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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1896)
THE PLAMDEALE& SatMcrfptl Ste. -XJlfc j jk y i .VOVEMBEE 3. I5f.0 WATTER50N AND PROTECTION. , , ... ; bl rck 0 lb ktte errtiee. Is lbl ity tTV!" ilr. Ws'tiTMO TrZl to bit j 3icia atd f'tiiufi fait htty. , . " , , . , ttirk to bha hke Ntsc' birt After tbe bpi? ol rer a. tbird cf tery itoce tb iite beam lr?ry in j the Unfc&i Stilrj 7xs Icl aa J tbe fpirit ci Mrty 'nsapfced rer that 1 VsitJI ra!i.-ai." Mr V"nterBtc t ami. pefoi tfait tbe orertbror of tb j , , .... , . , , . !ik or reader to ied tbote anidea "pecolur isititsttoa a s-sod tbicg;, , . .. ... . - V' d ! b hit tbej think of tbe at- bst b roiod a ax ;t! faSrtTStJy- ... , rflojal le tSiWe bins t e deariyt , . . . ... , . , , ... . , - . ,,optBaoa the taf'rtCJ, either for or tbe focce of tJte tepe in tbe butory tl ' xnjl protectMMi ij AsKwa labw dsrijrg tbe ' ' repobheaa pirty ' eiiiteace. ile rayi: . - r , . .. . . , we lull William MeKicley ebf Tbe rep-UK party "cai-aot re-t ..! ' cae poe Neitber u tbe doctri&e of protertioo.i Nertber t a pottcj cot a a ihory. ccr I A. L - . f . 1 r T . 1 1 Ota or itisd iMte. It is at - . . "r Amerkaa iattitstios;. Seh ki tbe 1 I Terr foe of ar -obi et-1 ned by tbe altra iUt? protorasdittf io antt bellcm ' tiaes. AJi'o of tlxtery bW o be at zr witb tbe ;-?nia of Aerieao inctkeooj. Ttilarery pof?sr&dittB 1 beld tbat eslorcoi liior it tbe norsai i onditioa of a bi;b i-tate ol c villi!: ion, ' asd prtisdly appealed to tbe fct tbat ' . , . . .... , , . canaiuli, ignorant, rapeislUHxir, bJood- . , - . . e , ' , . . . . . . . , , . . 13 i tbat by a ttale of enforced femtcde . . ... .... by a airr race tbeir conditions were bettered, and tbat by thus relierinj tbe enperior race, tbe wbitee, from xsansxl labor and dmdrr ther oW .Itoi tbeir lime and a-iectwn to tbe study 0l'mirUon' Respite the bard tinea we a ,nr fnrtK.. ,r,-.r,f , bare bten batinc for tbe rat three Eattbekwicofeteau bas kWe.all thMri- o-t of th tniads of ei tbinkin- men. Bat Jlr. Walterxi a Jt tbat eort of a thinker. He b-Jds oa to bis party dmas which mere forma - UteJby bu. ideal political sod near fcioStbe landed ismigranU wu 83, ceatary a?o aa-i deTontly be worship at 1W or DWr,7 3,3 Pr cS. 100 P"5 tbat thine. T.o f JefJrroa, iiks P3rtioa for lh !ifetr of Mr iastitntiom. Dazoa of old. atwira to him to bold in- teneisioa with his wl of iaitice and risbt. He is not aware, bowerer, tbat JeTsrsoa has beea takea down from ) tbat sltar and a Lincoin t-.i op in bis place. He seem; to have format to tbat liacola aad liberty are one, and tbat tbey bare become canonized in tbe beartaof tbe Ameri; in people and tbatt republicaoism i a 1-rgacy Irft ui by tbat Immortal patriot, and tbt protectioa to American labor is one of tbat jarty'e cardinal pricciple acd was Ibe main factor in tbe late political contest. The free silver question as it was termed was a mere rate of Bryan and bu followers to detract attention from tbe protective idea which tbey igncred. Tbe friends of McKinley, on tbe otbr hand, con demned tbe silver crazs a unfriendly 10 the labor in; man. It was tbe protective idea In tbe financial phase of tbe con test tbat determined tbeir opposition to free silver, lhen, again, tbonsands voted far McKinley because be and bis party farther favor the protective idea by tbeir pledges tj farther restrict the im portation of foreign laborers into this country to compete with the native born laborer. So, Sir. Watterton, tbe republican party is built np3n tbe most solid foun dation and on tbat it will rest. It is tbe rock Gitxralieran of the party, against which the war of faction, states rights, fiat money and all the other vagaries of political de:az W- ll beat ia vain. SOL I1IRSCH HONORED. Iat Katuiday night "over 150 of Ore gon's most prominsnt citizens gathered at the Hotel Portland to do honor to Solomon Hirsch, chairman of the itato republican central committee, under whose leadership the party wrested vic tory from dr-feit in the campaign just past" says the Oregonian. From the eulogistic speeches by the gentlemen who spoke on that