TilS PLA1NDBALER OCTOBERS, 1SUG. LITTLE LOCALS. Ladies' .fine shoes at Parott Bros. J. T. .Bryou, tiio Rosy Watchmaker. Blankets and ready-made shoots at tho Kovelty Store. Ladies $1.60 shoes for l-?0 at the Racket Store.' . For a good smoke cull at Slow JorryV bazar; nd got n Los Arnores cigar. Delicious "salt-rising" bread at tins Home Bakery, corner Oak aud Koo streets. District No. 76, school shoe at the Novelty Store, tho beat to bo had for the money. Etivste lunch room at the Homo Bk ery corner Oak and Rose streit. Al lunches pot up. Fresh home-made broad at the H m Bakery, comer Oik and Roeo street-. Alice Baldwin, proprietor. Sea ihe CO, 75 and So-cent hats j 'i bjed together in oar window. Any for 60 cents attha Novelty Store. Seventy-five cents or one dollar bn - a pair of pants thit cannot ba beat i durability and workmanship ut tie Kovelty- Store. One extra targe box stove fur tale at II.- M. Wead'e Hardware Store, Suit able for dry house or large More room, price $15. Takes three foot wcoJ. The bowling alley is aain open for business at the old stand. V wi I Iks glad to welcome onr friend and pitrons. MuoN vt l.AKIMEK. TJojirrd: Farmers aud Ubj:err tu bny the bet thirts made, in eitVr aool or cotton at prtwa to suit tho time. Oall and tee them at the Noyeity Stole. We still have a few knee- pants which ire are closins out recardlesj oi cost. Regular $3 50 suits fSi.50 aud cheaper ones if joa prefer. Call .it the Novelty Store. Go to XI. F. Kces Second Hand Mori-, Hendricks' block, for lato improved Singer Sewing machine?, needles, oil, etc. V. C. Moxcoe, Agent. Wool flannels aud jkininse, also oot - ins, canton, shaker and cotton skirtim: flannel. You'll jump at the price when yoa Efe these go:ds. the Novelty Store. Ladies cow is the time to make up fancy work for tin holidays. We have a fine line of Etampd goods, working materials, etc., also zephyrs and yarns at the Novelty Store. The Kandy Kitchen keep katcbicg them and will eventually katcb Jill the trade in their line, because tbey keep very thing fresher and better and jo as cheap or a little cheaper than ttale staff around town. When I walk Ikebarg 'rjucd, I'm a lookin' .for dat Kandy Ki chen and it most be fcand, where they ktep the best of everything. Fresh nnts, fresh gum and fresh candie3 mads daily. The time of the jear bus came when' people eat candy. Yoa can tell one who has good taste. He bns bu Cindy at Niece's Kandy Kitchen, the onlr place in town von can set candy tuat m ut to eat. If yoa have bay, grain, bacon, beef cattle or a good buggy yoo wish to trade for lumber, or if yoa wish to bay a bill o( first class tir or cedar lumber, you wit save money to call oa Otto A. Anxacf Corns tock, Oregon. T. K. Rxhtrdwa has just received another car of lumber, including a lot ot fenciog, sidewalk lumber, and first cia- flooring, which will be offered to th public at greatly reduce J prices . Call on or addreF, T. K. Richardson, Roseburg, Or. Mrs. E. L. Appelhcfi, teacher of vocal and instrumental music, wi -tries to an nounce to her pupils and the public that after October lit she will take a limited number of pupils at the resi dence of W. A. McKenzie, corner of Cass and Main street. Those wishing her in struction should encage the hours be fore that date. Dried prases, appic3 and apiicols. green fruits of all kinds. Oregon hams and shoulders, also Eaeiern hams. Everything guaranteed. Groceries of all kinds, and best qualitie?. Fkiur and feed. Flour 75 cents per sick. 10 pounds of lard 75 cents. Coos Bay cheese, full cream, large or small, in any quantity. H. Eeston defies all com petition. Zon't iuy of Wanainaker & Brown if yoa want shabby, ill-fitting and unreli able clothing. Builuy of Wanamaker it Brown if you want good reliable all wool clothing, with their guarantee of quality, fit, etc., and at prices below that of regular, shoddy goods. Over 500 fall and winter samples jnst received. Call and s;c them at the Racket Store. Competition never worries us. If caupe pre "bay right" hence "ecll right The facts aro these ; every move in our business is oDly made after Ihe most careful consideration, noiliTg leit to chance. Shoes have advanced in price bat not with ns. We sell you a good oil grain shoe for $1.25 and upwards, fine shoes in proportion. If you doubt us come and see ns, convince yourhelf that we have what we advertise. We don't care to do all the business in town, but want to get a share of it. We firmly helluva that a concern that gives customers exceptionally good values in every inetanco is bound to go ahead year by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire business. Every dollars worth of goods must give wearer satisfaction, even the all the wool absolutely fast color $8 ou su.ts. J. Abraham's Clothing House EubBCribe for the Pi-Ai.vuzALKn. BRIEF MENTION. For n g:od pair of wool pants go (o the Novelty Store. A girl wanted to do country house work. Adtlr ss, box 93, Roseburg. Call and see the iww lino of ladles' shces, just received at Parrott Bros. ludgo F. A. Taylor of Astoria will speak at O.tklcnd tho 10th at 1 p. in, Fendal Sutherliu of Oakland is in the city today a guest at tho McClallon. Mrs Geo. W. ForrF and daughter left for Portland on this morning's local. A nice bluet maro fcr ealo cheap, neighs about 1000 pounds. Enquire at this office. Hon. Hunry L Benson will addrefs the citizens of Riddle next Wednesday evening. 1 he Rcseburgers who went to Portland im tho excursion train lust Tuesday, are returning. Pianos and organs at greatly reduced p'iien. Cash or installments at T. K. Richaudson's. N E. liritt of Newberg, Or., wbb vis- mir his brother. W. S., of this city F.Mav. A H. Black of Myrtle Point, who has ,n m tno city several usys, leu lor ins u e-'tuis morning. Mtrs Lucy Hay leit Saturday morning for Marion couuty. where she will teach 1R fait term of M'houl Get your cowboy rope ut Wead's H.-uudw&re. Tiio special four ply ma iitla stands twice as much as sisal rope, C. L. Keter of Olalla eamo over from thit valley today, and reiortfl that Mc- Kiuiey i!l co: the votes of his party 'kltUjltf. .ui si tuuiirt .nti'ii, wiio ins Ken visitii g Mis.- Nettie Daw?, of Wilbur, for tho past lev cays, returned home on the local l-st i.icbt. Miij ISlacchtf) Autenreith returned on last right's ocilatid from Southern Oregvii, nberc s'.ie has oeea viniing for the past to weeks. B-'tlon iiach oil is the best boggy or oantae grease m tlie world. Try a can at li. M. Uwd'e Hardware an J ou will never U;c anytbioj else. We cki.ole.Ice a call from It. S. fcwan o: .Mjrtle Lrrek, batuiilay. ilr. Svan 54 a vtry plasaul gentleman and a s'alaait McKinley republican. Misa Eh.h Smkk, graduate of the Al- tany Ciaaervatory ct music, will give lessons 1 11 piuno and orcan, ami also in vice harmony and ct.unter oint. Mr. C. K. Hi:', uboiecentiy left this city fur California, writes 113 that he has boacht a ranch near Los Angeles fori $40dJ aud settled done psrmanently. Mi: Euimi Armstrong of Jackson- vi'.le, aho !- bevr: attending her muti:erfor ti.e pa?: Ihrre weeks, re turned home Stida , her mother be ing uiBcb imprint. The city elect ijn for five couneilmen. a recorder, martwat anu treasinr oc coned today. Up to the henr el solns to pres the voting is goiag on with no certaictv of who will be the choke cf the, electors. We lea.-a from Mr. A. B Forter id Looking Gla-3, and tilled at this office Saturday, that Grout & Arnold hate pur chifod the Lattd mill who will hereafter furniab the soooly with first class lum ber and et reduced rates. You ain't get rive "r tea-cent knives at H. M. Wead's Hardware. He don't In-n worthless etods of any kind. Ba h-n you find yoo need a good fcuifo c me in and get the best made and have it guaranteed to stay barp. littlefieldof Portland, who spent -..