The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 30, 1896, Image 3

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Coal tar and resin at Markers'.
Ladies' tino shoes at Parrott Bros.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
Shasta Water at Slow Jerry's"cigar
and drink emporium.
For a good smoke call at Slow Jerry's
bazar, and get a Los Aniores cigar.
Delicious "salt-rising" bread at the
Homo Bakery, corner Oak and Roso
Nothing but tho best material used by
R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1,
Marsters' block.
Fresh horue-tnado bread at the Homo
Bakory, corner Oak and Rose streets.
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
Pianos and orgaus at greatly reduced
prices. Cash or installments at
T. K. Richardson's.
T.wth infracted absolutely without
pain by R. W. Benjamin, dentist, room
1, Markers' block, Roseburg, Or.
Parties desiring family sewing done
would do welt to call on Miss Fannie
McKeau, 421 Main street. Will sew (or
75 cents per day.
One extra large box stove for sale at
H. M. Wead'a Hardware Store. Suit
able for dry house or large store room,
prico $15. Takes three foot wood.
Good advice: Never leave home on a
ourney without a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhcea Rem
edy. For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Go to M. F. Rice's Second Hand store,
Hendricks block, for late improved
Sinner Sowing machines, needles, oil,
etc. W. C. Monroe,
Two tracts of land for reut, containing
one 10-acra and one 15-track within 1 H
miles of tawn, fair orchards on each
place. For further information call on
I. F. Kicr. Real Estate Dialer, Rose
burg, Oregon.
If you have hay, grain, bacon, bref
cattle or a good buggy you wish to trade
for lumber, cr if you wish to buy a bill of
first class nr or cedar lumber, you wil
save money to call on Orro A. Axlauf
Comstock, Oregon.
Good iasturage furnished at my past
tares oa Roberts creek. Charges
reifonable. All stock at owner's risk.
Tho best ot care will be given to sil
sto:k entrusted to my charge.
J. M. SciurriR.
T. K. Ricuirdsan has just received
another car of lumber, including a lot of
fencing, sidewalk lumber, and first class
flooring, w bich will be offered to the
public at greatly reduced prices. Call on
or addrets, T. K. RiciumnvjN,
Roseburg, Or.
Bargains, bargain;, at M. F. Rice's
second hand, hardware and furniture
store in Hendricks' Block, opposite the
depot. Second band goods bought and
sold. Cili and examine my goods be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Bny ol me
and save money.
With two little children subject to
cronp we do net rest easy without a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
the house, for the most severe attacks
quickly succumb to a tew doses of it.
Morrison, Colo., Bca. For rale at 25
and 50 cent per bottle by A. C. Mas
ters A Co.
li your children are saojeci to croup
watch for the first symptom of the dis
ease hoarseness. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given as scon as the
child becorces hoarse it will prevent the
attack. Even after the cronpy cough
has appeared tne attack can always be
prevented by giving this remedy. It is
also invaluable for colds nnd whooping
ingcongh. For sale by A. C. Marsters.
The wile of Mr. Leonard Wells, of
East Brirnaeld, Mass., had been suffer-
in i
: from neuralgia for two dajs, not be
ing able to sleep or hardly keep still,
when Mr. Holden, the merchant there
sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
BiUn, and asked that she give it a thor
ough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the
next day be was told that sbe was all
right, the pain had left her witLin two
hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm
was worth f5.00 if it could cot be had
for lets. For sale at 50 cent per bottle
by A. C. Marstcrei Co.
Competition never worries us, because
we "buy right" henco "sell right
The facts are these.; every move in our
business is only made after the most
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes have advanced in price
but not with u. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for $1.25 and upwards, fine
ehoee in proportion. If you doubt us,
come and Ece us, convince yourself that
we have what wo advertise. We don't
care to do ail the businees in town, nt
want to get a share of it. We firmly
believe that a concern tbat gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead
year by year. This idea prevaile
throughout our entire business. Every
dollars worth of goods must givo the
wearer satisfaction, even tho all wool
absolutely fast color $S 00 suits.
J. Aub.uiam'h Clothing House.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars He
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
businees transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Tnvsx, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, 0.
Waldinu, Kinnan & Maui in. Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, Prico
5c. per lwttle. Sold by all Druggists
Testimonials free.
Hall's family Pills are the beet.