occasion, Mr. Hirsch is given the credit of "wresting victory from defeat," but it vta3 conceded tbat about seven or eight thousand patriotic democrats were tbe means of wresting tbat victory from defeat. While the I'laxsdealer dc3 not wish to detract oaght froai Mr. Ilirsch'a marsbalship in making the possible re publican vote, true patriots toa, we would like to boir eorne word of praise awarded Ihem. If seven or eight thou sand patriotic dumocrats came (o the rescue of principle against political de ception and perfidy of ila party leaders In onven'ion. e'irely Mr. fhrsdi is not entitle! to extraordinary credit jars! 3 eta be lorrs Xbxi tbeme jssirj i cir ckoccrxis e haiaafi ts "rts , Irsra drftai" by asi threes- M. HirtdaV reoeraiiasp.. Tb Pzuu&XA'.tx dihz-t thii tb Tetctr is lb nii&as P"ty aS erc the ilaie dl x mile Imrf rTcir riarj Iroca defers zsi ire ratiied to v crrdrt Sres-sud DsctrlM costly whkh hi t rs-cKya- Jor ess? tin, ost wyfcwiaj; vanecy &os btsd liAe ti oaiiisi!a tboed all "Wta I by peicaJe tipt -bit aw3f!T. Let br bard wek , j GttrJ V,; W Ltd ccier! 3r -?, s-. ti, ti- IS?, veil iea?. TW order m rt t Jii". I ssir-Tiljof frscn fCO) V iu us i!tri3j acrH Sortrsber 3rd, sd tbl, Uo, C34tr Mr. Htnch' iasiJue F3?-rr.t j AH hoorjr to tL ehtirsxa ol lit iU'e elrl eonafat, red ill . hocx ' fb d 51 Ho cas pitrirfi ctDr t ii ri-a id hJ;i xrett TfctfW rocs dtfeil 'o tepobSieasi &d ;der aiiii, ta fce rxsk od !e tl I rttl u t ilr. Ilincb. Foieiga ImsiIsrztloQ. AV izri'c lbtr nUtsSiua cl oar trtAtn 0oe tra Ibe rtt tgt b 5eeU" cd ose oa f jctli Ly "Aoericta La ter," The epirruoo of p?o:J5a ci i Aserie&a 1i1xt if Jooccicg cp u lb iqeiM'tasot ffues'-icci Done? the ut i It 1 trxri (A m basiati Itt issfcritkx) bu cot on!y fell off, bet . . . , , . eigsr bo uui cost ire a. irr yen pztrwaslr; bat uo Jrui lbs profprtt ci better tic: a h doed epea cs by the election ol Mj r lIcKiUry, tbe tide erf ikntiia lmsurrty.-t bis ipiu 1 creed 1 but j ear sexrlr ZO j'er cent sd if the iccams: kdctpifttrzLos sill do coh:rj 1 to fcttber reatnsi it tbit cocatrr ul be 3xrieI witb a Ltig- eli cf osdeeirable lereirer a. di5 of people It old , , 7", " -"'. c, C UOC IUW UUUJ ,. . . .... -V.. , . tatsea cocciuoce xui proTe real, ncx- . ....,. .... f . u tesorai 01 a urge mionua mat stood ia frc-rt of ber door, and mho npoa opening ber door I he neit corning re aarknJ, "Tatre joa i. jst ai I ej pertrd." If bard timm jtt wcrte Ic fctead of better at tbe end of fosr ynrc from now it will be "jit ae nt ex- ; pcettd. Jlnlford MooiUsr Micef . 1 ..... .. ... . 1 B&t if better ttxef be bad, wbat fll 1 brotber Pnillip tblnk ? If joall ac- 1 . ... . 1 knowledge tbe corn too may o-ntlcce to fo ; Syi the Oregon City Enlerpriw: In i 3rer- U titx'1 Tbe total 1 number of immigrant for tbe year eod- 30, law. a, 337, an in ae4ie 0Ter tbe Preceding year of 23 per iceat - Tcie tUl nomber of illiterate. li5 repaoiicasg. under Mameon aa ! toiaitratioa, probibi'e.1 tbe landing ia tat country ot crianali, paopert, idiots and contract laborer, and tbe St. Lcuis plat farm ple-jf the republican party to farther resuxtlforesgn ica mi gration. ine preaeat congress, wnien expires 1 March 4, 1337, cannot be relied npoa to S remedial aid to tbe distretfed i condition cf besints which reiulted jfroai tbe election of Cleveland four yean ago. tven if it ihonld, Clerelacd would doubtless Teto it, Unless it should be oa democratic lines, in wLich Cleveland's views coincide so mere is no reascnania rjopes tor any legislation favoring protection till after Mr. McKinley takes bis seat and a special session bas been calhd, mliicb will doubtless be done; and then Ibe senate is so evenly balanced that any protective legislation will have to be very light lo pass tbat body The election of Major McKinley, president of the United States has re stored connuence in holiness and u a result buiicesa is reviving in eyery de partment. Factories of everv- commod- y are resuming operation, worses are again aglow with rekindled fires and thousands of idle hands ha7e been again let ai work- ana prosperity is now assured throughout the country. Such is the cheering news from the