THE PLAINDEALER, IPaWUhed Mondays nndThurvla; k W. T. BENJAMIN C. Y. BENJAMIN .Editor. ....Manager. aabacriptlou Rntca. One Year Six itonthi . .poo .. 1 00 Three Months- OCTOBER -J. 15!H5 OUR STANDARD BEARERS For President. tVM. McKlXLEY. For Vice-President, GARRET A. IIOBAKT. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER, of Marion County S. M. YORAN, of Lane. E. L. SMITH, of Wasco. J. F. CAPLES, of Mnltnomsh. The old democratic warhorses may bare Kwe beads, but there is LOtbing the matter with the kicking power cf j lfc feet of them. S. 1. 1 all xmrwu m mors crtvon wronc ttonc uu niiDin 01 our toumtj inn m .o upon the wool po.en. Althoneh ! our most useful citizens, their in tanrUhate been practically destroyed VcXlnley's letter of acceptance. . While Bishop Williams of th Eplsx-! pal cbnrch favors the elec'ion of Mapr McKinlev we zreAtlv deprecate his pub- Ec announcement throning hi? ccdesias- ' tiel influence either for or aaicst any'ence. More than 20.000 people listened aspirant for office high or low. We want . to see church and state completely di-i forced, the one from the other. Let j the church as a church, keep its bands o9 the state. Let every member of any and all churches, if citizens, vote as tney please, unintlnenced by ecclesias tical advice, is the doctrine of the lYux szaixk. We want no idle men in the United States, and to the end that we may hate neither idle mills nor idle men we must do oar work in the United States, and not oatide the United State. You Esay disagree with me, but I believe in a Drotective tariff. I have aiwats so believed and I have never felt cited j npon to make any spolozy to any lody , anywhere for havirg been devoted to the treat principle whkh promotes and en-' eoorages American deve!opm?nt and I srvee employment and good 3is to American workincmen. McKialey. j "It ll Immaterial In ray Judgment whether the wool grower receive any benefit from the tariff on wool or not; whether he doi or doee not .... I am for free wool." Extract Irom William J. Bryan' epch in coorrt", January 37th, 189 ; CsDrnuloail Record liny - , V, third Cong-re. second ielon SS, p. 1554. An Irishman, a sharp, shrewd and . &e nas minted money. Anu alter well read gentleman, recently expres.-ed : ards, when time3 get hard and they bii sentiments as follows "Free trade ' wonc aedil- ,he-v 3i-v moae-v "3 scafcc- baa rained Ireland, bewared its people and driven them into exile. It will do the same by any people ho adopt it. It is the duty of every Irishman to vote for McKiniey, the champion of protec tion and the foe of British free trade. Aod any Irishman who will vote frr Bryan ought to have written across his forehead in lines of blood and brim - clone, that all the people might see it, j "I am co longer an Irishman. I am a j traitor to my race, and a slave of Great j Britain." It is the duty of every Ameri-1 ean citizen to rise up as one man, unite' heart and hand and work from now on I tin til November 3rd, for 3IcKinley, the advance agent of prosperity, whose elec tion will bring to the American reople a return of good limes, plenty of em ployment, better wages, better markets, and happier homes. Criticism of the Supreme Court. The republicans do not object to any man or party of men criticis:ng the Su preme court. That is a right inherent in every American citizen. What we do object to is the avowed declaration of the Chicago platform and its nominee threat to reorganize the Supreme court, eo as to get a majority favorable to their partisan views. Such a coarse is revolu tionary and anarchistic in its determina tion to