COUNTY CLAIMS ALLOWED. Continual rom Mpagc. John Liviugstoa, " " J. M. Dounoll, Jauiea Darrow, " " John Agoo, " 15. Sprasue, " E. E.Emtuelt. " " H. D. Germond, " E. M. Marstore, " G. J. Ct-lahati, " Wo. Kamp. J. P. Hunt, " J. L. Thuiutou, " " Z. L. Danmiclr, Hardin Davis, " " T. W. Winniford, " D. W. StearnF, " John Applogate, " " W. V. Shipley, " Albert Burns, ' " E. 0. Talnier, " John Ostortac, " ' L. M. Terkinf , Kobt. Anlaof, John Andrews, ' " "William H. Gray, " A. B. Haitief, T. P. Maupin, " " G. W. Benedict, " H. Weatherly, T. N. Grubbe. W. J. Borchard, " T. M. Martin, S. B. Colvin, S. J. Shrum, W. A. Smiley, J. I. Critefor, S. A. reikins, W. L. Wilson, commisiiouer. M.D.Thompson, " J. V. Spanldinp, J. H. Hankies, pauper asst . Jas. B. Brown, . DinLcrison, " " .. 1 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 30 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 40 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 U4 CO 41 40 40 CO 5 CO 0 00 4 to AV. T. Turner, canvassing eltci. returns C 40 T. M. Martin, rent for election . 4 00 Tennie Stein, elect., cleaning hall 1 00 D. Parslejr, elect., rent, lighis, wood i 00 P. Benedick. pan. asst. corBn 15 CO P. Benedick, " " 1" 0J Hamilton Drag Co , stationery 2 05 Hamilion Drug Co.. pauper asst 4 10 Sol Abraham, rent lor elect ... 3 50 John Hervy, grand jury wit '2 10 Hudson Limber O., lumber 2 50 Hudson Lnmtvr Co , . 3 15 Hodvm lumber Co.. ' ... 7 t3 J -V Hanon, ule 3 50 H. VV. Stewart, elrct. rnt, loel. . 3 5- Mr?. M. Jfevhop, nanp-r at 10 65 L. HstfirM, grand jory wit 4 40 E 11. Pink&toc. lepairing tridge 24 75 John Hamlin, canvassing returns. 3 CO J. Pare, pauper aft 17 50 W. C. Gilmoor, pauper ast IS 75 John L. Lrinenkogle, ilrct, rent, woul 1 50 Grant Levins, elect., rent, wood 3 CO E. Uaitsock, gravel 12 20 E. H. Fairfield, wood 15 00 Rwebure Wa'er Co 15 CO Dr. J H Hawkins. inane ex 5 00 "W. H. Caiebrer, haulinc 1 CO A. C. Markers & Co , stationery, oil, etc 37 70 A. C Mtrstera, grand jnry witness 2 10 H. M. Martin, wheat tacks 1 25 " " " tile 5 Co J. T. Henderson, snr. otter slough trail 7 CO Sol Perkins, viewer otter slouiii trail 7 00 Dr. W. H. Devore, pauper ast.. . 25 00 J. S. Benson, pauper asst 9 15 C. B Iinville, " " 2 50 G. W. Carter, mdse. roads and bridges 2 20 Mrs. B. A. Stewart, pauper asst. 12 CO Geo. V. Packet:, 7 35 G. W. Carter, pauper asst 25 30 W. Pilkington & Son, road work . . 2 55 J. S. Benson, road work 10 00 Mrs. S. Bartle, " 3 CO E. D. Day, " " 25 00 Plaindealer Pub. Co., stationery and printing 43 25 Frank Perdue, coyote 5 CO Mrs. P. Kitchell, pauper asst. . . 01 40 James Short, wood 7'J 05 E. C. Palmer, lumber 12 20 Cooper Bros. " s 70 A Co. 2d Keg't O. X. G., rent elect. 2 50 H. Kinehart, light, rent, elect 4 00 Plaindealer Pub. Co., tickets for election 133 00 R. 31. Conkline, insurance poor farm 37 50 G, W. Xoah, work 4 50 Geo. Carpy, work for assessor. .. 41 CO G. V. Gorney, lumber 15 00 G. W. Orcutt, Calapooia bridge. . 45 00 K. J. North, " " . 33 75 How to Prevent Croup. Some reading that will provo interest ing toyoung mothers. How to guard against the disease. Croup is n terror to young mothers and to post tbum concerning tlio cause, tirst symptoms and tiuatineut is tho ob ject ol this item. Tho origin of croup is a common cold. Children who aro sub ject to it take cold very easily and croup is almost euro to follow. Tho first symptom ia hoarseness; this is soon fol lowed by a peculiar rough cough, which ia easily reropuized ami will never bo forgotten by one who has heard it. Tho time to act is when tho child tirst be comes house. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given nil tendency to croup will 83on disappear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains nothing iujurious. For sale by A. C. Martte.-s & Co. For Over Fitly Yens tt. An Old and Well-Tkikd Hexiot. Mn tVloslow's Soothing Syrup hu been used (or over fifty yean by millions ot mothers (or their children while ttcthln?, with perfect (access. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is tho best remedy (or Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part ot tho world. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value U incalculable. Be sure aud ask (or lire. Wlnslow's oothlng Syrup, and take no other kind. To Rent. Fivo-room cottago on Jackson stroot. Office two rooms on Jackson Btreut, opposite post office. Largo liouso and plenty of out build ings, 20 acres ot land with oichard, in West Roseburg. Largo house nud 3 acres at Edunbowcr one mile from town. Call on or address T. K. Riciur.Ubo.v, Roseburg. M. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Room 2, Jlarstcrs Building, ROSEBUKO, OE. fWHuslncss before tho U. 6. Land Office and ruining cases a specialty. l.ato Itccelvcx u. S. Land Office. GEOr.CJK x. r.Kow.s. Tho Darlington, Wis., Journal says ed itorially of a popular patent medicine: "Wo know from experience that Ciiam bcrlain'a Colic. Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy is all that ia claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating painB and possibly saved us from an un timely grave. Wo would not rest easy over night without it in tho lioiiee." This remody undoubtedly saves moro pain and suffering than any other med icine in the world. Every faivily nhould keep it iu the house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. Lumber for Sale or Trade. If you have dry cows or heifers you want to trade for lumber, or if you want to buy n bill of any kind of fir lumber, you will do well to address P. O. box 125, Drain, Oregon. Get Your ristmas Gifts Free ! -J two ounce bag, and coupons inside each four ounce bag of Black-well's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the 3'ouug and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You -will find one coupon inside each two Blackwell's Genuine DURHAM Tobawr MRS. N. BOYD, -DEALER IS ROSEBURG'S OPPORTUNITY To Secure the Encyclopedic Dictionary. The Pacific Coast Newspaper Syndi cate extende to the people of Roeeburg and vicinity an opportunity to secure a limi'-d number ..f h-ic of ihe great En ciclouedic Dictionary, mon the same f as were r-centu otT-r'-ri' in Portland and a' 'he low introductory priiv. 1'hiH ..flVr will t z . .!, at mo t, f .r a i-w ias oid' , a. thw puriose ol the SmIiciH ai the pn-fem is c-nfiied o distributing a limited i.nmicr of rets at -arion pointx in 'h- s'ata f-jr th- pin-x-e "f mmpxri-ori uilli ohf r works of n-ference. This distribution i rapid y ap) roachiug its end, after wh ch it will be impossible to obtain the work except at the advanced prices. As far as Roseburg and vicinity is con cerned this is the final opportunity. Th p.iytcent of l cecures tho delivery of the entire set, four massive volumes, (5375 pages, 250.000 words, of which 50, 000 are treated encyclopaedically) at your homo or office. The balance duo to be paid in twelve monthly payments of $L25 each. You will neyer agaiu have euch a chance. Scud your nouio and address at once to the Pacini: Newspaper Syndicate in caro of Tub Plaimjealek and you will bo supplied with sample shoots for ex amination, free of charge. Seo advor titenieiil in another column. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glass aud Delfware, Tobacco aud Cigars, Toys, Notions and Fancy Goods. Higest Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds Finest Line of TliAS In the City. rrics from t; wc for jvuad .AN EXTRA INDUCEMENT.. I m: your inie, and as an InJsnmeat to pet n jg, I mate :hc follonlnr lib- lC eral o2er. Call ami I will SOj prcnt joo with a card & Hie the one jriatoi op- . I iOslt, ail nhu the .s carl is UKtl up)ou:cj , i recurc vac ioriraii. ji 10 , tu 1 10 . ici . lu , ia iu , ;o 10 w- ii 5 . K" . :e 1 w jo .'o BKD' tbl CarU with vu aal have yoor CA-1I 1TRCHASK5 poached oot to tbe amooot of 110. aivl Ton can hare a lfe-likc l'ortr!:. Crayon or WateT Color Tints, frjm aaj phoM?nph or tlntn yvn may iesire. Wo larther atsare you that if the rtrai: is not tat iittGUrr you need not accept It. Wc tfre you the portrait FREE, yoc pay only for the frame The twi of the frame, gla'j. etc.. Kill le at whole sale cost prices. TiT j I sf ifffio 1 luTIoTS Tlo To ii is 1 ii I lSuiii' is Call an., m vaaiDlcs of tcaatilul rortraits dlsnlayed iu rav rhove wlndon; and let proca; jou mmiiai ncxei. very truly yours, 3JCsrM rar. ieo vi, Corner Jackson and Caj street. KO?EBUKO, Oil. 1. S. I have 0:1 hand a larse assortment of BOOKS, sellable for both large and mtll .bi dren.-whiCb I will sen at wholesale prices. The entire lot for sale very cheap. FOR A FEW DAYS OttLY. The psedi c Great Encyclo Dictionary A limited numher of pet of this great work will be- distributed in Uosebure Bnd vicinity at the I07; introductory pricce. At once a Dictionary and an Encyclopaedia. 250,000 Words 50,000 Ert dot-wdic Subject Produced nt a . jst, of $750,000. Four Mrssivu Volumes. wpiLlit 40 nnni!i. OnU Wmi-l-a tllO ilnliim n(V.n U . I. Ia U,. of lin rate of $1 2." per month for one yenr. Send your namo and addreoa to tho Pacific flna a I Vnna c r . . .... wv.,. ..o., ojrnuicaie, care 01 inn I'laindcalek, and you will no Huppneu A. C. Hoxie,. Wholecnlo and Retail Doalcr in Goods delivered free to all hlOUr F'eed, parts of the city. Leave j yonr orders with rnc and j 0rxr5 c save money. Roseburp-. nr. ! K FU VliMUII&. FKED. riOE-TVSTIN. JROWN & TUSTIN, Attorueys-at-Law, llooins 7 aud S Tu Wilson Dlock. R03EBUKQ, OB. yy" willis, A.ttorney and Counselor at Law, Will Dctlca In ll the courts of tho BUte. Ot- Dco la ttie Uourt llouse, Uoaglaa county, ur. Q A. SBHLBBBDE, Attorney at Law, Itoirburff, Oregon. Ot3f oTer the TostoSlca on Jackson street. W. OAKDWEIX, Attorney at Law, H03EBURO, OREGON La Fayettc Lass. Judge L. Locquakt JANE & LOTJGHARY, ill r i-1 1 i T rviiornevs tv: uunseiora ai Liaw Koieburv, Vrryon If! in the Tmlur-WiUon block, Will piactice In all the eouru of Oregon. Ot- . STRATFOKD, Attorney at Law, raylor i Wllwu Block UOjEBt'KU. OB "jyjA'RA BROWN, M. D. OKI'ICE. KB Jackson Street, at res idence of llrs. J. Uirier. KOiEBUItd, OK. J. F. BARKER & GO. GEOCEES. TEAS A SPECIALTY. A special brand jf unadulteratsd Tea. On prise Is bitting a Urge sole New styles Glass and Delf Ware at aitonUkin,; ljw prices. Oar oirn canoed l otas mi are Terr popular. L. BRADLEY, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. OAkc IJours, from li to 3 r.Jf. faw r A. 'A tlMa B.