east where large manufacturing! industries abound. There is one thing above everything else praiseworthy in Mark Hanoa and his management of the republican cam paign. He knew eooogh to keep bis mouth shut and let Bryan and Chairman Jones do the talking. Eugene Register fhelsan Francisco Call is strongly urgitig'the appointment of a cabinet officer, to be known as the secretary of mines and mining. Its not a bad idea, It should be supported by every Pacific coast state. Strayed. Light bay mare, weight 1050 pounds; has no brand and no saddln marks, no spots of any kind except the left bind foot is white. The mare is about six years old. The animal came to toy place in the early part of last winter. have inquired but no one knows the animal. She is in my enclosure, one mile north of Canyouville. II. Knu.thHAion. 1 M.' Cemsx&t, ;n;tr, L Da5jc, dijf ci Ortoitr, alur G4erI y bio ipr-ixit rt fc tle jeanis that eiiT, rx5 cuIt tbi"Aen'Jr iintti bad Ifzrzrtii a dt is tb C-sZctst tA as crdioary tarlcr. "VJ,s ay in icrjoarx!J ly rof, t bistilr tbaTed e2 y Leary sjattacfee, aad, dec tier at iifzitJ-, "is- doieri a l-ii fUf Utcx 1 iteped inio tie bse?e ajij tiis: asd hit e.-ai t tbe r.'tr:'. I tixbt. itHTf4. It x - o"-.'ri ia tbe afttrixxra "I kuwtd ir,:n t rU. ritge. Aa alirm m zrsr& tti lv po- lice partcd xvg is afXKhtr. I ntli tadIA g.. I UM asy driver to tfr? abrad, ad. witching f jr aa oppornnixr, jumped from tbe earriaje sad .walked hack cs tbe paTfrswat, ssin;ltd itb the crowd and laade a? taca; to tbe cxws-try- "A fewdayj afterward I pre-r to giTe dat. I sbipj.! accord a siiliaz TftH at a roaaanrti failor. Tbe cp uic knew me, Lowrrer. Ve reached New Ojleitt alter aa oaeTtatfal trip, aad I HT.t to New Yerk by rail, arrir iaz tbit morning." Ia rrvly to a ra:io J to tb? eral ffliac t-f she popl livicg ia C"Bb, be said, tbroagb xii intertrtter : Ttly we ngbt ay tbt Spiia boida Caba or sheer tone ol arms, lie wbo'e ccuatjy. ?;islj etd Ca'-n aiH', defirts peaxeat almoet any scnSce, and altbcb it ma r sen itfvz. 'be Spmbb eleBX-at are jni! as prn-WDO d ia this fTlir; be Co-aa. atd 'h peace acel ift-Viwdeace for Cebs. "It is tfjoogHt 'hit Cs-a aiia oodrr FpaciUi'ra'e wo-.l I k aaaUe to y tl e eoormooi war drlt s!rd interred cr to stand tbe treafwlon tax tba tmA now isvariaUr "!tid Spj:n npoa Cobi, aad anMber o;ftinj oaW3, aader th-- corjciri m, fijlo'. Span woaki have z-i mn f Sfoaey tojfcfep C-i -a'.ia "obT.-ion. Tbe war debt now m etimiW a fVftV 000 CCO. and if sccamala'.icg at thr rae of 12.CCO,000 a month. IfCab;gaias her ficflepeaJaoe a this ftrozgle.fted I bop aad rsaiatun that the wi:), she will sJart; afresh with oaderfsl po-iti i.for ber. .Fpiia will eocn be forced, r-y bvk of iuad. to itbdraw ber troo,'. Toe opnon eipret is not that tA tranneot Calun residents, .bet - of cercbaate aad lind owners, Spanith as el! as CurMn. Tee Spanitrds exprers this opinion in pri vate only, a paWi erprewioa oold in sure tbeir execution at rebeb. Weylex does ssbe 'yXnm. Hm 1i tsst edict 13 tbat Tall person, men women aad children, Jwho are found out fide ef tbe Spaaiih lines, eball be 00 r. -lidered rebels and shot as "sach Thrs edict was published onlr in tbe oSicii gazette in Havana, which circoUtf among officers aad ofScials only. Tbeie was no way in whkh tho oottide cf tbec circles ccnld learn cf tbe edict There is no railroad to Fiair del B o from Havana, and jt is ia this provinte tbat tbe edict hi; cost roanv iircs reopie tacen uooer tnts edict are marched outside of tbe gates of the city aad shot down by soldiers. Tbe repart ot prisoners captured Dy eyler are only tbe capture of these poor devils. "The former practice cf shootiag prisoner in Morro. castle aad throwin the bodies into tbe water for sharks, has been stopped, because not long aji sev eral bodies drifted into the bay of Hi Tana. Tbe authorities explained to in quiring citizens that tbe men had prob ably drowned. Ballet boles in the bead, however, disproved this. Tbe people would welcome anything to has tea tbe end, not only on tbe accoant of the loss of property and life, but on ac count of tbe masicrc." Manna and the Cabinet. Clevela.vd, Nov. 