Mr. Frcoman of
Yoncalla was in tho
city Saturday.
Job Donning of Looking Glass was in
tho city today.
Boston Baked Beans at tho Homo
Bakery. Try them.
New lino of Outing Flannel Wrappora
at tho Novelty Store.
Beautiful designs in gents silk hand
kerchiefs at the Novelty Store
Keep our clothing in mind when
making the boye a present. Novelty
G. W. Dimmick of Elkton catno up
from that village Tuoaday and returned
Money to loan. Call at the oflico of
I. F. Rice, real ostato dealer, Roseburg,
Oregon. ,
The new White Granito Iron ware
Belling fast at Churchill, Woolley Mc
Kenxie's. Money to loan. Call at tho office of
I. F. Rice, real estate dealer, Roeeburg,
Albert Abraham a young attorney of
Portland was visiting his parents here
last week.
Congressman Hermann and family
IeU Saturday, via. Portland for Wash
ington, D. C.
Puro Cream Kje whiskey and rock
candy at the Bsnate. P. 0. corner, 4C0
Jackson street.
Niece will sell you candy for Christ
mas trees cheaper than any one, at the
Candy Kitchen.
Ginger ale, Arista Water, Eodae, and
other soft drinks at Slow Jerry's drink
emporium, now on draft.
Our $3.00, hand sewed ffrnM' Shoo
are the best in the market. Call and
see them at the Noveity Store.
Gentlemen' tics, handsome, largo
assortment all prices, our 25 cent line
tne most attractive. Novtlty Store.
We have just the cape goods you want,
stylish, nest quality and cheap, when
the width is considered. Novtlty Store.
Get your cowboy rope at Wead's
Hardware. The special four ply ma-
nma stands twice as much as sisal rope.
Ld:c3 call and sec our new line of
embroidered and silk handkerchiefs. We
have a fine assortment at the Novelty
Jesse L. Dewey of Glendale spent a
few days in tbij city last week. He n
lormd home on the overland Sunday
Buy jour shots at the Novelty Store
and if they contain shoddy insoles, etc.
they will tell you. Oar aim is to sell
yoa a good shoe.
The unprecedented cold snap which
struck ns heie last Thursday night beats
the record for this month in Douglas
for man tear.
Candy for the Christmas trade at the
Kitchen fresh and clean. Don't buy
this swilly stuff that comes from the
wholesale houses.
A large invoice cf Bibles and Testa
ments just received at H. C. Stanton's.
Bibles', from 20 cents to H ; Testaments,
5 and 10 cents each.
Boston coach oil is the beat buggy or
carnage gTeaee in the world. Try a can
atH. M. Wead's Hardware and jon will
never use anything eUe.
Skating rink, Wednesday night for
boy beginners only. Friday night for
ladies only. Tuesday and Saturday
nights are open for all comers.
Ad Harmon, of the Senate, has just
received a consignment of Key West
and domestic cigars. Smokers, don't
forget tha place. P. 0. corner.
You can get knives for 5 and 10 cents'
and from tbat price up to $5. Each
knife well worth the price asked at
Churchill, Woolley A McKenrie's.
E. Du Gas. Physician and Surgeon,
office in Marsters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Residence, 911 Mill street.
The Candy Kitchen Kitchen is busy
night and day making fine candy for
Christmas trade. Don't overlook the
Kitchen if ycu want candy that is fit to
Tho late cold snap has frost bitten the
webs on our Oregocian'e feet, and now
when it rains they will not dare venture
beyond a depth coming up to the third
Rev. W. A. Smick, long the pastor of
tho Preebtterian cburcto of this city, but
now of Albany, was shaking hands with
bis host of old time friends here last
Mies Nettie Redfield, who has been
vifiticg the family of Thoi. Smith, for
the past three weeks, returned to her
home at Boskydell farm, near Glendale,
on the overland Sunday morning.
Adj- parties in the City of Roseburg
thinking of puting in electric lights will
do wfJl to see the manager of tho Elec
tric Light company at once, as special
inducements will bo offered until De
cember 1st, 1896.
Congressman Hermann left Saturday
morning tor Washington, D. C, to at
tend the last session of tho olth con
gress, which will close his labors for
a whiln as Oregon's representative from
the first district.