-ml days in this city last week, re 1 ne-l on the overland Thursday night. B 1 lpavmg he was entertained at the V. U cten by his brother Elks, of w.iicti order he is a prominent member. lr. Ira-c of Oak Grove met with a - ri .cs accid-ot Thusfiday. A bad cf ba on which he was riding, began to s..de over and to save htrnfelf, he iamped off breaking his thigh and in- jeriug him intera'iy. He i reported ia a critical condition. Dr. Fallin is at tending him, so says our informant, D. Loaney. Dr. J. W. Stranze will be bis Rose- t .r,. ; .i, TWinr x- Wilson fclnpk from Ociobtr 20th, where those who wish it can oblaiu the best of dentistry at tho most moderate prices, consistent with good work. By having your work done by Dr. Strange you secure the ben efit of an experienced and succetfo! workman, who fully warrants all his work. tf J. D. Gilbert will exhibit at Slocum's Hall. Tuesday nitht at 7:30 p. m., the reatest wondera of tbe age. The tragic ct-riea 01 mo .Minnesota massacre ui 16C2, the Modoc war, Indian war dances, c. Tickets 25 cents for adults, aim cbi.dtea under 15 years, 15 cents. Tickets for sale at Master's Drug Store, Van Houten and McClallen hotels for hn benefit of old comrades ill arms. Gcod music daring tho performance. There will be a social danco at Ump- nan Furrv. Fridnv Oct.. 9. 1S90. Good music has been secured for the occasion Tho managers will endeavor to make this party an enjoyable one for all pres ent. Tickets to dance, 00 cents, tupper, 60 cents per couple. Everybody invited. B. F. SlIAMDIUIOK. Fit ed Edwards. Lewis Bishop. Manegcis Mr. C. A. Hermann, a railroad postal clerk on the overland from Portland to Ashland, was in the city Friday. its came uu to Rosobura on a weddinc lour. having married Mrs. Nellie Smith Oregon City, Oct., let. Mr. Hermann is a relative of Congressman Hermann this city. He has been on tbo postal service for many years which proves his efficiency in the eurvico. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann will pleaBe accept our congrat ulations and best wishes along tho journey of life. BILLS ALLOWED At the September Term of the County Court, 1896. D. C. Churchill, poor farm, work two months $93 75 - - Ira B Hiddle, doputy district at- torney, insane examination.. . . 5 00 Ira B. Riddlo, deputy district at torney, insano evainiuation.. . . 5 00 E. E. La Brie, use of hay and cut ting grain, poor farm 23 50 Davis, Ambler, Merril Co., nails, etc., road district No. G 31 55 G. V. Giuney, lumber, road dis trict No. 40 2 95 I. B Riddle, deputy district al- tornov, State, vs. Kano 5 00 John Dunbar, lumber, rends and b'idges : 21 00 Churles Tooley, work on poor farm 1 50 Asa Henderson, work on roads and bridges 5 00 H. Dyer, merchandise for pau pers 9 55 O. Anlauf, lumber, roads uud bridges 10 0 H L. Kruee, gravel for rouls 12 CO II. Money, lumber, road district No. 6 13 70 Irwiu. iijvioon Co.. stationery. 2 10 9 40 Cooper Bros., ltimb-r, district No. 4 James 0. Guuter, lumber, dtttrict No. 4...... 4 55 J S. Klrlley, work on bridgo 5 H. Moonev, lumter, district No. 8 19 05 N. btaufior, work, road district No. 4 E. H. Fairfield, wood, court house C CO 12 50 J. Livingston & Co., lumber, dis trict No. t'4 32 50 J. Livingston it Co , lnmt er. dis trict No. 23 Lou! Barzee, teacher's examina tion W. A. MiGhee, teacher's eiam ication Douglas Waite, teacher's esamiji ation 40 SO 15 CO U CO 12 00 Dexter Rice, doputy assessor 90 (0 19 CO S3 00 George Petreqain " A. B. Haine Benton Mires . " J W. Smith " 90 00 122 00 W.H.Cole Clark A Biker, lumber, rend dis trict No 20 Clark it Baker, Inmber, pauprr aristancc W. R. Medley, conveyance of in sane J. F. Tiioraasoa, rent for plection E. E. Well?, bounty coiole James Broau, board and lodginc cf insane G W. Carter, work on bridge. . . John Arzner, hardware, reads 0) 00 14 15 10 00 i ro 2 50 5 00 to and bridges 11 25 J. J. Thornton, work on roads and bridges John McGinnis. pauptr allow 5 00 fi 00 30 Oo ance H. Dyer, lember, district No. 27. P. W. Rhodes, Sute v. Sawyers & Reynolds 2 45 Jatnca Brbwn, S'ate vs. Swytws & RevnoWe IS 30 Ira B. Riddle, Stte v-iCarloo. . . II. C. Slocom, " " " ... Ira B. Riddle, State vs. J. L. FU- hngh II. C. Slocuai, State vs. J. I.. Fitibogh John Hamlin, Sta'e vs. J. L. Fitzhosh H. C. Slocum, State vs. Carlon. . 