The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 14, 1896, Image 2

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Srabiubcd Monday i asdTnurt4t u
HubHcrlptlon ILutcH.
'Jae Yr
Thm; Mlk .
The War for Freedom.
Washington, Ihc. 10. Tbe eenate
got into tbe regular channel of bctinets
today taking op the immigration bill
and partly pirfecting i', and also heir
ing tbe firtt of the speeches on Cuba,
those of Callocn auJ Call. The disposi
tion to pat throuzh tbe inimigratidi. bill
was ebown by tbe defeat of a motion by
Gideon of Maryland to postpone until
after tbe holidays. Only 13 votes, all
democrat;, e:e given in favor of the
postponement. Tbe proposition served
to involve Chandler, Lodge and Gibson
in reveral spirited personal colloquies.
The bill was aot passed upon up to the
time of adjournment, wit the senate
agreed to a hat is generally knoan a;
thi Lodge bill, as a s-ibstitute to tbe
home measure. The substitute requires
that all iasi!;t.a over the age of 14
years shall b able to read and write
their native language and shall be rt
jaired to read and write in ths presence
o! an United States official certain lines
of the United States constitution. Tbe
Cuban speeches of Collom a ad Call were
HiteceJ to by crowded galleries, in
dicating the public interest felt in the
subject. The senate adjourned over to
Pending the preparation of tbe next
appropriation bill, the bouse a;ain today
devoted its time to tne consideration of
bills on the calendar, bat only two were
passed daring the focr-hou-s teuton.
One of them was a bill which the promi
nent playwrights and theatrical mana
gers of the country hare been labcring
for some years to induce congress to
pass. The purpose of tbo measure is
twofold; first, to secure to musical com
positions the eajne measure cf protection
under tbe copywrigbt law zs ia now
afforded productions of strictly dramatic
character; and, second, to add, by
proper court injunction processes, this
protection to the autoors of dramatic and
operatic works. The bill a fine
of $100 for the first, and f50 fur each
abieqaent unauthorized production. A
bill to prohibit tbe sale cf liqaor in the
capitol building was also pasted. A bill
advocated by the delegates from the
territories, to modify the law forbidding
the alien ownership of lands ira tbe
territories so as to give them the right to
acquire under mortgage and to bold for
10 years, real property, was defeated.
An important bill to transfer the rights
of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad, under
its charier, to the mortgages when they
reorganize the roid, was postponed until
Taeeday next.
Rolling Mills Strike.
San Francisco, Dc. 10. A cut in tbe
wages of skilled workmen in the Pacific
rolling mills at the Potrero has caused a
strike wbich has practically suspended
all operations in the big iron manufact
ory. About 50 men walked out and
their action cnt off the means of employ
ment of about 50 others. It is believed
that some time today a compromise will
be effected, and the wheels of industry
set in motion again.
The most important factor in the
strike is that tbe men were informed tbat
they had been working for over a week
nnder a new scuednle of rates of which
they were ignorant. There are no indi
cations of any trouble of a violent nature.
In the first place, thero are no iron
workers of this class on this coast, and
tbe places of tbe strikers could only be
filled by an importation from the Hast.
This is not likely to take place, aa tha
Eastern workmen receive as good wages
as the men here did before the cut.
Tbe etnkw ae lowing forward to an
earlv 8cU!.vu-n ;aue din under
stand that the rolling mill lias u con
tract to get out a large quantity ol extra
large street-car rails for a company in
Los Angeles.
Havana UelnR Fortified.
New Yokk. Dec. 11 The work of
streiJKtbening the fortifications about
Havana is heing pushed with noticeable
energy. Guns are being placed on
the heights around tbo city, all pointing
toward the eea. Tbe fortificatioiiG of the
port of Mantazas also are being etrength
ened. The government pent 09 laborers to
Guanabacoa to construct entrenchments
and erect new barricades aa a precaution
against a fresh insurgent raid, ft is
understood that the whole town ia (o bu
enclosed uith a barbed wire fence.
Brigadier-General do Cardcu&H and
Lieutenant-Colonel Kaoul Arango, the
Cuban leaders in Havana province, re
ported wounded early in November, aro
both convalescent. Lieuteiiatil-Culouel
ill, "'.-V
Aracgouasin command lOdaje go,
and directed tbe late attack at Guanaba
coa, acices tbe bay from Havana,
The Philippine Rebellion.
