MS PLA1NDEALER DECEMBER 17, 1896. Sheep dip at Mars tors'. Lime and sulphur At Marsters'. A SaUman, the reliable jeweler. Caro Uros. are the bona merchants. Go to the Rosoleaf for the beat cigar. McKiuley and Bryan hats at the Nov elty. For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. ! Wood taken on subscription at thia office. Go to A. 0. Marsters & Go. for school books. Get your echool books at Maratere' drag store. Maskers buy your masks at the Nov elty Store. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little ot Oakland. School books and stationery at Mar kers' Drug Store. I'uro fresh groceries and low prices at Casebeer'a grocery. l. S. West does insurance. Office opposite the post office, Ne-itfoot oil, machine and lubricating oils at Marsters' Drugstore. A tine line of gents' shoes at J. Abra ham's. Prices just right. All work warranted first class by R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Key West, imported and domestic cigars at the Roseleaf. An excellent line of toilet soaps at Marsters' Dreg Store. Goods below cost at Caro's. Now is the the time for bargains. Nobby suits and latest styles at Little Jack's. Prices very low. All styles and qualities of hats at Abra ham's. Bedrock prices. Munyon's Honicepathie Remedies for sale at Marsters' Drug Store. An endless variety of combs, hair and clothes brushes at Marsters'. For bargains to family groceries, call at the Pepole's kore, Cass street. Fred Floed, lawyer, room 9, Taylor & Wilson block, Roseburg, Oregon. Munyon's Homeopathic Remedies at A. C. Marsters A Co.'s drug store. Bring your clocks and watches to Slow Jerry the reliable jeweler tor repairs. Country produce oi all kinds bought and sold at Casebeer's grocery store. Cok! weather calls for good warm un derwear. You'll and them cheap at the Novelty Store. At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription to the Plainoealeis. Fine gold and silver fillings put in by R. . Benjamin, dentist. Prices to suit the times. Have your dental work done by R. W iienjamm, dentist. All wort guaran teed nrst cue . "Live sad let lie" is Dr. R. W. Ben jimin's motto. Dental work done at bedrock prices. Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex asder A Strong's, ever brought to Roee- ourg and at prices tower man ever. Bring your job work to the Plac'dial sk office. We are prepared to do the cheapest and best work south of Port' .and. Save money and time. To parties coins: East, co br the 0. R N. short route. Call on or write to V. C. London, Roseburg, Oreson. N. Rice, at bis ware rooms on Jackson opposite Marks' iron front, has choice, household furniture and tin ware at price to suit the times. Take notice. Dr. Benjamin, the dent 1st. is permanently located and truaran tees all bis work. Give him a call and examine work and prices. If you don't wai.t to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots and shoes made at L. Langenbarg's. Repairing neatly and promptly done For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades of head gear. The Souare Deal stoie has iust opened ud a beautiful line of W. L. Donglas shoes, which prove to be the best shoes made. Come and inspect them. 1 am prepared to offer lumber or wood a; reauceu prices. i am lacing la luca ber and wood on old accounts and m trade for goods. T. K. Richardson A. C. Uoxie sells flour at 75c and 60c a sack, and 10 pounds of lard for 75 cents People should take advantage of tnese prices and give him their patronage. N. Rice, one of our enterprising furnl tare dealers baa now on sale a fine lot of furniture of the latest style and finish. Give him a call before purchasing else where. L. Lanzenburg is still on top. He carries a full stock of choice music, ma meal instruments, violin, guitars, accord' eons etc, violin strings of best quality always on hand. Slow Jerry the jeweler has H caral filled irold ladies watches now on 3ale Prices reduced from 125 to $15, decided barcains. Don't fail to examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Those havinz second hand stoves, furniture, etc., for Bale can receive the highest cash price by calling upon N. Rice, the furniture and supply dealer, 221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or. Jack Abraham, gents furnisher, keeps the best goods and latest of every thing in bis line, and sells them at a lower price than any of his competitors. He ilso sells boots and shoes at astonishing low prices. The cheap rates of five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage including meals and berth are still in effect on the 0. R & N. Co's. steamers from Portland to San Francisco. Steamer leaves Portland every five days. Notice is hereby given to the public bv the underaizned that 1 do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aabok Rosk, Roseburg. Oregon, March 17th, 1895. Schilling s Jest means: we