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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1896)
IF YOU SEE IT. Itt IF YOU DOjTT READ Tlie Plaiiidealer r You Don't Get the News, i IT IS SO. i Vol. XXVII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 i8g6. No. 78. A. SALZMAN, (Succcsfor to J. JASKl'LEK.i Practical : Watchmaker. : Jeweler : and : Optician. ..DKALKK IN WATCUUS, CLOCKS, JKWEMtY, .1X11 FAKCY CDODS. Ciotmluo Urnxilliui JM.vo Glasscjs jiimI SiiocIik-Ioh A COUPLETS STOCK OF Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco. Cigars am! Smokers' Atticlos. VUo LVonrlotor ami llamiser or Uoscliurjj's Famous Karcain .Stora j-onltry, 1'lsli and :ainc, y in Season. 5 H. T. BLUMB, B Proprietor ot The City Meat Market, B S And IK-filer id PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, e B AND FRESH .MUAT5 Op AM. KINDS. Orders lake.) and Delivered Free to aj part ol the City Roseburg, Or BBSB9seBS5eBCBeE8BSBeaso3seHeseBeaaBeBCBOEB0BeBeB0 A. C. MARSTERS & Co. uSS- Wall Sharper A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell LIME PLASTER flHD CEAErtT. A FULL LIME OF WIfiDOW GLASS OUR OCEAN TRADE. I ! RAPP'S DRUG 5T0RE. DOUGLAS IE AND S O o For Recent and Chronic COUGHS AND COLDS L'roucliIUs, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Irritability of the Larynx aud Fauces, niul other Inflamed Conditions of the I.-ings nnd Air Pasrases. .0. Sr TAR S RAPP'S DRUG STORE. Es ( R( ) o ROS'. . acrmce al Now m progress ZiGLER & WALL Deeot Or II I'Kat r.n- a-STAPLE AND ocers IN M.T." KINDS OF , FANCY GROCERIES. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOLOHT AND SOLD. s.y p. n . ti.e City in short "r-kr. HOSEBUKO, OREGON. LliYLlE PILKINGTON, It is tlio common impress'oii that tho'-f decline of our American merchant ma-' rino dates from the time of the Rebel- ion, when the Alabama and other con federate cruisers captured and destroyed numeroud veesals, with their cargoes, forced tiie owners of many others to seek a foreign resistor, and so increased the risk of shipment in ves'e's not transferred to a foreign Hug, and the cost of insurance, that the ocean carry- tig trade, in which vte oticu led the world, was rapidly absorbed by other uations,and our own share therein re duced to comparatively insignificant proportion?. In point of fact, however, aa shown by Seaboard, a journal devoted to merican shipping interoste, the de cline in our ocean commerce began at a much earlier date. As shown by that paier: For thirty -six years after the act pro fiting the registry of foreign built ships was passed American ships car ried 00 per cent of our f. rii n com merce, because the discriminating du ties art, which gave protection to Amer ican ships, was ia force all th it time. When the discriminating duties act was eja!ed in 1S25, American tiiips were cartvjtig 'JU per c-nt of our foreign com merce, since which timo they have been radii illy losing thtir proportion, until todav but 11 per cent is carried in Vmerican vessels. When the discrim inating duties act was repealed, sixty. eight yours ago, free trade in the carri e of American conuinTco was substi tuted, and bus until tlit day be:ii con tiutiourlv in force. Had the law of 17'.U, under the benefi- cent operation cf which our shipping in terests crew until our sail whitentd very t ca, and wc nere rapidly aehiev- ng tiie commercial dominion ot me ccean, which has since fallen t-i Great Rritain, been in force at the close of Oie ReVelliou, there is no tiues'ijn but that ir carrying trade wou d have revived once. Ships which had svugbt a foreign o-vnership would have been re irausferred and our shipyards au-l docks wouid again hae become the scenes of endless activity. l!ut sbip-baiiders and owners bad now to face not