The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 23, 1896, Image 3

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.NOVEMBER 23. 1396.
Coal tar and resin at Marstcrs'.
Lidics' tine shoes at Parrott Bros.
J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
Shasta Water at Slow Jerry's cigar
and drink emporium.
For a Rood smoke calk at Slow Jerry 'a
bitar, and get a Los Amores cigar.
Delicious "salt-rising" bread at the
Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose
Nothing but the best material used by
U. W. Benjamin, dentist. Room 1,
Markers' block.
Private lunch rcoin at the Homo Bak-
-"v i . .
ery, corner ami noso street. Also
lunches put up.
Fresh homo-mado bread at the Home
Bakery, corner Oak and Roso streets.
Alice Baldwin, proprietor.
Pianos and organs at greatly reduced
price. Cash or installments at
T. K. Richardson's.
Teeth extracted absolutely without
pain by K W. Benjamin, dentist, room
1, Markets' block, Roseburg, Or.
Parties detiring family sewing done
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, 421 Main street. Will sew lor
75 cents per day.
One extra large box stove for sale at
H. M. Wead'e Hardware Store. Suit
able for dry house or large store room,
price $15. Take3 three foot wcod.
Good advice: ever leave borne on a
curuey without a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrtu-. Rem
edy. For sale by A. C Marsters A Co.
Go to M. F. Rice's Second HanJ store,
HendricW Mock, for late improved
Singer Sewing machine?, needles, oil,
etc. W. C. MoNKor,
The Kaady Kitchen keeps katchins
them and mill eventually katch all 0
trade in their line. bcruse they ket-p
ever thing fresher and better and just as
cheap or a htllo cheaper than stale stuff
arouud town.
When 1 alk Roseburg 'rjund, I'm a
look in for dat Kandy Krchen and it
mut be found, where they keep the best
of everything. Fresh nut, fresh gum
and fresh candies made daily.
The time of the tear has come when
people cat candy You can tell one who
has nl taste. He bujs his candy at
Hon. J.T. Bridges is in the city to
day. Dr. Lowe, tho oculist leaves Friday
next. '
County claims and warrants bought by
D. S. Wost.
Kalie Emmitt at tho Opeia House to
morrow t.ih.
R. A. Mattoon of Looking Glass Is In
the city today.
Soo Dr. Lowo next Saturday at the
Yoncalla Hotel.
Dr. Lowo'a glasses presso the soft
pedal of the eyes.
New lino ol Online Flannel Wrappers
at tho Noreltv Rtorn.
. - . .
f!tl o.i o .i , ... At leaet 50 per cent ot tno uwiea oi
- i. mU lign UUU Ol JUU1U O I . ... .-.! I M
hnn. 5 i emigrant who leave wubsiu .or mo o
worm nn no witnom luti iioi wicoiuu n
Money to loan. Call at tho office of their KOVernmenl, Eaya the New Ycrk
- . ivni COIOIU UPillCf. IVUCUUUIU, T:i.. T...H. MiViinf of 1H T lJ
UregOU. Ui;,nfinn tn nht-.nn a
I UUUOr BlUUb ICifUl UUlljjUv""
" wUania of Looking Glass, Wiu . tiaasriort beforo boine allowed to quit the Who mnai linmftl ftnd Hpsnlnli! diaifinU of
ri ... I ... ... .1
i oweu ana it. v . Jones ol Myrtlo Creok country, and this i invariably declined Siberia.
aro registered at tho McOlallen
Ladioa call and soo our now line of
embroidered and silk handkerchiefs. We
havo a fino assortment at tho Novelty
E. T. Woodruff of Cleveland is a guest
at tho Van Uouten.
Beautiful designs in gents silk hand
kerchiefs at the Novelty Store.
Katio Emmitt and tho Waits of New
Yoik, at Ihe Opera House tomorrow
Keep our clothing in mind when
making the boys a present. Noveltv
uoney to loan. Call at the oflko ol
I. F. Rice, real estate dealer, Roseburg,
auo uow nno uramte iron ware
selling fast at Churchill, Woolley A Mc-
nenzie s.
Di. Fallin of Myrtle Creek was in the
city today on business t tho county
clerk's office.
Dr. Lowe will be at Yoncalla Satur
day. the 2Stb. See him that dav. Free
tests for glasses.
Ginger ale, Arista Water, eoJas, and
otner toft dnnka at Slow Jerry's drink
emporinin, now on draft.