Philetarian Lodge No. s, I. 0. . F.
elected the following officers: Sam Van
zile, N. G.; Robert Robertson, V. G. ;
Carl Hoffman, Rec, Secy. ; W.T, Wrigut,
Treas.; J. T. Bryan, Per. Secy.; Carl
Hoffman, Trustee
lou can't get fivo nr ten-cent knives
at II. M. Wead's Hardware. Ho don't
keep worthless goods of any kind. But
when you find you need a good knife
cumo in and got the best made and have
it guaranteed to stay sharp.
The sheriff says it was a fall that
blacked his eye, but it lookB very much
as if Hininau had given bitu a left
bander on the right oyo. Come now
Benjamin, own up, and (ell us about it;
how it happened ami when.
The oloction of Union Encampment
No. 9, 1. 0. 0. F. was held last Friday
and tho following membors were elected :
Carl Hoffman, C. P.; J. W. Strange, N.
P.; Leo Wimberly, S. W.; Jos. Micelli,
Scriba; W. T. Wright, Treasurer; B. F.
Doss, J. W. ; D. S. K. Buick, Frank G.
Micelli and Harry Purry, Trustees.
Dr. Matchette's Indian Tobacco Anti
dote will euro any ono of the tobacco
habit in 72 hours. It is compounded by
a celebrated physician, and is the result
of a lifo-time study. Guaranteed harm
less. Prico, only 50 cents for a big box
enough Jo cure any ordinary case. All
druggists, or by mail, postpaid. Circu
lars froo. Dk. Match kttk,
Chicago, 111,
Cold weather calls for good warm un
derwear. You'll find them cheap at tho
Novelty Storo.
J. W. Lewis of Oro Fino, Cal., is visit
ing relativos and friends in this city.
He brings with him several specimens of
rich quartz recently discovered by bis
son in Scotts Valley within a few miles
of Fort Jones. Ono specimen assays
$119 per ton and another $1000. He
also exhibited specimens of ore taken
from tho mines in that vicinity copper,
silver, lead and gold, that go to show the
richness of the land when properly
In the las: act of the new Hendrick
Hudson, Jr., Corinne, arrayed in heavy
black satin, which makes a back ground
calculated to throw her jewels into bold
relief, wears all of her vast collection of
diamonds, among which is a single stono
valued at fifteen thousand dollars and
weighing forty two and ono half carats.
Tho effect in the half light of the scene
ia startling and causes many feminine
hearts to swell with admiration. Tnis
company ia announced to appear at the
Roeeburg Opera Houte next Friday
night. Doc ltd.
We are displaying holiday goods,
ccmo and look in our ihow cases. Nov
elty Store.
The famous two thousand dollar man
dolin, which won the first prire at the
World's Fair and h now owned by
Oorinne, evidences in its construction
and workmanship an example of marvel
ons human patience and ingenuity. In
the ornamantation o! this wonderful in
strument there is a inosiac work in
which two thousand pieces of pearl of
many different . hues were need; the
bridge is ornamented with rare jewels.
A deft fingered workman devoted two
hundred and twenty five days tu this
(rt of the work. This mandolin i3cneof
the things worth seeing in the entertain
ment which will be given by the Corinne
Extravaganza Company at the Roaeburg
Opera House next Friday night. Dec.
Maskers buy your masks at the Nov
elty Store.
Mrs. G. A. Taylor of I'oilland w;s
here last week visiting relative?.
Dr. L. Hall, of whom we spoko re
cently, is improving in health.
Roy Stearns came up from Eocene
last week to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner
at home and a few days' visit.
Mr. E. Hartsock completed Dr. Lit
tle's building recently, which is qutte an
improvement ti ths doctor's property,
and will be a very neat and coramodiocs
Tne Oakland Flour .Mill Co., shipped
one car load of flour to San Fraccico
last week.
Mr. M. Fickle and family of Roreburg
were over Thursday to partake of roast
turkey with Mrs. F. father, Sir. J.
Maboney and family.
Mrs. Pauline Young returned heme
from Roseburg Thursday, Mrs. J. Un
derwood came with her to attend the
funeral of Mr. Marcellos.
Dr. Bradley of Roseburg was in town
The little folks held a social party in
the diningroom of the old hotel Friday
evening which was enjoyed by them
very- much.