oniy the vast champs brousbt in bv the now demonstrated ujveriurity of iron ship?, for the cou- htruction of which they were ill prepared in Comparison with England ; they had not only to adapt their opcratious to the construction of steam vessels instead of the sailiu?; craft which bail, up to a short time before the war, absorbed all thtir attention; bat they hail to face the frowns cf adverse legislation, which denied them any protection f gainst the vastly superior advantages aud mighty wealth of England and other countries an J gave to foreign vessels equal oppor tuni'ies in American ports with ur own at - jc" r :o W NOAH J ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Real Estate Bought and 5old Farms, large and small, to Rent, AN'D IMMEDIATE PU-.-EsIO.N GIVEN". Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds aud Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. S- TrC 3TJIOIC, General Blacksmithing rROTTING AND RUNNING PUTES A SPECIALTY, REI'AIBIN'j Or At.i. KISwS VKOJI1TLY DONE. Slion on Corner WiiiUluston and Knne St.s., Roseburjc. ROSEBURG Marble and Granite Works. SE.O EAST AND SOUTH VIA - KKOJl 1 LKHINAl. IK lMrKKU; TOlSib THE SHASTA ROUTE ps Southern Paciiic Co. booth I 5250.. . 11 ISi.M. Lt. - l'ortuad - at. Lt. - EosetHirs - Lv. At sn Frtnritco Lr. I North n is r. v. 7 00 r. x. ion. AlbaaT, Tan?ent ihe-W, Ualy. Harrti- Atliltnd lacla'Ire. Koebiirj: .Mull Daily- VOL. x. 520 r. v. Lv. I Ar. I'OIllsD.l Ar. , 4 j r. X Lv. 1 M X 110 r. si. 1:15 r. x. Balem PaHiciiKcr-Ually. - I'nr.'.ttiA Ar. i 10.15 a. Ar. pimm: cans os oit:- Pullman Buffet Sleepers ANU SI5COXU-CI.AS M.KEl'ISi U. Attached to " Turouli Ira.:.s. West Side Division. Hctvrccii t'ortlainl nnl CorvuSII Mall tnJa dally 'except Sunday). ti.Or.x 1 : r. m RAILROAD To all Points East anil South. 1 is the I'ININ'i C AK RQl'TE. Itruns through VZSTIBrU D TRAINS EVERY DAY IN TilK YEA It to 3T. PAUL and CHICAGO sotiiAMfaKorciEa) Conas:e4 el Dining Cart Unsurpassed. Puilisan QrjTtlaj Rssn s:tpe;i, Of La'.eit Eaulpntnt toi;:cist si.kcimm; cm its BeU that can h rorutrncuil ami In which accommodations aie both KKh.E rdI FL'KNbjHEU to StoMcn of Fir't .r gctd-claw Tickets mid i:i.i:uast day coi ran: ! I rs. D.alcmu all kinds ol Tarbir mid Granite Monuments and Headstones, Portland Cement Curbing t'or CJomot rv JjOts. Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemeter' Work Ottice mid HulcKroom. 1711 Onk Hlreet. To TSie Unfortiiimlc. Dr, Gibbon wk Ua m t;,.j ! '!" c.,. , A Uontluuou- Hne connecting with Ail I.)iu aSbrdla- Direct and Untnterniptcd Service 7:33 jl. x. 1215 r. x. Lt. lAr. I'or:lnd - Ar. ConrallU - l.v. At Albany and CorTElli connect with trains ol Oregon (X-utral i Eatern rilroal. Eiprcw train dally 'except Suiwlayj. l. r. a. 1 Lv. 7S5P. X. 1 Ar. I'liUuian dloeicr rc;rvut!oiis cau be secured in iw'.vanoe lliroueh any ncnt of the road. Portland -McMinville Ar. I.v. c.'ii x. X. A X THnmifiil TIHKFIR To aud from nil 1'oiliU In J AmcrlCB, England and Enrol critl l purchnscd I at any Ticket Office 'if this Company. Throueu Ticket lo nil J'oliu : the Iliifctcrn Mlttc. Cnmiiln find l'.irie can be obtalnol ut ioiv Cktralci Irom (icorgc INtct., Aciil ItOkcburc K KOEHLEK, E. 1'. ROOKIIS, Manager. Ant. O. E. & 1'm. Agon FORTLAND OIlEGO:i. Full information concerning rates, tlmn of Ira! in, route and other details iumlnhed on application to II. H. IC. IIUICIC, IjCKl njjent ut Hoacbrs.Or., or A. I. CUAItlrO.N, Aitistuiit General I'aucnecr Axcnt, No. 121 First fit., ror. Washington. l-OHTLANU. OHE00N. . 1 r '.iaMc an l root mccesilul a .n in -an Frcu- 1 cmtlimc to n I Sexual and 5eminal Diseases, uch as (lonnorrhacn, Ulcci Stricture, 5 philli In ml its f.iru.. Skin Dl- ilA35eaes, ncroui iicqii ilty, Impottncy. Semi- ; t " 1 .. 