2 1 70 5 00 1 70 1 SO 1 70 2 SO 2 35 1 CO 3 00 2 95 11 05 Ira B. Riddle. Slate vs Carlon John Hamiin, State vs. Carlon.. John Hamlin. Stato vs Baker H. C. Slccam, State vs. Itaker. W. T. Turner, State vs. Renter. W. R. Medley, State ve. Renter. . John Hamlin, State vs. Baker. 2 00 9 20 4 40 II. C. Slccum, State vs. Baker. William Stock. State va. Craw ford, et a! Mark Bxigcs, State vs. Crawford et al 13 70 Mrs. J. A. mtsett, fctato vs. Yarbrough 50 Chas. G. Myers, State vs. Kane, ct al. 1 70 Sherman Claike, State vs. Kane, et al. 1 70 Mrs. G. Montague, State vs. Kane etai.. 70 70 70 L. Schmidt, fctata ve. Kane, e. a! Mrs. Tom Critzer, State vs. Kano et al H. F. West, pauper assistance. . . 00 Nichelson and Fisber, lumber, district No. 11 II 95 Harvey Smith, lumber, di:t. No. S3 29 95 11 50 H. C. Slocum, State vs. tiehcr . John Hamlin, State vs. Fisher. . . 4 00 1 70 1 70 Jas. Hutchinson, Stato vs. Fisher Ed. Moore, Sta'.p vs. Fifher Aaron Rose, State vs. fnsher S. C. Flint, Stato vs. Fisher Ira B. Riddle, State vs. Fisher. . . 3 40 1 70 5 00 S. F. Floed, Slate vs, Fisher Julia Abraham, stato vs Fisher. . Wm Van Burcn, " " Henry Cliampngne, state vs. Fisher 4 50 Hudson Mills Co., lumber dietricf No 18 3 05 Hudson Mills Co., lumber district No. 50 07 55 Hudson Mills Co., IuoiIkt district No. 20 20 50 Hudson Mills Co., lumber district No. 60 I. Michael, work on road district No.0 : I). P. Bartrum, work on road dis trict No. 26 J. R. Kirkindall, lumber district No. 51 27 00 11 00 10 00 3 55 Ho Zaik Murray, work 011 rond dis- trict No. 51 1 at Arrington Bros., lumber district No. 51 7 of J. F. Porter & Co., Glendnlo bridge 10 B. J. Trowbridge, rent arid lights election 1 W. U. Devore, pauper assistance 20 James Mooro, work road and bridges 1 A. Slorling. express on assess ment roll v.,. .. . 2 40 2 60 1 50 110 00 0 50 Thomaa Heard, bounty coyotcf... W. Mullen, drayaga Goo. W. Sialoy, deputy ascssr. Mrs. P. Kctchell, pauper awist- anto..., Mrs P. Ketclioll, pauper usnit- 42 00 10 CO 5 0 Dr. DnGas, pauper assistance C. L. Cox, state v Cooper.... T. J. Davis, " " " 3& dward Rice,'.'. " " ' 1 00 Peter Rire, 1 70 W. Ferguson," " " 1 0J C. C .opar, 1 00 S. Cappins, " " " 1 00 T. Henderson, road viewer, Gard trail 10 00 M. V. Andrew;, road viewer.Uard lr..il 10 00 Win M. Kicharda, road viewers Uar I trail 10 00 2 00 7 25 5 30 17 90 52 CO 12 50 1 00 5 CO W. R. Wells, repairing bridge... Churchill, Wooley & Mckenzie, hardware, city bose and jail. . . Churchill, Wooley & McKenzie, hardware poor farm Chun-hill, Wooley & Mckenzie hardware roads and bridges. . . R. Wilson, building biidge. . .. J. Bateman, wood courthouso and nil, N. N. Chapman, chain carrier. . . Dan Hall, wocd, courthouse and jl - Hudson Millo Co., lumber dis trict No. 54 - ,. 16 50 23 25 Plalndealor Pub. Co., stationery and printing. . .. Hosobnr Water Co., water court house r.r.d jail A. Cole, bounty co;ote 10 CO 2 50 Roland Acep, deputy sheriff sal ary Hunter, lumber district No. CO. " .. 5C .. i. l 50 00 74 10 25 4 00 17 35 Electric Light Co., lights court house and jail Rtview Pub. Co., stationery and printing '"" II. Smith, lumber district No. 31 20 00 2 30 4 80 J. A. II.ir.sin. tile for roads liudtoii Mills Co., lumber dis trict No. 2t5 2 40 3 CO Hudson 5ld!s Co., lumber district Hndsm Mills Lumber Oa., lum ber iMstrct 45 3 05 A. C. Maratera tx Co., pauper iPshUnce 10 50 11 65 A. C. Markers t Co., stationery B. C. Aitee, prisoners' board 92 51) C ark & Babtr, lumber poor farm 12 30 Z. L. Dimmick, ecretary Bo hemia road , GC 00 3 00 36 00 D. ltouch, damage J. T. Porter & Co., Glendalo biidge G. W. Siort, pauper's ustisiance W. S. Kiitt, surveying rood F. A. McCdli, viewing fo&d George Scott, " " .... FreierWrml. " " .... J. F. Mably, chiumn Sami-el Mubl'y, J. T. .Mably. asman Geo M Brown, olllee rent . . S I Thnraton.tnqaertJno Baker G. W. AUJersoa, " . " Harry Sloeum, " " " Gu. Itron, 4 Edw. VM Pcal, " " " Henry Lehn, " " John Miuder. " " . " Albert Baker, " " 00 4 CO 2 00 2 03 2 CO 2 CO 2 DD 2 CO 10 00 1 20 1 20 2 40 1 20 1 2' 1 1 1 70 Fred Lehn. " ' U.C. Slocum, " " K. L. Miller, coroner, inquett Jno. Baker L. A. Sanctuary, work and mate rial court house and jail F. W. BeoMD, work oa Sheriff's 8Sie3meni rel! .