Quite a pleasant and lively lime was
bad at the Eccial given by tho ladies here
last Thursday evening.
Tho Junior Endeavor Society are mak
iog preparations for a Christmas tree
and entertainment to be men at the
Presbyterian church Christmas eve
Mark Holmes and Mr. J. W. Cook
were in town a day or two last neck.
They are juit down from tho Bohemia
minim: district. Mr. Cook is
the Music mine which is in operation
now, and ho expects to continue work
through tho winter. They report other
mines being worked at a good profit.
Mr. James Foss' of Hood river, who
has been here in the employ of the S. P.
R. R. Co., had the niisfortuno to receive
quite an injury Thursday afternoon.
While working about tho steam shovel a
large rock rolled down tho bank striking
bis hip and inflicting a deep flesh wound.
He was taken to his room at the Depot
hotel and Dr. Gilmore attended to his
wants, and tbatjuight he was sent to tho
hospital at Portland on tho overland
train. It is hoped he wilt recover from
his injury soon.
Last Thursday at 1 :30 p. m.f tho Pres
byterian church was crowded with peo
ple to listen to the funeral services of
Rev. A. Marcellus, who passed to n
higher lifo early Wednesday morning.
Tho services wore conducted by Row R.
B. Dilworth of Roseburg, nnd assisted
by Rev. Wilson of Roseburg, Rev. Skid-
moro of Wilbur, and Rev. Courtwrlght
of this place. At the conclusion of the
service, which was very appropriate in
deed, tho I. 0. 0. F. order took charge
of thu remains and laid them to rcet in
the Odd Fellows ccmetory, Rev. Wallace
officiating in their behalf at tho grave.
So ends tho trialu and sorrows of ono of
our best citizens. Timlhy.
Call and see the new lino of ladio'o
shoes, jutil received at Parrott Urou.
Last Thursday night Lodge No. 320,
B. P. 0. Elks, of Roseburg gave u social
session in honor of Biuger Hermann, nn
honored member of the order, on the-
eyo of his departure for Washington to
attend tho clossing session of the 54th
congress. A largo number of prominent
citizens ami warm friends of this dis
tinguished gentlemen had been invited
to attend and parlicipato in tho festivi
ties of this occasioo, most of whom wero
present. Several whoso business or so
cial arrangements prevented their at
tendence, sentjn their oxcuses with
their best wishes for Mr. Hermann's
safe journey to his post of duty and a
safe roturn homo. Tho evoning was
passed till 11 o'clock (which is the fixed
hour of adjournment) in social converse,
enjoying refreshments, listening to
choice music and speeches appropriate
to the occasion.
Tho following named gentlemen
rondo oulogistic Bpeechc3 of the honored
guest, in tho order following: D. S. K.
Bnick, S. F. Flood, J. W. Hamilton,
C. A. Sehlbrcde and Thos. Gibson. Mr.
Fined mentioned tbat his love
and admiration of Mr. Her
mann was so sincere and his appre
ciation for his society at home was so
great that lie had done all in his power
to keep him from going to Washington.
He also thought Oregonians had not
so highly appreciated the distinguished
brother as he had, because, by several
thousand majority, they had banished
him from tho state to Poland the con
gress of the United States but now
Brother Hermann had triumphed over
his enemies and would soon return to
his homo a free man. But, he said, it
looked, judging from appearances, that
thoy would yet send him back for at
least six years more and he would not
care if they did. Ho is not now so
much of a friend to him as U try ar.d
keep him at homo any more. This it
will Le perceived was a pleaaani sort cf
irony which his hearers all understood,
and highly appreciated as one of Mr.
Floed'e happy hits with a French douh e
entender. Hoaorables Hamilton and
Sihlbrede, bro'.bor nttorneys, but not
brother Elks, spoke eulcgistically of the
honored guest.
After more beer, crackers, cheese.
pickles, etc.. had been duly considered,
an amendment to the bill was offered,
and Brother Elk Hermann rose to dis
cuss the merits of tho amendment.
which he did in a very feeling and forci
ble manner for about fifteen minutes.
when the vote was taken and tho
amendment carried, and to declared the
Exalted Ruler, Fred Page-Tustin.
