PLAINDBALER OCTOBER vS, 1S9G. LITTLE LOCALS. BRIEF MENTION. 'Ladies' lino shoes at Parrott Bros. J.T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker. Blankets and ready-m ule sheets at tlio Novelty Store. Indies $1.50 shoes for $1.20 at the Racket Store. For a good smoke call at Slow Jerry 'a Ittiar, and get a Los Amotes cigar. i'Dulicious' "salt-rising" bread at the Home Bakery, corner Oak aud Hose streets. District No. , school shoo3 at tho Novelty Store, the best to ho had (or t"tie money. Private luuch room at the Home Bak ery, corner Oak and Rose street. Also lunches put op. Fresh home-made bread at the Home Bakery, corner Oak and Rise streets. Alice Bald a in. proprietor. SeaihetiO, 7o and S-Vcent lists jam Wed together in our window . Any ore firoO cents at the Novelty Store. 'Seveuty-fire ceii'a or one dollar buys a pair of pants that catin-vt I beat for durahility and workmanship ut the Novelty Store. One ex'ra large box stove for Mile at H. M. Wead'a Hardware Store. Suit able lor dry boon- or lare t-'.ore room, price ?13. Takes three foot wcod. Ihc bowling alley is a--aiti open for business at the old stand. W,. wi 1 be. glad so welcome oar fneu.U and puraus. MouN A l.AMMKK. llnuW: tanotrs auJ Ub :ior- to bur tSie bc?t thirls made, in rit'.rt ool or cotton at prices to suit the time Call and see tbeui at the Novelty Store. We still have a few knee pants which we are closing out regnrdUs o: ct Kegnlir $3 60 suit ltr SiJaQ and cheaper ones if you prefer. Call at the Norlty Store. Go to M F. Rice's. Seeded Hand store, Hendricks' block, for late improved Singer Sewing machine?, needles, oti, etc. W. C. Mossok. Agent. Wool flannels sir! skiruncc, '-so on ice, canton, shaker and cotton Mirtin. fUcnel. Yee'il jarnp at the price wbrB too se these goli. At the Novelty Store. Ladies now is .be lime to make op fancy work for the holidays. We have a fine liac oi stamped gCNxi;, working materials, etc , alio xephyrs and yarns at the Novelty Store. The Handy Kitchen keep: katcLio tbem aad wiH erentaallv ka'.ch all the trade in their line, becaos they keep everything fresher sad better and jal as cheap or a little cheaper than eUle stuff around town. When I walk Kcsebor? 'rsad, I'm a lookin' for dat Kandy Ki chen and it coast be focod, where tbey keep the best of cvervtaing. Fresh cuts, fresh gum aad fresh candies made daily. The time oi the jear has come when people eat candy. Yoa can teil one who has good Uste. He bujs his candy at Niece's Kandy Kitclien. the onlr place in town you can set candy that is tit to eat. If yoa have hay, grain, bacoa. bctf cattle or a ri buggy J00 w,f51 ,0 trade for lumber, or if yoa wish to bey a bill of rsv.c!asa rir or cedar lumber, yon wil save money to call on On j A. Axt-ixr Cocnstock, Oregon. T. K. Richardson has jist received another car of lnrniwr, ioclaJipc a lot of fencing, sidewalk lumber, and nrst class flooring, which will be offered ta the public at greatly reduce I price? - Call on or addreis, T. h. Rich ko-n. lioseborg, Or. Mrs. E. L. Appelbcf:, iacber of vocal and instrnaeotal music, wishes to aa coance to ber popils and the poblic Uit after Octoter 1st sb will take a limited noaaber of popils at the resi dence ol W. A. McKenzie, corner of Cass aad JIaia street. Those wishing her in struction should engage the hours be fore, tbat date Dried pruces, app'es aad apricots, green fnilts of all kinds. Oregon hams cml fthoolderj. also Eastern bams. Everything guaranteed. Groceries of all kindi, aad best ijaalities. Flour and feed. Flour 73 cents per sack. 10 pounds of lard 75 cents. Coos Bay cheese, foil cream, large or small, in any quantity. H. Easton defies all com petition. iAm't buy of Wanamaker A Brown if you want shabby, ill-fitting and unreli able clothing. Jiulluy of Wanamaier k Brown if you want gwl reliable all wool clothing, with their guarantee of fpality, fit, etc., and at pr.cea below that of regular, shoddy goods. Over 500 fall aad winter samples jnt received. Call and sec them at the Itacket Store. AN APPALLING ACCIDENT. Competition never worries U6. because we "buy right" honeo "cell right." The facta are these ; evory move in our business is only rnado after the most careful consideration, nothing left to chance. Shoes have advanced in prico bat not with us. Wc tell you a good oil grain fhoa .'or J.