Unr IJ.OO, hand sewed Gentt' Shott
are the best in the market. Call and
see them at the Noveity Store.
Daniel Murphy, United States dis
trict attorney for Oregon was visiting
friends in Rotebutglast Saturday.
Dr. Lone says spectacles are like an
egg they most be good in every way
bo wants a ' tolerably good" egg?
Gentlemen ties, handsome, Urge
assortment all prices, our 25 cent line
the most attractive. Novelty Store.
Get c-ur cowboy rope at Wead
naruware. ine special lour ply ma
nuia siamis iwice is mucti as sisal rope.
We have jost tho rape goods yoo want
stylish, neat quality and cheap, when
the width is considered. Novelty Store
Dr. Lowe wont be back for six month;
and Bee Dr. Lowo at tho McClollnn.
Free tests.
Menibots of tho firo department ate
requested to meet at Firemen's Hall to
night at 7 o'clock. Important bueiucss.
By order of F. M. Ziglkji.
Chief Engineer.
Tbo funeral of Mrs. T. P. Sheridan
was held at the Catholic church here to
Niece's Kandy Kitcl.en, the only place Do you thick yoo should wait that long
in town von can get candy that is fit to I to see him about jourejes. Don't tike
eat. I chances.
- i
Two tracta of land for rent, containing Boy your shoes at the Novelty Store
, . - . v. : i. r ii. I . - i i .
one iv-acre aouooe lii-um iunu idu u mtj roama snoaoy msoies, etc
they will tell yoa. Oar aim Is to sell
mS of town, fair orchards on each
i-hce. For farther information call on
T. V. Rice. Real Estate Djaler, Rose-
bnrg, Oregon.
II yoa have hay, grain, bacon, beef
cattle or a good bnggy yoa wish to trade
lor lumber, or ii yon wish to bay a bill of
first class fir or cedar lumber, yoa wil
ur noneT to call on Ono A. Asucr
Cosostock, Oregon.
Good pastnrage famished at my past
tares on Roberts creek. Charges
reasonable. All stock at owner's riak.
The bestct care "ill be given to all
soek entrusted to my charge.
J. M. Schajtik.
T. K. Richardson has just received
another car of lumber, including a lot ol
fencing, sidewalk lember, and first class
flooring, which will be offered to the
m;,. .t itdr tiyliin-'J tiriM. Call on I. :. 6 .
b " ladies only.
or addreis, i. iuoiakdsos,
Roseburg, Or
Russian families now in the United
StateH who may perhaps bo relieved to
learn that their missing fathers and
hrutherr are lyiDg peacefully at ihe bot
tom of tho rivets constitiuiiK thu fron
lier of Kuesij, iuttcad t.f sv.fferirn: tor
tures worse llian denth in ihe In ruble
penitentiaries of Russia in Europe, or In
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
by the authorities in cases where the
emigrants aro either youths in their
tfeens or men under tho ago of 40 who
PriV5l Baking
lyvS'J' Powder
fellow. God calls us but the devil often
leads us astray.
Sbe narrated two or three anecdotes to
illumine her subject. She said : "On a
certain occasion wLere I went to preach,
Colored Preaching
.Mrs. Mary Dennis, an Afro-Ameriuau
havo not completed their term of com- preacher, discoursed la6t Thursday night
pulsory military eervtco. Consequently, to a fair sized congregation. Her text
Spoctaclo; if you wear them or need wbeD a ,aml'y in Russia decides upon was fr0U1 Exodua where the Lord culled
thorn, or havo troublo with your eyes co abandoning its native lami lor me pi.r- Moses nt the time when he cast hu rod
pose oi oeiienng us mnuuca iu Up0n jie ground anu it oecame a eerteni
Western hemisphere it has to chooso be- an,i then taking it by tho tail it became
tween leaving tho father nnd brothers a roj again. She used this loxt to show
behind and smuggling tuem out ot me that the Lord calls us all at Eonie time,
empire without government permission, but that wo too often follow tho other
The western frontier of Russia is an
exceedingly long one, extending about
900 miles, a considerable portion of it
being formed by rivers of varying size;
nf thnm hpintr mere brooks, while
uu 0 mrKmy rubuuiii; raiuer the othtjr8 Uav0 cbaDncIs ol BUC'' I a littlo nirl thoucht that I had cot badly
uano omciating, wno is spoken ol broadtli that it requires an hour to get tanned and recommended me to do like
quito flatteringly. Her remains were ferried nccross. her aunt, wash ray face with buttermilk
given sepuituro In tho Catholic coraetery. Tho boundary line is watched on tho , rPmnVB th tan." Sl. Mt.l too. "Mv
ihe famous bchubert bymphony Cloh western side by Austrian lancers and neoole havo so far nroeressed in evolu
will appear at the Presbyterian church dragoonsan tho south, and by German U;on that we find we are not colored peo
tomorrow (Tuesday) night. Lovers of cavalry of tho same cla38 in the north, pe now wo are Afro-American. The