The index on the dial now painting to
11 o'clock, the health, prosperity and
happiness of absent brother E'ks, were
tois'ed by a futl gla of beer and then
the entire audience joined in a friendly
hand linked circle and sang "Auld Lang
yne," broke the charmed circle, shook
hands with their honored irnest with a
God speed jouon your journey and
safe return," and departed for their
homes. sesrion of the "Best
People On Earth" was truly a feast cf
reason and flow of soul and will be re
called in after years with pleasant mem
ories by every participant.
The Corinne Extravaganza Company,
composed of sixty clever people, en
gaged in singing, dancing and merry
making, in the big spectacular burlesque,
"Hendrick Hudson, Jr.," will be the at
traction at the .Rcsebnrg Opera House
next F'riday night, Dec. 4th. The new
ness of the entire production, the large
and brilliant ensembles, and the up-to-datcnecs
of everything, are the charac
teristics that will imprere everybody who
goes to sec this really notable production.
The company embraces the names of
some of America's foremost comedians,
burlesque and operatic artists. Among
those specially engaged for this eeason
are: Joe Cawihorn John Page, Neil
McNeil, John Park, H. A. Caasidy. John
H. Connolly, Maurice- Robinson, John
F. Barry, Hermann Greinert, Octavia
Barbe, Nelly Strickland, Anne Hutchin
son, Helen Holden Welch, Arnola
Belleville, Lulu Cosrove Tho chorus
numbers 36 voice?.
The many features and novelties can
be but lightly touched upon. A grand
scenic effect is immediately followed by
some artistic specialty, which is ecc
ceeded by a grand character ballet. The
whole interspersed with comedy and
aided by magniticient surroundings
oil""""""""""' " J -
It is conceded by noted musical entice
that Corinne is tho finest lady mandolin
soloist in Arnirica. She ia an excellent
musician and tha has made this instiu
ment a fcaturo of her studies.
A Card.
The undersigned having sold t is inter
est in the Peoplc'e Marble Works, do
sires tho sole use of his name for his own
business. He has no interest whatever,
in the People's Marble Works, ami his
lato 6ign '"Geo. Bell it Co.," over the
door of tho People's Marble Works, is
misleading. Aro the present proprietors
of tho Hiid niarblo works ashamed to use
their own name? Geo. Bell.
Gold Watch.
W. F. Gillara guessed lucky number
893, Near ones were M. P. Brosi SOS
Chas. Embreo 1)00. For Pccomber
month we givo thrco prizes. Cumo and
seo thorn awarded Christmas evo. Nov
elty Store.
The Senate.
During court week, Ad Harmuu will
sot a lino lunch daily to his friends, and
tho public alt are invited. Don't forget
tho number, 100 Jackson street. Post
oflico corner.
A big firo and exieueivo loss iu Port-
land Thursday night. Tim Iuinbor mills
of Innian & Poulaon, wont up in smoke,
Loss about $85,000 covered by insurance
with various companies.
Following aro the cases that wil! come
up for hearing at tho December term of
court, which begins next Munda) :
1. W. J. Braud vri. John Fitcnian;
foreclouri of lien
2. N. E. I'uckett v. W. F. Benjamin,
admr.etal.; iu equity.
3. Francis Fitch vs. H. L Kinney;
to recover money.
4. Eva Bensou vs Lutitia Bradley et
al ; partition.
5. R. B. Armstrong, admr., vs.
Joseph Mclvin; foreclosure.
0. Thos. Hirst, I. Hacker vs. Emma
Nasburg; partition.
7. Thos. Hirst et al vs. Kinma Nas
burg et al; partition.
8. II. V. Miller vs. A. F. Bahrke; to
recover money.
9. F. M. Moore va. W. N. Moaro; di
vorce, 10. E. P. Spaulding vs. H. M. Ball ;
to recover money .
11. School Commissioners vs. J. T.
Cooper et al.
12. John II. McClure vs. Jane T.
Cook et al ; foreclosure.
13. F. M. Searles, insolvent debtor;
11. Applegate Gravel Mining Co. vs.
Sol Abraham ; action for damages .
15. C. D. Drain vs. C. Black man et
al.; foreclosure.
10. W. P. Lord et al vs. J. W. Ham
ilton ; action for damages.
17. 0. II. P. Beagle va. M. Beagle;
18. Sol Abraham vs. Applegate
Gravel and Mining Company et al ; in
junction. 19. Caro Bros. v. John Grills et al ;
20. W. A. Perkins, admr., vs. C. F.
Cathcart; foreclosure of Hens.
