A REPUBLICAN CONORESS. One of the beat feUures of tho hows of Iho olection Is tho assurance it nivca of it republican majority in both branches of on r as. This aw-mea tu Ttcsidetit McKinley tho support which lio will nofd to wry out his olicy fur the l'to motion of tho iiofiH;ritY cf tho American people. It seems cloar frotn tho rttnna that not only will tin- Imiiso have :i Mrtii2 re pnbltc.n maj iit . tut lliero will he in tho rnnav f f 4th uf Marcti a enf fici nt uututor o- t publicans to support all tdministraiion mPiihurus over the combined vo'es vl tit -niocntt. populists and free ailverites. Tni wtll enable congrees and the next :nim!riiitri.tii!i to carry out the plain of a proiccliye taii I", reciprocity treatise, internal itnptuve ments and the upbuilding of the Amer ican merchant marine. AVe have needed tbeai things for a lone timo, and i.ow that they seem assured within the near fatnre, it is hard to set limits upon the prosperity that is in itoio for us. It is pleasing to note that in this re publican mijo:it the Sutithirn States will have part. Tbey will no longer l regarded as a section alien to the test of the Union. They will have sttong and able representatives to act with the re publicans in piriuoting thtir intereets and industries and in providing for their own welfare as well as that of tlis resl of the Union. Taken altogether, the aasnrance of a republican congres is hardly less grati fying than the atturacce of a republican president. The one is necessary to the other. If there had been licking a re publican majority in either house the re turn of good legUlalion and of gosd times resulting from it might have been long postponed, but cow we ui&y count on its speedy occurrence. S. F. Call. Picture of Mr. Pickwick. The monthly open mee'.ing of the Pickwick Lodge, Sons of St. George, held at their loJgerooms on Mason street, was signalized Monday nuht by the unveiling of an excellent, almost life-sire crayon pictuieof Mr. Pickwick himself. It was drawn by George B. Boeewell a!;er II. K. Browne, from a frontispiece in the original edhian. . D. Brandon made an entertaining little speech in presenting the picture. Then the curtains were drawn aide, the members rose up applauding and gaye a vote of thanks to Mr. Rosen ell. In speaking of the ordjr Mr. Brandon said that while compile-J exclc-ively of Englishmen or the sons of Englishman it had a social side the Pickick Club, for instance xhere cuod citizens were we'emed without regard to nationality Wnile there we e no better Ams.-ican itfze-i ttia. were they ot E'-glish birth mil. d-i-i-itd ti ten rtinee the mother c nntrv i d adop; ttis star and ftripe h-T ti ! as that which caused iim to tteitate abool "taking out thei fir-i i-a.nt." II- raid it sbou d : be -o. He thuucht it not only a g et privilege that was offered them t 'ciaie Arsencio citizens, bet it was th-irdufy to come forward end ake h-ir share in Jtue government. 6 F Call. Foolish Train Robbers 1-ort Wociii, Tex , Nor. Z. Frem ibo-e on the northbound "Katv" train, due at 9:15 p.m., but which arrived late one hour last night, the detai s of a holdup at Alvarado were leirneJ. was a comedy of errors. Nothing was secured by the would-be robber, either from the United States mail, express cr passengers. . The robbers, three in number, Garged the train about a mile south of Alvarado, When it stopped tbev made the train porter, with persuasive eloquence of leveled six-shooters, cut the hi??? mail and express cirs from tho rest of tne train. These cars were moved forward little and then the robbers tried to force the express messenger to upen the car He refused. Then the engineer was ordered to rnn his train forward far enough tcfeet a good start, back into the standing cars at toll speed, and thug smash in the express car so it could be entered. "All right." said the cnzineer. as me and my fireman will jump as soon as