good music should turn out and hear while on the east or Sluscovite eido ol wor(i colored implied that they had been
tnese lamous musicians Ihe lady quar- the line it is the Coseartfl who ore in- wjiuout color bnt bv Teome means had
tette and the most wonderful of all child trusted with tho duly of patroling the been colored. This idea of colored peo
artists. entire stretch, the watch there kept be- nta film rnnnidprrd nn & lihpl nn tho rnriv
There will be a union Thankscivine mg of a far closer and mo:o severe cnar- gi18 liked tho term Afro-American bet-
Bervico at tho M. K. Church, South, on ncter, since tho frontier guards have not ,er
Thursday Nov. 2G, at 11 a. m. The ser- only to prevent the ingots ol smugglers She gave her hearers otis grand
mon will bo preached by tho pastor of and unathorwod stranger, but als-j to thought which they seldom hear from
the M. E. Church. An offerinc for local prevent the egress from tho empiro ot all the pulpit. It is this: "We need a re
charities will be taken. Tho public are subjects of tho czar wlio aro not lur- Hgiou to live by. II wo nill livb right
nished with oflictal permits to travel we ,He right, for we die as wo live."
abroad. Thu anecdote of the familv of Ran
I lie result ot tills s.a.e oi aliair iias.oinpR canned much nmufement as it
Absolutely pure
The Wheel of Revolution.
At last the "wheel" is getting itself
into disrepute with physicians; not the
wheel in itself, however, but the in
temperate way some people take their
"spin" nnd not the unnatural positions
most young men adopt; young ladies
have too great a regard for their appear
ance even if they do have less for the in
fernal economy.
The exercise is healthful and invigor
ating. American women, with their
stay-at-home habits, yes, and genera
tions unborn, will live to blees the day
61 its invention.
Country homes are becoming the
fashion, as it enables the bread-winners
to almost fly in and out to the centers of
Sheep dip at Marsterb'.
McKinley and Bryan hats at the Nov
For a good 5-cent cijrar call on Mis.N.
Wood taken on subscription at this
Go to A. C. Marstcrs & Co. for echcol
Get your school books at Marsteib'
drug store.
For fixst-claes dentistry so to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Solid silver tea and table spoons at
Pure fresh groceries and low prices at
Casebeer's grocery.
All work warranted first class by R.
Husband and wife enjoy the! W Benjamin, dentist.
all invited.
Tho C. E. Society of the Christian
church will give a dime sochil at Par-
roll's hall oa Tuesday evening, Nov. 24,
JS9G. Lunch ovaler soup. 10 cents;
sanawicbes, cuke sn l eolTee, 10 ccnlp.
I ...... I. n :ll 1. i . i , -
.mini in hi?u iiu rrrveu iron) o 10 i
o clock in tho evening. All are cordially
KruseA- Sbambrook shipped by ex
press to San Francisco Sunday morning
200 turkeys to gladden the gustatory ap
petite of San Franciscans with tho bbst
turkeys ever raised on tho Pacific coast.
This firm expects to ship 20n more in a
ride together, with the smallest child on
in front and the others careering around
them, so that family life has received an
While the new "wheel-wrights" are
making a fortune,- somo trades suffer:
Livery stables go very near the wall;
shoemakers eay that nobody wears oat
their shoes ; tailors and batters, that in
expensive clothes suit the former dude
the best; barbers, that they don't, even
care for the afternoon shave; dry-goods
toilet eoaps at
Now is
trated in great measure at those points
where bread rivers constitute tho bound-
arv, since the watch kept there is lets
strict than where it consists of mere riv
ulets or milestones. IlieaUairia man
aged by ferrying the fogiti veb across the
river from the Russian to tho German
few dajs with more to folio during the shore, and inasmuch as the banks of the
Drewenz and of thu Prosna, as well as of
the Szetzapiw. are low and lined '.Mth
men, that girls forego their elaborate
been the creation of au exteneiye enter- illustrated ignorance, telf conceit and an f vn"S toilettes for the strong and last-
pnso for smuggling emigrants out ol the independent spirit that will not tamely lnB owycio suns, as lor me tooacco
rountrv. The business is lor Hie moit i,v,mi (. ., nornit innlt in or nnt nf uaae, is Sam mai me consumption oi
pait in the hands ol low-class liquor- church.
dealers and saloon-keepers cn the Rus- This colored lady is doubtless sincere
eian side of the frontier, and is coucen- and believes she haa been called of God
to preach his gospel, but she lira been
mistaken in the voice.
you a good shoe.