over-rido the constitution by placing party tools in power for party ends. Jesse Grant. "If my father could vote today, l.e would vote for Bryan for president of the United Statca. The free coinage of silver I do not believe is a pan acea for all our evils, but I do believe it a step in the right direction and for the best interests of the American pesple." JfC (ilUNT. Jesse may have given exprfs&ion to the above. But his belief or disbelief is no argument unless his opinion comes from a man ol recognized authority by reason of bis known abilities and ex- perlcnce In tho affiirs of which lie t peaks. Ills the rule tho world over that the eons of ouiiuoct men are known to bo rather lifiht in the upper story, and Jessie is no exception to that rulo as laid down by all ethnographic writers, and mental sciontiets. Nearly all emi nent men either dio childless or loavo progeny not remarkable for their mental caliber. So in this case Jef aie'a opinion is of little weight. THE POPUL1STIC TRICK. The secretary of state has iesued his certificate certifying to the nominees and to the tickets to be voted, Novem ber 3d. ISM. The countv clerk has to furnish tho ticket as certified to by the the Mcretary 01 the utate. Tho tecre- tarv of state has certified to the name of a patty which hasno j-olitiral standing in the Mate, viz: "Peoples democratic ' silver republican." This is misleading j as there is no snch party in Oregon. No convention of a paxty by that name wan I ever held in Oiegou, and therefore no such ticket is in the field. The seerc tary has nu warrant for certifying to any such ticket it h f life ami luis'eadiuk'. We call the attention of republicans I tH tl 1. Utrl", IU lid? IIKUU .11111 liUl IHJ UD1 - - - . .1.:.. t ...l l . I...... cetveu by sncli a p puitsiii; dodge, evi dently doue with the design if catching republican votC6 by a false representa' tion. The elector?, under that appella tion. are for Itrvau, .i rupu'.ist demo crat and Watson n ilettwcrat opuli5t Neither ol these men r ever were repub licans, but were ar.d are, democrats who were oppo-cd to republicanism all their lives. every republican who goes to the polls, lucsday. November .5, scan his ticket well and net vole by mistake for lr j an and Wa'st-n, by marking nis ticket for N.L Butler. E. Hofer, W H. Spaugh and Harry Watkius, unless he reallv wants to vote for Bryan and Watson, hverv voter who wihes to vote for Wm McKiniey for t resident ana oarrett A. Mobart tor vice-presi dent, should mark with a cross after the numbers, 12. 13, 14 , and 15, and before the nsmes, John F. Caple, T. T. Geer ; fc.. L. Mnitlt and . M. cran. In to- Idav's nsper we print a facsimile of the ticket to be voted November 3, 1506, .n f I41 tO MH the sentence in ln U-ic ,iCfl1 l-vP w-"ctl "ads : Mark I betwsen the nnaiber and came of each , candidate voted for." WHAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS, Colonel Robert t.i Ingersoll made creat speech in Chicago on Thursday night cf las; week to a magnificent audi1 to the distinsoishe-J orator as he pleaded the cause ot sound money with eloquent words and sledge-hammer losir. In his own inimitable style, Colonel Ingersoll dissected tLe fallacies cf the Bryanites and showed the dangers to the country sore to come through the domination of such men is Alt geld and Tillman. 'We don': want," he said, "anj fiat philosophy, and we don't want any sil ver swindles. "We want business. "Give us good money, the life-blood of business, and let it tlow freely through the vsins and arteries of commerce. That is what we want; that is what we want bai-iness. We won'i have it un- 13 we have confidence in the fnture, an 1 no sensible man in the United states will have any confidence in an admin stration to be iraverned by the new democracy. We want credit, Credit is ba?ed on, and when e have good times, yen know, evcry- wwy, nearly, tias credit, i-.verr man s mouth is a mine that issues dollars When a coed fellow with a good job . goes to ttie grocer anl favs: "dive rne $5 worth of susar, i worth cf coffee; charge it," he hi3 add.d $10 to the cur- I rencT c! ,tie Ln states, lie has tn- uu me money; anu wnen anomer buys a horse and gives his note for $100 j There is just as much as there was be fere. Credit is scarce. That is the trouble." ' Schoonmaker's Speech. ! The address delivered at the I House last Monday night by Opera F. X. 1 ! tnentattye and .pee L , ci i ,1, . l.: I delivered here, so far, during the campaign. It was clear, lucid and un answerable in argument and doubtless did much good for ths cause of gooJ gov ernment. He did not indulge in an ar ray of figures the hearers could not re member but addressed the plain, com mon sense and reason of his hearers with facts and principles involved. Oar meager report in toJav's paper is but a shadow of the maiterly manner in which he jortrayed the issues now be fore the people and indicated the remedy for the depressed condition of business. Mr. fcebconmaker did not consume time in tleiin oratory to captivate the audience's sentiment;1, but dealt with the subject in a cool buaiucss-like argu mentative manner, and yet handled the subject in a way that enchained the at tention of his audience for two hours and a half. Hon. Allan R. Joy has spoken to the jeop!o at Camas Valley, Olalla and Brockway this week to large and enthus iastic audiences in each place and has shown up the false and deceptive teach ings of the Bryanites, whoso chief etock in argument is the abuse of the repub lican leaders and in arousing feelings of prejudice A the poor against the rich, clase- against clasa, trying to mako it ap pear that capital it oppresaing labor; when in fac capital ii most deeply in terested in prosperous iabor, because it sees that its own prosperity depends ujcn continuous and well paid labor. To Mr. A. W. Stanton of Brock way, is duo gieat praise for hia valuable Ber vicei in making the moating at that place a crowning success. Oents ties new line; also a large lino of hats, Novelty More. SK7VIPLE BKLLOT, Official Ballot for ROSEBURG PRECINCT, Douglas County, Oregou, November 3, 1896. VOTE FOR FOUR. flark between the number and name of each candidate voted for STKTE. For Prt Bidcut of the United States, WILLIAM McKINLEY, of Ohio. For Vice-President of the United States, GARRETT A. HOBART, of Now Jersey. FOR PRESIDENTIAL 12 X John F. Caples, of Portland, Multnomah County. 13 X T. T. Geer, of Macleay, Marion County 14 X E. L. Bmith, of Hoot! River. Wasco County 15 X S. M. Yoran, nf Eugene, Lane County J. K WEATHERFORD'S SPEECH. Tuesday afternoon J. K. Weatherford addressed a fair sited audience at the court house. He said in part: The opposition tells us that the financiil question is not the vital ijsue, but that the protective tariff is the main issue to be disposed off. They tell us that e are not capable of undertaking the subject of tariff or of finance. He then rcpsated that assert iou with high rhe'oric, avering that every man, woman and child in Oregon is nmply capable to understand the present hard times and that they wero bro' about by the crime of 1Si3. He did not propoee to discuss the tariff. We had the McKiniey law in 1S91 and yet the hard times struck us in 1S93. the result of Mc-Kinley tariff- therefore hard times were Jnot caused by the Wilson bill. He oooted Lincoln, Blaine, and several other eminent repub licans to prove he was right. Pretty good witnesses, James, but when they were making their records jou and your party were fighting them and de nouncing them an villians of the deepest dye. Lincoln was called a "murderer' assassin, cut-throat, and nigger stealer" and such like epithet. Now you admit the were all patriots. Whitney and others left the popnlistic democratic party. Well, let them go, said be, we get in their places promtn ent republicans. the ones you villified in their day as "venal and cor rupt." Arn't they corrupt and venal mill? Yon bad lmneached those men veare ago to what is Uieir character good for now" You have no right to fetch upon the otand a witness you have im peached to'testify in jour behalf, or to claim credit by consorting with thim "How we apples swim" is an old adjge.; He leferred to Mark Ilanna as leading McKiniey with a string and at that the andieaco went wild with applause, G. W. G.. leading. H nnnted the Oreronian. hich he Eaid wis never known to lie, to prove himself in the right, temendous applause by G. W. G. He said population in creases 2,000,000 yearly while the money does not. Only $16,000,000 coined in 1S06, and only t26,000,000 since 1S7S or about $23,000,000 .increise per annum of silver and about the same of gold.) The per capita circulation is less now than in 1S73. Lincoln said: "Decreasing the value of money is the greatest crime of a nation." Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln were for free coinage of both metals and having them circulate and did circulate why not now? Well thev do circulate and at a parity today When silver circulation is doubled, it will be easy to pay off mortgages. He criticised the Supreme court and landed Governor Altgeld in referring to the Chicago riot and the income tax This he did fearlessly bat in the interest humanity. "Lincoln, he eaid, critised the Supreme conrt and Lincoln was patriot." ;Yee, and yoa and your party- cursed him for it at the time. But mark you, Lincoln did not propose to reorganize the court by enlarging the number of judges and appointing men t fill the places created who would make a majority favorable to his wishes. Editor PiaisnEALZB: It haying been circulated by the press, thit at a Bryan meeting held at Sioux Fall, South Da kota, a few days ago, sixty old soldiers unhitched the team from the carriage ol Bryan and pulled it through the streets of that city. Now as I resided ln South Dikota for a number of years and as I am an old soldier, I did not beliove the report, for I thought that I knew what kind of stuff the old soldiers of Dakota wero made of and I did Inot think that they were built on that plan, so I wired the commander of the G. A. R. Post at Sioux Falls. Below is appended the dispatch eent him and tho answer rc ceived : Rosebit., Or., Oct. 17, 1S00. To Commander G. A. R. Post, Sioux Falls South Dakota Is it a tact that old sol diers pulled Bryan's carriage in your city Answer. .'I. McCoy AKSWKR. x Falls, South Dakota. Oct. 19 IF '. -M. McCoy, Roseburg No. Porter P. Peck, Commander. The affair simply shows to what low depths the Bryan gang havo fallen when thev resort to such unfounded lies to in tluenco voters and to bolster up an al ready lost cause. M. McCoy Treasurer's Notice. notice is hereby given to all parlies holding Douglas county warrants in' dorsed prior to Juno 1 , 1802, to present the same at the treasurer s office in tho court house for payment, as interest will cease thereon after thodato of this notice, Dated this 22d day of October, 1890, at the City of Rosoburg, Douglas county, Oregon. W:i. A. Fkater, County Treasurer. ELECTORS. Carlisle Speaks on Silver. Washington. Oct. 1C About 300 members of the Wage-Earners' Patri otic League of Maryland called on Sec retary Carlisle at the treasury depart ment this afternoon aud invited him to mako an address before the wage-earn ers of Baltimore at his far'ien conver. iencu. H. K. L. Jolinsnu, president of the league, in addressing the -cretarr, said while the league in non partisan the body of delegates here today were Car lisle and Cleveland democrats uhodc not believe labjr cm prosper when capi tal is attacked. "We propose, sir, at this election, democrats though we are," said tho speaker, "to cast our votes for the only candidate possible o! election at this time." After three cheers had been given the secretary, he mounted the platform and spoke substantially as follows: I am very much oblidged to you for your kind imitation, and am very sorry it is not Jn my iowcr to comply ttith your request. My reasons are well un derstood. My business has been so ar ranged that f can make several speeches in my own state, but it is not possible for me to go elsewhere. But there are one or two things suggested bv yonr spokesman which I would like to say to you. "Tell the truth, shouted a voice. I will try to, replied Carlisle. If there is any ! a boring man in the United States, he proceeded, who really be lieves the mouey he receives for his toil is too good, that it will buy too much food and clothing for himself and family or pay rent for a tetter house than he now has, then it is his duty to vote for free and unlimited coinage of silver at 10 to I. If there is any laboring man who has saved money out of his earnings and has deposited it in a saving bank or and lean association or life in surance policy for the protection of his family and he desires to have the pro ceeds of that investment returned to bim in dollars worth half as much as these which he paid, he also should vote for the free coinage of silver at 10 to 1. But, on the other hand, every man in the United states, whether he works for wages or not, who desires to preserve what he has accumulated or what he may hereafter accumulate, ought to vote against free coinage of silver at 1C to 1 and for the maintenance of a sound and stable cunencv. The Lost Number Twelve. JlABsitriELD, Oct. 20. All that is left of the steimer Arago to be seen are two spare projecting up on the ocean beach The survivors were brought to Empire City on the tug Columbia. None of the bodies of the lost, which number eight of the crew and four of the passengers, have been recovered. Among the lost so far ascertained aro E. M. Mdiraw, of Coquille City, passenger: John Norman, of MarshSeld, passenger ; Richard Wal ters, of Oakland, passenger. Of the ship's crew, the missing are: W. N. Whittel, of San Francisco; Fireman Erie Wall, of San Francisco; Fireman Richard Patterson, of San Francisco; Steward F. Fernadei, the chief cook; Chief Engineer W. E. Brown, J. Kruger, a sailor; Harry Zander, a sailor. Lumber for Sale or Trade. If you have dry cows or heifers you want to trade for lumber, or if you want to buy a bill of any kind of fir lumber, vou will do well to address P. 0. box 123, Drain, Oregon. Ginger ale, ArisU Water, EoJas, aud other soft drinks at low Jerry's drink emporium, now on draft. Merit "Merit talks" the am intrinsic value of 1 I l'tS Hood'sSarsaparilla. Merit in medicine means tho power to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or euro any of tho many blood diseases, you aro morally certain to receive benefit. Tho power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen tho nerves and build up the wholcsystem. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best, In fact the One True Blood Purifier rrcparcd only by C. 1. 1 lood & Co., xm ell, Mass Hood's Pills Do not purge, ram ol grlie. All ilnipcisK Cf-o. Programme of Gospel Temporatint meeting to be held at the Chrlntulii church, 8unday afternoon at 3 o'clock Music, by tho choir. Scripture reading and prayer, Music, Address, by Dr. Ford of Kugem. Music. Remarks by others. Collection. Benediction. 'n. Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT a- PELLETS CURE SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIOESTION, DYSPEPSIA, H " 1 V I IUK AKI'U IMC, bCUCBUJIM r- - . . t I , i r i - r 11. m YZjSA a acruiigtmcnii yj SloiiiacA, Liver ana isoweis. Of all druggists. ONCE USED av ALWAYS IS FAVOR. YOUNG SPIRITS, a vigorous body and robust strength fol low good health. But all fail when the vital powers are weakened. Nervous, debility and loss of manly power result irom oaa dsdiu, con tracted bythe young through ignorance of their ruinous con sequences. Low spirits, melancholia, impaired memory. temper, fear of impending calamity and a thousand and one derangements of body and mind, result from sucn pernicious prac tices. All these are permanently cured by improved methods of treatment without the patient leaving home. . . A medical treatise written m plain but chaste language, trtatmg of the natu.c, symptoms and curability of such diseases, sent securely sealed in a plain envelope, on receipt ofthis notice, wi th rocents in stamps, for postage. Address, World's Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. Thursday, Oct. 29 AT ROSEBURG. artalin; t 1 P M ' j Hon. Rufus iTallory, and a: 7.30 by Hon. C. W. Fulton. GRHND Torchlight Parade IS THE EVESISo. A cordul hiTltation ts cxU-ade-.l to all eitii- 05 ot Dou?la county to come and participate. 0. R. & & ,0" ,i EAST Gives the Choice ot TWO Transcontinental ROUTES VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul VIA Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Kates to all Eastern Cities OCEAN DIVISION. rORTLASD-S.YX FRANCISCO. Sle&racn leave Ainsworth dock, I'or' p. m., every five dayj. Cabin. 15.00, steerage, JJ.M. For full details call on or addres V. C. LONDON. Agent, Roseburg, Orcpoa, or address W. II. HUIUiBURT. Jeueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. E. JtoXEILL. Prosidnnt and Manager. tt OAKLAND, OREGON. RHT9S, Cents per Day. 75 Give Us a Call. SHELBY CHURCHILL, Prop'r. ' iaaa mms Aim Hlf n II I RALLY ROSEBURG OPERA HOUSE I'RIDAV, OCT. I.: JlllgMM ll,-. m in A' il Ij ..' 1 '! re 'I t.y Uret Uuriv'H iuIhHc Story. JUlla;!' AMI.'.'' AIl-" Jrt YOi. CARUY 1 1 THAT WOO0 ., A!D CLA" tJl THE SUPWH DISHES. the 0',li-:u Nug- ri't'laaiUtte. EE la- i.i't'.r A cyuij..-."-. - !.; entirely ;.3a. Kew 1 HON.E.L. SMITH K.-l..t.aa xi.'. -peak at Looking Glas, Thursday, Oct. 22 .v. : , f M Yoncalls, Friday, Oct. 23 v. : a . m. Drain, Friday, Oct. 23 a: : ) P. if. Oakland, Saturday, Oct. 24 At i jj p. i. Hon. C. VV. Fulton a 1 ; tho til Coaa'i Drain, Wednesday, Oct. 2S a: ; o p. m. Oakland,- Wednesdav, Oct. 28 a-. : v p. m. Roseburjr, Thursday. Oct, 29 a. : . r. m. Hon. 11. L. Benson v.: 1 : t i I ns:a Elkton. .onday. October 26, a: i P.M Scottsburg. Monday, OctoIer 2 A: v. M. Gardiner, Tuesday, October 27. m : v p. m. Hon. M. j a. Pipes Roseburjr. Saturdy, October 31 a: " v v M. .. Hon. Rufus Aallory w 't al Roseburg:. Thursday, October. 29 a: 1 1 M. Hon. Allan R. Jo WiV. a.i.liv- ;hc IVu'.x Count v Oak Creek, Thursday. Oct. 22, v; : i M. Gleudale. Friday. Oct. 23. ai ; r m. I'rocttict Cotuttttttoctucti ami local CIuIin iu ptcasc make all neciMir arraits;oiiioutM. Mtttttuons. IN fill: i IK 1 il l Ol KV OK rni Oivaon. i.-r IViiilavVm;v, Reruetta t., t Janus Moorw le.cvhtnt.v I IK OF tirt .lav ot iho not rvcutar tormoi MM Court .itl May ot Duccitihrr. tS.jr.. Amt ou v. :tl tako noH.v that if 0u :a-.: v0 aiirnar an.t :uiwor M lomp'.jn'.t. i..r want thereof. ihov..n.: win ..,.; ... tho.v.ut tor therehot jrayol for ia MtuUvmpfcnut. whwh i a nMliitum of tho marrtaw cntraot ao oxMuu- bolucovu voursolf au.t iho tfamttff herein, an.l that tl-.o alutitl Ih awanVt tho earo. ami oontro! ot tho throo minor eluwren the iuo ot our iuritaso w Uh rtain- I his umnioas l puV.ihtl hv trture of an nrJer mailo in chun-.lxi- at K.wcbune. HoucIin L.iii.ty Orvprn. l.y Hon. C Kutlonoii. o Count JiUKo ot s-aul Court, nhtih vil.-.ter thf .:n,t ilay Oc.oK . D . iv.' latcsl I Pill II To Janu s Mi.n. tho boo namvt .U'foits!it In tho ua io ,t tho Slat.- of Ojvcvn. ohbiv !iervl rts.-u.vit to )rn r an.t n, r tho coin l!amt tikM stul xoiv in tho nNvo onuiUM Mm, ;:i w swi' tiauuM I'onri on .,r 1. I l S1KA1FOKI). A't n:ey fCt VMiuix HtUff t.Hniu u Vtiuxi A lnt end Ko in-H, font Viu&luic, it i. to. Hit V, W J'wMtut, two! MvxA, to , m, 'unHi'tMu, wrArioraiJtn r.ny, 'i, n, r.Lir.K. runt. iMtMxutA, V't. t tfaln Utrtet. Uiu'l'l"i Jttut of Mala and Lane ,(U. tWUJ TJtHVM: rWHiOl, II lb 'ft. WifAl, ttiriuVcutKuli 'Ji X&ung at uU t Mnuut MtUAi Hiimorth Liae i, 4 M .;! mWt. Grayer Met- iiii, W4M4r t7OT p. to. I'iHiMtf., iMUKt Ula ia Laos. ffKiKi tKur CMCJc.M-arntr ot Caw tni in tU. fc'jwuy TAtnvjt. rcyar, wonhip, a.m. iA 73 p. m.; !UUi ifchsol, 10 a. za.; f, y. . . v-- atinj. yttAatf if,l-3t) if, W. K. x. utL'jt.xx. ruler. i, I- M. YXY.., HfjtiKHKki LJLKjZ. SO.Za, n,Ul Ui)f 'iUr wanmnteattoai at tta I ). ). y. Mi m XtA ac4 Unith Tfcnnday A HVttttn All mrmlr.zi tvyMMA to at ttsifl rzulfl all vliltic Xizq'Xox cot- ' yux.u I-AOE-TUg-mf, .. B rWsLK tJtKSClt X. 21 JO. O. C.A.M.. r !sIt7 rri!2r at t Q'nlrs:k. lu ll 'M HjU1k UaU. Vliltlng c. a. Cifson, Ob. W. yztur, Coajxtiior. Heeordi&z iieretary. LAUEKL UilfiK., X. r. A. X., KijLLAB. EKtlnzi th 2d aad Itii WedMadaji la J. U. Cuinca, W. it. C. W, T TMPQUA CHAITZK, SO. U.B. X. HOLD U thelrreinilareonTOcatliTsa atMatocle hall on the first ao4 third Ttitwlaj ol each sonUt VUltlsz coaptnzozi are conn.!? istimc K.L.MTIJ.KE, H.P. PIIILKTAEIAN LODOE, SO. 8, I. O. O. rawu rai.rdar rrealsz ol each wctx at heir hall ln Odd i'zAira iGnnli at Eoebiuz. Menwn ol t order la zood iundlzz areiarU- A V atad. E. McBEOOJt S. G. Y. e. Jtlcelil ecy. rySlO.v U Odd ZKCAill'MZNT, SO. , MEETS AT 1-ellowi hall on aeeoad and loarth Frldaji of rcca coath. VW.Ht.z brethrea are Invited to attend. f. o. mcn.u, c. p. ' J05. jT.CFT.TJ, Scrit'. D03EBCEG LODGE, SO. It, A. O. TJ. W. icetu the Mood and Ictrrth Hondari of rtch month at7;30 p. el. at Odd Jello-iri halt. Heaben of the order In fvji ttandfcij are la- rtvel to attend. RESO FQzT, SO-2S, G. A. JCETTS THE art 1 and third TaorsdaTi o! each ccsth. rOMES'S EELIEF CORPS SO. 13, ifEETS. ' :.