we get her under eood sneed bierin you had better go back to the coaches and wait until the smadi comes. If you don t you stand a goal chanco of bein killed." They did not want to be killed. Thnv wanted to get the mooey in the express car rhey took the engineer's advice ' Vitet. The nzin-er pulled ahead a ri ,,. i. Grat'vi T f .Tr...xx f..r aiil in ca im h- chk'. Mi these w-.rthi ad -(- I - tl - I 'alert t 1 ' ' r Vrc An l j ir ii ,i , . tioar'e He thf 1I1IITS tr. in rnory of in the , -r-r- P.. . lit... k- t d .. IMij. A , Vi-tor li une't, - i.s .t LatiUin i.ntt. of Baltimore, hi i unveil trii- m'innm-nt. The Darlinzton. Wis., Journal avs cd itorUIIv of a jHjpnlar patent roedir-ino "W know from experience 'hat Ctiam berln'- Colie Cnolera and Diarrhea Kem-dv is all that in cUimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly eave-J us from an un timely grave. We would not rest easy overnight without it in the houje." This" rerne ly undoubtedly Bavcs tnoie pain and suffering thiti any other mud icine in the world. Every family should keep it in tho house, for it is suro lo be needed eooner or ialer. For sale by A. C. Marstors & Co. BLACKWELL'S pftiV wi nun. E? Ifii b l GENUINE 'j v iL W 1 1 DURH p'g Yon will ftiitl one cunpon tmlilc each two nnnce hag, unit two coupons Inildc each four ounce twg of HlocU t11' Ditrliom. Iluy n bug of this rclcbratril tobacco and rtnil the coupon vhltti glrea a lUt of vnlua!lc prrK cnta and how to nct thm. M. CRAWTOBD, Attorney ut Law, Hoom'J.MnrstcrsOuliaiDe, ROSEBUHU, OK. ttP-UuMncu beforo the U. B. Land Office and mining coses a specialty. Lato Receiver U. H. Land Office. Kouui: m. nr.owN. THE THIRD ADDITIOM BR00K5ID The IIoiVC FdPM, cast of town, has been plat ted and is now on the market m Lots and Blocks containing 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home eau now be accommodated on easy terms. All lots sold in First Brookside addition have more than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes arc made in lands near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Siezc the opportunity. For information or conveyance, call at ouy Real Estate Office, or on G T. BELDEN) Propr. MRS. N. BOYD, UEALEK IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crocken', Glass and Delfwarc, Tobacco and Cigars, Toys, Notions aud Fancy Goods. Higest Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds. lrIuet I. lnt of TEAS Iti the City. 1'ncc from IV t..6V -cr iviii-l .AN EXTRA INDUCEMENT.. I mot iur trait. al to a a iadecrneat to get is K I mic ilic loUoniac lib- 10 er! oSkx Ci; aJ I will 10 rrcn: jia with a card i like the oae r1ntt op- I ;-o?it, tod hn the urd it cscl op ytm may ! cccre the orUit. 10 io i m 10 lo 10 la w io lo - i s v o w i ?j v ; BUI NO tin, C&nl nith M oI htcc our CA-II rCRl'HASKS pacchrd out to the aaiount oi JI-. n-l yon can hive a Ljte-liic l'drtnlt. Ornyon : U'atcr Color Tint. Irom ny hotnrrah or tiuti vu jr ilre. We further u-nre 70a that it the it trail U not sat lifactorr joo need not accept it. We tne job the rorsrait i'KEE. joo. jr only ior the frame. The ol the frame, Rlaw, t-tc-. wilt be : Mholc !alecv9t prtcei. : si 4! 4 ; 1 1 10 10 10,10 w is", is! lij ii ; 15 i - t Call an.! amr4e oi thew tvantllul portraits dui!aicd ia mv show wiudonr an ! let e present job ana a iw irhl ery traiy joars. Corner Jacivra and Caiat.-wt. KOrEBURG, Olt 1. S. I haicon hanl a larse a..irtincnt ol BOOKS, suitable f--r t.th large aa-1 'i-.a!! il..: Irtn, watch I itll'. "cil at nho' -jAlc prii.es Tbcentlrc tot tor a!c -rf c---flp. Alexander & Strojig THE POPULAR HOME FURNISHERS.... oL'G and 32S Jacason SU Bet. Oak and Washington. Lart;ct and lttst Auortmtat crcr brought to Southern Oii'sou. and WALL PAPER A Urge and Elegant Line p We call the attention of onr friends to our beauti ful stock of Easy Rockers Bed Room Sets Parlor aud Dining Chairs Rugs and Carpets And all Household Articles Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. .NO TROUm.K TO snow aoous. THK FOrPLAR VT IIOMK KCRNISIIKIiy flLEXAMDER 5 STRONG jpi Hosiiuuno, onKGON. x A. C. Hoxie,, Goods delivered free to all ! PIffcl 1 Y PpPll parts of the city. Leave ' , your orders with me audi y-h save money. Roseburg, Or. lU V IblUiDb. Wholesalo and Kotnil Dealer in ruin. rAOK-TuxTtN, JROWN & TUSTIN, Attorneys-at-Law, Kooini.7 mill it Ta & WiLsoa Block. KOSEBUKU, OU. r. willis, Attorney und Counselor at Law, Will practice in all the courtl of the State. Of. flea in tho Court IIoum, Oouglu county, Or. Q A. SEHLBREDK, Attorney at Law, Itottburti, Oregon. OtQea oyer the roatoffleo on Jackaon street. W. CARS WELL, Attorney at Law, KOSEBUUO, OREGON, La Fayitte Use. Juimje L. Louchaey F ANE & LOTJGHARY, Attorneys & Counselors at Law JtOMcbnry, Urcyon. Mr ill rractice In all the. court! of Orrirun. Of. acciutae larior-tvuson Diocx. E. D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Koonis :t and 4 Taylor A WiUou UliHik. K03KBU1KJ. OK YRA BROWN, M. D. OhTICE, ItiJ Jackson Street, at rcv idenco ot Jlrs. J. Bincr. It0rK3L'UG, Olt. L. BRADLEY, M. D. Phj'sician & Surgeou. Office Houtr, Irpm 11 to 3 r.ir. Taj '.or & ilsoa B rick BOaEB 0 K0( P R. COFFMAN, Physician and Surgeon .1. S. Examining un:con.) OFKK'K Hivimi c nd 7 MarlrrV Hmldlii kcsmvdcc. Hrt door 2uUi ot Mrs. Cunlcr uo arums Hons.-. StYial attoiltfnn Ul Kur?rrr anil the r, . ..- J N J. U7.1.VN, .!. II., Ph'siciau aud Surgeon, UOiEBUKii, OK. Orhe in i. Maris i Co-" Block, urslaln I a. 13 prorapUy aiuwcrv.il day or night. L. MILLER. M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathic Physician, ftoirourj, Vrtgon. tufChrutla leaea a pecialty. YflLL. P. HEYD0N, Ooimtj- Sjitrvcyor. and otar' Public. Omct: In Court Uoute. Ordor lor sarrelnr and FI1.1 VmraahmiM "wtuawi iu mil 1 tieuon, vountj anr noeeourp, nr. w T F. BRIGQS. . F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. TEAS A SPECIALTY. A. ipccial brand jf unadulterated Te. ()i priic I liaring a large ealc New tylt Glass and Delf Ware at toni.Uins luw pneea. Oar own canoed lomauMi are Terjr popular. WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! 0 his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. t it. : cr j r i :.. r 1. . 1 j and sold at very reasonable prices. vvc jiu.vc u. very ciiuitu muck ui canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick- els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. Wearo always in the Lead, and mean to keep there. V B. Deputy Sllucrnl Surveyor nntf IS'otnry I'ubllc. Orricr. Coan'.r Jail Butldin?. up talrs. 5 racial attention nal.t tnTranfrrani! Conveyances. A ddrtM, KOSEBURCi OR. NEW FEED STORE CAWLF1ELD & CAWLFIELD Havci-.st optneU a firtcJa3 Fccl Sloru and have on hand a tarco invoice ol tho beat Kocbun; aud VbIIct Rotir, BalcJ Hav, Grain and Feed ot all kinda. All paxhaaa JcllTcreJ tree Cor. Cats and Rote street. JERRY J. WILSON, Watchmaker ami Jeweler, jsh JacUsou Htrvct, At Luin.en s Cisar Factory. KOaEBUKG. t&.AU Iepntrltiic cutruHtcU to my enre will be rROMI'TI.Y nud carefully done. VKICE3 KEASOXABLE. Hftaraa Uto tfa B (theXsehhe) Cigar Store .IERRY J.VILS0N, Propr. iStlccOior to SEN ATE M.V1.00X. Choice Clsars and nil kinds ol TcmpcrHUcu Drinks constantly on hand. Kcmovcd Irom cor. Oak ntnl Jsckson to I'AIUtOTT BUILDING, 55 JACKSON STI5EET, KOSEBUKG, OREGON. LOST MANHOOD Eatily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. C'xrnruTD ENouen KntiDr NEBV1A. Histoid on a positito Kuarantco to euro any form of nervous pros trillion rr any disorder vt the gf riital organs of either ser. caused rlnfnrn. hv ..rrAisivo USO of Affnr. Tobacco. Alcohol or Oriuni, or on account cf youthful Indiscretion nr over indulccncn etc.. Dirtiness, Convulsions. Waksfulncss. Ilcadaclic., Mental Dcprcision. fckjtteningof tbo Brain, Weak Memory, Bearing lloirn I'ains. Seminal Weakness. Hysleria, Nocturnal Kmlssions, Srermatorrbrrs. Lots ot Tower and Inipotency. which If neglected, may lead to promature old age and insanity. l'.isitlvcly Ruernntcod. 11ico.Sl.00 a box; Gbixca for JJ.OO. tent by mail on rccolptotprlco.A written Kuarantco furnished with every $J.OO order received, to refund the money if a permanent euro Is not cllectcd. , ' HKItVIA MEDICINE CO.. Detroit, Mich. Sold by A. C. Marstcrs & Co. The Golden Harvest ia upon us, and farm ers are smiling became Woodward loo.es to their interest. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced Prices. Consult your purse and be sure and see Woodward before buying. W. G. WOODWARD H. C. STANTON Basinst received a new and extensive stock o DRY ; GOODS CON8ISTINQ OF Ladies' Dress Goods, Hibbons, TrimmiBg, laces. Etc, Etc. -ALSO A FINE STOCK OF- BOOTS AiD SlIOJ Of the best quality and finish. 3R0CERIBS , Woodi Willow and Glass MTare, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Also on hand in large quantities and at prices U jult the times. Al-o a lar;e sUek of Custom-Made Clothing Which is offered at cost price. A fall and select stcck of SCHOOL BOOKS Constantly on hand. Also the LATEST .NOVELTIES LN STATIONER) Oeneral sgect for every variety ot sobscriptlcn books and periodicals published in the United States. Persons wishing: reading matter of any kind will do to frive me a call. HESMIN'S FRENCH FEMALE PiLLS. Containing Cotton Root and Pennyroyal. 7U tin ail it tstutli Trsili nij ta m rali. MesrohVs French Fe male Pills, hivo been sold for over twenty yearasd nsed by Thou sands ot Ladies, who have Riven testimonials that they ara unexcelled, as a specific monthly medicine, for immediate relief of Painful, and Irregular Menses, lo cale Weakness etc Price. 13.00 a boi, with fall directions. UKrNoscTisTrrrTis,oBsrunioc3 imitations. 3ESMIN CTBillCAL C'0 Drrsotr, ilicu. Sold by A. C. Marsters & Co. Mineral, Railroad. Aricultural. H- C. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1100 0 St., N. V. Wash.ngtou, U. C. For many years in the General Laud Office. Examiner of Contests. Mineral vs. MincrnlAS KailroRil and Aricultural claims, and Late Chief of the Minora Division. Correspondence ited. Pinal Settlement. I'll WHOM IT MaY CONCEK.N": XOTICK IS -1- hcrehv given that the unilrrnlitnrd, ei ciutorol the last will nud tetllnlellt and estate (nienry S. Marsh, deceased, tins this lav (ilctt his final account with id estate, anil thnt Monday tlie -ml day ot November, l!5i-, nt 11 o'clock a. 111. of said day nt the County Court K00111 ol lloiislas Couuty.Oreson, has been lied liyllon. A. K. Stearns. Judge of said Court, as the time mid place for hearing objections to said account and to the settlement thereof. Dated this 1st day of October. ls-'.V.. .1. S. HUNT, Executor of the estate ot II. S. Nash, deceased. C. A. HKiiLiuiKni:, Attorney for Executor. olt... j. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, i. HOTEL. -McCLALLEN. Mitt?. D. C. MC1.AI.I,EN. l'ri-j.. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING N. . It.VTliH RI-AHONAHLF.. Lurne, flue ample Hi'in. Free Bus to and Krom'I'rslus. SOSEBuflS. M. JOSEPHSON'S New York Cash Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. jcOPYRICHT j "WE SELL THE FAMOUS Charter Oak AND superior COOK STOVES. The Best Stove is Always the CHEAPEST. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MCKENZIE'S Roseburg Hardware Go. A SQUARE DEAL We are Here to Stay.'f E - i 00 S3 CO r a o f CO 1 , . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . , 1 1 . 1 1 , , li o 4 5 ti 7 S t) 10 11 12 Is what we give to every cus J tonier, for we believe the best 1 advertisement possible is a cus , toiner pleased with what we have sold them, they will come j again and again, and their friends ! : will come too." We are not here for a day 1 or for a month. We are Here to Stay. .Roseburg, Or.