i IF YOU DOH'T READ IF YOU SEE IT m i Tlie Plaindealer Thp. PljrmrlpflW I ; ! ! You Don't Get tue News. Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, i8g6. No.- 86. j IT IS SO. j . ! YOUNG SAM, I JAPANESE BAZAAR HOLIDAY GOODS. A splendid assortment of China r,oods, consisting of a great variety of China ware, unique in stle nnil finish. Albums, celluloid goods, fancy goods for souvenir?, silk handkerchiefs, pa.er napkine, ladies work besket, firo cruck trs'aml other things to numerous to mention. Come and see my good?, they are first class. At my baiaar opposite Odd Fellows' Temple. Votive. Sam. o g H. T. BLUMB, Proprietor ot The City Meat Market, t B e And Dealer in PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, AND FRESH .MEATS & Orders titeu and Delivered Free to say part ot the City. SeEeBe&eHCE9X9flSB9X6B9BeBeBaB0B9BCBSBSBeB9EBaBCBC A.C.MR5TERSSG Wall Paper A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell. LIME PLASTER AND CEMENT. A FULL LIKE OF WIftDOW GLASS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent,' AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands aud Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of id. s. kl sxjick:, EAST AND SOUTH -VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE or the Southern Pacific Co. Express tnia lesTe Portland dajy. South I North S.Mr.X. Lt. - Portland - lr. 8:10 a. x 5:25 A. X. Lv. . Kocbnrg - lv. j 11:15 r. X. 11 IS a.m. Ar. - En Francisco '.r. j 7QJr. x. Above trains slip at fcast rosiana, uregpo City, Woodburn, talem. Turner, ilailoa, Jetrer ton, Albany, Tantcat shedds, Iaiscy, Harris burs, Junction CllJ Eugene, Cruwcll, loltagc (iroTf, Drain, and aj station ran Roseburg to Aihland Inclusive. Kotcburg Mn.ll Oally. b&ix. x. 1 Lt. - Portland - Ar. I 4:40 r. a 530 r. X. I Ar. Reborn Lv. i bit) a., m liOr. x. 1 Lv. - Portlam . Ar. , 10;15 a. x. 6:15 r. x.Ar. - fcai'-g - Lv. I fcAO a. x. Pullman Buffet keepers ASU S1JCOAD-CI.ANS hl.r.EI'f; CAH AlUclied toaUThroash lint. West Side Divifon. Ilctwccn I'ortland QiiU Coram. 5111 train dally (except Sunday). 7:30 A. x 12:15 r. x ILV. Portland - AT.cfjtr.x CorTallli! LV. I StT.X Ar. At Albany and CorvaUU connect w, traln ol Oregon Central & Eastern railroad. Express train dally (except eunuay; .... P v i Lv. - Portland - Ar 735 T. X. I Ar. McMInvllIc Lv. x. X. TUrouBli Ticket to nil I'oln , llic nutcrn htiilc, CaiiaUa.mj Europe can !c obtained nt v. catratca Iroin Ucorgo Elc, Atj Itoscburc. B.EOEHLEK, . I'WU. Manager Ant. O. I . 5i l'aa. A PORTLAND ORKU01T. BO rouitri fihu ana nme, 1 11 8cnHon. OF ALL KINDS. Roseburg, Or. 5 .DSTTCSO-ISTS. FROM TEKlILN'Aii OK INTERIOR POINTS The) Northern) Pacific) RAILROAD Is the Line to Take To all Points East and South Til the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itruni Ihrousjb VESTIBULED TRAIN3 EVERY DAY IN TUE YEAR to 8T. PAUL and CHICAGO 'ro cuAyot or cab) Compoied ol DialRj Cart Uniurpawed. Pullman Drawing Room Stispert, Ot Latest Equlpmcni. TounisT m.ki:ii.c CAIM B!t that can bo constructed ami In which accommodations aro both FREE end FURNISHED to holders ol Firm or seoond-claw Tlckcti. and r.i,r.AST day coi;:iii 'ntlnuous Line connecting with All Lines, ifirdlng Direct and Uninterrupted Service. l''illraan Sleeper reservations can bo secured In advance through nny agcut ol the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and Irom all Points In America, England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office ol this Company. Full information concerning rales, llmo ol trains, routes and other details furnished on application to U. H. K. ItUICIC, Local agent utRoseurg.Or., or a. i). cH.vmvro.-v, Assistant Ucncral Passenger Agcut, No. 121 First fit., ror. Washington, PORTLAND. OUEGON. : RAPP'S DRUG STORE. DOUGLAS I WI I s AND I TAR I RAPP'S DRUG STORE. Sacrifice Sale Now in Progress. ZIGLER & WALL,. Depot Grocers DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND . FANCY GROCERIES.-- COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Give ua a call. Goods delivered to aiy part of the City in short order. Coraer.Lane A Sheridan Streets. ROSEBURG, OREGON. XaZYLJE pilkington, iucccMor to G. W. XOAlI.l General Blacksmithing TROTTING AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OK A Li. KINDS 1'KOMITLY DONE. SIiop oil Corucr Wnslilujjtou" nucl IJniie st.s., Uosebur. ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. E. W. 3Jnrhie Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work Office una Hulcurcom. ;7ii onU direct. To The Unloriuiuttc. Dr, Gibbon This old reliable and tho most successful Specialist in ?an Fran cisco, still continues to euro all Sexual aud .Seminal Diseases, sucb n (lonnorrhiro. (llcei Stricture. Syphillls in All its forrar. Skin Di seases. Ntroui Drhil- Slty, Impotency. Semi nal v caKne.it mid Losj of flanhood. the conu- ?iucnce ol sell abuse- and excesses producing the ollowing symptoms, sallow countenance, dk spots under tho eyes, pain In the head, ringing In the cars, loss of confidence, diffidence in ap proaching strangers, paliictatlon ol the hearts vfeaknesa of the limbs and bock, lossof memory, pimples on the face, coughs, consumption, etc. DR. OIBBON has rractlicl in San Frnnclc over thirty years and those troubled should not fail to consult him and receive tlio benefit of his great skill and experience. Tho doctor cures when others fall 'l ry him. Cures guar anteed. Persons cured nt home. Charge reasonable. Call or write.. Dr.J. P. Olbbon, bag Kearney Stree San Francisco, Cal. NOTICE. Notice Ishcieby given In all whom lt may coa. cern that I htveappuintod D.W. Btearnsof Cain, poola precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for said precinct; postofllce address, Oakland; nlou A. J. Chapman of Wilbur, and Ralph Smith, at Uoso burg, to act daring my absence, and others wll be added as parties Inspected make their desire known to me. Roaeburg, May 1th, 18H7. TUOB, SMITH, Inrcclsur of Stock foi Douglas county, Or. .i. For Recent and Chronic COUGHS AND COLDS Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Loss ui on;v, Irritability ot the Larynx anil Fauces, and other Inflamed Conditions of tu Lung and Air Passngcs. AGH1S0N k CO., Proprs. Dealers In all kinds of and Granite Jioniiniriiis and Hcndstones, Portland Cement Curbing JtTor Cemetery Jots. SUMMONS. Tl'STICK o COl'RTrOR THE PRECINCT OF J Pass Creek. Hl.itc of Oregon, ( County o( Douglar ( L. M. Tracy, PlalntiH., nuluctltm , 1. . Ma.lautze. Defendant.i cmcr monv To 1. V. MaiUntc- In the name of Hie btate of urigoti J on are hrrcuy reUlrcI to appear before the u derdwed, n "JutKe of tho Peace, for the i ' ' I nforenld,on thu ltlidny of JamiHry. lw.'. i ono o'clock In tho niternoou of s.-iid dnv. lit t!ie olllee of said Jii'tUe lis suld preeincl to r.wer the above named plalntlir in a civil iicllnii. The ilefeiitunt III take notice Hint If he iiiils to npicar and answer the complnlnt herein, the pliiintltVwill take judgement against hint for the sum of JTj.OO und costs of this action. (iveii umlcr my hand thlaSOth day of Novem ber, A. I). P-SO, P. W. RHODES, Justice of the Pence. The foregoing Summons is published by enter of P. . Itlioile.", Justice of the Peace for l'as Creek district in said County and Slate. Made this SOlh day of November, 1S'J5. iliild. Treasurer's Notice. Notice is heroliy given to nil partita IioMiiiK Douglas county warrants iu iloised prior to July 11, 1S!)2, (o present tho Eauio at tlio treasurer's oQlco in Uio court house for payment, us intoruEt will ceaso thereon n(!er thoilatoof this notice. Dated this 'M day of Decomher, 1S:K, at thu Cily of llosoburg, Douglas county, Orcgou. Wji. A. Fkatek, Couuty Treasurer. LINCOLN APPARITION. IIo Saw a f.iiostly I did Re r.r Himself In n Looking fJlas. Mr. Noah IJrooks, in his personal rom iniscenci3 of Lincoln in Tho Century, tells tho following strango story: On thu day mentioned Lincoln nar rated