1 I . . Sol Hanhood. the co!it- icuce o! k.I aburc and cicefses pr-nl'u in (he ,.ii . -n r nioms tallow coumonance, inrk iKHsuU'!crthcfM!'.p.ilHlntlio head, rlnslns luthoia: io- of confidence, dlHldence in np- iiri.ici in; "tranin r. paljctaiioii oi iccucaru Aealtm-" "I the In us and back. loof nieuiory, ir-i ii.l- ii the I." -.louchs, connimiitluii, etc Dr. (illiP.ON ha practiced I" i-u Frmcisco over thirn jears atl those troubled slioiiM not fall tncon'auit him and receive the Unctlt ol his KrcRt fkill and exiK-rlencc. The doctor cureauheiiotheralail. tr) him. Cures cuar antced. l'er.ons cured at home. l.han;e reawnablc. Call or write. Dr. J. P. (llbbon, 6ij keArney ftrte San Prancltco, Cal. COUNTRY COUNTERFEITERS. 1 Tlie inaLia posfespinf; the rough owl idle o'emeut of the country tlwtricls o undertake cotintcrfcitins: of Uncle Sam's coia3 Becras to he almost epidemic. Hardly a mon'Ii pissfs but the United States marabal ia called upon to run down Eome pang of country ''hoosierst" who, having cqnippe.l themfelvis w ilh WOMEN AND MEN. It id a curious fact that, aa society goc3 on, the very things Ihnt onee stood for luxury come lo be laid aside, and people revert lo what is simpler. Father r-dr, for icatance, were the former fym'tcji cf wealth and grandeur ; the luxurious aristocrats of a former age were auureeseti r.p, 'jNuw all you on plaster of paria molds, a bit; of pie lead itlown beds jorting,; antl tLe like. Yet and a $3 electric plating apparaius, pro- i it ig only tbe most rustic ts.,.0, tliat now ceed to flood the country adjacent to the village ia which they reside, with spur ious com, Did tbe counterfeits IbeEO fellows make poFSes the least semblance aside from size and contour to tbe genuine lucney there uiibt be considered Eo-ne excuse for tbe raEcals, in that they were producing some-thing r.f sufficient merit to deceive people, but the crude pieces of lead, poorly plated, turned ont by these country youths mark tbe makers of the coins a3 next door to idiots. A specimen character of this kind ap peared in tbe United States couit this morning for arraignment, on counter feiting charge, in tbe perEoi of James Scanland, bis crime having been com mitted in Lebanon, this state. The prisoner entered a plea of not guilt r. When arrested Scanland took froai his jolret a purse and attempted to re lieve himself of the article by throwing it in the gutter. Ho tva? detected, how- eve.-, and the purs?, with i:s contents, are niw in the possession of Justice Lovelee, of Lebanon. It would require nothing more than an insepection of the spurious money founu in the purre, for an ordinary jury, to send the man who would attempt to pas the sfufTto the insane asylum as a hopeless inibecil?. Wrapped in a long strip of dirty rag were five lead attempts counterfeiting $5 pieces. Three of these bad been plated and two had not. Contained also in the purse Trere three half dollars, two quarters, thtee dimes and two nickels, showing thai tbe gang did not propose they should be limited in the matter of making change. The $5 pieces are bad enough imitations, but hoH a sane person could expect to pass the bits of lead castings of which the other coins consist passes belief. What canland's idea is in pleading no guilty in the face of the overwhelm ing evidence he has to cemsat, is nlso a matter of cocj?cture, Telegram. A Blind Lad Saw. Sax Francisco, Nov. 14. Lucien I5a cigalcpi, a totally blind lad, has acci dently found ont that be can s-se objects by the use of tbe cathode ray. Such is the a.