19. M. A. Hanna stated to an Associated Press repret enta tive today that tbe alleged interview with bim sent from this city making him say tbat be is ineligible for the port folio of secretary of the Irtatury "is pure fake." While there had bten tome talk in regard to Hanna being barred from the treasury secretaryship by reason of his commericia! interests, it is held by well-informed persons that lhe law bearing on tho subject does not ap ply to internal commerce, and should it be decided that it does bar Hanna, there are numerocs ways in which objections could be removed. Geneial Horace A. Porter, of New York, ws a visitar at Hanna'a office to day. A long conference was held. It i rumored Porter will be appointed secre tary of war. Admiral Bunce's Fleet. Wabhikoton, Nor. 10. Admiral Bunce s fleet of war vosscis will be kept this winter, as it was last, away from Cu' 'i waterB. The fleet will not bol.ui, stopping at Venezuelan porta, was at ono time tnifceU ot, but wi rendezvous at Hampton Roads, and enter upon u open-eea evolutions in that vicinity. Extensive repiirs have been made upon tbe Indiana and all tho ships have beon inspected and found lo be in good condition. The repairs on the Texas, necessitated by tho recent accident, are being made rapidly, and tho department is of tho opinion that sho cau lo made ready for sea in three weeks. Tho labor of clean ing tbe machinery is found lo bo less arduous than wan at first anticipated, though the damage from water and mud has been considerable. While the fleet will he in fair condi Cobs Desire Pease. Srw Yfxx. Svr. i?. reC Osbaa taiiiwu i is 3 ci d:-xisx cieaar. souwj 5 -,31 1 reoe , tsbfcbj iM Hi- J Us Muittisueils am is-"its, coasty cierk ci lo?las ccaaty, uregoa.---- - -th, :, j, use- tat -jrbra Jbe piif -ww " frr-ftf" ire cjSLVAti, iTro3 c4tbiHpf rl jiul lbs srt'irebrite ia3 aprxovri U ; , ri,v lhet blood. Trfll jetera to Ja is tb cocrw &f 'tw ekf- PROTECT THE WORKIN0.MA.N. I'crtlisd Ivor- IS, 5S- T3a Emsxx; I iaure.ijcrruista ti gxeal taxtcoafroauiAserista people to - dar. TbewctkwtcVi is voi ix cor- .tctfcr the children tbat trecoiagoa to tate ocr Ia tbe pxi. we bite w eJoomed to America 'I goi citixeas d Eaw aod every pin U tb worii. B:t tbe diy Las cisie wbta we car: ekr the rate o! Ciitle Gardes. Tfcexeii limit to all Tbs It tA sspp5y aad dsaad ' oauo. every tiiar. Tbe Caned i;uta iaio fcl-sl aa mfeb wfe thii every cee we impsri be- i oa too aiaay. chOdrea dtmxad every P5 ifcere f2L LM sj take Z fA care ci at pwpe . 5re dows to have ad that are a3rriy fce.t tdaeat th.- i j-y nea- jntrt pat ia cemeat laid: cbBdrta tomptct oor fl.g and Loner, xr)d JJ.;.BJ to the steel lining. 1 ihs principlesnJ form of '-t'i The x-or; referre tb&- right to reject ' jvea d by ocr fatbtrs. -aT lad jj. t " baya rars in oar rosdu wto tnict we fixII Ule ertrytaics ma; ine team ships plying between New York aad all Euro; aay aakad at oor docks. Bst when wes-opa maaieat aad tn.nk hit th Aircsn teoole calv coa'rol V- ' IS, i H; ?.amrs that are Lcuiy earig in it, is triiac, inm the year Jil to '.! year Wtl t-ey aalca led emigrants epos bs it t-' rat of f rtrea bacdred aad twenty tvery day. e koo iher do to because tbsy ar m.kiitg li'it amouats of money by so kis. Tb lawevr' price tbsy era zei stwag; tktet; is ab;t tbirty-5v dofliis. Ma-t we subTBit to tur- air Un5trd raade diip fr all harr aa Ijoier' 1 nave ia oer ratsj mended Dr. Kiar s Near mfcove.-y , it mea xri votass bou in Ecrope tbat xas quick in its work aad highly satis ar : i!--in; all in tbeir powr to baild np ' lucuirj in rentlts." Trial bottles free at thi toantry- Woea the war ot 15fl! x.Q. Martters Druj S:&re. Regular was npta a th-sy vjlan'e-re.1 10 live their hst aad fimiliei to project the boaor e'enr fla ; aal I may sjy ibt e all co-froat-acrosi he Atlantic oaly a; few year afj. Cot a-j I M, thens is a limit to all thirz. Ta labs.