- Alexander A Strong, merchandise court house and jiil Mary Hcyden, taxes wronsfully paid George Carpy, posting roll piatts Morris Weber, appropriation road 1 3 00 11 30 40 40 2 00 32,65 35 00 49 00 3 90 45 20 3S 00 5G 80 dittrict No. 4 M. F. Rapp, paiiier assistance. . M. D. Thomasop, county com- mis;oner W. L. Wilson, county commmis- Monef Hamilton Drug Co., medicine for paupers : Hamilton Dru; Co., election sup plies , . T. Bridges, lumber Dist.No. 59 2 50 12 C5 W. A. Frater, contingent fund md stamps 200 00 Wm. Fercufon, lumber district No. 31 5 30 BINDER. r I Born, to the wife of Dell Palmer a dauihter. S. French of Glendnlo made a visit to his family 011 Upper Cow creek al Bin gor last week. The dunce given hy the Corder boys at Cheney's Inst Saturday night, was a fail ure, as the boys were suddenly called homo on nccount of the death of their sister, Mrs. Lewi?, at Salom. Mrs. Cheney and Miss Mary Canon were tho guest of Mrs. S. French last week. Miss Tillio Palmer has returned homo after an extended visit with Mrs. Lan genberg near Glendale. Misfcs Mnrv. Anna and Belle French were tho guests of Mrs. Cheney Sunday. Kiile and Oscar Corder have returned to tho White Horte mines and arc now putting in their biggst licks. Aba McGinnis has returned homo from Glendale, where he has been work ing all summer. The woo.ls of Upper Cow creek aro full of prospectors anil hunters. Wai. McGini.is of Galesville, J. C. 25 Olinghoiiae, Mr. Irwin, und Mr. Chonoy of Bingsr were the guests of I. N. French last week. Josik. 20 00 00 00 60 We aro receiving nuw lots of boots and shoes. If you are looking for a bargain, it will pay you to seo our stock. We ipioto prices that will startle you at the Novelty Store. OAKLAND. Judge Sleariw returned to Roseburg last Week. Mrs Ellen Hurt of Drain ws 11 to 11 Thurpdiy. Mie IVr.lu 1 uf Medfird Wi. vi ilinz frien la hero last icek Uncle Billy Deardorffand wif went In Drain last week to visit friends. Rev. Wallace ia located here as pastor of the M. O. church, South, and ia re siding in tho parsonage, Rev. Shangle having vacated it recently. Rev. M. O. Brink and wife of Crese- well were in town viaiting last week on their way hurne from the M. E. confer- :ico held at Roseburg recently. Mr. B. was formerly pastor at Wilbur. Messrs. Kelley, Pinkston and P. B. Beckley made a visit to Roseburg Sat urday. P. B Whitney, traveling freight agent of tho S. P. R. R. Co.. was in town last week and on ono occasion produced weighty arguments in favor of a sound money system. Dr. U. Littlo and wife and W. T. Tur ner and wife went to Portland on tho ex cursion last week. Mrs. E. II. Henderson has opened a millinery shop in a portion of Mr. H's barber shop. Sho has a n:c line of goods. Give her a call. That Prize Baking Powder at S. D. McKesson ia excellent, and the granite ware it draws is something that is worth whilo taking a chance in. H. A. Collins, who is keeping a board- int,.nH loii(.in' hnnFH hn i idvine good meals and beds at a fair price. He alsolmafesd etablo to accommodate the iravplini? Dnb'.ic. The S. P. R.R. Co. have been making .:.., r. riii;.,.. l.icHaiJ..u.. "'""h "- tie north of town and will soan com mence work, having purchased a piece of cround south of town of Mr. Stearns for the purpose. Will Vale was called to YoDcalla Tbursday to officiate aa uodertaker at the funeral of Miss Lod.i Woodson, daughter cf John WooJton of Elkton. Stearns Bros, completed harvesting their hop3 Monday of last week, haviug, when dried. 