-eertion of Dr. Waverly Clark, who is overjoyed over th discavery of the nen use of the nirsterisui beams. The discovery that st leas: some of the blind ca'i fee Ly tbe rays came about by a careless remark made by Dr. Clark, an ofttrs ona of thef e rather than a mat tress, and oulv the newly arrived Irish woman who counts atnoag her chief treasures her bnlky feather bed. So was white bread another symbol of social superiority ; and yet ro it is discovered that the snowier the bread tbe less its nourishment, and we resort to alt sorts of admixtures in order net U loss tlm best pa-i3 of the In timo wo shall doubtless learn that complete indo lence or self-indulgence u riot Uie most satisfying form of snccen?, but that we must hare somo drudgery to make it complete. Tho mort thoroughly leis ured classes have to invent soma ferm of hard work for themselves in the shape of field sports or yachting crgoltiBg; aud a3uie from thi3, the mere social duties, when t.'.ken at their highest, have drudgery enough to frighten any inno cent rustic, and often to distwurae the vo!arie3 themselves. Where is social pleasure carried to a higher point than in Newjiori? yst on-3 of the very ladies occupied in it said to me some years ago: It takes ray fur daughters and myself every atom of our time and strength, from day to day, simply to keep up with our social obligations ; Ihig' lasts a 1 summer, and then we return to the city and reommeaee precisely tbe same life there, and it will last all winter, with only a slight initig.ttion ia L?ni."' Ii in safe to say that no farmer's or miner's daughter wuld be able to tolerate feuch an existence for a moatb ; ami yet alt these iadies were cultivated, titdepend- ent and full of uugratified taites far Hter ature, art an 1 natur. Ilarper'd Bjzar. Caro Bros, v Muct sell their immense stock inside of sixty days, regardJess of cost. If any one wishes to get barvains tie m;t call soon, as tby mean business. Tbfe isno humbug. If you doubt tbetr word call and be convinced. enthusiastic student of the cathode rav, Farther, unite foreign governments pul;Ta!ci bad been a pupil at the lcsti were enoourajing the growth of their! tute ;or tua deaf and blind at Berkelev merchant fleets with bounties and sub-; for ceveral vears. EidifS, It such encourasement irai v.ith- held from our own shipowners. What Friday last he came to this city, with a dozen unfortunate lads from the same wonder that. lift to contend, without piace. fhev went to the Baldwin thea- aid, against over helming ode's, they er. Afterward Bacigalapi stepped into gradually transferred their energies bis father's pbor osrapb and "X"-rav toother tselus; so that Ihe fjrmer great-1 ;ri0rs, under ths Baldwin hotel. Dr, ness of our merchant marine has graau- Cbrk jined in conversation with Peter ally become little more than a memory. p.3l-iga!n:i, aiid his son, and as a ;uiden In tbe present drooping and congested thoucht came to him, he 3aid : "Lucien state of our mlaiul industries cur coun try needs more than ever a reopening to our peop.e ot me ojeau new , rree tra In having practically shut us out of that field, tbe republic in platform pro poses, by a system of discriminating duties iu favor cf American bottoms, to attempt its restoration. This restora- s'ep into tbe "X" ny rcoai and find out it you can see anything.' Bacigalupi started tlie apparatus and banded his son the tlioroscnpe. As Lu cien adjusted it to his eyes and turned it toward the rays, he shouted : "i'jpi, I cm see light." AH three becam? excited. The over lion, thou.h overshadowed by tbe silver ! j0Tcj f Jti,er placed a Silid Week ol wood. piesiion, vas one oi me issues ui tutv on the back ot waicb were tt kev, screw recent campaign. It is a matter ol vital importance, not otdv to our seaboard in terests, but to the whole land. The merchant marine must be depended upon to supply sailors to Our cruisers in case of war. The proportion oi forei;n ers in our navy is far too large. Tbe money no.v paid to ioreUu