- ina'ket h ; fal y supplied and many men aad women to sp-ir.. Nx :e'. as cio3- tbe doors for a tfras of year-. Al'.rr n Tr, if we d tut taer is room lor more e can agaia oea wtr pu-! TheCniaes corernmcai hi? mcrr re pect for us tola? f k ritricans th; im-aig'-atiw from that country. r?o it woakl t with tbe coaatrits oi Europe. Toey acnVi thick more of us and pav us mire respect if we tbut down on al Ciiiiei oi sioir. stuie,i aoo mnerwiw. Tbe laws we bav cow restricting immi - r-aticn ara nnll and void. Thev mariase to evade them these foreign steam ship ccmpanie: b'ind the eyes cf our law mk? rs with the z'itter cf their gold so that tbey do not see as clearly as they shaald. We t:e cr;c;iLrJs Jcre in Portia: d and a e expect to spread it not only ;n every toacshi'p ia Oregoa, but all over oar United States. THE AMERICAN LEGION-OUR MOTTO. PaOTCT AatHICAN WOBE.MES BY lKO-( HIBITtMS 102X105 LABOR. ! The artid of sgreement tbey sisnis as follows: "We. the nLderitgaed, do hereby pledge ocr honor, that we will not sup port any man for public office ucless he will pledge himself to vote and do all in his pocr to prohibit foreign labor." The people here in Portland are almost unanimous, at least 03 per cent sign it, more eapcialJy among what we term the better class of our foreign born people. They say there is enough here now. Take care of what U here, let those cow ' in Europe stay there. The steamship companies are already advertising in the European papers that under Majjr McKinley we will have better times, urging eterybody tbat can t raise f35 lo buy a ticket and get here as ; quick as they can. There will be such a flocd cf immigration very soon j tbat the workingmau will be wcrse off j than he is now. Tl ere is only so much 1 were to do here. Statistic: show that i only one in feventeeu of the people that j cctne here from Europe are self sustain ing, of the producing class. Tte other sixteen come here to work for thoso that arc already here. I aik and urge every good citizen of Oregon, bo be of foreign or native birtb, put your ehduldcr to the wheel. This wiuter wlien-th.c legislature meets to se lect a man to go to tbe sc-nate, get some man who ha; the backbone to go in and fight tor the rights of the workingman as well as for the manfactnrer. I believe in protecting all alike. Mjor McKinley was elected president becaupe he was 'becliAtijpion'of protection. His heart Is with the workiogmen wellantbo mill owner. Send men to congress that will help him. C. Newell. Executor's Sale of Real Property. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY (JIVES THAT BY tN virtue nf an amended order dn'y lesued out ot the County Court of Uouslsa County, nd cnu-mt ot record on thcKth dar of May. tfj, atitborizlnfc and cmpowerlnir the executor of tbe estate of M. R. Shii3 to sell the real prop crtjr beloiifflna; to said estate at public or pri vate rale for cash or half cash and a credit of one year with raortfase security. S'ow therefore tn ptrsuanccof the faid order I. John II. Sbupe, cjtccator of the estate of M. It. Bhii., deceased, will sell at public sale at the Court Houfcdoor In the City of Roscburjr on Saturday, tttc zOtli clay ol Decem ber, 1896, at 1 o cUh:V 1'. M. of said day for cash In hand. U the highest and beat bidder, all the follow bouuilcd describtd real propcrtr telonslni; to aid estate, to-wlt; The caM half of the donation land claim of M. II. .ulmi; the south half of the north west liiartcr anil the north half of tho south v. est quarter of Section 33. the notlh half ol the n.uth cast itiarlcr and the south half nf the north ca ntiartcr ol Section 31. all in Town hlpl'l Kauthof Ranee SVct. Douglas Countr, (irecon.eiccpllni? thcrcfrnm acres sold to E. (J. Young In the north ast corner of the south east iuarlcr of tho north west quarter of Section 33, township ill South ot Kangw 3 West, and containing acres. Dated November l'Jlb, l?'f.. JOHN II aHCt'E, nl9t Eittutor Estate of M. It. bhupe, dec. vwwTnCMtnriDH. ! Sw" rfaas ScKVX diBif checked it mT Titliec ei lte" ttoo3x", extcodi:i cecl ' r ri hearth of briar, xad to idf a 1 . tb tstir briipe r AU jocats to. 3daJisgiirirertrto be cireially taken , da aad p3rf ia rcd oa either sHe ol' . . T'f"' - , ji tr ies , Br t, mp5e:ed by Aug-, t: u " . . lholdine Dooglas county warrant a 5 ;n the darI prior to June 1, 1S92. 1 Jo present tr5cati5 and bid, tbe same at toe trrrer's o5 ta the ,1 oaatT Tv... o" r. - .