San FitaNcibCo, Dec. 10. The eteamei
China today brought advicci concerning
the progress of the insurrection in the
I'hillippine island. It is stated that the
rebels are gaining in etrengtb and
practically control tbe districts outside
of Meniia, although the Spanish govern
ment strives to create the impretsion
that tbe rebellion it practicrlly subdued.
The origin tfthe uprising is escribed
to excessive taxation and despotic rule,
and tbe statement of tbe Spanish gov
ernor that native priojts started the re
bellian for ligions purposes is denied.
Captured rebels and prisoners sus
pected of favoring the rebels are treated
with great cruelty, and nil sorts of in
digniti "aro heaped npon the captives
takt-u in the field.
Tbe shipping of prioaern to tbe Afri
can (denies continues, and ICO rebels
were ehipjied on October 'J9.
Djriug the October campaign the reb
els captured the town u( .Montalban and
San Metro. 10 miles from Manila. It is
said tbe foreigu residents r-ymiathize
with the retelf.
To Reconstruct the Cabinet.
Washington, Dec. 10. Represent
alive liarrett, ot Ma&aciitilte, lias in
trodocctl a iii 1 tbat members of the
president's cabinet shall be caoen from
tbe senate or bouvj, with tbe restriction
tbat the secretary of the treasury shall
IHJ cliojen troai tli? tious, and the sec-.
retaiy of state In.'ii the senate. Tay
are to retain their nU in congress aud
not lose thsir rtfoiu hrn the term to
which they are elected expires Only
the salary cf a cabinet officer is to be
drawn by such t-llicial. A member of
concrtss who pas.-es froai one house to
tbe ether will retain his position in the
cabinet. They ire to be confirmed in
the manner now require! by law.
An English Coaling Station.
Sax DitO, Cat., Dec. 10 The steamer
Pacbeco, which arrived from'Lower Call
fornia today, briri;s r.ea that it is cur
rently leported at Guavatnas and Ma
zatlin that tbo Uritish are taking steps to
establish a coaling station at Clarion
land, off tbo out of Jalisco. Mexican
omaslj uisplayru some concern over
tbe repsrt and had dispatched tbe
steamer Oaxaca from Guat&mas to the
island to ascertain whether tbe story
was true. The rumor wis that a quan
tity ol coal had been taken to the island
and a lauding was being built.
.Macco Is not Dead.
New Yoke, Dec 11. De'.ejate To mas
Eilrada Palma, when asked if tho addi
tional information regarding General
Msceo'a death bid in any way influenced
his former opinion as to the veracity of
the news, said :
"Not in the least. 1 cannot accept
the reports so far published as conclu
sive evidence ol General Maceo'e death.
I have just received a Ky Wet rablo
dispatch from my agent in Havana,
Baying: 'Maceo pas'ed tbe ticcha De
cember 0. F-eport of death abeolutely
false. You may contradict it upou my
responsibility.' "
Besides the above telegram, Senor
Palma exhibited several other dis
patches from places in Furore and
America, askicg him for information re
gaidicg Maceo. Among the cable
grams one received from a wealthy Cu
ban in Paris, reads: "Cable us about
Maceo. I place 10,C00 at your dijpoeal.
Let ns not dismay. Go ahead."
Another cable d is;--itch from Porto
Plata, San Domingo, says: "Cubans
and sympathizers request further infor
mation a to Maceo's fate. Accept as
surance of our devotion to tbe cause.
We will place 100 rifles at jour disposi
tion." Articles Taken From the Bodies.
Havana, Dee. 10. Through the cour
tesy of the Mar no is Ahumada, acting
captain-general, the correspondent of
tbe Associated Press today bad tbe priv
ilege cf inspecting tbe articles which
were taken from tbe bodies of tbe Cu
bans asserted to be those ol Antonia
Maceo and Francisco Gomez. These ar
ticles included a gold watch, marked
"The Globe, Illinois," a field tumbler, a
telescope, a goblet, a pair of black socks,
matked "A. M.," a revolver,
nickel-plated, with ivory grip, a hunting
knife 24 centimeters in length, with au
inscription indicating it was a present
from General Gnzman Blanco, four car
tridges, a machete and scabbard, a pair
of magnificent field-glasses, a ring with
the inscription, "Antonio y Maria," a
rubber coat, a compass with a portrait
in it of the mother of FrandECO Gomez,
blcod-stained handkerchiefs, a portfolio
marked "Gamez, stationer and painter,
Nateau street," containing a diary ol
military operations, and Francisco
Gomez' letter to his father saying be bad
committed suicide. The text ol this let
ter had already been cabled. There was
aleo a letter from Maximo Gomez to his
son Francisco, the text of which has also
been cabled to the Associated Press.