-'j and upwards, lino ehots in proportion. If jou doubt us, come and see ue, convince yourself that we have what wc advertise. Wo don't care to do all the business in town, but want to get a share of it. Wc firmly believe that a concern that gives Us customers exceptionally good values in every instance ih bounii to go amau year by car. This idea prevails throughout our eutire biwiiices. Every dallarfl worth of goods must give tho wearer satisfaction, even tho all wool absolutely fast color S.OO Hit.ta. J. AiiKAiiAM'M Clothing Ilouee. Pubtcribo for the Plaijii-ali:ii. Wkai'I'cks). Now aud large lino nt tho Novelty Store. It. W. Benjamin, dentist, rooii' 1, Jlaraters block. Mr. and Mrs. Jamioson of Portland are in tho city. For a g:od pair of wool pants go to tho Novelty Store. Hon. liinger lloruuuiii will npeak at Canyouville, Saturday at 1 o'clock. A girl wanted to do country house w ork. Aildr. st, bos Koseburg. Cull and see ihe nv line of Indies' fhro.J, just received at P.irrotl Bros. ludgo F. A. Taylor of Astoria will peak at Oakland the 10th at 1 p. in, Ka head Commissioner J. B. Eddy, is iu the city. We acknowledco a nleaaant all. There will bo services ut the Catholic church Sunday, Oct. lltli at the usual hour. Hon. Binger Hermann will speak at Clovoland on Thursday the loth at 1 o'clock. Hon. Jas. N. Davis will speuk at Yon- ealla, Saturday "at 1 o'clock. Go and hear him. A nice black uiare for tale cheap, weighs about 1 COO pjuuds. Euquiro at this otHce. C. h. llapperett came up from Mar.-haVId Ust nielli tn attend hi brother's funeruL I'ianoa and orvans at greatly reduced puce?. Cash ur installments at T. K. Kiciiai:Usons Th W. C. T. I'. will meet at Mis. Oln Berry "s on Thursday eveuinirof this week. Hasrv Iiinheit, formerly a resident of this liry, Ui-d at his home in Grants l'ass Monday. Nothing Imt the test uinteri-al ustl by H. W. HoajMMiii. dati-t. Kooui 1, Masters' blodk. Have yonr denial work done lty II. W. lt-njamin. dentist. All work goamn iet lirst class D . Du Gas left Tuesday night on the v rUind for Harrtthcrg for consultation i-i a cri seal cae there. h. W l'aton of Portland the adjuster ih V ifi; Mutual Accident Co. i-i a u at the MtCullen. lias attci.- the weak and debit 1'i'rd. Keep oar-elf healthy aad stroog by taking Hood's SarsaparilU Teeth t strutted ab-oluiely without pain Oy K W. B.-i-jimin. ilentist, room 1, Mar!ers t lo.-i , Koswours, .-. Get jour cowboy rope at Wead's Haardvare. Tue special four ply in niila stand' twice as much as sisal rope. A. Fields superintendent of the S. P. iines in O.-econ was in the city Tuesday aad WeJoetday. .i goejt at the Van Hocten. Parties desirinz family sewing dose would do well to call on Miss Fannie McKean, 421 Main street. Wj sew for 75 cents rer day. Bert Wymer ol Gracts Pass, letter known in Rosebur "Itad" Williains, paed throuih Boiebers yeiterilay on his way to Portland. Bstoa coach oil is the bott buwvy or carria:e grease iu ihe world. Try a can at H. M. Wesd's Hardware and ou will never ae anything else. Miss Edith Smick, graduate of the Al bany conservatory ot music, will give lessons on piano and orcau, and alro in voice harmony aad counter point. Congressman Hermann went to Grants Pass on tins overland thie morr. ing. He will address the people there today on political issues of vital inU-ests. We shoe;. If voa are looking for a bargain, it will pay yoc to see our stock. W quote prices that will startle you at the Novelty Store. It is siid that big sleeves are goin out of j'ashioa. That will be good news for hosbasd? these hard times. His biilof dry zod3 will be largely diminished and his purse will i i-urree iondtngly pleth oric. Misses Echo iiaddia aad Begins Bast drove to Comstock one day last week, to viiit rKlative ar.d friend?. Thev rc- turned o their lomes in thn city j ester dav. and reiort Jiaving had a very pleasant time. You can't get live or ten-cent knivee at H. M. Wead'e Hardware. Ho don't k-cp worthless goods ot 3ny kind. But when yoa find you need a good knife c me in aad get tho best made and have it guaranteed to s?ay f harp. Hon. J. ii. KJdy, railroad cotnmia .i .ner for the state of Oregon was m the vv.wr.wt-tr InoVin into the facts V, 1 "... ill.. - Tr-liaz the railroad accident Tuesday, the legislature this HII'I "HI tW'-' - i er his view of the nistter. To the friends who were so attentive .,! vinrl with their aid and sympainj dtr.i.i: Mrs. Needbam'u sickness, death i t to..i!..r tn them mv most au'i I u i in 1 1 a ... i . heartfelt gratitude and thanks. Sn..h Two Locomotives Collided, Killing Two Men and Seriously Injuring Five Others. Tuesday morning tho overland, south