T3E PLAINDEALEB, NOVEMBER 12. 1896. Ladies' fine shoos at Parrott Bros. J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker. Ualr oruauients, side conibs at tho Novelty Store. Shasta Water at Slow Jerry cigar and drink emporium. Large lino ol blankets, call and get our prices at tho Novelty Store. Boy your Ribbons at the Novelty Store, 10 cents per yard, any width. A girl wanted to do country house work. Addrits, box?3, Roseburg. For a good smoke call at Slow Jerry's bazar, aud get a L3 Auiores cigar, BRIEF MENTION. Minco meat at tho Homo Bakery. Coal tar and resin at Marsters'. County claims and warrants bought by D. S. West. Skating at the Armory every Tuesday and Saturday nignts. Genta' ties new lino; also a largo lino of hats, Novelty Store Call at tho Medalled nest week and Dr. Ixiwo will lest jour eyes. Simon Curo went to Portland Tuesday night to attend (he grand ratification. The ladies of tho Relief Corps will hold BELIQERANT HOBOES. a Honor show in the Marks buildinc on Friday and Saturdav. Nov. tho 13th and Tuesday morning eeyerai.uouoo'? wno 14th. Prizes will bo civon in tho fol- had congregated around a hobo fire near lowing order: For tho best display of tbo stock pens, having tirt supplied chrysanthemums, potted plants and cut themselves with liquor at a saloon, Eot flowers of all descriptions. A general mlo St when one oi mem, u Duuy- invitation is oxtonded to all. Brine 1DK 80't of a fellow, got tho wortt ol the flowers and compote for theso prizes. "ay ! tho others "nS "tin. the amount of whicli will hn decided at o eit them and went to a second-Hand at tion of tho locks io tho noon hour, in ol der not to interrupt tho work yet to be done, but for tho present boats pass any time during the day. YONCALLA. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ts. K. AdaniM is slowly improving in health. Miss Sue Burt spent Eeveral days visit our next Corps meeting and published Btoro Rn1 bought a Winchester rille, then ing Miss Mollie Jones, who is now at her later on. Ton cents admission will bo RoYal ft "V" Baking Powder charged. Olaua Berry, Sec. in rciorrtug io uio nickel miue near Riddle, the Mile says: W. Q. Brown went up town and bougul some car- homo near i onealla. tndges and wont back swoaring ven- gchool is progressing nicely under the goance upon his brother hoboes who had manilI.ament of Mr. Wilbur Pititler as ABSOLUTELY PUBE Next week will bo your last chance for of tho nickel raino is in high spirits over a long time to get glasses from Dr. Loo. See Dr. Lowe about you' eyes next week. He wou't be back for six mouths The new White Granite Iron ware Sfamnf..! doilies at 5 cents and iig squares at 10 cents each at the Novelty elin(. fll8t al Churchill, Woolley & Mc- Store. tailzie'. Nice looking shoes are not always Ginger ale, Arista Water, EoJas, and Call at tho Novelty fctoie oUier 80ft atinka at Slow ferry's drink the result of the election aud is expect ing a in. in from tho East to investigate the proposition of operating the mine, as was stated by Mr. Brown about a month nnn :.. ... i. i..r .i .. i t ti , i. t t . .i . other partio3 standing by interfered and club. Think of what this means to us . '., . .. ... fSOO per dav paid out among us for worsted him in the morning fight. He marched back and renewed tho quarrel when one of them started for him. At this ho shot him in the thigh near tho groin and would have shot him again but his eun missed Ore and before he could throw out tho shell and Oro again Also emporium, now on dratt. You can vet Standard bunting tligs at a special price for Fiag Day, at Chur chill, Woolley A McKenzie's. Our $3.00, hand sawed Genii' Shott are the best in tho market. Call and see them at the. Noveity Store. We carrv a full line of rubbers, boots cood shoes. and be convinced. Delicious "salt-rising" bread at the Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rose etreets. Nothioc but the best material used bi ll. W. Bcoiamin. dentist. Room 1, Marsters' block. "Private lunch room at the Home Bak ery, corner Oak and Rose street, loncbes put op. Fresh home-made bread at the Home M,nar Oil: and Koee streets. Alice Baldwin, proprietor. i:.nn. or,.! nrv.n at creatly reduced prices. Cash or installments at T. K. Richakpos' Teeth extracted absolutely without pain by R. W. lWnjauun, dentist, room 