21. E.G.Young & Co. vs. E. H.
Otoy ; to recover money.
22. Stearns & Chenoweth
Mitipin; to recover money.
vs. C. H.
23. N. Imbler vs. Joel F.
24. Asher Marks vs. W.
Howe ct al ;
R. Willis;
25. L. M. Parrott vf. S. B. Hend
rick, guardian and Hurry Aiken,
minor; foreclosure.
20. Caro Bros. vs. Joseph Tipton; to
recoyer money.
27. M. F. Ambler vs. Davis Ambler,
Merrill Lumber Co.; injunction.
28. Ciro Bros. vs. J. G. Wright; to
recover money.
29. E. G.Young &. Co. ve. Mrs. D.
B. Cole; to recover money.
SO. A'her Marks, admin, vs. Charles
F. Watson; to recover money.
31. S. Hamilton et. al. vs. S. C. Flint
et. al.; suit in equity.
32. E. A. Ozouf vs. Asbcr Marks,
admin, et. al.; foreclosure.
33. C. W. Parks vs. H. S. Conn ; to
recover monev.
34. David J. Winter et. al. vs. J. B.
Winter ft. al. ; suit to set aside convey
ance. 3-5. Willis and Sehlbrede vs. F. M.
Zigier; suit in equity.
30. K. L. Miller vs. Bert C. Fisher;
to recover money.
37. L. A. Pike, admin, vs. H. S.
C :nn; :o recover money.
35. Annie F. Smith et. al. Nancy
E. Singleton et. al.; suit for partition.
39. C. A. Sehlbrede vs. E. Bushey;
to recovtr money.
40. John Stanley et. al. vs. Zetta
Bill et. a!.; suit in equity.
41. J. F. Hamilton vs. Mrs. Mary E.
Pnipps et. al. ; to recover money.
42. Sarah A. Coats vs, Edward B.
Coats; divorce.
43. Nancy M. Gilbert vs. J. W. Gil
bert ; divorce.
44. W. S. Hamilton vs. Perry Dun
can et. a.; to recover money,
45. Conrad Herbert vs. M. Fuller et.
al. ; to recover money.
40. A. P. Applegate, admin, vs. P.
3. Beckley ; to recover money.
47. Bernetta Mooro vs. James Moore;
IS. E. D. Neely vs. Mary A. Neely;
49. Mary A. Johnson vs. Lawrence
Johnson; divorce.
50. W. R. Willis vs. G. A. Smith;
51. Geo. Risch vs. Jesse Wiseman et.
al. ; injunction.
52. Margaret Mullen vs. J. W. Mul-
leu; divorce.
53. Harry Living-ton vs. Victory
Placer Mininj Co.; to recover monev.
5 1. B. F. Drake vs. Victory Placer
Mining Co.; to recover monev.
55. Philip Merriam vs. Victor Placer
Mining Co.; to recover money.
5G. Henry Little vs. Patrick Murphy
. al ; to recovor money,
57, Frank Spaur vs. Julia A. Spaur ;
53. S. Pope va. Richard Cook ot. al. :
to recover monev.
59. E. Du Ga3 vs. A, F. Barker et.
al. ; action to sot aside conveyance.
00. Tho Roseburg Building and Loan
Association vs. E. B. Treble; fore
01. The Roseburg Building fc Loan
Association va. E. B. Preble ; foreclosure.
02. Gammons A Lauison vs. T. J.
Jackson ; to recover money.
03. The Dunde? Mortgage Trust lu-
vestmeut Co., limited vs. Jrhn H. Good-
man; foreclosure.
01. Ira B. Riddle vs. H. E. Johns and
Samuel Johns; to recovor money.
00. W. A. Perkins va. Perry Duncan;
to recover money.
07. Mra. J. M. Cameron ct al v.
Asher Marks' et al; partition.
OS. The American Mortgage Co. of
Scotland, liruited,vo. J. T. Cooper et
al ; foreclosure.
09. A. L. DuGaa vs John Hattiold ; to
recover money.
70. Millio Davis ve. Floyd Bogges et
nl ; partition.
71. L. C. Bcardsley, insolvent debtor:
- U. Drain vs. B. C. Heald et al;
E. G.Youug& Co. vs. E. H.
Otoy ot al : to Eot asido conveyance.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
74. Aaber Marks, admr., vs. Wm. F.
Beckman ; confirmation.
75. Asher Marks, admr., ve. J. M.
Dillard; confirmation.
76. H. E. Hoover vs. C. Graham et
al; confirmation.
77. Isabella C Dayonport vs. R. M.
Simpson et al; confirmation.
79. State of Oregon vs. James Dixon;
80. State of Oregon vs. Charles Mc
Gee; larceny.
81. State of Oregon vs. J. L. Fisher;
appeal from justice court.
82. State of Oregon vs. Ned Suther
lin ; recognizance. .
83. State of Oregon vs. James K.
Fitzhugh ; recognizance.
84. State of Oregon vs. B. Brockway ;
85. fctato of Oregon vs. Wm. Calla
han ; recognizance.
86. State of Oregon vs. Sawyers &
Reynolda; recognizance.
87. State of Oregon vs. Dan Bice and
Harvey Bice ; recognizance,
83. State of Oregon vs. Robert Hin
man ; recognizance.
89. State of Oregon vs. James Cam
eron; assaulted with dangerous weapon.
At the residence of Mr, and Mrs. A.
T. Thompson, on Mill Btreet, on the oc
casion of their daughter Miss Pauline's,
birthday, which occured on Thanksgiv
ing day, a large number of Miss Paul-
nts's young lady friends gathered in by
Invitation to celebrate her tenth natal
anniversary. These youngsters en
joyed the festivity with ineffable pleas
ure. Mrs. Thompson had the parlors
tastefully decorated and all the prelim
inary arrangements complete, and right
royally did these little folks fairly revel
in innocent bliss. Mrs. Thompson had
two young musicians, Martin and Joseph
Dopplmaire, furnish some charming
music on their zithers, for the enter
tainment of Miss Pauline's young
friends. The music was yery fine. The
names of the young misses who honored
Miss Pauline by their presence were aa
follows: May Kelley, Jessie Flook,
Ellen Flook, Edith Patterson, Ethel
Lewis, Elsie Benedick, Helena Devany,
Beryl Stephens, Dale Harmon, Mabel
"Wollenberg, Millie Heffner, Pauline
Wollenberg, Edith Brown, Maude Clem
ents, Ruth Gibson, Ethel Shupe, Alice
Mahn, Trevis Dysinger, Floy Houston,
Alice Livingston, Audrey Davis, Hazel
Brown. Master Leo DeVany and Le
land Thompson.
There were also several older ladies
in attendance, viz: Mrs. R. B. Houston,
Mrs. L. Belfils, Mrs. V.. Dysinger, Mrs.
M. DeVaney, Mrs. W. A. Ssvern, Mrs.
W. B. Singleton and Mrs. C. L. Minkler.
After these little folks had engaged in
various playB to their hearts delight,
they were seated at the table where a
superabundance of those bod things
which delight the young folks tastes
were served and another half hour was
enjoyed in diicu;sing cakes, candies,
nuts, lemonade, etc.
Miss Pauline and her young lady
guests sang for the Plaindealeb re
porter, at his request, that beautiful and
pathetic song, "When Papa Comes
Home Tonight." Thanking these
young misses for Einging this beautiful
soug and a sincere wish for many re
curring happy birthday anniversaries,
the Puinoealeh reporter took his leave,
while joy unconfined was progressing in
the happy home of Miss Pauline Thomp
son. Orphans.
The county has charge of three child
ren, Viola, -iged 11; Flossa, aged 7; and
Clifton, aged 2,,i years, respectively,
Tbo mother acd stepfather, Weyer, were
drowned in Smith river a few months
ago by the capsizing ot a row boat above
Gardiner, and left them without a pro
tector, except a father somewhere in
Montana. He wants to take them but
be is a worthless, good for nothing man,
it is claimed, not a suitable person to
have charge of so young children.
These children are quite intelligent and
any one wishing to adopt one or more of
them, would do well to apply to the
count v court
The Latest From Hlnman.