bound, left Koseburg on time On arriving nt Dillard a station Oondm-iur Wall discovered ha had left hU tijkets at Koseburg. Ho sido-trackod the tr.tin at Dillnrds aud detaching tho engine started hack to Koseburg to get them, and was backing and "Hogging" his wuv back. A short timo after i all had left Koseburg, those in charge of tho btation there noticed that Wall hail left his tickets. The authorities nt Portland woie immediately notified of tho f-ict by wire, and orders were ai once given to send them forward by u special courrier and engine No. 1703 was dispatched with them iu charge of Engineer Koberl I!. McCauIey, with John McGonigle, fire man and .T. A. Toy, lirakemin. They proceeded till about one mile south of Greens Station, -1 miles touth of this city, where their engine met and col lided with the returning pngine with Conductor Wall, with territic nice, in stantly killing John McGuuigte and J. ,. Toy nml hurting Engineer McCauIey, tiiouKU not dangerously Hall, con ductor of tho overland, who was lucking up with engiue N . 1775, his engineer, fireman and brakesman, P. F. I.ohr, were badly hurt. Engineer Potter hud a leg broken and ottierwtse i!rirrl: Geo. Happersutt, tireiunn, h d one lei broken and one fout badly crushed llts leg heing ikmIIv crushed it was iimpiitated soon after being brought back to the city and two toe of the crushed tojt l'.ngmeer l'jrlcr was delirious all dav Tuesday. B. F, Lohr the brakesman, was cut ftnd hrui.wd some, I'ttt win aouottess htm rc-.ver. .iesrgx llappersett, the Gremun whose leg wa- broken and fjot crosh'd, en dared the iietv?-ary jt.s and appealed at 1 p. ui. to ra'lr, and hope were enirirttneo mar ue might reo.vrr but by S p. m. he lxgan L fai. ,uiJ o .n- tinueil to Muk till S:3) when lie died His foneral took place today a' J p. m. , 1. Uuuhuni aud ton vtre ' t.u '.itt -ersoos at the week after the cadinou nml did all thry rou!d for the iojured who we:e so badly hort that they euold reneer no as-si?tnc to tn-; m re se verely iojnrc J. Mr. Happ-isett w!.? leg w.i ! and fo.t er.i.-ln.- i had tu remain there until Mr. YarSrougb, who lives near where the ac-ident happened came to the city on horseback and coti lied the company's employees hre who went to the wounded n.i r'ias$htaace, The accident occurred at liStSa. in. a udtcated Ly the ki'.led fireaian's watcb Messrs. Danhsin?, socn as the ar rived, set to work to extricale tiie killed men from their position beneath the wool Leaped uiun tiirro against the boiler, by the concuiiloa. McCtnlev the ensineer, eftcspe-.l ntih c.mcara- tivcly few braisei. He wi;i I e all right inafewdas. The bodies of the killed fireman and brakesman were j imbed up airaiost the boiler and wrc fearialiy t-caloVii and loined by the hot steam and furnace Tbey were, however, doubtlesdy kii!el insntly by the force of the concussion, so that tbey did not suffer from the hot steam that envel oped them. As soon as it was practicable tbe boJies were removed and placed npou ihe bank b?j;de the track. The eight presented to a re;resentative of the I'L.UNDEAUii: Mho vis.tec the !cene, wa3 appaihnj. There lay wi h upturned faces so fearfully distorted by lha awul conditions to which their bodies had been Mibjcted for over two hours, two Green's, station. I judged it my llretnan'a watch indicated, at 0:35 iu. Got orderB from Portland by wire to take tho engine out aud go to Myrtle Creel: and return. B. F. Lohr testitied: A-;o lo. Was btakeman ou overland, all, conductor, eft Koseburg about on lime.' At Dil- aid's the conductor discoveretl ho had left his tickets nt Koseburg, put train on sidetrack ami started hick with engine to get the tickets by llaggii'K "head ; ran slow, could fee pretty well till about imc we struck the fog. Conductor raw the other engine (cngiue from Koseburg; first. Engineer Porter reversed the ever. Tho engines ttruck before I umped. Pretty foggy on the Hat. (Juryman Brockwny asked if ho saw en gine ahead ti mm oeioro u eirucic.'j Answer Yen. Conductor all cried out to engineer. Mop her, stop her! Engineer ruvcnoJ lever, aud engine started back befoie struck. I could not see far in the fog. The other engine was coming around a curve and out of tho fog when we btrnck. Mr. IVrter was too weak and nervous Vuesday to give his testimony and the jury adj jtirncd till Wednesday morniii. at "J oclock. Wednesday morning Mr l'urtei'.