The good people ol Yoncalla shonld
not fall to see Dr. Loire next Saturday
He will be their only the one day
Ejea tested free.
A Urge invoice of Bibles and Testa
ratals jnsi received at H. C. Stanton's.
Bibles, from 20 cents to $; Testaments,
5 and 10 cents each.
Boston coach oil is the best bnggy cr
carriage grease in the world. Try a can
at H. M. Wead's Hardware and yon will
never nse anything else.
Fabio Romcni was produced al the
Optra House Saturday night, and was
folly np to the expectation ol the audi
ence in point of excellence.
Skating rink, Wednesday night for
boy beginners only. Friday night for
Tuesday and Saturday
nights are open for all comers.
Xmas and New Year holidays.
It is a strange coincident that tba t his
toric Shambrook log which the Review's
imagination pictured in the Sam Brown
escapade, has become the one behind
which Bob Hioman hid to escape detec
tion and arrest, and that now the sheriff
is afraid to look for the lo fc-r fear of
being shot by tbe fellow who is in
possession of it. Better gti a log, Mr.
Sheriff, and carry it in front of you. It
would be well also to carry one in the
rear, as Bob rhoots promiscuous like ,
whether you are "a goin' or a comin'."
liinman Heard From.
Huggins and Ed
long reeds, low trees and marsh, the
matter is not after all to difficult on a
dark and moonless night, especially
when tl.e Cossack guard happens to
have been plied with a larger amount of
vodka than usual.
Tbe smugglers are men ol the moa!
lawless class, who before they under
took the smuggling of their countrymen
out of ihe country, were engaged in
smuggling dutiable goods into Russia;
and the charge which they make for
assisting a would-be emigrant to escape
is heavy enough lo make the business
one of treat profit to them. Tha ra'es
Katie Emmett, wboio name his be
come famous for her impersonation of
boy characters, returns this t'casun to
her favorite line of business. Her play,
'The Waifs of New York," abennds
with startling climaxes and seorational
effects. Mica Emmett'a characteriza
tion of tbe street gamin is devoid of all
rotizhmss and any hint of vulgarity.
'holias n hat all successful stars innst
be pisseseed of, persoual magnetism.
It is rather hard to defini what that is,
so, tor lack ol u bettei name, wc term u
personal magnetism. It really means
that j on are delighted to see the pos
sessor cf it come on the stage and are
cigars has fallen off at the rate of a mil
lion a day and tbe cyclist knows that be
dare not drink while persuing his favor
ite exercise. Therefore, the liquor men
are big sufferers too.
Hurrah for the wheel that revolves
such lasting benefits to our yonng peo
ple. L,
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Koeeleaf.
An excellent line of
Masters' Drug Store.
Goods below cost at Caro's.
tbe the time for bargains.
Nobby suits and latest styles at Little
jaex's. mces very low.
All styles and qualities of hats at Abra
ham's. Ueurocs prices.
Fred Floed, lawyer, rcom U, Taylor &
Wuson blocfe, Kosenurg, Uregon.
Country produce o! all kinds bought
and sold at Casebeer s grocery store.
Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo
site the post office.
I. h.. itlCUABDSOX.
Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pena
and optical goods at tho lowest prices at
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
to receive and receipt for subscription to
the Plaujoealer.
Fine gold and silver fillings put in by
R. W. Beniamm, dentist. Prices to
suit the times.
Have your dental work done by R. W.
Benjamin, dentist. All wort guaran
teed first class.
Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackson
and Washington, keeps the beat grocer
tea. Try him ana be convinced.
Largest stock of fancy chairs at Alex
ander s fetrong s, ever brought to itCEe-
burg and at pnce3 lower than ever.