an incident tho particulars of which I wrota out and printed directly after. Ti:cso aro his own words, as nearly as I hoy conld then bo recalled: "It wn3 jnst after my election in 18G0, when tho news had been coming in thick and fast all day and thero had been a great 'hurrah boys,' o that I was well tired out and went homo to rest,.throwing myself down on a loungo in my chamber. Opposite wheio I lay was a bureau with a swinging glass np'-n it" (and hero ho get up and placed furniture to illustrate- the position), "and looking in that glass 1 saw myself reflected nearly at full length, but ray face, I noticed, had two scparato and (Iintinet images, tho tip of tl.c uoso of ono being about threo inches from tho tip of the other. I was n littlo bothered, perhaps startled, and got up and looked in tho glass, but the illusion vanished. On lying down again, I saw it a second time, plainer if possible than before, and then I noticed that oao of tho faces was a little paler say fivo shades than tho otiier. I got up, and tho thing melted away, and I went off, and in tho tieitrmeiit of tho hour forgot all about it nearly, bnt not quite, for tho thing would once in awhile como up and givo mo n littlo pang as if something nucom fortablo had happened. "When I went homo that night, I told my wifo about it, and a few days afterward ma lo tho experiment again, when" (with a laugh) "sure enongh tho thing camu again, bu: i never succeed ed in bringing tho gli-v-t back after that, though I enco tried very iudns-trion-ly to show it to my wife, who wns somowhat worried about it. Sho thought it was a 'sign' that I wa3 to be elected to a second term of ofiice, and that tho paleness of ono of tho faces was an omen tint I should not see lifo through the last term." This is n very remarkable story a coincidence, we may say to which some significance was ?ive:i by the creel death of tho president toon after "ho be ginning of his second tirm. I to!. I Mrs. Lincoln the story and a.-ked bir if she remembered its details. Sho expressed surprise that Mr. Lincoln was willing to say anything about it, as ho had up to that time refrained from mentioning thu incident to anj body, and as sho was firm in her belief that the optical illu sion (which it certainly was) was a warning I never again referred to the subject to either the president or his wife. Subsequently Lincoln's version of tho story was confirmed by Private Secre tary John Hay, who, however, was of tho opinion that the illusion had been seen on the day of Lincoln's first nomi nation, and not, as I have said, on tho dav of his first election. HE ARRIVED LATER. Coloucl John Wi Did Not Meet Gen t ral Micrmuu In ltrxzil. Kv?ryboly knows that Colonel Wiso fi "ght as a mere- boy in the southern r.rmy. Kcame a Republican after tho war and ran au unsuccessful raco for governor of Virginia. IIo has been on tho field of honor more than once, but no longtr believes in the duello as ho did iifhib younger days. While a Vir ginian to tho coro still ho is not a nativo of the Old Dominion. At that famous Astor House dinner a few years ago mado memorable by tho eulogy Mr. De pew pased on President Cleveland, General W. T. Sherman, in tho courso of a very interesting speech, alluded to a trip mado by him to California in lb SO, via tho cape. IIo stopped off at Rio Janeiro on Christmas eve to pay his respects to Hou. Henry A. Wise, at that timo United States minister to Brazil, and was hospitably entertained. "What timo didyoa leave tho minis ter's bouse:" queried Colonel John !S. Wise, who was cite cf tho guests, inter rupting General Sherman. "At 'J o'clock, Christmas eve," re sponded ohl Tecumseh. "If you had just waited two hours longer, general, I'd havo been glad to make your acquaintance," said Wise. Two hours later the yoang Wiso made his lir.