have taken your money and spent it for tea coffte soda biVinz powder flavoring extract! and iplTJ as well as we know how to. Your grocer pays your money back if you like them. i For n!e by Kruse & Shambrook don't BRIEF MENTION. Holiday goods at Balrman's. Go to Sahsman'a for souvonir spoons. Call and see the new line of ladio's shoes, just received at Parrott Bros. Pluih goods, toys, novelties of all kinds and at all prices at Salsman'e. Everything that is now, nice and pretty in the way of Jewelery at Salz man's Keep our clothing in mind when making tho boys a present. Novelty Store. Monoy to loan. Call at the office of I. F . Rico, real estate dealer, Roseburg, Oregon. N". E. Britt of Newburg and G. J. Stearns of OakWnd were in tho city yes terday, Try Allison's Eastern hams and lard. Fine citrons, currants and raisins at Allison's. The new White Granite Iron wnro selling fast at Churchill, Woolley & Mc- Kenzie'e. We are displaying holiday goods come and look in our show cases. Nov elty Store. Three hundred men enrolled in Kan- fas City, Dec. 16th, to fight for Cuban independence Pure Cream Rje whiskoy and rock candy at the Senate. Jackson street. P. 0. coruor, 400 Ginger ale, Arista Water, soJas, and other soft drinks at Slow emporium, now on draft. Jerry's drink The Jewish Race in Prophecy will be subject of discourse at the M. E. Church next Sunday evening at 7:30. The regular Sunday night and Wednes day meetings at the M. E. church will return to the usual hour of 7:30. Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson ana Washington, Keeps tue best grocer ies. Bacon and lard a specially. Read John A Lee's great "at cost" Main sales into day's papfr. Shop 220 street, next door to S'an Uouten. Why not profit by the experience of others who have found a permanent cure for catarrh in Hood's Sarsaparilla? The people of the New England States are eniojine lo's of enow and cold weather the mercury down to zero. ieeih extracted with tne use ol eu- caine. o pain, no danger, it does not effect the heart. Dr. F. W. Havnes Ladies cull and see our new line of embroidered and silk handkerchiels. We have a fine assortment at tho Novelty Store. i Special attention is called to our fine line of jeielry and optical goods we in Tite you alt to come and learn our prices at Sahman'a. Buy your shoes at the Novelty Store and if they contain shoddy insoles, etc. they will tell you. Our aim is to sell you a good shoe. Candy for the Christmas trade at the Kitchen fresh and clean. Don't buy this swiily stuff that comes from the wholesale bouses. To parties who are in arrears or who desire to subscribe for the Pliindealek, we desire to inform them that county warrants will be taken at par. Hon. A. W. Reed oi Gardiner was in this city tho first of the week, gathering data for his representation oi bis con- stftceata at Salemthis wintsr. Al is pre rpaing for the fray. Ladies and gentlemen desirous of studying voice culture and ballad sing ing with Miss Marr A. Crittenden will please call or address her at Mrs. ChildV, 623 Stephens St. We learn that Chaa. L Point, an old pioneer of Douglas county residing in French Settlement, was stricken down with paralysis last Sunday and there is but little hopes of bis recoTery Good pasturage furnished at my past- lures on Roberts creek. Charges reatonable. All stock at owner's risk The bestot care will be given to ail atock entrusted to my charge. J. M. SCH.VITKK. A certain king it is reported once cried out in his extremity : "A horse, a horse! my kincdomfora boree." Tho above may now be paralleled by an offi cer after Bob Hmman crying when he cornea up to Bob : A log, a log, my ary for a log ! The second quarterly meeting of the United Brethren church will be held next Saturday and Sunday, December 19th and 20th, at Pine Grove church Services to begin at 2 p. m. December 19th. All are cordially invited to attend Rev. E. C. Wyatt, Pres. Elder The international organization called the Salvation Army will open up in thia town on Saturday, December 19th at p. m. in the ball formerly occupied by God's Regular Army. Capt. Anderson and Lieutenant Griffith, who havo lately been in charge of the work at Eug9U will be in charge. A lady a few days ago was standing on the platform before the passenger depot when a freight train was being backed down the track. The conductor shouted to tho engineer: "Run her down, jum her on the sido track, cut her in two and bring her bead back." The lady fainted before the conductor's orders could executed. bo The Ladies' of the 31. E. Church will give a dime social Friday night, Dee. 18, at tho church. A very entertaining pro gram has been prepared, consisting of tableaux, music and recitations, aftor which coffee and sandwiches will be served. Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co. have been playing to crowded houses at tho opera house since Monday night and will con tinue throughout tho week. Though only 15 cents admission is charged, tho performance ia much better than the average high-priced ahow and tho audi ence is kopt in a roar of laughter and annlause from the time tbo curtain rlsti. Every night during the week The list of serious caaualtiea to foot ball players on Thanksgiving day fills half a column. One man died on the field, and probably 30 or 40 were in jured for life. An American game of football is about five times as danger ous ss a Spanish bull fight. You can find what you want in tho way'of holiday goods at Salzuian's. Monoy to loan. Call at tho office of I. F. Rice, real estate dealer, Roseburg, Oregon. Tho Dutch havo a delightfully origi nal way of collecting their taxes. If, after due notice has been given, tho monoy is not Eont, the authorities place one or two hungry tnililiamen m tlio house, to be lodged therein until tho amount of tho tux be paid. Dr. Fred Haynos does crown and bridge work in an up to dale manner. McKinley enffeo at Allison's. It will give you confidence, cause you to dream of prosperity, and protect you in your declining years. Mother You say your husbnnd no longer spends his evonings at tho club? Daughter I Eoon bioko him of that. Mother How did you inanago it? Daughter Before going to bed I put two easy chairs together by the parlor fire and then held a match to a cigar until the room got a faint order of smoke. Pearson's Weekly. Hon. G. W. Riddle of Glenbrook was registered nt the McJlallen Wednesday. Ad Harmon, of the Senate, has just received a consignment of Key West and domestic cigars. Smokers, don't forget tho place. P. O. corner. Tho wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a prom nent lumberman of llartwick, N. V., was sick with rheumatism for five montliB. In speaking of it Mr. Robin son says: "Chamberlain's Paiu Balm is the only thing that gave her aDy rest from paiu. Fot tho relief of paiu it can not be beat." Many very bad cases of rheumatism have been cured by it. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by A. C. Marsters. In a recent issue of the Irish Times, of Dublin, there appeared 350 names, and of these only 55 wero Irish. This is quoted in a current review to show that in the repeopling of Ireland the other races have gradually predominated and the Irish are disappearing. Iho owner of a leading Irish newspaper ia a Scotch man, and the great industries of the is land are owned and managed by people who are not Irish. Considering the past history of Ireland, and what Irishmen have done in other countries, this story becomes one of remarkablo patbt8. Baltimore American. A large invoice cf Bibles and Tetta- ments just received at H. C. Stanton's, Bibles, from 20 cents to 14 ; Testaments, and 10 cents each. E. Du Gas. Physician and Surgeon, office in Marsters' building. Calls in answered tawn and country promptly night or dnv. Residence. 911 Mill street. Notice of Annual Meeting. To the shareholders ol the Odd Fel lows Building afsociation of Roseburg, Oregon. You are hereby notified that the annual meetinz of the stockholders of the Odd Fellows Building aisociation of Roseburg, Oregon, for the election of a board of seven direction, to serve dur ing the ensaicg year, and for the tran saction of such other business as may be brought before them, will be he.'d at the Odd Fellows' Temple, January 5, lS97,at 7:30 p. m. By order of the board of directors of the OJd Fellows Building Association. Josei'u Mhkuj, Secy. No Action on Cuba. Washington, Dec. 16. Tho Senate committee on foreign relations held a meeting today for consideration of the Cuban resolutions referred to it. No action was taken, The committee ad' joumed to Friday for the purpose of se curing further information from the state eenartment. This is a oesire to ascertain exactly what was reported by Consul-General Lee. Officers Elected. At the annual meeting ol the Y. P. S, C. . of the Christian church beld a few evenioge ago, tho following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Lona Shupe; vico presi dent. Mel tie Rapp; secretary, Vernon Pattereon ; treasurer, J. B. Morris ; or ganist, Mettie Rapp; assistant organist Mrs. M. Ragsdale. Clothesline Robbers. Swiping clotheslines iu this city is be coming too frequent to suit the good cit izens. Mrs. W. R. Willis, Mis. T. R Sheridan and Mrs. Jos. Sheridan's lines wero relieved of their hangings a fow nights ago and last Monday night tho Soldiers' Homo lines wero raided, and about $100 worth of underwear taken off Xmas Offerings. New goods and now prices. A hand BO mo doll will bo given with every Dackaco of baking iowdcr bought of Mrs. ('. W. Rapp at the Peoplo'a Gro cery. Many of the dolls are worth twice the price of a can of baking powder. Every can guaranteed to be as good as any powder in tho market. B. P. O. Elks. All members and