The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 09, 1896, Image 2

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. Pub'JihedSlondaTi and Thursday.
Huttscrlptloo ItntcM.
One Year
Sir Months.
Toite Stoatht-
The republican party is ajrain
trial. It has teen restore.! top.werby
the voice of the people. The Plaix
dkaixs now advieB the partv to raoe
forward in reform. It farther shV? tbe
party, ami wid insist npon it to refuse to
maip anv appropriations at the next
legislature which are net absolutely
for the needs of the state government.
The Plaindealek demands and ill in
sist npon it that the next legislature re-
enact tbe xnortgige tax law, and exeaipt
from taxation all evidences of indebted
ness which are ol record an J n we oih?r,
and that all record evidssces of credit
ahall be a prior lean npon the prorty
of tbe debtor, whether they b mort
gages, deeds ol trust bonds for deeds or
promisory notes.
Tbe Pluxde also deaimds that
the committee clerks nnisance in tbe
legislature be abolished. There is ao
necessity for so amy commit'ee cleris
with nothing to do bet i ! a voccber
for their p3y.
Then as to the National government.
The Plalsdealer demands more strin
gent immigration laws. Tbe Plain
dealxk bnt echoes the voice of every
tree American citizen that, not only tbe
Chinamen be exdeded from oar soil bot
every foreisner who cannot read and
write onr lanznae, and every one who
shall comply with tint requirement shall
in addition thereto be requi'ed to pay a
per capita tax of f-500; and before being
invested with the elective franchise be
required to prove a continued residence
of 21 years in tbe United Statu and then
Use the oath of atlegiancs as required
under present laws. If any foreigner
does not want to comply with such re
quirements in order to enjoy the bene
fits of oar laws and institutions let him
stay away. We can get along without
him. The time was when foreigners of
character, honesty and perrooal Torth
cm to tbi cortrr voluntarily. Now
tne natiocs of Europe and A Ma are fend
ing here their nndesiraVe citizen!
their eocialits, communists, anarchists
and disturbers of law and order, fir tbe
purpose of petting rid of them and our
conntry has become a dumping ground
for the above named dau of perwns.
We demand that this process of immi
gration ceate. The people are fast
ripening for a radical ensure in covern
rsenttl affairs and look to the republi
can party to initiate tbe system a; out
lined above. If the republican party
neglects to take up and adrtxate them
the people will ere iocg form a party
that will. "Can ye not discern the
signs of the times.''
Now that tbe election is over and the
gineral result known, it becomes every
good citizen to turn his attention to the
consideration of legitimate business.
The charges of 'fraud, intimidation and
rascality in the past by either party to
tbe late political controversy, wid not
change tbe result or make amends for
any alleged wrong. But as stated at the
beginning of tbis essay it is hoped that
every good citizen will devote his atten
tion to legitimate business and try to
build up our material interests by mu
tual co-operation in all laudable under
takings. The mental strain which po
litical bickerings too often engender has
lost its high tension and the mind is
again free to engjge in the stern realities
of every day duty tbe doty of acquiring
an honest living.
T-1 - i i .
mere is laroor to reriorm in every
legitimate calling.
There are farms to be cultivated,
bouses to be built, manufactories to be
operated, mine2 to bo opened and de
veloped, highways to be constructed to
facilitate business; in short all the avo
cations of labor ehould be looked after ;
and the Plainoealkk will now devote
its attention to labor institutions.
a creamery in or near tne city is
greatly needed. The shipping into this
county from the coast, from California
and even from east of the mountains
tons of butter every 3 ear ought to be
replaced by a hoine production. Then
too, the grocers of this city ship in from
California and the east tons of canned
goods, when as to vegetables this county
can produce en good vegetables as evor
grew in the earth end can be produced
in sufficient quantities to supply the
local demand and a suiplus to eliij
abroad, to places where they cannot be
profitably grown.
xnon too, tne sugar oeet can do ex
tensively grown here, also sorghum
sugar cane, iiroomcorn can be grown
to perfection here. Why not some one
start the manufacturing ball rolling.
The country will never prosper until
its manufacturing inlereit are esUb-
lulled and pat upon a solid financial
Tooting. Manufactures are tndiBpenai-
b!o to agricultural ruccess. Tliese two
industries are interdependent upon each I
other for success. idential vear. Complete official returns
Revival of Business.