-t nppei.rancc on this terrestrial globe. Washington Post. ."nmbcr Christianity. Tho Auld Licht kirk when Dr. Chal mers visited it was a terribly bare littlo building. Tho elders were a grim set. They kept their bonnets on their heads till tho miuister ottered, and they had eacli a largo stick in his hand, which they used for "ehappin" their noses through all tlio service. The minister v.'uro no gown or bands. Ho gavo a very longsermon fnll of sound divinity, but without tho smallest practical ap plication and without a vestigo of fuel ing. At length Dr. Chalmers gut out, tho dismal worship being ended, and his word was, "If these people ever get to heaven, they will live on tho north feido of it. " isan Francisco Argonaut. A (.rent Memory. Tlio Journal of Speculative Philoso phy gives a remarkable instance cf a farmor in Indiana who could remember what ho had done on every day for '20 years. Ho was repeatedly tested by ref erence to tho notes mado on previous examinations, and never failed both to name tho day of tho week and to tell what occurred to film on that day. Tho words used in his narratives often varied, but he always had the events as ho had mentioned them before. A Iillrninin. Friend Ilavo you completed your noveiy Author Not yi t, I am sorry to say. I havo made six c ;ikv5 happy for life, but I havo still got an old general and a shoemaker's widow on my hands, and soinuhow thev won't match. Flicgendo Blatter. WAS PHILOSOPHER. A BEGGAR STUDENT OF HUMAN NA TURE WHO HAD A SYSTEM. Mendicancy Carried Out Upon Practical Lines Why IIo Avoided tho IUch Stood Outside a Itcstaurnnt, but Never Hcgsed From a Hungry Looking Man. Ho was a wretched looking chap, so thinly clad that ho was really an object cf pity. He had sought a secluded cor ner at tho entrance of a cheap restaurant near Herald square, and for awhilo it Ecomud as if ho had chosen tho spot meroly to escape tho chilling blasts of tho cutting wind. Many men passed into tho place, but ho spoko to none. Finally ono who had just completed his meal came forth. The man started for ward, hesitated a moment and then re sumed his former position. Soon another man, apparently in a great hurry, camo from the restaurant, buttoning his coat as he walked. In a moment tho poor fellow stood in tho way and barely had ho uttered his request for help when ho was rewarded with a dime. A moment later a group of young men in very high spirits passed into the restaurant. To an ordinary student they would havo been just tho right men to approach for alms, but the beggar saw them not. It was only to certain men returning to tho street that ho mado himself known. It was but tho work of a moment to pick an acquaintance with tho fellow, aud when ho found I was interested ho talked freoly of his plan. "I had to do a good deal of thinking about it when I first started in," he said. "I can't get work now, and when I havo work I can only keep at it for a little while on account of rheumatism. When I saw I had to beg, I thought I might as well do it right cr not at all. If you know anything about men's faces aud clothes, you don't have to do any gceaswork at all. I can tell long before I get near a man what my chances are with him, aud if I don't think that it's ten to one I will get something I don't try him, for there's no goo 1 in wearing yourself out and getting common. Somo fellows go along the strett and try to touch i very well dressed man they meet They couldn't do anything worse, for everybody sses what they're doing and knows they are professionals and steers clear cf them. Tho only time to go up against well dressed men as a straight thing, without regard to their faces, is when they are full and feeling happy over it. "The average well dressed man or woman is tho hardest kind of a person to hit. TJjy do lets for charity, bat it's in a different way societies, schools for kids, kindergartens and missions and they think they aro doing enough. If any one hits them on tho street, they pat them down for a professional. Yon have got to judge the well dressed peo ple by their faces and general manner and