1, Marsters block, Roseburc, Or. One extra large box stove for tale at U. M. Wead'e Hardware Store, suit able for dry house or large store room, al;on oa farm :o take care of place, or wages. hen Mr. Hrown talks ho means business, and he is giviug us good reason to hope for the operation of the nickel mines within the course of a few months. C. E. rainier, of Drain, Douglas county, who has been taking a look at all the Southern Oregon towns with a view to selecting a home for himself and family to have the advantage of good school facilities, has decided upon Ash- iand and has made the and shoes. Cill at.d sea them when ready to buy, at Novelty Store tine seven acre peach orchard in the Fred Kellev, the man who was shot western part of town from Mrs. L. E Tuesday by a hobo, is not considered Nonis, upon which he propo3es to build dangerous now. He is Hat on his back, a reeldence at once and remove his am Get your cowbov rope at A ead s Hardware. Tne special (our ply ina- nilla stands tnice as much as sisal rope, Dr. Lowe, the cculis-t, will arrive next Sunday to stay one week. Positively no longer. Be sure to tee him if you need glatses. Wasted Man isid wife want a situ- ily. This property formerly known as the Rogers orchard, is one of the finest peach orchards in this vicinity. The price is not announced hut is understood to be satisfactory to both parties. Tidings price $15. Takes three foot wood Go to M. F. Rice's Second Hand store, Hendricks block, for late improved Sinpr Sewinc machines, needles, oil, etc. W. C. Moxboe. Agent. ForTrdc. I have a well broken 5 r.,n!,l hnro. weizht 1500. Aill trade (or a good buggy horse. Must vonng, sound and gentle. C. Van Z:le, Roeburg Th Kundv Kitchen keeps katcbioc them and will eventually katch all tl trade in their line, because they .ep everything fresher and better and just as cheap or a little cheaper than stale stun around town. When I walk Rosebarg 'raund, 1 m a lookin' for dat Kandy Krchen and it most be found, where they keep the be t of everything. Fresh now, fresh gam and fresh candies made daily. The time ol the year has come when people eat candy. You can tell one who has good taste. He bnjs bis cindy at Niece's Kaady Kitchen, the only place ; -,, mi nn ret eandr that 19 fit to S 1 j w If joa have bay, grain, bacoa. beei cattle or a good boggy you wish to trade for lumber, or ii yoa wish to buy a bill of first ehua tir or cedar lumber, yoa wii mraiH to call oa Otto A. Axucr Comstock, Oregon. T. K. Richardson has just received aaoicer or hi luuiur:, - lomce in fencing, eidewaix lamoer, ana m .ovn ud floorinz. which will be offered to tne nnhHc t ireatlv reduced price. Call on or addreis, T. K. Richardson, Rosebarg, Or. Rirr-ntT-i!. hzmiat. 3t M. F. Rice's tcond band, hardware and furniture store in Hendricks Block, opposite tbe not. Second baud goods bought and sold. Call and examine my goods be nnrrlnftnj elicwhere. Buy ol me will work the same on shares. Address this ofHcv. Others have found health, vipor and vitalitv i:i Hosd's Sarsapariila, and it snielv has rowor to help joualso. Why cot try it? W. S. Brit:, the county assessor, who has beer, down with the rheumatism for several weeks i able to be out on the streets ajsin. Buv voar shoes at the Novelty Store and if they contain shoddy insoles, etc. tbev will tell you. Oar aim is to sell you a good shof. Btjr.coacli oil 13 the best buggy cr carnage greasa in tlie orid. try a can at H. M. Weld's H-ird.ire and jou will never use anjtLisg elie The celebrated DeMoss family will give one of their srand vocal and m strumental concerts t tbe Baptist thurch in ihiscitv November 12th. SkatiDg rink, Wednesday 1t begincer only. Friday ladiis only. Tnesday and n lib la are open for ad comers. . Yoa can get knives for 5 and 10 cents5 and from that price np to f5. Each knife well worth tbe price asked at Churchill, Woolley A McKenrie's Good ad t ice: Never leave heme ona onroey without a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbia Rem- edv. For sale by A. C. Marsters A Co. E. Du Gas. Physician and Surgeon, Marsters' building. Calls in country promptly answered men: or day. Residence, 911 Mill street. C. F. Cathcart, proprietor of the Hotel VanHocten, who has been in Portland foi the nast few days ou business, re turned on Wednesday morning's over land. Mr. vt . R. Thompson ami his niece, Miss Rose Emcccit, of Douglas county, who have been in Ashland for some weeks, left Saturday for Southern Call fornia where they will spend the winte Ohl For Shambrook's Log! It is reported that our doughty sher iff with two men as a poyso was nomi nally searching last Tuesday niiht for the man ho shot a hobo TuesJay. He, the hobo, found them, the sheriff and pesse, but having a Winchester with its muule in front of him, the sheriff and posse only held a friendly confab with him for a nbile'and the hobo passed by on the other aide. There was uo log near by ior the sheriff to bide behind. The muzzle of a Winchester is not a pleasant thing to look into when a man at tbe buiiaesa end of it looks as If be meant to work tho machinery ; and B:n and his pofSi evidently considered dis cretion the better part of valor and also doubt'ess thju'ht that he ho from dargerwilkj asy may live to walk another day. stotiDod the shooting. Ho then shoul dered his gun and started across the Umpqua bridge toward Coos Bay. The aberiff was notified and started in pur suit of him but failed to find him that night. Uo returned to tbo city late in tho evening, got a bottle of whiskey and is supposed to have boarded tbe south bound freight that evening and so has mide his escape. Tho wounded man W at the county hospital in compiny with three other hntxir-R now hninir cared for at the coun purchass of a , i exoenga : one of whom was severely clubbed over the head Sunday night or Monday morning, very probably by the one who did tho shooting Tuetday; one who got hurt in a lumber car two months ago aud one- who was found about one mile south of tho city badly bruised by a pas-iing train not loug since. This hobo nuisance in this city has become intolerable and the citizens will resort to some drastic measure ere long to abate it if it continues much lon ger. Tne citizens aro becoming desper ate. They arc in constant dread of these "you-owe-me-a-living" class of genus homo contemptuously termed hoboes. Tbey are altogether too numer ous and too reckless of respectable tit izen's rights. principal and Miss Maggie Wilson ao as sistant. The fall rains are welcoraely received by tbe inhabitants of tbe vicinity. By their appearance it is expected that helalth will be restored to them noon. Mr. Wm. Wilson's wife presented him with a fine son October 20th. The mother and child are doing nicely. J. E. Trump, the boss carpenter of Red bill, has completed a lino residence for John Wilson about miles Bouth of town, and is now building a house and a barn on Mr. J. Bishop's farm east of here. Some of tbe Red Hillerp have made less the contents of their pocket books bv bettinc too freely on the election of the defeated free silver candidate, Wm. Bryan. But they need not g'ieve, for prosperity, ere many months, will tie restored to our country, and the money will jingle in their pockets. By.vtandkk. To ROSEBURQ'S OPPORTUNITY Encyclopedic NOTES OF INTEREST. Secure the Dictionary. The Pacific Coast Newspaper Syndi cate extends to the people of Roseburg and vicinity an opportunity to secure a limited number of sets of the great En cyclopedic Dictionary, upon the same easy terms as were recently offered in Portland and at the low introductory prices. This offer will hold good, at most, for a few days only, as the purpose of the Syndicate at the present is confined to ftistrlhnr.lnc n limlfprl nnmhar nf nptn fit D . . I t. r i . i i vArmna nninfa in 1 1, alato fnr tio Vnr. U.IC "ceu B"" r ... . r. uageueer Nov- Sheep dip at Marsterb'. McKinley and Bryan hats at the elty. ,For a good o-cent cigar call on Mrfa.N. Boyd. Wood taken on subscription at thib office. Go to A. C. Marsters A Co. for school books. Get your school books at Marsteis' drug store. For first-class dentistry uo to Dr. Little of Oakland. Solid silver tea and table spoons at Salzman's. prices at 's grocery. pose of comparison with other works of reference. This distribution is rapidly 1" '- ' 1 T "1 it. III BuwmusHoeuu.uuct ..i. iu ... K West, imnortcd l.