There is no doubt but that bustneas
will revive from now on. But we should j
not expect business to revive with tne I
same rate of advancement it went down
after Cleveland's election. A house
thst has taken months to build may be I
t burned dou in an hour; and to rebuild
it auin ti'l require months mora. So,
too, the revival ol business, while it
will !e certain m ill l slow.
There will now undoubtedly follow a
rpvival of Imsinets because the policy of
the MpuHlicaus on the financial question
is well known ami em be relied upon
Capital knows whit it can depend npon
It Las .xiiitiderce in the practical good
etTets of republican administration
Alnvidy dispatches from the Eis. note
the starting up of mauuf.ctures and the
cont-eq'it'tit employment of large num- I
ber i f workmen
The Cscades locks were formally Ic-tTWedav, Njvember o with
treat pomp and cvremouy. The little
steamer. Sadie B. iu tho lend. This
canal will be of immeme advantage to
the state at Ur.-e. an.! id uncahulable
Iwnefn to 1'jrtl.ind and northeastern
Oregon. The lilies, a few miles above
on the Columbia rejoices rauchlv. Tbe
citizens of that inland city aou'd not ex-
change places with Portlanders now.
The next move will -e to construct a
canal or boat railway at The Dalles.
When that shall hava been do:.e so that
freight may move nnrestricted Ittwetn
Portland ar.J the grwt wheat fields and
patture lands of Eastern Oregon it will
be a pro-id era for the Btate.
It appears that employew of tbe fire
department of Portland under Mayor
Peanoyer have btec made to pay five
dollars each for the piiv.lege of boMing
their job. That is reform for you with n Chief Ie Buest paid ofif the
memt ers ard held back I each. They
were cot ssked to contribute that
araoott but it wi- taken from them co-
leap volens, but sriven to understand
that hereafter their.salsnes were not to
be reduced. Such is populism while
cursing Hjeoj.
By a glance a: the mip of the United
States it will be readi'y perceived that,
as to territory, Bryan bas carried tbe
largest area by a'jjut one-:bird. But ss
to popu.i'.ion. the llrvia stales toot up
only abvUt oae-thtrd, it?, 25,000.000
whiie the McKiaiey slates fojt up
45,(s,C00, nearly 10 to one.
We are in receipt of the Avalanche-
Journal published at Cantonville by
Keeler H. Gabbert, who in his pro -
pectus of October 31st, mje: "Where
it is necessary to mention politics tbis
paper niil be on the republican side."
We wel-c:e the Avalanche to our ex
change li-t
The country is safe. Tbe popular ma
jority fcr McKiaiey d Ilobait will be
one inii.ion and their majority in tbe
electoral college will be greater than that
of C.evelaad last election, which was
the largest since Grant's ia 1572.
Washington, Nov. 4 The president
has issued the following Thanksgiving
proclamation :
"By the rei leLl of the United
States :
The people of the United Statei
should never be unmindful of the grati
tcde they owe to the od of natiocs for
bis watchful care, whi- h has shielded
them from disaster end pointed out to
them tbe way of peace and happiness.
or should they ever re.'us; to acknowl
edge with contrite hearts their prone-
10 lcrD awa-v lrom woo a teachings
and to follow with sinful pride after their
own devices,
To the end that these thouibta may
be quickened, it is nttlng that, on a day
r , -rr "kCuUUlu JJ1U i -
gether in approaching the throne of
srauo iui praise anu supplication.
Ibereiore, I, O rover Cleveland,
: 1 a I il T f 1 n. .
prcMucruu! ie untiea stales, do Here.
oy.iesignate ami set apart I tureday,
theCth day of the present month o
.ovemter, to De Kept and observed as a
uay oi iuasgiving acu prayer through-
out cur lanu. ua mat uay let all our
people forego their usual work and occu-
pations and assemble in their accus-
tomed places of worship; let them with
one accord render thanks to the Ruler of
me i niyerse mr our preservation and
our ueiiverance Jrcrn every threatened
oanger, lor tne peace that has dwelt tract here today for building a now 4rt5,
withinour boundaries; for our defense 003 river steamboat. Plans were made
against disease and pestilence during the
year that has passed ; for the plenteous
rewarus inai nave louotteu tne lauors oi
our hU3bandmen ; and for all the other
oieusings inai kiiave neen vouciisaled to
"And let u?, throngh the mediation of
him who has taught us how to pray, im-
piore llie torgivcDCfs of our sins and a
continuation ot heavenly favor.
