The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 10, 1896, Image 2

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jruWlkhcd Mondavi audThursda; t.
Subscription Rnle.
One Year........ -
:lx Month ..
Three Months ..
-.12 00
l W
Tresident Cleveland in hi? inesi;e to
congress concerning 1 tie uunan aiiair
of an amicable nature. He rerotauiriids
settlement upon Spain granting local
sell government under the sovereignty
of Spain as the most feasible p'an under
presetit condition?. The Cubans have
no faith in the proumes of Spain and
therefore are opposed to any temporiz
ing arrangements.
This spirit of the Cubans tho president
recognizes to exiit and that they are
Btill determined to hold out. While
such a state of affairs contiunes, neither
party are able to maintain anything Hie
a covernment, except on paper, the presi
dent does not recommend to congress
the advisabilitv cf recognizing either
belligeratit rights to the Cubans or an
acknowledgement of their independence.
fie does object, however, to the
United States allowing any other power
acquiring control over Cuba, ihe prest-
seems disposed to allow congress to pur
suits course in the matter without any
executive recommendation, li- gives
congress no advice nor recommends any
line of action. Heading between the
lines it is plainly perceived his sym
pathies are with the Cubans in tbeir
B'.rngsle for independence.
The president states that the amonnt
of metalic money in the United States,
Jnce SO, 1S96, was l,22S.32fi,035 cf
which t.599,537,054 was in gold and
62S.723.07l in silver. On Nov. 1. 1S3G.
the total stock of all kinds in tho cenntrv
was and the amount
circulation, not inclndinz that in the
treasnrr. was 1. 627.055.64 1, a nor ear.-
iU of J22.63. Tne D.-odnction of cold in
1SS5 was 2.254.760 fine ounce. vaioe
Mr, GlO 000 and ss.7?T0rt finB minrw
silver of the commercial valoa of
. 1 ,
145.000. The total coinace of the United
, States to June 30, 1SW, was I72.1S5.463,
of which t55,S7?,490 was in gold.
Rev. F. L. Coilier in ihs
Hail, ia discuising the merits
stage said in part :
of the
"There is an old and plausible theory
that if Christian people would all agree
to sustain an entirely unexceptional
performers, the theatre would be regen
erated. It is a lamentable fact that this
has proved to be an "iriedescent
dream." The experiment has net
proved successful when fairly attempted.
The theatre manager is not a profe
ional philanthropist ; be "runs" bis busi
ness simply and solely to make money,
He produces what pays best ; and if he
can spice bis evening entertainment
with a plot that turns on some sort of
sexual depravity, or burlesque of evan
gelical religion, or a shameless exposure
ot physical beauty, the temptation to
fill his coffers is too strong to be resisted
The licentious stage and the Sabbath
breaking press are both conducted for
filthy lucre; and the Christian who con
tiibntes to the support of either or both
is responsible for the spiritual mischief
that they work.
A Christian needs recreation as much
bp any one else; but that recreation only
is fit for a true Cnristian nhtch makes
the body healthier, tho mind clearer,
and the immortal powers more vigorous.
