts, Chas. - Roberts, Lizzie Robson, E F . . Roche. Jno . Rondeau, eft, Frank Rorke. Mrs Mary Ross, Jas I. Ross, J W Fieeman, John Hughes, J W Newman, Mrs Mary E Owen, A G Radabaugh, C snyder, MrsG Easton, H and wife ... Orcutt. Ci W and wifo. 7 21 Preble. 1: V and wife. 24 21 behlbrede, C A and wife. 11 64 Russell, D B .. 25 S4 Sanders, Mr T A . 3 2S Sawvers, J R 37 42 Schalling, Edw F. 13 52 Sehlbrede. C A 49 CO Wangle, .Mrs Elizabeth 3 06 Sbaogle, Frank 3 IS Shoemake, W II 30 41 Shook, Jasper. 25 06 s-hrex e, E A .. 5 10 shuiv, Ja.s H 5 73 J-immons, W c 2 07 singleton. Mrs AraDella .. 4 69 Smith, A M 2 17 Smith, John or Jack 6 41 Smith, S M 3 10 Snell, C P 3 61 Milder, W 11 .. 4 35 Southern Oregon Comptuiv. 153 S3 Staley, ico W and wife....; 4 20 Stancliir. Mrs I. .1 5 09 Stanclill", I. S 11 37 Steel, David 1 72 Stephens, T A 2 16 Sterling, Jas A --00 Steeuson, (. II 65 92 strong, Leonard 69 Sumner, Adulln 1 56 Sutherlin, heirs oi J P 11 70 Sutherlin, I.ucy It - 4 35 Schippers. Jno . 1123 Taylor, Jas M 1 23 Thonu, II D - S SS Thomuou, est, W P 9 SI Thornton. S I 73 20 Thorp, Mrs Pmerett - 1 11 Tower, Mil 31 56 Trask. Cash 1 32 Trimble, It 2 IS Truman, J G...... Tucker, Mrs M N. .ruroer, ueorgc Umpqua Steam Navigation Co.. Vanderberg, C II ........... Vanllonten, 8tepben.... VanNys, RKW . Vamey.est, J A Vinson, w k W aggoner, Samuel , WaTte, CM '. .... Walker, ThoaN ' "'" Walters, Geo B Ward, est, James . " 1 44 ID S3 23 . 1 40 18 74 -49 55 2 18 . 9 71 ... 5 39 3 37 . 387 37 41 . 1 96 . 2792 1 S6 . 12S5 309 .. 25 96 .. 4 71 327 .. 6 12 . . 1C6 33 ..115 40 .. 193 56 -. 58 00 .. 42 67 .. 2 29 Ward. Luclnda Warren, AnuIeS.. 19 30' v atxins, w l Watson, Chas F Weatherford, Fred 8. Webb, J R wens, js e.. Wells, Miss S A Whltcomb, C Wells.. Whltsett, John H v. nitsett, j w J hittaker, Samuel and wife.. Wiley, CL Wiley, J W Wilhlrt, Walter Wilkin. ITpnnr WiSllsXp''-1''6""' Wilson, ChasF.. Wilson, W C and Mary "j"." Wilson, W H Wilson. W L Wlmr,JW Woodardand WUUs....."."." . Velzian, Isaac Warner. AIbx Wheeler, OH 3 43 White, CO 7 55 Wisdom, M D 1 18 Yates, R C " 7 11 Beardsley. Ada .."""".".". 16 38 Don, L Oliver. 111 Haynes. CL " 453 Mendall, Solomon 42 33 Bate, Arthur 4 53 Pederson, N C n 44 Arthur, J M t Co '-' 5 41 Klrkendall, j a 41 is Bowen, J M and wile 13 43 Bolsinger, 88 2s 20 Ambrose. AT 3 17 Wright. John r; nii Wilson, Albert Jr " " 2 29 Yorborongh, LH '.'.I.".'.'. 13 78 Y ouman, Jas F ' 8 69 2 IS Zeppe, Glveepp. Zenllner, Nick. CSKSOWJ5 OWJ5ZBS To the foilowing.described property, to-wlt: a- C Panton owned In 1894: SWJX MV SWJi-Sec 36, Township 29. Range 5.... 15 49 Part Chitwood Donation Claim, Town ship 22, Range 5 743 0l. Oi-CRR WG Steel owned 94, Drain, Lots 1, 2. 5 anil S DinaVf 1- Drain, Krewson's addiaon' Lts5and"6 Block 5, Lots 1 to a Block 7 u WIWA u S Drain. Lots 1. 2 and a Rtrv-v sn i,.i a Block 2.....-..t..:.t;.v. ;.r.r...r. & nuacuuij, j aaa-i aioca 9 1173 SWJfSWtf,Sm4-SWJ,, pt SZH NAV Undivided 4-5 of WJ,' SEJ 64, Sees. Sf.1 and37.Tn.sa Ran 7 I A IM Batty has balani e of uncUrtdeci'i-f i 2 23 iLKSEJiSO, Sec 36, Tp. 36, Range 7 J T VanVIack owned in "94: pr. claim 66. Tp. 26, Range 6 . 