Reciprocity With Canada.
Ottawa, Dec. 10. Sir Richard Cart
wnght will leave iu a few da) a for WubIi-
intori to ascertain whether President
elect McKinley will enter into reciprocity
negotiations with Canada. Hn goes at
the dictation of Premier liurier, who
hae frequently stated that he would, at
the earliest opportunity, send n commit
tee to Washington.
The Canal Bill., Dee. 10. Representa
tive Dooliltle circulated a petition today
asking the committed on rules of tbo
hotiEu to grant time for tho consideration
of tho Nicaragua caual bill reported from
tho committees on interstate commerce
und foreign commerce. Nearly overy
member ol tho house to whom the peti-
tion was presented signed it, and Mr.
Doolittle hopes to secure a large majority
from tbe house in favor of tbe measure.
The Funding: Bill.
Washington, Dec. 10. The rile fixing
January oih as the day for bringing up
tbe Pacific railroad funding bill in the
house has been drawn and probably will
be recommended. Several inducers -ol
the Pacific railroad committee will be
absent before the holiday receee, and
most of the time will bo taken up by ap
propriation bills, bo it is confcidered im
practicable to deal with tin railroad
question before the receee.
In the McClallen parlor labt Thurs
day a spirited entertainment uce im
provised by Mrs. Bracket and one of the
noted guests of the house, Hen. W. E.
Yates. The entertainment ecnsis'ed of
several soogs villi her own rccompan:
ment on the plan", by Jlrs i. .
Short of Wilbur, one of the best so
prano singers in Douglas. C.'W. Toer,
of Sherman Clay & I Jo. piano pianufact-
uring company of Portland, t-an and
plajed some choice selections. Josiah
Powell also sang several bcntimental
songs and played on his harp he said
it was a Jew's harp, but he took it from
his pocket so it evidently was hia own.
David Houston, our atfable conductor
on ttie I ., was present ami was
pressed into service and Hang, "Old
Black Joe" with euch happy tfiect tbat
he was enchored twice, and the way ho
came dow n on loer C was a caution as
his voice trilled "0:d Black Joe" at end
ol chorus.
And again Friday evening Mrs. Short
sanz several souga in her usual sweet
voice to the delight of Hie gueft as
s;mh!ed there f:r a-i eveniug's enjoy
ment. Miss Iula Bradldy also recite-l in
good elocutionary stj !e several ieces
which were i.-ittrac'.ive as well as amus
ing. Mr. Powell, too, was there and
added to the enjoyment of the ewning.
Mr. J. Fred Yate a ge-t of the house,
added solemnity tii tbe occision I y re
citing iu a solemn and pathetic manner
a composition pcrtratini: the eff-c" ol
alcohol upon the votaries of the social
glafl. These foda s are very njcnaUp.
flacco Assasiinated.
The story of the death of Antonio
Macea could not be believed until i' was
confirmed fiom Cuban source?. The
version received by mail at Jacksonville
is credible as to tbe main fact, .and ex
plains all tbe contradictions and itc
probabilitie in the Spanish version.
These were due to perversions of the tie
tails made by the Spaniard) to conceal
tbe fact tbat Maceo had ueen decoy eJ
into ambush by most shameful treach
ery and assassinated practically nnder a
tlag of truce. His murder was cs savage
an act of treachery a) tbat of General
Canby in the lava beds, and ranks Wey
ler lower in the scale of civilizilion than
Scar-Faced Ctiarlsy. It appear that all
the recent tlk of negotiation with tbe
insurgents wad part of a plot to lure
Maceo within reach of assassin, and
tbat the final trap was laid by one cf
Wejler's lieutenants and a corrupted
traitor who was eerviog Maceo as a sur
geon. Tots dastard y act cf bartaism
will not tend to abate public feeling in
tbe United S'ate. This may easily be
inflamed to the p:int ol demanding the
hunting of every Spanish brigand cut
of the Western hemisphere. Oregonian.
James Dixon Acquitted.