- n, i . . tbe entire taner wall with No. II st iei pL.t taJ that to be ceiled with aa eight . inch tddiriocai brki wail laid ta cement aoier Preheat plisteri ceiHcg to be ( Mies ed'and t:mtrs coiered with No. P2 ' 16 p'jre. Oid wiodaw grates to be re " &iire.J aad Itto additional cri bars jyutd tlU 12U Uv of Novembe! , 1SS5. A. F. County Judge. Hao cloai Results. ; Frosa a kt'er written br Rev. i. Gua- j deratao. ef DiraoscUle, Mich., we are P?ra.:tJ to make tbii extract: '"I hive no Leiitaikm ia recommeadia; Dr. Kisz Ne" Difcsnrery, tithe results ere alraott itarveiocs ia tbe ca3 cf my wife While I was pastor of tbe Baptist cbsrea at Kitcs Junction she was brocgat down with Pneamoai scwed tar La Grippe. Tembte piroiysms of cooghiag woaH In' boors with little in trrapuoa and it seemed as if she coaM not sonive tbera A friend recoa- iM 55 r. sn, 51.OJ. To Rent. FiTe-rooai cotJie on Jacks: strert. 02ice two rooms oa Jackson street, oarxssite cost o5. lj.rze boass aad pleaty of oct boild- iar, 20 acres et !arJ with otcbarJ, in West Rosebor?. LxTfa boose acd S crts at Edenbower oae mile from to-a. Ci-1 oa or address , T. K. RtCEAEOSO.V, Rosebarg. For Over Fitly Veai. jl Oia Airs wni-Taixa axxrar. 3tn . Wlriiow'i Scotiia? Sjicp ia S)e3 ced Isr , orer filt j rear tr f!:wr;i cf rotiea ter :heir ciiilrea wiUe uetiia;, fated lacccse. I: lM-ji ax chili, softcu the ca. aHari iH . t. etr wind otic. ad Is tie fcst rtntdj i tor Krrixr- ! ?Iea: to tie uju. soM by d.-ax?ira la every part of tie forld. Twea: j-' re eeats a U:Ue. I: v&Zae Is taf IcrTiKe. Seiart aal tk lit Mrs. WliajWi oo'Jilar ir jrsj. d taie ao other ilai Good Is essential to fl 9 health. Every nook and comer ot the WI system is reached by the blood, end cn its quality thecoaditioa of every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tbm, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every acrve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, HOOCfe Sarsaparilla Is the br 3t in lict th? One True Blood Purifier. ru.. ttt HOOd S PlIIS take, easy to operate. -sc. FOR A FEW DAYS 0M.Y. Great Encyclopsedic Dictionary The A limited number of sets of this great work will be distributed in Roseburg and vicinity at the low introductory prices. At once a Dictionary and an Encyclopaedia. .'50,000 Words-50,000 Encyclopedic . Subject Produced at a cost of $750,000. Four Massive Volumes, weight 40 pounds. One dollar secun-a the delivery of rate of fl '-'o per mouth for ono year. Coast Newspaper Syndicate, caro of Tiik witti sample psges lor examination. Diaper, lead di to sumption Catarrh J faet : I.;-. .11 imriii( from the bhJ 1 uitiw r - ---- Tboofondjcl people teSUy that mey , 1 ,i.iir rwrnianentlv court boose tor pavmem, aa .0 c. .... ce$e thereoa after the aateot mis uourc. Dated this 22d day of October, iSpo. at .K - rSir of RoMbars. Douglas couniy, - . . County Trrasarer. A Bank Failure. AN INVESTIGATION DETiANDED. A Reaenl ba.Hrs basiaess is dene by tie T t- srsttTTi, becaase the blood de posits ia its vaalts whatever wealth we may raia from day to dar. This wealth is laid ra anast "araiav dav " ts a reserve ft we're ia a ccaditica of healthy prosperity if ws hxre laid away saSrfeat capital to t-7. ef lrt-z- eowa ta reaua. 10 eaia ia blood a seartr alwavs to gain ia trkole- ssm Sesh. The odds are ia favor of the reals ef coasaaiptioa, gup. or paeamoait, r. . - . ' V. .... .4 XX Or l-Tcr DC ! . c; au u . uriwu i pare, or if ear flesh be redaced fWcar c kezlthr tiszdsrd. What is itoaired is aa increase ia trs rtrm-fizJdir-T arrxzik. Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery earichea tie blood aad siakes it wholesome, stops the waste of tissae asd at the same tie ba2ds np the streazth. A medicine which win rid the blood ot its pcisoas, eleaase aad ivirorate the treat orzaas of the bod v. Thahre the system, thrill tie whole fceiZ with new eaeryy aad tsake pemaaeat wctk cf it. is sarelT a remedy cf great valce. Bnt wea we sake a cositfre state-meet that q3 per ceat. of all cases of coasarsptica ran, if 13 ise eariT sizges ot xae exscase. ce rrao with the ' ' Discovery. " it seeais like a bold issdtioa. All Dr. Pierce asks is that Tea azake & tioroceh iavestiratioa aad KtfV mrrself ef tie irnih of his assertion. Bt seaciap to the World's Dispeasary Med. ical Asicciaiioa, Bnfialo, N. Y., yea can get a free boot wrta tie saaies, aaartsses aaa photographs of a large namber of those cared cf throat, bronchial aad laag diseases, u well aa of akin aad scrofaloas arTecticas by the "Goldea Medical Discovery." They also pablish a book of 160 cages, being; a nrcicxi ireaiiK on conscmpucm, kdhuuim, astiau, catarrh, which will be mailed oa receipt of address aad six eeats ta stamps. 