Biing your job work to the Piatsdhai.-
t& office. We aro prepared to do tho
cheapest and best work south of Port-
N. Rice, at his wore rooms cn Jackson
opposite Marks iron front, haa cnoice
household tnrniture and tin ware at
prices to suit the limes.
rrv tnPA!.ir lnarfi it. Of the star it .1 1 .1 .i.. .,.. . Aaa,e nuuce, irr. -ucujaiuju, iub uuui.-
..j .-- UCICU UJO ECItttUli 10 KU JUT lUH utbiur, ,c) 1 mmonant i nmt omrnn
.......... ... ....11 I Ml. 1.J WfaUltll4VIIl -. (-)-.".-
is said mat sue is. tue samo ueiignuui 80mo mile3 away. The servant replied tees all his work. Give him a call and
and active little body as ever, playing that a Methodist minister Hvoil inst examine wor.t and;
with freedom, but never, out of good J over tbo way, and it would be well to H yoa don't waut to suffer with corns
taste. There ia a great deal of fun inn,, fl,ph;nl' hn np.r nnf1 h!a and bunions, have your boots and shoes
flip hippo ami if annlausa and enthnsi- . ' : u V ji u.t .v- -""""'o
RiLr hw L r. ,n k a ,r ...v.i - .w .1 I : -TT 7i - . . - 0 . . neauy ana prompuy uose
j van iiuiu iu w ou uuu ocu iw 1 uuic: a m aic auv tmciiuii. uic iuuiuuik,.,, mnlri h rolloH- remorVinrrl t. j j i v.
Wn warchin? for Rnh Hinm.n. hn 1. "1 t. t... 1 ,o,o.l : Tk. .IT .. 7T ror guou u , viibu i-u, ua.
dng out of jail October 11th and has I to the limit, the onlv check npon tbe ex- lies in New York, and the settings arid
been skulking around in the mountains tortion beinc the keen competition mechanical arrangements are excellent
about "Little Baldy" near Riddle ever I which prevails among the smugglers to I There are several sensational climaxes
since his escape. Hnggins and Riiey secure tbe trade. Were it not for this in the plav, and the interest of the
came npon Hinman's trail Friday. The nvalry the emigrant would be entirely at audience is raised toan unusual pitch.
two men paseed by him where he their mercy, seeing that he finds him- "The Waifs of New York" are billed at
wis nid behind a U g and after they had . elf as a ttranccr in tbe border provinces, Roseburc Onera House, Tuesdav, No-
got a lew rods beyond him he hred at with no power to proceed further on his vember 24th.
them, but missed hitting either. He journey, except with the asnstance of
fired again, hitting Huggioa in tho hip. these rascals, who reap a small reward
Speaking From Experience.
Mis. Mary Dennis, the colored evan
gelist, related an amusing story last
Thnrsday night, showing the peculiar
trctics and traits of the Methodist clergy
in raising money for their use. The
story ia as follows:
A little child was given a nickel to
play with, and child like, it put the
nickel in itB mouth and by and by tbe
nicicei got stuck in its throat. Alter a
fqw futile effoita of the mother to get tbe
nickel out of the child's throat, she or-
that.-if ha cannot get the nickel from tba I on Wollenberg & Abraham, whoso stock
baby's throat it will be useless to -try a
Idocior. .She evidently spoke from ex-
I perlence..
Yon can ret knives for 5 and 10 cents'
Bargains, bargain!, at Al. t. 8 and from that price up to 5. Each
second band, hardware ana iarnnurtjk y weU wortD tne price asked at
store in Hendricks' Block, opposite the j Churchill , "Woolley & McKenzib's
depot. Second band goods bought ana
The extent of tho nound In? not been
learned here up to the present writing.
The man with Hnggins took to his heels
upon the first fire and Bob took to bis
heels alter the second fire which brought
Huggins down and poor Huggins was
left alone in all his crippled glory, ith
sold. Cll and examine my goods be-
fr-o tnrrhinz elsewhere. Boy ol me
and stve money.
With two little children subject to
croup we do not rest easy without a bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
the house, for the most severe attacks
quickly ssccumb to a lew doses of it.
'Morrison, Colo., Ben. For sale at 25
nr! Sfl renli rr bottle bv A. C. Mart-
ters & Co.
If vour children are subject to croup
watch for the first symptom of the dis
ease hoarseness. If Chamberlain's
Cosgu Remedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse It will prevent the
attack. Even after the croupy coogh
E. Du Gas. Physician and Surgeon,
oSce in Marsters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Residence, 911 Mill street
Any parties in the City of Roseburg
thinking of puting in electric Ugh Id will
do well to see the manager of the Elec
tric Light company at once, as special
inducements will be oflered until De
cember 1st, 1S9G.