- - :n. - i i 1 t . I . - . " - io impocsioie io uuiuin uie hut estept i cigars at the Koseleai. at the advanced prices. An excellent line of As far as Rosebarg and vicinity is con- Marsters' Drug Store. MYRTLE CREEK. niNINQ NOTES. From the Ctnjonvllle Aulinche Journal. Mining promises to be unusually act ive in South Douglas county when tho winter rains begin, and the product of gold for the comiDg season, promises to bo much larger then usual. It is confidently expected that there will be 100 men on Starveout at work this winter. George Elliff, H. Dyer, Pat O'shea and John Bailey, all have night for null, for Saturday and save money. Mrs. E. L. Appelboff, teacher of vocal Ashland Tiding? and instrumental music, wisnes w au- i0 Jerry. the jeweler o! Roseburg, noonce to her pupils ana me PaD1IC has piaceii0, eae the world-wide popn .. . rv 1 .l.n will laVp I . . uik aiier uuui. . 3r Seth Thomas alarm clocc. ibis en United number of pupils at the rest- . . , hag h;, name jn denceofW. A. McKenzie, corner ot Lass nlheface of ewy ,j:ner T)ey nd Main street, ltiose winning ner m- teautiei an 1 perfect timers. Call at .im.i nn nhootrt encase me nouis uv- D ' w fore tbat date U your children are subject to croup watch for tbe first symptom of the dis easehoarseness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the his shop and inspect them. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presby terian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Colburn Thurtday afternoon, Nov. 12th. The ladies are requested to be on hand as soon after 1 :30 o'clock as passi- Farewell Reception. The members of the HaptUt church met at tbe residence oi A. Parks, on the eve of II. K. Happereett and family leaving for Portland for permanent residence there, to give them a farewell reception. Nearly every member of that church wa- present, a fact nhiih shos the esteem in whicli the ilappersetta are held by this coainmnity. A pamplo of the cakes which formed part of the entertainment was Uid upon our table Wednesday morning, phoiug that ood cheer as el as the beat of neighborly feelings and Chris'ian charity promp'ed the valedictory meeting on tbe occasion of the Happersett's good bje 'o Rose burg. It was a very enjoyable affair, though mingled nitii regrets for thi-i) final departure Birthday Surprise. Yesterdav being the anniversary of Air;. Fred PaceTustin'a birthday a number of young ladies swooped down on the residence about S o'clock here they were cordially received by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page-Tnstin. In a short time cakes, pies, candies and other light re freshments were served, and after spend ing an enjoyable evening with song music aud camesthe young folks retired leaving a very happy remembrance with the hostess. Those present were: Misses Bertha Sehlbrede, Bertha Carlon, Lilly Crite ser, Birdie Slocom, Vera Uaynes, Gertie Rast, Ruth Kelly, Maggie Carlon, Alamie McCurdy, Hattie Linser, Helen Willis and Miss Carlon. pajtng properties. Perry Henkle, who purchased William KirJey ladiee by sending The election has come and gone and every true American should say amen to the result. The people have spoken by their ballot and the word is final. Yet there are some of our pop friends here that are not satisfied to let the matter rest but keep tbe town stirred up by sneering at this one and that one. The dems would not recognize them but they are bound to be recognized. Some of the old ladies are the mort bitter. They know there is a revival in some way but they can't tell juet how. Some of them congregated in one place to wit ness the McKinley parade. One Fays "Don't open the door. I wouldn't look out of the window." She puts mo in mind of another old lady at an other re vival she was asked if she had religion. Her answer was : "I think sometimes I have, and some times I think it is worms." But there is a young pep (art ist in his rniml; that is the greatest curi osity. He can't be satisfied in being used as a cat's paw to crack dem chest nuts, but must take revenge on the AIc- pictures of the cerned this is the final opportunity. The payment of $1 secures the delivery of the entire set, four massive volumes, (5375 pages, 250,003 words, of which 50,- 000 are treated encyclopaedically) at your home or office. Tbe balance due to be paid in twelve monthly payments of $1.25 each. ion will never again have such a chance. Send your name and address at once to the Pacific Newspaper Syndicate in care of The Plaisdealeb and ycu will be supplied with sample sheets for ex amination, free of charge See adver tisement in