- te-diuionv was taken but added iiothiu in iteriul t j the foregoing. The jury retired to drliierate on the testi niotiv. at 10 a. in. Wednesday and did not tind a verdict till 4:ld p. in., which is as follows ; We. the coroner' jury empauceied and saoiii to emmiie who the deceased ersoiis were, vihen, where and by what niea' s they came to their death, do find. lhat tney, John McGonigle, riieoiai, mid Albert Toe, brakesman, came to lhir death on October 0, ls!)T, one half iui!e south of Green's Station, on the Southern Pacific ril road, i-y ,j colltsiou between two loco- iiiniivt'. K':ciied from evidence and in viewutili4 tacts mat tue south twin i engir.e w is running und-r orJers ; alto ill..: t'ie north tixin.l enitme had a ri.'ht to && back Ai there a as no telegraph station a; tiiat paint, 1 did co-nply with the reguUtiom up to the straigl lra k one mile and one-half south of Gtfea's station, which btraigbt track tbey had a rieht to run over uctligj;ed hen they could see, it biug dav light they droppfd down the straight track with the in.ention of Hiding thro-gli Uif'jan! uruund a smaii i urve. W ud h i one gudiy of creaking ih regit mtto'jg ol running, but dehci-nt in judgment a? lithe distance from fog tkia. would make theni wfe in coalmen cinu to flu r.gjin, which according 1 evidence they ere intending to resume. J. M. H.VNSDROl'Olt. F. W. Cakroll. K. E. Veatch. F. S. HOKFMAS. J. 1.. SuMBKOOK. B Brock wv. Foreman DRAIN NORA1AL NOTES. Last Friday closed ouo of the most' . . . .. . . . . 1 1 HtiXiSstu! months ol the urain iNormai school. Tho music elms wa orgati'zed htl net-day rtilh faelvo meinberr. MissSteWurd of Crcswrll ar ied In-t Tliiii8day and has jiinid ihe muuci claes. Prof. ISii'zee give the ptcd-uts a re ception last hnday evening in which every one had a jolly go-.d time. Miss Faucet of Myrtle Creek entered Echool last Monday. Miss Lena Seymour nud Mr. Charles Ketnington, both of this place, entered school this week. Prof. Barzeo gave a short tnlk last week on the subject of ''Little Things of this Life," which was enjoyed by all. Ncal Campbell of Gardener wa? visit ing school this week. A self-improvement society was formed List Saturday evening, and elected for their temporary olficers, Prof. Barzee, president, and Mr. Patter son, secretary. The following program is to be rendered nest Saturday eve- nin,': Vocal solo, Miss Warner; recita tion, Mr. Nighwunder; remarks, Mr. Lootiey; instrumental music, Miss Bessie Johnson; select readiug. Miss Jennie Hefty; tecitation, Miss Effie Cowan; ex temporary speech, 5Ir. Chaney; instru mental duet, Conway brothers; recita tion, Mr. Faucet; German smg, Mr. IVek; oration, Prof. Barzee ; song, by the Society. Meeting adjiarued till next Saturday when permanent o!Reer3 w.ll be elected. Sit hE.vr Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PUKE At the close of the mother'.! meeting Thursdiv afternoon, field at Mrs Faitlk- ners, a surprise fareaell social as given by the ladies oi the Wt. C. T. I., in honor ot Mrs. Belle Kennedy, superin tendent of the mother's department. Some valuable and useful presents were presented by the Union and friends a a token of lore and esteem. The presen tation speech was well rendered by Mis. Ida Matster?, president of the Union, fallowed by the acceptance of Mr and Mrs. Kennedy. A very enjoyable time wa- voted by all, except for the sad ness of parting from Mr. and Sirs. Ken ned v, who have endeared themselves to the people of Koicbarg by their faith iul wotk amog .u-. May God s richest blessing follow them in their new home robust men wha bu. a few haur.- before left the ci'y in tlu full vigor of young manhood with high hopes ot future me falness, and with conscious pride in o receiving new lots oi boots and doing their duty to themselves and de pendent families, lav there upoa the road side in the ineiciless embrace of death. Tne wreck was fearful to hthold. The engine backing up from Dillard wa de tached by thecoacusian from i-s tender and haying been reversed jus: before the collision, was slowly moving from the oacaraing engine from Kosebjrg, but had not got under sufficient spec I to set out of the way, now llew down the track back towaid Dillard-' with fearful speed with not a soul on bard. til!, having exhausted the steam, i' came to a stop aboot two miles from DiLard, somen bat demoralized from the collision and m:nu? its tender. The remains of John McGjnigte and Albert Toy were taken to Portland on the overland T-iesday night tor McGonigle leaves a wife and a child at Portland. Toy is :-iugle man and leaves a inither aad sister. Tbe mam t'ict? as e.icited before the coroners turv were suostanitaiiy as ioi- lows : Fred Wall testified: I am conductor on the overland vthl h b-ft Koseburg Tues day marning for Ashland. Lt?K abotit on time. I fo iod when I got to Dillard Btation I hid forgotten icy tickets. I put train ou side track at Dfllards and s'aitcd with engine No. 1770) to back up to Kiscburg to grft tickets lelt at station. We meaning hitnsell, engi- . ., . - - 1! ...flni r Itrjinnn fiml hrnlrpm nn 1 ll l'?iil The foneral rite ot ueo. api'c" . ...