The trial of James Dixon for tbe mur
der of Charles Hice Juue 14th last, -nze
closed Friday at 10 o'clcck. The case
was argued at considerable length by
able counsel. Thirteen witnesses on be
half of the state and 41 on behalf of the
acccsed 54 in all gave their testimony
in this much dcploretl case.
Judge Fulletton delivered his chargo
to the jury Saturday morning at S
o'clock. It is printed in today's paper.
The jury immediately retired to their
rooja and proceeded, it is presumed, to
consider the case. On the first ballot
the poll ehowed 11 for 'acquittal and 1
for murder in second decree.
In laying these facts before cur re cd
ers we do not feeled;called upon to criti
cise or animadvert upon the lease. A
jury of 12 good and respectable men cf
our county heard all the testimuiiy sub
rnitted and were in possession of all the
material facts piesentcd, and being in
structed by the court as to the lav.s ill
relatiou to crimes of the character of
which the defendant was accused, have,
under the solemnity ol their oaths,
found a verdict of "not jmilty-"
"If my daughter should take my life,
I want the world to know that eho w.ih
net to blame. A strain of madness runB
through her father's family, and I would
rather die than be separated from her."
That was the answer of Mrs. Snrnh B.
Cooper to tho warning of her phvsiciau,
and Friday morning thu lifolesi body ol
her daughter and of herself were found
where death had come to them in the
nhjht. Mies Hattio Cooper had taken
her mother's life and her own by getting
up in the night and turning on the gas.
Miss Hattie has been ineanu for over a
year nd had several times before at
tei'i I to kill her mother mid herself.
Mrt". Sarah 1). Cooper was one of the
noted philanthropists of this country,
and had dewilod many years of her life
to philanthropic works and was tho
founder of kindergartens in .San Fran
cisco. Tho W. A. Willis homestead on Deer
creek has been cold to Mrs. M. A. Calla
gher, from San Francisco, and ia now
occupied by hor family. Mcesrs. Cox,
Hoberg, and their associates of Portland
took possession of the Volk I'lacor Mines
adjoining tho famous Victory, on Cow
creek last week, nnd are now piping
gravel. Tho nbovo aides wero made by
D. 8. K. Buick of (tits citv.
The common council of tho city of
Roseburg met Thursday evening Decem
ber 10th, and transacted the following
business: On calling tho roll the fol
lowing members were fjund present:
Mayor .Marsters, Councilmen Dillard,
Parks, Stanton. Moore, Perry, Fletcher,
Aiken and Slocum. Marshal Cannon
and Recorder Zigler.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved.
A petition eigned by Drs. K. L. Miller,
F. It ColTinau and B. L. Bradley, call
ing the attention of the council to the
unsanitary condition of the city, and
asking that immediate btepa bo taken to
abate the Eame, was read and referred to
tbe committee on health and police for
A petition asking that the council
have an arc light erected at or near the
cast approach of the South Umpqua
bridge at the foot of Lane street. The
petition was represented by Messrs.
Byars, Buick and Coleburn. Tho mat
ter was referred to the commilte on city
improvements for investigation.
The saloon bond of Leonard Scbmitt
was read and accepted and a license
ordered issued.
The quarterly reports of the treasurer
and recorder were reported on ss being
examined and found correct. The re
port was accepted and tho reports
ordered filed.
The following bills were allowed :
Kosebuig Water Co , water rate
to Nov. 1st
C. A. SeLlbrede, attorney's sal
ary, two months
B. F. Pae, street work
D. Patterson, hauling
F. M. Ztgler, recorder's fees
J. B. Cannon, marshal's salary
Roseburg Electeic Light Co .
f 150 00
20 00
l'J 00
G 25
8 03
50 00
lights and moving poles IS1 -12
Hudson Lumber Co., lumber . 23 44
alio reports ct ttie marsuat an.l re
corder were reiu anu accepted anl or
dered filed.
The committee in regard to the calli
ope whistle for fire alarm were granted
further time to report.
The marshal was instructed to notify
A. C. Marks to construct a sidewalk ad
jcont to his property on Cass street.
No further b-jsinf ss the meeting ad
journed to meet Thursday, January
JM7, at 7 :30 o'clock.
Drs. P.iie and Gilmore uere attending
court at Kosebnrg last week.
I'. B. Dcckley made a trip to the
county seat last week.
V. T. Turner reports a profitable tripj
to tbe northern, part of California last
A. F. Urown was in Uisebarg a few
dij s last week on buYiceiS.
Dr. G.lmore was called to .Shoe String
Friday to visit the sick.
1'. i'age made a professional visit to
Yocralla Saturday.
Mrj-.C. L. Chenoweth and Mrs. K. L.
Stearni wero visiting in Kosebntg last
Mrs.'.i?. M. Kelley was fjuite ill last
week, bat at last reports was some bet
ter. Miss Mary Sledley has been having
quite a severe time with asthma latelv,
but i improving now.
Mrs. II. Little, who baa been very
sick for some lime is still in very feeble
J3. II. Dsarling, our boct and slice
maker, sbiped a large quantity of furs to
New York recently.
Dr. Little, our local dentist, has
moved into his new otllce near bis resi
dence, which is very convenient and
nicely arranged.
K. ft. Young A Co. shipped 0,OCO
pounds of wool to Salem last week and
will make a shipment of turkey i to San
Francises sodh.
Tne Y. held u interesting meeting at
the home of Miss Maud Deckley last
Thursday evening. Mis3 Maud read a
paper which was ediled by her and
assisted by Mis G. Courtwright. Those
present enjjjed its contents very much.
To all whom it iray concern notice is
hereby given that the copartnership of
Thompson A Hallett has been this day
dissolved by mutual ngreement, and that
I, the undersigned, will continue the
business aud will no' be responsible for
acy contracts made by F. W. Hallett.
Roseburg, Dec, 11,1S9G.
Thomas Thomson.
K. W. Itsnjamin, dentist, room 1
Marsters' block.
Boston Baked Beans ut tho Home
Bakery. Try them.
11 Kaston'a is headquarters for Christ
mas candies and nuts.
Solid silver novelties at Salzman's.
Beautiful designs in gents silk hand
kerchiefs at tho Novelty Store.
What's the matter with Hauna? Yes,
ami what is thu matter with Allison's
T, T, T's. Try thuai.
All kinds of arlliciali teeth made rea
sonably at Dr. Fred Haynes' office.
For picklea, olives, chow chow, sauces,
etc., call at Allison's.
Christmas is coming and Allison has
just received a now line of candies, nuts,
oraugeB and lemous.
New goods ut Caro Bros. Boss Store.
I admire opposition,
Would defy competition,
And under no condition
Will I budge from my position.
Call at Allison's for your groceries.
County claims and warrants bought by
D. S. Wed.
Butter :i speciality nt Allison's. Nouo
but liifl'.-chns handled.
Complete lino of toys nt Salztuan'tt.
Mr. Burt, the railroad ngont nt Wil
bur, is in the city today.
The late freeze damaged tho early
sown gram Eome.
Abecne brothers have 100 acres of
grain sown and will sow GO more.
C. A. McNabb is buying cattle for E.
G. Yonng & Co.
General Zachery has reded P. W.
Gosseti's stock ranch for a jieriod of five
Captain Bayard is recruiting at the
Soldier's Home.
ivd. Stevens, our young mechanic, is
patting the finishing touch on Mr. Law
rence house at Millwood.
Andrew Lake has some fine fox
hounds. Thev started a red fox last
week which they run till it took to his
hole in the ground after turning up the
earth for several reds. Andrew found
the fox he had changed his color and
was striped and smelled very much like
a skunk.
J. I). Ellison has moved on N. T.
Da) 'statin and is busily engaged in
patting in grain.
Brown and Banty, who are farming
part cf Mr, Bush's farm seem to have
had a falling out with the weatber
R. O. Lehman made a flying trip to
Rice Hill last Tuesday to visit his sick
nephew; bet reports birn better on his
Tho Review has a bard time holding
the chair for Cleveland, for undoubtedly
McKinley will not take tbe seat after
hea-ing nhat "Cholly" has to say.
C.S.Henry and wife of Littic Ten
nessee was viaitin relative! here last
Mrs. J a". E'dison has been suffering
with neuralgia in her heart.
Alfred Ross ofTyee spent some time
at Drain wih his mother last week,
James Diehard was doing business in
Coles Valley last Wednesday.
Frank Gorrell ha3 ereited a large
sheep plied on hi3 farm. O. K.
P. S. What has become of Ben, Bob
and Bub Hinman? O. K.
In order to close out our stock of new
aud second hand pianos, we will offer
them at cost. It H our intention to close
out our business as quickly as possible,
and in order to do this we will bs com
pelled to seli at a very low figure and on
such small installments that it will not
pay you to rent. Therefore we will call in
all oar rented pianos and organs and give
yoj tne oenent mat we nave received as
rent. We have in all sixteen pianos
which we will sell from $100 to $4G0; fo
and $10 per month installments. Kea
ponable discount for cash.
Great reduction in violins, guitars and
all musical goods. Sheet music 50 per
cent discount. Send for catalogue. All
orders promptly filled.
T. K. Bicuakuox,
ltcseburp, Or.
Mills to Open.
Judge L. Flinn, who has been in San
Francisco with Superintendent
of the woolen mills, arrived home yes
terday morning. Enough contracts
were taken while they were in San Fran
cisco to warrant the starting up of the
mills, which will be done in a few days.
It is to lc bored that the starting may
result in a continuous running, and thus
give employment to the many who have
depended upon the mills for employment.
Albany Herrfd.
For Sale.
A limited number of pure bred B. I.
Bock, S. S. Hamburg, S. C. B. Leghorn,
Blk. Lingshan, Wyandot t and Cornish
Indian Game. Won several prizes at
the Southern Oregon District Fair and
Oregon State Fair. I have some mag
niGcent birds, an ornament to any yard ;
also have two Brown Leghorn cockerels
from registered eto:k. Prices reason
able; must dispose of these within 30
days, in order to mako room fcr spring
breeding. Address E. A. Kruse, Rose
burg, Oregon.
I have sold my stock of merchandise,
tixtures and store on Jackson street to
my wife, Williamina Easton, who will
continue the business and pay all debts
and collect all claims of said business.
Dated Dec. 3rd, 1S90.
Hkxuy Eastox'
Business Confidence Restored.
Now is a good time to invest in agri
cultural lands while at bedrock prices.
Have a large list of choice property to
select from.
Money to loan, five years time on well
improved agricultural lands.
D. S. K. BcicK, Roseburs, Or.
To the Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with tho order. 1 find it
impossiblo to do business on a credit
basis, nnd belive that I can do bettor by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for cash. P. Benedick, Undertaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1S95.
The Central House.
W. H. Gordon is now tho proprietor of
ibis popular house. Tho table will bo
supplied with the best in tho market
good beds and courteous treatment.
Meals 13 cont, nnd beds the same rate
The Senate.
During court week, Ad Harmon will
set a fine lunch daily to his friends, and
tho public all aro invited. Don't forget
thu number, 100 Jackson street. Post
ollice corner.
ZTlio Bandou Woolen Mills company
has taken a five year lease o! tho water
frontage, of U. J. umwalt's property on
PnciDc street, nud has ordorod lumber to
erect n wurehotiso on tho snnio for tho
purpose of storago room and wharf priy
ileges. Bandou Beamier.
Holiday Goods!
Those who come early will reap the best,
and that with little money. Nothing now to
hinder you from having a
as you cau uct the present you want at the price
you want, from the Finest Stock of Holiday
Goods in the City, consisting of
is Tin:
Upholstered Furniture
Fancy Chairs and Rockers
Just Received, aud at Prices never before
quoted in Roseburg.
Reduced until January ist, 1S97.
Come, and bring your pocket books.
Money Talks!
Yours Respectfully,
The Docket.
4. Eva Benson vs. Lutitia Brady et
al; partition. Report of referee ap-l
proved. 1
"i. R. B. Armstrong admr. vs. Joseph
Melvin et al ; loteclosure. Dismissed.
23. N. Imbler vs. Joel F. Howe et al ; 1
foreclosure. Settled, and dismissed. (
42. Sarah A. Coats ys, Edward B.
Coats; divorce. Answer filed.
43. Conrad Herbert vs. M. Fuller et.
al. ; to recover inocev. Itemized state- pimX9Hi?GS, iudadim; Shirts. Hats,
, , c, 1 1 Caps, Tarn O'Shantcrs. Handkerchiefs. Sns-
ment ordered filed. penders. Scarls. Gloves, etc., etc., Suitable for
02. Gammons & Lamson vs. T. J. j lho "ohdays.
Jackson; to recover mocev. Default. B0i"7S' ?5ES- .Don't .ver
- j look our Boots and shoes. Just received
71 . L. C. Beardsley, insolvent debtor : new invoice and comparing cmalitv our price
j . J 1 ' I are tx-Iow competition. " y
assignment. Final act. approved.