visiting brothers are requested to attend a special meeting of the Elka on Saturday. Dec. 19th at 9:30 p. m. when very important business and work is to bo dono. FllKI) I'AtiK-TusriN, Hkkman Maiikh, Exalted Ruler Secretary. Merry Christmas. Tbo Elks aro making great prepara tions for thoir Christmas tree on Friday night of next week and wo aro reliably informed it will bo tho grandest repre eentation of Sauta Glaus ever witnessed in this city. ROSE vs. VVOLLENBERG. This case on trial Tuesday was ably coutcBted by eacti party, loo issuo in thia caso is ouo growing out of the V. L. Arrington defalcation as treasurer of Dougls county. Tho record shows that iu 1892 Aaton Rose went on Arrington'e bond for $10,000 and H. Wollenborg for $20,000. Arrington de tailed and his bondsmen had to pay $22,- 990, tho amount of embezzlomcnt. Rose paid half tho forfeit, $11,485. This set tlement with the county stopped further costs against them ns sureties at that time. Rose now seeks to recover from Wollenborg about $4,003, the diffoteuco between one-third, which, as ho claims by tho tenor of tho bond, to be tho amount for which ho was m jubtice liable and what ho uctually did pay; that is, he claims ho should pay only one-third of that $22,990, the amount of tho defalcation becauao ho subscribed but one-third and Wolenberg two-thirds of the bond. In other words Rose sub scribed $10,000, one-third of the amount of the bond, and Wollenberg aubscriliod $20,000, or two-thirds. The bond hav ing been forfeited by Arriugton's defal cation to the amount of $22,990 Rose claims ho ought to pay only one-third o( that money $4,003, wheroas he paid $11,495, and Rose has brought action to recover that difference, or $3,831.07. The plaintiff Rose claims as the grounds of bis action, that it was u mutual under standing at tho time of signing the bond that he (Rose) would go on Arrington'a bond for $10,000 only, and that Wollenberg was to take the balance, $20,000. Each subscribed and certified that they were respectively wortli these amounts, uud were willing to carry, each one, the amount he subscribed and that that arrangement was in law a bonatide agreement, Rose to pay one-third in caso of defalcation and Wollenberg to pay two-thirds. On the other hand, as there was no written or special verbal agreement to that effect between them, Wollenberg refuses to repay Roee the amount be claim?. The jury returned a verdict for $4003 55 with interest at S per cent from April 1, lS9 t. THE TRIAL OF NED SUTHERLIN. The case of State oi Oregon vf. Ned Sutherlin, indicted for killing Henry Bruso near Oakland last September, is now on trial before the following jury men: Fred Allen, Dwight Reed, A. F. Dancan, J. L. Cole, L. Letsom, James Overstreet, Fre 1 Fisher, A. O. Rose, M. F. Callahan, J. J. McCoy, W. H. Gor don and W. J. Lander. The nature of the testimony brought out by the prosecution up to Wednes day evening at time of adjjurnment failed to show conclusively that Bruso was killed by a blow from any one. Neither Mr. James Brown nor his wife at whoso house the killing is supo;ed to have been done, and who witnessed a quarrel between Henry Biuso, Geo. Nalta and the defendant, Ned Sutherlin, neither saw the blow or who struck it, if such a blow was struck. The only per son who did see him strike the blow, if a blow was struck, is Geoige Nalta and he cannot n-jw be produced. That Henry Braao is dead 3ml that he died from tho effects of a blow on the head .py a bl'int instrument of some kind is con-clu.-ive. Dr. W. U. Gilmore, who was called soon after tho tragedy to attend the de- ceased, who at that time was still breath ing, though unconscious, testifies that the death of the patient was caused by a severe blow upon the head by some blunt object that caused a contusion of the scalp, a fracture of tho skull and a compression of the brain. He trepaned the skull and removed a portion under the contused scalp and found clotted blood beneath the portion of skull re moved. But from what source the con tusion was received he could not tell did not know. Tbo doctor gave a very clear and lucid explanation, the cause of death so far as apparent, physical causes were discernible, hut the cause of con tusion of the scalp and fracture of the eknll he knew not. His testimonv was wholly circumstantial as tho primary cause. Mrs. Brown heard a sound as of heavy blow or pistol shot, and saw the deceased fall with his face down upon the floor of her house, "with his feet just outside the door," but did not see any one striko him. Mr. Brown was standing within arma reach of Bruso when he fell down into tho door be side him, but Bweara he did not sea any one strike him. Both Brown and his wifo witnessed tin quarrel between the men over some hop picking matters. They s.iy that bottle of liquor was passed around but did not know whether any of the parties wero