Let in not forget on this day of
maiiKEgmng the needy, and by deeds of
cnariiy let our otlenngs of praise be
mane more acceptable in the eight of the
v iicess my tiaiKi anil me seal ol the
United States which I have caused to be
hereto affixed,
"Done at the City of Washington,
this -Uh day of November, in the year of
our Lord 1810, and of the independence
of the United States of America, tho
(Seal.) "Ghovkk Cleveland.
"By the President.
"Ric icahd Olkev,
"Secretary of State."
The Figures Stand
Louisville. Nov. ( The followini; is
from republican headquarters
"Kentucky has gone republican for
(he first time in ila history in a presi
from 111 counties, and reliable unofficial
returns from the other eight comities,
c;vo McKinley 45C plurality. Four
vear8 ag0 the state gave Cleveland -10,000
pluralits' over Harmon, and jpive
Weaver, the topu!iat candidate 23,500
votes. The fusion of democrats and
populists this year was complete and
the victory lor Aictuuiey means, mere
fore a reversal of 61,000 votes, based on
tho figures of '92.
"At this writing, our mist complete
returiis show democrats go the lltL .dis
trict with 13.S22 plurality in their favor,
Lnj aie met 4,272 repub'iran plu
rality, giving a net plurality of 450 for
McKinley. Sam J. Hoiiehts.
Coairm u
Spending Millions.
IVrrsiiCKo, Nov. 7. The Carnegie
bleel Company, limited, at a meeting
today resolved to proceed with the build-
ling of two additional blast furnaces
The total expenditures of tbe works
authorized exceed i,JoU,wu. it was
also decided to push to completion tbe
new railroad to the hakes, requiring the
expenditure of $3,500,000. Carnegie also
accepted bids today for the erection ol a
new library and ImII at Homestead, to
cost $250,000. He said he was so certain
me country is entering a penoj oi pros
perity he was willing to spend
New Yokk, Nov. 7. Wbet got with
in V-c of the vear'n highest point thi-
morning, acd fell for want of support.
The bubs were much in evidence, des
pite foreign celling and a rather slim
array of helpful nes. They relied on
creating a wave of bull excitement
among the local traders, but the tempta
tion to accept profits finally tijnet their
plans, after prices had been carried up
IJ-jC to SG'c for December. The break
came in tne last quirter-hou.. Decem
ber dropped sharply to Soic, and on the
curb to 55c Conservative traders re
fused to buy on ths advance. Most of
the bujing us by shorts and local
traders. The news cousis'ed of s:ron2
Liverpool and Benin cables, light
spring wheat teceip'.s, liberal weekly ex
port, and strong Pacific coast markets.
D.-ahngi in futures duriug the morning
footed up 4,470.000 besheis.
Time to Sell Bonds.
New Yobk, Nov. 7 Tbe 116,100,000
of New York city bonds, for which bids
are to be oaered on Monday, owing to
the activity in investment and simula
tive circles, and the o'.ner monetary cin
Jitions, are expected to be largely over
subscribed. At least two 'syndicates of
bankers and investment firms are under-
stood to hiva been formed to bid for all
or any pirt of the bonds
Silver .Mine Resumes Work.
Carsos, Nev., Nov. 7 The News, a
republican papjr, this evening stales
that tbe only important silver mine in
Nevada, after being closed some time,
will at once open in full blift. Two
hundred men hate been engaged to com
mence at once, and others will be put on
later. This mine is tbe Cortez limited,
and is strictly silver.
Rockefeller's Iron Mines.
Cleveland, Nov. 7. Frsnk Rockefel
ler has gone to Lake Superior iron-
mining district to arrange for an imme
diate resumption of work in all depart
ments of his extensive mining interests
Wheat at the Baltic.
London, Nov. 7. At the Balti; today
wheat is very firm, generally Oil higher,
and in verv moderate demand.
The .Mills are Now Opening.