-ii k ROsKBURO, I Physician and Surgeon ,1". S. Kiamlalas Sarscon.) oFKlCK. Hooraj 6 astl 7 Marsters' BuiWlUR. lU-siaeLo:. tirst dour south of Mn. Carrier's UoarJln; Mock. gf Special att-iiliuu to guigery anJ the Dircases oi Woaca. N J. U.IAN, ?! ., Pln'siciau aud Surgeon, KOSEBUKO, OR. Oicc ia S. Marks i Ca's Block, upstairs. Calls rrotaptlj- auswcnl day or night. J L MILLER. M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, MffChraai' dlMuva a fwUItr. yiLL. P. HZYDON, Comity Surveyor. , and 'otnry iubltc. OmcE. In Court Hoase. orders for Sarrtyi.iE and FieM Xotes should S; a.!Jrrl to WiU F Hejdon, County Sar 'ejor, KoMburg, Or. NEW FEED STORE CAWLFIELD & CAWLFIELD Hate just opened n ant-das Feed Store and hiTt on hand a larce Inroicc ol the beat Ronoburs and Valley Flo'ir, Baled Hay, Grain and r'ped of all kinds. All purchas uellrcred free. Cor. Cass and Rose itrect. JERRY J. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Jnckson Htrcct, Tuo doors south of slocum s Uall. I'.OSEllUKG llcpnlrtnc cutruntcd to my care will be PROMPTI.V aud carefully done. I'RICSS REASONABLE. ttiM.w IBM:9 mm. Caall. After. LOST MA1VJBCOOJO Easily, Quickly and Permanently Rcstorsi CcLiniUTin Esausn RiMtnr , ISEBVIA. 7 It Is sold on a posltlro Ruaranteo to cure any form ot nerrous pros tration or any dlsordtr cf tho genital organs of either rex. caused Bnforn. dt cicesalTa use ot Tobacco, Alcohol or Opium, or on ecconnt 01 jonuiai indiscretion or OTcr inauinncc etc. DUiistM, ConTnliions. Wakefulness. Iteadache. Mental Depression. Softening of tho Brain, Weak Uemory. Hearing Down I'alns. Seminal Weakness. Hyitens. Nocturnal Emissions, SpcRnatorrhna, Loss ot I'ocr and Impo fancy, which if neglected, cny lead to premature old age and insanity. IVisitiTcly Kusranteed. Price.Sl.00 a box: 0 boxes forji.00. Kent by mail on receir t of price A written Kuaranteo furnished with CTery $5.00 order receircd. to refund tho money If a permanent cure is cot eSoctod. NEKVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit, Mica. Sold by A.C. Marsters & Co. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COfltT Or' TUE STATU 1 ol OrcRon. in and for Douglas County C. A ScMI.rc.le. plntutlir.i Artll nt La(v u, K.lInslH-v.dc'ren.lont. Recover Money. To K. liushry. tli above nnmcd delcudant. In tliu namo of the Stale of Oregon, you arc hcrebv reulreil to minrnr nnd uiiKuer the com- plaint flled hy the plalntlirnirnlnst you In the iu the uboo entitled ahovc entitled action Court 0:1 or before the 7tli Day of nccctnlicr, 1H96. that being tho 1st day nl the next rcgulnr terra ot the Circuit Court, of the Stato of Oregon, lor Doiiglu Coimtv, and U you fall to answer, for Hunt thereof, the plulutln will take judgment aenlti!t ou tor the sum of Three Hundred and Ninety (fS'Ai.OU) Dollars principal and intcrcM, with Interest thereon Irom the 15th day of Seu leinbcr, is;i(i, nt thciato of It) per cent per an num anil tbe further sum uf Forty dollars attor ney n fees herein, nnd fur costs and disburse ments o this nctlon, and w ill also take an order of said Crurt for the bale of the attached prop city herein, tho proceeds of which solo to be uppllcd to tho pnjmciit of such judgment, at torney's fees and costs. This summons is published by order tuado nt Chambers at Roseburg, Douglas County, Ore gon, by Hun. .1. C. Flulerton, Judge of tho raid nlioe limited Court, which roid order Is dated September 17, lwo. C A ri:iIMI.!KDK. 0517 Attorney for rfiuntiir. WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG -Does Ut ALL COMPETITORS We are ilvi.