intoxicated or not. Brown said "I refute to drink" and that Bruso, the deceased, slapped Ned Sutherlin's face, and that hia nose bled from its effect Mrs. Brown Baid: Ned Sutherlin left tho house after Bruso slapped h is face that the striking of Bruso as appeared by the sound she heard when Bruso fell at full length into the house "with his feet just outside the door," was not seen by her: she did not know of herownknowl edge who or what struck him. She iden titled a stick ol timber that was exhib itcd to her as ouo ehu found next morn ing niter tho killing in front of tho house. She gave it next day to Mr. Medley tho constable. She supposed it was the stick witli which Bru3o was struck would not swear that it was. Sho said Bruso "novor spoke n word aftor ho was struck." Shu saw it dark object iu Sutli crlin'fl hand after Bru3o foil into the houso slio "could not tell what it was Sho rocogui.od her siguiituro to a paper that was shown her. iho dufonso ob jected to roadiug the papor presented bearing tho witness signature. Tho Court overrulod the objection after lengthy confab of the oppoaiug counsel and the witness answered tho question based upou tuo matter in tho paper eigne J by her. She said "I spuposed be struck him with a club." CR038 EXAMINATION. "Bruao struck Ned Sutlnrli.i ou the side of his lace and knocked Uii hit off and male hid uw bloel" My huj baud told Ilium all to go uiit tur-t, htt would have ii ) fuss in his Ii uho, tliure was more roim ou'. d j in if thy waircd to fight." Mr. Brown also testified that when he ordered Sutherlin, Bruso and No'ta out of the house when they were disputing, Brueo caught hold of Nolta and dragged him to tho door and while Bruso was standing on the steps six or eight inches down from the door Hoar he was struck. tSutherlin went out at the kitchen doar. The witness described from a diagram of tho house given him, the several posi tions of each party, a few minutes before and a part of them at the time of the striking of Bruso by whom or whatever struck him jo witness saw a blow struck Brown said "My wife gave the club to Bob MeJIey of Oakland after the trouble. I did not see any club at the titno of the trouble." The prosecution rested the case this forenoon witl tho testimony of W. T. Turner, the justice of the peace be fore whom the preliminary trial was had, whereupon the counsel for tho defenFe gavo notice that they would movo the court for an acquittal on the grounds of insufficient evidence to convict. DANCE XMAS NIGHT" ORAM) MARCH AT 9 CO. TICKETS $1 EHCH JDBr-HilI Ticket will admit bearer to Christ nits tree eicrcbea at 7 p. in. December 25th. ELKTON. Profuse showers during the past few days and the ground is getting soft There has been considerable plowing done in this vicinity this fall but the fall sown grain looks sickly. Mr. J. M. Robinson, "mine host" of the Llkton hotel, has beeu having a splendid run of business and has proved himself to be well qualified for the bnei ness. Hon. A. W. Reed of Gardiner passed through here last week on his way to Sin Francisco. But we predict he will return in time to take his seat when the ?gialature meets. l'rot. right s class which be has in training in literary and lepal attain- ments, seems to be progressing nicely. Mrs. Sarah Weatherly. who has been seriously ill for several months, still re mains in a critical condition. It is to be hoped that she may be restored to health again. Mr. John Fryer cf Scottsburg has hauled several loads of sturgeon through here to Drain, which aro being shipped to the Portland market. Dr. Hansom ol Portland, who was formerlv located at this place, made a professional visit hero last week, remain ing several dajs. Tne te evidently was quite a itorm at sea last Saturday night as the rearing of the surf could be distinctly heard in this vicinity. Mr. Chas. McGuire, who has been confined to his room for many weeks, is azain able to sit bv the fire in his "old arm chair," although yet quite feeble, Little Alta Young appears to be im proving, who was so severely burned some two months since, by her clothes catching on tire. The skin being en tirely destroyed on half the surface of her right arm and also on nearly half the bodv. Tho little sufferer bears her terrible atlliction with great fortitude. aver.u parties Lere are making ex tensive preparations for catching salmon in the river at this place, and shipping them to tbo markets of the Willamette valloy. Should they succeed ss well as thev expect, the circulating medium of this valley will be considerably in creased. Observer, Cuban Demonstration Planned. New York, Dec. 16. Three thousand members of the organization known the American Friends of Cuba will march next Monday evening in n hod; to Cooner Union to narticipato in the demonstration in sympathy with th Cuban patriot. President Frank Mayer who is one of tbo few survivors of