another column. All work warranted first class bv fit. W. Benjamin, dentist. and domestic toilet soaps at Now 13 Levens' mice on Tennessee gulch, is parade to them, but happily the .ladies makine preparations for a biz run thi I take it as no offense, as it is said a limb winter, and there is no question of the fell on him when a small boy. extent ol pay dirt on this claim. Joseph Ramcay hae a very rich piece of ground ou the mountain aove the Henkle claim, which has proved to 1-e a valuable piece of mining property. A number of uten ara employed at tbo Victory mine on Cow creek, and exteusive improvements have been made. This is one of the big mining enterprises of South Douglas county, and it is reported that thousands of dollars were cleaned up out of tbe mine last winter. About 30 miners will bs busy taking out the shining particles ot gold on Coffee creek during the coming winter, and a prosperous season is expected. John Bailey was in from Starveout Tuesday, and states that there will be about a hundred men in tbat camp dar ing tho coming winter. Frank Kane, who has a mine 14 miles from Riddle on Cow cieek, his a five mile ditch nearly completed. This ditcb will brine the waters of Crow creek cn But I tell you one has to get up in the morning to get ahead of my Chsilie He will yet make his mark in the world. So will a calf if the road is damp, but the people of Myrtle Creek honor principle and gentility whenever they find it. We give the" Roseburg Review credit for the lack of space to insert pop communica tion from Alyrtle Creek. B. SCOTTSBURQ. The storm of Saturday night was very eevere. The wind was high and much rain fell and tbe river is high. Scottsburg expects to have a McKinley ball soon. W. G. Grube, H. Weatherly, Miss Lucv Grubbe and B. McCollum will furnish the music. Many of our citizens rejoice oer the late presidential contest. Bryan is not discouraged one bit. He is settling back for 1000. W. G. Grubbe and W. E The Ideal Panacea. James L. trancis. Alderman, Luicago, says: I regard lr. King's .Sew uis- covery as an IdPal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, haying used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of phyeician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, ' Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister ol tbe Methodist Episcopal Church ior 50 years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave me such 6peedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Rem edy now. Trial Bottles Free at A. C. Marsters' Drug Store. Commerce Through the Locks. Daily reports of the commerce passing through the locks at the Cascades are re ceived by Captain Fisk, United State: engineer, in charge ot tne worse, ine best time made so far in passing a boat through is 14 minutes, while in some cases 24 minutes is taken. It depr-nds on what condition the boat finds the locks in. If ono lock chamber is filled, of course, time is saved. On the firEt day, five boats, carrying 915 passengers, passed through, but this number is not likely to be equaled in a longtime The regular traffic at present is one boat up and one down per day. It may be nec essary before long to restrict tbe opera Elastics aud Headaches. A youne cirl who has suffered for months from violent headaches has re cently discovered the cause, which is simple and easily removed, Owing to the new style of bats, which do not fit well on the head, the crowns being ridic- Thompson I uloaslv small, she has worn an elastic child becomes hoarse it will prevent the 0e and to come prepared to tew. attack. Even alter the croupy cough baa appeared tne attack can always be prevented by giving this remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping ing cough. For sale by A. C. Marsters. nf Air. Leonard Wells, of I a - Pt Tirimficld. Mass . bad been suffer- L. H. Wead, Sec. Salem, Or., Nov. The supreme court todav handed down its third opinion in the branch asylum case, and this time affirmed the judgement of the lower court in restraining tho state treasurer from honoring the $25,000 warrant is ing from neuralgia Ior two days, not be- SQe ;n j,ayn,ent of a site purchased for ing able to sleep or hardly keep still, location of the proposed asvlum when Jlr. Holden, the mercnant mere baiiding in Eastern Oregon . i . Imitli. nf nhnmhorlain'a