You can't get five or ten-cent knives
at H. M. Wead's Hardware. He don't
keep worthless goods of any kind. But
when you find yoo need a good knife
come in and get the best made and bave
it guaranteed to stay sharp.
Last Thursdar. in mentioning the
haa appeared the attack can always be fabling episode in which a prominent
' ... I n i . t Ii . nun "iron ntl
notes for monev to camble on, the
prevented by giving this remedy. It is
also invaluable for colds and whooping
ing cough. For sale by A. C. Marsters.
Th -wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of
East Brimfield, 3Iass., bad been suffer
ing from neuralgia for two days, not be
ing able to sleep or hardly keep still,
when Mr. Holdeo, the merchant there
Bent her a bottle ol Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, and asked that she give it a thor
ough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells tho
next dav he was told that she was all
Plaisdealeb reporter was, it appears
misinformed as to the borrowing money
from the bar. Mr. Minard, the saloon
keeper, informs us be did not loan tbe
money, but that one of the gamblers
loaned monev to Ihe other, taking his
notes therefor.
Dr. Matchette's Indian Tobacco Anti
dote will care any one of the tobacco
habit in 72 boure. It is compounded by
and is the result
--I., n.. n.-.n ir i,0, aiihln two a ceieoratea puvsician,
, ' .1.. v.. i.. i .: n,i of a life-time study. Guarnnteed barm
was worth to.00 if it could not be had
forleeB. For sale at 50 cents per bottle
by A. C. MaretersJ: Co.
Competition never worries us, tecauso
we "buy right" hence "sell right
The facts are these ; every move in our
business is only made after tbe most
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance, bhoes havo advanced in price
Mrs. W. B. Drake, of Myrtle Creek,
Oregon : Please accept, through the
columns of the Plaixd&ileb, our kindest
thanks foi the beautiful bouquets of
embraces all grades of head gear.
The Square Deal stcie has fust opened
un a beautiful lice of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be the best shoes
i - . . i
maae. tame ana inspect uiem.
1 am prepared to offer lumber or wood
at reduced prices. I am taking in lum
ber and wood on old accounts acu in
trade for goods. T. K. Richardson.
from the government in the event of
their denouncing any man fleeing from
the country without permission and
without having fulfilled his military ob
ligations. Capture for the unauthorized
emigrant means imprisonment with a
lone term of penal servitude and su bse
his comrade fleeing in one direction and qutnt military service in the wilds of
Bob liinman scratching gravel in an-1 s
othe. Thus we have presented the
amusing spectacle of a deputy sheriff
running from the criminal he was
searching for, and the criminal making
tracks at a 2:40 pace, while the other
man, Hoggins, was bleeding from a gun
shot wound. Up to date there is no ef
fort beiog made by the sheriff to catch
this outlaw skulking around in the
mountains. A reward of f50 has been
offered, $25 of which is offered by W. N.
n t , - i r . i : .1 ..-T..
fragrant flowers, cultivated and arranged The sTo4r Low pri
by jour own nanus, ana presentea to us quick sales is the order of the day.
while we were in attendance at the I Goods must be sold at any sacrifice.
Call and see.
Jack Abraham, cent furnisher, keeps
way through Hie be as bright as those hinpnd l!s them at a lowet
Chrysanthemum Fair, held in Roseburg
Nov. 16 and 17, ISOti. May your path
less. Price, only oO cents for a big box
pnonirh to cure anv ordinary case. All
n '
drusrsiita. or bv mail, postpaid. Circu
lars free. Dr. Matchettk,
Chicago, 111,
Katie Emmelt has scored an unquali
fied hit in her "The Waifs of New
York," and her tour tho country has
been one succession of triumphs, full
but not with us. Wo sell you a good oil houses greeting her everywhere, and tho
grain shoe for fj.25 and upwards, fine
shoes in proportion. If you doubt ub,
come and Eee uf, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We don't
care to do all tho business in town, but
want to get a share of it. Wo firmly
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead
year by year. ThiB idea prevails
throughout our entire business. Every
dollars worth of goods must give the
wearer satisfaction, even tho all wool
absolutely fast color fS.OO suite,
J. Ahuaiiam's Clothing House.
entertainment is said to be well worthy
tbe patronage. Allan Dale, of the New
York Evening World, says: "Katie
Emmett is a charming little lady, an ac
complished actress, and altogether an
agreeable surprise. Tbero is an air of
refinement about her work that is not
usually found. Miss Emmett has to
don the attire of a boy, and nothing can
he more graceful and dainty than tho
way she docs it. She dances well and
singe charmingly. Her songs am both
new and original." She will bo seen at
tbe Roseburg Opera House, Tuesday,
November 2h.