-.. ------- IKICK ny t.a;:ea 'i" u Hoi "-i",i aiwu, The City Election Monday, Kiseburg passed through her annual choice of olficeis to manage the citv government another ye ir. it was a light vote compared with last ye3r, The following men were elected : M. Zigler, re-elected recorder James B. Cannon, reelected marshal; J. A. Perkins, re-elected treasurer. The following named men were elected cotincilmen: C. W. Paris and Fina Dillard of first ward; D Moore of second wan!, re-elected; Wni. Perry of third ward, re-elected ; and John Aiken of f mi th ward. Tnere was but little interest taken in tbH election, except for marshal. For that otlice there were three candidates in the field: J. B. Cannon, II. E. Happer- sott and James Wright; two others hav in withdrawn from the race before election day. There were three hold over louucilmeu : S:a .tjn of the tec- " oad : Fletcher of the tbiid, and Slocom of the fourth ward. In the first ward b-Hh eouncilincn choa'.n this election are new men. The vote will be cauvassed at the regular meeting tonight, aud at which i: will be determined which cf the two couccilmea elected in the tiis: ward shall hold the long term of two years. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With Local Applications, as they cannot teach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it'vou must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interuallv, and acts directlv on the blcod and mucous snrfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians iu this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It i composed of the best tonics knoan, combined with the best Mood purifiers, acting diriectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is j what produces such wonderful results in GALLANTRY COST A SHIRT. j IMi.-istriiu-t ttesults I"ol towed a Scheme to Hide a Clear From a Lady. j Ono of tho most popular men in the down town produco district is G. w. Christie. His temper, however, has been sorely tried of late, and thero is a wick ed gleam iii his oyes when anybody ut ters tho word "Fire" in his presence. "Chris," as his friends call him, owns inoro truck horses than any other man in tho city. Ha also owns a stock farm in Ponghkccpsie. He recently in vited ouo of his friend?, Fred Gebnc-y, a banana importer, to visit bis country plafe. Mr. Gebuey accepted, and both men started for tho Grand Central sta tion in a bnggy. Chris drove. Chris, bo it said, sported an immacu late shirt front, in which glittered a largo diamond. Tho friends wcro bowl ing along Fifth aveuuo when Chris, who was smoking a cigar, suddenly staited He had seen a lady friend, and tho impropriety of saluting her with a cigar in his mouth caused him to let the weed drop, as ho thought, to tho bottom of the bugsry. Thev had proceeded a block or so when Ed remarked: "Something's on fire." "That's so," replied Chris, looking around. "I can smell smoke. Maybo it's in one of these building?, and "Great Scott! Wow!" ho yelled. It's me. Caesar's ghost! It s burning me up! Have yon got 'em? inquired Ed. "Suppose I turn in a fire alarm." Beforo he could make any further oiumeut Chris had stopped his horse. jumped from the buggy and was execu ting a war dance oa tho sidwealk. Sn.eke wa-: rising from beneath his wai.-tcoat, and the cigar, tho canso of it all, dropped to the ground. Well, I'll be jiggered, exclaimed Chri-. His spotless shirt front was dis- olored anil burned in places. "Perhaps it was the diamond," sug gested Ed. Diamonds bo blowed!" retorted Chris. "Sav," he added, "I can t go to the farm looking like this." 'Ob, that's sooa remedied," replied E !. "Get a celluloid shirt front, if y n're careful, it won't tako fire, but you mustn't smoke, and don't pat the pnrkler in either. " Ed s suggestion was carried out. Ihe journey wa resumed, and when tho men returned to the city the story leak ed cr.i. That is why many down town produce tin rchants take down their fire extinguisht rs when Chris happens along. Chris says he appreciates a joke, bat when ho is invited to a business men's dincer and receives a miniatnrc fire man's cap aad red lantern as souvenirs "the thing's going too far." New York Herald. NOTES OF INTEREST. aad domestic toilet soaps at Now is THE VOODS BY MIGHT. Wat Wells an 1 James Bron of ulalla i curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials. are in t!:e city taday to h-r, probably, i free F. J CHENEYACO.,rrops.,Toledo,0. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Faaiilv Pills are the lest. the republican apostate, Barcley, preach Bry-taism. Barcley was elected as a republican of Marioa county to the state j legislature June, 1 b-5 ; an ! now, while j holdiug on to that office he i stumping , the t.itt for Brvan. the democratic- I n:,i;t nmlidut'i. for t.resi.lnnt. We ! derniau, of Dimondale, Mich have read the s'ory of I ltd is, whose sa fate for betraviug his mailer has teen a warning to traitors for 1S50 yeais. Ar no'd was the first notable case since JndoV treacherous kiss, and now Mr. Barcley trt: t out do .iuda? and Arnold. j J. D. Gilbe't'o wonder of the age," a j series ot inintirgs representing the In-' di an massacres of Minnesota in ls2. an I ihe battle scenes of the Modoc war, was on exhibition at Armory hall Tues day night and was fairly well attended. The painting-, were life-like and realistic. and depicted the horrors of Indian war fare to a degree that was simply blood curdling, while the lefture and explana tions th it accomjenied gave a complete hist irv of the attair, gathered spot soin after trom eye-witn the brutal bu'eheries. It is a show well flarvelous Results. From a letter written by Kev. J. Gun we aie I permitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitation in recoaimendiug Dr Kins' New Discoverv, as the results were almost marvelous m the case of my wife. While I was pastor of tha Baptist church at Kites Junction she was brought do a n with Pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrib'e paroxysms of coughing would lust hours with little in- ! terruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them A tnend recom mended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick iu its work aud highly satis factory iu results." Trial bottles free at A, C. Marsters' Drug Store. Kegular size "J c. and f 1.0.). Sound, f-iclit and Shadows Among the Tree5 and Uashe. "Sic still in the wocds at night and look and listen," said aa old time nat uralist to me one day, "and you will see or hear strange tnmgs, uos to oe se-n or heard save bv rarest chance in the busv hours of the day." I thought of the remark as I sat per fectly still in a small opening of tho Adirondack wocds a: the close of one day last summer. It was twilight, aad oat of the dim, uncertain light Icomed the outlines of tho tree in tho valley and of the Ampersand mountain in tho dis tance. Quickly I saw tho shadow of a moving figure, which I made out to be that of a fox. How stealthily tho sly fellow crept along! Ho made no noise; not a twig broko beneath his catlike tread. As ho turned, for the first timo ho noticed me. Ho looked at me, and I looked at him. Then reynard revealed the cunning of his kind. Still keeping his eye on me, ho sidled away until he reached the dark shades and recesses, when ho disappeared in an instant I knew reynard was out on his night ly foraging expedition. Perhaps ho was Icokiug for a wild rabbit or a fat par tridge, or perhaps ho intended to rob some farmer of his choicest fowls. Tho fos is a night traveler. Ho makes his journey after dark, finds his dinner and retires always beforo tho break of day. Our Animal Friends. Sheep dip at Marsterb'. McKinley and Bryan hats at the Nov elty. For a good f-c;ent cigar call on Mrs.N. Boyd. Wood taken on subscription at thie office. Go to A. C. Marsters & Co. for school books. Get your echool books al Marstere' drug etore. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Littls of Oakland. Solid silver tea and table spoons at Salzman's. Pure fresh groceries and low prices st Casebeer's grocery. All work warranted first class by R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Key West, imported cigars at the Roseleaf. An excellent line, r.f Marsters' Drug Store. Goods below cost at Caro'e. the the time for bargains. Nobby suits and latest styles at Little Jack's. Prices very low. All styles aad qualities of hats at Abra ham's. Bedrock prices. Fred Floed, lawyer, rcom 9, Taylor & Wilson block, Koseburg, Oregon. Country produce ol all kinds nought and eold at Casebeer a grocery store. Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo site the post office. T. K. Riciiaedsox. Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens aad optical gocd3 at the lowest prices at Salzmaa'e. "Liye and let live" is Dr. P.. W. Ben jamin's motto. Dental wcrk done at bedrock prices. At Oakland, T. L.Graves is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription to the Plaindealek. Fine gold and silver fi!liag3 put ia by R. W. Benjamin, dentist. Prices to suit the times. Casebeer the grocer, corner Jackscn aad Washington, keeps the best grocer ies. Try him aad be convinced. Largest stock oi faacy chairs at Alex ander & Strong's, ever brought to Rose burg and at prices lower than ever. Bring your job work to the Plaejdeal ee office. We are prepared to do the cheapest aad best work south of Porl .and. T. M Stubblefield, boot and shoe maker opposite the depot, does first class work at hard times prices. Give him your patronage. N. Rice, at his ware rooms on Jackson opposite Marks' iron front, has choice household furniture and tin ware at prices to suit the times. Take notice. Dr. Benjamin, the dent ist, is permanentlv located and guaran tees all his work. Giye him a call and examine work and prices. Ladies, are you in perfect health? If not, why not try the great home remedy, Viavi. Mrs. Berry is agent for Douglas county and will fill all orders promptly. If you don't wai.t to sailer with corns and bunions, have your boots sod shoes made at L. Langecbarg's. Repairing neatly and promptly done For a good hat, stylish and cheap, call on Wolleaberg & Abraham, whose stock smbraces all grades of head gear. The Square Deal stoie has just opened up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas shoes, which prove to be the best shoes made. Come and inspect them. I am prepared to offer lumber or wocd at reduced prices. I am taking ia lum ber and wood on o-d accounts and in trade for goods. T. K. Richardson. Caro Bros', closing out sale is drawing crowds to the Boss Store. Low prices and quick sales is the oidar of the day. Goods must te sold at any sacrifice. Call and see. Cure For Headache. As a remedv for all forms of Headache on the , Electric Butefs has proved to be the verv i : ' war nepa esses o! best. It etleets n permanent cure and mediate supervision of inlv. r ,.M ! the most dreaded habitual sick head-! hugs, U. b. A. It may The Largest Medical Library. A writer in tho Washington Star says that tho largest and most complete med ical library in tho world is tho collec tion of medical works located in the Army Medical museum, in that city, under tho caro cf the surgeon general's " office of the war department and tho im- Dr. John S. BU- inav bo said that tho The cheap rates cf five dollars cabin and two-fifty steerage including meals and berth are still in effect on the O. R. & N. Go's, steamers from Portland to San Francisco. Steamer leaves Portland every five days. Dr. K. W. BeDjaniiu, late of thedectal I college at Atlanta Ga., has fitted up dental rooms in ttie alarsters block, where he is prepared to do do tirst class work in all the Iates improvements, i Crown and bridge work, gold and porce lain crown, rulings and extraction of teeth at hard-time prices and all work guaranteed. Remember, rcom 1, Mars ters' block. Notice is hereby given to the public bv the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Koseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken thereliom. unless tne party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aakos Rose, Koseburg. Oregon. March Win, lb'.'o. aches yield to its influence. We urge all card index system of medical publica tions used bv tho library is tho most Neemiam. . r worth tne price oi auniisioii. . amk.le t0 procure a bottle, and An old ni ;untaitieer from Eik prairie ' give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of thorough and practical indox of medical ih,. i-it v ifwl iv fnr Mmn'iHx ii,. ! habitual consumption Electric Bitters works in tho world. Tho library now parked three horses with his purchases ol bacon, lbur, salt, fctiiiar, etc. cures bv giving the needed tone to the , i,,..!,,,! nbont l f 000 bonnd volumes "',5eb ; bowels, aud few cases long resist the use i aa(l abont 150.000 pamphlets. It is cs , and 0f this medicine, lry it once. Large . ., started back on ins way as happy as a ! bottles only rifty cents at A. C. -Marsters ,, , ,,, ,,,:, i;trtnro of the world, and at least nine-tenths of king and aa independent as are all mountaineer.', and "don't care a diuu" who is elected president. lit- mancii- A Co.'s Drug Store. was conuuciwi ai uc "...v.. - streets at 1! P. m to nsr .nam anu . day bv Kev. Mr. Jones of the M. h ri.nrrl. South, attended by a large nun: w.r nf nvmnathiring friends and neigh w Thi! remains wcro given sepul- tur in tho Odd Fellows' cemetery Tt. ( luirtesro was quite imposing, ,.i,nn tlin entire citizens of uiaue ii the city. lt. r the election Monday, Ad Har ...... .,f i!m Senate. dotibtlesB out of fym tKithy for the overworked, tired and ! In,erv electors, piovided at his cstab liehmcnt a substantial lunch, consisting I , i.,...i..r .mil wiener wursts, ,01 ciaiu , .1 -I 1 Ixt iMinil H.lliitin uim - ' ! " ; nted his friends and mile of Green's station, the place of the accident. There w3 a heavy fog set tled dnwn theie. Saw tho engine from Koseburg about 200 yards off b?foro it struck us. I told my engineer to get out of tho wav . 1 was about 10 feet from engine when they struck. Kngineer McCauIey testified: I was ailed at ( a. in . registered at i:I5, left at about 0 . IS a. nt- Ordered to go to Mvttle Creek and return to Koseburg. Heavy fog near tho accident, whistled one-quarter of a mile beyond Green sta tion. Called my fireman over to me and Raid. What if Wall should miss his tickets and be coining back? 1 had hardly finished tho question when tho I "or Over Fifty Ytam, . i v-r. fr,r.TDip i;ifPrv Mr vers while packing his lurscs attracted i w'ta-Um-,, Soo'thing smp has been u-ed for urn ti attention, and the sidewalk was 1 over fifij -years ty million"! of mothers for their blocked with eager onlojkers to witness, ' chiMicn while tecthtu?, with perfect success. the novel scene, an 1 to make tt.o t..iei.s iaceum, . ' I.L1U, UllIC? LUIIl,, lut tsvb ivuivuj to them, ludicrous remarks about the strange up eratiotif. There will be a social dance at Ump- qim Ferry, Friday Oct., ti, ISIK, Good' music has been secured for the occasion. The manager will endeavor to make this party an enjoyable one fur all pros for Ihurrlmn. Is plete-ant to the taste, told by ilrtigKfets in every part of the world. Tweuty 11 c cents a bottle. Its talue i incalculable. Be Mire and ir-k for Jtrs. iustot' oothitig Syrup, and take no other ind. the public generally to call and sco him. coIi-lg;OI1 occ,mcd. 1 saw the number Hoveral hundred accepted ,u n'Jl"0." 0Il t,o cngiue about 10 ieet ahead before to the banquet and all unite ... tiiik it ae tuperb, cut. tickets to dance, .U cents, supper, from 50 cents per couple. Lverj body invited B. F. Sii.iMitr.ooK. Fi:i:n l-h ai:i. Lewis Btsnoc. Managers. Kudyiird Kipling is now at Torquay, Ktigland, oa Ihe Do-onshiiu ieoast, with hid family. Ho has tukeu a house at Maidcncombc, ono of Torquay's most beautiful suburbs. Dr. J. W. Si range will be his Kose- ! burg office in the Taylor & Wilson block October -0th, where those who 1 wish it can obtain tho best of dentistry nt the most moderate prices, consistant with good work. By having your vork ' done by Dr. Strange you secure tho ben I etit of an experienced aud succesful -orktn.iii, who fully varrants all his ork. If. tho medical literature which has been published within the last ten years. A Diary. Firs: Day On the high seas; stormy weather: disagreeable company. Second Day Captain very admirable; niado a declaration of lovo and offered mo his heart and hand; rejected. Third Day Captain returns to tho charge; threatens to kill me, commit suicide and blow up tho whole vessel with :!00 persons; rejected. Fourth Dav Saved tho lives of "100 persons. Loudon Globe. Dr. Johnson had an exceedingly un attractive face. His complexion was rod, his eyes-, besides being bleared vtith scrofula, vuro so nearsighted that hts expression was that of intense dullness. Cmvper always -poke in a diffident, hesitating vay, a- though afraid of the effect of his words on his auditors. Caro Bros. Must sell their immense stock inside of sixty days, regirdless of cost. If any one vishes to get bargains tWey must call soon, as th?y mean business. This is no humbug. If you doubt their word, call and be convinced. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Shasta Water at Slow and drink emporium. lerry s cigar OiR; BAiflNCi blubber, tho fat of sea animals, Costa 10 cents a pound in Lapland. Most Perfect Made. lo Years the Standard.