carriers counts up to hundreds of millions of dol lars, which we need to retain at home, and which would five employment to ai;il s:me naiis, in Irout i t ttie green light and asked his sou if he cculd see antthing. Lu;ien immediately replied: 'Yes, I can see a key and some things that look like nai's." Pi.ys'eian, lather and son were new made. A purse, half-bound with steel and iu which a key had been placed, was put before the lisht in a tolded maga zine Lucien was asked what he saw thousands of our own people. Astorian. :ln,j replied that there u-as a key inside - ! or a dark rectangular piece of metal of NOTICE. Nutlet i'h'n!irt''n1 'ill wIiMia lt inay r.m r.crn tha-1 h v,; ii"'it- I 11. . Hteariibof Cbi. tii vrsei'i't D- i I: :; e li.r ut M It for tai-1 orsrltict: ixistotii" 1 itcw, Oakland; alio A. J. .,. ,.l V.T.I, . i.n.1 Itaiph Hialth. at B(ve v...... in net flnrlntr tiv atm'bne'. and otherii wil iuMl an irtleH lofrerti d ioli t! irir A-Ur Vnownto me. noseburir, My 1th, 1887. InyKtwr of Hto:k tur Douglas county. Or. CATARR localIdisease and it tho result c! colds and sudden climatic changes. It can bo enred by a plea&snt remedy which is applied di rectly into the nosuild. Bc iognaickiy absorbedlt gives relict at once. Ely's Cream Balm Li acknowledged to bo tho most thoronch enro for Nasal Catarrh. Cold in Head and Hay Jcver of all remedies It opens and cleanses the n.isil passages, ilhya pain and inflammation, heals the sorc, pro tects tho membrane from colds, restores the tenses of tate and smell. Price dc. at Drnirqists or by malL HLV JiKOTIIEItd, 05 Warren Street, Kcw York. SUMMONS. ilM'lli: lUfllT KOR THE PI! H INt'T OK J Ixikini; lilos. STTK OF OllEi.oN, t'.itiutv of l)oii(,his. ' Wm. XorecroM, Plaintiff i , n(.tnu (( J. I., lltintiiu. Defemlaut.' " """- To J. I., lluntinp. In the name of tin- State oi Dregon. You me lim by required to appear lieforo the umlerslKiie'l. a jiiiiim in uie i i'nee lor i;ie ire riiu t nfrironid. on the Jt'tli day of November A. 1) . 1M.V.. at 1.) o'eliiok in the forenoon ot Mid dnv at tbf otllee of id .lustlco In said preclnet, tii siiisucr the nhoveuameii pminuii m a nvll ne tlon. The defendant will take notice that if he falls to niiHuer the complaint herein, the ulniii- tll!" will tnke judgment galnt him for tlio turn ol jai.w llllll COMSOI tins llClll'Il. Given under my hnnd this 'Jth day ol Octobe A. 1., 1KW. O. 11. IU'EI.L, oUt7 JuMIceoI the Peace. Weyler and the Pope. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 14 A spe cial to the Citizen from Tampa gives an interview with a recent arrival from Cuba, a most trustworthy person, till ing of a mandate of C'eueral Wejler. Uo issued an order converting all of tho public bnildidgs iu Havana into hos pitals, including the Urbuline com ent. Bishop Saneantry Frutcs, when iu formcd of the order, endeavored to dis suade Weyler, but be wes answered very abruptly, the latter dtcliniiu to rescind tbe ordtr, and threatening to imprison the bishop, even though there were sug gestions ol excommunication. After the bishop's departure, lp-.wever, Weyler be came frightened and iesred an order ex cepting tho convent from the provisions. The bishop was incensed, and left for Ucmo to lav his rticvance before the pope. Should the popo decide to take excep tions to the actions of Wojlcr, it may cause n serious turn of tiffairs in Spniti. Tho Citrlists, who are agitating a revolts tiou, are the strongest supporters of tho dim eh, and it is eaid the popo might very easily gtyo mem nssistanco nun overthrow the power that Weyler represents. LITTLE LOCALS. some kind. The test win considered complete, and lr.