Hard Work for Weyler.
Havana, Nov. 18 Littlonews regard
ing Captain-General Wcylcr's operations
against Ihe insurgents in Pioar del Rio
was allowed to leak out from the pal
ace today. Major Bazan, of the Span
ish commander's staff, however, ar
rived here today from the front. He
says the operations are most difficult,
and adds that the captain-general slept
two rainy nights. on the ground without
blankets, and has been several tiine6
without meals. Tbe major further says
the cantain-general yesterday was be
tween oroa and Candclaria.
In spite of the fact that weather is
greatly improved in Pinar del Rio, and
the authorities assert that tho health of
troops iu the fiold shows an imyrove
meut, 700 sick mon have already ar
rived here, and 300 more aro expected to
reach the city during the day.
Local newspapers aro raising popular
subscriptions lo provide funds to roako
Christmas presents ;to the troops. Each
news pajer with this object in view will
nuhlish a special edition on Christmas
This J Your Opportunity.
On receiptor ten cents, cash or staMP".
.,.. cirr,nln will 1)0 mailed of tllO
most popniar Catarrh and Hay Fever C.iro
(Ely's Cream Balm) enffioient to demon-
Btrato tho great merits of tho renicaj.
vt.y mtnTHERS.
CO Wnrrcii St., New York City.
Rev. John Itcid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont
pnded KW'b Cream Balm to me.
his (statement. "Itisaposi
five enre for catarrh if ui-ed ns directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, rastor central i reu.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
f The majority of thes-3 emigrants are
possessed o: relatively large S'ims ol
money. It is only natural mat neiore
leaving their homes in Russia they
should have converted into cash all
their possessions, so as to enablo them
to make a good statt in the New World.
Some of them have ?1G00, or even $2000
or $0000, in their wallete. Thi fact haa
naturally excited the cupidity of the
smugglers engaged in belpit-g fugitives
out of tbo country, and the result has
been that 30 or 10 per cent of those who
trusted the smugglers to ferry them
across from the Russian to th; German
shore havo never reached tho latter
alive. It is difficult to eay with any de
gree of certainty how long this trade ol
wholesale murder on the frontier has
be in in progress; but according to the
revelations of threo smugglers who have
ecently been lodged in the jail of Lom-
zha, not merely hundreds, but thousands
of emigrants havo been done away with
while crossing the river. A blow on the
head with a punt polo or a Btab in the
back was sufficient, as a rule, to render
the unfortunate emigrant powerless, and
then the boatman, after rifling his
pockets of every thing he possessed,
would tie a stone to his feet and pitch
him into tho river, or elso sink him in
the swamps with which the stream ia
lined on either side. Thero was little
risk or danger ol discovery, riuce, owing
to the secrecy with which the police do
ever thing in Russia, tho relatives ol
tho murdered man could never be sure
that their missing kinsman had not been
arrested by tho authorities nnd con
signed to penal servitude for attempting
to leave the country without a permit.
The polico itselt, ot course, iiaa no idea
of tho murders that wero hcinit com
mitted, owing to tho eecrocy with which
thu smuggling ol the emigrant cut of tho
country was planned and dovieed, whilo
there was naturally an indefinitely
bigger profit in securing tho fugitive's
putiro Etock of cash instead of tbo mcio
fee for ferriage across tho rivor.
It was only through a drunken quarro
in which Iho threo smugglers now im
prisoned look a prominent part that this
wholesalo trade of slaughter was brought
lo light, aud thero are doubtlo's many
Ruckles' and Houston's Bet.
It is said history repeals itself; and eo
it appears.