0. R. I N. EAST Gives tit Choice of TWO . . Transcontinental ROUTES VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul VIA Denver Omaha AKD Kansas City I Low Rates to nil Eastern Cities OCEAN DIVISION. PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO. Steatn leave Ainiworth dock, Portland, at p. every five dajs. Cabin. $3.00, itecra;i U50. For full detaile call on or addree v. c. r.o?fTJOr, Agent, Bosetmrj, Oregon, cr address w. 11. HtriiLB uivr. Jeaers.1 Faiseager Ageat, Portland, Oregon. E. MeN'EILL. Prtsldnnt and Manager. the entire work; balauvu to bo paid at tbe .Send your name and address to lbs Pad Be Pjainui:aleb, and you will he supplied Catarrh Haw Sheet Music Great ielcti-n. Ail now mnc will tsld a' wue-half offorisinal and prf eatpric. 1 1 a f" Ia9 we vrill have aboat HX3 ill new ejwpiwltioa. Snd for calJdopio five. T. K. Rk-h VBDsON, RT?hur, Or. i Ml OAKLAND, OREGON. RHT6S, Cents per Day. 75 Give Us a Call. SHELBY CHURCHILL, Prop'r. Tilt" Ctinrcties. Hirnit csraca coratr of Lane acd Ro tittis. snsilaj strr.ct: trmcamf, 1 . ia. aadTSlp. cu; Yoan; People's Union, 60roa.. Un. E. W. Blaei, rroMcul. Sunday tchool. ic ra.: James Ciantxrlair;, Sapertatcndea Praver Mceticr. Tinrsday evt cicg at 70. Mxtkoout CHtntcti enraer of Mata aad Lace streets, saaday sm rretcaing. u a. xa aad 7:30 p. ra.; aibUlh sciool, 10 a. ra.; F. W. WooEey. fcpcxicteadcat; Class Jlcetlax at tSoK at tie morulas service: Epworti Lcacae t-33 p. ra. UatUe Oodfrey. Preatdeat. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, at 7 JO p. a. Fjlixk I Mooas, rattor. I's.-xjtiije. coraer Mala aad Lane. ratsBTTittsj" C H comer of Caa aad Rose tuce. 5-uadar jervk: ixpitc worsaip. svn. aad ::p.a. Sabbath school, 10 a. ra.: Y. P, S. C. 5., 7 p. a. 11yer MreUsg, w ecaea day, 7-33 p. ta. K. B. DliwoxTH, Putcr. ocletr Jlectlnsrsi. BP. O. KLKr, KOSXUiL UU i-JlAt. .U.iJD, hold their regular eoratscajcatioas at tie I. O. O. F. halt oa wcoad sad fourth Thursday olcaci raonth. AH members rc-qnested to at tend rcsalarlv. and all lsitiiis brothers cor dii:r Inrited to attis.I FRED rAGE-TtsTJ, E.K HERMAN M.VRK5. secretary. rOCGLA5 COCNCIL, NO. 21 JR. O. U. A. M A-' meets everv Wednesday eveaicg at S o'cijek ia tie O'-d Masonic Hal". Visiting brothers arts eoraiaily xavttea to auena. C. B. CASON, G cu. W. prxt r, Coua cilor. Kccontiag secretary. AUKEL LODGE. A. F. & A. M., REGULAR ' meetiacs the 3d aad ilh Wcdaesdars la eachesoata. . . J. B. CAWiJICia, v. n. C. W. Kizr, Sec'y. TTMPQCA CHAPTER, NO. 31. R. A. M.. HOLD U theirrernlareonvocaaoas at Masonic hall oa tie first aad third Tuesday of each month Viaiaag companions tsz cordtauy invllca. K. L. MILLER, H. P. I: ado n Cixo, Sectary. PHILETARIAN LODGE. NO. S meets SatnrdaT creniaz of , L O. O. F. each week at their hall la Odd rellow Temple at Rosebarg. Member of he order la good standing are invit ed to attend. E. McBROOM N. G. r. G. MlceUl cc'y. UNION ENCAMPMENT, NO. 9, MEETS AT Odd Fellows hall on second aad fourth Fridays of each month. Visiting brethren arc Invited to attend. F.G. MICFT.T.T, CP. JOa. M1CE1XI, Scribe. pOSEBURG LODGE, NO. IS, A. O. U. W. meets the second acd fourth Mondan of sscij-oath at7io. a. at Odd Fellows "halL Istembers of tie order ia good standing axe la- Titea 10 aaeao. D ENO POST, NO. 29, G. A. It, MEETS THE xv- first and third Thcrsdays of each month. yiOMEN'e RKT-TITF CORPS NO. 10, MEETS rirstv and third Thnrfdays la each moTith. 