7 fn SEJi SEJ i Sec. 15, Tp. 22, Bangui' " . ! '. I." 2 17 Delinquent Poll Taxes. FOR 1895. Following are tte names of those whose poll tax is delinquent. Every effort will be made to collect these. Mileage and costs charged 11 not paid at sheriff's othee. Abeene.ThosE Acker, Hiram Adams, J H Aderton, Alexander Adklson, Geo R Agee, J D Aiken, Samuel Albro. George Albro, John Aldrich, St W Alexander, Fred D Alexander, J J Alexander, TJ Allen, Wm Allison, J K. Allison. O H Ambrose, Eugene S Ainstetn. R Anderson, Elijah Anderson, J Anderson, Martin Ardris, Joseph Andres, Fred H Andres, Guy 3 Arant, Arthur 1 Arant, Ernest Archambeau, Chas Archambeau, J I Archie, J Annfield.JA Armstrong, Geo W Armstrong, Lee Arzner, John Jr Ash, John Asken, George Atterbury, S F Austin AM Axx.JohnA Asken, I Abraham, Jack Applegate, Grant Bacon, Milton Barkey, A F Braey, J A Bailey, Edward Bailey. Nathan A Baker. WH Baldwin, J E Baldwin, A G Bansch, C E Bansch, Gus Banta, W L Barker. Edward J Barker, James Barlow, J H Barnes, J C Barrett, Wm Bar t sola, J w Bayrett, Thomas Bassyr.RE Bean, AS Beasley, David S Becker, Chas L Becker, L C Beeman, Jessie J Beiieu.JG Bennett, Chas Beno, M Benson, M H Bentey, George Berdlne, Johnson Bernard, Chas Bigger, Frank Bishop, C S Bishop, Fred H Bladen, J Blakely, Robt Boddiug, Ale Bogard, Wm W Boggess. R A Bogue, C E Bond, W H Boren, Wm. H Boswell, Sidney Bound, J L Bower. H O Bowers, Joe Boyd.R Boyle, WH Brand, W J Braadenberg, Wra Brankel, Jos Bruiser, Harman Briggs. Benjamin Bolnkmeyer, H H Brooks, M L Brown, Ed Brown, Frank Brown, George Brown, James Brown, John A grown, John H Brown, Thomas Brown, James W R Brown, G W Brummett, Frank Brundrett, Henry Buchannan. Ira Buell. L F Brown, James B Brown, James W Baick, G W Barge, j W Bart, iosco Burt, H H Bards, F M Bar Us, G C Busch, Ed Byars, F Byars.OH Bynon.Bj Brown, Jacob Sn.h1'. Ma.r5 , Callahan. G J Jr Callahan. iH.ftn t 20. Camp, J B Campbell, J j rill dlilteT Capps, Barney 51 X varae.jonn Casebeer, W H Casaldy. Frank P -asweil, Clark Caswell. Lewis C ell, Perry Celun.Fred Center, Wm Chalafoe. Peter Chantlle, Lawrence Chitwood. James viimmu,, uro Lnnston, A S Uabourne, Freeman Clark, Geo F CTark. Rrthp- rn. w Corneuson.j D Cornutt, All vornutr, Norah J Cornutt, Walter Cornuu, Wyatt Carpenter, Sim Cox, David Cox, G W Cox.LM Craig. BW Craig, R W Craln, C L Craln, J C Craln, W Cralse, Chas Crane, Ernest Cleuson, W T Cockelxeise, E S Cockelrease, J S Collier, Joseph Collins, D J Collins. Robert Conover, W Connaway, C W Conwav, w H Cook, Geo W Cook, Harvey Cook, J B Coon, A W Coon, Gilbert Cooper, Eiastus Cooper, Russell Cully, J Casten, Frank Casten, Wm Cave, Jos Crow, Robert E Chapman, J I Clark, J H Connelly, J G Copeland, JH Dally, Calvin A Dalley. Chas E Davidson, Wm C Davis, Chas Dorrls, Dorsey A DalrymDle. Wra Davis, Geo W Davis, Homer Davis, Joseph Davis, Lewis Davis, O S Davif, Samuel Davis, N G Davis, W F Day, Edward Day, G W Dear, R P Decker, John Duty, Herman Delanney, John Demoss, David P Pevore, Ben Dczcndorf, F C Dillard, FC Dixon, Samuel Dixon, Wm Dobson, " Dorner, Geo J Doodey, John Dowden, D C Dubell, Clarence Dubell, Johu Puley, S H Dnlin, Thos Dunmore, Andrew Danmore, Chas Dunmore, Frank Dunmore, Jacob Dunham, Uosea Dunham, Will'am Dunn. Monroe Dunn.Theo Penning, F T Durham, I N Puttwcller, Jacob Earl, Chas Easter, G S Eccles, Howard Ecker, L E Eddiugs, Nort Edmonds. Jas Edwards, L B Edgington. F Edglngton, Ll Edgington, S 1 lUgust Kienke owned In lS94.NEff 9M bhi, SEli NEJi, Sec. 4. Tt. S&RmA Cuuclued 011 4th psge. 8 12 1 83 1 37 73 72 9 34 84 22 6 74 31 92 6 94 4 93 44 63 1 66 1 72 i 28 2 62 30