-C!.ttk and Peter Bacigaiupi have been bnsilv enzaii d teiling the story over and over itirain to their frier.ds. It has set the med'cal men to thinking, and a I trge numlier oi other similar ex periments will be made. A study will be mai'e of the matter, and it is be lieved wonderful results can be obtained. Superlatives. Tiie hen that cackles loudest Doeen't lay the largest eggs; Tho mule that kicks the hardest Hasn't got the nea'e-Jt legs ; And tho waves that toss the wildest Are not of the deepostsea; The fmit that is the sweetest Isn't on the tallest tree; The dog whose bai k is fiercest Doesn't always know the most ; And the man who is tbe bravest lsu'1 ahvavs on the boast. Lime and sulphur at Marslers'l A Salzman. the reliable jeweler. Caro-Bros-siatfie bot merchant Jo to the Ho-e!ftif for the beat ehr. Good goods at the lowest prices at Salz- man'e. School books aa 1 s-a:icner at Msi- Sters' Drug Store. Dr. F. W. HaViies doe? all kinds of np-"o-date Vrit:.-try. 1. S. West doe insurance. Office opposite the post office. Neatsfoot oil. machine 3nl lubricatinc eils at Marsters Drugstore. A line line of geiits' shoes at J. Abra ham's. Prices just riabt. Munyo&'s llomcepathie Remedies for sale at Marsters' Drug Store. An endless variety f combs, hair and clothes brushes ul Marsters'. For i-argains in fatnilv groceries, call at the Pepole's store, t'-!s street. Muayon's Homeopathic Remedies at A. C. Marsters & Cc.'s drug store. Bring your clocks and watches to Slew ferry the reliable jeweler tor repairs. Dr. Ilaynes does tro-wi and Lritlse work and guarantees the same. Don't forge; tbe number. Dr. Ilavncs makes all of ariiti- c:al dentures such as goi.l, platinum and aluminum plates, also rubber sad caHu- ioid. Save money lUxV time To parties going East, go by the 0. R N. short route. Call on r write to V. C ImuIob, Roseburg, Oregon. A. C. Hoxie sells flour at 75c and SOc a sack, and 10 pounds f lard for 75 cents. People sloa'.tl take advantage oi tneso prices and give hiai their patronage. N . like, one of oar enterprising, form ttire dealers has now o;i ale a tine i t cf furniture of the latent style an-.t tirrish. Give him a call before purchasing else where. L. Langenburg is atill on top. lie curries a full stoek of ctviicw musio, mc ical instruments, violin, uuitars, accord ecus etc., vioiiu strioga of atil quality tlwAvs on hand. Slow Jerry the jeweler has 14 carat :iitix.l gold ladies wa'.ehe- nv o: Prices reduced f rout j'5 $1.-.. .leeided wrgaius. Don't fail to examine them before purchasing elsewhere. Those having second hand stoves, furniture, etc., for sale C3a receive the highest cash price by calling upon X. Kite, the furniture ?nd supply dealer, 22I--3 Jaeksoa street io.burg Or. Mrs. G. W. Kapp wiil eontince to buy and ship fresh onlmou irom Win chester or Wilbur to Portland as hereto fore and pay the hiihest mirket prites for same. Address s.sf .:tU-e box uooa pAstnreace lor stocs: at reason able rates by tbe month. All stock taken absolutely and entirely at owner's risk in every particular. For particulars enquire of J. M, Shafer Koberts crees . The cheap rates oi five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage including meals and lierth are still in effect oa the 0. R. & X. Co's ste iruers from Portland to San Francisco. Steamer leaves Portland every five days. I)'. U. W. Benjamin, late of thedental coiicgi at. Atlanta tu., lias ntteii up dental ro'im in the Marsters block. i where be is prepared to do do first class 'As the year i- fast drawing to a close work in all the latos improvements, !,c,.,;.,t:,., -;ii i, .in u- urown ami urutge woik. goiu ami porco- when suliscripti ns will tie uue, we trust our subscribers will kindly re member that printei's stock aud help cost money. Iain crown, fillings and extraction of teeth at haid-time price' and all work guaranteed. Kemsmber, room 1, Mhts terB' block.