let their clothes connt for nothing. "Whenivcr I have to do any street work, I always select tho people of the lower middle classes, who don't put on any front women especially. I mean peoplo who live comfortably, but haven't got any too much money to spare. Say, yoa may think I'm stringing you, but I would rather havo ono nickel from cue of them than a quarter from a fellow who could stand it aud had it to burn. Funny, but I feel just as sentimental about that sometimes as if I was earn ing it, and I would earn it if I had tho chance. "Xow, you tako this struid of mino hero today. There's three men who gave mo something two nickels and a dime. I have been hero half aa hour and I'vo only struck five men. I missed two. Well, three out of five don't look like bad guesswork, if you want to call it so, does it? This is the cheapest res taurant in tho neighborhood. There's tho Imperial, Marlborough and all tho other big hotel restaurants I conld havo taken, bnt I'll bet I wouldn't havo got a thing from tho peoplo who camo i from any of them. Tho men who go in here don't pay over 23 or 30 cents for : what they eat, and I'm willing to tako j my chances with them right along. ; "I always wait till a man comes out. ' Somo peoplo think it ought to bo the other way, for tho reason that a man j who was hungry would bo more apt to ' givo out of sympathy for the man who was hitting him for money for some thing to eat. Cut I didn't figure it out that way. You see, these are pretty hard times, aud there's more people in hard luck than thero over was before. Now, it's bad enough to bo ia hard i luck, but it's worse yet to bo hungry, and when n man is up against both games little things will bother him that wouldn't affect him at all if ho had his stomach full. I reason that pretty near ly every man who comes in here is eith er in hard luck or elso ho is a miser who don't want to spend anymore than is actually necessary. If it wasn't so, you know they wonld all go to the big restaurants in tho hotels, for yoa know as woll as I do that tho right kind of a man likes good things to eat aud nice clean servico if ho can afford it. "Well, lam onto tho misers, and 1 leavo them alone. When tho decent man comes out, ho ft. els better for hav ing had his dinner. Ho is ready for business, and lifo is a great deal bright er to him than it was half au honr be fore. I ask him to help me. IIo says to himself: 'Well, I feel pretty good. This fellow is in worse luck than I am. 1 know what it is to feel hungry. I won't miss tho nickel very much,' and then I get it. When ho hands it tome, ho feels better for it, and he looks it, too, aud if ho has been doing things that are not quite up to tho limit ho consoles him self with tho fact that he ain't such a bad fellow alter all. And ho ain't eith er. So yon ee there's two of us happy, and if 1 hero was more of it thu world would lie happier. Thanks, Li... ' Thin tho philosopher went in to din ner. New York Herald. Lord Clive was thin and keen faced, lie had tho appearance of a man always ivorii down by lack of food and rest. Bob Ilinman. The Ashland Valley Record has given Cob Ilinman quite an extensive notice in its issue of the 3rd inst. It has doubt Iesa been furnished copious data by some one from Douglas, who ha3 an ax to grind. Tho Record eaya : "Bob'a fir3t crime that brought him ! araeniable to the law occurred about a I year ago when a warrant was out for his Jarreet for pulling a gun on woman. j Deputy SherifTShambrcok went to arrest htm" so far correct "but Ilinman," bo reads the account, "pulled his gun on Shambrook in such a convincing man ner that the deputy sheriff danced to Hinman's music while Ilinman told him to go home, that he was not to he taken in that manner, and Shambrook ze returned without his man." This last statement is false. Sham brook did arrest Hiaman and brought him in. There was no polling a gun on the deputy ncr dancing to Hinman's raujis. Hinman danced