13.000 pounds. D. W. Stearns finished Wednesday, the yield being good, Tho JatcJt vereian we have heard of on the 10 to 1 question is that when wo get free coinage ci silver, Undo bam will coin the fiWer bullion and divide out among the people six'ean dollars to the man, and the silver mice owners will be- come teneroua and sow tneir silver aoi- lais broadcast for the working people to pick up. Thie, we are told, is why so many people are indorsing the free silver movement. Th9 word Ireo is charming. aad captivates the hearer3 of iht ardent speakers, if there are tuose present that are capable of being charmed by the free Bilvery jingo. The abjve version is surely very absurd and if there ba smy that think that such will be the case we would'adviso them to atop and think soberly on the matter and ask them selves has the time ever been that I have cot had to work for what I have got, and we can rest assured that it will ever ba that money is paid for ayaluo re- ceived. Tkilby. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With Local Applications, as thoy cannot teach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must tako internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken interuallv. and acts directly 011 the blojd and mncou3 surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed bv one of tho best phv- sicians in this country for yearn, and is a resulsr prescription. It is composed of tile best tonics known, combined with the best Uood purifiers, acting diriectly on the mucous surtaces. ine poriect ccmbination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, freo. F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Homes Wanted For the following children : Eight boys, aged 8 months, 4, 0, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13 years; one baby sirl 3 months, and one girl 12 years. Any persons willing to receive these children into their families may address tho Oregon Chil dren's Homo Society, 309 Marquam Buildinir, Portland; or may communi cate with the Roseburg local advisory b'Hid. The officers are Mrs. Berry, president ; .Mrs. S. E. Parker, vice pres idont; Waltor Faulkner, secretary and S. Tooley, treasurer. Uucttlcn'8 Arnica Salve. The Bes Salvo in the world for Cut?, Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands Ctiillbains, CornB, and all skin trup- tions, and positively enres Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents por ox. O.Marsters & Co. For sale at A With two littlo children subject to croup we do not re't easy without a bot tle of Chamberlain'H Cough Remedy in the house, for the most severe attacks quickly succumb to a tow Ioso3 of it. Morrison, Colo.. JJrjD. tor eale at -o and 50 cents per bottle by A. C. Mas ters fc Co. Caro Bros. Must sell their immense stock inside The club now has sixty-five members. of sixty days, regardless of cost. If ono wishes to get bargains they must call soon, aa they mean business. This is no humbug. If you doubt thoir word, call and bo convinced. Parties desiring family sewing done would do well to call on Miss Fannie McKean, 421 Main streot. Will sew for 75 cents per day. Highest of all in Leavening Power. RoVa ABSOUITE&Y PURE HON. C. H. DODD'S SPEECH. Thursday night, Hon, C. H. Doddof Poatland spoke at the court house to a largo and intelligent audience, many of which were la lies. -Mr. Dodd was intro duced to the audience at 8 :lo. and for one hour and forty-five minutes he held bis audience in breathlesj attention, while he gave them a plain businea like talk, ''n t au politician," hn said "but us a business man and I nnderstand what I am talking about." Mr Dodd discussed briefly thj sub ject of tariff for protection and "for reye nuo only." He referred to the present tariff saving: "The party which secured its passag-j doe3 not claim for it a pro tective measure; and as to producing revenue, it has proven a complete laii- are. It has caused a deficit which the president riade up by the sale of bonds at a time of profound peace." He then referred to tho republican party policy, land asked, What means its restoration to power? In answer, he said: "I'll tsll you what it means. It mean3 a stable government; it mejna protection to American labor industries; it means sound money, a ramey each dollar whlcb