Cincinnati, Nov. 5. A spucial dis
patch indicates a revival in bisinees
tbrooghoat the Ohio valley, as well as
here. Tbe Big Four. Chesapeake and
Ohio, and Baltimore and Ohio roads all
ordered their shops opened todav and
enlarged the forces at those already run-
ning. The Ensign Car Works at Hunt
MDpoD, . ta., rtsumeu. me car
works at Mount Vernon, 111., got an
order for 300 cars from the Louistil.'e
Und Nashville road and resumed work
The Niles Tool Worts ami other shops
at Hamilton announced increased forces
Furnaces at Ironton, Ashland and other
river towns announce that they will
ja blast soon. The Griffin Wood Works
and tbe Powell Brass Works, both large
comercs, employing many men, an-
nounced today that they would resume
at once. Others report that they had
conditional orders on which they will
enlarge their forces immediately
The Pittsburg Packet Co. closed a con
and the contract drawn two months ago,
but the closing of it was conditional upon
the result of thiB election.
The big cooper shops at Rsridon, O.,
bavo resumed work to their full capacity
One, and probably two, of tho idle
tniils of iho I)3yton Pipe Co., this
couf , will start in full as soon a3 ro-
pni i-ow in progress can be completed
i ..j Burns Iron Works at Portsmouth
whlih have been running on short fotce
announces that it will employ a full
force immediately.
Aloney Easy
Kansas. Citv. Nov. 5. l:inl(m
in separate interviews today, united in
saying the result of the election haa been
to mako tho Kansas City money market
easy, and that business men who have
been cramped, duo to Iho banks con
tracting loans, need havo no more
trouble in that respect. Ijcal banks
had universally withheld their gold up
to tne conclusion of the cloctiou. Today
they began paying yellow metnl out lo
all their cuetomcis who desired it
Cow- Creek
Myrtle Creek
Civil Bend
Ten Mile .-.
Camas Ydley. . .
Looking Glues. . .
West Roseburg. .
Urn r qua
Deer Creek ... .
Mt. Scott
Eit Umpqua...
Coles Vallev....
Puss Creek
Scott fcburg .
Gardiner .
The Fif6tGan. ,
Milw.u-kkk. Nov": C The settlement "
of tbe presidential flection is havme a
cbterful effect on- Industrial circles in
this city. The Milwaukee Harvester
Works was the fiist institution to start
the bill on the road to pros;erity by em
plot irg three hnr.dred additional men.
Two hundred mere will te added within
a men h.
Rail vt ay officials report a great rush
for mi:c3ge Looks by traveling agents.
The Ipswich Mills Resume.
Irwicii, Mas?., Nov. 5 The worlen
and cottou of the Ipswich Corpora
tion, which have been shut down fcr
omo time wilt start on full time eary
next week. E-up!ojment will be givn
to about 1000 hands.
PrKixoriELtj, Mass.. Nov. 5. The
Spauldii g and Pepper Manufacturing Co.
has sthrted up its factory after a few
weeks' shut dotva pvndmg the result of
the election. The company had a large
numter of orders. copdi'ional upon a re
publican victory. .
Customs Revenue.
The certainly of the restoration of the
republican party to the roensgement ol
government aft dis paint to and guaran
tees a revision of tho tariff laws on the
line of protection, and that a large num-!
brr o! articles which tl.e Wilson bill
placed on the free list wid be restored to :
the duliable list. '
But this change cannot be affected si;
some time next summer or fal. fur a
special session will undoubtedly be con
vened by the incoming president. In
the interim importers will no doubt
make extensive imports of goods now '
dutv free or on law tariff.
So it may be concluded that the last
few months of Cleveland's and the first ;
few months of McKinley'a administra-
tion there will be a larger revenue ecl
lected on importations under Cleve
land's last year than of McKinley's first
year. A change of an administration
from a high to a low tariff stops importa
tion even before an act is passed lower
ing tbe tariff rates but a change from a
law to a high tariff causes an increase in
importation of now dutiable or low tariff' and those soon to be
rate goods. So, doubtless the revenue ghocW knotiat x!
for the next vear will bo much larger j Pierce's Favorite
than fcr the following year under McKin-; fjhont tor-
iev, tven if the duties be increased.