It is bruited on tho streets today that
Bob Stephens, deputy sheriff, has re
turned from Medford, where he has been
after Rob Ilinman. He tracked him to
Rogue river so close upon his heels tbat
Hiunian rolled a log into the river and
essayed to cross on it. Stephens drew a
bead on him with his revolver but just
at tho deputy a3 nbout to pull the
trigger Hinman slipped off the leg and
went to the bottom waa drowned. Ae
advise the Review to get that log and
lay it away with tbat other log it has.
It would be a good com pan ion to the
one it got from Coos tounty.
Business Confidence Restored.
.now is n good time to invest m agri
cultural lands while at bedrock prices.
Havo a largo list of choice property to
select from.
Money to loan, five years time on well
improved agricultural lands.
D. S. K. Buick, Roseburg, Or.
To Bowlers.
At tho new Howling Alley, corner
Main and Washington streets, we are
still doing business, but commencing to
day, Nov. S, bowling will be at half rates
until further notice.
Moo.v & Lakijiek,
Sheep dip at Mersters'.
McKinley and Bryan hats at the Nov
elty. For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N.
Wood taken on subscription at thih
Go to A. C. Marsters & Co. for school
Get your school books at Marsterf.'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Solid silver tea and table spoens at
Pure fresh groceries and low prices al
Casebeer's grocery.
All work warranted first class by R.
W. Benjamin, dentist.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
An excellent line of toilet
soaps at
Marsters' Drug Store.
Goods below cost at Caro's. Now is.
the the time for bargains.
Nobby suits and latest styles st Little
Jack's. Prices very low.
All styles and qualities of hata at Abra
ham's. Bedrock prices.
Fred Floed, lawyer, rcom 9, TavlorcS:
Wilson block, Roseburg, Oregon.
Country produce ot all kinds bought
and sold at Casebeer's grocery store.
Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo
site the post office.
T. K. Richardson.
Jewelry, watchee, diamonds, gold pena
and optical gocd3 at tho lowest prices at
At Oakland, T. L. Graves ia authorized
to receive and receipt for subscription to
the PuuNDEALrn.
Fine gold and silver fillings put in by
R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Prices to
suit the times.
Have your dental work dona by R. W.
Benjamin, dentist. All work guaran
teed first class.
Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps the best grocer
ies. Try him and be convinced.
Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex
ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose
burg and at prices lower than ever.
Bring your job work to the Plundeai.
sb office. We are prepared to do tho
cheapest and beat work south of Port
.and. N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson
opposite Marks' iron front, has choice
household furniture and tin ware at
prices to suit the times.
Take notice, Dr. Benjamin, the dent
ist, is permanently located and guaran
tees all his work. Give him a call and
examine work and prices.
If you don't watt to suffer with corns
and bunions, have your boots and shoes
made at L. Lancenburg's. Repairinir
neatly and promptly done
For & good hat, stylish and cheap, cal:
on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock
smbraces all grades of head gear.
The Square Deal stoie has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Dondas
shoes, which prove to be tho best shoes
made. Come and inspect them.
I am prepared to offer lumber or wood
at reduced price?. I am taking in lum
ber and wood on old accounts and in
trade for good3. T. K. Richardson.
Jack Abraham, cent furnisher, keens
the best goods and latest of every thing
tn nia line, anu sells tbeni at a lower
price than anv of his comnetitors. He
also sella boots and shoes at astonishing
low prices.
Notice is hereby -iven to the nublic
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried oa my prem
ises, at Roeeburg, Oregon, or "garbage
dnmped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the rartv taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to so do.
tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Rose,
Koseaurg. Oregon. March 17th, 1S95.
ec rl Ulttcr.s.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
any season, but perhaps mora generally
needed, when the languid exhausted
feeling preyails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and the need of n tonic and
alterative is felt. A prompt use of this
medicine has often averted lout; and per
haps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine
will act more surely in counteracting and
freeing tho system from the malarial
poison. Headache. Indigestion, Consti
pation, Dizziness ield to Electric Bit
ters. 50c. and 1.00 per bottles at A. C.
Marsters' Drug Store.
The Central House.
W. H. Gordon ia now the proprietor of
ihis popular house. The table wiil be
supplied witli the best in the market
good beds and courteous treatment.
Meals 15 cent, and beds the same rate.
Caro Bros.
Must sell their immense stock insido
of eixty days, tegtirdteis of cost. It any
one wishes to get bargains tWev must
call soon, as they mean business. This
isno humbug. If you doubt their word
call and be convinced.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.