-. in tha Lead, and mean to keep there. The GoIJen Harvest ia upon us, and arm ere are aruiling because Woodward Ion8 to their interest. BUOGV HARNESS Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Thee arc al! Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced Prices. Consult your psrse and be sure and saa oolwinl before buying. W. 6. WOODWARD H. C. STANTON Uas j-ut rcctle.I a new and eatenslTc stock o DRY : GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladies' Dress Goods, Kibbous, TrimniinRS, Laces, Etc., Etc. -ALSO A FINE STOCK OF- OOTS AND SHOKS Of the test quality and finish. GROCERIES Wood, Willow and Glas Nar?. Crockery, Cordage, Etc. AXm on hand in Urge quantities and at ;rt:es t. col! the Uau. Also a Isrjr stock of Custom-Made Clothing Which is offered at cost price, i. full and select stock of SCHOOL BOOKS Constantly cn hand. Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IX STAT10NERJ General sgent fjreTery Tariety ot subscription books and periodicals published in the United SUtfs. Persuns wishing reading matter of any tins will m to ift nt a call. fnESMIN'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. Containing Cotton Root and Pennyroyal. ess titer mm. :n tin tzi silt rsUilU rtsillttsalylaOiTall MesmhVs French Fe male nils, haTO been eold for OTer twenty years and used ay icon aands of Ladies, who hare Riven testlmonisls that they arc unexcelled, as a specific monthly medicine, forfcnmedlato relief of PalnfuL and Irregular Mensea, I'o mala Weaknera etc Price. 2.00atOi, with toll directions. tXKiNoornsrrTtnrs.oasrcuious lutTATiosa iiESJUN CUSaiCAL CO. DrxHoiT, ilicn. Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co. S1 his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural. tf. G. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1106 G St., N. V. Washington D. C. For many years iu the General Laud Office. Examiner of Contests, Mineral vs. Mineral as Railroad and Agricultural claims, and Lato Chiet ol tho MUicm Division. Correspondence itcd. v STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, j- HOTEL. McCLALLEN. MRS. D. C. MtCLAIXK.V, l'rop. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING N, Large, Fine Sample Rooms. Free 'Bus to and From Trains. ROSEEUEG. Assignee's Final Notice. 'pO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS J- hereby given that the undersigned, asslgneo ol tho cstatr of 1. C. lScsrelslcy lntolvcnt debtor, has this day riled his liual accouut in said estate and tlmt the same 111 on Tuesday, the 8tli day of Decern. bur, 1896, at the regular December 1W6 term of the Cir cuit Court of Hie State ot Oregon be presented to tho said Couit lor npproval. All persons having objection to Mild account will please present the rnmc on or before that date. l'JSTER nt'ME. . I A.SKHLIIREHn, Assitmee Attorney for Aulgnee. n9tp M. JOSEPHSON'S New York Cash Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON, "WE SELL THE FAMOUS Charter Oak AND superior COOK 5T0VES. The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MiKENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Go. A SQUARE DEAL We are Here to Stay. I- 1 - 1-1 rl f-t o r-i O 00 r ia r- 1 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I 1 I ' I ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 0 10 11 12 j Is what we give to every etis 1 tomer, for we believe the best advertisement possible is a cus- j tomer pleased with what we j have sold them, they will come again aud again, and their friends will come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Sta .Roseburg, Or. -01 i