Eight years ago, Morris Caro and Ed
Sheridan n.ade an agreement that i'
Harrison should be elected Sheridan flowers and your grave always xept price than any of his competitors. He
was to take Caro in a wheelbarrow and green for your love of the beautiful. also sells boots and shoes a: astonishing
wheel him down Jackson street from Mi:, asd Mks. W. A. Fratek. low prices
Washington to Doualas streets, and that Notice is hereby given to the public
...... j . ...... i Hnu'cThu? bv the undersmed tnat 1 do not adow
n weveianu suoma oe o I ded animals to be buried on my prem
would wheel Sheridan over the same oouer une nunorea xouars ao- a(. Kosebnrg, Oregon, or garbage
ground. Caro got tho ride while a large ward for any case of Catarrh that can dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
number of people looked on and enjoyed not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. therefrom, unless the party taking sand
,t. ? Mr Shi.ri.Un norfnrmpd hia F. J. C11EXEV& Co.. Props., Toledo, O. ? gravel first contract with me for the
part of the contract like a mm. We the undersigned, have known F
Eight long years have rolled by since J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
in noliiies: and lieve him perfectly honorable in all
now next Thursday, Mr. Bert Houston, business transactions and financially
as per agreement before tbe election oil able to carry out any oougauona mauei ec rlc Dltters
Major McKinley, is to wheel Mat by their firm. I Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
Ruckles from Mrs. Boyd's grocery store I West & Thcax, Wholesale Druggista, j Uy season, but perhaps more generally
down Jackson to Washington street in a Toledo, O. needed, when the languid exhausted
wheelbarrow at high ncm. It was the, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole- feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid
understanding also that the defeated sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. and sluggish and the need of a tonic and
nartv was to havo the band play the Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- alterative is felt. A prompt use of this
Star Spangled Banner or Hail Coluin- nally, acting directly upon the blood and medicino has often averted long and per
I.; iln-in- the performance of the terms mucous surfaces of the system, Price haps fatal bilious fevers
rizht to so do.
Tresspassers will oe prosecuiea ac
cording to law. Aaron Rosa,
Roseburg. iiregon, .uarcn iitn, i&!o.
of tho contract.
At the McClallen Friday evening on
the occasion of Mr. Ed Thorn's visit, who
by the way is a musical genius, a large
number of his acquaintances gathered
in tho McClallen parlors where social
pleasures abounded till a late hour in
soncs. recitations aim social co.iyerte
i"5c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the beBt.
Leap Year Ball.
ladies of Roseburg will give
No medicine
will act more surely in counteracting and
freeing tho system from the malarial
poison. Headache. Indigestion, Consti
pation, Dizziness yieiu to luecinc mi
ters. 50c. and $1.00 per bottles at A. C.
Marsters' Drug Store.
grand leap year ball at the Armory
WeJnesday, November 25th. They will
do the thing in Btle, a6 they alwayB do,
and a pleasant time is anticipated. Fol-
songs, reciiauonn mm euv-iui iouicjcc. . ... t, . r.
.Pi .i i v, ,! owing are the.committees: Floor Man-
Mr. Thorn, the celebrated whistler and - R
cuitarist. was the honored west. Thero '1 '
under the social regime of tbe hostess,
Mrs. McClallen, assisted by
Mrs. Bracket, they were
right royally.
her euler,
B. P. O. Elks
Will hold their regular meeting and so
cial session Thursday evening, Nov.2(Jth,
instead of specially on Wednesday, as
previously announced, All brothers
should be present.
FliEl) P.(iE-TrSTIN,
Exalted Ruler.
C. B
Cannon, Miss Blanche Autenrieth and
Miss Mamie Linser. Reception Com
mitteeMiss Ella Crablreo, Miss Belle
Curry, Misa Rose Bushey and Mrs. R.
E. Veach.
Ladies tickets 50 cents.
The Central House.
W. H. Gordon is now the proprietor of
this popular house. The table will be
supplied with the beat in tho market
good beds and courteous tteitmsLt.
Meals 15 cent, and .beds tho same rate.
Six weeks ago I suffered with a very
severo cold; was almost unable to speak.
My friends all advised mo to consult a
phvsician. Noticing Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy advertised in tho St
Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle,
and alter taking it a short while was en
tirely well. I now most heartily reconi
mend this remedy to anyone suffering
with a cold. Wm Keil, WS Selby Ave.,
St. Paul, Minn. For sale by A. C,
Marators A Co.
Gold Medal Contest.
There will bo a gold medal contest
held in the Opera House on Saturday
evening, November 2Sth. The contest
ants of EJenbower and Roseburg seven,
in number will compete for a Demorest
gold medal. This will be a very close
contest as they are all very good. There
will be music, both vocal and instru
mental to till in tho time. Admission
10 cents. Doors open at the usual hour,
Caro Bros.
Must sell their immoii60 stock iueido
of sixty days, regirdlcss of cost. If any
mm wishes to net bargains Ucy must
call soon, as they mean business. This
isno humbug. If von doubt thoir word
call and be convinced.
R. W. Bjnjamiu,
Marsters' block.
dentist, rooa- 1
Highest H6nors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
io Years the Standard.