The I'tAiNDEAUei: believes in Rranting
honors to whom honors are due. It con
cedes t fuch democrats as Hon. L. F. J
Line and Judso M. L. Tipes and
thoufari'Ii of others who love their
country better than partv, tbe honor of
eavin itns Mate irom tne political
heresy of the tiWentee.
What it the matter with Hanna?'
The f-jpo:ratj enrreptitioully adminis
tered to him last Tuee lay a portion of ;
laUo'hini: tin. Tht i-i all, he'll get
over any injurious effects by the 4th of I
next March. !
This is tbo complaint of n . .
thousands at this season. JSSTi
They have nonripctitl; food BsBdfc'
docs not relish. They need the toning upof
tho stomach and digestive organs, which .
a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will glvo '
them. It also purifies and enriches tho j
blood, cures that distress after eating and 1
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, creates an sppctite, overcomes that
tired feeling and builds up and sustains
t he wholo physical system. Itso prompt
ly and efficiently relieves dvsnenticsvmn-
toms and cures nervous headaches, that it J
eccms to have almost "a magic touch."
Is the best hi fact the One True Blood Purifier.
u n i--n are the liest alter-dlnncr
nOOCI S FlIlS plIK aid digestion. 25c.
Assignee's Pinal Notice.
x licrcliy given that the undersigned, assignee
n( the estate of I. Hesrdslcy Insolvent debtor,
lias thts day lilcd Ills llnal account in said estate
and that the same w lit on
TtiCfMlay, tlic 8tli clay of Decern-j
lcr, 1896, 1
nt the regular I)eccmler IS9i term of the Clr- i
cult Court of the State of Oregon ho preKcnted
to tho nald Court for approval. Alt persons
havinc olilrctlnn tn said account will ideasc !
present the snnio on or before that date.
Attorney for Atslguie uoti
26 40
4S 83
105 112
6C 65
71 135
27 100
37 65
39 3
37 78
77 45
133 125
101 141
140 159
IS 23
22 5S
40 71
01 63
10 13
01 144
151 . 8s
103 117
1C1 84
'02, SO
119 55
57 II
117 97
27 24 1
ii 1915 20591
1 1
21' 351 492
Let it rain, the gloiious victory is ours.
Myrtle Creek out done itself in cele
brating McKinlcj'a election. The ladies
came out in their gala dres with j el
low flowers, brooms and flics, headed
by James Dunivan wheeling Mr. Gallop J
in a wheelbarrow, followed by C. J. 1
Richey with a drum. A. Fenton with a! ID
banner "Clean Sweep,-' Mr. Hoopen-
garner with McKinley'a portrait, and '
the ladies in lice, with Lells ringing, an-1
vils booming the glad tidings "McKinley J
iselecUd." The Isdies thank Mr. A.I.
Fen'.on and Mr Hoopengarner for their
kind assistance in getting biocms and
making banners. Now if the idle men
will only work instead of sitting on a box
whittling and cursing the country t'ey
can have the chance. A Reitisucan.
To Rent.
Five-room cottage on Jackson street.
Office two rooms on Jackson street,
opposite post office.
Large house and plenty of out build
ings, 20 acres ot land with 01 chard, in
West Roseburg.
Large house and S acres at Eden to cr
one mile from town. CV.I on or address
T. K. Richakdsox,
rixes roa a feeling of horror and dresd.
There is no longer necessity for iucse.
in many disexses formerly recorded as
iccaraile without ctlisg. The
Trinmpb of Conservative Surgery
U wen illustrated by the fact that
DIIDTI1DP or Breach is bowk
lUr 1 UIG any cared withoct the
knUe and withoct pain. Qnxnsy, chaf
ing tresses can be throrrc away They
never en re bnt often induce inflamma
tion, strangulation and death.
TIIMfiR"s Orarian, Fibroid (Uterine)
1 UilltJIYO ao(j jaany others, are cow
removed withoct the perils cf cutting
other diseases of the lower bowel, are
permanently cured without pain or re
sort to the knife.
CTfiP in the Bladder, no matter
01lSltL fco-x large, is crushed, pnl
teiued, washed oot and perfectly re
mored without cutting.
CTPIfTIlPF orcriaaryrassaceis
Ollxlwl UlvIaisairaoTOiwHhoct
catting In hundreds of caes. For pam
phlet, references and alt particulars,
end lo cents in stamps) to wortd's Dis
pensary Medjcal Assocatica, 64j Main
Street, Buffalo. K. Y.
tores, terrors and
dancers to both
raother and child, by
aidiajr nature in pre
paring tne system
for oarturition.