li C0lU3 Prom's3 l' W suau oe as goca a me oesi; it ceans a ,,- ...... , alty to American American ideas aud the American fl g. said til questions of governmeti:ul rxlicy must be eettled by investigation sconer cr later, and that intelligence must y.ia in the end or a republican form of govern- rxisr.t .rill proven failure. In ttie light of experience tho republican policy of protection stands firm and unshaken and our opponents, tLo piK-crats., dare not dUcus it. They seek to evsde it by a petsistent play upon the ciimo of 1873 asd clamor for unlimited coinage of sil ver, 16 to 1, as a panacea to cure tbe evjl 0f what they f slsely term d-moneli zition of tha metal, when as a fac', there is no more connection between the act of 1373 and the present depress ion in finance than there ia bstwee.i tho moon and a cheese He showed that the claims of the op position, that the price of 'a beat goes down with the price of silver bullion are falsa Lcc.iuse wheat has advanced the last few week? 11 cents a bushel, while" silver has gone down 4 cents per ounce. Toe decleu-ioa in the price of silver bullion and wheat in ihe past, aie einiplv coincidents. The deprecia ion of both beiog the result of like ciuses, viz., the supply aud demand for each in its own sphere. He said silver was net demone tized in 1S73. That act only embraced tbe eame provisions cf tho act cf 1S53, twenty jeara before. The act (of 1S53) limited the legal tender power ot halves, I quarters and dimes to five dollars at any sirgl- payment. T'e act of 1S73 dojs not name the 412 grains dollar at all, but substitutes the "trade dollar ol 420 grains latteau. ' ihe act ot ISTo res tored the dollar to legal tender for all sums both public and private, except where otherwise specified by contract, laud has coined 50 times mere silver dol lars ia the 23 years sinc 1S73 than in the SI ear3 prior to that date. He also stated that in practice the government I never was on a double standard money basis. "There is not, he said, an en I lightened country on eartbSbaving!a til ver standard basi3. China, India and 1 .Mexico, silver standard countries, circn- htes no gold, while all the gold standard ml countries circulate bath gold and sil- ver. CANYONVILLE. Curtis Levens, who has been suffering with an attack of the quinsy is conval escent. McKinley buttons are very conspiu ous in this locality The most prominent d mocrats in this locality are for sound iey and pro teciion. Thoy have n use for Bryan and free silver. Ed. W. II. Staite, late of the Douglas County Journal, is now enj iving a much needed vacation st Redding, California B. F. Nichols has had carpenters at work remodeling and rearranging his drugstore room. Making a decided im provement in both appearance and con venience. Han. Chas. H. Dodd, of Portland, was ut this place last week and addressed iarge auaience kat Lett's ballon the po liticaj ;ssueg fie sioko admiringlv of 0UrB tan,iartl bearers, McKinley and Ho b ... Ha reviewed the career of Pre L)t.nt Cleveland, saying that Wall street was the seat of ihe democratic govern ment. He made amusini; references to the Wilson, Gorman and company tariff bill, and closed his speech with a reus mg appeal to all citizens to perpetuate tho glory and stability of the "govern ment tiy voting for tho party that repre sents American principles. A McKinley and Hobart club was or ganized last Saturday afternoon in Lett hall. B. i Nichols was elected presi- dent, and G. Sherman Easter, secretary any and will meet every Friday night. Ed. Died. Mrs. Catherine, wife of Riley Need ham was buried todiy in the Masonic cemetery aged 6t years. The funeral services were held in tho Christian church, Mr. Jones of the M. E. church, Sonth, conducting the services. Latest U. S. Gov't Report d NOTES OF INTEREST. Sheep dip at Marsteib. McKinley and Bryan hats at tho Nov elty. For :ood 5-cent cigar call on Mru.N Boyd. Wood taken on tubzeription at this office. Get your echool books at MarstetB drug store. For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little