FortlRndLibPKFy 1 IF YOU DON'T READ IF YOU SEE IT l The Plaindealer The Plaindealer i You Don't Get the News. IT IS SO. Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1896. No. 83. A. SALZMAN, (Successor to J. JASKULEK. ) Practical : Watchmaker, : Jeweler : and : Optician. DEALER IK WATCUES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND FANCY GOODS. JS. A SxieolnK-ty. Uottiiino Ortizilinn Byo Glnnsow iinti Spcctnclcw A COMTLXTX STOCK Or Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles. Also Proprietor anil Manager of Rosoburg's Famous Bargain Store, E RAPP'S DRUG STORE. S FARMS.FARflERS AND FARV11NQ. DOUGLAS I WHITE N 5 AND For Recent and Chronic COUGHS AND COLDS Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Lov u uiee, Irritability of the Larynx and Fauces, and other Inflamed Conditions ol th Lungs and Air Passages. S u HP OIITJlID ronltry, Ftsta anfl Gniue, Proprietor ot I The City Meat Market, And Dealer In PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, S TAR f RAPP'S DRUG STORE. a e AND FRE5H MEATS OP ALL. KINDS. Roseburg, Or. " Orders taken and Delivered Free to any part ot the City. A.CMRSTERSC 0. Tho word farm, meaning now a tract of land cultivated for the produitiou of food for man and beast, came from the Anglo Saxon word fcorm, a feast, and through a eort of evolution has become the present word, farm. It came down to us in this way. In olden times the lends wero owned by lords and other persons occupying, under the then form of government, high positions. They let lands to tillers on condition that they supplied the lord with so many nights entertainments daring the year. These entertainments consisted of feasts. Hence theee feorms, or.feasts, finally by a figuro of epeech were used to designate tho lands. Thus such and such a lord's rent, the feortn, the feast or entertain ments did, by degrees, become applied .to the land rented. So from feorm, a feast, the wordjarm has descended, which now means, usually, a considera ble tract of land cultivated for the pro duction of grains, grasses, vegetables and other food'products. Next we.'consider the otiir word, farmer. Literally speaking' a farmer is one who liveson, 'and eab-iats upon the products of.a farm, or one who owns a farm orlisconvereantjwith true farm work, althougu.he may have "given up the work and.takenup some other occu pation. It also applies to one who col lects ren-s, taxes, duties or imports. But in a general sense it meaas one who is a tiller ;.of tho ground. The word farming means the mode, manner and process of tilliog'the'ground. Farming takes a wide r.'.nge of signifi cation becauseit involves u wide scope of science. It not only applies to plow ing, planting'and sowing and cultivating the grcund.but also tho know Idec of the best way. time and method of tilth; the lime to plant.and sow; the oat are of the plants and the adaption of the soil for the pUnt or fruit it is desired to produce; but also to some knowledge of the chem ical prop?! tit a of the soil either theoreti cal or practical. It is uoi necessary that a mm mu3t be a practic 1 chemist with a complete labratory in order to be a cood farmer, but experience, close ob servation and a record of facts in his ex perience refiarding the different soils, are necessary to make a good farmer, if coupled wi'b good and dilligent work. I Most farmers are too negligent of I keeping note of their experience and ob servations while pursuing their farm la bors. Memory is too treacherous to I depend upon to keep up to date with all .1 bis experiences and observations, and I thus be 'looses, much tbat-if jcorjecUy Uj-QTADI P A NT. . PANCV - fiROCRRIES.? P'ved would- be, o&cmt benefit IfJim -- -1 . - - I him in nfurrnn1 WVt 1 wa J a j -a 4 UiWI aiW WWjLAJ paper was turned out irotn me press The owners of the factory say they can repeat the feat in twenty minutes les3 time. Youth's Companion. Santiago Ls Raided. Santiago de Cuba, Dec. 4. This city ha3 been thrown into consternation by a descent of the Spanish police. The homes of many peaceible citizens were entered after the town Sacrifice Sale Now in Progress. ZIGLER & WALL,. Depot Grocers - THEATERS IX ALL KINDS OE, . "W"a,ll Paper A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell. LIME PLASTER AMD CEMENT. A FULL LIflE OF WIJiDOW GLASS ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Real Estate Bought and Sold COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Give us a call. Goods delivered to any part ol the City in short order. Corner Lane & Sheridan Streets, KOSEBURG, OREGON oar ooaxsxzBBXox. WYLIE PILKINGTON, 'Successor to G. W. SOAH.J General Blacksmithing TROTTING AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL. KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. BIiop on Corner WashlUElon and Kane Bts.. RoscburK. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. ROSEBURG D s and Granite Works. in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of id. s. ic bxjiok; Uoiiebui EAST AND SOUTH VIA. THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Zxpmt train leave Portland dally. fconth I I North a:tf. K. 525 A.M. 11:16 A.M. Ct. - Portland - Ar. Lt. - Roeburg - Lt. Ar. - Ean Franc! icq Lt. 8:10 A. X 11:45 T. M. 7:00 r. M. Above trains stop at Zait Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn, galea, Tomer, Marlon, Jeflfer son, Albany, Tangent Shedds, Halsey, Uaxris bure. Junction City. Eugene, Cresvrell, Cottage Grove, Drain, and all station Irom Roseouri to Ashland Inclusive. Koaebnrg 3Iall Dally. 520 A.K.1 r. . 1 Ar. Portland -Roaebnrg - Ar. Lv. I 4:40 r. !&Oa. Salem PaBenicer Dally. XOr. x. 6:15 P. M. ILv. Ar. Portland Ealern Ar. Lt. 10.15 a. x. 8:00 a. x. TJINLtG CARS OJI OCDE.1 HOITTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND SECOCTNCLAK SLEEPING CAIW Attached to all Through Tralna. West Side Division. Between Portland and Coryallla Mall train dally (except Sunday). 7:30 a. K. 12:15 r. x. LT. I Ar. Portland -Corrallla - Ar.l Lt.I 6:Xir.K liar, x At Albany and Corrallls connect with tralna ol Oregon central s taeru niuum. Zxpreas train dally (except aunaay;, Portland FROM TERMINAL 0E IXTERIOK POINTS I he) Northern) Pacific) RAIZaROAD If the Line to Take To all Points East and South. T li the DINING CAB ROUTE. It rnm through VESTtBULED TRAINB EVERT DAT IN THE TEAR to 8T. PAUL CHICAGO (KO CBAKGZ Or CAM) Conpoitd ol Dining Cart Unsurpassed, Pullman Driving Room Sleepers, 01 Litest Equipment. TOMIIST HI.EEPI.-V4i CARS Beat that can be constructed and In which accommodations aro both FREE and FURNISHED to holders of First or Becond-claMTlcketa, and EIjECAXT day couches I W. AGH1S0H k CO., Props. Dealers In all kinds ot .llarbie and Granite Monument and Headstones, Portland Cement Curbing JtTor Comotory JL.OT.N. Estimates Furnished ou all kinds of Cemetery Work omce and Hnlcnrooui. ;7ii Oalt Street. A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Bcrrlce. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured In advance through any agent ot the road. To The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon This old reliable and the most successful Bpeclallst in San Fran cisco, still continues to cure all Sexual and 5emlnal Diseases, such as Oonnorrhcra. filter Stricture, Syphlllls In all lis forms, Skin Di seases, rtervous Debil ity, Impotency. Semi nal Weakness and Losa of nanhood. the conte- ?iuencc oi sen aouso ana excesses prouueing me ollowlng symptoms; sallow countenance, dark spots under tho eyes, pain In tho head, ringing in the cars, losa of confidence, diffidenco in ap proaching strangers, palpetatlon of the hearts weakness of the limbs and back, lossof memory. pimples on tho face, coughs, consumption, etc. DR. OIBBON has practiced In San Frnnclsco over thirty years and those troubled should not rail in consult nim anu receive me ucnem oi his great skill and experience. Tho doctor cures when others fall. Try blm. Cures guar anteed. Persons cured at home. Charge reasonable. Call or write. Dr. J. P. uibbon, 025 Kearney stree san Francisco, Cal. 4:451-. X. 7:25 r. x. Ar. . McMlnrlUe Ar. Lt. ! 8:25 a. 5:50 a. Tarongb Ticket to all Point tn tbe Eaatern State. Canada and Europe can be obtained at low est rate lrom George Eatca, Agent Hoaeburr;. R KOEHLER. Z. P. ROGERS. B-KOE Minager. Asst. O. F. A Pass. Apen PORTLAND OREGON. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all Points m America. England and Europe can be purchased at any nciei umce 01 tnis company. Full Information concerning rates, tlmo of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to d. a. ic. nuiCK, Local sgent at Koscbrg,ur., or A. D. CUAJIETON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First fit. for. Washington. PORTLAND. ORECJON. NOTICE. Notice ls hereby given to all whom lt may con cern that I hive aorolnte-l D. W. Stearns of Cala. pools precinct Deputy Inspector of Stock for aali rreclnci, powmce aaaress, usKianti; ai.o i Cliannian of Wilbur, and lUlnh Smith, at Rosa burg, to act dnring my absence, and otbers wll be added as parties inspected make their drrlie known to mo. Bosebuig, May 4th, 1S87. TU08.BM1TH, lnrsotsor of Btock rtrr Douglaa county. Or. CATARRH Is a LOCAL DISEASE and Is ths result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which IS applied di rectly Into the nostrils. Be ing quickly absorbed it gives relief at once. Ely's Cream Balm la .rlrnmrlmVMl to be the mOSt thorOUSQ CHrO iCr Nasal Catarrh. Cold In Head and Hay lever of all remedies. It opens ana cleanses me nasal passages, allays pain and Inflammation, heals the sores, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and smell. lTlce 50c. at urucgieu or Dy man. to take and icsd-some good farm journal specially devoted , to arm work. Such get great benefit in their ltLe of work by Each papers where tbe experiences acd obEervatior.s of others are great helps. The foregoing 13 mentioned as a tort of 6Ugi;eition to farmere, and cot to teach them their duty. Fottlier, from practical experience the writer has lecined that prior tilth that i?, a good cultivation of the ground before it is planted is better than culti- ation after planting. The condition of the cround before planting is of greater concern than many sappoe. If the ground is too dry, especially in Oregon it is impracticable to plow it, and if too wet it ds more injury than good. Ar other thing 'that ought not to be over looked. Lands need reEt, so to speak Ground in constant yearly ute kse much of its fertility, A continuou succession of crops exhaust the product ive qualities of land, These qualilies mutt be restored someway, either by artificial fertilizers cr by the restorative agencies of tbe elemecte; wind, rain mow, frost and sunshine. All these aro sreat natural restorAfives. Their full benefit is not so great while prcducing as v. nea at rest, lnereloro portions ot farm should rest every year by what i3 termed summer fallow. There are two advantages in this method. First, the grcund :s measurably resuscitated by the action of the elements as above mentioned and then the ground is in better condition for early seeding, which ta a great matter 10 cousiuer. uuring this resting season if some feitilizers can be aJded it will bo so much the better. A Farmer. the air. was filled with smoke, while dead and wounded men and horses flew in eyery direction. My friends ttated there were 5000 Spanish soldiers killed and wounded in tho explosion of the mine." Mrs. Lease in Hard Luck. Wichita, Kan., Dec. 4. The home of Mrs. Lease, tbe noted populist politi- had gone to bed. cian and lecturer, a3 is evidenced by a It is known that at least 25 persons were arrested and hurried to prison. Nearly all of Eastern" Cuba la in the bands of tbo Cubans, save the city. The Spanish policy of arresting citizens suspected of sympathy with the insurgents had long since spread among all classes. The re cent arrests are further evidence of Gen eral Weyler's determination to wage war on citizens in their homes, as .well as on the armed bodies in the field. No one can learn any definite'.reason for tho sudden arrests. There were three women among tbe prisoners. All were locked in the jail Incommanicados. Many were sent to Morro castle. Among the captives waB a doctor, two lawyers and four merchants. AU.under the general accusation of plotting against Spanish anthority. A special;!from Guimaro, Camaguey, gives the following details of the death of Major Dana O.'good, rhe football player who commanded a Cuban battery uring tha recent seiga of the town of Guimaro. General Garcia ordered Ma jor Osgood to open fire upon tbe Span- sh forts. Two hoars later a Iarze fort, Enown as Fort Monfau, located on a bill 00 yards from, was abandoned by its defenders, who took refuge in the town. On tbe tecond day of Ihe siege, Major Osgood, under heavy fire from the Span- frtrds, was training one of his pieces on the forts. A Mauser .ball, struck him in tiie forehead. He uttered the word ,Vell," and, bending forward on his cannon, hugged it and breathed bis last in behalf of Cuban liberty. Tbe news of his death deeply impressed President Cisneros and the commanding officers, all of whom had great leeard for tbe American officer. The Spaniards, who had an abundant supply of ammunition, kept up an inces sant fire against the Cuban entrench ments. General Garcia, on October 27, made np his mind to capture the place by aisanlt. The Spaniards bad aban doned all the forts outside of tbe town and made themselves strong on the in side. They had taken commanding po sitions on the stone buildings and mass- legal notice appearing in the papers here. will be sold under tho sheriff's hammer on January G next to satisfy a $1100 mortgage, unless in the meantime she decides to redeem it. Mrs. Lease has been in New York for several mcnths, and it is not known whether she intends to let the property go or not, but the supposition is that the sale will be al lowed to proceed. Some Figures. Twenty-two'couatiea have so far re ported their totals ofjthe taxable prop erty for the current year, to-wit : Benton $2,744.2-13 Clatsop 4,036,399 Crook 1,664,57s Curry 512,032 Douglas 4,576,219 Lincoln 827,127 Malheur 1,117,033 Tillamook 1,136,351 Union 3,233,792 Wasco 2,856,694 Baker 2,163,879 Washington 4,461,645 Sherman 356,190 Columbia 1,S75,790 Polk 4,021,471 Jackson 4,723,019 Morrow 1,076,362 Coos 2,824,900 Yamhill 5,0-:0,421 Klamath 1,5S9.443 Josephine 1,193,667 Lane 6,003,415 Notice To Contractors. Sealed plans acd specifications acd bids will be received at the office cf tbe county clerk of Douglas couity,Oregon, on or before January 14th, 1S97, at 1 o'clock p, m,, for the repairing of the entire bridge and approach across the South TJmpqua river at Rcsaburg, Ore gon, by replacing all timbers, floor and woodwork. All joints to be laid in white lead, and timbers above floor to be painted. All old timbers, in cluding stringers, to be carefully taken down and piled in road on either aide- ot. river. Bridge to be completed by Aug ust 1st, 1897. Diagrams and dimensions ive stone church in tl-pnrjUc?sqnare,on file iaclerk'adffice. r-'f 1 - Also at the same time and in tha At a signal -Generals'. Cebreco-" and Ca pote, at me nead 01 inetrmen, cnargea tbe town 'from different quarters. Tbe Spanian garrison took refuge in tbe old cbnrcb and strongly barricaded it General Garcia ordered that the three guns be brought to bear upon the Btone structure, acd fire was at once opened on it. One of the shots from a 12- pyunder mortally wounded the Spanish ish officer in command, Major Marinez, and killed some of his men. Shortly after a tremendous cry of "Viva Cuba libre" came from tbe Cu bans. The Spaniards had signaled their unconditional surrender K. of L. Still for Free Silver. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 20. The gen eral assembly of the Knights of Labor declared tcday for free silyer by adding to the 17th plank the declaration sub mitted by the committee on law. As originally framed, this plank held that interest bearing bonds, bills of credit or notes should cot be issued by the gov ernment, but that when need arises, tha emergency should be met by legal teuder non interest-bearing money. Tbe added clause declares for the free acd unlimited coinage of gold and silver at at the ratio of 16 to 1, regardless of the action of any other nation. same manner, specifications and bids will be received for making the county jail of Douglas county, Oregon, mora secure in manner following: By lining the entire inner wait with No. 11 steel plate and that to be ceiled with an eight inch additional brick wall laid in cement morter. Preaent plastered ceiling to te taken off acd timbers covered with Nj. 16 plate. Old window grates to te re paired and two additional crcs.t bars put on, and ail five windows to have a s ditiocal new grates pu: in cement laid wall and fastened to the steel Units. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 12th day of Noveutbe', 13J6. A. F. Stuarxs, Countv Judge. TURNING A TRUE INTO PAPER. A NEWS- SUMMONS. rlVriCE COURT FOR THE PRECINCT OF I Looking Class. titxir. of Onr-ooN, County oiiiougias.) ... . 1 1 t .. : r . in. .-orecrii'. """' c iil action to 1 1. tn.ntlne:- Defendant. 'ecovcrraoncy To J. L. Hunting. In the name of the State ot (ln.ffnn. You aro hereby rfqulrod to appear beforo the undersigned, a Jusiicc 01 tuo I cacc lor mo pre' rlimt nforcnid. on the Mth day of November A, I., ISM, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day nt the ollicc of said Justice in said precinct, to answer the aoovenamca piainim in a civil nc tlun Tho defendant will take notice that if lie falls to ansHrr the complaint herein, tho plain tlfTwIlI tnko judgment against him lor the sum nf s"n nn nnd coats ol this action. Given under my hand this 9th day of October A.D..18TO. O. 31. Bl'ELL o!2t7 Justice olthel'enc At a wood pulp nnd paper manufact ory at Ekenthal, Austria, recently 'the question was asked: "In how short a time can you turn a tree into a newspa per?" The answer was given by an actual trial. A notar public and other witnesses wero called, and at ex telly 35 o'clock in tho morning operations were begun in a forest near the factory by felling threo tiees. These were stripped , cut into pieces and reduced to pulpb by mechanical means. The pulj- was thrown into a tub and mixed with tho ingredients required to turn it into paper. Tho paste thus formed was passed through tho rolling-machine, and at 9 :3l o'clock one hour and fifty- nine minutes after tho felling of the trees tho first sheet of (paper issuad from .ho machine, lho paper was hurried to printing-house more than two miles away, where tho lypo had alrcndv been set up, and at ten o'clock two hours and twenty-fivo min ut03 from tho beginning ot the ex periment in tho forest, a printed new- Another Mine Exploded. Atlanta, Dec. 4. Rev. A. J. Diaz, the Baptist missionary of Havana, who was driven from Cuba several months ago, on account of alleged affiliation with the insurgents, has reached this city from Texas, where he has been en gaged in church work. "1 was told, said ne, "that every thing was at a standstill in Havana, there being nothing going on in tbe city. a I understand it, everything is dead as a door-nail, but General Maceo seems to be getting iu bis work, and from what I waj told by friends in New Orleans, I suppose be has the means of exterminat ing many ot the fcpiruiras. lne press reports contained a - to the effect that General Maceo h ticed Weyler, with many o! his men to a point of ground that has been ihnamited for their especial benefit, and succeeded in kiilint; and wounding many of them. I was told of a second mine that had been tired when tbe Spanish soldiers wero on it only a day or two ago. General Wey ler was in Artemisa and knew nothing of it until tho dynamite bad its deadly work. "This mine was set between the Rubi and Cayajaboa mountains by Maceo's electricinu. After it was all prepared, as in tbo other case, the Spaniards and Cubans engaged in battle. The Cubans, of cours?, retreated, and, as they did so, the Spaniards followed, keeping as near them as possible. When the army was batwecn tha two mountains, tbe mines were touched olf, and in a few minutes How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars lie- ward for any case oi Catarrh that can not be cared by Halt's Catatrh Cure. F. J. Cheney; & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in a business transactions and finan -iAily able to carry out ar.v tbJigations made bv their firm. West & Trcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnax i Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tbe blocd acd mucous surfaces of the svsteci, Prieo 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER. The Oregon Statesman Till March 1st for Only 25 Cents. Every taxpayer should read a Siiem paper this winter. The Oregon "We.-kH Statesman is the li&est, brightest, cheapest and best paper puolisbtd at the capital. The legislature meets in January. Needed la s are t j be r-sed and a U. S. senator is to be e'.e ted. Everybody will want to read a g cd paper this winter from the seat of war and to all we cheerfnilv rei-irum- i.d the Statesman. It is fearless and free spoken. It tiroes economy abng all lines of state government Mid is waging a war in the interests of tho tax: apers. Taxation must bo reduced by abolishing all useless commissions nnd correcting abuses, The Statesman is the only re liably republican Associated I'res3 paper In Oregon. It consists of twetvo pa. s weekly. Its subscription price is $1.50 per year, but by a special arrangement with the publishers we have arranged to supply it to cur subsuribtr.-t fr ni thii date until the adjournment uf'le bv fi lature three month coed readirg for only 25c. Forward ail subscriptions to the Statesman. Salem. Or. S-rd in your orders right away the sooner yon send, the more you will cot for your money.