Pain I Balm, and asked that she give it a tbor- r. Matcbette's Indian Tobacco Anti ... n r. Woii- dote will cure any one of tho tobacco onzn trial, on bi"6 - .t. .... i.. t..M that she was all babit in 72 hour?. It is compounded by .i' ipfi hPr within two a celebrated physician, and is the reB.ilt hoars', and that the bottle of Pain Balm of a life time study Guaranteed harm was worth 10.00 if it could not bo had leaf. Price, only oO cents for a b.g box Vnr at 50 cents per bottle -enougn ;o cure any u,umaIJ ce was for lets. by A. C. MarstereA Co. rtimnptition never worries us, because wo "buy right" hence "tell right The facts are theee; every move m our business is ouly made after the most Tfnl rnnrideration. nothing left to chance. Shoes have advanced in price bat not with ns. We tell you a good oil grain shoo for $1.25 and upwards, fine shoes in proportion, li you uouot us, come and see us, convince yourself that we have what we advertise. Wo don't care to do all tho business in town, but want to get a share of it. We firmly believe that a concern tbat gives its customers exceptionally good values in every inetance is bound to go ahead year by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire business. Every dollars worth of goods must givo the wearer satisfaction, oven tho all wool absolutely fast color 18.00 suits. J. Abraham's Clothing House. All druggists, or by mail, postpaid. Circu lars free. Dk. Matc iiktte, Chicago, III, Divino Services will bo held in St Clement's church, Oakland on Sunday November 15. at 11a. in.; and in St Georga's church, Roseburg at 7:30 p. in Thanksgiving Service on Thursday, No vember 20, will be held in St. Clement's church, Oakland, at IO:J0 a. m Thanke-offerintr on behalf of the Good Samaritan Hospital, Portland. T. N. Wilson, Clergyman, With two little children subject to croup wo do not rest easy without a hot tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the house, for the most sevore attacks quickly succumb to a lew doseo of it. Morrison, Colo., Bud. ror ealo at 2i and 50 cents per botllo by A. C. Mart tcrB & Co. narrowly escaped drowning on the night I and made it tight, so that it pressed on of the 3rd. The net which they were the nerves at the back of the neck the ground, which will add materially to setting become entangled in the water Any li3t which binds the head will pro- tbe facilities for working the ground, from catching on a snag and sunk their dace headache, and an elastic such as Last winter with only one giant aud an boat, precipitating them into the icy I the one described will produce the most insufficient water fores, Air. K-ine water into dense darkness, the lantern intense pain, especially if whi'e wearing cleaned up $2700. He will be prepared havim: itone down with the boats, and 1 the hat one is exposed either to wind or being heavily clothed found swimming a very difficult feat to perform Prof. Robbinette returned to his school labors in Gardiner on Monday, The professor was feeling quite unwell, hav to wash out an immense of dirt this winter with the improved water supply. Henry Morton, who is mining in a small way ou a bar at the mouth of Cow creek, ccnteroplatea rutting in a nhcel TAXES. Keyton Heard From. Oar readers doubtless remember the trouble our county officials had with Koyton about three years ago relative to his brutal treatment of his children especially of his little girl. He went from here to Vancouver, Wash., and by professions of great piety succeeded in getting control of his two boys which had been placed in tho care of Superin tendent Gardner of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Portland. But Keyton treated them so cruelly that Mr. Gard ner again took them from him and it is hoped they may never be again in his possession. Land Owners' Union. This institution has received new im pulse by the overwhelming majority tbo right thinking voters have given Major AIcKinley. Oniug to the previous un certainty of political matters, tho raana- wbich will enable him to handle pay gravel to good advantage. the County Court Proceedings. It. L. Cox, conslablo of Yoncalla having removed, Geo. Clark was ap pointed to fill the vacancy. The survey of the otter slough trail was filed and approved. The court decided to advertise for bids to relumber, raise and widen