Whatever endangers self-purity and in
names evil paseions is a einiui amuse
ment. Wherever a Rervaut cf Christ
cannot take his Master with him, he
bas no right to eo; wherever he cannot
ask a b!eeM"g on t.!a?ure, he ha no
buxiiifps o le L' him try iliis umplo
test on the average theatre, anl he will
find that the outside of the plav-housu is
the right side. There are certainly
enough innocent and wholesome recre
ations without vcntnriug upon one of
doubtfnl morality much lets upon one
which has wrought spiritual shipwreck
upon thousands of souls. If the theatre
has not helped many toward heaven, it
has assuredly been to multitudes, es
pecially of tho young, a gateway to per
dition. Jesus Christ commands His followers
to "come out and be separate;" ho
drew a sharp, distinct dividing line be
tween th6 "walking in tho Spirit" and
fulfilling the lusts of the flash between
the pleasures of sin and the pleasures of
a clean heart and useful life. Thero is
a tendency in these self-indulgent days
to reduce this lino to a mere chalk mark,
easily rubbed out? And when that di-
rroing line is entirely eifaced, then the
nominal Christian and the lreoplo ol 1 lie
world cau dance together iu the cams
ball-room, sit together around the same
decanters of wiue, and occupy adjoining J
bosesin tho sarco theatre! How lone
will it tale for such a Christianity to
convert this world to the Bervico of
From tho above extract it appears
Hint the Clnistiatiu themselves are
measurably responsible for ''immorali
tiea of tbc s'ace " They patroniro ita
"shameless exposures of physical
beautv." Ditl thoy patronize only those
plays oi an unexceptional chnractor and
keep aloof from thoso that turn in
eonio sort of poxual depravity ' they
mi?ht uurifv thu staiM and make it a
mighty hrc nry iu cultivating "puro in
tellectual enioyinont s'ich as that from
Hamlet and sjmtt kindred masterpeircs
of genius impressively rendered," as Mr.
Collier terms them. The sUko ia bnt a
reflection of the fcntiuient of the people
who frequent it; it will be just such an
institution us tltey demand. The mana
ger condnrts hi play for money and
that s.ort of drama, which by experieuc?,
he finda is a drawing play, just so long
will a display of physical beauty bo put
upon tho boards. So long as Cbrisliaus
Ditronire thu etace it is out of taste to
condemn it.
G. V. Kiddle, ex-county judge and
renrescutative uf Douglas count;, and
H. L. Ilenson, representative of Joseph
ine county, aie conduiates for speaker of
the house from Southern Oregon. The
north, west and east Oregon has had
the speakership for many lertcs It ia
now time for this end of lite state to be
recognized. Mr. lltdd'e has been
member cf tlo legislature several terms
and has bad sach cxpeiienca in lejtisla-
tive matters a3 to Ct hint for the position
and ,be ILU.S.1)C.U.EK aek6 for hi elec-
,;on a, 9H!akcr t , ,,,s county is en-
tit ,Q tbc ae ow S3 0Qr firsl cUo;ce
and Benson of Jot-ephine, as its fecond
choice. Johusthan Bcurno of Multno
mah might make a good presiding ofli-
cer, but geography is against htm this
time, especially as Multnomah will
mo3t probably far. ish the president of
the senate.
John D. Rockefeller, the standard oil
magnate, it is reported will erect a mam
moth iron mill plant in Chicago in the
neat fctnreat a e,st of ten millbn dollars
for tho manufacture of steel rails and
other iron prcduct?, probably steel ar
mor i lite His idant will lea formida
We aaptiitQr of Carnegie, the Penosyl-
vania iron king.
Plague in the East
Bombay, Dtc. t Eight hundred
I deaths are reported ap to date from the
plague, bet the ncmbcr is believed to
be much lanrer. Crowds of panic-
stricken natives are fleeing from (be city
I Trade arid travel are eeriously affected
I The famine which threatened the whole
I of India has been partially averted in
certain districts by the recent rains
uoiy cne cafe h reported ol a person
"T attending a patient having con
traded the plague. The disease, though
I t .
nas no: yet provea contagions.
ih0 government bacteriologists are of
lue opinion mat me plague, uniilce cnoi-
era, has a tendency to stick to the local-
tv "here originates. A few authentic
i . . .
cases are reported to aojsceni towns, hut
,bc-T a,c " ol imbay 011,510. The dis-
esse- where imported, was dying out
without spreading. In Bombay for two
months thn plague remained conSned to
one ward. It ha now spread to all dis
tricts ot ttic city and i- increasing
largely with the cosier weather
Grain speculation continues and aggra
vates the situation.
Situation at Singapore.
siSGAronE, JJc. b. since the rams
set in the amount uf si.tnesa has dimin
ished, cholera ha disappeared and there
have been no cses of plague. An in
crease of sickness has been experienced
all over the List, bnt the healrh of this
town has much improved.
The sanitary state cf Singapore has
not teen good the last two years. In
the middle of last year an outbreak of
cholera occurred involving tho death of
over 4C0 pertocs before subsiding. In
October this year a similar outbreak of
cholera occurred. It was confined
however, almost entirely to Asiatics and
especially Chinese coolies, only one of
two Europeans or Eurasians being at
tacked. The dryness of the season has
doubtless much to do with the preva
lence of cholera, retnhtent and intermit
tent fevers.
Tbla Ii Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps.
a cenerona sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(tlys Uream Halm) sufficient to demon.
Btrate tho great merits of the remedy.
CC Warren St., JN'cw York City.
Iter. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely s Cream Balm to me.
can emphasize his statement, "It is a pogl
me core lor catarrh it ued ns directed.
Iter. Francii W. 1'nole, Pastor CentralFres.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. I'nco, CO cents.
I have sold my stock of merchandise
nxtures and store ou Jackson street to
my wife, Williamina Easton, who will
continue the business and pay all debts
and collect all claims of said business,
Dated Dec. 3rd, 1890.
The Elks.
neguiar meoting ol 1$. I, o. Elks at
their hall in Odd Fellows' Temple to
nighf. Sojouring brothers cordially in
vited to attend. FnEiiI'AaE-TusTiN,
Exalted Ruler.
The Senate.
During court week, Ad Harmon will
set a lino uitU daily to his friends, and
j tho public oil aro invited. Don't
the number,
office corner.
100 Jackson street. Post-
Have you caught any IIbIi lately.
senate rnocEnniNO.
Washington, Dec. S. Tho Bonato set
tled down to business today. When a
letter from tho secretary of tho treasury
was read aiiaweriug tho Semite inquiry
as to the number of aliens in tho depart
ment of tho treasury, Giillinger (N. II.),
remarked that he would bo uiad to ob-
eervo that foreigners, whoso services lind
been conspicuous in tho department hud
seen tit tie n result of tho inquiry to Inko
out naturalization papers.
Many papers were presented from
ui4inifactuiiog bodies urging passjge
of tho Dingley bill. Cullom (III.), gave
uoiice that on Thursday iiext he would
address the senato on this Cuban qtiuB'
The house icsolulions reiativo t tho
death of ux-Speaker Crisp wens laid be
foro tho sonato.
Till: PAY IN THE 1I01MK.
WasIiisoton, Dee. 8. The attendance
of members was very large in thu house
today, but tho galleries wtro almost de
eertfd. After the journal hail been read
there was a hurried consultation between
Dingleyynd other republican Itadeis as
a lesult of which it was decided to pro
ceed with the regtila reorder of the of
tho committee.
Loud (Cal.), from the commttteo ou
po'totlices and postroadj, called up the
bill to authorize the use of private
mailing cards of the same weight and
form as the postal cards when the one
cent stamp is tiflixed. The bill, he said,
had been approved by the poslollice de
partment, as it would tend to popu'arizo
postal cards, besides effecting a Siving
to the governtucut of tin difference tc-
ween the cost of the card and HUmpr
Th'n sihume had leen successful!) put
n operation in Eugliud, whore in six
months the uumber of such raids
mailed increased from S-iS.0W.0C0 to
The bill was passed. It takes etlect
July I. 1S77. Loud alfo called u; the
bill to provide a limited icdenmity for
the less ol registered mail matter. It
provides an indemnity not to exocJ ?10
for any one reijtered letter, Lu. i.o! to
exceed tho nctiu! value of ihe Irtter
This bill was also approved by the pjjt
ofnee depaitroeot. Lend sid that on
the bji!is of last Vrai's s'alitt cs. the
governmeitt fhould haw a reveniJC of
$900,000, with a liability ol 50.030.
There was a criticitin of the bill on the
ground that it trespassed on the rights of
express companies, but it paspi, 7ti to
Loud then calle.1 uvoa the bill of
Sperry, (Cono., to authorize the eo
lection and deltverv of mail in tonus
and villages where no letter-carrier scr
vice exists by the employment, cuder
mutual arrangement, between citizens,
of any person to perform the service at a
cost not exceeding one cent for each
letter or package, expense ol the benefi
Treasury Department.
The secretory of the treasury report
that during the fiscal year ended Jun
30, 1S9C, the receipts cf the government
from all sources amounted to H0O.475,' usring tne same pencd. its ex
penditures were 134,673,054 4S, the ex
cess of expenditures over receipts thus
amounting to 23,203,'.,43.72. Tne ord
nary expenditures during the jear were
4.0I5,S52-2t ls than during the pre
ceding fiscil year. Of the receipts men
tissed, mere were derived from custom
the sum of tlSO.021,751 07, and from in
ternal revenue $140,S30.6lo,Gi. The re
ceipts from customs show an increase of
$7,SC3,134 22 over those from the same
source for the fiscal year ending Jace 30,
1S95, and the receipts frcm internal rev
enue an increase of $3,5,537.01.
The value of our imported dutiable
merchandise during the last tiscal year
was toj0,75,770, and the value of free
goods imported f400,!j7,470. being an
increase of 3,523,675 in the value of
dutiable goods and f -it, 231,031 in the
value of free goods over tho preceding
year. Onr exports of merchandise, for-
eign and domestic, amounted in value to
$582,000,025, bsing an increase over the
preceding year ol $75,06S,773. The av-
crage ad valorem duty paid on dutiable
goods imported during the year waB
30.01 per cent, and on free and dutiable
goods taken together 20.55 per cent.
The cost of collecting tho internal rev-
enuc was 2.78 per cent, as against 2.S1
per cent, for the fiscal year ending June
30, 1895.
Will Fight for Cuba.
rvAMiAKcs, in., uec. . a company
of 20 young men went south last night
over tho Illinois Central railroad, bound
for New Orleans. There they will be
joined by 30 others from various parts of
the United State, nnd tho entire party
will ebip for Cuba on the first outgoing
vessel and will join tin insurgents. The
party was in command of J. U. Hart-
man, an ex-regular i-oldier, who rcrved
five years in Uncle .Sam's service and
saw much hard fighting in tho Indian
campaigns in Western Dakota and Mon
For Sale.
r limited number of pure bred It. 1
S. Hamburg, 8. C. B. Leghorn,
Blk .ingehati, Wyandott and Cornish
indi'in unme. Won several prizes nt
the Southern Oregon District 1'nir and
Oregon State I'air. I have some mag
nificent bird?, an ornament to any yard ;
also havo two Urown Leghorn cockerels
from registered stock. Trices reason
able; must dispose of these within :;0
days, in order to niako room for spring
breeding. Address K. A. Kruso, ICoee
burg, Oregon.
The Central House.
W. H. Gordon is now tho proprietor of
tbiB popular Iiohkc. Tho table will bo
supplied with tho beet in the market
good bedB and uourtcouu treatment.
Meals 15 cent, and beds the came rale
Thu .Mental Culturo Club of Roseburg
held its first annual meeting, Saturday
afternoon iu tho Firemen's Hall.
Flans of work for tho ensuing year were
discussed and tho annual election of
officers took placo rosulting as follows :
President, Mrs. G. It. Child ; 1st vice
president, Mrs. Flint; 2nd vico presi
dent, Mrs. Aikon; 3rd vice president,
Mrs. Godficy; secretary, Mrs. A. Sheri
dan ; assistant secretary, Mrs. ead ;
treasurer, Miss Howell.
Bv reoueat Mrs. Child submits for
publication her report to tho club mem
Our secretary's book gives, think,
December 21, 1805, as the birthday ol our
club. I piefer to think that the birthday
was in November, and that that later
date was the christening, the giving the
annronrLite name. "The '1)3 Mental
Culture Club."
Before I begin my annual report, I do
not think it out of place to dwell upon
the annronriatcness of this title, to
dwell upon how much the word "cul
turo" ought to mean tp every one in gen
eral, to our club members in particular
It is a word that has becomo almost
hackneyed to some, iu its meaning of a
uiero smattering of book knowledge,
with the addition of some uf the polith
of society. But I waut to impress upon
vou tho real worth of the word. I shall
tell vou what the crea'.eat teacher of
true culture in modern literature, Mat
thew Arnold, save about culture: "It is
in niakiug endless additions to itself, in
tho endless expansion of its powers
endless growth in wisdom and purity
that tho spirit of tho human race fiuds
its ideal. To reach this ideal, culturo is
an indispensable aid. Tint is the true
value of culture, Not a having and a
resting, but a groiung and a t ecoming
is human character as culture coLceives
it. Here tho culture coinctdc3 with re
liiion." One of the first motives Arn
old goes ou to tell ns a great French
writer says: "One of the tirai motives
which ought to impel us to ttcdy is to
rendrr an intelligent being yet more in
telligent." The next etep Arnold Rivec,
is not merely the endeavor to see and
leirn but the endeavor to make the see
ing and learning prevail. This author
S3 often uses a term from Dean Swilt
tint this terra has passed into literature
as Matthew Arnold's definition of cul
ture. It is the words "Sweetness and
Light." I want voa to remember the
union of thoso two words not merely
because they rightly hae become to
famous, but lecause they are so true
Can you find a shorter, truer definition?
Swcc'ncss meaning the human kindli
ness. Luht meaniug the willingness to
learn and help others to learn? Dt you
not see that culture is the pursuit of
perfection, and perfection is the pursuit
of "Sweetness and Light."
To retell tho history ot onr year s
work teems almost unLecetsary for you
all kuow it so well. I need only to
po:nt to the handsome bookcase and its
contents the Encyclopedia Britannica.
That represents something that we
have accomplished. Stiil it is
pleasant to recall today the determina
tion with which we began our work a
year ag Pleasant to recall that echo
in our hearts, to the pessimist's "Oh
that club won't live long," is forever
stilled. We are only a year old, and if
we have not increased in numbers, we
have iu strength. Better still, we enter
upon our second year with increased de
termination, and the ability to tell the
pessimist, if there be a solitary one left,
that we are known by our works, that
we still live, and what is better, shall
continue to live.
Wby enumerate the thinj we have
done? Onr maiden efforts of the IV:
bate and "The Bridgo" were fully ap
preciated. The misgiving vou all felt
about a pottery exhibit melted into thin
air when you each discovered what
treasures you had, and how the few
reices from each made a collection we
were all proud of. 15ut the history of
one entertainment is Ibe history of all.
We did not kpow what we could do, or
what we weuld like till we tried. Our
beat eucce-s is that wo are willing to try
azain and think that nothing now is be-'
yond everjone's capacity of enjoyment.
I want to make a brief references to
tbe weekly meetings. I, as leader of
two sections tbnnk you heartily for tho
interest you have taken and the vtork
you have accomplished, beset as you
are with difficulties and hampered by
tho lack of books. Tho musical directors
too, join me in the thanks. Wo would
like to have you answer these questions
to youreelf. Has the year's studnng
interfered materiallv with your house
hold duties? Has it not rather tended
to help you, especially along the line cf
your children's education? Will you
count to yourself how many books you
have been lead to read, either wholly or
in part? How much more interest in
other thiugs'.' With this mental re
sume can you not bo glad you have kept
tho club alive by your prueenco and en
couragement? For a club without
tnatnbers would be like the play of Ham
let with Hamlet left out.
The next year's work is at hand.
Having bo?un so early in October, we
can feel free to closo by the first of May,
earlier, if tho busy time of spring sew
ing presses. After n well spent winter
our conscience will not even lind the
tii-Lt of April too early.
My report cannot be all in tho major
key of joyousness. Tho minor key of
soi row must bo struck when I refer lo
ourioas of Mrs. Kapp. Our apprecia
tion of her worth aud her appteciation
of thu work were mutual. Wo feel that
a set and formal expresiiou of our sor
row ia to-j cold too tiiuauitiglef-e, for sbo
has gone fro.u a circle of intitnato
friendj, nut from a r.ule-bouud associa
tion. Thus it is that all of us foul that
our sympathy is best told in our own
quiet way, each ouo missing her from
her accustomed chair mid oau'i one usy
itig huw im licit we niicfc her.
As I close, I must touch upon the har
mony that has pervaded everything we
do. I do not think anv one has felt tho
pettinesses that haye alwayti been attri
buted to women when they are associ
ated with each other. Is not this very
flexibility, this kindliness of spirit one
of the rewards of culture pursues for cul
ture's sake? May this kindliness, this
pursuit of awoGtiiesi and light abido with
us always.
The National W. C. T. U.
At its recent session held at St. Louis,
thu National Woman s Chuatian Tern-
peranco union reelected the old board of
ollicers without opposition, as follows;
Piesideot Francos K. Willard, Ilia
Vice President at Lirce Mrs. Lillian
M. X. Stcvons, Maine.
Corresponding Secretaiy Mrs. Kath
arine Lente Stovcnaon, Maeenchwelte.
Recording Sec'.retary Mrs. Clara C
Hoffman, Missouri.
Treasurer Mrs. Helen M. Bukcr,
The fellow ing icsolution wis adopted:
"Resolved, tnst wlitlo we recognize
thu right of women to make csm
menUrim on the Bible, as men have
done from the beginning until now, we
regret the name 'Women's Bible' to any
volume and we lurlhcr deplore the mis
apprehension of the press, secular and
religiou", in styling this commentary on
those parts of the Bible only relating to
woman as a 'new version of the Scrip
tures.' "We further disclaim any connection
whatever of onr society or of our na
tional pre idetit with this work."
flarvelous Results.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun
ucrman, ol Diinondaie, Mich., we aro
lermit!cl to make this extract: "I
havo no hesitation in recommending Dr.
King's New Discovery, ns the results
were almost n.arvelous in the case of my
wife. While I was pastor of tho Baptist
church xat Hives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Gripps. Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours with little in
terruption and it seemed as if she could
not survive them A friend recom
mended Dr. King s New Discoverv; it
was tpiiek in its work and highly satis
factory in results." Trial bottles free at
A, C. Masters' Drug Store. Regular
size 50 c. and S1.0J.
To the Public.
On and alter this date, I wish it under
stood tbat my terms for all undertaker's
soods are cash with the order. 1 find it
imiossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by EelliDg strictly
for casii. I'. Benedick. Undertaker.
Uosebun?, Ore., April 12, 1S95.
Uuckleii'H Aruicn snlc.
The Bes. Salve in the world for Cuts,
Itruiijes, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup
tions, aud positively enres Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A.
C.Marsters & Co.
Dr. Mttchette'd Indian Tobacco Anti
dote will cure aDy one of the tobacco
habit in 72 hours. It is compounded by
a celebrated physician, and is the result
of a life-time study. Guaranteed harm
less.' Price, only 50 cents for a big box
enough to cure any ordinary case. Ail
druggists, or by mail, postpaid. Circu
lars free. Dr. Matcuette,
Chicago, III,
Major C. T. Picton is manager of the
State Hotel, at Denison, Texas, which
the traveling men say is one of the best
hotels in that section. In sp aking of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Major Picton says:
"I have used it myself and in my family
for several j ears, aud lake pleasure in
sating that I consider it an infallible
cure fur diarrhoea and dysentery. I
alwavs lecommend it, aud have fre
quently administered it to my guests in
the hotel, aud in every case it has
proveu itself worthy of unqualified en
dorsement. For sale by A. C. Marsters
& Cc.
Tired Feeling
Makes you seem "all broken up," with
out life, ambition, energy or appetite.
It is often the forerunner of serious ill
ness, or the accompaniment of nervous
troubles. It i3 a positive proof of thin,
weak, impure blood; for, if tho blood is
rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im
parts life and energy to every nerve,
organ and tissue of the body. The
necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
for that tired feeling is tbercforeapparcnt
to every one, and the good it will do you
is equally beyond question. Remember
Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
i i . n;i i ruroliuTills.casytotake,
liOOU S FlIlS easy to operate. iScsnts.
Is a
and is the result ol colds and
sudden climatic changes.
It can be cured by a plcuaut
remedy which is applied di
rectly into tho nostril. Bc
iBc nulckly absorbed it gh ca
relief at once.
Ely's Cream Balm
Is acknonlcdsed to bo the most thorough cure for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay l ever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses tho nasal pa;ssgct,
allays pain and Inflammation, heals tho eore. tiro-
tf els the membrane from colds, restores the renrrs
Oftas tc anil uncll. l'rlco 60c. at Dru eclats or by mall.
ELY BROTHERS, 68 Waruu Stitct, New York.
When moat needed it ia not unusual
for your family phyeician to be away
from home. Such was I ho experience of
Mr. J. Y. Schenck, editor of the Caddo,
Ind. Ter., Banner, wheu his little girl,
two years of age was threatened with a
severe attack of cron p. He says: "My
wife insisted that I go for the doctor, but
as our family physician was out of town
I purchased a bottlo of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which relieved her im
mediately. I will not be without it in
the future." 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by A . C. Marsters & Co.
like flowers, fade
and wither with time;
the bloom of the rosa
is only known to the.
healthy woman's
cneeics. xnc nerv
ous strain caused by
the ailments and
nains peculiar to the
sex, and the labor
a family, can often
be traced bv the lines in the woman's face.
Dull eyes, the sallow or wrinkled face and
those "feelings of weakness" have their t
rise in the deramrements and irretrularitiea
peculiar to women. The functional de
rangements, painful disorders, and chronic
weaknesses of women, can be cured with
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, tor tne
yonnjr girl just entering womanhood, for
the mother and those about to become
At .1 i ti n:r- n
?uJiVlV;Aiw Sunday Service: Preaching. U a. m
it flirls nature in nrenarinsr the svstem for .
the change. It's a medicine prescribed for
thirty years, in the diseases of women, by
Dr. K. V. Fierce, chiet consulting pnvsician
to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription will cure the chronic inflamma
tion of the lining membranes which cause
such exhausting drains upon the system.
It aires nervous prostration, sleeplessness,
faintness, nervous debility and all disorders
arising from derangement of the female
organs and functions.
Mrs. Jetwib WnxiAHS, of Mohani. Lant Co-,
urrgon, wmes:
was side for orer three
years with blind dizzy
(pells, palpitation of
the heart, pain in the
back and head, and
et times would have
such a wesilc tired feel
ing when I first got
up in the morning,
and at times nervous
The physicians dif
fered as to what my
disease was. bat none
of them did me any
good. As soon as I
commenced taking Or.
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, I began to
crt better : could sleeo
Mas. WrxuAxs.
wen nights, and that bad. nervous feeling and the
pain in my back soon left me. I can walk sever
al miles without getting tired. I took in all three
tctUes of Prescription 'and two of Discovery. "
0.L& N.I
Gives the Choice of
Spokane .
. Denver
Kansas City
St. Paul
Low Hates to all Eastern Cities
Steamers leave AInsworth doc, s
p.m.. every five days. Cabin. KJK. steerage,
For fall details call on or addres
V. C. X.OKX)02s
Agent, Roseburg, Oregon, or address
Jeneral Tasscngcr Agent, Portland, Oregon.
E. SIcs EIX.X..
Prcsidnnt and Manager.
, Hnl 1PV GOODS.
A splendid assortment of China goods, consisting of a great variety of China
ware, unique in style and finish. Albums, celluloid goods, fancy goods for
souvenirs, silk handkerchiefs, paper napkins, ladies work basket, lire crack
era and other things to numerous to mention. Come and see my goods, they
are first class. At my bazaar opposite Odd Fellows' Temple. Yoc"G Sam.
Upholstered Furniture
At Cost
Fancy Chairs and Rockers
Just Received, aud at Prices never before
quoted iu Roseburg.
Reduced until January ist, 1S97.
Come, and bring your pocket books.
Money Talks!
Yours Respectfull',
Goods !
Toys, Toys, Book Games and
Dolls !
Presents for alt. Old en-J Youii?. Conic cariy
and get first choice.
CVRMSIIINRij, includinsc Shirts, Hats,
i Caps, Tarn O'Sliamcrs, Handkerchiefs, Sus
penders, Searls, Gloves, etc., etc., Suitable for
tbc Holidays.
loot our Boots and Shoes. Just received
new invoice and comparing quality our prices
arc below competition.
X9IAS EVK. We give away a Combination
Bread Cliest and Side XXoatd
and a Hlcture Throw only 50 cents pur
chase entitles you to a gues.
Youra for a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year.
liOSEBCRO, on.
Tlit; Clinrcbea.
Baptist Cuuecii corner of Lane and Ro
treeta. SundBy Service: Preaching, 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. ci.; Yonng People's Union, 60 p.m.;
Mrs. K. VT. Black, Troidcut; Sunday School, 10
c. m.; James Chamberlain, Snpcrintenden
Prayer Meeting. Thursday evening at 730.
Methodist Chccch corner ot Main and Lane
"uu ' J"-"-
and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; F.
W. Woollcy, Superintendent; Class Meeting at
Close ol the moming service; Epworth League
6:30 p.m. Hattie Godfrey, President. Prayer
Meeting, Wednesday, at 7-0 p. m.
Feaxk L. Moore, Pastor.
Parsonage, comer Main and Lane.
Peesbttibias corner of Cass and
Rose streets. Sunday Service: Puplic worship,
a.n. and 750 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m.;
Y. P. S. C. 2.. 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes
day,") p. m.
R. B. DU.WORTH, Pastor.
Society .Tlcctlngn.
JJ' hold their regular communications at the
I. O. O. F. hall on second and fourth Thursday
ot each month. All members requested to at
tend regularly, and all visiting brothers cor
dially invited to attend.
HERMAN MARKS, Secretary.
- meets every Wednesday evening at 8
o clock ia the Old Masonic HalL Visiting
brothers are cordially invited to attend.
G eo. W. Pebby, Councilor.
Recording Secretary.
M meetings the 2d and 1th Wednesdays In
each month.
J. B. Cawlfield, W. M.
C. W. Kibe, Sec'y.
I theirreirnlar convocations atMaxonic hall
I on the first and third Tuesday ol each month
, Viiittng companions are cordially invited.
IaASoax Ca&o, Secretary.
A meets Saturday evening of each week at
their haU in Odd Fellow Temple at Roseburg.
Members of he order in good standing are invit
ed to attend. E. McBROOM N. G.
F. G. Micelli .Sec'y.
Odd Fellows hall on second and fourth
Fridays of each month. Visiting brethren
arc Invited to attend.
F. G. illCELLI, C. P.
meets the second and fourth Mondays of
each month at 7:30 p. m. a: Odd Fellows hall.
If embers of the order In good standing; are In
vited to attend.
first and third Thursdays of each month.
firsts and third Thursdays in each
tJARMS ALUANCE-Regular Quarterly
a- Meetlng-g will be held at Grange Hall,
Roseburg, the first Friday in December, March
md Jnne, and the third Friday in September.
iv the second and fourth Thursdays of each
meets every second and fourth Sunday.
D OSEBUBG R. D. LODGE, XO. 41, 1. O, O. F
meets on Tuesday evening of each week at
the Odd Fellows halL Visiting sisters and
Brethren are invited to attend.
every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows
HalL Visiting Knights in good standing cor
lially Invited to attend.
I. B. RIDDLE, K. R. S.
30 days.