tho Virginus expedition will head tbo line. nucklen'H Arnica salve. The Bes. Salvo in the world for Cute Bruises, eorcs, L leers, fcalt Uheuni Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands Chillbains, Corus, aud all skin Lrup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no iwy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monoy refunded Price 25 conts per box. For sale at O.Marstora & Co. A Clothes Line Raided. Last Monday night some sous ot ee cooks there must have bon eoveral took from the Soldiers' Home clothes lines, 17 pairs of mens drawers aud 11 blue overshirtB. No oluo to tho robbers vet. It is supposed, however, that it was douo by some hoboes. The Contrast. While thousands suffer in tho Dakota bliw.uds tho people ot Oregon are en joying mild weather, laboring men work ing in their shirt sleeves and tlowors are blooming in their door yards. That is tho difference. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report J M ABSOLUTELY PURE riore About Hinman and the Deputies Speaking of the arrest of Hinman for the robbing of May's store at Riddle, the Record, doubtless speaking by cord of its Ro3eburg informant, says: "Deputy R. L. Stephens went to the ome ot bam uayhardt, ilinman's brother-in-law, and arrested him, who then offered no resistance, claiming he as innocent." Now there is just fact enough in the above to give it the semblance of truth. L. Stephens did not arrest Hinman. Hinman gave himEelf up, had a prelimi nary trial before Justice Dean at Rid dle, was bound over to the grand jury and Constable Nichols brought him to Roseburg and turned him over to the sheriff, who put him in jail. On Octo ber 14th last, Hinman dug out of jail in broad daylight and escaped with two other burglars. Bob has not yet been caught nor ia be likely to be. Little or nothing has been dune to recapture him. The officials "dance to Hinman'a music." They do not propose to risk their precious carcasses to a shot from Bob Hinman'a Winchester from behind a log as did Mr. Huggins. They enjoy the luxury of a cushioned seat too well to al low those pleasures to be cut off by a rifle ball in the way Huggins was, since Hinman broke jail Hinman will shoot and our eheriff and is deputies know it. Discretion with them is the better part of valor. They are no anxious to become a target for Bob Hinman to try hia skill in gunnery on. The Plain-dealer does cot believe in trying to build up a magnificent temple out of the debris of a demolished palace. The gist of the article in the Valley Record ia to show to the public cowardice in Dave Shambrook, while depnty snsrin: and by companion to show the brayery and efficiency of Mr. Stephens, the present deputy. We say honor to whom honor is due. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. G. Cailonette. Diuggist, Beavers ville, III., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians for miles about, but of no avail, and was given op and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discov ery in tnv store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose be gan to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again, it is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it. Get a free Uial at A. C. Marsters' Drug Store. Roseburg Bowling Clubs. By recent arrangements the two clubs have been consolidated and divided it into teams of 1, 2,3 and 4, if deemed advisable, by an executive committee, The members of each team will stand in the club according to their merits as bowler, something after the manner of & speller in a spelling class. The best bowler of his team as shown by his score will be at the head of his team. The scoring will be examined every two weeks when each bowler will be assigned his position in the club. The teams will contend with each other so that a bowler may be promoted from ono team to another according to hia score. So will be possible that one team may have, eventually all the best bowlers in the club, inat will be the winning team. Cure For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache tlectric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick head aches vietd to its influence. We urge all who are attlicted to procure a botde, and uive this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual consumption Electric Bitters cures by giving the neded tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at A. C. Marsters & Co.'s Drug Store. A nistake In Wording. After a long consultation in the grand jury room over tho complaint of C. H, Fisher against B. Brockway for an as sault upon him with a dangerous weapon, the jury finally agreed upon bill, viz; that Brcckway did Mieitcus'y thresh C. H. Fisher, but in writing u the indicting bill the penman wrote the word "feloniously" for felicitously, we presume and when the report was read in court the attornev for the defense moved to strike out the word "felon iouslv," and it was done; and a fine of $50 was imposed on Mr. Brcckway for felicitously threshing Fisher. Major C. T. Picton is mau.tger of the State Hotel, at Denison, Texas, which tho traveling men say is one of the best hotels in that Bection. Iu sp aking of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Major Picton says "I have used it myself and in my family for several years, and take pleasuro in savinc that I consider it an infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysentery ahvavs recommend it. and have fre queutly administered it to my guests tho hotol, and in every caso it ha: proven itself worthy of unqualified en dorsemont. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. Probate Court. Tbo judge lias upon petition appointed Mrs. Fannie E. Hamm administratrix of tho estate of John Haiui.t, fixing bonds tit $S00O. John Byers, Charles Brown aud T. J. Wilson wero appointed ap praisers of tho estate. Baking Powder NOTES OF INTEREST. Coal tar and resin at Marsters'. Ladies' fine shoes at Parrott Bros. J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. Shasta Water at Slow Jerry's cigar and drink emporium. For a good amoko call at Slow Jerry's bazar, and get a Loa Amorea cigar. Delicious "salt-riBing" bread at the Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose atreeta. Nothing but the best material used by . W. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1, Marsters' block. Niece will sell you candy for Christ mas trees cheaper than any one, at the Candy Kitchen. FreBh home-made bread at the Home Bakery, corner Oak and Roee streets. Alice Baldwin, proprietor. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain by R. W, Benjamin, dentist, room , Maratera' block, Roseburg, Or. Parties desiring family sewing done would do well to call on Misa Fannie McKean, -421 Main street. Will sew for '5 cents per day. Slow Jerry, the jeweler, has jnst re ceived a Gne lot of ladies and cents gold filled watches. They are beauties and no mistake good timers, too. You can get knives for 5 and 10 cents" and from that price up to $5. Each knife well worth the price asked at Churchill, Woolley & McKenzie'a. Good adyice: Never leave home on a ourney without a bottle of Chamber- lain'e Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. The Candy Kitchen Kitchen is busy night and day making fine candy for Christmas trade. Don't overlook the Kitchen if ycu want candy that is fit to eat. Go to M. F. Rice's Second Hand store, Hendricks' block, for late improved inger Sewing machines, needles, oil, etc. v . C. Monroe, Agent. Caro Bros', closing out sale 13 drawing crowds to tbo Boss Store. Low prices and quick sales is the order of the day. Gcods must be sold at any sacrifice. Call and see. John&Lse, 220 Main street, next door south of Van Uouten, have fine China- ware and Japan goods, ladies nnderwear, toys and firecrackers, etc. fcr sale. All at cos: till Dec. 31st, lS9d. Two tracts of land for rent, containing one 10-acre and one 15-track within 1J miles cf town, fair orchards on each place. For further information call on I. F. Rice. Real Estate Dealer, Rose burg, Oregon. If you have hay, grain, bacon, beef cattle or a good buggy you wish to trade for lumber, or if you wish to buy a bill of first class fir or cedar lumber, you wil save money to call oa Orro A. Anlacf Comstock, Oregon. Bargains, bargains, at M. F. Rice's second hand, hardware and furniture store in Hendricks' Block, opposite the depot. Second hand goods bought and sold. Call aud examine my goods be fore purchasing elsewhere. Buy of me and save money. Competition never worries us, because we "buy right" hence sell right." The facts aro these ; every move in our busiuess is only made after the most careful consideration, nothing lett to chance. Shoes have advanced in price but not with ns. AVe tell you a good oil grain shoe for $1.25 and upwards, fine shoes in proportion. If you doubt us, come and sse us, convince yourself that we have what we advertise. We don't care to do all the business in town, but want to get a share of it. We firmly believe that a concern that gives ita customers exceptionally good values iu every instance w bound to go ahead year by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire business. Every dollars worth of gcoda must give the wearer satisfaction, even the all wool absolutely fast color $S 00 suits. J. Abraham's Ulothins; .House. Inauguration Committees. Cincinnati, Dec. 10. Hon. D. D. Woodmansee, president of the National Republican League, has appointed the following inauguration committees for tho league: General McAlpin, N. Y.; Major War ren, Pa.; Judge Raymond, 111.; Hon. Frank J. Higgins, N. J.; Thomas F. Bar ret, W. Va.; E. J. Miller, O.; and Dr. L. W. Booze, Md. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. DE; BAKING mm