the bridge across tbe Umpqua liver at Roseburg. Also for bids to line the jail with steel on all tides and the ceiling aud new grates in tho windows. As per petition of the citizens of Black Alud hollow, the court appropri ated $50 on condition that said citizens expend 25 days labor with teams to im prove said road ; or any such proportion not to exceed $"6 by the county. The lower Calapooia Coyote club filed articles of their organization with names of officers as follows: Felix Star, presi- gers susponded aggressive steps, but now dent ; committee of managers, J. E. tbey hayo been resumed and will bo Ensley, T. E. Farronsworth, R. T. Ktn urged to a successful finish. Tho coast caid ; R. L. Winnlford, secretary and J. is clear and what wo can do for Oregon jj FarreiiBworlh, trensuror. ing contracted a severe cold while oa his trip to Roseburg and back. The salmon cannery notified the fish ers to ceaso fishing last week as the catch was too much to be taken care of by the workerE. A. L. Butler and wife went to Gardiner last week. Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers. All taxes not paid by Noy. 25, 1S9G, extra costs will be added. Sheriff will commence to levy on property for the delinquent taxes Nov. 20, 1S915. A. F. Steakns, Judge. W. L. Wasox, AI. D. TitoMrsox, Commissioners. all on will henceforth receive our closest atten tion. T. J. Jackson, Manager. Attention Firemen. Members of Reecue Hook aud Ladder Co., No. 1, are rcqueslod to meet at their hall, Friday, Nov. 13th nt 7:30 p. in., in full uniform. By order of tho president. C. Y. Be.nmlmin, Secretary. Tho bridge across Looking Glass creek was completed aa per contract with R. A. Fellows and a wairant ordered drawn in his favor for $75. It was ordered that all attornoys now occupying offices in tho court houso, vacate said offices by the 31st of Decem ber next. What the Matter Was. Portland, Oa., Nov. 10, 1S96 To the Editor: Aly attention has been called to a recent issue of your paper containing a communication signed "X" referring to the loss and retlccting on Mr. Conkling, the agent of the company writing tho insur ance. While I have no particular inter est in the matter, I was tho adjuster in charce of tbe loss and am familiar with all the facts. Iu justice to Mr. Conkling, I desire to say he had nothing, whatever, to do with tho case other than to urge a prompt adjustment. He in no way in dicated that any ill feeling existed be tween Air. Kearney and himseil. it is quito evident that the article was in spired by an officious third pen-on but for nhoso interference tho matter might have beon amicably settled long ago, It should be borne in mind that an "hon est loss" docs not always mean an hon est claim. This was particularly true of the caso in question. Newspaper articles, the obvious motive of which is coercion, aro not calculated to enhance the chances of a speedy settlement Respectfully, W. J. Greene, Strayed. Light bay mare, weight 1050 pounds; has no brand aud no saddle marks, no spots of any kind except the left hind foot is white. The mare is about six vears old. Tho animal came to my Kfrnv place iu the early part of last winter. I have inquired but no one knows tne animal. She is in mv enclosure, one mile north of Cauyonville. II. BoLLENBAl'GH. Goods below cost at Caro's. the the time for bargains. Nobby suits and latest styles at Little Jack's. Prices very low. All styles and qualities of hats at Abra ham's. Bedrock prices. Fred Floed. lawyer, rcom 'J. Tavlor A Wilson block, Roseburg, Oregon. Country produce ot all kinds bouzht and sold at Casebeer'a grocery etore. Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo site tbe post office. i. K. KlCIIARDSON. Jewelry, watches, diamonds, cold pens and optical goods at the lowest prices at Salzman's. Liye and let live" is Dr. R. W. Ben jamin's motto. Dental work done at bedrock prices. At Oakland, T. L.Graves is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription to the Plaindealeh. Fine gold and silver fillings put in bv R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Prices to suit the times. Have your dental work done bv R. W. Benjamin, dentist. All work guaran teed first class. Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackscn and Washington, keeps the best grocer ies. Try him and be convinced. Largest stock of iancv chairs at Alex ander A Strong's, ever brought to Rose barg and at prices lower than ever. Bring your job work to the Plaesdeal- er office. We are prepared to do the cheapest and best work south ol Port-.and. N. Rice, at his ware rcoma cn Jackson opposite Marks' iron front, has choice household furniture and tin ware at prices to suit the times. Take notice, Dr. Benjamin, tbe dent ist, is permanently located and guaran tees all his work. Give him a call and examine work and prices. If you don't war.t to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots -and Eboefc made at L. Laneenburg's. Repairing neatly and promptly done ' For a good hat, stvlish and cheap, cal on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock smbraces all grades oi head gear. The Square Deal sto: e has jast opened up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas shoes, which prove to he the test" shoes made. Come and inspect them. I am prepared to offer lumber or wood at reduced prices. I am taking in lum ber and wood on old accounts and in trade for gcods. T. K. Richardson. Caro Bros', closinc out sale is drawinc crowds to the Boss Store. Low prices and quick sales is the older of the day. Goods must Le sold at any sacrifice. Call and see. Jack Abraham, sentp furnisher, keeps the best goods and Litest of every thing in bis line, and sells them at a lower price than any of his competitors. He also sells boots and shoes at astonishing low prices. Notice is hereby civen to the public by the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the paity taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aaeon Rose, Koseburg. Oregon, .March 17th, IM. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Alorrison of Worthington, Ind.. "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I can cheerfully recomend it for Constipa tion and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it has no equal." Airs. Annie Stehle, 2625 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all lun down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric Bitters re stored her health and renewed her strength. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle at A. C. JIarsters' Drug Store. IJ..P. O. Elks. Regular meeting tonight. Initiation and other buainoss of importance. All brothers are requested to bo prosent. You can't get five nr ten-cent knives himself, though rather incoherent. DeMoss Family at Baptist churco Fri day night. For Over Fifty Vcoih. an Old and Wzll-Tkied Remedy. Mrs Window's Soothing Syrup has been uicd for over fifty years by millions ol mothers for their children wullo teething, with perfect bucccbs. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, alUys all tmln. cures wind colic, and Is tho best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pteatant to tho taste. Sold by keep worthless goods of auy kind. But druggltts In every r"t of tho world. Twenty- when you find you need a good knife nve cenis a uoiue. i u .touciuui. como . nnJ t tho be8tInace aml iiavo avrui.. and takenoothei kind. t guaranteed to stay sharp, "Liverine.j "Liverine," manufactured by the An chor S Chemical Co., the great Liyer, Kidney and Constipation cure. An in fallible remedy for all curable terms ot diseases of thoso organs. Tho greatest knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it. For sale at M. F. Rapp's drug store, Roseburg, Oregon. To Bowlers. At the new Bowling Alley, corner Main and Washington street?, wo are still Coing business, but commencing to day, Nov. S, bowling will be nt half rates until further notice. AIoox & Larimer. Carl Fisher, the hobo, who was badly beaten over tho head last Alouday by a brother of the craft, has recovered con- Eiiousness and gives a partial account of The Central House. W. H. Gordon is now the proprietor of this popular house. The table will be supplied with the best in the market good beds and courteous treatment. Aleals 15 cent, and beds the same rate. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR at II. M. AVead's Hardware. Ho don't Last Sunday night, some person or persons, lower down in the scale of mau hood than a digger Indian, cut out and carried off tho lead pipe in ono of the water cloeetB at the school house. BAKM Mil Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard.