THE PLAINDEALER, Published Mondays audThursda) XV. F. BENJAMIN... ;. V. BENJAMIN ......Editor. Mmiig;rt. Subacrlptloti Katen. Ouo Year- . - W 00 Six Month 1 W Three Month... - M OCTOBER 12. 1SSG. OUR STANDARD BEARERS. IFor President, WM. McKIXLEY. For Vice-President, GARRET A. HOBAHT. For Presidential Elector, T.GEER.of Motion County. S. M. YORAK, of Lane. E. I- SMITH, of Wasco. . F. CATLES. of Mcltnonifih. THE GREAT PREVARICATOR. lu last Tliurvlav't Review is a tabu lated (tateturnt of importation of wool under the operations of the McKiolry tariff averagicc, according to that flieet's sUtement, lo.tXX)AW poaol per an num, and then civin; the annual aver e under the Wilson act at 74,WW,(XX) roand, or diJereisco of tS,(W0,0O3 pounds in favor of the Wi'eon act, The Review doee not civoaoy acknow ledged anthority for its figure?, and most probably its figure! are ils own (arica- tion, and if ro. are nnre'.tAble. In reply to tho Kcvierv, we give onr authority for oar ricures which n(? ihe tpiciition in a different lijsht : On pair 49, cf "Tariff Facte," pub lished by Wilbur F. Wile nun ot the tariff league taken from official reports of lh-5 various dtpartmenla of the gov ernment, we find the average yearly im port t ion of wool nr.der rrotcclion i: 133,647,512 ponnds value! at l6,A3l,S7fi. Under the Wilson tariff, the yearly av erage of imported wool far the jear 163 when the Wilton law came into full fruition in its provision, wa 24S.9S9, 217 pounds, -the amoant for ISM has not yet been given" making an increase under the Wilscn act of 115,341,405 pounds imported. It is ehovn by the amounts cf imports of wtx.1 that in ISM the amounts M'. from 167.OM.CKX) pounds to lll.OjO.OjO pounds. This drop was ttie result of Cleveland's elec tion, because the importers of rool were wailing till the McKiniey tariff should be repealed as the party was pledged to tbatiausc. Bat as toon as the McKin lev law was repealed and the large stock of woolen goods of domestic manu facture had been worked off, importa tion of foreign wools again revived, and In 1693, 243.939,217 pounds were im ported which exceeded the greatest amount under the McKiniey act by over 100,000,000 pounds and the vlce of the same amounted to $33,770,159, thus displacing American wools to the tune of f 16.S1S.SS3, and robbing Ameri can wool growers of that amount, which went into the pockets of foreigners. Now with regard to the decreass in the number of sheep and their value?, we quote from a report of the depart ment of agriculture made by Henry A. Robinson, statistician of that depart ment. On page 43 of eaid report it makes the following statement with re gard to the number and value of sheep. It says: 1S92 the increase in number was 3s per cent and iocreaee in value 7.1 per cent. In 1593, before the re peal and while the McKiniey law was operative; the number increased 5.2 per cent and the valne iccrcated S.4 per cent. Bot in 1S94 after the McKiniey law was repealed the decrease of sheep was 4.7 per cent and value decreased 29.2 per cent. In 1S95, the number de creased 6.1 per cent, value further de creased 25.2 per cent and in 1S0G, tip to July 1st, the number decreased 9.4 per cent and value decreased 2 3 per cent. These figures aro from government authority. Scj page 43, "Bulletin 11, l. f Department of Agriculture, Di vision of .ctatis'is from lS) to 1S96." It is evident from the above Gk'ures that "free wool" has bou the real cause of depreciated sheep industry. the frmrr of onr ronnlry than that o urjmtly Infllrtrd 1 urine the !' three yearn npon the wool urowr. Although iinoBc onr molt nirful citizen, their In tereiU hare been practically deitrored. HcKinley'n letter of acceptance. The republican party is the only real bimctalic party. It pnrsnes a monetary palicv that uses both gold and salver in a'wut ennal amounts and at an equality in debt pa) ing and purchasing power. The silver dollar is legal tender for all debts, public and private, except when otherwise' stipulated by contract. This, the government can do because it coins silver on its own account. Tho derao pops or jtopocralfi, an tho case may be, .propose to change this to a silver mono mctalic basis by opening the mints to unlimited silver coinsgo. They deny this; but the history of every rution that cuius silver without limit is on a This is history, nit ttieory. "It It Immaterial In my Judgment whether thti wool k rower rccalvai amy beneflt from the tariff on wool or not whether he doee or doei not .... I mm for free wool." Extract from William llryan'a speech In cong-ren, January :17th, 1894 j Oongrenlonal Keeora Jriny- third Contrail, lecond leiilon, ol. so. - . an, i. iso4. BARKLEY'S SPEECH. Rev. Mr. Batkloy of Marion county was booked to address tho peoplo of Rosoburg, Thursday at 2 p. m. Mr. Batkloy was elected to tho etato's legis lature last Juue as a republican. Now ho is making stump speeches for W.J. Bryan, the democratic populist candi date for president. History nowhero presents such an unparalleled inconsist ency not to say such a dishonest phase in American politics. Holding a certifi cate A3 a republican member to the next legislature nnd then mount the stump to oppose the party that has honored him, is political ingratitude. His right to change his opinion as to who he oncht to support is conceeded. But as an honest consistent and fair-minded man he should resign the office of rep resentative and not abuse tho confidence his constituents had reposed in him as truo republican, fcuch u course wo regard as political perfidy nnd party dis honor, by going before the party posing aa a republican, nnd then using all his powers to defeat the party that had placed him in position. But to his speech. With all the eclat thrown around him by heralding him as tho "the eloviuent republican orator" who will speak in the interest of W. J. Bryan, candidate for president, he failed to draw, lliero was a very meager audience to hear him, Thursday. Many democrats rvlused to listen to a man void of decency as to preavh democracy while claiming to oo a republican, held ing au office by the suffrages of that pirty, and did not feel interested in co- ing to hear a political Judas. At night he spoke again to about 60 persons. Having heard that .Mr. Hart ley is a college-bred man, c went to hear him, expecting he would bring learniug ami logic to bear in shoving a plansible "reason for the hope that is in him." Bat no. hi) scech was a dis jointed incoherent and rapscdicat asser tions of chttering generalities, of as sumed facts and conditions unwarranted by history, and upon those assnmptions he roared out a tirade of abuse of the republican party for x's so called cor rupt legislation for the last 23 years, be ginning wi'h 1S73; although he made charges of f rati. I corruption and all that is vile as far ai Lincoln's adminis tration. All three so called evils were done by republicans. It it passing strange that so smart and brainy a man was ro long finding ont how mean the republican party was. and i. and, he sajs, will be if McKiniey is elected. It wjs hoped lie onld show some reason, give ns some theory backed up by sonnd logic, how free coinago of til ver nil) cure all our national ills. Bot did he do it? Nay. verily. His speech was a series of assertions of villainy, fraud, and robbery of the peop'e by gold bogs, money sharks, trusts, syndicates and combines, with republican senators, representatives, cabinet officials and others "leagued together to oppress the people" and that "the money power had the people by the thro.t." Bnt free and unlimited coinage of t-ilver, he said, woild be the pinacea for all their woes. A Mr. U'Ren also harrangued the slim audience fcr about 4j minutes in the same vein of abuse of republicans in high positions. The Orcgonun has turned its X rays upan Mayor Pcnnoyer's capat. which reveals the "wheels in hts head," which, the mayor thinks, are the creations of genius. It is said, "talent does what it can bot cenius does what it most." The mayor must surely be genius, as he does what be is compelled to do by the poer behind the throne the populist party. It is an old adace that "no man is greater than his partv. Pennoyer is co exception to this, the law of the conservation ol forces. Penn oyer is clay in the hands of the potter the populist party. Why don't the Marion County Ite publican Central Committee demand Rev. Mr. Barkley'a resignation" It unreasonable a well r.s unjust to tamely tolerate his stumping the state for a democratic candidate for president while holding a certificate of election to the legislature by republican voters. How Mr. Barkley can reconcile his present course with fair, honest and upright treatment of the iarty is bevond our conception of minline?1 lie ought to resign. To Rent. Five-room cottage on Jackson street Office two rooms on Jackson street opposite post office. Large houso nnd plenty of out build mgs, 20 acres ot land with oi chard, West Roscburg. I-arge house and 8 acres at Edcnbower, ono mile from town. Call on or address T. K. Richardson, Roscburg SUMMONS. Tl STICi: COURT .1 IOoUnc Gl& FOR TIIK WElINCT OF Statf. or Oret.on, county of Douglas.) Wm VArncnui t'lMfnttn. '"-(fuil Rcnon to J. I Hunting, Icfcii.liiL rcco er money To J. I.. Ilimtinc In the name ot the State ot Orccon You n: hereby required to npjKar before the uiii(.ricncj, r justice ni hip fence lor trie jirc nnct aforrdniil. on the ?i)lh Juv of N'ovcmlier A !.. 1S. xt 10 o clock in the foreuoon of uid dv nl the office of salt JiiKtirc In said precinct, to nnwcrthc liovcunmcd plnintifl 111 a civil ac tion. Ihe (Icfemlant Hill tain notice thai II lie fall to nnmvcr the complaint herein, the plain tlfT will UlciinlKment aRainU him for the sum of J.'W.oo and ol thlt notion. (i veil under my hnd tlii Dth ilv of October A. V . IW'i. O il Rt MX, oi:t Jutticc of the I'eao ingle filter basis. Quarterly Of tho Treasurer of DouglaB County, Oregon, for the three- months ending on tho 30th day of September, 1890, of money received and paid out, from whom re ceived and from what source, and on what arcouut paid out. Bald statement cov ers tho dates between Juno 30, 1890, and October 1, 189C. QENKKAL To balance on hand per last report To amounta received from sheriff, C. F. Catheart, lo-wit: For dellnnuont taxes of 1893. " dellnnuont taxes of 1895. " costs on delinquent taxes for 1895.. " poll taxes of 1890 To amounts received from sheriff, B. 0. Agee, lo-wit : For delinquent taxes of 1893 " delinquont taxos of 1894 " delinquent taxes of 1895 " poll taxes of 1896 " redemption tax sales of 1891 To amounts received from all other sources For fees from county clerk " redemption tax sales ' liquor licenio, Varrollmann & Nelson " liquor license, W. 0. Levons " costs on judgment Douglas County Bank " poll taxes from the iwsessors CONTRA. . By amount paid out on county warrant?, principal 10,901 55 " amoant paid out on county warrants, interest 3814 32 " amount transferred to school fund 2431 03 Balanco on hand. school To balance on hand per last report To amount received from the stnto To amount transferred from general fund CONTRA. By amount paid out on school warrants , Balance on hand noAD Kcxn To balance on hand per last report , CO.STItA By amount paid out on road warrant: Balance on hand , IXDIOKXT SOLDIICnR' rUNI). To Balance on hand per last report CONTKA. By amount paid out on indigent warrants Balance on hand 1N!TTTITE FUND. To Balance on hand per last report CONTHA. By amount jaiil out on clerk's order Balance ou hand ? 155 45 Special tax On hand Received Total Paid to Balance ot school per since aaount Dials since on districts. last report, last report. received. list report. hand. Number 1.... 101 13 52 77 153 90 153 90 2. ... 32 53 29 54 62 07 53 80 S 27 4. .. 329 71 387 66 717 37 029 01 8S 33 5 14 14 14 9 313 25 38 3!3 63 313 23 3S "11 ... 47 04 18 44 65 48 65 43 19 . . . . 133 07 13 72 146 79 11 75 133 04 " 21 62 05 4 11 56 16 56 10 " 22 50 99 257 71 30S 70 18S 27 120 43 " 30 .... 11 90 96 43 103 33 103 33 32 3S SS 23 61 r.2 49 27 62 22 ' 34 195 54 27 22 222 76 192 40 SO 30 37 . . 4 20 4 20 4 20 " 52 12 96 2 39 15 35 15 35 " 65 54 73 17 52 72 27 50 00 22 27 89 .... S 91 24 96 33 S7 33 87 " 93 13 00 13 00 13 03 " 04 14S 11 2 93 151 04 140 46 1 5S " 9S . . . 36 6S 36 OS 36 6S " 112 10 04 10 04 10 04 Joint 4 5 90 5 90 5 90 Totals M596 5S $963 59 J2500 17 1963 67 593 50 Oil Tax ft " Hoseburg.. . 2SS 37 375 44 C63 SI 643 72 20 09 Drain ... St 62 61 99 146 61 126 63 19 9S Total $372 09 $437 43 $510 42 $770 35 $40 07 Eleven hundred thirty-seven and 63-100 hand belonging to the county is held to tor payment. State of Oregon County of Douzlas 1 I, m. A. rraie', ao tiereny certuy that amounts receiTetl, paid ont and remaining Douglas Countv, Oregon, for the three months ending September 30th, A. D., 1S96 itness my hand this 5th day ol October, A. I)., lo9o. WM. A. FRATER. County Treasorer, Financial Of Douglas County, .State of Oregon, 30, 1S96. DISBURSEMENT OnUtandinc warrants, July 1, 1S96 Paid for roads and bridges ". Pauper account Circuit court account Bounties Stationery Clerk and deputies salary Sheriff and deputies salary Justice courts Tax rebste School superintendent's account County judge salary County commissioners Insane . Coroner County treasurer, salary Assessor and deputies Election account Board of prisoners Stock inspector County physician Court boose and jail account Transfered to school fund account Accrued interest on outstanding warrants 24.062 70 Interest paid on cancelled warrants r.ECEirTS Cash on hand July 1, 1896 Cancelled warrants filed Received on delinquent taxes, 1893 " 1S94 .... 1S95 .... " cost on delinquent taxes, 1S95. " poll taxes, 1896 . . . " lees county clerk " redemption tax sales " liquor license " " costs Douglas County Bank Doe from tax sales 1894 1S95 Connty debt. VERIFICATION. Outstanding warrants October 1, 1896 Accrued interest on outstanding warrants. Cash on hand Oclober 1, IS96 Due from tax sales. taxes, 1S94 " 1S95 .. Actual county debt as above. if 156,050 SI STATE OF OREGON J County of Douglas, f M I, John H. Shupo, County Clerk of Douglas County, Mate of Oregon, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct exhibit of the financial condition of Douglas County, State of Oregon, for the three months ending September 30, ISOO. Witness my hand and official seal this 7th day of October. !S96. JOHN H. bHUPE, County Clerk. Statement FUND. f t33o 5o 10 W 59 44 117 69 132 00 338 00 85 42 0707 28 92 00 13 05 697 05 32 29 400 0J 400 00 125 35 712 00 610 18 10,326 6 to-wit : 2366 69 19,048 07 17.236 90 2411 17 rcxi). 2076 69 5895 75 2431 03 8326 78 10,403 47 9529 874 22 6J8 41 62 60 555 81 104S 44 2o5 13 100 IX) ($1137 63) dollars of the balance caih on pay for called warrants not yet presented tne toregomg is a true statement ot the on band in tne fjounty Treasury Exhibit for the three months ending Bapiember AND U BIUTIES. $152,222 65 .$ 3,795 16 953 15 2,063 60 122 00 440 55 1,104 10 1.105 63 297 25 12 65 5S7 10 300 00 213 60 33 05 121 15 249 95 2,130 05 1,315 00 177 05 3 00 35 03 404 55 15,463 59 2,431 03 8,397 49 34.S91 46 AND RESOURCES 6,335 55 29,289 75 34S 95 S5 42 9.S56 72 117 69 1.236 00 697 05 45 34 800 00 125 35 48,937 82 2,137 96 59- 55 16,693 43 19.429 94 65,367 76 134,209 70 202,577 46 131, OSS 11 24,062 70 156,050 SI 2I.S41 11 134,20;! 70 2,41117 2,137 96 59S 55 16,693 43 Sheriff's Statement Of the amount of money receivod for taxes uror by tho SherifTof Douglas County for tho of September, 1890. TO AMOUNT During mouth of July Delinquent taxes 1895. . " 1893.. " " 1891.. Poll tax " 1896. . During month of August Delinquent taxes 18Uo Redemption tax sales During month of September Lehnquent taxes ISOo " 1895 Poll taxes 1896 Total umount received KV AMOUNT I-AID TO Month of July Djhnqncnt taxes 1895 " 1893 ISO! Poll lax " 1896.'.".'.'.'.'.'....".". Month of August Delinquent taxes 1895 Redemption tax sales Month of .September, ending 30th- leltnquent taxes lb)o Poll taxes 1896 Total amount paid county treasurer STATE OF OREGON ) County of Douglas.) I, B. C. Agee, SherifTof said County statoment is correct and true. Witness my hand this 1st day of October, A. D That Tired Feeling Makes you seem "all broken up," with out life, ambition, energy or appetite. It is often ',he forerunner of serious ill ness, or the accompaniment of nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parta life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue ot the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling fa therefore apparent to every one, and the good It will do you Is equally beyond question. Remember Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the tJt In fact the One True Blood Punf rr. Hood ill SPE f. I. Of New Jersfj-. n,U pct at the Court Honjc in Roseburg Monday, . October 19th At : SO I'. M. HON.E. L. SMITH Republican Nominee for Prcjidcatl-. Elector, wiK speak at flyrtle Creek. Wednesday, Oct. 21 t 1 r. m. Riddle, Wednesday, Oct. 21 At 7 3) I M. Looking Glass. Thursday, Oct. 22 At : a r. m. Yoncalla, Friday, Oct. 23 At 1 .a v. M. Drain, Friday, Oct. 23 At t-. r. -M. Oakland, Saturday, Oct. 24 a: 1 x r. m. 8 D OAKLAND, OREGON. RHT6S. 75 Cents per Day. Give Us a Call. SHELBY .CHURCHILL, Prop'r. Final Settlement. OH) WHOM IT UY CO.VCERX: NOTICE IS -1- hereby civen that the undersigned, ex ecutor of tie last will and testament and estate of Henry S. Marsh, deceased, has this daj- filed hi final account with Mid estate, and that Monday the "nd day ol November. IK., at 11 o'clock a. m. of fald day at the County Court Room of DotiKlas Connty, Oregon, has been flied Dynon. a. r . sieams. jungc or said court. the time and place for hearing objections to raid account and to the settlement thereof. Dated this 1st day of October. 1M. J S. HUNT. Executor ot the estate of H. S. Nash, deceived. C. A. SKHLtinEor., Attorney for Executor. oltf SUMMONS. TUSTICE S COURT FOR THE PRECINCT OK J or.CJUla. riTATa or Oregon, County of Douglas,! E. C. Michael, Vlaintifi. vs. A. N. Johnson, Defendant. J To A. N. Johnson: In the name of the Mate of Oregon. Yon are hereby required to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the l'cacc for the pre cinct aforesaid, at tho office ot such Justice in said Precinct, on the !2Mh dsy of Notcniber A. II., l:vDl, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of wild dav. to answer tne aoovc uamcd pl&lntifi in a civil action. The defendant uill take notice that il he fails to answer the complaint herein, tho plaintiff will take judgment against him for and J10.PO attorney's fees, together with the co-. and disburemcnts incurred in this action. Given under my baud this loth dav of Octo- cr, It R. l'ERKIN. Justlee of Ihe Penu for Youcalla Trecnict. olJtT n tuitl money -ai.ii yy 1. Vi,,, thrco months Milling oh tl.o 0lli 17 IlECKIVKO. . 525 r, 02 00 tft'M !' , urn jji i,8i:s 12 ,203 60 191 15 m o;j 2 l.'S2 75 4 . $11,011 03 COUNTV TtlKASUHK!:. , on , $ JO J- 62 00 $7,318 90 , urn n ,-.'" Xf ' w i Ui'i I'Pl $1,81 -l 2,402 75 SO 00 2.1. ! $11,644 83 do herein- certify that the foregoing 1896. B. C. AGEE, Sheriff of Douglas County. Lumber for Sale or Trade. If you have dry cows or heifers you want to trade lor lumtjer, or you want to buy a bill of any kind of fir lnmVr. von. will do well to addrtss P. 0. box 125, Drain, Oregon. Dr. PIERCE'S Golden Medical DISCOVERY Cares Xincty-eight per cent, of all cases of Consumption, In all It Earlier Stages. Although by many; believed to be iacsia ble. there is the evidence of hendreds of living witnesses to the fact thai, ia all its earlier stages, conscription is a cnrabla riiMw- Knt fverp esse. "h".t a IzrTC tcr centage cf esses, arid we believe, yuy oJ percent, are ccred by Dr. Pierce's Golden ilecucal Discovery, even alter tne ciseas has progressed so far as to indsce repeated bleedings from the longs, severe Imgenrr coczh with ccraiota ernectoration (inclad- ing tnbercnlar matter), great loss of fieah and extreme emaciation and weaizeia. Do von donht that hundreds of snch cases renorted to cs as en red bv " Gelden Med ical Discovery " were gennine cases of ttai dread and faml disease? Yon need not take oar word for it. They have, in nearly errery instance, been so pronoenced by tha best ana most expenencea come pnysina-a, who have no interest whatever in nis- renrescntintr them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery," bnt who have been forced to confess that it snmasses. in curative power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with which thev "are acanainted. Xasty cod- liver oil and its filthy emulsions " and mixtcres. had been tried in nearly all these cases and had either utterly failed to bene fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of the hypophos- phites had also been faithfully tried in vain. The nhotozraohs of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies, have been skillfcllr reproduced in a book of 160 pages which will be mailed to von, on re ceipt of address and six cents in stamps. Address for Book, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Bufialo, . i. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COVRT OF THE .VTE of Oregon, in and for Douglas County w.... Acnon at Law to Z. Bushey. d'efendcat S Recover Moncv To E. Bushey. the above saxne.1 defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tie con plaint nlcu by the plaintiff against von in the above entitled actios in the above entitled court on or oerore the 7th Day of December, 1S96, that btinc the 1st day of the next rccular terra or trie circuit court, o: the state of Orepon, for Douclas Cncciv. mil if r.m fall ta want thereof, the plaintifT will take Judgment acaint yon for the sum of Three Hundred and Ninety (J-SW.OO) Dollars, principal and interest. iui juitrcM inctvoa :rom vne lain aav or sea tembcr. 1S96, m the rate of 10 t crnt Tv-r n. nam and the further sum of Forty dollars attor ney s fees herein, and for costs and disburse ments of this action, and will also tale an order of said Ourt for the sale oT the attached prop erty herein, the proceed of which sale to bo ppucii 10 incpaymcni 01 s,uch judgment, at torneys fees and costs. This summons is puollshoi bv order made at Chambers at Koscburp. Douglas County, Ore gon, by Hon J. C. llulerton. Judge of the aid above named Court, which U order is dated C A. iEHLBREDE. o3'- Attorney for naintiC". Receivers Sale. T OTICE ot receivers sale of real propcrtv under derrce nnd order of sie from Circuit Court. 1" the Circuit court of the state of Oregon for lssbcll C. Davenport, riaintlfl, s R. M. Simpson, Josephine Mmpson, tluabeth Simpson, Adda Simp son, Clara s'imron. Bird Simp son and Jesse Simpson, Defendants. State of Orrornn I County of Douglas. 1 s'"i- Notice is hereby given that bv irtuc of 1 d.- crce ot foreclosure nnd order ot falc rcndere.1 and cntcivd of record In .MrA .mimi cause and ia the above naml court, on the th ...... ... .im.ui Bnu wnercoy tne above named l.lamtitl obtalnol a judgment and .1 .u-mwaiusun HKHinsi saw above named defendants and arint the hereinafter described rca ,iHtc lor tne sum of Jl.fiiico and costs of said foreckure and sale, and an order for the .-..i i-rvpetij -10 sausiysatd 'Udcment ana cost. And whereas I a the recetver 111 swd suit ,i.Vk. S iU.i Iv.r'r;'"'.' "r . am n.i.. uiunvu 10 sen saui rrcl rtrn. 1 ) . 1 r daV??J?i?.l winch tho s:iiil dcfetii n ih..e.l, .1. t ..7.. .:.'. "ii-m nun . ... ..... v. iviiuHt, iMs, or stneo thftt 1 time in or to tlio following described roalnmri ertv to wit lloirtnint- t ? .v -?Pr' ynd fv minutes west. 11 chains, north M chains from the .garter post on line between sections 1.) arid 16, township IT M-iith, range 6 est Willa liictte Mcndian.OrcRon thenccnorth S9 decrees and .V, minutes west. 7.50'. chains, thence south It. degrees wts lfsj chains: thence south s" decrees and . minuies east U.01 chains ami thence norths chains to tho place otbertn iug. containin 15.i acres. Also all that por tion or strip of gravel bar and land that lies be tween the most westerly line of the abovcdeV cnbed premises and the Snith l'raiua river being two acres more or less All in Dourla; County. Oregon, toccthcx with the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto llongingor inany wise appertaining. Dated thli Mh day of OctotK-r. lw oStd J w Wright, Kecslvir, pcn uaacr sm decree and iudement and order t.v ; V "'"'"-- wi.i on fmtnrdav t ic CI i-'v ,, N?vcl?'r 1M"1' at thc honr of2 Ol. . u ai me ironi iioarof the I Court house in Koscbnrg. Pouclas Countv. Ore con, sell nt nuhTi.- nnoflrtt, .v7. I tUHIH HHttH MhU fit 4 pt U-h. HHh'i tv-tlli- Vfwhlht, n fit, m.i Jri lihnMi'Mfi, iwtMilfl HnUtlKt., tit,. H UUt tMt. Httll'iliiwt Mill VtWtM UiauJlt .tfl, B'1 Kfl yftMhfkg. It a, i4 d 1 l ii. in ZmMmIU H&iA. Ift a ia.. W, 7Voolljr, itfiitHlfU;h tjt UuiK ( cIhu 1,1 tit nuiimnn u-hUm, nwittu lAtu r.;l f, in. (tin tlulii-, ViAt,u. Vifr UtM-' int. W1(i, l7 If, u, l'KtlllAti t,n,)t WW 'it ;m aa4 C- '" '' fmnfA, 19 a, at,; y. v. h. . 7 p,m. nrt Mti, irua. p.m. K. , IttLWOtTM, yufof. o.lty (Mitltiffa ' fijiil thlr ittultr HimmuuvMUmt at ta 1. ). O. y. ball un ffutui aad UrjriU 'VhanAtf of each inoriUi. Ail wmlji rtttMtl U at. cl iicuUriT, W alt rWtlot itAi.n eT JIil7 lrirltIlttirM, rr.r.ii rA'irsmr.tii, a. JIKItMAN UAHKH, Yr.f.itj. iomIi ;Trrr WttnAAda y ereslsr t a o'clock In th Ol'I Uiumir, UaU. viaiuac brother! are oroUIly inrlUJ to atucl. C. U. C'AJjrsv, Uco. W. 1'xcer, Conoellor. Kecoraioz uecreiarj'. r auekl iomz, a. r. & a. m ., wtocuut A- meetlou the 2d tal t'-h W edited ti ia each raontb. J. B. c. w, Krer, Btcy. TTMPQUA CHAiTZK. SO. IL E. A. 11., HOLB U their reifnlarcoatcatlona atUaacale hall on the first and third Taeaday of each Beats viiitint comraruxu are ounuauy isnieo K.L.MIXLZE, H.T. IiAixiax Caao, iiecjetary. DHILTTAKIAif LOVdZ, SO. I, L. O. O. X IT their nail la Odd YtAaw Temple at Eoteborj. Memben of he order In good ifanrtlnr aratavlt edtoattend. K. McBEOOH JJ. Q. r. o. a item .stery. TTNION ESCAlli'MZKT, SO. 1, XXXIS AT Ycllarwt hall on leeond and fonrth U Odd yridayi of each month- TUltlnt brethraa are lnrltcd to atlend. F. Q. MICTI.I.I, C. P. jos. mxzuj, sou. p 03ZBCEG LODGZ, NO. IS, A. O. U. W. a- seeta the aecond and Xoarth HcBsara ol each month at'S) p. a. at Oti TeSUm haD. Kembera of the order in tooC tuaiUng ar la- riztaio aenc RENO P03T, NO. 5, G. A. MfTXTB THI fint asd third TnsrsiaTa of each sumtk. WO MSN'S BZLXE? CORPS SO. 10. aCZZTB 2n:i and third Thtnzdari in each month. TTASMZ ALLIANCE Zealar QuarteriT Meetinri will be held mi Grar;xe Hall, Eoebcrf, tha It. Friday In December. March and June, and the third Friday in September. p OEZBUEG CHAPTEE.NO. 8. 0. 2. S-.XXZTS the second and fourth Thundayi of oeh rasnth. ALXC 5n rKIIIAN, W. K. p 05EBCEG DIVISION NO C7E, B 07 L. X-, I meeu eTery aeoond and lonnh Sunday. pOSEBUBG K.D. LODGE, NO. 41,1. O.O. 7. meeta on Tuesday evening of each ireak at the Odd Fellows hsIL ViEilint aixterj asd orethren are inriud to attend. JIAETHA PAEBT, 5. G. ELV IlENDEICKS, E-See. A LPHA LODGE, NO. 17, E. OT P MEETS every Wedneaday eTening at Odd FeDowi HsIL Viaisnc n!gna In good xtandinz eor ilaHy invited to asund. XL. Ji- uur 1LJMj. t. c I. 3. EIDDLE, K. E. S. v nnrnnn UiltbUN INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION Portland, Oregon, Sept. io to Oct. 17, 7 CtXITIS: SS305K3 CF7K fKSfKtTfWS! Agriculture, Horticulture Fisheries, nines, Mass. factnreslachinery,Trans-' :7 porta tion. Trade and Cora merce M ill be represeHted ' more completely than ever , before. Grand Band Concert Every Aftexsoon asd Evening-. Special Attractions Every Jvight, XaUs Ett' Made e po-f.Tfio XJaet. Trcat- Aclmtsistton Children . ... 3C .10c lor exh.b.t space, apply xm flEO. L BAKER, Superintendent, at the build 1CS- EC. MASTEN.5CT. 0. R. & K TO THE EAST Gives the Choice ol TWO Transcontinental . . ROUTES VIA Spokane VIA. Denver Onana AND Kansas City Minneapolis Paul Kates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN DIVISION. l'ORTLAND-SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. rortlaad.atS p. m every tivc days. Cabin. 5.00, steerase. fit For full details call on or addres V. C. i.O."T50r, Agent. Roscburg, Oregon, or addreM sJencral l'asscngcr Agent, Tortland, Oreson. -E. McOvTEiiiij. Presidnst ana ME&aser.