79. State of Oregon vs. James Dixon ,
murder. Acquitted Dec, 12, 1S90.
SO. State of Oregon vs. Charles Mc-'
Gee ; larceny. , Indictment . wit hdra wn
for resubmission.
S5. State of Oregon vs. Wni. Calla
han ; recognizance. Not a true bill.
SO. State of Oregon ve. Sawyers
Reynolds; burglary. Pleads guilty
each sentenced to three years iu
SO. State of Oregon vs. Dan Bice und
Harvey Bice ; burglary. Not a true bill.
91. State of Oregon vs. Stonewall
Sutherlin ; complainfbeforo grsnd jury.
Not a true bill.
The St. Louis Globe Democrat learns
that "seven counties iu Kansas cast an
aggregate of less than a thousand votes,
and will bo consolidated into three loun
ties to save expenses. If Kansas sticks
to populism a few years it will present
great attractions as nbull'ulo range,"
The tribulations of tho stuto of Kansai
have been many and thov do not seem
to lighten up much ns tho years go by.
If the peport of . General Antonio
Maceo's assassination proves (rue, thu
plain duty of the United States is to du
el 3 ro Cuba freo nnd order Spain to
vacate Cuba nt once, und see that slut
does it. Sho ought to have been kicked
out long ago.
Xlic CiturvlicH.
JUnisT Cuuncu comer ot I.auo ami Itiu
trccta. Sunday Service: l'reaeliliig, it a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.; Young l'eop'.o's Union, G.Mi.ui.j
Mrs. K. W. Black, President; Sunday School, 10
c. m.; James C'harabcrlala, tiupeilntciutcn
l'raycr Meeting, Thursday evening at 7:S0.
Metuodiut C'uuncu-corner ot Main and Uno
streets. Sunday Service; Treadling, 11 a. m
aud 7:30 p.m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m., K.
V. YVoolley. Superintendent; Clahs Meeting ut
close ot tho morning koivlco; KpmirtU Leugno
6:33 p. in. Hattio Uodlrey, l'toideut. 1'rayur
Meettug, Wednesday, nt 7:30 p. in.
Khan k U Moohi, IWnr.
Varaonnge, corner Main and l.aue.
Vkksb-vtekun C'uuucit-ooiner ot (! aud
KosoMrecta. Sunday Service: l'upllo uoithlp,
a.m. and 7:30 1. m.; Sabbath liihiuil, 10 a. in.j
Y. 1'. H. O. E.,7 . ni. l'rnycr Mcutiug, Vedm
day, 7:30 p. m.
K. II. JJiMfiinm, I'nilur,
r Iff
& Stromas
;o days.
Goods !
Toys, Tovs, Book Games and
Prescnta for a!'., OM and Youns. Come earir
ami get Orst choice.
1 A."-? "V v "eKive away a Combination
, . nine uoaia
and a Picture Throw only 50 cents pur
chase entitles you to a guess.
Yours for a Merry Christmas and
Jcn- ear.
a Ilappy
0. R. & N.
Give the Choice ol
. Transcontinental
Si. Paul
Kansas City
Low Hut os In at) Kaslnn Cities.
imu..Nit han niAsnwo.
tii, ...
"""""" ". uiumuin d,.ck. l.tiliui.i
l. 111., uvury
1H0 duj.. ri,t, ,,AV ,Uvn).0
Kor full ttotailn .'.ill on uddu-ti
V. l,ONIH,).V.
Annul, llowl.iiu.0,1,,,,, addrv-v.
m. in i.t. uuu-r.
.Icuc.kI iw.., t ,,i,t. iViiUnd.OivKvm.
111. 1M..N lUll.t..
I'mMimi lt. MW)t,(r
"l.ivorino," i.mmifucliiuM l.v lho .,,.
Wu.r M Clu.,l,nl 0 tho uU ,,U
K duoy ua tmt Ion otuo. An .
hilhhlo louu-dy (o,- .uir.iblo lorn., ol
llh... ol thom o,lu.n. -n,,, mvMwl
Wiimiti tonimly for lmllgwt0.
?.r "I M. V. U,.pp.t, ,,1HK
Uumiburg, Uncoil.