Thereby "labor"!
and the period ofj
confinement are
greatly ahortened. It also promotes the
Mcretion of an abundance of nourishment
for the child.
Mrs. Dora A. GCTnjtlE. of Paklty. Otnlon Co..
' Trtn., writes; "when I began taking I
Tnn., writes; "When I began taking Dr.
I rierce"s Faronte Trecnption. 1 was notable to
stand on my leet witnoot sunenng a:tnost ueatn.
Nott I do all my housework, washing, cooking,
sewing and everything for rny family of eight. I
am stouter now than I have len in six years.
Your Favorite Prescription' i the best to take
nie. I never suffered so little with any of my
A limited number of sets of this great
work w ill be distributed in Uoeburj:
and vicinity at the low introductory prices.
At once a Dictionary
and an Encyclopaedia.
'jO.OOO Words 30,000 Kncyclop;vlic
rjubject Produced at n cost of $750,000.
Four Massive Volumes, weight 40 pounds.
Ono dollar secun-s the delivery of the entire work ; balance to be paid at the
rate of $1 25 per month for oue year. ,Send your name and address to the Pacific
Const Newspaper Syndicate, care of The Plusdealek, and you will bo supplied
with sample pagoa for examination.
Two Lives Lost.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors she had
jconsumption and that there was no ftoj
rtrMv .m ntr. j.S a rin&il Via T t kl
eays it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Ey?-
ors, 139 Florida St., San Fraaeiswo, ar.f
ferel from a dreadful c-ld, apiwoaebir-
consumption, tried witnot resell -ry
thing else then bought ote t-ottle i Ur
King's New Di'cjvery and in two !-5:
W03 cured. He is n.ttnrally 'haoitfii.
It is such result, of which theae af
eamplef, that prove the wondfni s-!6-'
cacy of this mfdicine in cfjl-?. zaA ;
colds. Frte trial bottles at A. C. '
ters & Co.'s drug store. Regular !
50c. and J 1.00
ThU in Tonr Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stacsM,
& generous sample win oe a""""
most popular tawrrn ana aiay rtn ,
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufHcient to deaoB-
Btrate trie great merits 01 me zesu-. ,
KLiY I1KU1'11.K&.
I 50 Warren St., New York City.
i Eev.JobnReid. Jr..of Great Palis, 3t.,
recommended Ely's Cream Echn to jr.. I
', can emphasize bis statemont. "It i a posi
tive cure for catarrh if ued adiric4'L',
Iter. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central P.
Church, Helena, liont 1
I Ely's Cream Ea!a i? the actncled(i i
cure for catarrh and contains no m-c-ry
' nor any iniarioas drug. Price, 50 ceste. ,
Gives tte '"h. .- ''.
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Kates to all Eastern Cities.
1 poktland-sa:: 7EA5Cfcco.
i Kramer- letrv Ainjwarth dock, Portland,.: ;
, p. m.. every live dayf. Cabin. I'jM, sttrse,
For full details eall on or addres
' . C. LONDON.
Arat, E5tur7, Oregon, or a-Mres
j:n;ra! ?a"r.
;er Agent, Portland. Oregon.
I'res.dr nt tn 1 3IaEa?rT
Cents per Day.
Give Us a Call.
in THEancrrrcorRT ofthetateof
A Oregon, for Doastas Conaty.
3. rnetta Moore, I'laintilT.)
vs. c
James Moore, Defendant.)
i o Jamo i Jloiirc. the abo o aaaitd dofendan:
I:i the name of tbe stt ofOreston. ouare
jereby reuuircl to avpear and answer the emu
plaint filed acalnst o in the alove ent;!etl
Ti t. ui the above named Court on or bef-r.- the
t day t'f the next rocalv torra of sal t Court
to--.Vii The
3d Day ot Deccmrjcr, 1896.
And j " ." taie notice that i: j ou fail o to
appear and answer said coraplaitit. for want
thereof, the plaintilT will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in said complaint, which
is a dissolution of the marriage contract nw
existing between yourself and the p'.amtiff
herein, and that the plaintiff be awarded tbe
care, custody and control of the three minor
chiliireu the'issue oi y.ur rusniage with plain
tiff to wit- Oreii Moore, oertie Mucre and
Mary Mocre.
ThU summons is published byittnre uian
' order made in Chambers at Eosebunr. Pouslas
Count v. Oreaon. by Hon. J. C.'Fulitrton.
Jndse ot Said Court, which -aid i-nier is dated
tht dRT r t r- A- -TPvn
Attorney for Plaintiff.
m ii
5het MUSIC.
(., , M m
' A.MtmA
! 4sfn -mm fcw-fc
Id IlitwiaNa,
To Uc VttoHc.
ito i ivrr Um S Wk k. c4r
XUsA tW my -kiu U aii M&Ant'
wMk 3 eswt m'tth Urn 4r. t aA it
huAt, and it.iT 1M f c 4n Vitbx kj
tar rnymH wy ttSSitet trfeay
c.- V. Vwzsm.X t'fcfJ-rtv2r.
n Coareiie.
ylltin r.nrvm frm It imi mC S
uttU vl; trrfMt. rtM!v, SJ .
,JJ... i YwyS r2Mk, VZA.m
v Karr
. J')imtm ,
rtvf1sr yu&amt. 7nm4r mimz 75
Ujetuooun KvrmtM warn mt iU3m 13
tttttm. imami nxt'ttaf. Mftttmx. H m
kA 1JH p. n . h tmud. M . a.; i
W. W!7. .rlsiini, CU .Waanaa: 1-
zium at mtira'Kt tn-.-K- lsui
Kit p. n. JSai:. : 5f "1. I'mMmL 'tnt
L .-&, turn:.
trx.ttnnlA i.ii' W Cut za
3Jm. KRKU 4tr. i-z.y&t Tvncii,
T y. it. :. t.. ' Ttmftt WktrizT. "XidtxfA-
cl-:y Tfttlaz-
'Jt,.:. .:-fizi'- k-. -s.- rw;-jeiiai 1 ai
; v-2 tuir.. aA ion-? aeetacn c-
p.OCttLAi UjCSCU SO- aii. 6lC.JI.JC-.
iJ aatett vsktt Wttotacay iar a r,
vttSatk ia tut lAi Xarde UmZ. tktor
tartaacn act urliMj atriua ta vOkmA.
C. X. Ca9.
T O-CStEi. UtUGZ, JL. A. X, XaCLoit
M. Ca v-t'.ZLM, tC. JC.
C. W.
'Jutu rfcaa ojBH"-ir am I nM iil.
93 she m tad taiMToeiArrcf & methi
Viiitla eoBpasiaa aA eoSaaSy zsrisjA.
K. X. XTT-'-Frt. H- Y.
pHlXTAKIA5 XiMiZ. 50.
i I O. O. X,
eaefe -ti at
a iai. la i-5 Ttom Tsmae ax 2Mcr.
xtrmotn r c--xcer ta 2T21 t-asxtlir areta-rtr-rf
aUeod. 2. JicSEOjX K. G.
'J Odd Ttiiamt feaii a mood aad iecrth
Ya&zjs ot rta Bocih. Tuisiag artthrea
-rt irrrfVjd vo aiiecd.
r. 'j. XJCEZXI, C. ?.
pOBCEO LODG2, SO. Zt, A. O. C. W.
- atta the seeood iai Jocrti Ifoodari oi
ench monUi atT:ia a. m. ax G4d PeUotri hall.
Mtmi oi Xhe ordir staadiag are in.
T ESQ ?QI, NO. a, G. A 2, MEETS TH5
v first and iq.rd Tharvla ys of each month,
' Crstj and third ThTusdajs in each
pAKJ: .'.LLIANCE-fcegalar Qcarterly
- ic.uu w:i; i haxd at Grange Hail,
KofLhurz. ir: Friday ic Deeesber. iltrch
iad Juae .a ;.:c tiuni Friday ia M?ienter.
D CteEBCHti CHAPT2E. NO. i. O. E. .. S2ET5
iv 'Me swe4 and fourth Thursdays of each
iv tiz evri '-etoarf and focrth inadar.
pME3CBJ S. D. LODGH, NO. 41, 1. 0,0. F
at t.n Tuesday eveDini of each ireei at
the Ood FeUo-xs aalL Vi4tiag sisters and
Brethren are invited u luend.
maeth.. parry, n. g.
ELV HESDRICSi, ii.6ec.
a i.riL ujE. no. 47, ;
eTery W ei?D-iay ever.;
hail M'zvas K--.-j
Jla2j icrited V iued.
n. staadlzs eor-
Receivers Sale.
"VOTIClJ vi rtveirt r -a'.e :" r-.a'. pro per: v uu T-r
decree ani orier of -ale frosa Circuit
In the Cv -i: Co-rt ol t-e Suk oi Oregon -or
Donelai Coaay.
Isabel! C. DaToaport, PSicutffi'.
ElustU Simpson, Adla imp
soa. Clari iimpajn. Bird criwp
5on and Jece iusp?oa, Defendaatc
i Late of Oresrcn,'
Cocty oi Docjiai.
Notice is hereby given izm; -irta a je.
tree oi ioreeloMSK acdordtr tle remtere-i
and entered . rcvord ia the above catiileJ
eaa and ia tue aboi e naned eonrt, on the
Jay o: June. wherein -n,
abo e nauied piainuff obtained a jodgmec: ai
decree of foax-onre agaia?: ,-id above naraed
a.c ol atd r
. proprriy 10 -a;i-fy jod
and cot-
And, whenca-, I a the receiver ia aid - 1
heretofore du'.y appointee by id courr. "ara
Uth day of Novcr-.bx-r. t tK
0 eleei P. M. of nud day at the fat door oi tie
1 onrt houe ia Roretwrr, Doosia Counrr. Orc
aon. sell at pabuc auction to tne hisrht"tsdde
Ux vajh in hand aXi the rjrht. tit and iateres:
which the sa.d detendaats or ettber oi rheat had
e-nthciih day ot Janrrary. iM. or inee tra
ttnw :n or to ihm; descrtbed real prop
erty to : Resrinicc a: a s tat north 9 degrees
and x rainat. west, u cia-.a-. north 20 chaias
iroui ttw quarter po-t oa Uae between seerloa
15 and IS. townh-.p 7 -.:th range west CS.
metre Mcadian. Orescoa . thence aorta n de ee&
and o" miaates wet. 7 .V . c hatn . theace "ai a
16 decrees west. Iix3; chains: theace 50a ta nJ
decrees and 3C aiinates east 12.11 chain aad
thence aorth liS chains to the p'.ace of btgir.
lnc. conrataiag 15.C0 acres. Also all that po
tion or trip oi gravel bar aad land that lie be
tween the most westerly line of the aboTede
eribed prenueN and the South Vmpnaarive.
bxinc two acres core or less. AH ia Dooglas
County. Oreson. together with the tenements,
hereditament and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any w ie appertaining
Dated this ;thdav of October. lVo.
oit W. V.Kisnr, Keeeiver.
Owan.inand ior JXnt-tas Coantv
C. A. tehibrcde. plaintiai) . :
s. ( Aettoa at Law- to
K. Bashey. defende&t N Recover Stone
7 Bny- !e named defendant.
... yi uii-.-iaw ox ureaon. mn
Cofltt on or before the "uucu
7tlt Day of December, 1S96.
that K-ing the Ut day of the next regular terra
0,!5UK Cou:t-, of th' of Oregon, for
Donslas Coantv. and ii you tail to answer, f.r
tember. at the rate of 10 per cent per aa
trani ami the further u-.u oi Kortv KlIarVattor-
fc.h?,reia: n'1 vt tti vhsburse
t VJ lh,s -"thn- w Ul also taie an order
ert herein the prvceods of whtch sale to bo
Iron Uvr K,'l,Sr!t "'S-as C.Mtnty. Ore
iron, by Hon. J. c. tlclerton. Judg of the sa:d
4vr0l?!"'WhK'h-N,iaorklfr is Jatcd
1X1- f.wl".'n..r
t)r. Price's Cream Bakintr Powder
I AwirJed l.c-.i Mfid St i jVr r. FrwU.
rT ; .IU,IUIUI HUl '- judgatent
Vir.K?,1'0' l Hundred and
Ninetx tM. Dollar-, principal and interest
withintenvt thervon tr.Vr,, ts.'Tt.iTi'