-!ti and third Thnndajt In each. month. ?AEHZ ALLIASCE Reynlar Qnarterij-Ueetiz-s trill be held at Granze Hali. Eosebnrf, the fintxridaTin December, Hareht and June, and the third rndij in September. ROHEBCEG CHAPTER, SO. S. O. E- .. XXXT3 the second and lonrth Thnrsdayi of each ctcnth. AUCE 5HE2IDAS, W. 31. p 05ZBCEG DIVEIOS SO B. O? Lt, meets eTerr tecond and fcorth Eanday. Brethren are lnrited to attend. HAETHA PARRY, S. S. ELA HESDR1CES. B Sec A LPH-V LOD-jE. SO. IT, K. O? P.. 3CXET3 crery tVednesday evening at Ode FeHo-aa Halt. Vidtins Kncts In good ftaadinj oor llaily invited to attend. R. H. COSKXISG. C C I.3.EIDDLE.S-B.S. Receivers Sale. vrOTICE ol receivers ale of real property -ender- ' dwrw Ail n-i p- nf .V f-n " -rr-i r of sale Iron Circuit Cocrt. 1 the Circuit Cour Docct&s Cotintr. of the State ol Oregon for Iiabell C. Davenport, Ptnir.tiiT, vs R. M. ilmpion. Josephine Simpson, Eliiabetn simpsia, Adda Simp son, Clara Simpson. Bird Simp ton and Jese Simpson, Defendants. State oi Oregon, e Cocntyof Docglas. Notice i? hreby riven thai bv virtue of a de cree o foreclosure a:d order of tale rendered and entered .f record in the above entitled cacse and in the above named coon, on the 25th day f June, l-.. wherein and whereby th above named p'junurT obtained a ;ndzment and decree of forev .onre agiinst said above named detend&nts and scamst the hereinafter descriVd real estate for the sum ol ,vt,CO and costs ot said foreciojure and sale, and an order for the Si.e v said real property to satiifv said -ndement and costs. " And. where a. I as the receiver in said sui heretofore dn.y appointed br said con coa. seu a: pub.ic ancaon to the hishest'btdder iJ36? lre rtsat-tide and interest vfc:oh the said defendants or either of them had on the sth dav of Jannary, 1. or since that time m or :o the foUowins described real prop ertv to wit rnnnm? at a point north 3 degrees and .v jairtutos west. U chains, north 20 chain 16 decrees wtjt. l&i chaiTthenK uth M decrees and Jo mtantcs east liOi ca .-h i' r" w . ia o;rV,nl : o." .1 8te ft 1 i cedes- IHUCll tlllS Sti dv ,.xv- ' J.W Wmc'kt, Receiver. SUMMONS. T I STICK S COURT FOR J Yoftcalla, HE PRECINCT 05 5TVTS OF OR.-,OS, County of DoucUs, s5 K C. Michael. Flaiatifr. vs. t A. N. Johnson, Defendant. S TO A N. Johssoa la the aaaio of Orecoa ol the Sute , acrery rc,uint to a pear before the to nve i..eapovoaaael t,!.;-.. ".t-i; actn. The dofoadaat will take ? ,SiC C tSlC 1Vsrc f ncafurcineu SUMMONS. IN 7K i IKCCIT COURT OF THv -,TV ."itaaad tor TAjuclis Cc - 'TATE c A. seb!orvde. plaintlu c,i- K "ihov. defem'.cat. i ' Kvrfjloa'- ' ?.?.V.l,?!,T- 5 MvfJ.-,.,,l.,..; I. naraooiiaestato of Plalat ,Io, by the Pl'1dnuVfis',,aiS above entittovl actW ?fVai 1,051 1 corn- a the above la the v-i'ui.onor "ciorethc ea titled SHinay of December. ,8,6. StWgcaext rc-utar term, IVntilas Com,.. a"'. V. h!'ltc of Onxna. for ainsTcr. tor "u.v J ' ana co. Son, by Hon. J C FluiortinS'S?jCon?,t' re " Scrtcutberir, l.y.. ,lmca 'ud order is dated OSlT C A. fEULBREDE. Attorney for Plaiatifr Dr. Price's Crvam BakinK Powdet " i j v... v aijv. uiicreti so seu saia real o porty under said decree and judement and or-e-of sate, now therefore 1 will on SatnrdaT th Hth dav of November. Is?, at the hour of o elect P. M. of said day at the front doo- of the Court house in Koseburc. Dorfa tot, o-Z li and Is. towmhip south, ranee 6 wt - ,,,. lion or tnr o: mri v- tt w ...i, .t-.r.-c import river. j.orea.ia.4ent and appnrtenance there"nto mitersisncd. a Jnatico nf iv. ctnjt aforesaid, at the osHc. nf . said ttwiacuon thot- .1 "f ,a?r Justice m IV ixk. .i u..iA.n: .t i November A. aoticc that it f;i fWOO attoraov s fe,iflS,tC? 'a.VJM a bnndrri,,aa ttU joth dTof -Octo- "Ant thoivAf. iV C.v: temlwr. ls. t thoratM -i? ar,f Se! mint and tho htnnc untU vKl a ox teo honn ,j ,',!'tJ dollars attor- ot vaid C. uri t,r tho Viv , ;l"4 aa order a.PPlio.1 to thol'. .Ii,i!l.aJHo be :aosmcat. at-