17 ARMS ' ALT.I A NCE Regular Quarterly 4 Meetlng-s will be held at Grange Hall. Rosebarg. the first Friday- in December, March and June, and the third Friday- la September. D OSEBCRG CHAPTER, NO. 3.0. E. S.. MEETS the second and fourth Tharsdayi of each tazEta. ALICE SHERIDAN. V,. M. D OSEBURG DIVISION NO 176. B. OF I E., ix meets every second and fourth Sunday. pOSEBUBG R. D. LODGE, NO. -11, 1. O.O. F AN meets oa Tuesday eTenlng of each week at the Odd Fellows halL Visiting sisters and orethren are Invited to attend. MARTHA PARRY. N. G. ELA HENDRICKS, R.Sec. A LPUA LODGE. NO. t7, IC. OF P.. MEETS every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows HalL Visiting Knignts la good standing cor dially Invited to attend. K. M. CONKLING. C. C. I. B. RIDDLE, K.R.S. Receivers Sale. vt OTICE of receivers sale of real property under i' decree and order of sale from Circuit Court. Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Oregoa for Douglas County. Isabell C. Davenport, Plaintiff, vs R. M. Simpson, Josephine Simpson, Elizabeth Simpson, Adda Simp son, Clara Simpson, Bird Simp son aad Jesse Simpson, Defendants. State of Oregon, I , v County of Douglas.) Notice la hereby given that by virtue of a de cree of foreclosure acd order of laic rendered and entered of record in the above entitled cause and la the above named court, on the ISth day of June, IK3, wherein and whereby the above named plaintiff obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure against said above named defendants and against the hereinafter described real estate for the sum of t,63ZCO and costs of said foreclosure and sale, and an order for the sale of said real property to satisfy said judgment and costs. And, whereas, I as the receiver in said suit heretofore duly appointed by said court, am duly directed and ordered to sell said real pro perty under said decree and judgment and order of sale, now therefore 1 will on Saturday the tlth day of November, IK, at the hour of 2 ocloclc l.M. ofsald day at tho front doarof the Court house in Hostburg, Douglas Countv, Ore gon, sell at public auction to the highestbiddcr '"fiJ0--!?'1.'- xhc 'iKht, title and interest which the said defendant or cither of them had on the 8th day of January, 1KM. or since that time in or to tha following described real prop, erty to wit: Bcglnlng at a polntnorthi-3 degrees and i, mtnutca west. 11 chains, north 20 chains from tho quarter post on line between sections 15 and 15. township 27 south, range 6 west Willa mette Mcndlan. Oregon, thence north S3 degrees and M minutes west,', chains, thence south 16 degrees west, 16J3 chains, thence south S3 rfegrets and M minutes east 12.01 chains, and thence north 13.SS chains to the place ot begln Itig. containing 14.00 acres. Abo all that por tion or strip of gravel bar and land that lies be tween the most westerly lino of tho abovedes ertbed premises and the South I'mpaua river, being two acres mqro or less. All in Douglas County, Oregon, together with tho tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto ,. JKl,".'L?rJ? V-" w" BlTcrtalntng. Dated this Sth day ot October, lv.G o8t' J. W. WntouT, Receiver. Summons. TN TIIECincnTCOlTItT OFTIIK STATE OF Oregon, for IHiuxlao County. Ilcrnelta MiHire, l lalutlir.i vs. t Janus Moore, Delcndiint.) To James Moon-, ttioabmnmnicd defendant In the name of tlie Stntc ot Oregon, you arc lij riliy n-niire.1 1 nrreanunl answer tfiecom P,.nil n.i'' Kx"nt 0,''u tliontM-ve entitled suit, In the allow named Court on or before tho llrstdayot the next regular term ot said Court to-wlt The ,Ht liny ol Oceeiiilicr, iHgO. And ou wilt lake notice that If vou fait to to appear and answer raid complaint. fr Wlt, hem. i .theplalntitl wilt nm.ly1,,, th'eeourt for he rellel prayed for In ral.t complaint, which Is a dissolution ol the ruartlago contract now eals lug Wtwrcn jourMlf and tl.o. V.lulut Iff herein, and that tho plalulill Ik- awarlted tn" care, custo-ly and control of the three minor children the lw of your mintage with J , . MyMwre. J"re. ..erllo Moore and This summons Is published by vlttum ofau order made lu Chambers at Ko.cborg. v,, iu" County. Oregon, by Hon. J C. Full"rrmr &"SL -''- ''. which .iia tler Is .UtrS ihe i?nd day ot October A.D.. th-w ","'r,J ,,,,, n.I). hlltATFOIlP. 0""u Alturuvy for Plamtlff.