to Shambrook'a fiddling. Dr. iliitcbette's Indian Tobacco Anti dote will core any one of the tobacco habit in 72 hours. It is compounded by a celebrated physician, and ia the result of a life timo study. Guarmteed harm less. Price, only 50 cents for a big box enough to cure any ordinary case. All druggists, or by mail, postpaid. Circu lars free. Dft. ilATCHETTE, Chicago, 111, ROSEBURG'S OPPORTUNITY To Secure the Encyclopedic Dictionary. The Pacific Coast Newspaper Syndi cate extends to the people cf Rosebun: and vicinity an opportunity to secure a limited numbtr of sets of the great En cyclopedic Dictionary, upon the same easy terms as were recently offered in Portland and at the low introductory prices. This effer wilt hold ?ocd, at most, for a few days ooly, aa the purpose of the Syndicate at the present is confined to distributing a limited number of sets at various points in the state for tho pur pose of comparison with other works of reference. This distribution ia rapidly aprro3ching its end, after which it will be impossible to obtain the work except at the advanced prices. As far as Roseburg and vicinity is con cerned this is Jthe final opportunity. Tne payment of 1 secures the delivery of the entire set, four massive volumes, (5375 pages, 250,000 words, cf which 50, 000 are treated encyclopaedically) at your home or office. The balance dae to be paid in twelve monthly NotFce To Contractors. Sealed plana and specifications and bills will be received at the office of the county clerk of Douglas county, Oregon, on cr before January Hlh, 1SJ7, at 1 o'clock p, m for the repairing of the entire bridge an.t approach across the South Umpqna river at Rosebr.rg, Ore gon, by replacing all timbers, ikor and woodwork. Ai: joints to be laid in white lead, and timbers above tloor to be painted. AH old timbers, in cluding stringers, to lie carefullv taken j down and piled in road on either side ol i river. Bridge to be completed by Aug ust 1st, ls'J7. Diagrams und dimensions oa tile in clerk's office. Also at the same time and in (he same manner, specifications and bids will be received for making the county of Douglas county, Oregon, mere secure in manner following: By lining tho entire inner wall with Xo. 11 steel plate and that io be ceiled with an eight inch additional brick wall laid in cement moiter. Present plastered ceiling to be taken off and timbers covered with Xc. Id plate. Old window grates to be re paired and two additional cress bars put on, and all five windows to have ad ditional new grates put in cement laid wr.ll aud fastened to the steel lining. The court reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 12sh day of November, ISSu'. A. F. SrE.ir.xs, County Judge. ! SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER. The Oregon Statesman Till Alarch ist for Only 25 Cents. Every taxpayer should read a Salem paper this winter. The Oregon Weekly Statesman is the biggest, brightest, cheapest and best paper published at the capital. The legislature meets in January. Needed Ia .va aro to be paesed and a U. S. senator is to be elected. Everybody will want (o read a good paper this winter from the seat of war and to all we cheerfully rec-ominend the Statesman. It is fearless and free spoken. It urges economy aluig all Hues of state government and is waging a war in the interests of thu Uxpapers. Taxation must be reduced by abolishing all useless commissions and correcting abuses, The Statesman is the only re liably republican Associated Press paper in Oregon. It consists of twelve pages weekly. Its subscription price is $1.50 per j ear, but by a special surangement with tho publishers wo have arranged to supply it to our sul-si ribtrs from this ditto until the cdjo'iru inert of the- legis lature three months g..-od reading for only 'Joe. torwnrd ail sul seriptioiis to tho Sr.vrKSMA.v, Salum, Ok. Send in your orders right away the sootier yoa send, tho more you will net for vour monov.