of Oakland. Solid silver tea and table spoons at Salzmau's. Pure fresh groceries and low prices at Casebeer'a grocery. Key West, imported aad domestic cigars at the Roseleaf. An excellent lice of toilet soaps at Marstera' Drug Store. Goods below cost at Caro'e. Now 13 the the time for bargains. Nobby suits and latest styles at Litt.'o Jack's. Prices very low. All styles and qualities of hata at Abra ham's. Bedrock priceo. Fred Floed, lawyer, rcbrn 9, Taylor & Wilson block, Roseburg, Oregon. Country produce cf all kinda bought and sold at Casebeer'a grocery store. Office to rent on Jackson street, oppo site the pest office. T. K. Riciiahdsox. Jewelry, watches, diamonds, gold pens and optical gocc!3 at tho lowest prices at Salzmaa'e. "Liye and let live" is Dr. B. W. Ben jamin's motto. Dental work done at bedrock prices. At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized to receive and receipt for subscription to the Plaindealer. Casebeerthe grocer, corner Jackson and Washington, keeps the best grocer ics. Try him and be convinced. Largest stock ol fancy chairs at Alex ander & Strong's, ever brought to Eose- bcrg and at prices lower than ever. Bring yoar job work to the Pxjusdeal- er office. We are prepared to do the cheapest and best work south, of Port and. T. M. Stabblefield, boot and shoe maker opposite the depot, doea first :ass worx at hard times prices, tatro him your patronage. N. Rice, at hi3 ware rooms on Jaesson opposite idarks iron tront, has choice honsehold furniture and tin ware at prices to suit :ne times. Take notice, Dr. Benjamin, the dent ist, ia permanently located and guaran tees all bis work. Give him a call and examine worfe and prices. Ladies, are yon in perfect health? If not, why not try the great home remedy, lavu rJerry is airent lor Uougias county and will fill all orders promptly. If you don't want to suffer with corns and bunions, have your boots and shoes made at L. Lanuenburs's. Itepaincc neatly and promptly done For a good hat, stylish aad cheap, call on Wollenberg & Abraham, whoso stock embraces all grades of head gear. The Square Deal stci e has jast opened up a beautiful lino of W. L. Douglas ehoes, which prove to be the best shoes made. Come and inspect them. I am prepared to offer lumber or wood at reduced prices. I am taking in lum ber and wood on old accounts and in trade for good3. T. X. RicnAitDsox. Caro Bros', closing oat tale is draw ins; crowds to the Boss Store. Low prices and quick sales i the oider of the day. Goods must be sold at any sacrifice. Call and see. Notice ia hereby given to the nubile by the undersismed that I do not allow dead animals to be baried on my prem ises, at Kcsebnrg, Oregon, or gsrbae dumped thereon or eaad or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract witii me for the right to so co. .tresspassers will he prosecuted ac cording to law. .Yakox Ross, Rosobarg. Oregon. March. 17th, 1695. "Liverinc.j "Liverine," manufactured by tha An chor S Chemical Co., the great Liyer, Kidney and Constipation care. An in falXbla remedy for all curable lorms of diseases of these, organs. The greatest knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it. For sale at M. F. It3pp's drug store, Roseburg, Oregon. Its Value Recognized By Physicians. As a rule I am opposed to proprietary medicines. Still I value a gocd one, es pscially when such is the source of re lief from pain. As a topical (esterna. application I have found Chamber lain's Pain Balm the best lemedv I hayo over used for neuralgia of any kind. I have conscientiously recommended it to many persons. William Honxs, M. D., Janesville, Wis. Sold by A. C. Mas ters & Co. Tlie Central House. W. H. Gordon is now the proprietor of this popular house. The table will be supplied with the best in the market good beds and courteous treatn ent Meals 15 cents, and beds the seme r-to Awarded Highest Honors World's Fsir. Qold Medal, Midwfctcr Fair. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard.